

package grading

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Entry extends AnyRef

  2. class GradingReporter extends Reporter

    Test report produced by the scala-grading consists of a json-serialized list of entries delimited by new lines.

    Test report produced by the scala-grading consists of a json-serialized list of entries delimited by new lines.

    For example for a test suite "Suite1" with tests "a" (weight 1) and "b" (weight 2) where second test failed and first one succeed one would get a following report:

    Seq( SuiteStart("foo::3"), TestStart("foo::a::1"), TestSuccess("foo::a::1"), TestStart("foo::a::2"), TestFailure("foo::b::2", "FooBarException"), SuiteEnd("foo::3") )

    Due to matching start/end records it's easy to tell if the thing crashed or not.

  3. trait GradingSuite extends FunSuiteLike

  4. final case class GradingSummary(score: Int, maxScore: Int, feedback: String) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Entry

  2. object GradingSummary extends Serializable

  3. object GradingSummaryRunner

  4. package instrumented
