Interface AuthenticatedIdentity

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public interface AuthenticatedIdentity extends Principal
This interface is implemented by classes that represent the current authenticated identity.

What current means here is context dependent. In a Jakarta Servlet application this refers to the caller (user) details during a single HTTP request.

Arjan Tijms
  • Method Details

    • getName

      default String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Principal
    • getCallerPrincipal

      Principal getCallerPrincipal()
      Returns the caller principal, which represents the primary name of the calling entity (aka the "caller") to a server.
      the caller principal, or null if authentication has not (yet) completed successfully.
    • getGroups

      Set<String> getGroups()
      The groups the caller is in.

      If group to role mapping is not active (the default) groups are equal to roles.

      the set of groups the caller is in, never null.