final case classAligned(patterns: Patterns, extractor: Extractor) extends Product with Serializable
If elementArity is...
0: A perfect match between extractor and the fixed patterns.
If there is a star pattern it will match any sequence.
> 0: There are more patterns than products. There will have to be a
sequence which can populate at least <elementArity> patterns.
< 0: There are more products than patterns: compile time error.
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
If elementArity is... 0: A perfect match between extractor and the fixed patterns. If there is a star pattern it will match any sequence. > 0: There are more patterns than products. There will have to be a sequence which can populate at least <elementArity> patterns. < 0: There are more products than patterns: compile time error.