Annotation Type Parser

@Target(METHOD) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Parser
This annotation allows you to create annotated methods that behave like argument parsers. The method must have this exact signature:

 ﹫Parser("name") // Name may be left out
 public ParsedType methodName(CommandContext<YourSender> sender, Queue<String> input) {

The method can throw exceptions, and the thrown exceptions will automatically be wrapped by a ArgumentParseResult.failure(Throwable)

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The name of the parser.
    Name of the suggestions provider to use.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      The name of the parser. If this is left empty, the parser will be registered as a default parser for the return type of the method
      Parser name
    • suggestions

      String suggestions
      Name of the suggestions provider to use. If the string is left empty, the default provider for the Argument will be used. Otherwise, the ParserRegistry instance in the CommandManager will be queried for a matching suggestion provider.

      For this to work, the suggestion needs to be registered in the parser registry. To do this, use ParserRegistry.registerSuggestionProvider(String, BiFunction). The registry instance can be retrieved using CommandManager.parserRegistry().

      The name of the suggestion provider, or ""