Piranha - Project 21.9.0 API

The Piranha Project delivers you with cloud ready containers and useful add-on / integration modules.

Getting Started

If you do not know how to get started see our Getting Started guide.

List of modules

Below you see a the list of Java modules that make up the entire Piranha ecosystem. Each Java module enables a specific piece of functionality. Note that if you are a user of Piranha you do not need to worry about the modules below instead we recommend you start with the Getting Started link above.

The Piranha Embedded module.
The Piranha Extension - Annotation Scan module.
The Piranha Extension - OmniFaces Eleos integration module.
The Piranha Extension - OmniFaces Exousia module.
The Piranha Extension - Mojarra integration module.
The Piranha Extension - MyFaces integration module.
The Piranha Extension - OmniFaces JWT module.
The Piranha Extension - ServletContainerInitializer module.
The Piranha Extension - File Security module.
The Piranha Extension - Jakarta Security module.
The Piranha Extension - Server module.
The Piranha Extension - Smallrye Health module.
The Piranha Extension - Glassfish Soteria module.
The Piranha Extension - TEMPDIR.
The Piranha Extension - WaSP integration module.
The @WebServlet, @WebFilter, ...
The Piranha Extension - web.xml mopdule.
The Piranha Extension - Weld Integration module.
The Piranha HTTP - API module.
The Piranha HTTP - Embedded integration module.
The Piranha HTTP - Grizzly integration module.
The Piranha HTTP - Implementation module.
The Piranha HTTP - JDK HTTP Server integration module.
The Piranha HTTP - Nano integration module.
The Piranha HTTP - Netty integration module.
The Piranha HTTP - Tests module.
The Piranha HTTP - Undertow Integration module.
The Piranha HTTP - WebApplication Integration module.
The Piranha Embedded module.
The Piranha Micro module.
The Piranha Modular - JPMS integration module.
The Piranha Naming - API module.
The Piranha Naming - Implementation module.
The Piranha Naming - Thread module.
The Piranha Nano module.
The Piranha Policy - API module.
The Piranha Policy - Implementation module.
The Piranha Policy - Thread module.
The Piranha Resource - implementation module.
The Piranha Resource - API module.
The Piranha Resource - Shrinkwrap module.
The Piranha Server module.
The Piranha Transaction - API module.
The Piranha Transaction - non-XA module.
The Piranha Webapplication - API module.
The Piranha Webapplication - Implementation module.
The Piranha Servlet - API module.