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addAttribute(String, Class<T>, CloudioAttributeConstraint) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject
Adds a new attribute of the given type (class) and the given name to the object.
addAttribute(String, Class<T>, CloudioAttributeConstraint, T) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject
Adds a new attribute of the given type (class) and the given name to the object.
addEndpointListener(CloudioEndpointListener) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
addEndpointListener(CloudioEndpointListener) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointService
Adds the given listener to the endpoint service.
addListener(CloudioAttributeListener) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttribute
Adds the given listener to the list of listeners that will get informed about a change of the attribute.
addNode(String, CloudioNode) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
addNode(String, CloudioNode) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointService
Adds the given node to the endpoint.
addNode(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
addNode(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointService
Adds a new node instance of the given node class to the endpoint.
addObject(String, CloudioObject) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode
Adds the given object to this custom node under the given name.
addObject(String, CloudioObject) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject
Adds the given object to this custom object under the given name.
addObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode
Adds an object of the given class with the given name to the custom node.
addObject(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject
Adds an object of the given class with the given name to the custom object.
attribute(String, Class<T>, CloudioAttributeConstraint, T) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject.Builder
Adds a new attribute of the given type (class) and the given name to the object and initializes the attribute with the given initial value.
attribute(String, Class<T>, CloudioAttributeConstraint, T, CloudioAttributeListener<T>) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject.Builder
Adds a new attribute of the given type (class) and the given name to the object, initializes the attribute with the given initial value and adds the given attribute listener to the attribute.
attribute(String, Class, CloudioAttributeConstraint) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject.Builder
Adds a new attribute of the given type (class) and the given name to the object.
attribute(String, Class, CloudioAttributeConstraint, CloudioAttributeListener) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject.Builder
Adds a new attribute of the given type (class) and the given name to the object and adds the given attribute listener to the attribute.
attributeHasChanged(CloudioAttribute<T>) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttributeListener
This method is called upon an attribute has been changed.


build() - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode.Builder
Finishes building the actual node and returns a reference to the node.
build() - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject.Builder
Finishes building the actual object and returns a reference to the object.
Builder() - Constructor for class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject.Builder


ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint - package ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
ch.hevs.utils - package ch.hevs.utils
close() - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
CloudioAdLibNode - Class in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
The CloudioAdLibNode class allows you to create the structure of a cloud.iO node at runtime in contrast to the static model used by the CloudioNode class.
CloudioAdLibNode() - Constructor for class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode
Creates a new custom (runtime constructable) node.
CloudioAdLibNode.Builder - Class in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Builder to enable convenient custom node instantiation.
CloudioAdLibObject - Class in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
The CloudioAdLibObject class allows you to create the structure of a cloud.iO node at runtime in contrast to the static model used by the CloudioObject class.
CloudioAdLibObject() - Constructor for class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject
CloudioAdLibObject.Builder - Class in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Builder to enable convenient custom object creation.
CloudioAttribute<T> - Class in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
The leafs of a cloud.io data model consists of attributes.
CloudioAttributeConstraint - Enum in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Defines the different possible attribute constraints.
CloudioAttributeConstraintException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Exception indicating that either the endpoint or the cloud do not have the right to change an attribute.
CloudioAttributeInitializationException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This exception is thrown if the initialization of an attribute was not possible.
CloudioAttributeListener<T> - Interface in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This interface enables an application object to get notified as soon as there was a new value set to an attribute.
CloudioEndpoint - Class in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
An Endpoint is the root object of any connection of a device or a gateway to cloud.io.
CloudioEndpoint(String) - Constructor for class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
Constructs a new Endpoint object using the given UUID.
CloudioEndpoint(String, Properties) - Constructor for class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
Constructs a new CloudioEndpoint object using the given UUID and properties.
CloudioEndpoint(String, Properties, CloudioEndpointListener) - Constructor for class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
Constructs a new CloudioEndpoint object using the given UUID and properties.
CloudioEndpointConfiguration - Interface in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Interface a configuration source for a cloud.io endpoint has to implement.
CloudioEndpointInitializationException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This exception is thrown whenever the initialisation of an endpoint caused an exception.
CloudioEndpointListener - Interface in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Interface used to inform another object about the actual state of the endpoint.
CloudioEndpointService - Interface in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
A CloudioEndpoint is the root object of any connection of a device or a gateway to cloud.io.
CloudioModificationException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
CloudioNode - Class in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
A Node instance can represent a functionality of a given endpoint device or a connected device in the case the endpoint device is a gateway which connects wireless or wired devices with the cloud.
CloudioNode() - Constructor for class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioNode
CloudioObject - Class in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Base class for all cloud.iO objects.
CloudioObject() - Constructor for class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioObject
conforms(String) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject.Builder
Declares conformance of the object for a given data class.
Conforms - Annotation Type in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This annotation is used by cloud.io to declare a conformance to a given class.
containsKey(String) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointConfiguration
Returns true if a configuration item with the given key exists, false otherwise.


declareConformance(String) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject
Declares conformance of the object for a given data class.
declareImplementedInterface(String) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode
Declares that the node implements the given interface.
declareImplementedInterfaces(String...) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode
Declares that the node implements the given interfaces.
DuplicateNamedItemException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This exception is thrown if an item (object) that disposes a name is added to a set of those items and there is already an item with the same name in the set present.


endpointIsOffline(CloudioEndpoint) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointListener
This method gets called whenever the endpoint lost connection to the MQTT broker.
endpointIsOnline(CloudioEndpoint) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointListener
This method gets called whenever the endpoint successfully connects to the MQTT broker.


getAttribute(String) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject
Returns the attribute with the given name or null if no attribute with the given name is part of the object.
getNode(String) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
getNode(String) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointService
Returns the node with the given name that was registered within cloud.iO or null if no such node is present.
getObject(String) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode
Returns the object with the given name or null if no object with the given name is part of the node.
getObject(String) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject
Returns the object with the given name or null if no object with the given name is part of the object.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointConfiguration
Returns the configuration item for the given key or null if the property actually does not exists.
getProperty(String, String) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointConfiguration
Returns the configuration item for the given key or returns the given default value if the property actually does not exists.
getResource(String, Object) - Static method in class ch.hevs.utils.ResourceLoader
Locates the requested resource and returns an open InputStream if the requested resource could be located, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
getResource(URI, Object) - Static method in class ch.hevs.utils.ResourceLoader
Locates the requested resource and returns an open InputStream if the requested resource could be located, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
getResourceFromLocations(String, Object, String...) - Static method in class ch.hevs.utils.ResourceLoader
Tries to open an input stream for the given file name by trying to open the stream from the given locations one after another.
getType() - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttribute
Returns the actual type of the attribute.
getValue() - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttribute
Returns the current value of the attribute.


implement(String...) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode.Builder
Declares the given interfaces as implemented by the node in construction.
Implements - Annotation Type in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This annotation is used by cloud.io to declare that the node implements a a given interface.
InvalidCloudioAttributeException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This exception is thrown every time the construction of an attribute fails.
InvalidCloudioNodeException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This exception is thrown every time the construction of a node fails.
InvalidCloudioObjectException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This exception is thrown every time the construction of an object fails.
InvalidPropertyException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This exception is thrown if either a property is missing or invalid during endpoint initialization.
InvalidUuidException - Exception in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This exception is thrown if an UUID for an endpoint is invalid.
isOnline() - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
isOnline() - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointService
Returns true if the endpoint is connected to the central message broker, otherwise false.


Measure - ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttributeConstraint
The attribute is a measure of any kind and can change at any time.
Measure - Annotation Type in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Annotation used to mark an attribute as a physical measure (constraint).


object(String, CloudioObject) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode.Builder
Adds the given object to this custom node under the given name.
object(String, CloudioObject) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject.Builder
Adds the given object to this custom object under the given name.
object(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibNode.Builder
Adds an object of the given class with the given name to the custom node.
object(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAdLibObject.Builder
Adds an object of the given class with the given name to the custom object.


Parameter - ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttributeConstraint
The attribute is a parameter that can be configured from the cloud and its value should be saved locally on the "Endpoint".
Parameter - Annotation Type in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Annotation used to mark an attribute as a parameter (constraint). parameters are setting for the device that will last even power cycles.


removeEndpointListener(CloudioEndpointListener) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
removeEndpointListener(CloudioEndpointListener) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointService
Removes the given listener from the endpoint service.
removeListener(CloudioAttributeListener) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttribute
Removes the given listener from the list of listeners.
removeNode(CloudioNode) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
removeNode(CloudioNode) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointService
Removes the given node from the endpoint if the node actually is part of the endpoint.
removeNode(String) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpoint
removeNode(String) - Method in interface ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioEndpointService
Removes the node with the given name from the endpoint if the node actually is part of the endpoint.
ResourceLoader - Class in ch.hevs.utils
Offers a consistent interface in order to load resources from either the file system, the classpath (JAR bundle), the OSGI bundle or from an http server.
ResourceLoader() - Constructor for class ch.hevs.utils.ResourceLoader


setInitialValue(T) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttribute
Tries to initialize the attribute with the given value.
SetPoint - ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttributeConstraint
The attribute is a set point that can be changed from the cloud.
SetPoint - Annotation Type in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Annotation used to mark an attribute as a set point (constraint).
setStringValue(String) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttribute
Tries to parse according to the type of the attribute the given string and sets the attribute's value to the result of the parsing process.
setStringValue(String, long) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttribute
Tries to parse according to the type of the attribute the given string and sets the attribute's value to the result of the parsing process.
setValue(T) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttribute
Tries to change the attribute to the given value.
setValue(T, Long) - Method in class ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttribute
Tries to change the attribute to the given value and attributes the given timestamp to the new value.
Static - ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttributeConstraint
The attribute is a static value and can't be changed during runtime.
StaticAttribute - Annotation Type in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
This annotation can be used in order to add static attributes to your data model classes.
Status - ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttributeConstraint
The attribute is a status.
Status - Annotation Type in ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint
Annotation used to mark an attribute as a status (constraint).


value() - Method in annotation type ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.Conforms
The class to which the object is conform.
value() - Method in annotation type ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.Implements
List of interfaces that the node implements.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttributeConstraint
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ch.hevs.cloudio.endpoint.CloudioAttributeConstraint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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