Package cn.nukkit.api

Annotation Interface DeprecationDetails

Describe the deprecation with more details. This is persisted to the class file, so it can be read without javadocs.
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    Why it is deprecated.
    The version which marked this element as deprecated.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The maintainer party that has added this depreciation.
    What should be used or do instead.
    When the annotated element will be removed or have it's signature changed.
  • Element Details

    • replaceWith

      What should be used or do instead.
    • toBeRemovedAt

      @PowerNukkitOnly String toBeRemovedAt
      When the annotated element will be removed or have it's signature changed.
    • by

      The maintainer party that has added this depreciation. For example: PowerNukkit, Cloudburst Nukkit, and Nukkit