Logback Core Module 1.3.0-alpha7 API

Contains the main classes of logback core.
Contains the EventEvaluator interface and subclasses.
The ch.qos.logback.core.db package provides bases classes to append objects into various databases.
Contains the dialect classes used by logback to log to different databases, and the SQL scripts to created the necessary tables.
Contains base classes to the event filtering functionality of logback.
Helpers package.
Contains the shutdown hook functionality of logback, including the interface and base class for implementing hooks as well as some default implementations, such as DelayingShutdownHook
Contains the base classes needed to format logging events to HTML.
Contains Joran configuration classes.
Contains the base classes used by logback to log to remote destinations.
Contains the base classes used by logback to serve logging events to remote peers.
Contains classes that create and configure a JSSE SSLContext needed for secure transport of logging events by SSLSocketAppender.
Contains the base classes used by PatternLayout.
Implements various file rolling policies.
Internal helper classes used by ch.qos.logback.core.rolling package.
Contains core functionnalities of logback, such as AppenderAttachable and LifeCycle.
Contains logback's internal error reporting system.
Contains various utility classes.