All Classes and Interfaces

An interface used for abbreviating strings according to different policies.
In order to optimize performance this appender deems events of level TRACE, DEBUG and INFO as discardable.
BasicConfigurator configures logback-classic by attaching a ConsoleAppender to the root logger.
This class computes caller data returning the result in the form of a StackTraceElement array.
This converter outputs caller data depending on depth or depth range and marker data.
This class serves the super-class of all converters in logback.
This abbreviator returns the class name from a fully qualified class name, removing the leading package name.
Allows programmatic initialization and configuration of Logback.
This discriminator returns the value context to which this event is attached to.
This class contains logback's logic for automatic configuration
A class that allows the LoggerFactory to access an environment-based LoggerContext.
Converts an event to the logger context's name.
An interface that provides access to different contexts.
Holds the context selector for use in the current environment.
This class extends InheritableThreadLocal so that children threads get a copy of the parent's hashmap.
This class helps the HTMLLayout build the CSS link.
Contains mappings for the default type of nested components in logback-classic.
See {@link} for details.
This filter allows for efficient course grained filtering based on criteria such as product name or company name that would be associated with requests as they are processed.
Highlights inner-text depending on the level, in bold red for events of level ERROR, in red for WARN, in BLUE for INFO, and in the default color for other levels.
HTMLLayout outputs events in an HTML table.
An internal interface used by the GEventEvaluator.
The central interface in logback-classic.
Insert an env-entry found in JNDI as a new context variable
A class that provides access to logback components via JMX.
This discriminator returns the value context as determined by JNDI.
JoranConfigurator class adds rules specific to logback-classic.
Convert the contents of KeyValuePair list to a String.
Defines the set of levels recognized by logback-classic, that is Level.OFF, Level.ERROR, Level.WARN, Level.INFO, Level.DEBUG, Level.TRACE and Level.ALL.
Action to handle the element nested within element.
Propagate level changes made to a logback logger into the equivalent logger in j.u.l.
Return the event's level.
A class that filters events by the level equality.
A converters based on a a locally incremented sequence number.
A trivial implementation LoggingEventBuilder which builds on DefaultLoggingEventBuilder.
A Mapped Diagnostic Context, or MDC in short, is an instrument for distinguishing interleaved log output from different sources.
Attaches a new instance of LogbackServletContextListener to the current web-applications ServletContext.
Allows for graceful shutdown of the LoggerContext associated with this web-app.
Action which handles elements in configuration files.
LoggerContext glues many of the logback-classic components together.
A servlet filter that puts the environment dependent LoggerContext in a ThreadLocal variable, removing it after the request is processed.
LoggerContextVO offers a restricted view of LoggerContext intended to be exposed by LoggingEvent to remote systems.
Utility class for analysing logger names.
An interface that allows Logger objects and LoggerSer objects to be used the same way be client of the LoggingEvent object.
The internal representation of logging events.
A read-only and serializable implementation of ILoggingEvent.
Return the event's marker value(s).
Checks whether the marker in the event matches the marker specified by the user.
An abstract class containing support for MatchingFilter.onMatch on MatchingFilter.onMismatch attributes, shared by many but not all turbo filters.
MDCBasedDiscriminator essentially returns the value mapped to an MDC key.
This class allows output for a given MDC value.
A servlet filter that inserts various values retrieved from the incoming http request into the MDC.
Bean pairing an MDC value with a log level.
Return the event's formatted message.
Outputs the number of microseconds of the timestamp.
In case abbreviation service is requested, NamedConverter will convert fully qualified class names to their abbreviated from.
Always returns an empty string.
Evaluates to true when the logging event passed as parameter has level ERROR or higher.
Evaluates to true when the logging event passed as parameter contains one of the user-specified markers.
Given a classname locate associated PackageInfo (jar name, version name).
A flexible layout configurable with pattern string.
This class provides information about the runtime platform.
A Joran Action for a SocketReceiver configuration.
An abstract base for components that receive logging events from a remote peer and log according to local policy
Reconfigure a LoggerContext when the configuration file changes.
An appender that listens on a TCP port for connections from remote loggers.
A logging socket server that is configurable using Joran.
A simple SocketNode based server.
A SimpleSocketServer that supports SSL.
Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors or fatal errors.
Sends ILoggingEvent objects to a remote a log server, usually a SocketNode.
Read ILoggingEvent objects sent from a remote client using Sockets (TCP).
A component that receives serialized ILoggingEvent objects from a remote appender over a Socket.
A ServerSocketAppender that supports SSL.
A ServerSocketReceiver that supports SSL.
A SocketAppender that supports SSL.
A SocketReceiver that supports SSL.
Add a status message to the LoggerContext returned by LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory().
This appender can be used to send messages to a remote syslog daemon.
Return the events thread (usually the current thread).
Filters events below the threshold level.
Converter which handle throwables should be derived from this class.
Add a stack trace in case the event contains a Throwable.
Convert a throwable into an array of ThrowableDataPoint objects.
A layout with a fixed format.
TurboFilter is a specialized filter with a decide method that takes a bunch of parameters instead of a single event object.
Implementation of TurboFilterAttachable.
This class helps the HTMLLayout build the CSS link.
An appender used for testing.
Generates log4j.dtd compliant XML documents.