Package cn.nukkit.api

package cn.nukkit.api
  • Class
    Describes an API element.
    Enum constant for API definition.
    Enum constant for API usage.
    Describe the deprecation with more details.
    Indicates that the annotated element works differently in PowerNukkit environment and may cause issues or unexpected behaviour when used in a normal NukkitX server without PowerNukkit's patches and features.
    Indicates that the annotated element is only available in PowerNukkit environment and will cause issues when used in a normal NukkitX server without PowerNukkit's patches and features.
    Indicates that the annotated element works differently in PowerNukkit environment and may cause issues or unexpected behaviour when used in a normal NukkitX server without PowerNukkitX's patches and features.
    Indicates which version added the annotated element.
    Indicates that the number may be negative in raw form but must be treated as an unsigned value by considering the sign bit as part of the number.