Class SSLSocketReceiver

All Implemented Interfaces:
SocketConnector.ExceptionHandler, SSLComponent, ContextAware, LifeCycle, Runnable

public class SSLSocketReceiver extends SocketReceiver implements SSLComponent
A SocketReceiver that supports SSL.
Carl Harris
  • Constructor Details

    • SSLSocketReceiver

      public SSLSocketReceiver()
  • Method Details

    • getSocketFactory

      protected SocketFactory getSocketFactory()
      Gets an SocketFactory that produces SSL sockets using an SSLContext that is derived from the receiver's configuration.
      getSocketFactory in class SocketReceiver
      socket factory
    • shouldStart

      protected boolean shouldStart()
      Determines whether this receiver should start.

      Subclasses will implement this method to do any subclass-specific validation. The subclass's ReceiverBase.getRunnableTask() method will be invoked (and the task returned will be submitted to the executor) if and only if this method returns true

      shouldStart in class SocketReceiver
      flag indicating whether this receiver should start
    • getSsl

      public SSLConfiguration getSsl()
      Gets the SSL configuration.
      Specified by:
      getSsl in interface SSLComponent
      SSL configuration; if no configuration has been set, a default configuration is returned
    • setSsl

      public void setSsl(SSLConfiguration ssl)
      Sets the SSL configuration.
      Specified by:
      setSsl in interface SSLComponent
      ssl - the SSL configuration to set