Type Members
case class
ConfigRulePatches(replaceSymbols: List[ReplaceSymbol] = Nil, addGlobalImports: List[AddGlobalImport] = Nil, removeGlobalImports: List[RemoveGlobalImport] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable
case class
DisableSyntaxConfig(keywords: Set[DisabledKeyword] = Set(), noSemicolons: Boolean = false, noTabs: Boolean = false, noXml: Boolean = false, noCovariantTypes: Boolean = false, noContravariantTypes: Boolean = false, noDefaultArgs: Boolean = false, noValInAbstract: Boolean = false, noImplicitObject: Boolean = false, noImplicitConversion: Boolean = false, noFinalVal: Boolean = false, noFinalize: Boolean = false, regex: List[CustomMessage[Pattern]] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable
case class
LogContext(line: Line, file: File, enclosing: Enclosing) extends Product with Serializable
MetaParser = Parse[_ <: Tree]