Interface HttpServer

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultHttpServer, GrizzlyHttpServer, JdkHttpServer, NettyHttpServer, UndertowHttpServer

public interface HttpServer
The HTTP Server API.

This API makes it possible to interact with an HTTP server implementation on a very basic level. It supports the following:

  1. Starting the server.
  2. Stopping the server.
  3. Checking if the server is running.
  4. Set/get the port of the server.
  5. Set/get the SSL flag.
  6. Set/get the HttpServerProcessor.
Manfred Riem ([email protected])
  • Method Details

    • isRunning

      boolean isRunning()
      Check if the server is running.
      true if it is, false otherwise.
    • start

      void start()
      Start the server.
    • stop

      void stop()
      Stop the server.
    • getServerPort

      int getServerPort()
      Returns the server port.
      the server port
    • setServerPort

      void setServerPort(int serverPort)
      Set the server port
      serverPort - the port
    • getSSL

      boolean getSSL()
      Get the SSL flag
      the server port
    • setSSL

      void setSSL(boolean ssl)
      Set the SSL flag
      ssl - the SSL flag
    • getHttpServerProcessor

      HttpServerProcessor getHttpServerProcessor()
      Returns the http server processor.
      the http server processor
    • setHttpServerProcessor

      void setHttpServerProcessor(HttpServerProcessor httpServerProcessor)
      Set the http server processor
      httpServerProcessor - the http server processor