程序包 cn.nukkit.utils

接口 RedstoneComponent

BlockBell, BlockButton, BlockButtonAcacia, BlockButtonBirch, BlockButtonBlackstonePolished, BlockButtonCrimson, BlockButtonDarkOak, BlockButtonJungle, BlockButtonMangrove, BlockButtonSpruce, BlockButtonStone, BlockButtonWarped, BlockButtonWooden, BlockDaylightDetector, BlockDaylightDetectorInverted, BlockDispenser, BlockDoor, BlockDoorAcacia, BlockDoorBirch, BlockDoorCrimson, BlockDoorDarkOak, BlockDoorIron, BlockDoorJungle, BlockDoorMangrove, BlockDoorSpruce, BlockDoorWarped, BlockDoorWood, BlockDropper, BlockFenceGate, BlockFenceGateAcacia, BlockFenceGateBirch, BlockFenceGateCrimson, BlockFenceGateDarkOak, BlockFenceGateJungle, BlockFenceGateMangrove, BlockFenceGateSpruce, BlockFenceGateWarped, BlockHopper, BlockLectern, BlockLever, BlockNoteblock, BlockObserver, BlockPiston, BlockPistonBase, BlockPistonSticky, BlockPressurePlateAcacia, BlockPressurePlateBase, BlockPressurePlateBirch, BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished, BlockPressurePlateCrimson, BlockPressurePlateDarkOak, BlockPressurePlateJungle, BlockPressurePlateMangrove, BlockPressurePlateSpruce, BlockPressurePlateStone, BlockPressurePlateWarped, BlockPressurePlateWood, BlockRailActivator, BlockRailPowered, BlockRedstone, BlockRedstoneComparator, BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered, BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered, BlockRedstoneDiode, BlockRedstoneLamp, BlockRedstoneLampLit, BlockRedstoneRepeater, BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered, BlockRedstoneRepeaterUnpowered, BlockRedstoneTorch, BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit, BlockRedstoneWire, BlockSkull, BlockTarget, BlockTNT, BlockTrapdoor, BlockTrapdoorAcacia, BlockTrapdoorBirch, BlockTrapdoorCrimson, BlockTrapdoorDarkOak, BlockTrapdoorIron, BlockTrapdoorJungle, BlockTrapdoorMangrove, BlockTrapdoorSpruce, BlockTrapdoorWarped, BlockTripWireHook, BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy, BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight

@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public interface RedstoneComponent
Interface, all redstone components implement, containing redstone related methods.
  • 方法详细资料

    • updateAroundRedstone

      @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") default void updateAroundRedstone(@Nullable BlockFace... ignoredFaces)
      Send a redstone update to all blocks around this block.
      ignoredFaces - The faces, that shouldn't get updated.
    • updateAroundRedstone

      @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") default void updateAroundRedstone(@Nonnull List<BlockFace> ignoredFaces)
      Send a redstone update to all blocks around this block.
      ignoredFaces - The faces, that shouldn't get updated.
    • updateAllAroundRedstone

      @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") default void updateAllAroundRedstone(@Nullable BlockFace... ignoredFaces)
      Send a redstone update to all blocks around this block.
      ignoredFaces - The faces, that shouldn't get updated.
    • updateAllAroundRedstone

      @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") default void updateAllAroundRedstone(@Nonnull List<BlockFace> ignoredFaces)
      Send a redstone update to all blocks around this block and also around the blocks of those updated blocks.
      ignoredFaces - The faces, that shouldn't get updated.
    • updateAroundRedstone

      @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") static void updateAroundRedstone(@Nonnull Position pos, @Nullable BlockFace... ignoredFaces)
      Send a redstone update to all blocks around the given position.
      pos - The middle of the blocks around.
      ignoredFaces - The faces, that shouldn't get updated.
    • updateAroundRedstone

      @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") static void updateAroundRedstone(@Nonnull Position pos, @Nonnull List<BlockFace> ignoredFaces)
      Send a redstone update to all blocks around the given position.
      pos - The middle of the blocks around.
      ignoredFaces - The faces, that shouldn't get updated.
    • updateAllAroundRedstone

      @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") static void updateAllAroundRedstone(@Nonnull Position pos, @Nullable BlockFace... ignoredFaces)
      Send a redstone update to all blocks around the given position and also around the blocks of those updated blocks.
      pos - The middle of the blocks around.
      ignoredFaces - The faces, that shouldn't get updated.
    • updateAllAroundRedstone

      @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") static void updateAllAroundRedstone(@Nonnull Position pos, @Nonnull List<BlockFace> ignoredFaces)
      Send a redstone update to all blocks around the given position and also around the blocks of those updated blocks.
      pos - The middle of the blocks around.
      ignoredFaces - The faces, that shouldn't get updated.