Allow dependent functions.
Allow dependent functions. This is currently necessary for unpickling, because some dependent functions are passed through from the front end(s?), even though they are technically speaking illegal.
Allow hk applications of type lambdas to wildcard arguments; used for checking that such applications do not normally arise
This mode bit is set if we want to allow accessing a symbol's denotation at a period before that symbol is first valid.
This mode bit is set if we want to allow accessing a symbol's denotation at a period before that symbol is first valid. An example where this is the case is if we want to examine the environment where an access is made. The computation might take place at an earlier phase (e.g. it is part of some completion such as unpickling), but the environment might contain synbols that are not yet defined in that phase. If the mode bit is set, getting the denotation of a symbol at a phase before the symbol is defined will return the symbol's denotation at the first phase where it is valid, instead of throwing a NotDefinedHere error.
Allow GADTFlexType labelled types to have their bounds adjusted
We are currently in a viewExists
We are currently in a viewExists
check. In that case, ambiguous
implicits checks are disabled and we succeed with the first implicit
We are currently typechecking an ident to determine whether some implicit is shadowed - don't do any other shadowing tests.
Use Scala2 scheme for overloading and implicit resolution
We are currently printing something: avoid to produce more logs about the printing
Read original positions when unpickling from TASTY
We are currently unpickling Scala2 info
This mode bit is set if we collect information without reference to a valid context with typerstate and constraint.
This mode bit is set if we collect information without reference to a valid context with typerstate and constraint. This is typically done when we cache the eligibility of implicits. Caching needs to be done across different constraints. Therefore, if TypevarsMissContext is set, subtyping becomes looser, and assumes that PolyParams can be sub- and supertypes of anything. See TypeComparer.