Class BeanDescription


public class BeanDescription extends Object
Lightweight pendant to the java.beans.BeanInfo class. An instance of this class encapsulates the properties of a certain class. The properties are the public setters and getters. In addition the 'add-er'-methods are included, which are the public methods which start with the prefix 'add'.
  • Constructor Details

    • BeanDescription

      protected BeanDescription(Class<?> clazz, Map<String,Method> propertyNameToGetter, Map<String,Method> propertyNameToSetter, Map<String,Method> propertyNameToAdder)
      Scope protected since only the BeanDescriptionFactory must create BeanDescriptions in order to guarantee consistency between the given parameters.
      clazz - of the bean.
      propertyNameToGetter - map of property names to the associated getter.
      propertyNameToSetter - map of property names to the associated setter.
      propertyNameToAdder - map of property names to the associated adder.
  • Method Details

    • getClazz

      public Class<?> getClazz()
    • getPropertyNameToGetter

      public Map<String,Method> getPropertyNameToGetter()
    • getPropertyNameToSetter

      public Map<String,Method> getPropertyNameToSetter()
    • getGetter

      public Method getGetter(String propertyName)
    • getSetter

      public Method getSetter(String propertyName)
    • getPropertyNameToAdder

      public Map<String,Method> getPropertyNameToAdder()
    • getAdder

      public Method getAdder(String propertyName)