Class SSLContextFactoryBean

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SSLContextFactoryBean extends Object
A factory bean for a JSSE SSLContext.

This object holds the configurable properties for an SSL context and uses them to create an SSLContext instance.

Carl Harris
  • Constructor Details

    • SSLContextFactoryBean

      public SSLContextFactoryBean()
  • Method Details

    • createContext

      Creates a new SSLContext using the receiver's configuration.
      context - context for status messages
      SSLContext object
      NoSuchProviderException - if a provider specified for one of the JCA or JSSE components utilized in creating the context is not known to the platform
      NoSuchAlgorithmException - if a JCA or JSSE algorithm, protocol, or type name specified for one of the context's components is not known to a given provider (or platform default provider for the component)
      KeyManagementException - if an error occurs in creating a KeyManager for the context
      UnrecoverableKeyException - if a private key needed by a KeyManager cannot be obtained from a key store
      KeyStoreException - if an error occurs in reading the contents of a key store
      CertificateException - if an error occurs in reading the contents of a certificate
    • getKeyStore

      public KeyStoreFactoryBean getKeyStore()
      Gets the key store configuration.
      key store factory bean or null if no key store configuration was provided
    • setKeyStore

      public void setKeyStore(KeyStoreFactoryBean keyStore)
      Sets the key store configuration.
      keyStore - the key store factory bean to set
    • getTrustStore

      public KeyStoreFactoryBean getTrustStore()
      Gets the trust store configuration.
      trust store factory bean or null if no trust store configuration was provided
    • setTrustStore

      public void setTrustStore(KeyStoreFactoryBean trustStore)
      Sets the trust store configuration.
      trustStore - the trust store factory bean to set
    • getSecureRandom

      public SecureRandomFactoryBean getSecureRandom()
      Gets the secure random generator configuration.
      secure random factory bean; if no secure random generator configuration has been set, a default factory bean is returned
    • setSecureRandom

      public void setSecureRandom(SecureRandomFactoryBean secureRandom)
      Sets the secure random generator configuration.
      secureRandom - the secure random factory bean to set
    • getKeyManagerFactory

      public KeyManagerFactoryFactoryBean getKeyManagerFactory()
      Gets the key manager factory configuration.
      factory bean; if no key manager factory configuration has been set, a default factory bean is returned
    • setKeyManagerFactory

      public void setKeyManagerFactory(KeyManagerFactoryFactoryBean keyManagerFactory)
      Sets the key manager factory configuration.
      keyManagerFactory - the key manager factory bean to set
    • getTrustManagerFactory

      public TrustManagerFactoryFactoryBean getTrustManagerFactory()
      Gets the trust manager factory configuration.
      factory bean; if no trust manager factory configuration has been set, a default factory bean is returned
    • setTrustManagerFactory

      public void setTrustManagerFactory(TrustManagerFactoryFactoryBean trustManagerFactory)
      Sets the trust manager factory configuration.
      trustManagerFactory - the factory bean to set
    • getProtocol

      public String getProtocol()
      Gets the secure transport protocol name.
      protocol name (e.g. SSL, TLS); the SSL.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL is returned if no protocol has been configured
    • setProtocol

      public void setProtocol(String protocol)
      Sets the secure transport protocol name.
      protocol - a protocol name, which must be recognized by the provider specified by setProvider(String) or by the platform's default provider if no platform was specified.
    • getProvider

      public String getProvider()
      Gets the JSSE provider name for the SSL context.
      JSSE provider name
    • setProvider

      public void setProvider(String provider)
      Sets the JSSE provider name for the SSL context.
      provider - name of the JSSE provider to use in creating the SSL context