
package records

Labeled Records for Scala

If you just want to create a record and play around with it, you can use Rec.apply:

val data = Rec("name" -> "Tom", age -> 5)

You can then access its fields as if it were a normal class: // > "Tom": String
data.age  // > 5: Int

Note that accesses are type safe. Accessing a field that doesn't exist will result in a compile-time error:

data.password // Compile-time error

Nested records work, too:

val data = Rec("name" -> "Tom", "age" -> 5,
               "creds" -> Rec("user" -> "tom", "pw" -> "1234"))
data.creds.user // > tom   // > 1234

Note that the type of a record displays nicely:

Rec { def name: String, def age: Int }

However, you may not explicitly write this type in your program or you will trip the Scala compiler.


You can easily convert records to case classes with matching fields, using the method which is added on Rec through an implicit conversion.

val data = Rec("name" -> "Tom", "age" -> 5)
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)[Person] // > Person("Tom", 5)

Nested conversion works as you would expect.

Note that conversion is also able to discard fields from the record that the target case class doesn't require:

val data = Rec("name" -> "Tom", "age" -> 5, "height" -> 40)
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)[Person] // > Person("Tom", 5)

Implicit Conversion

If you import all members of RecordConversions, records can be converted implicitly to case classes:

import RecordConversions._
val tom: Person = Rec("name" -> "Tom", "age" -> 5)
val persons = List[Person](
  Rec("name" -> "Tom", "age" -> 5),
  Rec("name" -> "Sally", "age" -> 7))

Your own records

The records you have seen so far store their data in a Map[String, Any] when created, and extract the data out of this map when a member is called.

For some applications, it can be useful to declare your own implementation to retrieve the data. Imagine for example a database interface, that returns records from typechecked SQL queries.

You may provide your own back-end to records by using the macro library provided by Macros.RecordMacros. You will want to use one of the following methods to create your record:

For an example usage, have a look at the code of Macros.apply_impl (the macro for Rec.apply).

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. records
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Internal210 extends AnyRef

  2. trait Rec extends AnyRef

    Base class for all record types.

Value Members

  1. object Compat210

  2. object CompatInfo

  3. object Macros

  4. object Rec

  5. object RecordConversions

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
