Class SlenderProjectile

All Implemented Interfaces:
Metadatable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
EntityArrow, EntityFishingHook, EntityThrownTrident

public abstract class SlenderProjectile extends EntityProjectile
这个抽象类代表较为细长的投射物实体(例如弓箭,三叉戟),它通过重写Entity.move(double, double, double)方法实现这些实体较为准确的碰撞箱计算。

This abstract class represents slender projectile entities (e.g.arrow, trident), and it realized a more accurate collision box calculation for these entities by overriding the Entity.move(double, double, double) method.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      public float getWidth()
      getWidth in class Entity
    • getHeight

      public float getHeight()
      getHeight in class Entity
    • move

      public boolean move(double dx, double dy, double dz)
      move in class Entity