Class SaxEventInterpreter


public class SaxEventInterpreter extends Object
SaxEventInterpreter is Joran's driving class for handling "low-level" SAX events. It extends SAX DefaultHandler which invokes various actions according to predefined patterns.

Patterns are kept in a RuleStore which is programmed to store and then later produce the applicable actions for a given pattern.

The pattern corresponding to a top level <a> element is the string "a".

The pattern corresponding to an element <b> embedded within a top level <a> element is the string "a/b".

The pattern corresponding to an <b> and any level of nesting is "*/b. Thus, the * character placed at the beginning of a pattern serves as a wildcard for the level of nesting. Conceptually, this is very similar to the API of commons-digester. Joran offers several small advantages. First and foremost, it offers support for implicit actions which result in a significant leap in flexibility. Second, in our opinion better error reporting capability. Third, it is self-reliant. It does not depend on other APIs, in particular commons-logging which is too unreliable. Last but not least, Joran is quite tiny and is expected to remain so.

Ceki Gülcü
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getEventPlayer

      public EventPlayer getEventPlayer()
    • getCopyOfElementPath

      public ElementPath getCopyOfElementPath()
    • getSaxEventInterpretationContext

      public SaxEventInterpretationContext getSaxEventInterpretationContext()
    • startDocument

      public void startDocument()
    • startElement

      public void startElement(StartEvent se)
    • characters

      public void characters(BodyEvent be)
    • endElement

      public void endElement(EndEvent endEvent)
    • getLocator

      public Locator getLocator()
    • setDocumentLocator

      public void setDocumentLocator(Locator l)
    • setImplicitActionSupplier

      public void setImplicitActionSupplier(Supplier<Action> actionSupplier)
    • getRuleStore

      public RuleStore getRuleStore()