
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


ABILITIES - Static variable in class
ability - Variable in class
ABILITY_TYPES - Static variable in class
AbilityCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
AbilityCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.AbilityCommand
AbilityLayer - Class in
AbilityLayer() - Constructor for class
AbilityLayer.Type - Enum Class in
abilityLayers - Variable in class
AbilityType - Enum Class in
abort() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.EmptyTiming
abort() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.Timing
ABORT_DESTROY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
abs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
abs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
abs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
abs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
abs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
abs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
abs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
abs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
abs(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
absorption - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
ABSORPTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier
Damage reduction caused by the Damage absorption effect
ABSORPTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
ABSORPTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
AbstractBehavior - Class in
AbstractBehavior() - Constructor for class
AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate
AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.SimplePalette - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureEntityInfo - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
AbstractResourcePack - Class in cn.nukkit.resourcepacks
AbstractResourcePack() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.AbstractResourcePack
AbstractResourcePackDataPacket - Class in
AbstractResourcePackDataPacket() - Constructor for class
AbstractStructureTemplate - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
AbstractStructureTemplate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractStructureTemplate
ACACIA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
ACACIA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
ACACIA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
ACACIA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
ACACIA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
ACACIA_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ACACIA_CHEST_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ACACIA_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ACACIA_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ACACIA_DOOR_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ACACIA_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ACACIA_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_STANDING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_STANDING_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ACACIA_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ACACIA_WALL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACACIA_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ACACIA_WOOD_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ACACIA_WOODEN_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
accept(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.BooleanConsumer
accept(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB.BBConsumer
accept(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.BlockPositionConsumer
accept(int, int, int, D) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.BlockPositionDataConsumer
ACCORDING_X_OBTAIN_Y - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
ACCORDING_Y_OBTAIN_X - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
achievement - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent
Achievement - Class in cn.nukkit
Achievement(String, String...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.Achievement
achievements - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Achievement
achievements - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
action - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
action - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
action - Variable in class
action - Variable in class
action - Variable in class
action - Variable in class
action - Variable in class
action - Variable in class
action - Variable in class
action - Variable in class
ACTION_ABORT_BREAK - Static variable in class
ACTION_ATTACK - Static variable in class
ACTION_BUILD_DENIED - Static variable in class
ACTION_CLOSE - Static variable in class
ACTION_CONSUME - Static variable in class
ACTION_CONTINUE_BREAK - Static variable in class
ACTION_CONTINUE_DESTROY_BLOCK - Static variable in class
ACTION_DIMENSION_CHANGE_ACK - Static variable in class
ACTION_DROP_ITEM - Static variable in class
ACTION_DYED - Static variable in class
ACTION_EAT - Static variable in class
ACTION_EQUIP_ARMOR - Static variable in class
ACTION_FILL_BOTTLE - Static variable in class
ACTION_FILL_BUCKET - Static variable in class
ACTION_GET_UPDATED_BLOCK - Static variable in class
ACTION_INTERACT - Static variable in class
ACTION_INTERACT_BLOCK - Static variable in class
ACTION_JUMP - Static variable in class
ACTION_MAGIC_SLOT_DROP_ITEM - Static variable in class
ACTION_MAGIC_SLOT_PICKUP_ITEM - Static variable in class
ACTION_MOUSEOVER - Static variable in class
ACTION_OPEN - Static variable in class
ACTION_OPEN_INVENTORY - Static variable in class
ACTION_PLACE - Static variable in class
ACTION_POUR_BUCKET - Static variable in class
ACTION_PREDICT_DESTROY_BLOCK - Static variable in class
ACTION_RESPAWN - Static variable in class
ACTION_RETRIEVE - Static variable in class
ACTION_SET_ENCHANTMENT_SEED - Static variable in class
ACTION_SHOOT - Static variable in class
ACTION_START_BREAK - Static variable in class
ACTION_START_GLIDE - Static variable in class
ACTION_START_ITEM_USE_ON - Static variable in class
ACTION_START_SLEEPING - Static variable in class
ACTION_START_SNEAK - Static variable in class
ACTION_START_SPIN_ATTACK - Static variable in class
ACTION_START_SPRINT - Static variable in class
ACTION_START_SWIMMING - Static variable in class
ACTION_STOP_BREAK - Static variable in class
ACTION_STOP_GLIDE - Static variable in class
ACTION_STOP_ITEM_USE_ON - Static variable in class
ACTION_STOP_SLEEPING - Static variable in class
ACTION_STOP_SNEAK - Static variable in class
ACTION_STOP_SPIN_ATTACK - Static variable in class
ACTION_STOP_SPRINT - Static variable in class
ACTION_STOP_SWIMMING - Static variable in class
ACTION_THROW - Static variable in class
ACTION_TRADED - Static variable in class
ACTION_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class
ACTION_USE_TOOL - Static variable in class
ACTION_VEHICLE_EXIT - Static variable in class
actions - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
actions - Variable in class
actions() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the actions record component.
actionType - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
actionType - Variable in class
actionType - Variable in class
actionType - Variable in class
actionType - Variable in class
ACTIVABLE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
activate(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
activate(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty
activate(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
activatedEntityTicks - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsHistory
activatePower(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
activatePower(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
ACTIVATOR_RAIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ACTIVATOR_RAIL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class
ACTIVE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
ACTIVE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
activityId - Variable in class
ActorSpawnTask - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
ActorSpawnTask(Level, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.ActorSpawnTask
actorUniqueId - Variable in class
adapt(BlockState) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXAdapter
adapt(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXAdapter
adapt(Biome) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXAdapter
add(byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BytePalette
add(char) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.CharPalette
add(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
add(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
add(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
add(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
add(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
add(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
add(double[], double, double, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorSimplexD
add(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
add(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
add(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
add(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
add(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
add(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
add(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
add(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
add(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
add(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
add(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
add(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
add(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
add(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
add(float[], float, float, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorSimplexF
add(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
add(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
add(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
add(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.IntPalette
add(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
add(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
add(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
add(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
add(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
add(int, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
add(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
add(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
add(ChunkVector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
add(Vector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
add(Vector2f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
add(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
add(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
add(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
add(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
add(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
add(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
add(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
add(BanEntry) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
add(BlockUpdateEntry) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.BlockUpdateScheduler
add(SortedList.Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
add(String, Achievement) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Achievement
add(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.IdMapper
add(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
add(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
add(V) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
add(V1) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingSetWrapper
ADD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent.ActionType
ADD - Enum constant in enum class
ADD - Enum constant in enum class
ADD - Enum constant in enum class
ADD_BEHAVIOR_TREE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ADD_ENTITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ADD_ITEM_ENTITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ADD_LINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent.ActionType
ADD_PAGE - Enum constant in enum class
ADD_PAINTING_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ADD_PLAYER_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ADD_VOLUME_ENTITY - Static variable in interface
ADD_VOLUME_ENTITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
addAction(InventoryAction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
addAction(InventoryAction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.GrindstoneTransaction
addAction(InventoryAction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
addAction(InventoryAction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.RepairItemTransaction
addAction(InventoryAction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.SmithingTransaction
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCorridor
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCrossing
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftRoom
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeEndFiller
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.MonsterThrone
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FillerCorridor
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FiveCrossing
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Library
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StairsDown
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Straight
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PrisonHall
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.DoubleFarmland
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Farmland
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SimpleHouse
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallHut
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Smithy
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.LightPost
addAlias(String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addAntiXrayFakeBlock(Block, Collection<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addAntiXrayOreBlock(Block, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addAntiXrayTransparentBlock(Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addAttachment(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
addAttachment(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
addAttachment(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
addAttachment(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
addAttachment(Plugin, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
addAttachment(Plugin, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin, String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
addAttachment(Plugin, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
addAttachment(Plugin, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
addAttachment(Plugin, String, Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
addAttachment(Plugin, String, Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin, String, Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin, String, Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin, String, Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
addAttachment(Plugin, String, Boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
addAttachment(Plugin, String, Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
addAttachment(Plugin, String, Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
addAttackerModifiers(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
addAttribute(int, String, float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
addAttribute(int, String, float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
addBan(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
addBan(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
addBan(String, String, Date) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
addBan(String, String, Date, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
AddBehaviorTreePacket - Class in
AddBehaviorTreePacket() - Constructor for class
addBlastFurnaceRecipe(BlastFurnaceRecipe...) - Method in class
addBlastFurnaceRecipe(BlastFurnaceRecipe...) - Method in class
addBlockChange() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
addBlockChange() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
addBlockChange() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
addBlockEntity(BlockEntity) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
addBlockEntity(BlockEntity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
addBlockEntity(BlockEntity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addBlockLine(Block, Block, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase.BlocksCalculator
addBlockPositionParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addBranchingBlocks(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase.BlocksCalculator
addBrewingRecipe(BrewingRecipe...) - Method in class
addBrewingRecipe(BrewingRecipe...) - Method in class
addBusying(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
将服务器设置为繁忙状态,这可以阻止相关代码认为服务器处于无响应状态。 请牢记,必须在设置之后清除。
addButton(ElementDialogButton) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
addButton(ElementButton) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
addButton(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
addCampfireRecipeRecipe(CampfireRecipe...) - Method in class
addCampfireRecipeRecipe(CampfireRecipe...) - Method in class
addCanDestroy(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
addCanDestroy(Block[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
addCanPlaceOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
addCanPlaceOn(Block[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
addCartographyRecipe(CartographyRecipe...) - Method in class
addCartographyRecipe(CartographyRecipe...) - Method in class
addChanceEffect(float, Effect) - Method in class
addChild(int, Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
addChild(int, Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
inserts a child Node at a specific index, displacing the nodes after the index by 1.
addChild(int, Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
addChild(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
addChild(Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
appends a child node to this Node
addChild(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCorridor
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCrossing
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftRoom
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeCrossing
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeStraight
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorStairsPiece
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleEntrance
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorCrossingPiece
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorPiece
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleStalkRoom
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.RoomCrossing
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StairsRoom
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FiveCrossing
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.LeftTurn
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PrisonHall
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RightTurn
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StairsDown
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Straight
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StraightStairsDown
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
addChildren(StructurePiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Well
addChunk(TickingArea.ChunkPos) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
addChunkPacket(int, int, DataPacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addColor(DyeColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
addCommandParameters(String, CommandParameter[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
addConstructor(JConstructor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
addContainerRecipe(ContainerRecipe...) - Method in class
addContainerRecipe(ContainerRecipe...) - Method in class
addCoord(double, double, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
addCreativeItem(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
addCustomChart(Metrics.CustomChart) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics
Adds a custom chart.
addCustomEnumParameter(String, boolean, CommandEnum, IParamNode<?>, CommandParamOption...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addCustomTypeParameter(String, boolean, CommandParamType, IParamNode<?>, CommandParamOption...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addDefaultWindows() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
addDoubleTooBig(int, double) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addDoubleTooSmall(int, double) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addEffect(Effect) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
addEffect(Effect) - Method in class
addEffectToPlayers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
addElement(Element) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
addEnchantment(Enchantment...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
addEnchantment(Enchantment, int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemMeta
addEntity(Entity) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
addEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
addEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addEntityAngerValue(Entity, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
addEntityMovement(Entity, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
AddEntityPacket - Class in
AddEntityPacket() - Constructor for class
addEnumBlockParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addEnumBooleanParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addEnumEntityParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addEnumGameModeParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addEnumItemParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addEnumParameter(String, boolean, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addError(String) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addError(String, String...) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addExperience(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
addExperience(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
addExplosion(ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework
addExtraBlock(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
addExtraBlocks(String, DigProperty) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
addExtraBlocks(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
addExtraBlockTags(List<String>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
addFade(DyeColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
addFilePathParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addFloatParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addFoodLevel(int, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
addFoodLevel(Food) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
addFreezingTicks(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
addFurnaceRecipe(FurnaceRecipe...) - Method in class
addFurnaceRecipe(FurnaceRecipe...) - Method in class
addGenerator(Class<? extends Generator>, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
addGenerator(Class<? extends Generator>, String, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
addHandler(FormDialogHandler) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
addHandler(FormResponseHandler) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
addHitEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
addHitEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
addHitEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
addHitEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
addHitEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
addImage(ElementButtonImageData) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButton
addInterfaceClass(JType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
addIntParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addInventory(Inventory) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
This method should not be used by plugins, it's used to add tracked inventories for InventoryActions involving inventories.
addItem(Item...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
addItem(Item...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
addItem(Item...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
addItem(Item...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
addItem(Item...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
AddItemEntityPacket - Class in
AddItemEntityPacket() - Constructor for class
addJar(File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSClassLoader
addJar(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSClassLoader
addJsonParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addLang(LangCode, InputStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
Add lang.
addLang(LangCode, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
Add lang.
addLevelEvent(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLevelEvent(int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLevelEvent(int, int, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLevelEvent(Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLevelEvent(Vector3, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLevelEvent(Vector3, int, CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLevelSoundEvent(Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLevelSoundEvent(Vector3, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
Broadcasts sound to players
addLevelSoundEvent(Vector3, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLevelSoundEvent(Vector3, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLevelSoundEvent(Vector3, int, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
Broadcasts a LevelSound to players,use LevelSoundEventPacket
addLightUpdate(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addLine(IScoreboardLine) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
addLine(IScoreboardLine) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
addLine(IScorer, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
addLine(IScorer, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
addLine(String, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
addLine(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
addListener(InventoryListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
addListener(InventoryListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
addListener(InventoryListener) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
addListener(InventoryListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
addListener(InventoryListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
addListener(VibrationListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
addListener(VibrationListener) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationManager
addMapping(BlockEntry, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.SimplePalette
addMapping(T, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.IdMapper
addMessage(CommandOutputMessage...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
addMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
addMessage(String) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addMessage(String, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
addMessage(String, String...) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addMessageParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addMethod(JMethod) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
addMotion(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
addMovement(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
增加运动 (仅发送数据包,如果需要请使用Entity.setMotion(cn.nukkit.math.Vector3))
addMovement(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
addMovement(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
addMovement(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
addMultiRecipe(MultiRecipe...) - Method in class
addMultiRecipe(MultiRecipe...) - Method in class
addNewPosition(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
Adds the given position as a new entry in this storage, even if the position is already registered and enabled.
addNewPosition(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
Adds the given position as a new entry in this storage, even if the position is already registered and enabled.
addNewPosition(NamedPosition, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
Adds the given position as a new entry in this storage, even if the position is already registered and enabled.
addNewPosition(NamedPosition, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
Adds the given position as a new entry in this storage, even if the position is already registered and enabled.
addNode(Node) - Method in class
addNode(Node) - Method in class
addNode(ArrayList<Node>) - Method in class
addNode(List<Node>) - Method in class
addNoTargetMatch() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addNumTooSmall(int, int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addOccupant(BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
addOccupant(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
addOccupant(Entity, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
addOccupant(Entity, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
addOccupant(Entity, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
addOnlinePlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
addOp(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
addOperatorParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addOption(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
addOption(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
addOrReusePosition(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
Attempts to reuse an existing and enabled trackingHandler for the given position, if none is found than a new handler is created if the limit was not exceeded.
addOrReusePosition(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
Attempts to reuse an existing and enabled trackingHandler for the given position, if none is found than a new handler is created if the limit was not exceeded.
addOutOfWorld() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addPage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
Adds a new page with the given page ID.
AddPaintingPacket - Class in
AddPaintingPacket() - Constructor for class
addParent(Permission, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
addParent(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
addParticle(Particle) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addParticle(Particle, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addParticle(Particle, Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addParticle(Particle, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addParticleEffect(Vector3f, String, long, int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addParticleEffect(Vector3, ParticleEffect) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addParticleEffect(Vector3, ParticleEffect, long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addParticleEffect(Vector3, ParticleEffect, long, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addParticleEffect(Vector3, ParticleEffect, long, int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addParticleEffect(Vector3, ParticleEffect, long, int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addPattern(BannerPattern) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
addPattern(BannerPattern) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
addPermission(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
addPlayer(InetSocketAddress, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
addPlayerMovement(Entity, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
AddPlayerPacket - Class in
AddPlayerPacket() - Constructor for class
addPopulator(Populator) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
addPopulator(Class<? extends PopulatorStructure>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorStructure
addPositionParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addPreviousLiquidMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
addProvider(Server, Class<? extends LevelProvider>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProviderManager
addRandomBlock(Map<Integer, Integer>, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
addRandomBlock(Map<Integer, Integer>, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
addRecipe(Recipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
addRelative(int) - Method in class
addRelative(int, int) - Method in class
addRelative(String, int, Plugin) - Method in class
addRepairItemName(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ArmorBuilder
addRepairItemName(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
addRepairItemName(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ArmorBuilder
addRepairItemName(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
addRepairItems(List<Item>, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ArmorBuilder
addRepairItems(List<Item>, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
addRepairItems(List<Item>, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ArmorBuilder
addRepairItems(List<Item>, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
addRepairs(List<String>, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
address - Variable in class
address - Variable in class
addScore(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboardLine
addScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
addScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
addServerSettings(FormWindow) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
在游戏设置中显示一个新的设置页面。 你可以通过监听PlayerFormRespondedEvent来了解设置结果。
addShapedRecipe(ShapedRecipe...) - Method in class
addShapedRecipe(ShapedRecipe...) - Method in class
addShapelessRecipe(ShapelessRecipe...) - Method in class
addShapelessRecipe(ShapelessRecipe...) - Method in class
addSmokerRecipe(SmokerRecipe...) - Method in class
addSmokerRecipe(SmokerRecipe...) - Method in class
addSound(Vector3, Sound) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addSound(Vector3, Sound, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addSound(Vector3, Sound, float, float, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addSound(Vector3, Sound, float, float, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
addStatistics(double, double) - Method in class
addStep(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
addStep(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
addStonecutterRecipe(StonecutterRecipe...) - Method in class
addStonecutterRecipe(StonecutterRecipe...) - Method in class
addStringParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addSubCommandParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addSuccess(String) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addSuccess(String, String...) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addSuccess(String, List<String>) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addSuperField(JSuperField) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
addSuperMethod(JSuperMethod) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
addSyntaxErrors(int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addTag(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
addTargetParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addTextParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addThrowSound(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ProjectileItem
addTickingArea(TickingArea) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
addTickingArea(TickingArea) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
addTickingArea(TickingArea) - Method in class
addTickingArea(TickingArea) - Method in interface
addTickingArea(TickingArea...) - Method in class
addTickingArea(TickingArea...) - Method in interface
addTmpMoveMotion(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
addTmpMoveMotionXZ(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
addToNamedChildList(String, Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
addTooManyTargets() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
addToPos() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
添加指定模长的方向向量到Vector3(0, 0, 0)
addToPos(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
addToRunningBehaviors(EntityIntelligent, Set<IBehavior>) - Method in class
addType(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorFlower
addTypeParameter(String, boolean, CommandParamType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addURL(URL) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSClassLoader
addUserData - Variable in class
addValueParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addVelocityToEntity(Entity, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
addVelocityToEntity(Entity, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
addVelocityToEntity(Entity, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
addViewer(IScoreboardViewer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
addViewer(IScoreboardViewer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
addViewer(IScoreboardViewer, DisplaySlot) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
addViewer(IScoreboardViewer, DisplaySlot) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
AddVolumeEntityPacket - Class in
AddVolumeEntityPacket() - Constructor for class
addWhitelist(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
addWildcardIntParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addWildcardTargetParameter(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
addWindow(Inventory) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
forceId=null isPermanent=false alwaysOpen = false
addWindow(Inventory, Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isPermanent=false alwaysOpen = false
addWindow(Inventory, Integer, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
alwaysOpen = false
addWindow(Inventory, Integer, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
ADJACENT_CHUNKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
adjacentSources - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
adjustHorizPos(ChunkManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructurePiece
adjustPosToNearbyEntity(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class
ADOBE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
AdvancedBarChart(String, Callable<Map<String, int[]>>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedBarChart
Class constructor.
AdvancedPie(String, Callable<Map<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedPie
Class constructor.
AdvancedSourceInterface - Interface in
ADVENTURE - Enum constant in enum class
ADVENTURE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
ADVENTURE_SETTINGS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
adventureSettings - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
AdventureSettings - Class in cn.nukkit
AdventureSettings(Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
AdventureSettings(Player, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
AdventureSettings.Type - Enum Class in cn.nukkit
AdventureSettingsPacket - Class in
AdventureSettingsPacket() - Constructor for class
afterCollisionWithEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
afterCollisionWithEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
afterExecute(Runnable, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncPool
afterFirst(String, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.StringUtils
afterRemoval(Block, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
afterRemoval(Block, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
afterRemoval(Block, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
afterRemoval(Block, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
afterRemoval(Block, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
afterUse(Level, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
age - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
AGE_15 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
AGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
AGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries
AGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries
AGED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
AGENT_ACTION_EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
AGENT_ARM_SWING - Static variable in class
AGENT_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AgentActionEventPacket - Class in
AgentActionEventPacket() - Constructor for class
AgentActionType - Enum Class in
air() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXWorldHandle
AIR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureVoidType
AIR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AIR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
AIR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
AIR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
AIR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXWorldHandle
AIR_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
AIR_ITEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
AIR_ITEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
AIR_SUPPLY - Static variable in class
ALBAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
alert(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
alert(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
alert(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
alert(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
alert(String, Throwable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
alert(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
ALERT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
aliases - Variable in class
aliases() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Command
all(IBehaviorEvaluator...) - Method in interface
all(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
all(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
all(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
all(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
all(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
all(Set<IBehaviorEvaluator>) - Method in interface
ALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForBlocksCommand.TestForBlocksMode
ALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage.TYPE
ALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
ALL - Enum constant in enum class
ALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
ALL_ENTITIES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
ALL_INSIDE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
ALL_OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class
ALL_OUTSIDE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
ALL_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
ALL_STEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
ALLAY_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ALLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
AllMatchEvaluator - Class in
AllMatchEvaluator(IBehaviorEvaluator...) - Constructor for class
AllMatchEvaluator(Set<IBehaviorEvaluator>) - Constructor for class
allow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
ALLOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ALLOW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ALLOW_FLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
ALLOW_FLIGHT - Static variable in class
ALLOW_UNDERWATER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
allowChangesFrom(CommandMap) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
allowOffHand(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
allTargetFunction - Variable in class
ALPHA_TEST - Enum constant in enum class
alreadyCollided - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
ambient - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
AMBIENT_BASALT_DELTAS_ADDITIONS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_BASALT_DELTAS_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_BASALT_DELTAS_MOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_CAVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_CRIMSON_FOREST_ADDITIONS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_CRIMSON_FOREST_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_CRIMSON_FOREST_MOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_NETHER_WASTES_ADDITIONS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_NETHER_WASTES_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_NETHER_WASTES_MOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_SOULSAND_VALLEY_ADDITIONS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_SOULSAND_VALLEY_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_SOULSAND_VALLEY_MOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_SOUND - Static variable in class
AMBIENT_WARPED_FOREST_ADDITIONS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_WARPED_FOREST_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_WARPED_FOREST_MOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_WEATHER_LIGHTNING_IMPACT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_WEATHER_RAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMBIENT_WEATHER_THUNDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
AMETHYST_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AMETHYST_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
AMETHYST_CLUSTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AMETHYST_CLUSTER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
AMETHYST_SHARD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AMETHYST_SHARD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
amount - Variable in class
amplifier - Variable in class
amplifier - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
ANCIENT_DEBRIS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ANCIENT_DERBRIS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ANDESITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
ANDESITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
ANDESITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
ANDESITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
ANDESITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
ANDESITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
ANDESITE_SMOOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
ANDESITE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ANDESITE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
andThen(BooleanConsumer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.BooleanConsumer
andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.TriFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies this function to its input, and then applies the after function to the result.
andThen(IntUnaryOperator) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.ToIntTriFunctionOneInt
Returns a composed function that first applies this function to its input, and then applies the after function to the result.
andThen(IntUnaryOperator) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.ToIntTriFunctionTwoInts
Returns a composed function that first applies this function to its input, and then applies the after function to the result.
andThen(LongUnaryOperator) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.ToLongTriFunctionOneIntOneLong
Returns a composed function that first applies this function to its input, and then applies the after function to the result.
andThen(LongUnaryOperator) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.ToLongTriFunctionOneLong
Returns a composed function that first applies this function to its input, and then applies the after function to the result.
angerAddition - Variable in class
angerBees(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
angerBees(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
AngryVillagerParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
AngryVillagerParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.AngryVillagerParticle
AnimalGrowExecutor - Class in
AnimalGrowExecutor() - Constructor for class
ANIMATE_ENTITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ANIMATE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
AnimateEntityPacket - Class in
AnimateEntityPacket() - Constructor for class
AnimateEntityPacket.Animation - Class in
AnimateEntityPacket.Animation.AnimationBuilder - Class in
AnimatePacket - Class in
AnimatePacket() - Constructor for class
AnimatePacket.Action - Enum Class in
animation(String) - Method in class
another - Variable in class
ANSI - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
Anvil - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil
Anvil(Level, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
ANVIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
ANVIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ANVIL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ANVIL_DAMAGE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ANVIL_INPUT_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
ANVIL_MATERIAL_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
ANVIL_OUTPUT_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
ANVIL_WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
AnvilDamage - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
AnvilDamageEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
AnvilDamageEvent(Block, int, int, AnvilDamageEvent.DamageCause, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
AnvilDamageEvent(Block, Block, Player, CraftingTransaction, AnvilDamageEvent.DamageCause) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
AnvilDamageEvent(Block, BlockState, Player, CraftingTransaction, AnvilDamageEvent.DamageCause) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
AnvilDamageEvent.DamageCause - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
AnvilDamagePacket - Class in
AnvilDamagePacket() - Constructor for class
AnvilInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
AnvilInventory(PlayerUIInventory, Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
any(Materials.RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class
any(Materials.RenderMethod, String) - Method in class
ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
any(IBehaviorEvaluator...) - Method in interface
any(Set<IBehaviorEvaluator>) - Method in interface
AnyMatchEvaluator - Class in
AnyMatchEvaluator(IBehaviorEvaluator...) - Constructor for class
AnyMatchEvaluator(Set<IBehaviorEvaluator>) - Constructor for class
API - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
Describes an API element.
API_VERSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
API.Definition - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.api
Enum constant for API definition.
API.Usage - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.api
Enum constant for API usage.
appendBytes(byte[][]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
appendBytes(byte[], byte[]...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
appendBytes(byte, byte[]...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
appendChild(Node, Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Insert a node right after a given Node.
apple - Static variable in class
APPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
APPLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
apple_golden - Static variable in class
apple_golden_enchanted - Static variable in class
apply(F, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.ToIntTriFunctionTwoInts
Applies this function to the given arguments.
apply(F, int, long) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.ToLongTriFunctionOneIntOneLong
Applies this function to the given arguments.
apply(F, S, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.ToIntTriFunctionOneInt
Applies this function to the given arguments.
apply(F, S, long) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.ToLongTriFunctionOneLong
Applies this function to the given arguments.
apply(F, S, T) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.TriFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
applyController(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
applyController(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
applyController(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
applyEffect(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
applyEnchantments() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
applyEnchantments() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookEnchanted
applyEntityCollision(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
applyEntityCollision(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
applyEntityCollision(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
applyNameTag(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
applyNameTag(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
applyNameTag(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
applyNameTag(Player, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCreature
applyNameTag(Player, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
applyNameTag(Player, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
applyNameTag(Player, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
applyPotion(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
applyPotion(Entity, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
approximateSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
Returns the approximate size of this map where the returned number is at least as big as the actual number of entries.
approximateSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap.WithInlinedExpunction
approximateSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
Returns the approximate size of this set where the returned number is at least as big as the actual number of entries.
AQUA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents aqua.
areaMap - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
areaMap - Variable in class
ARG_FLAG_ENUM - Static variable in class
ARG_FLAG_ENUM - Static variable in class
ARG_FLAG_POSTFIX - Static variable in class
ARG_FLAG_POSTFIX - Static variable in class
ARG_FLAG_SOFT_ENUM - Static variable in class
ARG_FLAG_SOFT_ENUM - Static variable in class
ARG_FLAG_VALID - Static variable in class
ARG_FLAG_VALID - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_BLOCK_POS - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_BLOCK_POSITION - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_BLOCK_POSITION - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_BLOCK_STATES - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_BLOCK_STATES - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_BOOL - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_COMMAND - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_COMMAND - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_COMPARE_OPERATOR - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_COMPARE_OPERATOR - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_EQUIPMENT_SLOT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_EQUIPMENT_SLOT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_FULL_INTEGER_RANGE - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_FULL_INTEGER_RANGE - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_INT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_INT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_INT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_JSON - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_OPERATOR - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_OPERATOR - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_PLAYER - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_POSITION - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_POSITION - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_RAW_TEXT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_RAWTEXT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_RAWTEXT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_STRING_ENUM - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_TARGET - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_TARGET - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_TARGET - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_VALUE - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_VALUE - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_WILDCARD_INT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_WILDCARD_INT - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_WILDCARD_TARGET - Static variable in class
ARG_TYPE_WILDCARD_TARGET - Static variable in class
argAsmTypes() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
argAsmTypes() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
argAsmTypes() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
args() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Returns the value of the args record component.
argTypes() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
Returns the value of the argTypes record component.
argTypes() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
Returns the value of the argTypes record component.
argTypes() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
Returns the value of the argTypes record component.
Arguments - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.command.simple
ARM_SWING - Static variable in class
ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier
Damage reduction caused by wearing armor
ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
ARMOR - Static variable in interface
ARMOR_ENCHANTMENTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier
Damage reduction caused by the armor enchantments worn.
ARMOR_EQUIP_CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ARMOR_EQUIP_GENERIC - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ARMOR_EQUIP_GOLD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ARMOR_EQUIP_IRON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ARMOR_EQUIP_LEATHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ARMOR_EQUIP_NETHERITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ARMOR_FEET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
ARMOR_HEAD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
ARMOR_LEGS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
ARMOR_STAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ARMOR_STAND - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ARMOR_TORSO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
armorBuilder(ItemCustomArmor, ItemCreativeCategory) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
armorSlots - Variable in class
array - Variable in class
The array backing the output stream.
array() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
ArrayBlockProperty<E extends Serializable> - Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty
ArrayBlockProperty(String, boolean, E[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
ArrayBlockProperty(String, boolean, E[], int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
ArrayBlockProperty(String, boolean, E[], int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
ArrayBlockProperty(String, boolean, E[], int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
ArrayBlockProperty(String, boolean, E[], int, String, boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
ArrayBlockProperty(String, boolean, Class<E>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
ArrayWrapper<T> - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
ARROW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ARROW - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
ARROW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ARROW_SHAKE - Static variable in class
ARROWSPELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
ARTHROPODS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage.TYPE
asBlockVector3() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
asBlockVector3() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
asBoolean() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
asByte() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
ASCEND - Enum constant in enum class
ASCEND_SCAFFOLDING - Enum constant in enum class
ascending(BlockFace) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation.State
ASCENDING_EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
ASCENDING_NORTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
ASCENDING_SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
ASCENDING_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
ascendingDirection() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
asDouble() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
asEntity() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
asEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
asEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
asEntity() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityComponent
asEntity() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationListener
在 isEntity() 为true的前提下,返回此振动监听器对应实体对象
asEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
asFloat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
asInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
asItemBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
asItemBlock() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
asItemBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
asItemBlock(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
asLong() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
asmType() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperField
asmType() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
Returns the value of the asmType record component.
asPlayer() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
asPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
asPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
asPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
assertOK() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
assertValid(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
asShort() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
asString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
asVector3() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
asVector3() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
asVector3f() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
asVector3f() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
asyncChunkGarbageCollection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
AsyncPool - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
AsyncPool(Server, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncPool
asyncPrepare(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityAsyncPrepare
asyncPrepare(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
asyncPrepare(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
asyncSearch() - Method in class
AsyncTask - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
AsyncTask() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
AsyncWorker - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
AsyncWorker() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncWorker
AtomicIntIncrementSupplier - Class in cn.nukkit.math
AtomicIntIncrementSupplier(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.AtomicIntIncrementSupplier
atomicUse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSSafeObject
ATTACHED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
attachedBlocks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
ATTACHMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
attachmentRemoved(PermissionAttachment) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionRemovedExecutor
AttachmentType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
attack(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
当一个实体被攻击时(即接受一个实体伤害事件 这个事件可以是由其他实体攻击导致,也可能是自然伤害)调用.
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFirework
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class
attack(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class
ATTACK_DAMAGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
ATTACK_MOBS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
ATTACK_MOBS - Enum constant in enum class
ATTACK_MOBS - Static variable in class
ATTACK_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
ATTACK_PLAYERS - Enum constant in enum class
ATTACK_PLAYERS - Static variable in class
ATTACK_STOP - Static variable in class
ATTACK_TARGET - Static variable in interface
attackMob() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
attackTarget(Entity) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCanAttack
attackTarget(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
attackTarget(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
attackTarget(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
attackTarget(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
attackTick - Variable in class
attackTick - Variable in class
attackTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
attemptToSetSpawn(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
attemptToUseNewRakNet(Runnable, Supplier<Boolean>, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
attracted - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
attractFish() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
attractTimer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
Attribute - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
attributes - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
attributes - Variable in class
AuthInputAction - Enum Class in
AuthInteractionModel - Enum Class in
author - Variable in class
auto - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
AUTO_JUMP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
AUTO_JUMP - Static variable in class
AUTO_JUMPING_IN_WATER - Enum constant in enum class
autoConfigureState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
AutoFreezable - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
AutoFreezable.FreezeStatus - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
autoJump - Variable in class
AUTOMATION - Enum constant in enum class
AUTOMATION_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class
autoSave - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
autoUpdatePostFlag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
available() - Method in class
AVAILABLE_COMMANDS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
AVAILABLE_ENTITY_IDENTIFIERS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
availableBridgePieces - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece
availableCastlePieces - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece
AvailableCommandsPacket - Class in
AvailableCommandsPacket() - Constructor for class
AvailableCommandsPacket_v575 - Class in
AvailableCommandsPacket_v575() - Constructor for class
AvailableEntityIdentifiersPacket - Class in
AvailableEntityIdentifiersPacket() - Constructor for class
availableModuleNames() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.ConvertFeature
availableModuleNames() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.TestFeature
availableModuleNames() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.WsClientFeature
availableModuleNames() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeature
availablePieces - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StartPiece
avoidWater - Variable in class
awardAchievement(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
AWKWARD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
AWKWARD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
AxisAlignedBB - Interface in cn.nukkit.math
AxisAlignedBB.BBConsumer<T> - Interface in cn.nukkit.math
AXOLOTL_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AXOLOTL_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AZALEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AZALEA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
AZALEA_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AZALEA_LEAVES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
AZALEA_LEAVES_FLOWERED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
AZALEA_LEAVES_FLOWERED - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
AZTEC - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
AZTEC2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive


B - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
B_STATS_VERSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics
BABY_ANIMAL_FEED - Static variable in class
backwardCompatibilityUpdate(Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
backwardCompatibilityUpdate(Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
backwardCompatibilityUpdate(Level, BaseChunk) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.ChunkUpdater
bad - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
BAD_OMEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
bake() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
bakeAll() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
BAKED_POTATO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BAKED_POTATO - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BAKED_POTATOES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BALLOON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BALLOON_GAS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BALLOON_POP - Static variable in class
BAMBOO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BAMBOO - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BAMBOO_JUNGLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
BAMBOO_JUNGLE_HILLS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
BAMBOO_SAPLING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BAMBOO_SAPLING - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BambooJungleBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle
BambooJungleBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.BambooJungleBiome
BambooJungleHillsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle
BambooJungleHillsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.BambooJungleHillsBiome
BambooLeafSize - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
BambooStalkThickness - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
BanCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
BanCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.BanCommand
BanEntry - Class in cn.nukkit.permission
BanEntry(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
BanIpCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
BanIpCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.BanIpCommand
BANJO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
BanList - Class in cn.nukkit.permission
BanList(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
BanListCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
BanListCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.BanListCommand
BANNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BANNER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
BANNER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
BANNER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BANNER_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BANNER_PATTERN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BannerPattern - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
BannerPattern(BannerPattern.Type, DyeColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern
BannerPattern.Type - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
BARREL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
BARREL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BARREL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BARREL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
BarrelInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
BarrelInventory(BlockEntityBarrel) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.BarrelInventory
BARRIER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BARRIER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BASALT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BASALT_DELTAS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
BasaltDeltaLavaPopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
BasaltDeltaLavaPopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.BasaltDeltaLavaPopulator
BasaltDeltaMagmaPopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
BasaltDeltaMagmaPopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.BasaltDeltaMagmaPopulator
BasaltDeltaPillarPopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
BasaltDeltaPillarPopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.BasaltDeltaPillarPopulator
BasaltDeltasBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether
BasaltDeltasBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.BasaltDeltasBiome
BASE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier
Raw amount of damage
BASE - Enum constant in enum class
BASE_BLACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
BASE_GRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
BASE_LIGHT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
baseByte0() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the baseByte0 record component.
baseByte1() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the baseByte1 record component.
baseByte2() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the baseByte2 record component.
BaseChunk - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.generic
BaseChunk() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
BaseFullChunk - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.generic
BaseFullChunk() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
baseHeight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.HugeTreesGenerator
The base height of the tree
BaseInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
BaseInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
BaseInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType, Map<Integer, Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
BaseInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType, Map<Integer, Item>, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
BaseInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType, Map<Integer, Item>, Integer, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
BaseLang - Class in cn.nukkit.lang
BaseLang(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
BaseLang(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
BaseLang(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
BaseLevelProvider - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.generic
BaseLevelProvider(Level, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
BaseLevelProvider(Level, String, CompoundTag, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
BaseNode - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
The base concrete class for non-terminal Nodes
BaseNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
BaseRegionLoader - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.generic
BaseRegionLoader(LevelProvider, int, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
baseVarInt0() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the baseVarInt0 record component.
BASIC_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BASIC_BUBBLE_MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BASIC_CRIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BASIC_FLAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BASIC_PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BASIC_SMOKE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BasicGenerator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object
BasicGenerator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.BasicGenerator
BASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
BASS_DRUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
BAT_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BATCH_PACKET - Static variable in interface
batchDataPacket(DataPacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
BatchPacket - Class in
BatchPacket() - Constructor for class
batchPackets(Player[], DataPacket[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
batchPackets(Player[], DataPacket[], boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
BatchPacketsEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
BatchPacketsEvent(Player[], DataPacket[], boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.BatchPacketsEvent
BE_ATTACKED_EVENT - Static variable in interface
BEACH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
BeachBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach
BeachBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach.BeachBiome
BEACON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
BEACON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEACON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BEACON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
BEACON_ACTIVATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BEACON_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BEACON_DEACTIVATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BEACON_POWER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BEACON_WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
BeaconInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
BeaconInventory(PlayerUIInventory, Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.BeaconInventory
bear(T, T) - Method in class
BED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
BED - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BED_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BED_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEDROCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEDROCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BEE_NEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEE_NEST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BEE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEEF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
beef_raw - Static variable in class
BEEHIVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEEHIVE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BEEHIVE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
BeehiveUpdater - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.updater
BeehiveUpdater(ChunkSection, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.BeehiveUpdater
beetroot - Static variable in class
BEETROOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEETROOT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BEETROOT_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BEETROOT_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEETROOT_SEED - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BEETROOT_SEEDS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEETROOT_SEEDS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
beetroot_soup - Static variable in class
BEETROOT_SOUP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BEETROOT_SOUP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
beforeLast(String, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.StringUtils
beforePlayerQuit(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
beforePlayerQuit(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
Behavior - Class in
Behavior(IBehaviorExecutor, IBehaviorEvaluator) - Constructor for class
Behavior(IBehaviorExecutor, IBehaviorEvaluator, int) - Constructor for class
Behavior(IBehaviorExecutor, IBehaviorEvaluator, int, int) - Constructor for class
Behavior(IBehaviorExecutor, IBehaviorEvaluator, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
BEHAVIOR - Enum constant in enum class
BEHAVIOR - Enum constant in enum class
behaviorGroup - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
BehaviorGroup - Class in
BehaviorGroup(int, Set<IBehavior>, Set<IBehavior>, Set<ISensor>, Set<IController>, SimpleRouteFinder, Entity) - Constructor for class
BehaviorGroup.BehaviorGroupBuilder - Class in
BehaviorGroup.ChunkSectionVector - Record Class in
behaviorPeriodTimer - Variable in class
behaviors - Variable in class
behaviors - Variable in class
behaviors(Set<IBehavior>) - Method in class
behaviorState - Variable in class
BehaviorState - Enum Class in
behaviourPackEntries - Variable in class
behaviourPackStack - Variable in class
BELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BELL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BELL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
BellRingEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BellRingEvent(BlockBell, BellRingEvent.RingCause, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent
BellRingEvent.RingCause - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BELOW_NAME - Enum constant in enum class
bg_BG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIG_DRIPLEAF - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BIG_META_MASK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
BIG_RUINS_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
BIG_RUINS_CRACKED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
BIG_RUINS_MOSSY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
BIG_WARM_RUINS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
BigCraftingGrid - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
BigDripleafTiltChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BigDripleafTiltChangeEvent(Block, BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt, BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BigDripleafTiltChangeEvent
BigIntegerMutableBlockState - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
BigIntegerMutableBlockState(int, BlockProperties) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
BigIntegerMutableBlockState(int, BlockProperties, BigInteger) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
BigMushroom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom
BigMushroom() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
BigMushroom(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
bilinearLerp(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
bilinearLerp(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
BIN_URL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.HastebinUtility
Binary - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Binary() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
binaryStream - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
BinaryStream - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
BinaryStream() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
BinaryStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
BinaryStream(byte[], int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
biome - Variable in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
Biome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome
Biome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
BIOME_DEFINITION_LIST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
BiomeDefinitionListPacket - Class in
BiomeDefinitionListPacket() - Constructor for class
biomeId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
BiomeLegacyId2StringIdMap - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome
BiomePalette - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette
BiomePalette() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BiomePalette
BiomePalette(int[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BiomePalette
biomes - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
biomes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
encoded as:
BiomeSelector - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome
BiomeSelector(NukkitRandom) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.BiomeSelector
BIRCH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
BIRCH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
BIRCH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
BIRCH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
BIRCH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
BIRCH_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BIRCH_CHEST_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BIRCH_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BIRCH_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BIRCH_DOOR_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_FOREST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
BIRCH_FOREST_HILLS_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
BIRCH_FOREST_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
BIRCH_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BIRCH_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BIRCH_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BIRCH_STANDING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_STANDING_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BIRCH_TALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
BIRCH_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BIRCH_WALL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BIRCH_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BIRCH_WOOD_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BIRCH_WOODEN_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
bit - Variable in enum class
bitArray - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
BitArray - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.util
BitArray256 - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette
BitArray256(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
BitArray256(BitArray256) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
BitArray4096 - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette
BitArray4096(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray4096
BitArrayVersion - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level.util
BITES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
BITFLAG_SECOND_SET - Static variable in class
This constant is used to identify flags that should be set on the second field.
bitLength(byte) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
bitLength(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
bitLength(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
bitLength(BigInteger) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
BLACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
BLACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
BLACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents black.
BLACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
BLACK_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BLACK_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLACK_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLACK_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLACK_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLACK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLACK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLACK_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BLACK_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLACKSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLACKSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLACKSTONE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLACKSTONE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLACKSTONE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLACKSTONE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLACKSTONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLACKSTONE_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLACKSTONE_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLAST_FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
BLAST_FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
BLAST_FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLAST_FURNACE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLAST_FURNACE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
BLAST_FURNACE_DATA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
BlastFurnaceRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
BlastFurnaceRecipe(Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.BlastFurnaceRecipe
blastFurnaceRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
BLAZE_POWDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLAZE_POWDER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BLAZE_ROD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLAZE_ROD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BLAZE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLEACH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLEACH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BLEACH - Enum constant in enum class
BLEEDING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Usage
Intended for features in early development.
BLEND - Enum constant in enum class
blendOutTime(float) - Method in class
BLINDNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
blobIds - Variable in class
block - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
block - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockEvent
block - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
block - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
Block - Class in cn.nukkit.block
Block() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.Block
BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
BLOCK_ACTIVATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
BLOCK_ATTACH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
BLOCK_BAMBOO_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BAMBOO_FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BAMBOO_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BAMBOO_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BAMBOO_SAPLING_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BAMBOO_SAPLING_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BAMBOO_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BARREL_CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BARREL_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BEEHIVE_DRIP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BEEHIVE_ENTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BEEHIVE_EXIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BEEHIVE_SHEAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BEEHIVE_WORK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BELL_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BLASTFURNACE_FIRE_CRACKLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_BOWHIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_CAMPFIRE_CRACKLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
BLOCK_CHORUSFLOWER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_CHORUSFLOWER_GROW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_CLICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
BLOCK_COMPOSTER_EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_COMPOSTER_FILL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_COMPOSTER_FILL_SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_COMPOSTER_READY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_DEACTIVATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
BLOCK_DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
BLOCK_DESTRUCT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BLOCK_DETACH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
BLOCK_ENCHANTING_TABLE_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_END_PORTAL_FRAME_FILL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_END_PORTAL_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_ENTITY_DATA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
BLOCK_EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
BLOCK_EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Block explosion damage
BLOCK_FALSE_PERMISSIONS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_FURNACE_LIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_GRINDSTONE_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_ITEMFRAME_ADD_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_ITEMFRAME_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_ITEMFRAME_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_ITEMFRAME_REMOVE_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_ITEMFRAME_ROTATE_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_KELP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLOCK_LANTERN_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_LANTERN_FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_LANTERN_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_LANTERN_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_LANTERN_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_LOOM_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MANGROVE_ROOTS_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MANGROVE_ROOTS_FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MANGROVE_ROOTS_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MANGROVE_ROOTS_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MANGROVE_ROOTS_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_BRICKS_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_BRICKS_FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_BRICKS_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_BRICKS_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_BRICKS_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUD_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUDDY_MANGROVE_ROOTS_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUDDY_MANGROVE_ROOTS_FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUDDY_MANGROVE_ROOTS_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUDDY_MANGROVE_ROOTS_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_MUDDY_MANGROVE_ROOTS_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_NETHER_WART_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLOCK_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
BLOCK_PACKED_MUD_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_PACKED_MUD_FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_PACKED_MUD_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_PACKED_MUD_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_PACKED_MUD_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_PALETTE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.GlobalBlockPalette
BLOCK_PICK_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
BLOCK_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
BLOCK_POSITION - Enum constant in enum class
BLOCK_SCAFFOLDING_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SCAFFOLDING_CLIMB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SCAFFOLDING_FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SCAFFOLDING_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SCAFFOLDING_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SCAFFOLDING_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SLIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BLOCK_SMOKER_SMOKE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_STATES - Enum constant in enum class
BLOCK_STONECUTTER_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SWEET_BERRY_BUSH_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SWEET_BERRY_BUSH_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SWEET_BERRY_BUSH_PICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_SWEET_BERRY_BUSH_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_CRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_DROP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLOCK_UPDATE_MOVED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
BLOCK_UPDATE_NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
BLOCK_UPDATE_RANDOM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
BLOCK_UPDATE_REDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
BLOCK_UPDATE_SCHEDULED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
BLOCK_UPDATE_TICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
BLOCK_UPDATE_TOUCH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
BLOCK_UPDATE_WEAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
BlockAcaciaSignPost - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAcaciaSignPost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaSignPost
BlockAcaciaSignPost(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaSignPost
BlockAcaciaWallSign - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAcaciaWallSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaWallSign
BlockAcaciaWallSign(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaWallSign
BlockActorSpawnTask - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
BlockActorSpawnTask(Level, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.BlockActorSpawnTask
blockAddress(InetAddress) - Method in interface
blockAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class
blockAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class
blockAddress(InetAddress, int) - Method in interface
blockAddress(InetAddress, int) - Method in class
blockAddress(InetAddress, int) - Method in class
blockAgainst - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
BlockAir - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAir() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
BlockAllow - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAllow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
BlockAmethyst - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAmethyst() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
BlockAmethystBud - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAmethystBud() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
BlockAmethystCluster - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAmethystCluster() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystCluster
BlockAncientDebris - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAncientDebris() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
BlockAnvil - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAnvil() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
BlockAnvil(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
BlockAzalea - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAzalea() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
BlockAzalea(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
BlockAzaleaFlowering - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAzaleaFlowering() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaFlowering
BlockAzaleaLeaves - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAzaleaLeaves() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
BlockAzaleaLeaves(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
BlockAzaleaLeavesFlowered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockAzaleaLeavesFlowered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeavesFlowered
BlockAzaleaLeavesFlowered(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeavesFlowered
BlockBamboo - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBamboo() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
BlockBamboo(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
BlockBambooSapling - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBambooSapling() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
BlockBambooSapling(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
BlockBanner - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBanner() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
BlockBanner(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
BlockBarrel - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBarrel() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
BlockBarrel(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
BlockBarrier - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBarrier() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
BlockBasalt - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBasalt() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
BlockBasalt(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
BlockBeacon - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBeacon() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
BlockBed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
BlockBed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
BlockBedrock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBedrock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
BlockBedrock(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
BlockBedrockInvisible - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBedrockInvisible() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
BlockBeehive - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBeehive() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
BlockBeehive(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
BlockBeeNest - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBeeNest() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
BlockBeeNest(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
BlockBeetroot - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBeetroot() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeetroot
BlockBeetroot(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeetroot
BlockBell - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBell() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
BlockBell(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
BlockBigDripleaf - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBigDripleaf() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBirchSignPost - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBirchSignPost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchSignPost
BlockBirchSignPost(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchSignPost
BlockBirchWallSign - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBirchWallSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchWallSign
BlockBirchWallSign(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchWallSign
BlockBlackstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBlackstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstone
BlockBlackstoneGilded - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBlackstoneGilded() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
BlockBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstonePolished
BlockBlackstonePolishedChiseled - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBlackstonePolishedChiseled() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstonePolishedChiseled
BlockBlastFurnace - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBlastFurnace() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnace
BlockBlastFurnace(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnace
BlockBlastFurnaceBurning - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBlastFurnaceBurning() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnaceBurning
BlockBlastFurnaceBurning(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnaceBurning
BlockBlueIce - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBlueIce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlueIce
BlockBone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
BlockBone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
BlockBookshelf - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBookshelf() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
BlockBookshelf(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
BlockBorder - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBorder() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
BlockBorder(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
BlockBreakEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockBreakEvent(Player, Block, Item, Item[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
BlockBreakEvent(Player, Block, Item, Item[], boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
BlockBreakEvent(Player, Block, Item, Item[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
BlockBreakEvent(Player, Block, BlockFace, Item, Item[], boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
blockBreakProgress - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
BlockBrewingStand - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBrewingStand() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
BlockBrewingStand(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
BlockBricks - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricks() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricks
BlockBricksBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksBlackstonePolished
BlockBricksBlackstonePolishedCracked - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksBlackstonePolishedCracked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksBlackstonePolishedCracked
BlockBricksDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslate
BlockBricksDeepslateCracked - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksDeepslateCracked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslateCracked
BlockBricksEndStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksEndStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksEndStone
BlockBricksNether - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksNether() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNether
BlockBricksNetherChiseled - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksNetherChiseled() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNetherChiseled
BlockBricksNetherCracked - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksNetherCracked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNetherCracked
BlockBricksQuartz - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksQuartz() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksQuartz
BlockBricksRedNether - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksRedNether() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksRedNether
BlockBricksStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBricksStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
BlockBricksStone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
BlockBubbleColumn - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBubbleColumn() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
BlockBubbleColumn(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
BlockBuddingAmethyst - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockBuddingAmethyst() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
BlockBurnEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockBurnEvent(Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBurnEvent
BlockButton - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButton() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
BlockButton(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
BlockButtonAcacia - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonAcacia() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonAcacia
BlockButtonAcacia(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonAcacia
BlockButtonBirch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonBirch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonBirch
BlockButtonBirch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonBirch
BlockButtonBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonBlackstonePolished
BlockButtonBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonBlackstonePolished
BlockButtonCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonCrimson
BlockButtonCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonCrimson
BlockButtonDarkOak - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonDarkOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonDarkOak
BlockButtonDarkOak(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonDarkOak
BlockButtonJungle - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonJungle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonJungle
BlockButtonJungle(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonJungle
BlockButtonMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonMangrove
BlockButtonMangrove(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonMangrove
BlockButtonSpruce - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonSpruce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonSpruce
BlockButtonSpruce(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonSpruce
BlockButtonStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonStone
BlockButtonStone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonStone
BlockButtonWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWarped
BlockButtonWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWarped
BlockButtonWooden - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockButtonWooden() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWooden
BlockButtonWooden(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWooden
BlockCactus - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCactus() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
BlockCactus(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
BlockCake - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCake() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
BlockCake(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
BlockCalcite - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCalcite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
BlockCampfire - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCampfire() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
BlockCampfire(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
BlockCampfireSoul - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCampfireSoul() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfireSoul
BlockCampfireSoul(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfireSoul
BlockCandle - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
BlockCandle(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
BlockCandleBlack - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleBlack() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBlack
BlockCandleBlack(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBlack
BlockCandleBlue - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleBlue() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBlue
BlockCandleBlue(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBlue
BlockCandleBrown - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleBrown() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBrown
BlockCandleBrown(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBrown
BlockCandleCake - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCake() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
BlockCandleCake(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
BlockCandleCakeBlack - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeBlack() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlack
BlockCandleCakeBlack(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlack
BlockCandleCakeBlue - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeBlue() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlue
BlockCandleCakeBlue(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlue
BlockCandleCakeBrown - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeBrown() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBrown
BlockCandleCakeBrown(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBrown
BlockCandleCakeCyan - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeCyan() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeCyan
BlockCandleCakeCyan(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeCyan
BlockCandleCakeGray - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeGray() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGray
BlockCandleCakeGray(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGray
BlockCandleCakeGreen - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeGreen() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGreen
BlockCandleCakeGreen(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGreen
BlockCandleCakeLightBlue - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeLightBlue() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightBlue
BlockCandleCakeLightBlue(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightBlue
BlockCandleCakeLightGray - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeLightGray() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightGray
BlockCandleCakeLightGray(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightGray
BlockCandleCakeLime - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeLime() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLime
BlockCandleCakeLime(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLime
BlockCandleCakeMagenta - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeMagenta() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeMagenta
BlockCandleCakeMagenta(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeMagenta
BlockCandleCakeOrange - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeOrange() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeOrange
BlockCandleCakeOrange(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeOrange
BlockCandleCakePink - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakePink() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePink
BlockCandleCakePink(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePink
BlockCandleCakePurple - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakePurple() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePurple
BlockCandleCakePurple(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePurple
BlockCandleCakeRed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeRed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeRed
BlockCandleCakeRed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeRed
BlockCandleCakeWhite - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeWhite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeWhite
BlockCandleCakeWhite(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeWhite
BlockCandleCakeYellow - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCakeYellow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeYellow
BlockCandleCakeYellow(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeYellow
BlockCandleCyan - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleCyan() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCyan
BlockCandleCyan(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCyan
BlockCandleGray - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleGray() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleGray
BlockCandleGray(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleGray
BlockCandleGreen - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleGreen() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleGreen
BlockCandleGreen(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleGreen
BlockCandleLightBlue - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleLightBlue() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLightBlue
BlockCandleLightBlue(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLightBlue
BlockCandleLightGray - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleLightGray() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLightGray
BlockCandleLightGray(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLightGray
BlockCandleLime - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleLime() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLime
BlockCandleLime(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLime
BlockCandleMagenta - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleMagenta() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleMagenta
BlockCandleMagenta(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleMagenta
BlockCandleOrange - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleOrange() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleOrange
BlockCandleOrange(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleOrange
BlockCandlePink - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandlePink() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandlePink
BlockCandlePink(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandlePink
BlockCandlePurple - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandlePurple() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandlePurple
BlockCandlePurple(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandlePurple
BlockCandleRed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleRed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleRed
BlockCandleRed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleRed
BlockCandleWhite - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleWhite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleWhite
BlockCandleWhite(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleWhite
BlockCandleYellow - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCandleYellow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleYellow
BlockCandleYellow(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleYellow
BlockCarpet - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCarpet() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
BlockCarpet(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
BlockCarpet(DyeColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
BlockCarrot - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCarrot() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarrot
BlockCarrot(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarrot
BlockCartographyTable - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCartographyTable() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
BlockCarvedPumpkin - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCarvedPumpkin() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarvedPumpkin
BlockCauldron - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCauldron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
BlockCauldron(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
BlockCauldronLava - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCauldronLava() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
BlockCauldronLava(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
BlockCaveVines - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCaveVines() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries
BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries
BlockChain - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockChain() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
blockChangeCache - Variable in class
BlockChangeEntry - Record Class in
BlockChangeEntry(BlockVector3, int, int, long, BlockChangeEntry.MessageType) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a BlockChangeEntry record class.
BlockChangeEntry.MessageType - Enum Class in
blockChanges - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
BlockCheckEvaluator - Class in
BlockCheckEvaluator(int, Vector3) - Constructor for class
BlockChest - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockChest() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
BlockChest(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
BlockChorusFlower - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockChorusFlower() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
BlockChorusFlower(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
BlockChorusPlant - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockChorusPlant() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
BlockClay - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockClay() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockClay
BlockCoal - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCoal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
BlockCobblestone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCobblestone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobblestone
BlockCobweb - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCobweb() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
BlockCobweb(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
BlockCocoa - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCocoa() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
BlockCocoa(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
BlockColor - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
BlockColor(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BlockColor(int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BlockColor(int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BlockColor(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BlockCommandBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCommandBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
BlockCommandBlock(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
BlockCommandBlockChain - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCommandBlockChain() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlockChain
BlockCommandBlockChain(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlockChain
BlockCommandBlockRepeating - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCommandBlockRepeating() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlockRepeating
BlockCommandBlockRepeating(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlockRepeating
BlockComposter - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockComposter() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
BlockComposter(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
BlockConcrete - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockConcrete() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
BlockConcrete(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
BlockConcretePowder - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockConcretePowder() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
BlockConcretePowder(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
BlockConduit - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockConduit() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
BlockConnectable - Interface in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopper - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopper
BlockCopperBase - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperBase() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
BlockCopperCut - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperCut() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCut
BlockCopperCutExposed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperCutExposed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutExposed
BlockCopperCutExposedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperCutExposedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutExposedWaxed
BlockCopperCutOxidized - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperCutOxidized() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutOxidized
BlockCopperCutOxidizedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperCutOxidizedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
BlockCopperCutWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperCutWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWaxed
BlockCopperCutWeathered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperCutWeathered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWeathered
BlockCopperCutWeatheredWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperCutWeatheredWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
BlockCopperExposed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperExposed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperExposed
BlockCopperExposedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperExposedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperExposedWaxed
BlockCopperOxidized - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperOxidized() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperOxidized
BlockCopperOxidizedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperOxidizedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperOxidizedWaxed
BlockCopperWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWaxed
BlockCopperWeathered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperWeathered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWeathered
BlockCopperWeatheredWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCopperWeatheredWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWeatheredWaxed
BlockCoral - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCoral() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
BlockCoral(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
BlockCoralBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCoralBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
BlockCoralBlock(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
BlockCoralFan - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCoralFan() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
BlockCoralFan(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
BlockCoralFanDead - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCoralFanDead() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanDead
BlockCoralFanDead(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanDead
BlockCoralFanHang - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCoralFanHang() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
BlockCoralFanHang(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
BlockCoralFanHang2 - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCoralFanHang2() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang2
BlockCoralFanHang2(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang2
BlockCoralFanHang3 - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCoralFanHang3() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang3
BlockCoralFanHang3(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang3
BlockCraftingTable - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCraftingTable() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCraftingTable
BlockCreativeCategory - Enum Class in
BlockCrimsonSignPost - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCrimsonSignPost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonSignPost
BlockCrimsonSignPost(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonSignPost
BlockCrimsonWallSign - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCrimsonWallSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonWallSign
BlockCrimsonWallSign(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonWallSign
BlockCrops - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCrops(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
BlockCropsStem - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockCropsStem(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
BlockDandelion - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDandelion() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDandelion
BlockDandelion(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDandelion
BlockDarkOakSignPost - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDarkOakSignPost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakSignPost
BlockDarkOakSignPost(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakSignPost
BlockDarkOakWallSign - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDarkOakWallSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakWallSign
BlockDarkOakWallSign(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakWallSign
blockData - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
blockData - Variable in class
BlockDataPalette - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette
BlockDataPalette() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
BlockDataPalette(char[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
BlockDaylightDetector - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDaylightDetector() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
BlockDaylightDetectorInverted - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDaylightDetectorInverted() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetectorInverted
BlockDeadBush - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDeadBush() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
BlockDeadBush(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
BlockDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
BlockDeepslateChiseled - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDeepslateChiseled() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateChiseled
BlockDeepslateCobbled - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDeepslateCobbled() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateCobbled
BlockDeepslatePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDeepslatePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslatePolished
BlockDeny - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDeny() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
BlockDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDiamond
BlockDirt - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDirt() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
BlockDirt(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
BlockDirtWithRoots - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDirtWithRoots() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
BlockDispenser - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDispenser() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
BlockDispenser(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
BlockDoor - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoor(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
BlockDoorAcacia - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorAcacia() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorAcacia
BlockDoorAcacia(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorAcacia
BlockDoorBirch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorBirch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorBirch
BlockDoorBirch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorBirch
BlockDoorCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorCrimson
BlockDoorCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorCrimson
BlockDoorDarkOak - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorDarkOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorDarkOak
BlockDoorDarkOak(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorDarkOak
BlockDoorIron - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
BlockDoorIron(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
BlockDoorJungle - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorJungle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorJungle
BlockDoorJungle(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorJungle
BlockDoorMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorMangrove
BlockDoorMangrove(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorMangrove
BlockDoorSpruce - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorSpruce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorSpruce
BlockDoorSpruce(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorSpruce
BlockDoorWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWarped
BlockDoorWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWarped
BlockDoorWood - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoorWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWood
BlockDoorWood(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWood
BlockDoubleMudBrickSlab - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleMudBrickSlab() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleMudBrickSlab
BlockDoublePlant - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoublePlant() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
BlockDoublePlant(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
BlockDoubleSlab - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlab() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
BlockDoubleSlab(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
BlockDoubleSlabBase - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabBase() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBase
BlockDoubleSlabBase(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBase
BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposed
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposed
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidized - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidized() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidized
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidized(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidized
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWaxed
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWaxed
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeathered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeathered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeathered
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeathered(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeathered
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
BlockDoubleSlabCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
BlockDoubleSlabDeepslateCobbled - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabDeepslateCobbled() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslateCobbled
BlockDoubleSlabDeepslateCobbled(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslateCobbled
BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
BlockDoubleSlabMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
BlockDoubleSlabMangrove(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
BlockDoubleSlabStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
BlockDoubleSlabStone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
BlockDoubleSlabStone3 - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabStone3() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
BlockDoubleSlabStone3(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
BlockDoubleSlabStone4 - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabStone4() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
BlockDoubleSlabStone4(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
BlockDoubleSlabWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
BlockDoubleSlabWood - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDoubleSlabWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
BlockDoubleSlabWood(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
BlockDragonEgg - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDragonEgg() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
BlockDriedKelpBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDriedKelpBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDriedKelpBlock
BlockDripstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDripstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
BlockDropper - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockDropper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
BlockDropper(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
blockDrops - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
blockedByShield(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
BlockEmerald - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockEmerald() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEmerald
BlockEnchantingTable - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockEnchantingTable() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
BlockEnderChest - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockEnderChest() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
BlockEnderChest(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
BlockEndGateway - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockEndGateway() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
BlockEndPortal - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockEndPortal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
BlockEndPortal(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
BlockEndPortalFrame - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockEndPortalFrame() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
BlockEndPortalFrame(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
BlockEndRod - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockEndRod() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
BlockEndRod(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
BlockEndStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockEndStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndStone
BlockEntity - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntity(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
BlockEntityBanner - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityBanner(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
BlockEntityBarrel - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityBarrel(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBarrel
BlockEntityBeacon - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityBeacon(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
BlockEntityBed - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityBed(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBed
BlockEntityBeehive - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityBeehive(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityBell - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityBell(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
BlockEntityBlastFurnace - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityBlastFurnace(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBlastFurnace
BlockEntityBrewingStand - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityBrewingStand(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
BlockEntityCampfire - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityCampfire(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
BlockEntityCauldron - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityCauldron(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityChest - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityChest(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
BlockEntityCommandBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityCommandBlock(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
BlockEntityComparator - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityComparator(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityComparator
BlockEntityConduit - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityConduit(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
BlockEntityContainer - Interface in cn.nukkit.blockentity
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
BlockEntityDataPacket - Class in
BlockEntityDataPacket() - Constructor for class
BlockEntityDaylightDetector - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityDaylightDetector(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDaylightDetector
BlockEntityDispenser - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityDispenser(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDispenser
BlockEntityDropper - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityDropper(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDropper
BlockEntityEjectable - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityEjectable(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
BlockEntityEnchantTable - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityEnchantTable(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnchantTable
BlockEntityEnderChest - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityEnderChest(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnderChest
BlockEntityEndGateway - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityEndGateway(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
BlockEntityEndPortal - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityEndPortal(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndPortal
BlockEntityFlowerPot - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityFlowerPot(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFlowerPot
BlockEntityFurnace - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityFurnace(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
BlockEntityGlowItemFrame - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityGlowItemFrame(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityGlowItemFrame
BlockEntityHolder<E extends BlockEntity> - Interface in cn.nukkit.block
BlockEntityHopper - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityHopper(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
BlockEntityItemFrame - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityItemFrame(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
BlockEntityJukebox - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityJukebox(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
BlockEntityLectern - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityLectern(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
BlockEntityLodestone - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityLodestone(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLodestone
BlockEntityMovingBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityMovingBlock(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
BlockEntityMusic - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityMusic(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMusic
BlockEntityNameable - Interface in cn.nukkit.blockentity
An interface describes an object that can be named.
BlockEntityNetherReactor - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
This entity allows to manipulate the save state of a nether reactor core, but changing it will cause no visual change.
BlockEntityNetherReactor(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNetherReactor
BlockEntityPistonArm - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityPistonArm(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
BlockEntitySculkCatalyst - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntitySculkCatalyst(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkCatalyst
BlockEntitySculkSensor - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntitySculkSensor(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
BlockEntitySculkShrieker - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntitySculkShrieker(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkShrieker
BlockEntityShulkerBox - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityShulkerBox(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
BlockEntitySign - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntitySign(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
BlockEntitySkull - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntitySkull(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
BlockEntitySmoker - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntitySmoker(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySmoker
BlockEntitySpawnable - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntitySpawnable(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnable
BlockEntitySpawnableContainer - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntitySpawnableContainer(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
BlockEntityStructBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityStructBlock(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityStructBlock
BlockEntityTarget - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
BlockEntityTarget(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityTarget
blockEntityTick - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
BlockEntry - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
BlockEntry(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.BlockEntry
BlockEntry(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.BlockEntry
BlockEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockEvent(Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockEvent
BlockEventPacket - Class in
BlockEventPacket() - Constructor for class
BlockExplodeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockExplodeEvent(Block, Position, Set<Block>, Set<Block>, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
BlockExplosionPrimeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockExplosionPrimeEvent(Block, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
BlockExplosionPrimeEvent(Block, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
BlockExplosionPrimeEvent(Block, Player, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
BlockExplosionPrimeEvent(Block, Player, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
blockFace - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
BlockFace - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.math
BlockFace.Axis - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.math
BlockFace.AxisDirection - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.math
BlockFace.Plane - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.math
BlockFadeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockFadeEvent(Block, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFadeEvent
BlockFallable - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFallable() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFallable
BlockFallableMeta - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFallableMeta() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFallableMeta
BlockFallableMeta(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFallableMeta
BlockFallEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockFallEvent(Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFallEvent
BlockFarmland - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFarmland() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
BlockFarmland(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
BlockFence - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFence() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
BlockFence(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
BlockFenceBase - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceBase() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceBase
BlockFenceBase(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceBase
BlockFenceCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceCrimson
BlockFenceCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceCrimson
BlockFenceGate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceGate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
BlockFenceGate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
BlockFenceGateAcacia - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceGateAcacia() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateAcacia
BlockFenceGateAcacia(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateAcacia
BlockFenceGateBirch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceGateBirch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateBirch
BlockFenceGateBirch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateBirch
BlockFenceGateCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceGateCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateCrimson
BlockFenceGateCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateCrimson
BlockFenceGateDarkOak - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceGateDarkOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateDarkOak
BlockFenceGateDarkOak(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateDarkOak
BlockFenceGateJungle - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceGateJungle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateJungle
BlockFenceGateJungle(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateJungle
BlockFenceGateMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceGateMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateMangrove
BlockFenceGateMangrove(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateMangrove
BlockFenceGateSpruce - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceGateSpruce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateSpruce
BlockFenceGateSpruce(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateSpruce
BlockFenceGateWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceGateWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateWarped
BlockFenceGateWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateWarped
BlockFenceMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceMangrove
BlockFenceMangrove(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceMangrove
BlockFenceNetherBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceNetherBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
BlockFenceNetherBrick(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
BlockFenceWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFenceWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceWarped
BlockFenceWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceWarped
BlockFire - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFire() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
BlockFire(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
BlockFireSoul - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFireSoul() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFireSoul
BlockFireSoul(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFireSoul
BlockFletchingTable - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFletchingTable() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFletchingTable
BlockFlowable - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFlowable() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
BlockFlowable(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
BlockFlower - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFlower() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
BlockFlower(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
BlockFloweringAzalea - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFloweringAzalea() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFloweringAzalea
BlockFloweringAzalea(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFloweringAzalea
BlockFlowerPot - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFlowerPot() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
BlockFlowerPot(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
BlockFlowerPot.FlowerPotBlock - Interface in cn.nukkit.block
BlockForceFieldParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
BlockForceFieldParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.BlockForceFieldParticle
BlockForceFieldParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.BlockForceFieldParticle
BlockFormEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockFormEvent(Block, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFormEvent
BlockFrogLight - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFrogLight() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogLight
BlockFrogSpawn - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFrogSpawn() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
BlockFromToEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockFromToEvent(Block, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent
BlockFungus - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFungus() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungus
BlockFungusCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFungusCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusCrimson
BlockFungusWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFungusWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusWarped
BlockFurnace - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFurnace() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnace
BlockFurnace(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnace
BlockFurnaceBurning - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockFurnaceBurning() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
BlockFurnaceBurning(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
BlockGlass - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGlass() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlass
BlockGlassPane - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGlassPane() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPane
BlockGlassPaneStained - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGlassPaneStained() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPaneStained
BlockGlassPaneStained(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPaneStained
BlockGlassStained - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGlassStained() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
BlockGlassStained(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
BlockGlassTinted - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGlassTinted() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassTinted
BlockGlowLichen - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGlowLichen() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowLichen
BlockGlowstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGlowstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowstone
BlockGold - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGold
BlockGrass - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGrass() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
BlockGrass(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
BlockGrassPath - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGrassPath() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
BlockGravel - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGravel() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGravel
BlockGrindstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockGrindstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
BlockGrindstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
BlockGrowEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockGrowEvent(Block, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockGrowEvent
BlockHarvestEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockHarvestEvent(Block, Block, Item[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockHarvestEvent
blockHash(int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
blockHash(int, int, int, Level) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
BlockHayBale - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHayBale() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
BlockHayBale(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
BlockHoney - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHoney() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
BlockHoneycombBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHoneycombBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoneycombBlock
BlockHopper - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHopper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
BlockHopper(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
BlockHopper.IHopper - Interface in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHugeMushroomBrown - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHugeMushroomBrown() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
BlockHugeMushroomBrown(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
BlockHugeMushroomRed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHugeMushroomRed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
BlockHugeMushroomRed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
BlockHyphaeCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHyphaeCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeCrimson
BlockHyphaeCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeCrimson
BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson
BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson
BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped
BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped
BlockHyphaeWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockHyphaeWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeWarped
BlockHyphaeWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeWarped
BlockIce - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockIce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
BlockIceFrosted - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockIceFrosted() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
BlockIceFrosted(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
BlockIcePacked - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockIcePacked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
blockId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.SingleFakeBlock
blockId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
blockId - Variable in class
blockId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
blockId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
blockId - Variable in class
BlockID - Interface in cn.nukkit.block
BlockIgniteEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockIgniteEvent(Block, Block, Entity, BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockIndex - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.util
BlockIndex(int, int, int, int, long) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
Creates an instance of a BlockIndex record class.
BlockInfestedDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockInfestedDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
BlockInfestedDeepslate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
blockInfoList - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate
BlockInfoUpdate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockInfoUpdate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfoUpdate
BlockIron - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIron
BlockIronBars - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockIronBars() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
BlockItemFrame - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockItemFrame() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
BlockItemFrame(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
BlockItemFrameGlow - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockItemFrameGlow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrameGlow
BlockItemFrameGlow(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrameGlow
BlockIterator - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
BlockIterator(Level, Vector3, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockIterator
BlockIterator(Level, Vector3, Vector3, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockIterator
BlockIterator(Level, Vector3, Vector3, double, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockIterator
BlockJigsaw - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockJigsaw() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
BlockJigsaw(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
BlockJukebox - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockJukebox() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
BlockJungleSignPost - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockJungleSignPost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleSignPost
BlockJungleSignPost(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleSignPost
BlockJungleWallSign - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockJungleWallSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleWallSign
BlockJungleWallSign(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleWallSign
BlockKelp - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockKelp() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
BlockKelp(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
BlockLadder - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLadder() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
BlockLadder(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
BlockLantern - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLantern() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
BlockLantern(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
BlockLapis - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLapis() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLapis
BlockLargeAmethystBud - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLargeAmethystBud() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLargeAmethystBud
BlockLava - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLava() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
BlockLava(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
BlockLavaStill - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLavaStill() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLavaStill
BlockLavaStill(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLavaStill
BlockLeaves - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLeaves() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
BlockLeaves(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
BlockLeaves2 - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLeaves2() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
BlockLeaves2(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
BlockLectern - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLectern() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
BlockLectern(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
BlockLever - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLever() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
BlockLever(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
BlockLever.LeverOrientation - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLichen - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLichen() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
blockLight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
blockLight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
BlockLight - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLight() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
BlockLight(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
BlockLightningRod - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLightningRod() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
BlockLiquid - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLiquid(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
BlockLodestone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLodestone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
BlockLog - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLog(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
BlockLogStrippedMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLogStrippedMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLogStrippedMangrove
BlockLoom - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockLoom() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
BlockLoom(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
BlockMagma - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMagma() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
BlockMangroveLeaves - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMangroveLeaves() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLeaves
BlockMangroveLog - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMangroveLog() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
BlockMangroveLog(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
BlockMangrovePropagule - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMangrovePropagule() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
BlockMangrovePropaguleHanging - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMangrovePropaguleHanging() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropaguleHanging
BlockMangroveRoots - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMangroveRoots() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
BlockMangroveSignPost - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMangroveSignPost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveSignPost
BlockMangroveSignPost(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveSignPost
BlockMangroveWallSign - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMangroveWallSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveWallSign
BlockMangroveWallSign(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveWallSign
BlockMediumAmethystBud - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMediumAmethystBud() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMediumAmethystBud
BlockMelon - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMelon() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
BlockMeta - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMeta() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMeta
Creates the block in the default state.
BlockMeta(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMeta
Create the block from a specific state.
BlockMetadataStore - Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
BlockMetadataStore(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.BlockMetadataStore
BlockMobSpawner - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMobSpawner() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
BlockMonsterEgg - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMonsterEgg() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
BlockMonsterEgg(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
BlockMoss - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMoss() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
BlockMossCarpet - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMossCarpet() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossCarpet
BlockMossStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMossStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossStone
BlockMoving - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMoving() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
BlockMoving(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
BlockMud - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMud() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMud
BlockMudBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMudBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrick
BlockMudBrickSlab - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMudBrickSlab() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickSlab
BlockMudBrickStairs - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMudBrickStairs() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickStairs
BlockMudBrickWall - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMudBrickWall() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickWall
BlockMuddyMangroveRoots - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMuddyMangroveRoots() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
BlockMushroom - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMushroom() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
BlockMushroom(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
BlockMushroomBrown - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMushroomBrown() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomBrown
BlockMushroomBrown(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomBrown
BlockMushroomRed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMushroomRed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomRed
BlockMushroomRed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomRed
BlockMycelium - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockMycelium() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
BlockNetherBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNetherBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherBrick
BlockNetheriteBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNetheriteBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
BlockNetherPortal - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNetherPortal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
BlockNetherPortal(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
BlockNetherrack - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNetherrack() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
BlockNetherReactor - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNetherReactor() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
BlockNetherSprout - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNetherSprout() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherSprout
BlockNetherWart - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNetherWart() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
BlockNetherWart(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
BlockNetherWartBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNetherWartBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWartBlock
blockNetworkIdsHashed - Variable in class
Whether block runtime IDs should be replaced by 32-bit integer hashes of the NBT block state.
BlockNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
BlockNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.BlockNode
BlockNoteblock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNoteblock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
BlockNoteblock.Instrument - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNylium - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNylium() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
BlockNyliumCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNyliumCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNyliumCrimson
BlockNyliumWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockNyliumWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNyliumWarped
BlockObserver - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockObserver() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
BlockObserver(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
BlockObsidian - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockObsidian() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
BlockObsidianCrying - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockObsidianCrying() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
BlockObsidianGlowing - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockObsidianGlowing() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
BlockOchreFrogLight - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOchreFrogLight() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOchreFrogLight
BlockOre - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOre() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOre
BlockOreCoal - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreCoal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoal
BlockOreCoalDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreCoalDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoalDeepslate
BlockOreCopper - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreCopper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopper
BlockOreCopperDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreCopperDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopperDeepslate
BlockOreDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamond
BlockOreDiamondDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreDiamondDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamondDeepslate
BlockOreEmerald - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreEmerald() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmerald
BlockOreEmeraldDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreEmeraldDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmeraldDeepslate
BlockOreGold - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGold
BlockOreGoldDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreGoldDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldDeepslate
BlockOreGoldNether - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreGoldNether() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldNether
BlockOreIron - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreIron
BlockOreIronDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreIronDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreIronDeepslate
BlockOreLapis - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreLapis() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapis
BlockOreLapisDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreLapisDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapisDeepslate
BlockOreQuartz - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreQuartz() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
BlockOreRedstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreRedstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
BlockOreRedstoneDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreRedstoneDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslate
BlockOreRedstoneDeepslateGlowing - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreRedstoneDeepslateGlowing() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslateGlowing
BlockOreRedstoneGlowing - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockOreRedstoneGlowing() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneGlowing
BlockPackedMud - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPackedMud() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPackedMud
blockPaletteVersion - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
BlockPearlescentFrogLight - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPearlescentFrogLight() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPearlescentFrogLight
BlockPickRequestPacket - Class in
BlockPickRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
BlockPiston - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPiston() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPiston
BlockPiston(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPiston
BlockPistonBase - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPistonBase(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
BlockPistonBase.BlocksCalculator - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPistonChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
Use BlockPistonEvent
BlockPistonChangeEvent(Block, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonChangeEvent
BlockPistonEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockPistonEvent(BlockPistonBase, BlockFace, List<Block>, List<Block>, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonEvent
BlockPistonHead - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPistonHead() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
BlockPistonHead(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
BlockPistonHeadSticky - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPistonHeadSticky() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHeadSticky
BlockPistonHeadSticky(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHeadSticky
BlockPistonSticky - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPistonSticky() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonSticky
BlockPistonSticky(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonSticky
BlockPlaceEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockPlaceEvent(Player, Block, Block, Block, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
BlockPlanks - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPlanks() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
BlockPlanks(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
BlockPlanksCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPlanksCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksCrimson
BlockPlanksMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPlanksMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksMangrove
BlockPlanksWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPlanksWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksWarped
BlockPodzol - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPodzol() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
BlockPodzol(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
BlockPointedDripstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPointedDripstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
BlockPointedDripstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
BlockPolishedBasalt - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPolishedBasalt() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPolishedBasalt
BlockPolishedBasalt(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPolishedBasalt
blockPos - Variable in class
blockPos - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureEntityInfo
blockPos() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the blockPos record component.
blockPosition - Variable in class
blockPosition - Variable in class
blockPosition - Variable in class
BlockPositionConsumer - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.functional
BlockPositionDataConsumer<D> - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.functional
BlockPotato - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPotato() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPotato
BlockPotato(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPotato
BlockPowderSnow - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPowderSnow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
BlockPressurePlateAcacia - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateAcacia() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateAcacia
BlockPressurePlateAcacia(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateAcacia
BlockPressurePlateBase - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateBase() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
BlockPressurePlateBase(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
BlockPressurePlateBirch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateBirch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBirch
BlockPressurePlateBirch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBirch
BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished
BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished
BlockPressurePlateCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateCrimson
BlockPressurePlateCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateCrimson
BlockPressurePlateDarkOak - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateDarkOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateDarkOak
BlockPressurePlateDarkOak(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateDarkOak
BlockPressurePlateJungle - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateJungle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateJungle
BlockPressurePlateJungle(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateJungle
BlockPressurePlateMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateMangrove
BlockPressurePlateMangrove(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateMangrove
BlockPressurePlateSpruce - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateSpruce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateSpruce
BlockPressurePlateSpruce(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateSpruce
BlockPressurePlateStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
BlockPressurePlateStone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
BlockPressurePlateWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWarped
BlockPressurePlateWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWarped
BlockPressurePlateWood - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPressurePlateWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWood
BlockPressurePlateWood(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWood
BlockPrismarine - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPrismarine() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
BlockPrismarine(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
blockProperties - Variable in class
blockProperties - Variable in class
BlockProperties - Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty
BlockProperties(BlockProperties, BlockProperty<?>...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
BlockProperties(BlockProperty<?>...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty - Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty
BlockProperty<T extends Serializable> - Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty
BlockProperty(String, boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
BlockPropertyNotFoundException - Exception in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception
BlockPropertyNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.BlockPropertyNotFoundException
BlockPropertyNotFoundException(String, BlockProperties) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.BlockPropertyNotFoundException
BlockPropertyNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.BlockPropertyNotFoundException
BlockPumpkin - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPumpkin() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
BlockPumpkin(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
BlockPumpkinLit - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPumpkinLit() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkinLit
BlockPumpkinLit(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkinLit
BlockPurpur - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockPurpur() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
BlockPurpur(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
BlockQuartz - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockQuartz() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
BlockQuartz(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
BlockRail - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRail() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
BlockRail(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
BlockRailActivator - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRailActivator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
BlockRailActivator(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
BlockRailDetector - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRailDetector() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
BlockRailDetector(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
BlockRailPowered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRailPowered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
BlockRailPowered(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
BlockRaw - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRaw() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
BlockRaw(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
BlockRawCopper - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRawCopper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawCopper
BlockRawCopper(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawCopper
BlockRawGold - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRawGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawGold
BlockRawGold(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawGold
BlockRawIron - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRawIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawIron
BlockRawIron(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawIron
BlockRedSandstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedSandstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedSandstone
BlockRedSandstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedSandstone
BlockRedstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
BlockRedstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
BlockRedstoneComparator - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneComparator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
BlockRedstoneComparator(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
BlockRedstoneComparator.Mode - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered
BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered
BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered
BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered
BlockRedstoneDiode - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneDiode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
BlockRedstoneDiode(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
BlockRedstoneEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockRedstoneEvent(Block, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockRedstoneEvent
BlockRedstoneLamp - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneLamp() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
BlockRedstoneLampLit - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneLampLit() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLampLit
BlockRedstoneRepeater - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneRepeater() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered
BlockRedstoneRepeaterUnpowered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneRepeaterUnpowered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterUnpowered
BlockRedstoneTorch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneTorch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
BlockRedstoneTorch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
BlockRedstoneWire - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRedstoneWire() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
BlockRedstoneWire(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
BlockReinForcedDeepSlate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockReinForcedDeepSlate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockReinForcedDeepSlate
blockReplace - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
BlockRespawnAnchor - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRespawnAnchor() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
BlockRespawnAnchor(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
BlockRoots - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRoots() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRoots
BlockRootsCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRootsCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsCrimson
BlockRootsHanging - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRootsHanging() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsHanging
BlockRootsWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockRootsWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsWarped
blockRuntimeId - Variable in class
blockRuntimeId - Variable in class
blocks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
blocks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
blocks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents.CanDestory
blocks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents.CanPlaceOn
blocks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum class
BlockSand - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSand() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
BlockSand(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
BlockSandstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSandstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
BlockSandstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
BlockSapling - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSapling() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
BlockSapling(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
blocksAround - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
BlockScaffolding - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockScaffolding() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
BlockScaffolding(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
BlocksCalculator(boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase.BlocksCalculator
BlockSculk - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSculk() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
BlockSculkCatalyst - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSculkCatalyst() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
BlockSculkSensor - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSculkSensor() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
BlockSculkShrieker - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSculkShrieker() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
BlockSculkVein - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSculkVein() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkVein
BlockSeagrass - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSeagrass() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
BlockSeagrass(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
BlockSeaLantern - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSeaLantern() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaLantern
BlockSeaPickle - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSeaPickle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
BlockSeaPickle(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
BlockSelector() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece.BlockSelector
BlockShroomlight - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockShroomlight() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShroomlight
BlockShulkerBox - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockShulkerBox() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShulkerBox
BlockShulkerBox(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShulkerBox
BlockSignPost - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSignPost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
BlockSignPost(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
BlockSkull - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSkull() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
BlockSkull(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
BlockSlab - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlab(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
BlockSlab(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
BlockSlabBlackstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabBlackstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
BlockSlabBlackstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
BlockSlabBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
BlockSlabBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
BlockSlabBlackstonePolished(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
BlockSlabBrickDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabBrickDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
BlockSlabBrickDeepslate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
BlockSlabCopperBase - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCopperBase(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
BlockSlabCopperCut - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCopperCut() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCut
BlockSlabCopperCut(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCut
BlockSlabCopperCut(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCut
BlockSlabCopperCutExposed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCopperCutExposed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposed
BlockSlabCopperCutExposed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposed
BlockSlabCopperCutExposed(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposed
BlockSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed
BlockSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed
BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized
BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized
BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized
BlockSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
BlockSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
BlockSlabCopperCutWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCopperCutWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWaxed
BlockSlabCopperCutWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWaxed
BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered
BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered
BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered
BlockSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
BlockSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
BlockSlabCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
BlockSlabCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
BlockSlabDeepslateCobbled - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabDeepslateCobbled() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslateCobbled
BlockSlabDeepslateCobbled(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslateCobbled
BlockSlabDeepslatePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabDeepslatePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
BlockSlabDeepslatePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
BlockSlabMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
BlockSlabMangrove(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
BlockSlabRedSandstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabRedSandstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
BlockSlabRedSandstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
BlockSlabStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
BlockSlabStone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
BlockSlabStone3 - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabStone3() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
BlockSlabStone3(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
BlockSlabStone4 - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabStone4() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
BlockSlabStone4(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
BlockSlabTileDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabTileDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
BlockSlabTileDeepslate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
BlockSlabWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
BlockSlabWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
BlockSlabWood - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlabWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
BlockSlabWood(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
BlockSlime - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSlime() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
BlockSmallAmethystBud - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSmallAmethystBud() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallAmethystBud
BlockSmallDripleaf - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSmallDripleaf() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
BlockSmithingTable - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSmithingTable() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
BlockSmoker - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSmoker() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoker
BlockSmoker(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoker
BlockSmokerBurning - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSmokerBurning() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmokerBurning
BlockSmokerBurning(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmokerBurning
BlockSmoothBasalt - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSmoothBasalt() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothBasalt
BlockSmoothStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSmoothStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothStone
BlockSnow - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSnow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
BlockSnowLayer - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSnowLayer() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
BlockSnowLayer(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
BlockSolid - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSolid() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSolid
BlockSolidMeta - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSolidMeta() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSolidMeta
BlockSolidMeta(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSolidMeta
BlockSoulLantern - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSoulLantern() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulLantern
BlockSoulLantern(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulLantern
BlockSoulSand - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSoulSand() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
BlockSoulSoil - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSoulSoil() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSoil
BlockSoulTorch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSoulTorch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulTorch
BlockSoulTorch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulTorch
BlockSponge - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSponge() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
BlockSponge(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
BlockSporeBlossom - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSporeBlossom() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSporeBlossom
BlockSpreadEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockSpreadEvent(Block, Block, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockSpreadEvent
BlockSpruceSignPost - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSpruceSignPost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceSignPost
BlockSpruceSignPost(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceSignPost
BlockSpruceWallSign - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSpruceWallSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceWallSign
BlockSpruceWallSign(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceWallSign
BlockStairMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairMangrove
BlockStairMangrove(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairMangrove
BlockStairs - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairs() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
BlockStairs(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
BlockStairsAcacia - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsAcacia() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAcacia
BlockStairsAcacia(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAcacia
BlockStairsAndesite - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsAndesite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
BlockStairsAndesite(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
BlockStairsAndesitePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsAndesitePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
BlockStairsAndesitePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
BlockStairsBirch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsBirch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBirch
BlockStairsBirch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBirch
BlockStairsBlackstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsBlackstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstone
BlockStairsBlackstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstone
BlockStairsBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstonePolished
BlockStairsBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstonePolished
BlockStairsBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
BlockStairsBrick(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
BlockStairsBrickBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsBrickBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickBlackstonePolished
BlockStairsBrickBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickBlackstonePolished
BlockStairsBrickDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsBrickDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
BlockStairsBrickDeepslate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
BlockStairsCobblestone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCobblestone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
BlockStairsCobblestone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
BlockStairsCopperBase - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCopperBase(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
BlockStairsCopperCut - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCopperCut() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCut
BlockStairsCopperCut(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCut
BlockStairsCopperCutExposed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCopperCutExposed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutExposed
BlockStairsCopperCutExposed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutExposed
BlockStairsCopperCutExposedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCopperCutExposedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutExposedWaxed
BlockStairsCopperCutExposedWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutExposedWaxed
BlockStairsCopperCutOxidized - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCopperCutOxidized() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutOxidized
BlockStairsCopperCutOxidized(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutOxidized
BlockStairsCopperCutOxidizedWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCopperCutOxidizedWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
BlockStairsCopperCutOxidizedWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
BlockStairsCopperCutWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCopperCutWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWaxed
BlockStairsCopperCutWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWaxed
BlockStairsCopperCutWeathered - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCopperCutWeathered() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWeathered
BlockStairsCopperCutWeathered(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWeathered
BlockStairsCopperCutWeatheredWaxed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCopperCutWeatheredWaxed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
BlockStairsCopperCutWeatheredWaxed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
BlockStairsCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCrimson
BlockStairsCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCrimson
BlockStairsDarkOak - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsDarkOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkOak
BlockStairsDarkOak(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkOak
BlockStairsDarkPrismarine - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsDarkPrismarine() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
BlockStairsDarkPrismarine(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
BlockStairsDeepslatePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsDeepslatePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
BlockStairsDeepslatePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
BlockStairsDiorite - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsDiorite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
BlockStairsDiorite(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
BlockStairsDioritePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsDioritePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDioritePolished
BlockStairsDioritePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDioritePolished
BlockStairsEndBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsEndBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
BlockStairsEndBrick(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
BlockStairsGranite - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsGranite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
BlockStairsGranite(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
BlockStairsGranitePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsGranitePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
BlockStairsGranitePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
BlockStairsJungle - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsJungle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsJungle
BlockStairsJungle(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsJungle
BlockStairsMossyCobblestone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsMossyCobblestone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
BlockStairsMossyCobblestone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
BlockStairsNetherBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsNetherBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
BlockStairsNetherBrick(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
BlockStairsPrismarine - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsPrismarine() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
BlockStairsPrismarine(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
BlockStairsPrismarineBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsPrismarineBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
BlockStairsPrismarineBrick(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
BlockStairsPurpur - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsPurpur() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPurpur
BlockStairsPurpur(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPurpur
BlockStairsQuartz - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsQuartz() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
BlockStairsQuartz(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
BlockStairsRedNetherBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsRedNetherBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
BlockStairsRedNetherBrick(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
BlockStairsRedSandstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsRedSandstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
BlockStairsRedSandstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
BlockStairsSandstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsSandstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
BlockStairsSandstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
BlockStairsSmoothQuartz - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsSmoothQuartz() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
BlockStairsSmoothQuartz(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
BlockStairsSmoothSandstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsSmoothSandstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
BlockStairsSmoothSandstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
BlockStairsSpruce - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsSpruce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSpruce
BlockStairsSpruce(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSpruce
BlockStairsStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
BlockStairsStone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
BlockStairsStoneBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsStoneBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStoneBrick
BlockStairsStoneBrick(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStoneBrick
BlockStairsTileDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsTileDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
BlockStairsTileDeepslate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
BlockStairsWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWarped
BlockStairsWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWarped
BlockStairsWood - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStairsWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
BlockStairsWood(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
BlockState - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
BlockState - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state
BlockState(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
BlockState(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
BlockStateRegistry - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
BlockStateRegistry.MappingEntry - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
BlockStateRepair - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
BlockStateRepair(int, BlockProperties, Number, Number, Number, int, BlockProperty<?>, int, int, Serializable, Serializable, InvalidBlockPropertyException) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
BlockStateRepairEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.blockstate
BlockStateRepairEvent(BlockStateRepair) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.blockstate.BlockStateRepairEvent
BlockStateRepairFinishEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.blockstate
BlockStateRepairFinishEvent(List<BlockStateRepair>, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.blockstate.BlockStateRepairFinishEvent
BlockStem - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStem(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStem
BlockStemCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStemCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemCrimson
BlockStemCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemCrimson
BlockStemMelon - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStemMelon() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemMelon
BlockStemMelon(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemMelon
BlockStemPumpkin - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStemPumpkin() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemPumpkin
BlockStemPumpkin(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemPumpkin
BlockStemStripped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStemStripped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStripped
BlockStemStrippedCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStemStrippedCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedCrimson
BlockStemStrippedCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedCrimson
BlockStemStrippedWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStemStrippedWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedWarped
BlockStemStrippedWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedWarped
BlockStemWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStemWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemWarped
BlockStemWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemWarped
BlockStone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
BlockStone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
BlockStonecutter - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStonecutter() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutter
BlockStonecutterBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStonecutterBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
BlockStonecutterBlock(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
BlockStorage - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util
BlockStorage() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
blockString - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
BlockStructure - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStructure() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
BlockStructure(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
BlockStructureVoid - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockStructureVoid() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
BlockSugarcane - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSugarcane() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
BlockSugarcane(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
BlockSweetBerryBush - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockSweetBerryBush() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
BlockSweetBerryBush(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
BlockSyncType - Enum Class in
blockTags() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the blockTags record component.
blockTags(String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
BlockTallGrass - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTallGrass() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
BlockTallGrass(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
BlockTarget - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTarget() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
BlockTerracotta - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracotta() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
BlockTerracotta(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
BlockTerracotta(TerracottaColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
BlockTerracottaGlazed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
BlockTerracottaGlazed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
BlockTerracottaGlazedBlack - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedBlack() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlack
BlockTerracottaGlazedBlack(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlack
BlockTerracottaGlazedBlue - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedBlue() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlue
BlockTerracottaGlazedBlue(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlue
BlockTerracottaGlazedBrown - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedBrown() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBrown
BlockTerracottaGlazedBrown(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBrown
BlockTerracottaGlazedCyan - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedCyan() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedCyan
BlockTerracottaGlazedCyan(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedCyan
BlockTerracottaGlazedGray - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedGray() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGray
BlockTerracottaGlazedGray(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGray
BlockTerracottaGlazedGreen - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedGreen() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGreen
BlockTerracottaGlazedGreen(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGreen
BlockTerracottaGlazedLightBlue - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedLightBlue() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLightBlue
BlockTerracottaGlazedLightBlue(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLightBlue
BlockTerracottaGlazedLime - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedLime() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLime
BlockTerracottaGlazedLime(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLime
BlockTerracottaGlazedMagenta - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedMagenta() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedMagenta
BlockTerracottaGlazedMagenta(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedMagenta
BlockTerracottaGlazedOrange - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedOrange() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedOrange
BlockTerracottaGlazedOrange(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedOrange
BlockTerracottaGlazedPink - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedPink() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPink
BlockTerracottaGlazedPink(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPink
BlockTerracottaGlazedPurple - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedPurple() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPurple
BlockTerracottaGlazedPurple(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPurple
BlockTerracottaGlazedRed - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedRed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedRed
BlockTerracottaGlazedRed(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedRed
BlockTerracottaGlazedSilver - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedSilver() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedSilver
BlockTerracottaGlazedSilver(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedSilver
BlockTerracottaGlazedWhite - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedWhite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedWhite
BlockTerracottaGlazedWhite(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedWhite
BlockTerracottaGlazedYellow - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaGlazedYellow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedYellow
BlockTerracottaGlazedYellow(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedYellow
BlockTerracottaStained - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTerracottaStained() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
BlockTerracottaStained(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
BlockTerracottaStained(DyeColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
BlockThin - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockThin() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockThin
BlockTilesDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTilesDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslate
BlockTilesDeepslateCracked - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTilesDeepslateCracked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslateCracked
BlockTNT - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTNT() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
BlockTorch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTorch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
BlockTorch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
BlockTorch.TorchAttachment - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.block
blockTouched - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
BlockTransparent - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTransparent() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTransparent
BlockTransparentMeta - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTransparentMeta() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTransparentMeta
BlockTransparentMeta(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTransparentMeta
BlockTrapdoor - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoor() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
BlockTrapdoor(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
BlockTrapdoorAcacia - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoorAcacia() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorAcacia
BlockTrapdoorAcacia(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorAcacia
BlockTrapdoorBirch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoorBirch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorBirch
BlockTrapdoorBirch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorBirch
BlockTrapdoorCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoorCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorCrimson
BlockTrapdoorCrimson(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorCrimson
BlockTrapdoorDarkOak - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoorDarkOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorDarkOak
BlockTrapdoorDarkOak(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorDarkOak
BlockTrapdoorIron - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoorIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
BlockTrapdoorIron(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
BlockTrapdoorJungle - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoorJungle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorJungle
BlockTrapdoorJungle(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorJungle
BlockTrapdoorMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoorMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorMangrove
BlockTrapdoorMangrove(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorMangrove
BlockTrapdoorSpruce - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoorSpruce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorSpruce
BlockTrapdoorSpruce(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorSpruce
BlockTrapdoorWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrapdoorWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorWarped
BlockTrapdoorWarped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorWarped
BlockTrappedChest - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTrappedChest() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrappedChest
BlockTrappedChest(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrappedChest
BlockTripWire - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTripWire() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
BlockTripWire(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
BlockTripWireHook - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTripWireHook() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
BlockTripWireHook(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
BlockTuff - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTuff() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTuff
BlockTurtleEgg - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockTurtleEgg() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
BlockTurtleEgg(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
BlockUndyedShulkerBox - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockUndyedShulkerBox() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
BlockUnknown - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockUnknown(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUnknown
BlockUnknown(int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUnknown
BlockUnknown(int, Number) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUnknown
BlockUpdateEntry - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
BlockUpdateEntry(Vector3, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
BlockUpdateEntry(Vector3, Block, long, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
BlockUpdateEntry(Vector3, Block, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
BlockUpdateEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
BlockUpdateEvent(Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockUpdateEvent
BlockUpdateScheduler - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
BlockUpdateScheduler(Level, long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.BlockUpdateScheduler
BlockVector3 - Class in cn.nukkit.math
BlockVector3() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
BlockVector3(int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
BlockVerdantFrogLight - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockVerdantFrogLight() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVerdantFrogLight
BlockVine - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockVine() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
BlockVine(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
BlockVinesNether - Class in cn.nukkit.block
Implements the main logic of all nether vines.
BlockVinesNether() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Creates a nether vine with age 0.
BlockVinesNether(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Creates a nether vine from a meta compatible with BlockMeta.getProperties().
BlockVinesTwisting - Class in cn.nukkit.block
Properties and behaviour definitions of the BlockID.TWISTING_VINES block.
BlockVinesTwisting() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
Creates a twisting_vine with age 0.
BlockVinesTwisting(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
Creates a twisting_vine from a meta compatible with BlockVinesTwisting.getProperties().
BlockVinesWeeping - Class in cn.nukkit.block
Properties and behaviour definitions of the BlockID.WEEPING_VINES block.
BlockVinesWeeping() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
Creates a weeping_vine with age 0.
BlockVinesWeeping(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
Creates a weeping_vine from a meta compatible with BlockVinesWeeping.getProperties().
BlockWall - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWall() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
BlockWall(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
BlockWall.WallConnectionType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWall.WallType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallBanner - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallBanner() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
BlockWallBanner(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
BlockWallBase - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallBase() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
BlockWallBase(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
BlockWallBlackstone - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallBlackstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstone
BlockWallBlackstone(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstone
BlockWallBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
BlockWallBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
BlockWallBrickBlackstonePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallBrickBlackstonePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickBlackstonePolished
BlockWallBrickBlackstonePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickBlackstonePolished
BlockWallBrickDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallBrickDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickDeepslate
BlockWallBrickDeepslate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickDeepslate
BlockWallDeepslateCobbled - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallDeepslateCobbled() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslateCobbled
BlockWallDeepslateCobbled(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslateCobbled
BlockWallDeepslatePolished - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallDeepslatePolished() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslatePolished
BlockWallDeepslatePolished(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslatePolished
BlockWallSign - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
BlockWallSign(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
BlockWallTileDeepslate - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWallTileDeepslate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallTileDeepslate
BlockWallTileDeepslate(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallTileDeepslate
BlockWarpedSignPost - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWarpedSignPost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedSignPost
BlockWarpedSignPost(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedSignPost
BlockWarpedWallSign - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWarpedWallSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWallSign
BlockWarpedWallSign(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWallSign
BlockWarpedWartBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWarpedWartBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWartBlock
BlockWater - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWater() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
BlockWater(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
BlockWaterLily - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWaterLily() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
BlockWaterLily(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
BlockWaterStill - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWaterStill() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterStill
BlockWaterStill(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterStill
BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
BlockWheat - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWheat() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWheat
BlockWheat(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWheat
BlockWitherRose - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWitherRose() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
BlockWitherRose(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
BlockWood - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
BlockWood(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
BlockWood2 - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWood2() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
BlockWood2(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
BlockWoodBark - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodBark() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
BlockWoodBark(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
BlockWoodMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
BlockWoodStripped - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodStripped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStripped
BlockWoodStripped(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStripped
BlockWoodStrippedAcacia - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodStrippedAcacia() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedAcacia
BlockWoodStrippedAcacia(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedAcacia
BlockWoodStrippedBirch - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodStrippedBirch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedBirch
BlockWoodStrippedBirch(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedBirch
BlockWoodStrippedDarkOak - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodStrippedDarkOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedDarkOak
BlockWoodStrippedDarkOak(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedDarkOak
BlockWoodStrippedJungle - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodStrippedJungle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedJungle
BlockWoodStrippedJungle(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedJungle
BlockWoodStrippedMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodStrippedMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedMangrove
BlockWoodStrippedOak - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodStrippedOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedOak
BlockWoodStrippedOak(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedOak
BlockWoodStrippedSpruce - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWoodStrippedSpruce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedSpruce
BlockWoodStrippedSpruce(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedSpruce
BlockWool - Class in cn.nukkit.block
BlockWool() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
BlockWool(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
BlockWool(DyeColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
blockX - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
blockXP - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
blockY - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
blockZ - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
BLOOM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
BLOOM_SCULK_CATALYST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CoralType
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BossBarColor
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents blue.
BLUE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
BLUE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BLUE_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLUE_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLUE_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLUE_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLUE_FLAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLUE_ICE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BLUE_ICE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BLUE_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BLUE_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BOAT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
BOAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BoatDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
BoatDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.BoatDispenseBehavior
BOATS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
bodyYaw - Variable in class
BOLD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Makes the text bold.
BOMB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
BONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BONE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BONE_MEAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BONE_MEAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
BONE_MEAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
BoneMealParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
BoneMealParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.BoneMealParticle
boneVisibility(String, boolean) - Method in class
bonusChest - Variable in class
bonusChest - Variable in class
BOOK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BOOK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BOOK_AND_QUILL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BOOK_EDIT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
BookEditPacket - Class in
BookEditPacket() - Constructor for class
BookEditPacket.Action - Enum Class in
BookHouse(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.BookHouse
BookHouse(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.BookHouse
BOOKSHELF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BOOKSHELF - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
bool0() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the bool0 record component.
boolCache4096 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Type
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum class
BooleanBlockProperty - Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty
BooleanBlockProperty(String, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
BooleanBlockProperty(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
BooleanConsumer - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.functional
BooleanMemoryCodec - Class in
BooleanMemoryCodec(String) - Constructor for class
BooleanNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
BooleanNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.BooleanNode
boolValue - Variable in class
BOOTS - Enum constant in enum class
BORDER_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BORDER_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BORDURE_INDENTED_BANNER_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BOSS_EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
BossBarColor - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
bossEid - Variable in class
BossEventPacket - Class in
BossEventPacket() - Constructor for class
BOTTLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BOTTLE_DRAGONBREATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
boundingBox - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
boundingBox - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructurePiece
boundingBox - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
boundingBox - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
BoundingBox - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math
BoundingBox() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
BoundingBox(int[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
BoundingBox(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
BoundingBox(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
BoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
BoundingBox(BlockVector3, BlockVector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
BOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
BOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BOW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BOWL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BOWL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
bread - Static variable in class
BREAD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BREAD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BREAK_AMETHYST_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_AMETHYST_CLUSTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_AZALEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_CALCITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_FROG_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_FROGLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_HANGING_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_LARGE_AMETHYST_BUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_MEDIUM_AMETHYST_BUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_NETHER_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_SCULK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_SCULK_CATALYST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_SCULK_SHRIEKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_SCULK_VEIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_SMALL_AMETHYST_BUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_SPORE_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAK_TUFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BREAKABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
BREAKING_ITEM_ICON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BREAKING_ITEM_TERRAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
breakingBlock - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
breakingBlockFace - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
breakingBlockTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
breakOnGround - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
breakOnLava - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
breaksWhenMoved() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
breakTime(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
breakTime(Item, Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
BREEDING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an animal breeds to create a child
BrewEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
BrewEvent(BlockEntityBrewingStand) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
BREWING - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BREWING_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BREWING_STAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
BREWING_STAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BREWING_STAND - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
BREWING_STAND - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BREWING_STAND_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BrewingInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
BrewingInventory(BlockEntityBrewingStand) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingInventory
BrewingRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
BrewingRecipe(Item, Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingRecipe
brewingRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
BREWINGSTANDBLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
brewTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
BRICK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BRICK_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BRICK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.PrismarineBlockType
BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BRICKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
BRICKS_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BridgeCrossing(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeCrossing
BridgeCrossing(NukkitRandom, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeCrossing
BridgeCrossing(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeCrossing
BridgeEndFiller(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeEndFiller
BridgeEndFiller(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeEndFiller
BridgeStraight(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeStraight
BridgeStraight(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeStraight
broadcast(TextContainer, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcast(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Achievement
broadcast(Player, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Achievement
broadcast(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
从指定的许可名获取发送者们,广播一条消息给他们.可以指定多个许可名,以 ; 分割.
BROADCAST_CHANNEL_ADMINISTRATIVE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Server
BROADCAST_CHANNEL_USERS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcastCommandMessage(CommandSender, TextContainer) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
broadcastCommandMessage(CommandSender, TextContainer, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
broadcastCommandMessage(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
broadcastCommandMessage(CommandSender, String, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
broadcastLinkPacket(Entity, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
broadcastMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcastMessage(TextContainer, Collection<? extends CommandSender>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcastMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcastMessage(String, CommandSender[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcastMessage(String, Collection<? extends CommandSender>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcastMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
broadcastPacket(Player[], DataPacket) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcastPacket(Collection<Player>, DataPacket) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcastPacketsCallback(byte[], List<InetSocketAddress>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
broadcastToLAN - Variable in class
broadcastToLAN - Variable in class
BROKEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AnvilDamage
BROWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
BROWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
BROWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
BROWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
BROWN_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BROWN_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BROWN_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BROWN_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BROWN_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BROWN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BROWN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BROWN_MUSHROOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BROWN_MUSHROOM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BROWN_MUSHROOM_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BROWN_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BROWN_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BROWNISH_RED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
BUBBLE_COLUMN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BUBBLE_COLUMN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BUBBLE_COLUMN_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BUBBLE_COLUMN_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BUBBLE_COLUMN_UP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
BUBBLE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUBBLE_DOWNINSIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUBBLE_POP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUBBLE_UP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUBBLE_UPINSIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BubbleParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
BubbleParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.BubbleParticle
BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BUCKET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
BUCKET_EMPTY_FISH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUCKET_EMPTY_LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUCKET_EMPTY_POWDER_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUCKET_EMPTY_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUCKET_FILL_FISH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUCKET_FILL_LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUCKET_FILL_POWDER_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BUCKET_FILL_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
BucketDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
BucketDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.BucketDispenseBehavior
BUDDING_AMETHYST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
BUDDING_AMETHYST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
buf - Variable in class
BufferedRandomAccessFile - Class in
A BufferedRandomAccessFile is like a RandomAccessFile, but it uses a private buffer so that most operations do not require a disk access.
BufferedRandomAccessFile(File, String) - Constructor for class
Open a new BufferedRandomAccessFile on file in mode mode, which should be "r" for reading only, or "rw" for reading and writing.
BufferedRandomAccessFile(File, String, int) - Constructor for class
BufferedRandomAccessFile(String, String) - Constructor for class
Open a new BufferedRandomAccessFile on the file named name in mode mode, which should be "r" for reading only, or "rw" for reading and writing.
BufferedRandomAccessFile(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
BuffSz_ - Static variable in class
BugReportGenerator - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport
Project nukkit
build() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition.Builder
build() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ArmorBuilder
build() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.EdibleBuilder
build() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
build() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
build() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.PoolBuilder
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar.Builder
build() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
BUILD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
BUILD - Enum constant in enum class
BUILD - Static variable in class
BUILD_IRONGOLEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an iron golem is spawned by being built
BUILD_SNOWMAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a snowman is spawned by being built
BUILD_WITHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a wither boss is spawned by being built
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
Builder materials.
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Static method in class
builder() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
Returns the value of the builder record component.
builder() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
Returns the value of the builder record component.
builder() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperField
Returns the value of the builder record component.
builder() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
Returns the value of the builder record component.
builder(CustomBlock, Materials) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
builder(CustomBlock, Materials, BlockCreativeCategory) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
Builder custom block definition.
builder(CustomBlock, String) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
builder(CustomBlock, String, BlockCreativeCategory) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
Builder(CustomBlock, Materials, BlockCreativeCategory) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
Builder(Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar.Builder
buildPlatform - Variable in class
buildPlatform - Variable in class
buildReader(LineReaderBuilder) - Method in class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole
burnDuration - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
BURNING_FURNACE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BURNING_SKULL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
burnTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
BURST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion.ExplosionType
BUSH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
BUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
BUTTON_MODE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton.Mode
BUTTON_PRESSED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
buttonName() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the buttonName record component.
BVector3 - Class in cn.nukkit.math
by() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails
The maintainer party that has added this depreciation.
byId(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
byId(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft.Type
byId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.IdMapper
byId(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.Type
byId(int) - Static method in enum class
byId(int) - Static method in enum class
byId(int) - Static method in enum class
byMetadata(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
byMetadata(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
BYTE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
byte0() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the byte0 record component.
ByteArrayNBT - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
ByteArrayNBT() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.ByteArrayNBT
ByteArrayNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
ByteArrayTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
ByteArrayTag(byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
ByteArrayTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
ByteArrayTag(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
ByteArrayWrapper - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
byteBuffer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ZippedResourcePack
byteCache256 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
byteCache6144 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
ByteEntityData - Class in
ByteEntityData(int, int) - Constructor for class
ByteMutableBlockState - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
ByteMutableBlockState(int, BlockProperties) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
ByteMutableBlockState(int, BlockProperties, byte) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
BytePalette - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette
BytePalette() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BytePalette
bytesToHexString(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
bytesToHexString(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
ByteTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
ByteTag(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
ByteTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
ByteTag(String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag


C - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
C() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.C
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.CachedFilterSelectorArgument
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.CachedSimpleSelectorArgument
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.C
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.L
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.LM
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.M
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Name
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RX
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RXM
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RY
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RYM
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Tag
cache(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Type
CACHE - Enum constant in enum class
CACHE_AFTER_FIRST_EVAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy
Once the metadata value has been evaluated, do not re-evaluate the value until it is manually invalidated.
CACHE_ETERNALLY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy
Once the metadata value has been evaluated, do not re-evaluate the value in spite of manual invalidation.
CachedFilterSelectorArgument - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args
CachedFilterSelectorArgument() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.CachedFilterSelectorArgument
CachedSimpleSelectorArgument - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args
CachedSimpleSelectorArgument() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.CachedSimpleSelectorArgument
cacheEnabled - Variable in class
cacheSectionBlockChange(Level, Set<BehaviorGroup.ChunkSectionVector>) - Method in class
CACTUS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CACTUS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CAKE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CAKE_ADD_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAKE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CAKE_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
cake_slice - Static variable in class
calcActiveDelay(EntityIntelligent, int) - Method in class
CALCITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CALCITE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
calCoolDown(EntityIntelligent, Entity) - Method in class
calculateAxis(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.VectorMath
calculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
calculateBreakTick(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
计算方块挖掘需要多少tick (计算算法来自
calculateBreakTime(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
calculateBreakTime(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
calculateBreakTime(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
calculateBreakTime(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
calculateBreakTime(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
calculateBreakTimeNotInAir(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
calculateCelestialAngle(int, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
calculateEnchantmentProtectionFactor(Item, EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
calculateEnchantmentProtectionFactor(Item, EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
calculateEnchantmentProtectionFactor(Item, EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
calculateFace(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.VectorMath
calculateID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
calculateInputStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
calculateInputStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
calculateIntercept(Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
calculateIntercept(Vector3, Vector3) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
calculateOffsetBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
calculateRedstone(Inventory) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerInventory
calculateRequireExperience(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Player
calculateSkylightSubtracted(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
calculateState(boolean, boolean, int, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
calculateXOffset(AxisAlignedBB, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
calculateXpDrop() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
calculateYOffset(AxisAlignedBB, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
calculateZOffset(AxisAlignedBB, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
calH(Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class
计算当前点到终点的代价H 默认使用对角线+直线距离
calHeartBeatDelay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
call() - Method in class
CallbackableChunkGenerationTask<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
CallbackableChunkGenerationTask(Level, BaseFullChunk, T, Consumer<T>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.CallbackableChunkGenerationTask
CallbackableGenerationTask - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
CallbackableGenerationTask(Level, BaseFullChunk, PopulatorScatteredStructure, ScatteredStructurePiece, ChunkManager, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.CallbackableGenerationTask
CallbackableTemplateStructurePopulator - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator
callEvent(Event) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
callEvent(Event) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
callExecuteEvent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
callExecuteEvent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
calLinearFunction(Vector3, Vector3, double, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
callVibrationEvent(VibrationEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
callVibrationEvent(VibrationEvent) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationManager
calNextTargetImmediately - Variable in class
calPassByChunkSections(Collection<Vector3>, Level) - Method in class
calPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
CAMERA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAMERA_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAMERA_INSTRUCTION_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CAMERA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CAMERA_PRESETS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CAMERA_SHAKE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CAMERA_SHOOT_EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CAMERA_TAKE_PICTURE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CameraInstructionPacket - Class in
CameraInstructionPacket() - Constructor for class
CameraPacket - Class in
CameraPacket() - Constructor for class
CameraPresetsPacket - Class in
CameraPresetsPacket() - Constructor for class
CameraShakeCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
CameraShakeCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.CameraShakeCommand
CameraShakePacket - Class in
CameraShakePacket() - Constructor for class
CameraShakePacket.CameraShakeAction - Enum Class in
CameraShakePacket.CameraShakeType - Enum Class in
cameraUniqueId - Variable in class
CAMPFIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
CAMPFIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
CAMPFIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAMPFIRE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
CAMPFIRE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CAMPFIRE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CAMPFIRE_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAMPFIRE_DATA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
CAMPFIRE_SMOKE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CAMPFIRE_SMOKE_TALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CampfireInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
CampfireInventory(BlockEntityCampfire) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireInventory
CampfireInventory(BlockEntityCampfire, InventoryType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireInventory
CampfireRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
CampfireRecipe(Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireRecipe
campfireRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
CampfireSmeltEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
CampfireSmeltEvent(BlockEntityCampfire, Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CampfireSmeltEvent
CAN_SUMMON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
canAcceptInput(EnergyType) - Method in interface
canAcceptInput(EnergyType, BlockFace) - Method in interface
canAddItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
canAddItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireInventory
canAddItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
canAddItem(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
canAddItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
canAddItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxInventory
canAddItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
canAffect(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
canAlwaysEat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomEdible
canAttack(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarvedPumpkin
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCraftingTable
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungus
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowLichen
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLeaves
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkinLit
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStripped
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStripped
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmorStand
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBoat
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBase
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEndCrystal
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFireCharge
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlintSteel
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlassBottle
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlowBerries
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecart
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartChest
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartHopper
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartTNT
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPainting
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionLingering
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionSplash
canBeActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
canBeBrokenWith(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canBeClimbed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canBeClimbed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
canBeClimbed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
canBeClimbed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
canBeClimbed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
canBeFlowedInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
canBeMovedByCurrents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Returns whether this entity can be moved by currents in liquids.
canBeMovedByCurrents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
canBeMovedByCurrents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
canBeMovedByCurrents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
canBeObfuscated(IntSet, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
canBePlaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canBePlaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
canBePlaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
canBePlaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
canBePlacedOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
canBePopulated(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
canBePopulated2BlockAir(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
canBePowered - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
canBePulled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
canBePushed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
canBeReducedByArmor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
canBeReplaced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
canBeUsedOnDimension(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
canBlockSeeSky(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
canBreakShield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
canBreakShield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeDiamond
canBreakShield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeGold
canBreakShield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeIron
canBreakShield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeNetherite
canBreakShield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeStone
canBreakShield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeWood
canCauseVibration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BarrelInventory
canCauseVibration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestInventory
canCauseVibration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerInventory
若返回为true,则在inventory打开和关闭时会发生振动事件 (InventoryHolder为Vector3子类的前提下)
canCauseVibration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.HopperInventory
canCauseVibration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MinecartChestInventory
canCauseVibration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxInventory
cancel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
cancel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.NukkitRunnable
Attempts to cancel this task.
cancel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task
cancel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
cancel(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
cancel(Plugin) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServiceManager
Cancel service's provider(s) offered this plugin.
cancel(Class<T>, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
cancel(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServiceManager
Cancel a service's provider.
cancelAllTasks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
Cancellable - Interface in cn.nukkit.event
cancelReason - Variable in class
cancelSheduledUpdate(Vector3, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
cancelTask(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
cancelTask(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
cancelUnloadChunkRequest(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
cancelUnloadChunkRequest(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
canClimb() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
canClimbWalls() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
canCollide - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
canCollide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
canCollide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
canCollide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
canCollide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
canCollide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
canCollide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
canCollide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
canCollideWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
canConnect(Block) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockConnectable
canConnect(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
canConnect(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockThin
canConnect(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
canConnectTo(Block, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
canConnectUpwardsTo(Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
canConnectUpwardsTo(Level, Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
canConvertTo(EnergyType) - Method in interface
canConvertToBase() - Method in interface
canConvertToMoss(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
CanDestory() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents.CanDestory
canDestroy - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents
canDestroyInCreative(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CANDLE_FLAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
canDoInteraction() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityInteractable
canDoInteraction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
canDoInteraction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
canDoInteraction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
canDoInteraction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
canDoInteraction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
canDoInteraction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
canDropApple() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
canDropApple() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
canDrown() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntitySwimmable
canEnchant(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage
canEnchant(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
Checks if the given item have a type which is compatible with this enchantment.
canEnchant(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentDurability
canEnchant(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEfficiency
canEnchant(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSilkTouch
canEnchant(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentThorns
canEnchant(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentVanishingCurse
canEnchant(Item) - Method in class
canEnchantItem(Item) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
canEnchantItem(ItemStack) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry.MappingEntry
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
canEqual(Object) - Method in exception cn.nukkit.utils.InvalidBlockDamageException
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPieceTint
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
canEqual(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
canEquipByDispenser() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
canEquipByDispenser() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
canEquipByDispenser() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
canExecute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
canExecute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
canExecute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.GrindstoneTransaction
canExecute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
canExecute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.RepairItemTransaction
canExecute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.SmithingTransaction
canExecute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.TradingTransaction
canFlowInto(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
canGenerate(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.PopulatorDesertPyramid
canGenerate(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.PopulatorJungleTemple
canGenerate(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut.PopulatorSwampHut
canGenerate(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
canGrassStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper.PopulatorHelpers
canGrowInto(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.TreeGenerator
canGrowOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungus
canGrowOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusCrimson
canGrowOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusWarped
canGrowPlant(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
canHarvest(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canHarvest(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
canHarvest(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstonePolished
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricks
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNether
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksQuartz
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonStone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobblestone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateCobbled
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDiamond
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEmerald
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndStone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFletchingTable
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnace
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGold
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoneycombBlock
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIron
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLapis
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossStone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedSandstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothStone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSoil
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDioritePolished
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutter
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslate
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTuff
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
canHarvestWithHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
canInteract(Vector3, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
canInteract(Vector3, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
canKeepAlive(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
canListPlugins() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
canLoad(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
canMove() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
TODO: 大箱子在PNX不能推动
canMove() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase.BlocksCalculator
canNeighborBurn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
cannotReversed(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.ParseUtils
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
canPassThrough() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
canPlaceObject(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
canPlaceOn - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents
CanPlaceOn() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents.CanPlaceOn
canPlantOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
canPlantOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
canPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
canPowered(Vector3, Rail.Orientation, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
canPowered(Vector3, Rail.Orientation, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
canProcess(int, int) - Static method in class
canProvideOutput(EnergyType) - Method in interface
canProvideOutput(EnergyType, BlockFace) - Method in interface
canPush(Block, BlockFace, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach.ColdBeachBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert.DesertBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.end.TheEndBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.HellBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.NetherBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.FrozenOceanBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.LegacyFrozenOceanBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river.FrozenRiverBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaBiome
canRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.SnowyBiome
canRandomTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canRandomTick(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
canReturnToShooter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
canSee(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockClay
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlass
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPane
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPaneStained
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassTinted
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowstone
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGravel
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOre
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaLantern
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
canSilkTouch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
canStay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.PopulatorGroundSoulFire
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCactus
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDeadBush
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDoublePlant
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorFlower
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGrass
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGroundFire
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorKelp
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorLilyPad
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorMelon
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorPumpkin
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSeagrass
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSmallMushroom
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSugarcane
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorOceanFloorSurfaceBlock
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlock
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlockPN
canStay(int, int, int, FullChunk, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSeagrass
canSticksBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
canSticksBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
canSticksBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
canTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
canTrade - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
canTriggerWalking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
canVibrationArrive(Level, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
canWaterloggingFlowInto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
capitalize(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.StringUtils
CapturingCommandSender - Class in cn.nukkit.command
CapturingCommandSender() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
CapturingCommandSender(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
CapturingCommandSender(String, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
CapturingCommandSender(String, boolean, Permissible) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
CapturingCommandSender(String, boolean, Function<ServerOperator, Permissible>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
CARAVAN - Static variable in class
CARDINAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection.Precision
North, South, East, West.
CARPET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CARPET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
carrot - Static variable in class
CARROT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CARROT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CARROT_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
carrot_golden - Static variable in class
CARROT_ON_A_STICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CARROT_ON_A_STICK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CARROTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CARROTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CARTOGRAPHY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
CARTOGRAPHY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CartographyRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
CartographyRecipe(Item, Collection<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CartographyRecipe
CartographyRecipe(String, int, Item, Collection<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CartographyRecipe
CartographyRecipe(String, int, Item, List<ItemDescriptor>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CartographyRecipe
cartographyRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
CARVED_PUMPKIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CARVED_PUMPKIN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
case1 - Variable in class
case2 - Variable in class
CastleCorridorStairsPiece(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorStairsPiece
CastleCorridorStairsPiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorStairsPiece
CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
CastleEntrance(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleEntrance
CastleEntrance(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleEntrance
CastleSmallCorridorCrossingPiece(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorCrossingPiece
CastleSmallCorridorCrossingPiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorCrossingPiece
CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece
CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece
CastleSmallCorridorPiece(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorPiece
CastleSmallCorridorPiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorPiece
CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece
CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece
CastleStalkRoom(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleStalkRoom
CastleStalkRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleStalkRoom
CAT_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
caught - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
caughtTimer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
CAULDRON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAULDRON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
CAULDRON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CAULDRON_ADDDYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CAULDRON_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAULDRON_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CAULDRON_CLEANARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_CLEANBANNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_DRIP_LAVA_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_DRIP_WATER_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_DYEARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_EXPLODE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_FILLPOTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_FILLWATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_SPLASH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CAULDRON_TAKEPOTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CAULDRON_TAKEWATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CauldronFilledByDrippingLiquidEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
CauldronFilledByDrippingLiquidEvent(Block, CauldronLiquid, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.CauldronFilledByDrippingLiquidEvent
CauldronLiquid - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
CAULDRONSPELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
cause - Variable in class
CAUSE_CUSTOM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
CAUSE_EATING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
CAUSE_MAGIC - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
CAUSE_REGEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
CAVE_SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAVE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAVE_VINES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CAVE_VINES_BODY_WITH_BERRIES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAVE_VINES_BODY_WITH_BERRIES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CAVE_VINES_HEAD_WITH_BERRIES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CAVE_VINES_HEAD_WITH_BERRIES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CaveBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.type
洞穴生物群系 eq: 繁茂洞穴
CaveBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CaveBiome
caveFrequency - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
caveMaxAltitude - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
caveMinAltitude - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
caveRarity - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
caveSystemFrequency - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
caveSystemPocketChance - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
caveSystemPocketMaxSize - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
caveSystemPocketMinSize - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
ceil() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
ceil() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
ceil() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
ceil() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
ceil() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
ceil() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
ceil() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
ceil(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
ceil(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
ceilDouble(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
ceilFloat(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
CENTER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
centerChunkX() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
Returns the value of the centerChunkX record component.
centerChunkZ() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
Returns the value of the centerChunkZ record component.
CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHAIN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CHAIN_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CHAIN_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHAIN_BOOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CHAIN_CHESTPLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHAIN_COMMAND_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CHAIN_HELMET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CHAIN_LEGGINGS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CHAINED_COMMAND - Static variable in interface
CHAINED_COMMAND_ENUM - Static variable in class
ChainedCommandNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
ChainedCommandNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ChainedCommandNode
CHAINMAIL_BOOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHAINMAIL_HELMET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHAINMAIL_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
CHANGE_DIMENSION_ACK - Enum constant in enum class
CHANGE_DIMENSION_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CHANGE_HEIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
CHANGE_MOB_PROPERTY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CHANGE_SKIN - Enum constant in enum class
ChangeDimensionPacket - Class in
ChangeDimensionPacket() - Constructor for class
ChangeMobPropertyPacket - Class in
Server-bound packet to change the properties of a mob.
ChangeMobPropertyPacket() - Constructor for class
changePitch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMusic
changes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
changeTarget - Variable in class
channel - Variable in class
channel - Variable in class
CHANNEL_BLOCKS - Static variable in class
CHANNEL_END - Static variable in class
CHANNEL_ENTITY_SPAWNING - Static variable in class
CHANNEL_MOVEMENT - Static variable in class
CHANNEL_NONE - Static variable in class
CHANNEL_PRIORITY - Static variable in class
CHANNEL_TEXT - Static variable in class
CHANNEL_WORLD_CHUNKS - Static variable in class
CHANNEL_WORLD_EVENTS - Static variable in class
charCache4096 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
charCache4096v2 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
CHARCOAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHARGE_SCULK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
chargingTime - Variable in class
CharPalette - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette
CharPalette() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.CharPalette
chat(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
chatRestrictionLevel - Variable in class
chatRestrictionLevel - Variable in class
CHEAT - Enum constant in enum class
CHEATS_ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class
check() - Method in class
check() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
checkAccess(Path, Set<? extends AccessMode>, LinkOption...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
checkAlive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
checkAreaSize - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
checkAreaSize - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorRavines
checkBetween(double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.ParseUtils
checkBlockCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
checkBlockCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
checkBlockWhenUpdate - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
checkChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
checkChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowInfinity
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowMultishot
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowPiercing
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
Checks if this enchantment can be applied to an item that have the give enchantment without doing reverse check.
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFrostWalker
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentMending
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSilkTouch
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot.EnchantmentLoot
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class
checkCompatibility(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentRiptide
checkDebugOption(EntityAI.DebugOption) - Static method in class
checkDisabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
checkForCraftingPart(List<InventoryAction>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
checkForEnchantPart(List<InventoryAction>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
checkForHarden() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
checkForHarden() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
checkForItemPart(List<InventoryAction>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.GrindstoneTransaction
checkForItemPart(List<InventoryAction>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.SmithingTransaction
checkForRepairItemPart(List<InventoryAction>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.RepairItemTransaction
checkFuel(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
checkGroundState(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
checkGroundState(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
checkIngredient(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
checkInteractNearby() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
checkLoginTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Server
checkLure() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
checkMinecart() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
checkMovement - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
checkNearEntities() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
checkNetwork() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
checkObstruction(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
checkPairing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
checkPositive(String, byte) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Validation
Throws an exception if the value is negative.
checkPositive(String, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Validation
Throws an exception if the value is negative.
checkPositive(String, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Validation
Throws an exception if the value is negative.
checkPositive(String, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Validation
Throws an exception if the value is negative.
checkPositive(String, long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Validation
Throws an exception if the value is negative.
checkPositive(String, short) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Validation
Throws an exception if the value is negative.
checkPositive(String, BigDecimal) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Validation
Throws an exception if the value is negative.
checkPositive(String, BigInteger) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Validation
Throws an exception if the value is negative.
checkRailsConnected() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
checkRain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
checkReversed(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.ParseUtils
checkSleep() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
checkState(Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
checkSurrounding(Vector3, boolean, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
Check the surrounding of the rail
checkTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
checkValid(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.EntitySelectorAPI
CHEMICAL_HEAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHEMISTRY_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
CHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHEST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CHEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
CHEST_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
CHEST_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CHEST_MINECART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHEST_MINECART - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ChestBoatDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
ChestBoatDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ChestBoatDispenseBehavior
ChestBoatInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
ChestBoatInventory(EntityChestBoat) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestBoatInventory
ChestCorridor(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor
ChestCorridor(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor
ChestInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
ChestInventory(BlockEntityChest) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestInventory
CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class
CHICKEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
chicken_cooked - Static variable in class
chicken_raw - Static variable in class
CHICKEN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
children() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
children() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
children() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
children(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
childrenOfType(Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
CHIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
CHIME_AMETHYST_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CHISEL_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
CHISELED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.ChiselType
CHISELED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneBrickType
CHISELED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
CHISELED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
CHISELED_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
CHISELED_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHISELED_DEEPSLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CHISELED_NETHER_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHISELED_NETHER_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CHISELED_POLISHED_BLACKSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHISELED_POLISHED_BLACKSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CHISELED_STONE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.MonsterEggStoneType
ChiselType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
CHORUS_FLOWER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHORUS_FLOWER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
chorus_fruit - Static variable in class
CHORUS_FRUIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
CHORUS_FRUIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHORUS_FRUIT - Enum constant in enum class
CHORUS_FRUIT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CHORUS_PLANT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CHORUS_PLANT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CHROME_DEBUG_PORT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
chunk - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
chunk - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
chunk - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.LightPopulationTask
chunk - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.TileSyncTask
chunk() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
Returns the value of the chunk record component.
chunk() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoChunk
Returns the value of the chunk record component.
Chunk - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil
Chunk - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.format
Chunk(LevelProvider) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
Chunk(LevelProvider, DimensionData) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
Chunk(LevelProvider, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
Chunk(LevelProvider, CompoundTag, DimensionData) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
Chunk(Class<? extends LevelProvider>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
Chunk(Class<? extends LevelProvider>, DimensionData) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
Chunk(Class<? extends LevelProvider>, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
Chunk(Class<? extends LevelProvider>, CompoundTag, DimensionData) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
CHUNK_RADIUS_UPDATED_PACKET - Static variable in interface
Chunk.Entry - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format
chunkBlockHash(int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
chunkCount - Variable in class
ChunkEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
ChunkEvent(FullChunk) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkEvent
ChunkException - Exception in cn.nukkit.utils
ChunkException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.ChunkException
ChunkException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.ChunkException
ChunkException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.ChunkException
chunkExists(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
chunkExists(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
chunkHash(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
chunkIndex - Variable in class
chunkIndex - Variable in class
chunkIntersects(BoundingBox, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
chunkLoadCount - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
ChunkLoader - Interface in cn.nukkit.level
ChunkLoadEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
ChunkLoadEvent(FullChunk, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkLoadEvent
chunkManager - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
ChunkManager - Interface in cn.nukkit.level
chunkPacket - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
ChunkPopulateEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
ChunkPopulateEvent(FullChunk) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkPopulateEvent
ChunkPopulationTask - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
ChunkPopulationTask(ChunkManager, FullChunk, Populator...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.ChunkPopulationTask
ChunkPos(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea.ChunkPos
ChunkPosition - Class in cn.nukkit.level
ChunkPosition(int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.ChunkPosition
ChunkPosition(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.ChunkPosition
ChunkPrePopulateEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
ChunkPrePopulateEvent(FullChunk, List<Populator>, List<Populator>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkPrePopulateEvent
chunkRadius - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
ChunkRadiusUpdatedPacket - Class in
ChunkRadiusUpdatedPacket() - Constructor for class
chunkRequestCallback(long, int, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
chunks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
chunks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.PopulationTask
chunks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
ChunkSection - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil
ChunkSection - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.format
ChunkSection(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
ChunkSection(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
ChunkSection(CompoundTag, byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
ChunkSection3DBiome - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.format
ChunkSectionVector(int, int, int) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ChunkSectionVector record class.
chunksPerTick - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
ChunkUnloadEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
ChunkUnloadEvent(FullChunk) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkUnloadEvent
ChunkUpdater - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.updater
ChunkVector2 - Class in cn.nukkit.math
ChunkVector2() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
ChunkVector2(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
ChunkVector2(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
chunkX - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk.Entry
chunkX - Variable in class
chunkX - Variable in class
chunkX() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chunkX record component.
chunkY - Variable in class
chunkZ - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk.Entry
chunkZ - Variable in class
chunkZ - Variable in class
chunkZ() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the chunkZ record component.
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
clamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
clamp(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
clamp(int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
ClassEntityProvider - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.provider
ClassEntityProvider(String, Class<? extends Entity>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.ClassEntityProvider
ClassEntityProvider(String, Class<? extends Entity>, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.ClassEntityProvider
CLASSIC - Enum constant in enum class
classLoader - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
classLoaders - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
CLAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CLAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CLAY_BALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CLAY_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CLAY_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
clean() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate
clean() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructureTemplate
clean() - Method in class
clean() - Method in class
clean() - Method in class
clean() - Method in class
clean() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.IterableThreadLocal
clean() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
clean(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Cleans the given message of all format codes.
clean(String, boolean) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
clean(ThreadLocal) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.IterableThreadLocal
cleanAll() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.IterableThreadLocal
cleanChunks(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.PopChunkManager
cleanChunks(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
cleanChunks(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SingleChunkManager
cleanObject() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
cleanRecipes - Variable in class
cleanRecipes - Variable in class
clear() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
clear() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
clear() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
clear() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingSetWrapper
clear() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
Clears the entire map.
clear() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
Clears the set.
clear() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
clear(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
clear(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
clear(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
clear(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
clear(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
clear(int, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
clear(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
clear(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
clear(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
clear(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
clear(MemoryType<?>) - Method in interface
clear(MemoryType<?>) - Method in class
CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class
clearAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
clearAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
clearAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingGrid
clearAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
clearAll() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
clearAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
clearAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
clearAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
clearCachedStore() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.SimpleTickCachedBlockStore
clearCachedStore() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.TickCachedBlockStore
clearCaches() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
clearChildren() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
clearChildren() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Remove all the child nodes
clearChildren() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
ClearCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
ClearCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ClearCommand
clearCommands() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandMap
clearCommands() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
clearConnections() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
clearConstructor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
clearCreativeItems() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
clearCustomBlockData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
clearCustomColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
clearCustomName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
clearData(T) - Method in class
clearDataWhenLose - Variable in class
clearDataWhenLose - Variable in class
clearDeadReferences() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
clearDeadReferences() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
clearExplosions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework
clearFeatures() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
clearInterfaceNames() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
clearMethods() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
clearNamedTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
clearPermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
clearPermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
clearPlugins() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
clearPopulators() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
clearPopulators() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorStructure
ClearSpawnPointCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
ClearSpawnPointCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ClearSpawnPointCommand
clearSuperFields() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
clearSuperMethods() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
clearTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
clearWithFizz(BlockEntityCauldron) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
clearWithFizz(BlockEntityCauldron, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
CLICK_OFF_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLICK_OFF_NETHER_WOOD_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLICK_OFF_NETHER_WOOD_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLICK_OFF_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLICK_OFF_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLICK_ON_METAL_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLICK_ON_NETHER_WOOD_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLICK_ON_NETHER_WOOD_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLICK_ON_STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLICK_ON_WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
clickedPos - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
clickPos - Variable in class
clickPos - Variable in class
CLIENT_AUTOMATION - Enum constant in enum class
CLIENT_CACHE_BLOB_STATUS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CLIENT_CACHE_MISS_RESPONSE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CLIENT_CACHE_STATUS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CLIENT_CHEAT_ABILITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CLIENT_TO_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CLIENTBOUND_DEBUG_RENDERER_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CLIENTBOUND_MAP_ITEM_DATA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ClientboundMapItemDataPacket - Class in
ClientboundMapItemDataPacket() - Constructor for class
ClientboundMapItemDataPacket.MapDecorator - Class in
ClientboundMapItemDataPacket.MapTrackedObject - Class in
ClientboundMapItemDataPacket.MapTrackedObject.Type - Enum Class in
ClientCacheStatusPacket - Class in
ClientCacheStatusPacket() - Constructor for class
ClientChainData - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
ClientChainData is a container of chain data sent from clients.
clientId - Variable in class
clientID - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
ClientPlayMode - Enum Class in
clientSideGenerationEnabled - Variable in class
clientSideGenerationEnabled - Variable in class
clientThrottleEnabled - Variable in class
clientThrottleScalar - Variable in class
clientThrottleThreshold - Variable in class
ClientToServerHandshakePacket - Class in
ClientToServerHandshakePacket() - Constructor for class
ClientToServerHandshakeProcessor - Class in
ClientToServerHandshakeProcessor() - Constructor for class
clientUUID - Variable in class
CLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CLOCKWISE_180 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Rotation
CLOCKWISE_90 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Rotation
clockwise180(int, int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Rotation
Flip a block's data value.
clockwise90(int, int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Rotation
Rotate a block's data value 90 degrees (north->east->south->west->north);
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ComplexAliasDescriptor
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DefaultDescriptor
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.InvalidDescriptor
clone() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptor
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustom
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.StringItemBase
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.TextContainer
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BiomePalette
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.IntPalette
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
clone() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.NamedPosition
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
clone() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
clone(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
clone2dArray(T[][]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
cloneByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
CloneCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
CloneCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.CloneCommand
cloneTo(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
cloneTo(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
cloneTo(Position, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
close() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
close() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics
close() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Life-cycle hook method called after all the child nodes have been added.
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSJob
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
Close all active
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
close() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
close() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.EmptyTiming
close() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.Timing
close(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
close(TextContainer, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
close(TextContainer, String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeBlockUIComponent
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanEnderChestInventory
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
close(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
close(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
close(Player) - Method in class
close(Player) - Method in interface
close(Player, String) - Method in class
close(Player, String) - Method in interface
close(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
close(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
close(String, String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class
CLOSE_BRACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
CLOSE_BRACKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
CLOSE_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLOSE_IRON_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLOSE_IRON_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLOSE_NETHER_WOOD_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLOSE_NETHER_WOOD_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLOSE_NETHER_WOOD_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLOSE_WOODEN_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CLOSE_WOODEN_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
closeContext(Context) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator
closed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
closed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
closed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent
closed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
closed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
closeHashSet - Variable in class
closeList - Variable in class
closeNow(Server) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.NukkitMetrics
closeOnCollide - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
closestPlayer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
closingWindowId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CLOTH_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
cloudEffects - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
CloudParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
CloudParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.CloudParticle
CloudParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.CloudParticle
clownfish - Static variable in class
CLOWNFISH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CLOWNFISH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
CLUSTER_COUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
clusterCount - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
clusterSize - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
cmd_line - Variable in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton.CmdLine
cmd_ver - Variable in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton.CmdLine
CMD_VER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton.CmdLine
CmdLine(String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton.CmdLine
cn.nukkit - package cn.nukkit
cn.nukkit.api - package cn.nukkit.api
cn.nukkit.block - package cn.nukkit.block
cn.nukkit.block.customblock - package cn.nukkit.block.customblock - package
cn.nukkit.block.fake - package cn.nukkit.block.fake
cn.nukkit.blockentity - package cn.nukkit.blockentity
cn.nukkit.blockproperty - package cn.nukkit.blockproperty
cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception - package cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception
cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value - package cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
cn.nukkit.blockstate - package cn.nukkit.blockstate
cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception - package cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception
cn.nukkit.command - package cn.nukkit.command
与命令及其实现相关的类 - package - package
cn.nukkit.command.defaults - package cn.nukkit.command.defaults
cn.nukkit.command.exceptions - package cn.nukkit.command.exceptions
cn.nukkit.command.function - package cn.nukkit.command.function
cn.nukkit.command.selector - package cn.nukkit.command.selector
cn.nukkit.command.selector.args - package cn.nukkit.command.selector.args
cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl - package cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
cn.nukkit.command.simple - package cn.nukkit.command.simple
cn.nukkit.command.tree - package cn.nukkit.command.tree
cn.nukkit.command.tree.node - package cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
cn.nukkit.command.utils - package cn.nukkit.command.utils
cn.nukkit.console - package cn.nukkit.console
cn.nukkit.dialog.element - package cn.nukkit.dialog.element
cn.nukkit.dialog.handler - package cn.nukkit.dialog.handler
cn.nukkit.dialog.response - package cn.nukkit.dialog.response
cn.nukkit.dialog.window - package cn.nukkit.dialog.window
cn.nukkit.dispenser - package cn.nukkit.dispenser
与发射器行为相关的类 - package
cn.nukkit.entity - package cn.nukkit.entity
与实体相关的类,包含友好生物,敌对生物等. - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
cn.nukkit.entity.custom - package cn.nukkit.entity.custom - package
cn.nukkit.entity.item - package cn.nukkit.entity.item
cn.nukkit.entity.mob - package cn.nukkit.entity.mob
cn.nukkit.entity.passive - package cn.nukkit.entity.passive
cn.nukkit.entity.projectile - package cn.nukkit.entity.projectile
cn.nukkit.entity.provider - package cn.nukkit.entity.provider - package
cn.nukkit.event - package cn.nukkit.event
cn.nukkit.event.block - package cn.nukkit.event.block
cn.nukkit.event.blockstate - package cn.nukkit.event.blockstate
cn.nukkit.event.command - package cn.nukkit.event.command
cn.nukkit.event.entity - package cn.nukkit.event.entity
cn.nukkit.event.inventory - package cn.nukkit.event.inventory
cn.nukkit.event.level - package cn.nukkit.event.level
cn.nukkit.event.player - package cn.nukkit.event.player
cn.nukkit.event.plugin - package cn.nukkit.event.plugin
cn.nukkit.event.potion - package cn.nukkit.event.potion - package
cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard - package cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard
cn.nukkit.event.server - package cn.nukkit.event.server
cn.nukkit.event.vehicle - package cn.nukkit.event.vehicle - package
cn.nukkit.form.element - package cn.nukkit.form.element
cn.nukkit.form.handler - package cn.nukkit.form.handler
cn.nukkit.form.response - package cn.nukkit.form.response
cn.nukkit.form.window - package cn.nukkit.form.window
cn.nukkit.inventory - package cn.nukkit.inventory
cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe - package cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction - package cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction
cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action - package cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action - package
cn.nukkit.item - package cn.nukkit.item
cn.nukkit.item.customitem - package cn.nukkit.item.customitem - package
cn.nukkit.item.enchantment - package cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow - package cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow
cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow - package cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow
cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage - package cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage
cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot - package cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot - package
cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident - package cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident - package
cn.nukkit.item.randomitem - package cn.nukkit.item.randomitem
cn.nukkit.lang - package cn.nukkit.lang
cn.nukkit.level - package cn.nukkit.level
cn.nukkit.level.biome - package cn.nukkit.level.biome
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.end - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.end
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jaggedpeaks - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jaggedpeaks
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mangroveswamp - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mangroveswamp
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mushroom - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mushroom
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.plains - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.plains
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.roofedforest - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.roofedforest
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.snowyslopes - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.snowyslopes
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.swamp - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.swamp
cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
cn.nukkit.level.biome.type - package cn.nukkit.level.biome.type
cn.nukkit.level.format - package cn.nukkit.level.format
cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil - package cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil
cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette - package cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette
cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util - package cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util
cn.nukkit.level.format.generic - package cn.nukkit.level.format.generic
cn.nukkit.level.format.updater - package cn.nukkit.level.format.updater
cn.nukkit.level.generator - package cn.nukkit.level.generator
cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit
cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d
cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f
cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d
cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f
cn.nukkit.level.generator.object - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.object
cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end
cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom
cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore
cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper
This package has lots of helper interfaces for frequently repeated methods
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.structure - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.structure
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertwell - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertwell
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.fossil - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.fossil
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.structure - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.structure
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut.structure - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut.structure
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.loot - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.loot
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree
cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type
cn.nukkit.level.generator.task - package cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
cn.nukkit.level.particle - package cn.nukkit.level.particle
cn.nukkit.level.terra - package cn.nukkit.level.terra
cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate - package cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles - package cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles
cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea - package cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea
cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager - package cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager - package
cn.nukkit.level.util - package cn.nukkit.level.util
cn.nukkit.level.vibration - package cn.nukkit.level.vibration
cn.nukkit.math - package cn.nukkit.math
cn.nukkit.metadata - package cn.nukkit.metadata
cn.nukkit.metrics - package cn.nukkit.metrics
cn.nukkit.nbt - package cn.nukkit.nbt
cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt - package cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast - package cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast - package
cn.nukkit.nbt.tag - package cn.nukkit.nbt.tag - package
与基岩版网络协议相关的类. - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
cn.nukkit.permission - package cn.nukkit.permission
cn.nukkit.plugin - package cn.nukkit.plugin
cn.nukkit.plugin.js - package cn.nukkit.plugin.js
cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler - package cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler
cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external - package cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external
cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature - package cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature - package
cn.nukkit.plugin.service - package cn.nukkit.plugin.service
cn.nukkit.positiontracking - package cn.nukkit.positiontracking
cn.nukkit.potion - package cn.nukkit.potion
cn.nukkit.resourcepacks - package cn.nukkit.resourcepacks
cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader - package cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader
cn.nukkit.scheduler - package cn.nukkit.scheduler
一些关于异步任务和调度器的类,可用于插件实现异步操作. - package
cn.nukkit.scoreboard.displayer - package cn.nukkit.scoreboard.displayer
cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager - package cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager
cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard - package cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard
cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer - package cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer - package
cn.nukkit.timings - package cn.nukkit.timings
cn.nukkit.utils - package cn.nukkit.utils
cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport - package cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport
cn.nukkit.utils.collection - package cn.nukkit.utils.collection
cn.nukkit.utils.functional - package cn.nukkit.utils.functional
CNF - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
co.aikar.timings - package co.aikar.timings
COAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COAL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
COAL_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COAL_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COAL_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COAL_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COALS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
COARSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DirtType
COBBLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLE_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COBBLED_DEEPSLATE_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
COBBLESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.MonsterEggStoneType
COBBLESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
COBBLESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COBBLESTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
COBBLESTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
COBBLESTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLESTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
COBBLESTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
COBBLESTONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBBLESTONE_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COBBLESTONE_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COBWEB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COCOA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COCOA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COCOA_BEANS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COCOA_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COD_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COD_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CODE_BUILDER_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CODE_BUILDER_SOURCE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CODE_STATUS - Enum constant in enum class
CodeBuilderCategoryType - Enum Class in
CodeBuilderOperationType - Enum Class in
CodeBuilderPacket - Class in
CodeBuilderPacket() - Constructor for class
CodeBuilderSourcePacket - Class in
CodeBuilderSourcePacket() - Constructor for class
CODENAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
COLD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.Type
COLD_BEACH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
COLD_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
COLD_TAIGA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
COLD_TAIGA_HILLS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
COLD_TAIGA_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
ColdBeachBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach
ColdBeachBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach.ColdBeachBiome
colder(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable
this.temperature -= temperature;
colder(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
ColdOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
ColdOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.ColdOceanBiome
ColdTaigaBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
ColdTaigaBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaBiome
ColdTaigaHillsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
ColdTaigaHillsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaHillsBiome
ColdTaigaMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
ColdTaigaMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaMBiome
COLLECT - Enum constant in enum class
collectSensorData(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
collectSensorData(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
collectSensorData(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
collectTask() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
COLLIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by a lot of (>24) entities colliding together
collidesBlocks(EntityIntelligent, double, double, double) - Method in class
collidesWithBB(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
collidesWithBB(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
collidesWithBB(AxisAlignedBB, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
collideWithBlock(Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
collidingWith(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
collisionBlocks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
collisionBox(CollisionBox) - Method in class
collisionBox(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
CollisionBox - Record Class in
CollisionBox(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a CollisionBox record class.
COLON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
color - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
color - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBed
color - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
color - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
color - Variable in class
color - Variable in class
color - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
color() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the color record component.
color(BossBarColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar.Builder
COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
COLOR_BLOCK_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
COLORED_FLAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
COLORED_TORCH_BP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COLORED_TORCH_RG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
colorize(char, String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Translates a string using an alternate format code character into a string that uses the internal TextFormat.ESCAPE format code character.
colorize(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Translates a string, using an ampersand (&) as an alternate format code character, into a string that uses the internal TextFormat.ESCAPE format code character.
colors - Variable in class
colors - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPieceTint
combuster - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByBlockEvent
combuster - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByEntityEvent
COMMA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
command - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
command - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
command - Variable in class
command - Variable in class
command() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Returns the value of the command record component.
Command - Class in cn.nukkit.command
Command - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.command.simple
Command(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.Command
Command(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.Command
Command(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.Command
Command(String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.Command
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class
COMMAND_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COMMAND_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COMMAND_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
COMMAND_BLOCK_OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
COMMAND_BLOCK_UPDATE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
COMMAND_BLOCKS_ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
COMMAND_OUTPUT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
COMMAND_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CommandArg - Class in
CommandArg() - Constructor for class
CommandArgBlockVector - Class in
CommandArgBlockVector() - Constructor for class
CommandArgRules - Class in
CommandArgRules() - Constructor for class
CommandArgs - Class in
CommandArgs() - Constructor for class
CommandBlockExecuteEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.command
CommandBlockExecuteEvent(Block, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.command.CommandBlockExecuteEvent
CommandBlockInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
CommandBlockInventory(Position, Set<Player>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
commandBlockMode - Variable in class
CommandBlockTrigger(ICommandBlock, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock.CommandBlockTrigger
CommandBlockUpdatePacket - Class in
CommandBlockUpdatePacket() - Constructor for class
commandBuilder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager
CommandBuilder(CommonJSPlugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
commandData - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
CommandData - Class in
CommandData() - Constructor for class
CommandData.Flag - Enum Class in
CommandDataVersions - Class in
CommandDataVersions() - Constructor for class
commandEnum - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.EnumNode
CommandEnum - Class in
CommandEnum(String, String...) - Constructor for class
CommandEnum(String, Supplier<Collection<String>>) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new Soft Command enum.
CommandEnum(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class
CommandEnum(String, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class
CommandEnumConstraintData - Class in
CommandEnumConstraintData is sent in the AvailableCommandsPacket to limit what values of an enum may be used taking in account things such as whether cheats are enabled.
CommandEnumConstraintData(String, CommandEnum, CommandEnumConstraintType[]) - Constructor for class
CommandEnumConstraintType - Enum Class in
CommandExecutor - Interface in cn.nukkit.command
An interface what can be implemented by classes which listens command executing.
CommandInput - Class in
CommandInput() - Constructor for class
commandLabel() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Returns the value of the commandLabel record component.
CommandLogger - Record Class in cn.nukkit.command.utils
CommandLogger(Command, CommandSender, String, String[]) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
CommandLogger(Command, CommandSender, String, String[], CommandOutputContainer) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
CommandLogger(Command, CommandSender, String, String[], CommandOutputContainer, Plugin) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Creates an instance of a CommandLogger record class.
CommandLogger(Command, CommandSender, String, String[], Plugin) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
CommandMap - Interface in cn.nukkit.command
CommandNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
CommandNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.CommandNode
commandOriginData - Variable in class
CommandOriginData - Class in
CommandOriginData(CommandOriginData.Origin, UUID, String, Long) - Constructor for class
CommandOriginData.Origin - Enum Class in
CommandOutput - Class in
CommandOutput() - Constructor for class
CommandOutputContainer - Class in cn.nukkit.lang
CommandOutputPacket 负载消息的容器,支持同时发送多条消息
CommandOutputContainer() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer
CommandOutputContainer(String, String[], int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer
CommandOutputContainer(List<CommandOutputMessage>, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer
CommandOutputMessage - Class in
CommandOutputMessage(boolean, String, String[]) - Constructor for class
CommandOutputMessage(String) - Constructor for class
CommandOutputMessage(String, String...) - Constructor for class
CommandOutputPacket - Class in
CommandOutputPacket() - Constructor for class
CommandOutputType - Enum Class in
CommandOverload - Class in
CommandOverload() - Constructor for class
CommandParameter - Class in
CommandParameter(String) - Constructor for class
CommandParameter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
CommandParameter(String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class
CommandParameter(String, boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class
CommandParameter(String, CommandParamType, boolean) - Constructor for class
CommandParameter(String, String) - Constructor for class
CommandParameter(String, String[]) - Constructor for class
CommandParameter(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
commandParameters - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
CommandParameters - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.command.simple
CommandParamOption - Enum Class in
CommandParamType - Enum Class in
CommandParser - Class in cn.nukkit.command.utils
CommandParser(Command, CommandSender, String[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
CommandParser(Command, CommandSender, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
CommandParser(CommandParser) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
CommandParser(CommandParser, CommandSender) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
commandPermission - Variable in class
commandPermission - Variable in class
CommandPermission - Enum Class in
CommandPermission - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.command.simple
CommandRequestPacket - Class in
CommandRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
commands - Variable in class
commands - Variable in class
COMMANDS - Enum constant in enum class
commandsEnabled - Variable in class
commandsEnabled - Variable in class
CommandSender - Interface in cn.nukkit.command
CommandSyntaxException - Exception in cn.nukkit.command.exceptions
CommandSyntaxException() - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.command.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException
commandTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
COMMON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment.Rarity
CommonBlockProperties - Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty
CommonJSPlugin - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
CommonJSPlugin() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
COMPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COMPARATOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
comparatorInput - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
comparatorPower - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
compare(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.HumanStringComparator
compare(String, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecraftNamespaceComparator
COMPARE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator.Mode
COMPARE_OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class
compareBlocks(Block, Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecraftNamespaceComparator
compareDataTo(MemoryType<D>, Object) - Method in interface
compareFNV(String, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecraftNamespaceComparator
compareItems(Item, Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecraftNamespaceComparator
CompareOperatorStringNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
CompareOperatorStringNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.CompareOperatorStringNode
compareTo(ISelectorArgument) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.ISelectorArgument
compareTo(Node) - Method in class
compareTo(Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Used to order Nodes by location.
compareTo(RegisteredServiceProvider<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.RegisteredServiceProvider
compareTo(BlockUpdateEntry) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
compareTo(SortedList.Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
COMPASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COMPASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CompassRoseDirection - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.math
Represents a 16 direction compass rose.
CompassRoseDirection.Precision - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.math
compile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
compile(Class<? extends Listener>, Method) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.MethodEventExecutor
compile(ClassLoader, Class<? extends Listener>, Method) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.MethodEventExecutor
compileBasicStaticFields(ClassWriter) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
compileConstructor(ClassWriter, JConstructor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
compileConstructorIniter(ClassWriter) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
CompiledExecutor - Interface in cn.nukkit.plugin
compileJSCaller(ClassWriter) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
compileMethod(ClassWriter, JMethod) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
compileSuperField(ClassWriter, JSuperField) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
compileSuperMethod(ClassWriter, JSuperMethod) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
compileTime - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.MethodEventExecutor
compileToClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
compileToClass(ClassLoader) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
compileToFile(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
compileToFile(Path) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
complete(LineReader, ParsedLine, List<Candidate>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsoleCompleter
COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class
COMPLETE_TRADE - Static variable in class
COMPLETED_USING_ITEM_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CompletedUsingItemPacket - Class in
CompletedUsingItemPacket() - Constructor for class
completeLoginSequence() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
completeLoginSequence() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
completeUsingItem(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
completionPrefix(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SummonCommand
completionPrefix(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Type
COMPLEX_ALIAS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptorType
ComplexAliasDescriptor - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
ComplexAliasDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ComplexAliasDescriptor
component() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the component record component.
Component - Class in
Component() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
COMPONENT_JUMP_TO_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
Component.ComponentBuilder - Class in
COMPOSTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COMPOSTER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COMPOSTER_FILL_LEVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
ComposterEmptyEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
ComposterEmptyEvent(Block, Player, Item, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
ComposterFillEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
ComposterFillEvent(Block, Player, Item, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterFillEvent
COMPOUND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CompoundNBT - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
CompoundNBT() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.CompoundNBT
CompoundNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
CompoundTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
CompoundTag() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
CompoundTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
CompoundTag(String, Map<String, Tag>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
CompoundTag(Map<String, Tag>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
compress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
compress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
compress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
compress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
compress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
compress() - Method in class
compress(int) - Method in class
compress(BinaryStream, int) - Method in interface
compress(Consumer<LayerStorage>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
compress(Consumer<LayerStorage>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
compress(Consumer<LayerStorage>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
CompressBatchedPacket - Class in
CompressBatchedPacket(byte[], List<InetSocketAddress>) - Constructor for class
CompressBatchedPacket(byte[], List<InetSocketAddress>, int) - Constructor for class
CompressBatchedPacket(byte[], List<InetSocketAddress>, int, int) - Constructor for class
CompressBatchedTask - Class in
CompressBatchedTask(byte[][], List<InetSocketAddress>) - Constructor for class
CompressBatchedTask(byte[][], List<InetSocketAddress>, int) - Constructor for class
CompressBatchedTask(byte[][], List<InetSocketAddress>, int, int) - Constructor for class
COMPRESSED_BIOME_DEFINITIONS_LIST - Static variable in interface
COMPRESSED_INDICATOR - Static variable in class
CompressedBiomeDefinitionListPacket - Class in
CompressedBiomeDefinitionListPacket() - Constructor for class
compressedLight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
compressedPackSize - Variable in class
COMPRESSION_GZIP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
COMPRESSION_LEVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
COMPRESSION_LEVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
COMPRESSION_ZLIB - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
compressionAlgorithm - Variable in class
CompressionProvider - Interface in
compressionThreshold - Variable in class
compressor - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.LZ4Freezer
compressStorageLayers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
compressStorageLayers() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
compute() - Method in class
compute() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.TickCachedBlockStore.CachedBlockComputer
computeFromCachedStore(int, int, int, int, TickCachedBlockStore.CachedBlockComputer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.SimpleTickCachedBlockStore
computeFromCachedStore(int, int, int, int, TickCachedBlockStore.CachedBlockComputer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.TickCachedBlockStore
computeRedstoneStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
computeRedstoneStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateMangrove
computeRedstoneStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
computeRedstoneStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWood
computeRedstoneStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
computeRedstoneStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
computeThreadPool - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Server
CONCRETE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CONCRETE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CONCRETE_POWDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CONCRETE_POWDER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CONCRETEPOWDER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore(int, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore(int, float, T) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore(int, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore(int, float, T) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
ConcurrentRouteFinder - Class in
ConcurrentRouteFinder(IPosEvaluator) - Constructor for class
condition() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the condition record component.
CONDITIONAL_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
conditionalMode - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
ConditionalProbabilityEvaluator - Class in
ConditionalProbabilityEvaluator(int, int, Function<Entity, Boolean>, int) - Constructor for class
conditionMet - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
CONDUIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CONDUIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CONDUIT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CONDUIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
CONDUIT_ABSORB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CONDUIT_ACTIVATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CONDUIT_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CONDUIT_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CONDUIT_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CONDUIT_DEACTIVATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CONDUIT_POWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
CONDUIT_SHORT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ConduitActivateEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
ConduitActivateEvent(Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.ConduitActivateEvent
ConduitDeactivateEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
ConduitDeactivateEvent(Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.ConduitDeactivateEvent
Config - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Config() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Constructor for Config (YAML) instance with undefined file object
Config(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Constructor for Config instance with undefined file object
Config(File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Config(File, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Config(File, int, ConfigSection) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Config(File, int, LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Config(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Config(String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Config(String, int, ConfigSection) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Config(String, int, LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
ConfigSection - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
ConfigSection() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Empty ConfigSection constructor
ConfigSection(String, Object) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Constructor of ConfigSection that contains initial key/value data
ConfigSection(LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Constructor of ConfigSection, based on values stored in map.
conflictsWith(Enchantment) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
CONFUSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
connect(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
connect(BlockFace, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
connected - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
connectingDirections() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
connectionTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
ConsoleCommandOutputEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
ConsoleCommandOutputEvent(CommandSender, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.ConsoleCommandOutputEvent
ConsoleCommandSender - Class in cn.nukkit.command
ConsoleCommandSender() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
ConstantItemSelector - Class in cn.nukkit.item.randomitem
ConstantItemSelector(int, Selector) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ConstantItemSelector
ConstantItemSelector(int, Integer, int, Selector) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ConstantItemSelector
ConstantItemSelector(int, Integer, Selector) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ConstantItemSelector
ConstantItemSelector(Item, Selector) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ConstantItemSelector
constraints - Variable in class
constraints - Variable in class
CONSTRUCTION - Enum constant in enum class
CONSTRUCTOR - Enum constant in enum class
constructorDelegateName() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
Returns the value of the constructorDelegateName record component.
CONSUME_TOTEM - Static variable in class
CONTACT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by contact with a block such as a Cactus
CONTAINER - Enum constant in enum class
CONTAINER_CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
CONTAINER_CLOSE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CONTAINER_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
CONTAINER_OPEN_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CONTAINER_SET_DATA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ContainerClosePacket - Class in
ContainerClosePacket() - Constructor for class
containerId - Variable in class
ContainerIds - Interface in
ContainerInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
ContainerInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerInventory
ContainerInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType, Map<Integer, Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerInventory
ContainerInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType, Map<Integer, Item>, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerInventory
ContainerInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType, Map<Integer, Item>, Integer, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerInventory
ContainerOpenPacket - Class in
ContainerOpenPacket() - Constructor for class
ContainerRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
ContainerRecipe(Item, Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerRecipe
containerRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
ContainerSetDataPacket - Class in
ContainerSetDataPacket() - Constructor for class
containerType - Variable in class
containFunction(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.FunctionManager
containLine(IScorer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
containLine(IScorer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
contains(BlockProperty<?>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
contains(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
contains(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
contains(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
contains(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
contains(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
contains(BlockUpdateEntry) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.BlockUpdateScheduler
contains(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingSetWrapper
contains(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
contains(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
contains(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
contains(V) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
containsByte(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsByteArray(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsCompound(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
containScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
containScoreboard(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
containScoreboard(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
containScoreboard(String) - Method in interface
containScoreboard(String) - Method in class
containsDouble(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsFloat(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsInt(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsIntArray(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsKey(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
containsKey(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
containsKey(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
containsKey(K) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
containsKey(K) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap.WithInlinedExpunction
containsList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsList(String, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsNumber(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsShort(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsString(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
containsValue(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
containsValue(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
containsValue(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
containTag(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
containTickingArea(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
containTickingArea(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
containTickingArea(String) - Method in class
containTickingArea(String) - Method in interface
containViewer(IScoreboardViewer, DisplaySlot) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
containViewer(IScoreboardViewer, DisplaySlot) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
content - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
contextTimerIdMap - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator
CONTINUE_DESTROY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
contract(double, double, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
control(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
control(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
control(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
control(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
control(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
control(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
control(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
CONTROLLABLE_ABILITIES - Static variable in class
controller(String) - Method in class
controllers - Variable in class
controllers(Set<IController>) - Method in class
ConvertFeature - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature
ConvertFeature() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.ConvertFeature
ConvertingMapWrapper<K,V1,V2> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
ConvertingMapWrapper(Map<K, V2>, Function<V1, V2>, Function<V2, V1>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
ConvertingMapWrapper(Map<K, V2>, Function<V1, V2>, Function<V2, V1>, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
ConvertingSetWrapper<V1,V2> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
ConvertingSetWrapper(Set<V2>, Function<V1, V2>, Function<V2, V1>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingSetWrapper
convertPosBetweenNetherAndOverworld(Position) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
convertTo(EnergyType, double) - Method in interface
Convert the amount of energy to the target energy type.
convertToMoss(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
convertToPNXWorld(LevelProvider, BaseRegionLoader) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.OldNukkitLevelConvert
COOKED_BEEF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COOKED_BEEF - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
COOKED_CHICKEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COOKED_CHICKEN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
COOKED_COD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COOKED_FISH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
COOKED_MUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COOKED_MUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
COOKED_PORKCHOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COOKED_PORKCHOP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
COOKED_RABBIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COOKED_RABBIT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
COOKED_SALMON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COOKED_SALMON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
cookie - Static variable in class
COOKIE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COOKIE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
cookTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
coolDown - Variable in class
coolDown - Variable in class
coordinate - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
CoordinateArgument - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
args like x,y,z.
CoordinateArgument() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.CoordinateArgument
COPPER_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COPPER_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COPPER_INGOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COPPER_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
COPPER_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
COPPER_WAX_OFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
COPPER_WAX_ON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
copy() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
copy() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArray
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PaddedBitArray
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.Pow2BitArray
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.EndTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LinkedCompoundTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
copy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
copyBlockPaletteBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
copyFile(File, File) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
copyFrom(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
copyFrom(NibbleArray) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
copyLocationInfo(Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Copy the location info from another Node
copyLocationInfo(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
Copy the location info from a Node
copyLocationInfo(Node, Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Copy the location info given a start and end Node
copyLocationInfo(Node, Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
CORAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CORAL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CORAL_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CORAL_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CORAL_FAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CORAL_FAN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CORAL_FAN_DEAD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CORAL_FAN_DEAD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CORAL_FAN_HANG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CORAL_FAN_HANG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CORAL_FAN_HANG2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CORAL_FAN_HANG2 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CORAL_FAN_HANG3 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CORAL_FAN_HANG3 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CoralType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
coreBehaviorPeriodTimer - Variable in class
coreBehaviors - Variable in class
coreBehaviors(Set<IBehavior>) - Method in class
CoreCommand - Interface in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
CoreMemoryTypes - Interface in
CORNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
CORNFLOWER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
CORRECT_PLAYER_MOVE_PREDICTION_PACKET - Static variable in interface
correctNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
correctNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ProjectileDispenseBehavior
you can add extra data of projectile here
correctNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionLingering
correctNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionSplash
correctNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ProjectileItem
correctProjectile(Player, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderPearl
correctProjectile(Player, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ProjectileItem
cos(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
cos(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
costEnergy() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
COUNDIT_POWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
Typo. Use Effect.CONDUIT_POWER instead.
count - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
count - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
count - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
COUNT - Enum constant in enum class
COUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold
COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Rotation
counterclockwise90(int, int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Rotation
Rotate a block's data value -90 degrees (north<-east<-south<-west<-north);
countHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
countingInt() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NukkitCollectors
Returns a Collector accepting elements of type T that counts the number of input elements.
COURBET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
COVERED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
CoveredBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.type
CoveredBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
COW_BELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
COW_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRACK_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
CRACK_STATE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
CRACK_STATE_CRACKED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
CRACK_STATE_MAX_CRACKED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
CRACK_STATE_NO_CRACKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
CRACKED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CrackState
CRACKED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneBrickType
CRACKED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
CRACKED_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
CRACKED_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRACKED_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRACKED_DEEPSLATE_TILES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRACKED_DEEPSLATE_TILES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRACKED_NETHER_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRACKED_NETHER_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRACKED_POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRACKED_POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRACKED_STONE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.MonsterEggStoneType
CrackState - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
CRAFTING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
CRAFTING_ANVIL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CRAFTING_BEACON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CRAFTING_BIG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CRAFTING_CARTOGRAPHY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CRAFTING_DATA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CRAFTING_ENCHANT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CRAFTING_EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CRAFTING_GRINDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CRAFTING_SMALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CRAFTING_SMITHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CRAFTING_STONECUTTER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CRAFTING_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRAFTING_TABLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRAFTING_TAG_BLAST_FURNACE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_BLAST_FURNACE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_CAMPFIRE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_CAMPFIRE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_CRAFTING_TABLE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_CRAFTING_TABLE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_FURNACE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_FURNACE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_SMITHING_TABLE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_SMITHING_TABLE - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_SMOKER - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_SMOKER - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_STONECUTTER - Static variable in class
CRAFTING_TAG_STONECUTTER - Static variable in class
CraftingDataPacket - Class in
CraftingDataPacket() - Constructor for class
CraftingDataPacket_v575 - Class in
CraftingDataPacket_v575() - Constructor for class
CraftingDataType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
CraftingEventPacket - Class in
CraftingEventPacket() - Constructor for class
craftingGrid - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CraftingGrid - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
CraftingManager - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
CraftingManager() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
CraftingManager.Entry - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
CraftingRecipe - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory
craftingTable(CraftingTable) - Method in class
CraftingTable - Record Class in
CraftingTable(String, List<String>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a CraftingTable record class.
craftingTags() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the craftingTags record component.
CraftingTakeResultAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
CraftingTakeResultAction(Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultAction
CraftingTakeResultExperienceAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
CraftingTakeResultExperienceAction(Item, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultExperienceAction
craftingTransaction - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CraftingTransaction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction
CraftingTransaction(Player, List<InventoryAction>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
CraftingTransferMaterialAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
CraftingTransferMaterialAction(Item, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTransferMaterialAction
craftingType - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
craftingType - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CraftItemEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
CraftItemEvent(CraftingTransaction) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CraftItemEvent
CraftItemEvent(Player, Item[], Recipe) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CraftItemEvent
create() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
create(BlockVector3, BlockVector3, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.FakeStructBlock
create(ListTag<CompoundTag>, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer
create(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.fake.FakeBlock
create(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.FakeStructBlock
create(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.SingleFakeBlock
create(Player, String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.fake.FakeBlock
create(Player, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.SingleFakeBlock
create(Object, Position, Object...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
CREATE - Enum constant in enum class
CREATE - Enum constant in enum class
CREATE_PHOTO_PACKET - Static variable in interface
createAddEntityPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
createAddEntityPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
createAddEntityPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
createAddEntityPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
createAddEntityPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
createAddEntityPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
createBlank() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
createBlank() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
createBlockEntity() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
createBlockEntity(CompoundTag, Object...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
createBlockEntity(String, FullChunk, CompoundTag, Object...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
createBlockEntity(String, Position, CompoundTag, Object...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
createBlockEntity(String, Position, Object...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
createBlockState(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXWorldHandle
createBlockStorage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
createBossBar(DummyBossBar) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
createBossBar(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
createByteArray(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
createChest(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, NukkitRandom, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCorridor
createChunkSection(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
createChunkSection(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
createChunkSection(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
createCipher(boolean, boolean, SecretKey) - Static method in class
createCommandPattern(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
CREATED_ITEM_OUTPUT_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
createDefaultPattern() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
createdInEditor - Variable in class
createDirectory(Path, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
createEntity(int, FullChunk, CompoundTag, Object...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
createEntity(int, Position, Object...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
createEntity(Identifier, Position, Object...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
createEntity(String, FullChunk, CompoundTag, Object...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
createEntity(String, Position, Object...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
createEntityTargetTag(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
createFallingEntity(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFallable
createFallingEntity(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
createFromBlockPalette(BitArrayVersion) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
createFuzzyCraftingRecipe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
createHandshakeJwt(KeyPair, byte[]) - Static method in class
createHead(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
createInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDispenser
createInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDropper
createInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
createInventoryAction(Player) - Method in class
用于将从网络解析出来的NetworkInventoryAction解析成核心内部实现的InventoryAction 通过从InventorySource.getType()InventorySource.getContainerId() 来判断inventory的类型
createItem(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXItemHandle
createJob(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager
createKeyPair() - Static method in class
createMutableState(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
createMutableState(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
createMutableState(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
createMutableState(int, Number) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
createPageTag() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
createPageTag(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
createPair(BlockEntityChest) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
createPalette(int) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
createPalette(int, int[]) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
CreatePhotoPacket - Class in
CreatePhotoPacket() - Constructor for class
createPiece(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.BookHouse
createPiece(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.DoubleFarmland
createPiece(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Farmland
createPiece(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PigHouse
createPiece(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SimpleHouse
createPiece(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallHut
createPiece(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallTemple
createPiece(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Smithy
createPiece(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.TwoRoomHouse
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.MonsterThrone
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StairsRoom
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeCrossing
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorStairsPiece
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorCrossingPiece
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorPiece
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleStalkRoom
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.RoomCrossing
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeEndFiller
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeStraight
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleEntrance
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FiveCrossing
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.LeftTurn
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Library
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PrisonHall
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RightTurn
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StairsDown
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Straight
createPiece(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StraightStairsDown
createPortal() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
createPortal(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
createProper(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
createRavine(long, FullChunk, double, double, double, float, float, float, int, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorRavines
createTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
createTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
createTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
createVec3fTag(Vector3f) - Method in class
createVec3fTag(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
createVibration(VibrationListener, VibrationEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
createWithDefaultState(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
createWithDefaultState(BitArrayVersion, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
createWorker(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager
creationTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CREATIVE - Enum constant in enum class
CREATIVE - Enum constant in enum class
CREATIVE - Static variable in interface
CREATIVE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CREATIVE_CONTENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
CREATIVE_DESTROY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
CREATIVE_SLOTS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
CREATIVE_VIEWER - Enum constant in enum class
CreativeContentPacket - Class in
CreativeContentPacket() - Constructor for class
creativeGroup(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
creativeGroup(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
CreativeInventoryAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
CreativeInventoryAction(Item, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
CreatureSpawnEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
CreatureSpawnEvent(int, Position, CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
CreatureSpawnEvent(int, Position, CompoundTag, CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
An enum to specify the type of spawning
CREEBET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
CREEPER_BANNER_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CREEPER_HEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
CREEPER_SHAPED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion.ExplosionType
CREEPER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CreeperPowerEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
CreeperPowerEvent(EntityCreeper, EntityLightningStrike, CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
CreeperPowerEvent(EntityCreeper, CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
An enum to specify the cause of the change in power
CRIMSON_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CRIMSON_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_DOOR_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_FENCE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_FENCE_GATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_FOREST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
CRIMSON_FUNGUS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_FUNGUS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_HYPHAE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_HYPHAE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_HYPHAE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
CRIMSON_NYLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_NYLIUM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_NYLIUM_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
CRIMSON_PLANKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_PLANKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_ROOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CRIMSON_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_STANDING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_STANDING_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_STEM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_STEM_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
CRIMSON_STEMS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
CRIMSON_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CRIMSON_WALL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRIMSON_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CrimsonForestBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether
CrimsonForestBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.CrimsonForestBiome
CrimsonFungiTreePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
CrimsonFungiTreePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.CrimsonFungiTreePopulator
CrimsonGrassesPopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
CrimsonGrassesPopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.CrimsonGrassesPopulator
CrimsonWeepingVinesPopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
CrimsonWeepingVinesPopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.CrimsonWeepingVinesPopulator
criteriaName - Variable in class
criteriaName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
critical(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
critical(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
critical(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
critical(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
critical(String, Throwable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
critical(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
CRITICAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
CRITICAL_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CRITICAL_HIT - Enum constant in enum class
CriticalParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
CriticalParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.CriticalParticle
CriticalParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.CriticalParticle
CROP_GROWTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
CROP_GROWTH_AREA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
cross(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Calculates the cross product of this Vector and the given Vector
cross(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Calculates the cross product of this Vector and the given Vector
CROSSBOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
CROSSBOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CROSSBOW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
CROSSBOW_LOADING_END - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CROSSBOW_LOADING_MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CROSSBOW_LOADING_START - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CROSSBOW_QUICK_CHARGE_END - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CROSSBOW_QUICK_CHARGE_MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CROSSBOW_QUICK_CHARGE_START - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CROSSBOW_SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
CROSSHAIR - Enum constant in enum class
CRYING_OBSIDIAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CRYING_OBSIDIAN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
cs_CZ - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
CURED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a villager is cured from infection
CURRENT_PROTOCOL - Static variable in interface
Actual Minecraft: PE protocol version
CURRENT_VERSION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
currentBehavior - Variable in class
currentIndex - Variable in class
currentJumpCoolDown - Variable in class
currentRouteUpdateTick - Variable in class
currentSearchDepth - Variable in class
currentTargetCalTick - Variable in class
currentTick - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
currentTick - Variable in class
currentTick - Variable in class
currentTick - Variable in class
currentTick - Variable in class
currentTick - Variable in class
currentTick - Variable in class
currentTick - Variable in class
currentTick - Variable in class
currentTick - Variable in class
currentValue - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
CURSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
curved(BlockFace, BlockFace) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
CURVED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation.State
CURVED_NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
CURVED_NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
CURVED_RAIL_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
CURVED_SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
CURVED_SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a creature is spawned by plugins
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
CUSTOM - Enum constant in enum class
CUSTOM_BLOCK_ID_MAP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
CUSTOM_ENCHANTMENT_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
customBlock - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
CustomBlock - Interface in cn.nukkit.block.customblock
CustomBlockDefinition - Record Class in cn.nukkit.block.customblock
CustomBlockDefinition(String, CompoundTag) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
Creates an instance of a CustomBlockDefinition record class.
CustomBlockDefinition.Builder - Class in cn.nukkit.block.customblock
CustomBlockStateRegisterException - Exception in cn.nukkit.utils
CustomBlockStateRegisterException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.CustomBlockStateRegisterException
CustomBlockStateRegisterException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.CustomBlockStateRegisterException
customBuild(Consumer<CompoundTag>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
customBuild(Consumer<CompoundTag>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
customBuilder(CustomItem, ItemCreativeCategory) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
CustomClassEntityProvider - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.provider
CustomClassEntityProvider(CustomEntityDefinition, Class<? extends Entity>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomClassEntityProvider
CustomClassEntityProvider(Class<? extends Entity>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomClassEntityProvider
调用此方法注册自定义实体,请一定要在自定义实体类中,存在一个名为 def 或者 DEF(推荐) 的CustomEntityDefinition静态常量
customEnchantments - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
CustomEntity - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity.custom
CustomEntityDefinition - Record Class in cn.nukkit.entity.custom
CustomEntityDefinition(CompoundTag) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition
Creates an instance of a CustomEntityDefinition record class.
CustomEntityDefinition.Builder - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.custom
CustomEntityProvider - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.provider
CustomEntityProvider(CustomEntityDefinition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomEntityProvider
customFlags - Variable in class
CustomInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
CustomInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CustomInventory
CustomInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType, Map<Integer, Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CustomInventory
CustomInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType, Map<Integer, Item>, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CustomInventory
CustomInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType, Map<Integer, Item>, Integer, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CustomInventory
CustomItem - Interface in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
CustomItemDefinition - Record Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
CustomItemDefinition(String, CompoundTag) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
Creates an instance of a CustomItemDefinition record class.
CustomItemDefinition.ArmorBuilder - Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
CustomItemDefinition.EdibleBuilder - Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder - Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder - Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
customPermissions - Variable in class
CUT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandStoneType
CUT_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CUT_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CUT_RED_SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
CUT_RED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
CUT_RED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
CUT_SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
CUT_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
CUT_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
CYAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
CYAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
CYAN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
CYAN_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
CYAN_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CYAN_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CYAN_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CYAN_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CYAN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
CYAN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
CYAN_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
CYAN_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
cycleTick - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager


da_DK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
damage - Variable in class
damage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
damage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
damage - Variable in class
damage - Variable in class
damage - Variable in class
damage() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry
Returns the value of the damage record component.
damage() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems.MappingEntry
Returns the value of the damage record component.
DAMAGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
DAMAGE_FALLBIG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DAMAGE_FALLSMALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DAMAGE_RESISTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
DamageAnvilAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
DamageAnvilAction(AnvilInventory, boolean, CraftingTransaction) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DamageAnvilAction
damageArmor(Item, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
damageArmor(Item, Entity, EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
damageArmor(Item, Entity, EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
DamageCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
DamageCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DamageCommand
damageType - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage
DANDELION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
DANDELION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.PrismarineBlockType
DARK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
DARK_AQUA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents dark blue (aqua).
DARK_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents dark blue.
DARK_GRAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents dark gray.
DARK_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents dark green.
DARK_OAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
DARK_OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
DARK_OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
DARK_OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
DARK_OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
DARK_OAK_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK_OAK_CHEST_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DARK_OAK_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DARK_OAK_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK_OAK_DOOR_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK_OAK_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DARK_OAK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_STANDING_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_OAK_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK_OAK_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK_OAK_WOOD_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK_OAK_WOODEN_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK_PRISMARINE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
DARK_PRISMARINE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARK_PRISMARINE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARK_PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents dark purple.
DARK_RED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents dark red.
DARKNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
DARKOAK_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DARKOAK_STANDING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARKOAK_STANDING_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DARKOAK_WALL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DARKOAK_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DarkOakTreePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree
DarkOakTreePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.DarkOakTreePopulator
DarkOakTreePopulator(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.DarkOakTreePopulator
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.DestroyBlockParticle
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.GenericParticle
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.InstantSpellParticle
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.PunchBlockParticle
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SpellParticle
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class
data - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
DATA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
DATA_AERIAL_ATTACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_AGENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_AIR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAMETAG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_AMBIENT_SOUND_EVENT_NAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_AMBIENT_SOUND_INTERVAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_AMBIENT_SOUND_INTERVAL_RANGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_PARTICLE_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_RADIUS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_WAITING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_ARMOR_STAND_POSE_INDEX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_AUX_POWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_BALLOON_ATTACHED_ENTITY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_BASE_RUNTIME_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_BITS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
DATA_BLOCK_TARGET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_BOUNDING_BOX_HEIGHT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_BOUNDING_BOX_WIDTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_BUBBLE_TIME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_BUOYANCY_DATA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_CAN_RIDE_TARGET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_CHANGE_ON_PICKUP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_CHANGE_RATE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_CHARGE_AMOUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_CLIENT_EVENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_COLOR_2 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_COLOUR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_COMMAND_BLOCK_COMMAND - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_COMMAND_BLOCK_EXECUTE_ON_FIRST_TICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_COMMAND_BLOCK_LAST_OUTPUT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_COMMAND_BLOCK_TICK_DELAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_COMMAND_BLOCK_TRACK_OUTPUT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_CONTAINER_BASE_SIZE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_CONTAINER_EXTRA_SLOTS_PER_STRENGTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_CONTAINER_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_CONTROLLING_RIDER_SEAT_NUMBER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_DISPLAY_ITEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_DISPLAY_OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_DURATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_EATING_COUNTER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_ENDER_CRYSTAL_TIME_OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_ENDERMAN_HELD_RUNTIME_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_ENTITY_AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_EXPERIENCE_VALUE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FALL_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FIREBALL_POWER_X - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FIREBALL_POWER_Y - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FIREBALL_POWER_Z - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FISH_ANGLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FISH_X - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FISH_Z - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ACTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ADMIRING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAMETAG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ANGRY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_BABY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_BLOCKED_USING_DAMAGED_SHIELD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_BLOCKED_USING_SHIELD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_BLOCKING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_BREAKING_OBSTRUCTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_BREATHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_BRIBED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CAN_CLIMB - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CAN_DASH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CAN_FLY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CAN_POWER_JUMP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CAN_SHOW_NAMETAG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CELEBRATING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CELEBRATING_SPECIAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CHARGE_ATTACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CHARGED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CHESTED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CONTAINER_PRIVATE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CONVERTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CRITICAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_CROAKING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_DANCING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_DELAYED_ATTACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_DIGGING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_DOOR_BREAKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_DOOR_OPENER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_EAT_MOB - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_EATING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ELDER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_EMERGING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_EMOTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ENTITY_GROW_UP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_EVOKER_SPELL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_FACING_TARGET_TO_RANGE_ATTACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_FALL_THROUGH_SCAFFOLDING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_FEELING_HAPPY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_FIRE_IMMUNE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_GLIDING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_GRAVITY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_HAS_COLLISION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_HAS_DASH_COOLDOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_HIDDEN_WHEN_INVISIBLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IDLING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IGNITED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IMMOBILE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IN_ASCENDABLE_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IN_SCAFFOLDING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_INLOVE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_INTERESTED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_INVISIBLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IS_AVOIDING_BLOCKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IS_AVOIDING_MOBS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IS_ILLAGER_CAPTAIN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IS_IN_UI - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_IS_TRANSFORMING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_JUMP_GOAL_JUMP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_LAYING_DOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_LAYING_EGG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_LEASHED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_LINGER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_MOVING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_NO_AI - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ONFIRE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ORPHANED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_OVER_DESCENDABLE_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_OVER_SCAFFOLDING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_PLAYING_DEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_POWERED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_PREGNANT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_PUSH_TOWARDS_CLOSEST_SPACE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_RAM_ATTACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_REARING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_RESTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_RIDER_CAN_PICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_RIDING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_RISING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ROARING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_ROLLING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SADDLED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SCARED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SCENTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SEARCHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SHEARED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SHOW_TRIDENT_ROPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SHOWBASE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SILENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SITTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SLEEPING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SNEAKING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SNEEZING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SNIFFING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SONIC_BOOM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SPIN_ATTACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SPRINTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_STACKABLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_STALKING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_STUNNED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SWIMMER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_SWIMMING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_TAMED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_TEMPTED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_TRADE_INTEREST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_TRANSITION_BLOCKING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_TRANSITION_SETTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
This is from NukkitX but it has a typo which we can't remove unless NukkitX removes from their side.
DATA_FLAG_TRANSITION_SITTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_TRUSTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_VIBRATING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_WALKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_WALLCLIMBING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAG_WASD_CONTROLLED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAGS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FLAGS_EXTENDED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FREEZING_EFFECT_STRENGTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_FUSE_LENGTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_GOAT_HORN_COUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HAS_COMMAND_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HAS_DISPLAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HAS_NPC_COMPONENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HEALTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_TICKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HEARTBEAT_SOUND_EVENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HIGH_TIER_CURED_DISCOUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HITBOX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HURT_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_HURT_TIME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_INTERACT_TEXT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_INTERACTIVE_TAG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_IS_BUOYANT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_JUMP_DURATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_LAYING_AMOUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_LAYING_AMOUNT_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_LEAD_HOLDER_EID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_LIMITED_LIFE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_LOW_TIER_CURED_DISCOUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_MARK_VARIANT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_MASK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
DATA_MAX_AIR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_MAX_STRENGTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_MAX_TRADE_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_MOVEMENT_SOUND_DISTANCE_OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_NAME_AUTHOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_NAME_RAW_TEXT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_NAMETAG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_NEARBY_CURED_DISCOUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_NEARBY_CURED_DISCOUNT_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_NPC_ACTIONS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_NPC_SKIN_DATA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_OLD_SWELL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_OWNER_EID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_OWNER_NAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
DATA_PADDLE_TIME_LEFT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PADDLE_TIME_RIGHT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PATH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
DATA_PATH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
DATA_PICKUP_COUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PLAYER_BED_POSITION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PLAYER_BUTTON_TEXT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PLAYER_FLAG_DEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PLAYER_FLAG_SLEEP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PLAYER_FLAGS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PLAYER_HAS_DIED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PLAYER_INDEX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PLAYER_LAST_DEATH_DIMENSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_PLAYER_LAST_DEATH_POS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_POTION_AMBIENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_POTION_AUX_VALUE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_POTION_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_POTION_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
DATA_POWERED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
DATA_PUFFERFISH_SIZE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_RIDER_MAX_ROTATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_RIDER_MIN_ROTATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_RIDER_ROTATION_LOCKED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_RIDER_ROTATION_OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_RIDER_SEAT_POSITION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SCALE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SCORE_TAG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SET - Enum constant in enum class
DATA_SHOOTER_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
DATA_SHULKER_ATTACH_FACE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SHULKER_ATTACH_POS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SHULKER_ATTACHED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SHULKER_PEEK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SITTING_AMOUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SITTING_AMOUNT_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SIZE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
DATA_SKIN_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SPAWN_TIME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SPAWNING_FRAMES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SPELL_CASTING_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_STRENGTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SWELL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SWELL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
DATA_SWELL_DIR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_SWELL_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
DATA_SWELL_OLD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
DATA_TAMED_FLAG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
DATA_TARGET_EID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TRADE_EXPERIENCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TRADE_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TRADING_CAREER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TRADING_PLAYER_EID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TYPE_BYTE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TYPE_INT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TYPE_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TYPE_NBT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TYPE_POS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TYPE_SHORT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_TYPE_VECTOR3F - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_USING_ITEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_VARIANT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_WITHER_INVULNERABLE_TICKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_WITHER_TARGET_1 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_WITHER_TARGET_2 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DATA_WITHER_TARGET_3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
dataArray - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
dataLayer - Variable in class
dataPacket(DataPacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
0 is true -1 is false other is identifer
dataPacket(DataPacket, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
DataPacket - Class in
DataPacket() - Constructor for class
dataPacketImmediately(DataPacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
DataPacketManager - Class in
DataPacketManager is a static class to manage DataPacketProcessors and process DataPackets.
DataPacketManager() - Constructor for class
DataPacketProcessor<T extends DataPacket> - Class in
A DataPacketProcessor is used to handle a specific type of DataPacket.
DataPacketProcessor() - Constructor for class
DataPacketReceiveEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
DataPacketReceiveEvent(Player, DataPacket) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.DataPacketReceiveEvent
DataPacketSendEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
DataPacketSendEvent(Player, DataPacket) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.DataPacketSendEvent
dataProperties - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
dataResourcePacket(DataPacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
dataToUUID(byte[]...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
dataToUUID(String...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
dayCycleStopTime - Variable in class
dayCycleStopTime - Variable in class
DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR_INVERTED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR_INVERTED - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DayLockCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
DayLockCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DayLockCommand
de_DE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
deactivatePower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
DEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
DEAD_BUSH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEADBUSH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
deadTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
DEATH_ANIMATION - Static variable in class
DEATH_INFO_PACKET - Static variable in interface
DEATH_SMOKE_CLOUD - Static variable in class
DeathInfoPacket - Class in
DeathInfoPacket() - Constructor for class
debug(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
debug(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
debug(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
DEBUG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
DEBUG_INFO_PACKET - Static variable in interface
DebugCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
DebugCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DebugCommand
DebugInfoPacket - Class in
DebugInfoPacket() - Constructor for class
DebugPasteCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
DebugPasteCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DebugPasteCommand
debugTick(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
debugTick(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
当 EntityAI.checkDebugOption(BEHAVIOR) == true 时此方法每1gt调用一次,用于debug模式相关内容的刷新
DECAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
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decode() - Method in class
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decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
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decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
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decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode() - Method in class
decode(Entity) - Method in class
decode(CompoundTag) - Method in interface
decodePackInfo() - Method in class
decodeZigZag32(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
decodeZigZag64(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
decompress(byte[]) - Method in interface
decompressor - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.LZ4Freezer
DECORATIONS_UPDATE - Static variable in class
decorators - Variable in class
decreaseCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
decreaseCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
decreaseCount(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
decreaseCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
decreaseCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
decrement(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
DEDICATED_SERVER - Enum constant in enum class
DEEP_COLD_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DEEP_DARK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DEEP_FREEZE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable.FreezeStatus
DEEP_FREEZING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable.FreezeStatus
DEEP_FROZEN_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DEEP_LUKEWARM_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DEEP_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DEEP_OCEAN_BIOMES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
DEEP_WARM_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DeepColdOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
DeepColdOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepColdOceanBiome
deepCompressor - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.LZ4Freezer
DeepDarkBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave
DeepDarkBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave.DeepDarkBiome
deepEquals(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
deepEquals(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
deepEquals(Item, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
deepFreeze() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable
deepFreeze() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
DeepFrozenOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
DeepFrozenOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepFrozenOceanBiome
DeepLukewarmOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
DeepLukewarmOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepLukewarmOceanBiome
DeepOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
DeepOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepOceanBiome
DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_BRICK_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_BRICK_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_BRICK_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_BRICK_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_BRICK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_BRICK_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_BRICK_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_COAL_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_COAL_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_COPPER_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_COPPER_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_DIAMOND_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_DIAMOND_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_EMERALD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_EMERALD_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_GOLD_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_GRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
DEEPSLATE_IRON_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_IRON_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_LAPIS_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_LAPIS_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_REDSTONE_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_REDSTONE_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_TILE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_TILE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_TILE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_TILE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_TILE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_TILE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_TILE_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_TILE_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DEEPSLATE_TILES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DEEPSLATE_TILES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DeepWarmOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
DeepWarmOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepWarmOceanBiome
def - Variable in class
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.ChiselType
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.PrismarineBlockType
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandStoneType
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SeaGrassType
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneBrickType
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.TallGrassType
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an entity is missing a SpawnReason
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptorType
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class
DEFAULT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
DEFAULT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
DEFAULT_AIR_FLUID_FRICTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
DEFAULT_BLEND_OUT_TIME - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_BLOCK_STATE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.SimplePalette
DEFAULT_CONTROLLER - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_FALSE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
DEFAULT_FLY_SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
DEFAULT_FRICTION_FACTOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY - Static variable in class
The array backing the output stream.
DEFAULT_LEVEL - Static variable in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
DEFAULT_LEVEL_PERMISSIONS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
DEFAULT_LEVEL_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_MAX_STORAGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
DEFAULT_NEXT_STATE - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_NOT_OP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
DEFAULT_OP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
DEFAULT_PERMISSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
DEFAULT_SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
DEFAULT_STOP_EXPRESSION - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_STOP_EXPRESSION_VERSION - Static variable in class
DEFAULT_TRUE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
DefaultDescriptor - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
DefaultDescriptor(Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DefaultDescriptor
DefaultDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
DefaultDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DefaultDispenseBehavior
DefaultGamemodeCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
DefaultGamemodeCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DefaultGamemodeCommand
DefaultPermissions - Class in cn.nukkit.permission
DefaultPermissions() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.DefaultPermissions
defaultPerms - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
defaultPermsOp - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
DefaultPlayerDataSerializer - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
DefaultPlayerDataSerializer(Server) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.DefaultPlayerDataSerializer
DefaultPlayerDataSerializer(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.DefaultPlayerDataSerializer
defaultReturnValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
defaultReturnValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
defaultReturnValue(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
defaultReturnValue(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
defaultValue - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
defaultValue(K) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
Creates a default value.
DEFERRED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptorType
DeferredDescriptor - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
DeferredDescriptor(String, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
definition() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.API
Indicates definition or the platforms this API element supports.
deflate(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Zlib
deflate(byte[][], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.LibDeflateThreadLocal
deflate(byte[][], int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Zlib
deflate(byte[][], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibOriginal
deflate(byte[][], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibSingleThreadLowMem
deflate(byte[][], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibThreadLocal
deflate(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.LibDeflateThreadLocal
deflate(byte[], int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Zlib
deflate(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibOriginal
deflate(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibSingleThreadLowMem
deflate(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibThreadLocal
deflateRaw(byte[][], int) - Static method in class
deflateRaw(byte[], int) - Static method in class
defSubs - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
defSubsOp - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
delay - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
delayPaletteUpdates() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
delayPaletteUpdates() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
delayPaletteUpdates() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
delayPaletteUpdates() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
delayPaletteUpdates() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
delayPaletteUpdates() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.ImmutableBlockStorage
delayPaletteUpdates() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
delayPaletteUpdates() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
DelegateCompiler - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler
DelegateCompiler(JClassBuilder) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.DelegateCompiler
delegateName() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
Returns the value of the delegateName record component.
delete(Path) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
DELETE_PAGE - Enum constant in enum class
deleteAllCustomBlock() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
deleteAllCustomItem() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
deleteCustomBlock(List<CustomBlock>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
deleteCustomBlockState() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
deleteCustomItem(CustomItem) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
deleteCustomItem(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
deletePage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
Deletes an existing page with the given page ID.
Delimiter - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
Delimiter(SNBTConstants.TokenType, SNBTLexer, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.Delimiter
denormalizeClamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
denormalizeClamp(float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
DENY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DENY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DENY_DESTROY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
DeopCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
DeopCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DeopCommand
DEPRECATED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Usage
Should no longer be used, might disappear in the next minor release.
DEPRECATED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
DeprecationDetails - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
Describe the deprecation with more details.
depthNoise - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
DESCEND - Enum constant in enum class
DESCEND_SCAFFOLDING - Enum constant in enum class
descendants() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
descendants(Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
descendants(Class<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
descendants(Predicate<? super Node>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
descendantsOfType(Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
DESCENDING - Enum constant in enum class
description - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
description - Variable in class
description() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Command
DESERT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DESERT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.Type
DESERT_HILLS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DESERT_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DesertBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert
DesertBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert.DesertBiome
DesertHillsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert
DesertHillsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert.DesertHillsBiome
DesertMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert
DesertMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert.DesertMBiome
DesertPyramid - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.structure
DesertPyramid(BlockVector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.structure.DesertPyramid
DesertPyramidChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.loot
despawnFrom(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
despawnFrom(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
despawnFrom(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
despawnFromAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
destroy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class
DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class
DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class
DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class
DestroyBlockParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
DestroyBlockParticle(Vector3, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.DestroyBlockParticle
destructibleByExplosion(Integer) - Method in class
destructibleByMining(Float) - Method in class
DETECT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
DETECT_OBSTACLE - Enum constant in enum class
DETECT_REDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class
DETECTOR_RAIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DETECTOR_RAIL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
detonated - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
DEV_CONSOLE - Enum constant in enum class
deviceId - Variable in class
dialog - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
dialog - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDialogRespondedEvent
Dialog - Interface in cn.nukkit.dialog.window
dialogWindows - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
我们使用google的cache来存储NPC对话框发送信息 原因是发送过去的对话框客户端有几率不响应,在特定情况下我们无法清除这些对话框,这会导致内存泄漏 5分钟后未响应的对话框会被清除
DIAMOND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_AXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_AXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DIAMOND_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
DIAMOND_BOOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_BOOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_HELMET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_HELMET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_HOE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_HOE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_HORSE_ARMOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_LEGGINGS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DIAMOND_PICKAXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_PICKAXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_SHOVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_SHOVEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_SWORD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIAMOND_SWORD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DIAMOND_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
DIDGERIDOO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
diffHandDamage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
diffHandDamage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
diffHandDamage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
difficulty - Variable in class
difficulty - Variable in class
difficulty - Variable in class
DifficultyCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
DifficultyCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DifficultyCommand
diffusesSkyLight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
diffusesSkyLight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
diffusesSkyLight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
diffusesSkyLight(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
DIG_ANCIENT_DEBRIS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_AZALEA_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_BONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_CAVE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_CLOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_CORAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_FUNGUS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_GRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_GRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_HONEY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_LODESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_MOSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_NETHER_GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_NETHER_SPROUTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_NETHER_WART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_NETHERITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_NETHERRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_NYLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_POWDER_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_SHROOMLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_SOUL_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_SOUL_SOIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIG_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DIGGER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
DIGGER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
DigProperty - Class in
DigProperty() - Constructor for class
DigProperty(CompoundTag, int) - Constructor for class
dimension - Variable in class
dimension - Variable in class
dimension - Variable in class
dimension - Variable in class
DIMENSION_DATA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
DIMENSION_NETHER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
DIMENSION_OVERWORLD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
DIMENSION_THE_END - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dimensionData - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
DimensionData - Class in cn.nukkit.level
DimensionData(int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
DimensionData(int, int, int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
DimensionData(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
DimensionData(String, int, int, int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
DimensionDataPacket - Class in
DimensionDataPacket() - Constructor for class
DimensionDataProvider - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.format
DimensionEnum - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level
dimensionId - Variable in class
dimensionId - Variable in class
DIORITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
DIORITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
DIORITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
DIORITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
DIORITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
DIORITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
DIORITE_SMOOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
DIORITE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIORITE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DIRECT_MOVE_COST - Static variable in class
DIRECT_MOVE_COST - Static variable in class
directDataPacket(DataPacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
directDataPacket(DataPacket, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
direction - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHanging
direction - Variable in class
Direction - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state
DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
directions - Variable in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection.Precision
DIRT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIRT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DIRT_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
DIRT_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DirtType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
disablePlayerInteractions - Variable in class
disablePlayerInteractions - Variable in class
disablePlugin(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
disablePlugin(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JSPluginLoader
disablePlugin(Plugin) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoader
Disables a plugin.
disablePlugin(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
disablePlugins() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
disablePlugins() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
disAllow(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
disambiguate(Metadatable, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.BlockMetadataStore
disambiguate(Metadatable, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.EntityMetadataStore
disambiguate(Metadatable, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.LevelMetadataStore
disambiguate(Metadatable, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataStore
disambiguate(Metadatable, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.PlayerMetadataStore
DISARMED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
DISC_FRAGMENT_5 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DISC_FRAGMENT_5 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
disconnect(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
disconnect(String) - Method in interface
disconnect(String) - Method in class
DISCONNECT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
DisconnectPacket - Class in
DisconnectPacket() - Constructor for class
dismountEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
dismountEntity(Entity) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityRideable
dismountEntity(Entity, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
dismountEntity(Entity, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
dispatch(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.Function
dispatch(CommandSender, String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandMap
dispatchCommand(CommandSender, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
dispense() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
dispense() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.BoatDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.BucketDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DefaultDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.dispenser.DispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DropperDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DyeDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.EmptyBucketDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.FireworksDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.FlintAndSteelDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.GlassBottleDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.MinecartDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ProjectileDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ShearsDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ShulkerBoxDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.SpawnEggDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.TNTDispenseBehavior
dispense(BlockDispenser, BlockFace, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.WaterBottleDispenseBehavior
DISPENSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent.Action
DISPENSE_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a creature is spawned by a dispenser dispensing an egg
DISPENSE_FAIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
DispenseBehavior - Interface in cn.nukkit.dispenser
DispenseBehaviorRegister - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
DispenseBehaviorRegister() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DispenseBehaviorRegister
DISPENSER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
DISPENSER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DISPENSER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DISPENSER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
DispenserInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
DispenserInventory(BlockEntityDispenser) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.DispenserInventory
display - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
display(IScoreboard, DisplaySlot) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
display(IScoreboard, DisplaySlot) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.displayer.IScoreboardViewer
displayName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
displayName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
displayName - Variable in class
displayName - Variable in class
displayName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
displayName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
displayName(String) - Method in class
displaySlot - Variable in class
DisplaySlot - Enum Class in
distance(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
distance(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
distance(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
distance(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
distance(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
distance(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
distance(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
distance(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
distance(ChunkVector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
distance(Vector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
distance(Vector2f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
distance(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
distance(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
distance(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
DISTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold
distanceManhattan(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
distanceSquared(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
distanceSquared(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
distanceSquared(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
distanceSquared(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
distanceSquared(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
distanceSquared(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
distanceSquared(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
distanceSquared(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
distanceSquared(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
distanceSquared(ChunkVector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
distanceSquared(Vector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
distanceSquared(Vector2f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
distanceSquared(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
distanceSquared(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
distanceSquared(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
DiveController - Class in
DiveController() - Constructor for class
divide(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
divide(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
divide(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
divide(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
divide(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
divide(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
divide(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
divide(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
divide(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
DO_DAYLIGHT_CYCLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
DO_ENTITY_DROPS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
DO_FIRE_TICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
DO_IMMEDIATE_RESPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
DO_INSOMNIA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
DO_MOB_LOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
DO_MOB_SPAWNING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
DO_TILE_DROPS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
DO_WEATHER_CYCLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
doAttack(Entity, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageArthropods
doAttack(Entity, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
doAttack(Entity, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFireAspect
doAutoSave() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
doChunkGarbageCollection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
doChunkGarbageCollection(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
doChunkGC - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
doChunkUnload - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
doCover(int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
doesOverhang() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
Whether or not overhangs should generate in this biome (places where solid blocks generate over air)
doesOverhang() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsBiome
doesOverhang() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsMBiome
doesOverhang() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsPlusMBiome
doesOverhang() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaMBiome
doesOverhang() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaPlateauMBiome
doesOverhang() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaMBiome
doesTriggerPressurePlate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Whether the entity can active pressure plates.
doesTriggerPressurePlate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
doesTriggerPressurePlate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
doFirstSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
doGarbageCollection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
doGarbageCollection() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
doGarbageCollection(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
doGarbageCollection(long) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
doGarbageCollection(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
DOLPHIN_MOVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
DOLPHIN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
doMove(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
DONKEY_KONG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
DONKEY_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DoNotModify - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
DoNotModify is used to indicate that the return value of method, variables, etc.
DOOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOOR_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
DOOR_HINGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
DOOR_HINGE_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
DOOR_OPEN_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
DOOR_POWERED_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
DOOR_TOP_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
DOORS_AND_SWITCHED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
DOORS_AND_SWITCHES - Enum constant in enum class
DOORS_AND_SWITCHES - Static variable in class
DoorToggleEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
DoorToggleEvent(Block, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.DoorToggleEvent
DoorUpdater - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.updater
DoorUpdater(Chunk, ChunkSection) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.DoorUpdater
doPlace(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PieceWeight
doPostAttack(Entity, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
doPostAttack(Entity, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentThorns
doPostHurt(Entity, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
doSlowCleanUp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
doSlowCleanUp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
dot(ChunkVector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
dot(Vector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
dot(Vector2f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
dot(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Scalar Product of this Vector and the Vector supplied.
dot(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Scalar Product of this Vector and the Vector supplied.
DOT_DECO_DATA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
dot2D(int[], double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
dot2D(int[], float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
dot3D(int[], double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
dot3D(int[], float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
dot4D(int[], double, double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
dot4D(int[], float, float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
doTick - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
doTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
doTickPending - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
DOUBLE_BOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SeaGrassType
DOUBLE_CHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_MANGROVE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_PLANT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DOUBLE_PLANT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_PLANT_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
DOUBLE_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_SIDED - Enum constant in enum class
DOUBLE_SKIN_SIZE - Static variable in class
DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_SLABS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_STONE_BLOCK_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_STONE_BLOCK_SLAB2 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_STONE_BLOCK_SLAB3 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_STONE_BLOCK_SLAB4 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB3 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB3 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB4 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB4 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_TOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SeaGrassType
DOUBLE_WOOD_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_WOOD_SLABS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DOUBLE_WOODEN_SLABS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DoubleChestInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
DoubleChestInventory(BlockEntityChest, BlockEntityChest) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
DoubleFakeBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block.fake
DoubleFakeBlock(int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.fake.DoubleFakeBlock
DoubleFarmland(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.DoubleFarmland
DoubleFarmland(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.DoubleFarmland
doubleInventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
doubleInventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestInventory
DoubleNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
DoubleNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.DoubleNode
DoublePlantType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
doubleSlab - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
DoubleTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
DoubleTag(double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
DoubleTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
DoubleTag(String, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
down() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
down() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
down() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
down() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
down(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
down(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
down(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
down(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
down(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
down(Materials.RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class
down(Materials.RenderMethod, String) - Method in class
ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
DOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.FacingDirection
DOWN_X - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
DOWN_Z - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
drag - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
DRAG_DOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
DRAGON_BREATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DRAGON_BREATH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DRAGON_BREATH_FIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
DRAGON_BREATH_LINGERING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
DRAGON_BREATH_TRAIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
DRAGON_DEATH_EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
DRAGON_DESTROY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
DRAGON_DYING_EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
DRAGON_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DRAGON_EGG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DRAGON_HEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
DRAGON_PUKE - Static variable in class
dried_kelp - Static variable in class
DRIED_KELP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DRIED_KELP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DRIED_KELP_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DRIED_KELP_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DrilldownPie(String, Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.DrilldownPie
Class constructor.
DRINK_MILK - Static variable in class
DRINKING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
DRIP_LAVA_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
DRIP_WATER_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
drippingLiquid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DRIPSTONE_CAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
DRIPSTONE_LAVA_DRIP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
DRIPSTONE_WATER_DRIP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
DripStoneCavesBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave
DripStoneCavesBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave.DripStoneCavesBiome
drop(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFallable
DROP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent.Action
DROP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent.Action
DROP - Enum constant in enum class
DROP_ALL - Enum constant in enum class
DROP_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class
DROP_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class
dropAndGetItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
dropAndGetItem(Vector3, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropAndGetItem(Vector3, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropAndGetItem(Vector3, Item, Vector3, boolean, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropAndGetItem(Vector3, Item, Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropBook - Variable in class
dropBook(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
dropExpOrb(Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropExpOrb(Vector3, int, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropExpOrb(Vector3, int, Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropExpOrbAndGetEntities(Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropExpOrbAndGetEntities(Vector3, int, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropExpOrbAndGetEntities(Vector3, int, Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
dropItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
dropItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
dropItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
dropItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
dropItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
dropItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
dropItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
dropItem(Vector3, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropItem(Vector3, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropItem(Vector3, Item, Vector3, boolean, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropItem(Vector3, Item, Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
dropItem(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
DropItemAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
DropItemAction(Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DropItemAction
dropItemAndGetEntity(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
DROPPED_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent.RingCause
DROPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
DROPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DROPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
DROPPER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
DropperDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
DropperDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DropperDispenseBehavior
DropperInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
DropperInventory(BlockEntityDropper) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.DropperInventory
dropXp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
DROWNED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a creature is spawned by another entity drowning
DROWNED_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DROWNING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by running out of air underwater
DROWNING_DAMAGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
DRUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
DRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SpongeType
DRY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
DummyBossBar - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
DummyBossBar.Builder - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
dummyBossBars - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
dump() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
dump(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
DungeonChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon.loot
durability - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
DURABILITY_BOW - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_CARROT_ON_A_STICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_CROSSBOW - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_DIAMOND - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_FISHING_ROD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_FLINT_STEEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_GOLD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_IRON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_NETHERITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_SHEARS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_SHIELD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_STONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_TRIDENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_WARPED_FUNGUS_ON_A_STICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
DURABILITY_WOODEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent
duration - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.Fuel
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class
duration - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
durationByStringId - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.Fuel
durationOnUse - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
durationTick - Variable in class
DUST_PARTICLES - Static variable in class
DustParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
DustParticle(Vector3, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.DustParticle
DustParticle(Vector3, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.DustParticle
DustParticle(Vector3, BlockColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.DustParticle
DX - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
DX() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.DX
DY - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
DY() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.DY
DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
DYE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
DyeColor - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
DyeDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
DyeDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DyeDispenseBehavior
dynamic(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
A way to tell the java compiler to do not replace the users of a public static final int constant with the value defined in it, forcing the JVM to get the value directly from the class, preventing binary incompatible changes.
dynamic(T) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
A way to tell the java compiler to do not replace the users of a public static final constant with the value defined in it, forcing the JVM to get the value directly from the class, preventing binary incompatible changes.
DZ - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
DZ() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.DZ


east() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
east() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
east() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
east() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
east(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
east(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
east(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
east(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
east(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
east(Materials.RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class
east(Materials.RenderMethod, String) - Method in class
ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.Direction
EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.FacingDirection
EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.TorchFacingDirection
EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.WeirdoDirection
EAST_NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
EAST_SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
EAST_WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.RailDirection
EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
EAT_GRASS_ANIMATION - Static variable in class
eatenBy(Player) - Method in class
EatGrassExecutor - Class in
EatGrassExecutor(int) - Constructor for class
EATING_ITEM - Static variable in class
eatingTick - Variable in class
eatingTickSupplier - Variable in class
ECHO_SHARD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ECHO_SHARD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
edgesLiquid(ChunkManager, BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
edibleBuilder(ItemCustomEdible, ItemCreativeCategory) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
EDITOR - Enum constant in enum class
EDITOR - Enum constant in enum class
EDITOR_NETWORK_PACKET - Static variable in interface
editorData - Variable in class
EDU_URI_RESOURCE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
EDUCATION_SETTINGS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
eduEditionOffer - Variable in class
eduEditionOffer - Variable in class
eduSharedUriResource - Variable in class
EduSharedUriResource - Record Class in
EduSharedUriResource(String, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a EduSharedUriResource record class.
EduUriResourcePacket - Class in
EduUriResourcePacket() - Constructor for class
effect - Variable in class
Effect - Class in cn.nukkit.potion
Effect(int, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
Effect(int, String, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
EffectCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
EffectCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.EffectCommand
effectId - Variable in class
effectId - Variable in class
effects - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
effects - Variable in class
effects - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a creature spawns from an egg
EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EGG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
EGG_COUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eid - Variable in class
eids - Variable in class
EjectableInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
EjectableInventory(InventoryHolder, InventoryType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.EjectableInventory
el_GR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
ELDER_GUARDIAN_CURSE - Static variable in class
ELDER_GUARDIAN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELECTRIC_PIANO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
ELECTRIC_SPARK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
ElectricSparkParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
ElectricSparkParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.ElectricSparkParticle
Element - Class in cn.nukkit.form.element
Element() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.Element
ELEMENT_0 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_1 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_10 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_100 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_101 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_102 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_103 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_104 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_105 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_106 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_107 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_108 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_109 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_11 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_110 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_111 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_112 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_113 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_114 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_115 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_116 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_117 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_118 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_12 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_13 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_14 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_15 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_16 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_17 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_18 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_19 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_20 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_21 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_22 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_23 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_24 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_25 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_26 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_27 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_28 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_29 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_3 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_30 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_31 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_32 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_33 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_34 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_35 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_36 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_37 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_38 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_39 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_4 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_40 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_41 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_42 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_43 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_44 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_45 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_46 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_47 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_48 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_49 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_5 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_50 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_51 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_52 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_53 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_54 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_55 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_56 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_57 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_58 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_59 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_6 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_60 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_61 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_62 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_63 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_64 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_65 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_66 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_67 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_68 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_69 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_7 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_70 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_71 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_72 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_73 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_74 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_75 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_76 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_77 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_78 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_79 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_8 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_80 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_81 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_82 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_83 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_84 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_85 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_86 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_87 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_88 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_89 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_9 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_90 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_91 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_92 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_93 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_94 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_95 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_96 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_97 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_98 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELEMENT_99 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ElementButton - Class in cn.nukkit.form.element
ElementButton(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButton
ElementButton(String, ElementButtonImageData) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButton
ElementButtonImageData - Class in cn.nukkit.form.element
ElementButtonImageData(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButtonImageData
ElementDialogButton - Class in cn.nukkit.dialog.element
ElementDialogButton(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
ElementDialogButton(String, String, Dialog) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
ElementDialogButton(String, String, Dialog, ElementDialogButton.Mode) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
ElementDialogButton(String, String, Dialog, ElementDialogButton.Mode, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
ElementDialogButton.CmdLine - Class in cn.nukkit.dialog.element
ElementDialogButton.Mode - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.dialog.element
ElementDropdown - Class in cn.nukkit.form.element
ElementDropdown(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
ElementDropdown(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
ElementDropdown(String, List<String>, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
ElementInput - Class in cn.nukkit.form.element
ElementInput(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput
ElementInput(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput
ElementInput(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput
ElementLabel - Class in cn.nukkit.form.element
ElementLabel(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementLabel
ElementSlider - Class in cn.nukkit.form.element
ElementSlider(String, float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
ElementSlider(String, float, float, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
ElementSlider(String, float, float, int, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
ElementStepSlider - Class in cn.nukkit.form.element
ElementStepSlider(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
ElementStepSlider(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
ElementStepSlider(String, List<String>, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
ElementToggle - Class in cn.nukkit.form.element
ElementToggle(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementToggle
ElementToggle(String, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementToggle
ELEPHANT_TOOTHPASTE - Enum constant in enum class
ELYTRA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ELYTRA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ELYTRA_GLIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
ELYTRA_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
EMERALD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EMERALD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
EMERALD_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EMERALD_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
EMERALD_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
EMERALD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EMERALD_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
emergency(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
emergency(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
emergency(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
emergency(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
emergency(String, Throwable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
emergency(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
EMERGENCY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
emergencyShutdown() - Method in class
emergencyShutdown() - Method in interface
emitSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
emitSound(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
EMOTE_LIST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
EMOTE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
emoteChatMuted - Variable in class
emoteChatMuted - Variable in class
emoteID - Variable in class
EmoteListPacket - Class in
EmoteListPacket() - Constructor for class
EmotePacket - Class in
EmotePacket() - Constructor for class
empty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
empty() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
empty(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
EMPTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
EMPTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.ImmutableBlockStorage
EMPTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
EMPTY - Static variable in record class
EMPTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePack
EMPTY_BEHAVIOR_GROUP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
EMPTY_BIOME_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
EMPTY_DATA_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
EMPTY_DATA_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
EMPTY_FLOAT_ARRAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCanAttack
EMPTY_ID_ARRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
EMPTY_INTEGERS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
EMPTY_LIGHT_ARR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
EMPTY_LIST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
EMPTY_LONGS - Static variable in class
EMPTY_MAP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EMPTY_MAP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
EMPTY_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
EMPTY_SKY_LIGHT_ARR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer
EMPTY_VALUE - Static variable in class
EMPTY24 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
EmptyBehaviorGroup - Class in
EmptyBehaviorGroup() - Constructor for class
EmptyBucketDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
EmptyBucketDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.EmptyBucketDispenseBehavior
EmptyChunkSection - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.generic
EmptyChunkSection(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
EmptyChunkSection(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
emptyTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
EmptyTiming - Class in co.aikar.timings
en_GB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
en_US - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
enable - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
ENABLE_DIVE_FORCE - Static variable in interface
ENABLE_LIFT_FORCE - Static variable in interface
ENABLE_PITCH - Static variable in interface
enableClientCommand - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
enabled - Variable in class
enabledNetworkEncryption - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Server
enableFloydSmooth - Variable in class
enableHeadYaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
enableHeadYaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
enableParamTree() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
enablePlugin(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
enablePlugin(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JSPluginLoader
enablePlugin(Plugin) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoader
Enables a plugin.
enablePlugin(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
enablePlugin(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
enablePlugins(PluginLoadOrder) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
enableRangeTest - Variable in class
ENCHANT - Static variable in class
ENCHANT_BOOK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ENCHANT_INPUT_ITEM_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EnchantInventory
ENCHANT_REAGENT_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EnchantInventory
ENCHANT_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
ENCHANT_TABLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ENCHANT_TABLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
ENCHANT_WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
EnchantCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
EnchantCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.EnchantCommand
EnchantData(int, int) - Constructor for class
ENCHANTED_BOOK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ENCHANTED_BOOK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ENCHANTING_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ENCHANTING_TABLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ENCHANTING_TABLE_PARTICLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
EnchantingAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
EnchantingAction(Item, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.EnchantingAction
EnchantInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
EnchantInventory(PlayerUIInventory, Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.EnchantInventory
EnchantItemEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
EnchantItemEvent(EnchantInventory, Item, Item, int, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
Enchantment - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
An enchantment that can be to applied to an item.
Enchantment(int, String, int, EnchantmentType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
Enchantment(int, String, Enchantment.Rarity, EnchantmentType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
Constructs this instance using the given data and with level 1.
Enchantment(Identifier, String, Enchantment.Rarity, EnchantmentType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ENCHANTMENT_TABLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
Enchantment.Rarity - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
How rare an enchantment is.
EnchantmentBindingCurse - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentBindingCurse() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentBindingCurse
EnchantmentBow - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow
EnchantmentBow(int, String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBow
EnchantmentBow(int, String, Enchantment.Rarity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBow
EnchantmentBowFlame - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow
EnchantmentBowFlame() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowFlame
EnchantmentBowInfinity - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow
EnchantmentBowInfinity() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowInfinity
EnchantmentBowKnockback - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow
EnchantmentBowKnockback() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowKnockback
EnchantmentBowPower - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow
EnchantmentBowPower() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowPower
EnchantmentCrossbow - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow
EnchantmentCrossbow(int, String, Enchantment.Rarity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbow
EnchantmentCrossbowMultishot - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow
EnchantmentCrossbowMultishot() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowMultishot
EnchantmentCrossbowPiercing - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow
EnchantmentCrossbowPiercing() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowPiercing
EnchantmentCrossbowQuickCharge - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow
EnchantmentCrossbowQuickCharge() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowQuickCharge
EnchantmentDamage - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage
EnchantmentDamage(int, String, int, EnchantmentDamage.TYPE) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage
EnchantmentDamage(int, String, Enchantment.Rarity, EnchantmentDamage.TYPE) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage
EnchantmentDamage.TYPE - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage
EnchantmentDamageAll - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage
EnchantmentDamageAll() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageAll
EnchantmentDamageArthropods - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage
EnchantmentDamageArthropods() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageArthropods
EnchantmentDamageSmite - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage
EnchantmentDamageSmite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageSmite
EnchantmentDurability - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentDurability() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentDurability
EnchantmentEfficiency - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentEfficiency() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEfficiency
EnchantmentEntry - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentEntry(Enchantment[], int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEntry
EnchantmentFireAspect - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentFireAspect() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFireAspect
EnchantmentFrostWalker - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentFrostWalker() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFrostWalker
EnchantmentItemSelector - Class in cn.nukkit.item.randomitem
EnchantmentItemSelector(int, Selector) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.EnchantmentItemSelector
EnchantmentItemSelector(int, Integer, int, Selector) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.EnchantmentItemSelector
EnchantmentItemSelector(int, Integer, Selector) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.EnchantmentItemSelector
EnchantmentItemSelector(Item, Selector) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.EnchantmentItemSelector
EnchantmentKnockback - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentKnockback() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentKnockback
EnchantmentList - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentList(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentList
EnchantmentLoot - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot
EnchantmentLoot(int, String, int, EnchantmentType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot.EnchantmentLoot
EnchantmentLoot(int, String, Enchantment.Rarity, EnchantmentType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot.EnchantmentLoot
EnchantmentLootDigging - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot
EnchantmentLootDigging() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot.EnchantmentLootDigging
EnchantmentLootFishing - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot
EnchantmentLootFishing() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot.EnchantmentLootFishing
EnchantmentLootWeapon - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot
EnchantmentLootWeapon() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot.EnchantmentLootWeapon
EnchantmentLure - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentLure() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentLure
EnchantmentMending - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentMending() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentMending
EnchantmentProtection - Class in
EnchantmentProtection(int, String, int, EnchantmentProtection.TYPE) - Constructor for class
EnchantmentProtection(int, String, Enchantment.Rarity, EnchantmentProtection.TYPE) - Constructor for class
EnchantmentProtection.TYPE - Enum Class in
EnchantmentProtectionAll - Class in
EnchantmentProtectionAll() - Constructor for class
EnchantmentProtectionExplosion - Class in
EnchantmentProtectionExplosion() - Constructor for class
EnchantmentProtectionFall - Class in
EnchantmentProtectionFall() - Constructor for class
EnchantmentProtectionFire - Class in
EnchantmentProtectionFire() - Constructor for class
EnchantmentProtectionProjectile - Class in
EnchantmentProtectionProjectile() - Constructor for class
enchantments - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
enchantmentSeed - Variable in class
enchantmentSeed - Variable in class
EnchantmentSilkTouch - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentSilkTouch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSilkTouch
EnchantmentSoulSpeed - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentSoulSpeed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSoulSpeed
EnchantmentSwiftSneak - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentSwiftSneak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSwiftSneak
EnchantmentTableParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
EnchantmentTableParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.EnchantmentTableParticle
EnchantmentThorns - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentThorns() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentThorns
EnchantmentTrident - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident
EnchantmentTrident(int, String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTrident
EnchantmentTrident(int, String, Enchantment.Rarity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTrident
EnchantmentTridentChanneling - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident
EnchantmentTridentChanneling() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentChanneling
EnchantmentTridentImpaling - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident
EnchantmentTridentImpaling() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentImpaling
EnchantmentTridentLoyalty - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident
EnchantmentTridentLoyalty() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentLoyalty
EnchantmentTridentRiptide - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident
EnchantmentTridentRiptide() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentRiptide
EnchantmentType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentVanishingCurse - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentVanishingCurse() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentVanishingCurse
EnchantmentWaterBreath - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentWaterBreath() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterBreath
EnchantmentWaterWalker - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentWaterWalker() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterWalker
EnchantmentWaterWorker - Class in cn.nukkit.item.enchantment
EnchantmentWaterWorker() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterWorker
EnchantOptionData(int, int, List<PlayerEnchantOptionsPacket.EnchantData>, List<PlayerEnchantOptionsPacket.EnchantData>, List<PlayerEnchantOptionsPacket.EnchantData>, String, int) - Constructor for class
EnchantParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
EnchantParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.EnchantParticle
enchantTransaction - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
EnchantTransaction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction
EnchantTransaction(Player, List<InventoryAction>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
encode() - Method in interface
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.BoneMealParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.DestroyBlockParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.ElectricSparkParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.GenericParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.ItemBreakParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.MobSpawnParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.PunchBlockParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.ScrapeParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SpellParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.WaxOffParticle
encode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.WaxOnParticle
encode() - Method in class
encode() - Method in class
encode() - Method in class
encode() - Method in class
encode() - Method in class
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encode() - Method in class
encode() - Method in class
encode() - Method in class
encode() - Method in class
encode() - Method in class
encode() - Method in class
encode(Entity, Data) - Method in class
encode(Data, CompoundTag) - Method in interface
encodePackInfo() - Method in class
encodeZigZag32(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
encodeZigZag64(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
encryptionKey - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
encryptionKey - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ZippedResourcePack
EncryptionUtils - Class in
END - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent.PortalType
END - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionEnum
END_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
END_BRICK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
END_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
END_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
END_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
END_CHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
END_CRYSTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
END_CRYSTAL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
END_GATEWAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
END_GATEWAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
END_GATEWAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
END_GATEWAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
END_PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
END_PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
END_PORTAL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
END_PORTAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
END_PORTAL_EYE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
END_PORTAL_FRAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
END_PORTAL_FRAME - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
END_ROD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
END_ROD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
END_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
END_STONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
END_STONE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
END_STONE_BRICKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
END_STONE_BRICKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
ENDER_CHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
ENDER_CHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ENDER_CHEST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ENDER_CHEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
ENDER_DRAGON_DEATH - Static variable in class
ENDER_EYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ENDER_EYE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ENDER_PEARL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an entity is spawned as a result of ender pearl usage
ENDER_PEARL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
ENDER_PEARL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ENDER_PEARL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
enderChestInventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
enderChestInventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
ENDERMAN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ENDERMITE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EndPortalEyeBit - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state
ENDROD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
EndTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
EndTag() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.EndTag
endTime - Variable in class
endUse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSSafeObject
EnergyHolder - Interface in
Defines the interface for energy holders.
EnergyRegistry - Class in
EnergyRegistry() - Constructor for class
EnergyType - Interface in
定义一个能源种类 Define an energy type.
EnsureAround - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper
ensureAroundAir(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper.EnsureAround
ensureBelow(int, int, int, int, FullChunk) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper.EnsureBelow
EnsureBelow - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper
ensureCover(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper.EnsureCover
EnsureCover - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper
ensureGrassBelow(int, int, int, FullChunk) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper.EnsureGrassBelow
EnsureGrassBelow - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper
ensureGrowable(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.HugeTreesGenerator
ensureOffsetLength(int, int, int) - Static method in class
entities - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
ENTITIES_UPDATE - Static variable in class
EntitiesNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
EntitiesNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.EntitiesNode
entity - Variable in class
entity - Variable in class
entity - Variable in class
entity - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.WaterFrostEvent
entity - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEvent
entity - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
entity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntity
entity(Entity) - Method in class
Entity - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
Entity(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class
ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class
ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class
ENTITY_ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
ENTITY_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by being attacked by another entity
ENTITY_ATTACKED_BY_OWNER - Static variable in interface
ENTITY_ATTACKING_OWNER - Static variable in interface
ENTITY_DAMAGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
ENTITY_DIE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
ENTITY_EQUIPMENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
ENTITY_EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ENTITY_EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Entity explosion damage
ENTITY_FALL_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ENTITY_GROW_UP - Static variable in class
ENTITY_ID2TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Type
ENTITY_INTERACT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
ENTITY_PICK_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ENTITY_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
ENTITY_ROAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
ENTITY_SERVER - Enum constant in enum class
ENTITY_SHAKING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
ENTITY_SPAWN - Static variable in class
ENTITY_SPAWN_TIME - Static variable in interface
ENTITY_SPOUSE - Static variable in interface
ENTITY_TYPE2ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Type
ENTITY_ZOMBIE_CONVERTED_TO_DROWNED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
EntityAgeable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityAI - Class in
EntityAI.DebugOption - Enum Class in
EntityAllay - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityAllay(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAllay
EntityAngryable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityAnimal - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityAnimal(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAnimal
EntityAreaEffectCloud - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityAreaEffectCloud(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
EntityArmorChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityArmorChangeEvent(Entity, Item, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityArmorChangeEvent
EntityArmorInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
EntityArmorInventory(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
EntityArmorStand - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityArmorStand(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
EntityArrow - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.projectile
EntityArrow(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
EntityArrow(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
EntityArrow(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
EntityArthropod - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityAsyncPrepare - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityAttackedByOwnerSensor - Class in
EntityAttackedByOwnerSensor(int, boolean) - Constructor for class
EntityAxolotl - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityAxolotl(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAxolotl
entityBaseTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
entityBaseTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
entityBaseTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
entityBaseTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
entityBaseTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
entityBaseTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
entityBaseTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
entityBaseTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
entityBaseTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
entityBaseTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
entityBaseTickTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
EntityBat - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityBat(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBat
EntityBee - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityBee(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
EntityBlaze - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityBlaze(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityBlaze
EntityBlockChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityBlockChangeEvent(Entity, Block, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityBlockChangeEvent
EntityBoat - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityBoat(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
EntityBreedingExecutor<T extends EntityAnimal> - Class in
EntityBreedingExecutor(Class<T>, int, int, float) - Constructor for class
EntityCamel - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityCamel(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCamel
EntityCanAttack - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityCanSit - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityCat - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityCat(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
EntityCaveSpider - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityCaveSpider(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCaveSpider
EntityChestBoat - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityChestBoat(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
EntityChicken - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityChicken(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
entityClass - Variable in class
EntityCod - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityCod(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCod
entityCollisionReduction - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
EntityCombustByBlockEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityCombustByBlockEvent(Block, Entity, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByBlockEvent
EntityCombustByEntityEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityCombustByEntityEvent(Entity, Entity, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByEntityEvent
EntityCombustEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityCombustEvent(Entity, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent
EntityComponent - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityControl - Interface in
EntityControlUtils - Interface in
entityCount - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
EntityCow - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityCow(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
EntityCreature - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityCreature(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCreature
EntityCreeper - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityCreeper(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
EntityCrossbowFirework - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityCrossbowFirework(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityCrossbowFirework
EntityDamageable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityDamageBlockedEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityDamageBlockedEvent(Entity, EntityDamageEvent, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageBlockedEvent
EntityDamageByBlockEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityDamageByBlockEvent(Block, Entity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByBlockEvent
EntityDamageByChildEntityEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityDamageByChildEntityEvent(Entity, Entity, Entity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByChildEntityEvent
EntityDamageByEntityEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityDamageByEntityEvent(Entity, Entity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
EntityDamageByEntityEvent(Entity, Entity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause, float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
EntityDamageByEntityEvent(Entity, Entity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Float>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
EntityDamageByEntityEvent(Entity, Entity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Float>, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
EntityDamageByEntityEvent(Entity, Entity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Float>, float, Enchantment[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
EntityDamageEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityDamageEvent(Entity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
EntityDamageEvent(Entity, EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause, Map<EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier, Float>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityData<T> - Class in
EntityData(int) - Constructor for class
EntityDeathEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityDeathEvent(EntityLiving) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
EntityDeathEvent(EntityLiving, Item[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
EntityDespawnEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityDespawnEvent(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDespawnEvent
EntityDolphin - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityDolphin(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDolphin
EntityDonkey - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityDonkey(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDonkey
EntityDrowned - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityDrowned(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
EntityEffectRemoveEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityEffectRemoveEvent(Entity, Effect) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEffectRemoveEvent
EntityEffectUpdateEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityEffectUpdateEvent(Entity, Effect, Effect) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEffectUpdateEvent
EntityEgg - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.projectile
EntityEgg(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
EntityEgg(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
EntityElderGuardian - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityElderGuardian(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityElderGuardian
EntityElytraFirework - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityElytraFirework(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityElytraFirework
EntityEndCrystal - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityEndCrystal(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
EntityEnderDragon - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityEnderDragon(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
EntityEnderman - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityEnderman(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderman
EntityEndermite - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityEndermite(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEndermite
EntityEnderPearl - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.projectile
EntityEnderPearl(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
EntityEnderPearl(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
EntityEnterVehicleEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
EntityEnterVehicleEvent(Entity, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.EntityEnterVehicleEvent
EntityEquipmentInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
EntityEquipmentInventory(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
EntityEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityEvent() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEvent
EntityEventPacket - Class in
EntityEventPacket() - Constructor for class
EntityEvoker - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityEvoker(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEvoker
EntityExitVehicleEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
EntityExitVehicleEvent(Entity, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.EntityExitVehicleEvent
EntityExpBottle - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityExpBottle(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
EntityExpBottle(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
EntityExplodeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityExplodeEvent(Entity, Position, List<Block>, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
EntityExplosionExecutor - Class in
EntityExplosionExecutor(int, int) - Constructor for class
EntityExplosionExecutor(int, int, MemoryType<Boolean>) - Constructor for class
EntityExplosionPrimeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityExplosionPrimeEvent(Entity, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
EntityExplosive - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityFallEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityFallEvent(Entity, Block, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityFallEvent
EntityFallingBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityFallingBlock(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
EntityFallPacket - Class in
EntityFallPacket() - Constructor for class
EntityFirework - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityFirework(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFirework
EntityFish - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityFish(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFish
EntityFishingHook - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityFishingHook(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
EntityFishingHook(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
EntityFlameParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
EntityFlameParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.EntityFlameParticle
EntityFlyable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityFox - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityFox(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFox
EntityFreezeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
EntityFreezeEvent(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.EntityFreezeEvent
EntityFrog - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityFrog(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFrog
EntityGhast - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityGhast(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGhast
EntityGlowSquid - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityGlowSquid(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGlowSquid
EntityGoat - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityGoat(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGoat
EntityGuardian - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityGuardian(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGuardian
EntityHanging - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityHanging(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHanging
EntityHealable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
entityHit - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
EntityHoglin - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityHoglin(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHoglin
EntityHorse - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityHorse(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityHorse
EntityHuman - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityHuman(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
EntityHumanType - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityHumanType(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
EntityHusk - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityHusk(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
entityId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
entityId - Variable in class
entityId - Variable in class
entityId - Variable in class
entityId - Variable in class
entityId - Variable in class
entityId - Variable in class
entityId - Variable in class
entityId - Variable in class
entityId - Variable in class
entityIdentifier - Variable in class
entityIdentifier - Variable in class
EntityIds - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
从mc标准实体标识符获取Nukkit的实体网络IDEntity.getNetworkId() Link LEGACY_IDS
EntityIds() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIds
entityInfoList - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate
EntityIntelligent - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityIntelligent(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
EntityIntelligentHuman - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityIntelligentHuman(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
EntityInteractable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityInteractEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityInteractEvent(Entity, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInteractEvent
EntityInventoryChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityInventoryChangeEvent(Entity, Item, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInventoryChangeEvent
EntityInventoryHolder - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory
EntityIronGolem - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityIronGolem(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityIronGolem
EntityItem - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityItem(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
EntityLevelChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityLevelChangeEvent(Entity, Level, Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityLevelChangeEvent
EntityLightning - Class in
EntityLightning(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class
EntityLightningStrike - Interface in
EntityLink - Class in
EntityLink(long, long, byte, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
EntityLiving - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityLiving(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
EntityLlama - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityLlama(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityLlama
EntityMagmaCube - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityMagmaCube(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMagmaCube
EntityMetadata - Class in
EntityMetadata() - Constructor for class
EntityMetadataStore - Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
EntityMetadataStore() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.EntityMetadataStore
EntityMinecartAbstract - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityMinecartAbstract(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
EntityMinecartChest - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityMinecartChest(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
EntityMinecartEmpty - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityMinecartEmpty(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty
EntityMinecartHopper - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityMinecartHopper(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
EntityMinecartTNT - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityMinecartTNT(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
EntityMob - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityMob(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
EntityMooshroom - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityMooshroom(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
EntityMotionEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityMotionEvent(Entity, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityMotionEvent
EntityMoveByPistonEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityMoveByPistonEvent(Entity, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityMoveByPistonEvent
entityMoveTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
EntityMoveToOwnerExecutor - Class in
实体移动到主人身边.(只对实现了接口 EntityTamable 的实体有效)
EntityMoveToOwnerExecutor(float, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
EntityMule - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityMule(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMule
EntityNameable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
An entity which can be named by name tags.
EntityNPC - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityNPCEntity - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityNPCEntity(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
EntityOcelot - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityOcelot(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityOcelot
EntityOwnable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityPainting - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityPainting(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
EntityPainting.Motive - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityPanda - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityPanda(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPanda
EntityParrot - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityParrot(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityParrot
EntityPhantom - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityPhantom(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
EntityPhysical - Class in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityPhysical(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
EntityPickRequestPacket - Class in
EntityPickRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
EntityPig - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityPig(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
EntityPiglin - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityPiglin(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglin
EntityPiglinBrute - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityPiglinBrute(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglinBrute
EntityPillager - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityPillager(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPillager
EntityPolarBear - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityPolarBear(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPolarBear
EntityPortalEnterEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityPortalEnterEvent(Entity, EntityPortalEnterEvent.PortalType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent
EntityPortalEnterEvent.PortalType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityPotion - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityPotion(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
EntityPotion(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
EntityPotionLingering - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityPotionLingering(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotionLingering
EntityPotionLingering(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotionLingering
EntityPrimedTNT - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityPrimedTNT(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
EntityPrimedTNT(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
EntityProjectile - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.projectile
EntityProjectile(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
EntityProjectile(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
EntityProvider<T extends Entity> - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity.provider
EntityProviderWithClass - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity.provider
EntityPufferfish - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityPufferfish(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPufferfish
EntityRabbit - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityRabbit(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityRabbit
EntityRavager - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityRavager(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityRavager
EntityRegainHealthEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityRegainHealthEvent(Entity, float, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
EntityRideable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
entityRuntimeId - Variable in class
entityRuntimeId - Variable in class
entityRuntimeId - Variable in class
entityRuntimeId - Variable in class
entityRuntimeId - Variable in class
entityRuntimeId - Variable in class
entityRuntimeId - Variable in class
entityRuntimeId - Variable in class
EntitySalmon - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntitySalmon(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySalmon
EntityScorer - Class in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer
EntityScorer(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.EntityScorer
EntityScorer(UUID) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.EntityScorer
EntitySelectorAPI - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector
EntityShearable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntitySheep - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntitySheep(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
EntityShootBowEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityShootBowEvent(EntityLiving, Item, EntityProjectile, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
EntityShootCrossbowEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityShootCrossbowEvent(EntityLiving, Item, EntityProjectile...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
EntityShulker - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityShulker(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityShulker
EntitySilverfish - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntitySilverfish(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySilverfish
EntitySkeleton - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntitySkeleton(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
EntitySkeletonHorse - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntitySkeletonHorse(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySkeletonHorse
EntitySlime - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntitySlime(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySlime
EntitySmallFireBall - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.projectile
EntitySmallFireBall(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
EntitySmite - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntitySnowball - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.projectile
EntitySnowball(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
EntitySnowball(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
EntitySnowGolem - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntitySnowGolem(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySnowGolem
EntitySpawnEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntitySpawnEvent(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
EntitySpider - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntitySpider(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySpider
EntitySquid - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntitySquid(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySquid
EntityStray - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityStray(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
EntityStrider - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityStrider(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityStrider
EntitySwimmable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityTadpole - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityTadpole(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTadpole
EntityTamable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityOwnable接口的更名实现 实现这个接口的实体可以被驯服
EntityTameable - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityTameable(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
EntityTeleportEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityTeleportEvent(Entity, Location, Location) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
EntityTeleportEvent(Entity, Location, Location, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
EntityThrownTrident - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.projectile
EntityThrownTrident(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
EntityThrownTrident(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
EntityThrownTrident(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
entityTick - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
entityTicks - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsHistory
EntityTropicalFish - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityTropicalFish(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
EntityTurtle - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityTurtle(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle
entityUniqueId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
entityUniqueId - Variable in class
entityUniqueId - Variable in class
entityUniqueId - Variable in class
entityUniqueId - Variable in class
entityUniqueId - Variable in class
entityUniqueId - Variable in class
entityUniqueId - Variable in class
EntityVehicle - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityVehicle(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
EntityVehicleEnterEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityVehicleEnterEvent(Entity, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityVehicleEnterEvent
EntityVehicleExitEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
EntityVehicleExitEvent(Entity, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityVehicleExitEvent
EntityVex - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityVex(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVex
EntityVillager - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityVillager(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
EntityVillagerV1 - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityVillagerV1(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
EntityVindicator - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityVindicator(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVindicator
EntityWalkable - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
EntityWanderingTrader - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityWanderingTrader(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWanderingTrader
EntityWarden - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityWarden(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
EntityWeather - Interface in
EntityWitch - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityWitch(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitch
EntityWither - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityWither(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
EntityWitherSkeleton - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityWitherSkeleton(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
EntityWolf - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityWolf(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
EntityXPOrb - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.item
EntityXPOrb(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
EntityZoglin - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityZoglin(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZoglin
EntityZombie - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityZombie(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
EntityZombieHorse - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.passive
EntityZombieHorse(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityZombieHorse
EntityZombiePigman - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityZombiePigman(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombiePigman
EntityZombieVillager - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityZombieVillager(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
EntityZombieVillagerV1 - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.mob
EntityZombieVillagerV1(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillagerV1
entries - Variable in class
entries - Variable in class
entries - Variable in class
Entry() - Constructor for class
Entry(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe.Entry
Entry(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk.Entry
Entry(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Entry(int, int, int, int, String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager.Entry
Entry(String, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class
Entry(UUID) - Constructor for class
Entry(UUID, long, String, Skin) - Constructor for class
Entry(UUID, long, String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class
Entry(UUID, String) - Constructor for class
entryDoor - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
entrySet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
ENUM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
ENUM_AS_CHAINED_COMMAND - Enum constant in enum class
ENUM_BLOCK - Static variable in class
ENUM_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class
ENUM_EFFECT - Static variable in class
ENUM_ENCHANTMENT - Static variable in class
ENUM_ENTITY - Static variable in class
ENUM_GAMEMODE - Static variable in class
ENUM_ITEM - Static variable in class
ENUM_TYPE_BLOCK_LIST - Static variable in class
ENUM_TYPE_COMMAND_LIST - Static variable in class
ENUM_TYPE_EFFECT_LIST - Static variable in class
ENUM_TYPE_ENCHANTMENT_LIST - Static variable in class
ENUM_TYPE_ENTITY_LIST - Static variable in class
ENUM_TYPE_ITEM_LIST - Static variable in class
ENUM_TYPE_PARTICLE_LIST - Static variable in class
EnumBiome - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome
enumData - Variable in class
ENUMERATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
EnumLevel - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level
EnumNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
EnumNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.EnumNode
enums - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.EnumNode
EOF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
equals(Block, Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
equals(Block, Block, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
equals(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
equals(Item, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry.MappingEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores.ScoreCondition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ComplexAliasDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.RuntimeEntry
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems.MappingEntry
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ChunkPosition
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.BlockEntry
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBiomeDelegate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntityType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemDelegate
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemMeta
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoChunk
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea.ChunkPos
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationEvent
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperField
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.RegisteredServiceProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.AbstractResourcePack
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.EntityScorer
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.FakeScorer
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap.WeakKey
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
equals(Object) - Method in exception cn.nukkit.utils.InvalidBlockDamageException
equals(Object) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPieceTint
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
equals(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
equals(Object) - Method in class co.aikar.timings.Timing
equalsBlock(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
equalsExact(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
equalsIgnoringEnchantmentOrder(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
Same as Item.equals(Item, boolean) but the enchantment order of the items does not affect the result.
EQUIP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
equipItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
Called when a client equips a hotbar inventorySlot.
EQUIPMENT - Enum constant in enum class
EQUIPMENT - Enum constant in enum class
EQUIPMENT_SLOT - Enum constant in enum class
err - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXWorldHandle
error() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
error() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
error() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
Returns the value of the error record component.
error(CommandOutputMessage...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
error(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
error(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
error(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
error(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
error(String, String...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
es_ES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
es_MX - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
ESCAPE - Static variable in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
The special character which prefixes all format codes.
ESMFileSystem - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
ESMFileSystem(File, CommonJSPlugin, JSClassLoader) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
ESMJavaExporter - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
ESMJavaExporter() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMJavaExporter
evalPos - Variable in class
evalPos(EntityIntelligent, Vector3) - Method in class
evalPos(EntityIntelligent, Vector3) - Method in interface
evalPos(EntityIntelligent, Vector3) - Method in class
evalPos(Vector3) - Method in class
evalStandingBlock(Block) - Method in class
evalStandingBlock(EntityIntelligent, Block) - Method in interface
evalStandingBlock(EntityIntelligent, Block) - Method in class
evalStandingBlock(EntityIntelligent, Block) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluate(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluateBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluateBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluateBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluateBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
evaluateCoreBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluateCoreBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
evaluateCoreBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
evaluator - Variable in class
evaluators - Variable in class
EVAPORATION_ELEPHANT_TOOTHPASTE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
evenCaveDistribution - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
event - Variable in class
Event - Class in cn.nukkit.event
Describes things that happens in the server.
Event() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.Event
EVENT_ADD - Static variable in class
EVENT_ADD_PARTICLE_MASK - Static variable in class
EVENT_ADD_PARTICLE_MASK - Static variable in class
EVENT_AGENT_SPAWN_EFFECT - Static variable in class
EVENT_AGENT_SPAWN_EFFECT - Static variable in class
EVENT_ALL_PLAYERS_SLEEPING - Static variable in class
EVENT_BLOCK_START_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_BLOCK_START_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_BLOCK_STOP_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_BLOCK_STOP_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_BLOCK_UPDATE_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_BLOCK_UPDATE_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_ADD_DYE - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_ADD_DYE - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_CLEAN_ARMOR - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_CLEAN_ARMOR - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_CLEAN_BANNER - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_CLEAN_BANNER - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_DYE_ARMOR - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_DYE_ARMOR - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_FILL_LAVA - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_FILL_LAVA - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_FILL_POTION - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_FILL_POTION - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_FILL_POWDER_SNOW - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_FILL_POWDER_SNOW - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_FLUSH - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_FLUSH - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_TAKE_LAVA - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_TAKE_LAVA - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_TAKE_POTION - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_TAKE_POTION - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_TAKE_POWDER_SNOW - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_TAKE_POWDER_SNOW - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_TAKE_WATER - Static variable in class
EVENT_CAULDRON_TAKE_WATER - Static variable in class
EVENT_GLOBAL_PAUSE - Static variable in class
EVENT_GLOBAL_PAUSE - Static variable in class
EVENT_GUARDIAN_CURSE - Static variable in class
EVENT_GUARDIAN_CURSE - Static variable in class
EVENT_JUMP_PREVENTED - Static variable in class
EVENT_JUMP_PREVENTED - Static variable in class
EVENT_MODIFY - Static variable in class
EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
EVENT_PARTICLE_BLOCK_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BLOCK_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BLOCK_FORCE_FIELD - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BLOCK_FORCE_FIELD - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BONEMEAL - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BREAK_BLOCK_DOWN - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BREAK_BLOCK_EAST - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BREAK_BLOCK_NORTH - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BREAK_BLOCK_SOUTH - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BREAK_BLOCK_UP - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BREAK_BLOCK_WEST - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BREAKING_EGG - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BREAKING_EGG - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BUBBLES - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_BUBBLES - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_CRIT - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_CRIT - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_CROP_EATEN - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_CROP_EATEN - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_DEATH_SMOKE - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_DEATH_SMOKE - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_DESTROY - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_DESTROY_EGG - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_DESTROY_EGG - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_DRIPSTONE_DRIP - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_DRIPSTONE_DRIP - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_ELECTRIC_SPARK - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_ELECTRIC_SPARK - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_EVAPORATE - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_EVAPORATE - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_EVAPORATE_WATER - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_EVAPORATE_WATER - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_EYE_DESPAWN - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_FIZZ_EFFECT - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_FIZZ_EFFECT - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_KNOCKBACK_ROAR - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_KNOCKBACK_ROAR - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_POINT_CLOUD - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_POINT_CLOUD - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_PROJECTILE_HIT - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_PROJECTILE_HIT - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_PUNCH_BLOCK - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_PUNCH_BLOCK - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SCRAPE - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SCRAPE - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SCULK_CHARGE - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SCULK_CHARGE - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SCULK_CHARGE_POP - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SCULK_CHARGE_POP - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SCULK_SHRIEK - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SCULK_SHRIEK - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SHOOT - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SONIC_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SONIC_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SPAWN - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_SPLASH - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_TELEPORT_TRAIL - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_TELEPORT_TRAIL - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_TURTLE_EGG - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_TURTLE_EGG - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_VIBRATION_SIGNAL - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_VIBRATION_SIGNAL - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_WAX_OFF - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_WAX_OFF - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_WAX_ON - Static variable in class
EVENT_PARTICLE_WAX_ON - Static variable in class
EVENT_PLAYERS_SLEEPING - Static variable in class
EVENT_PLAYERS_SLEEPING - Static variable in class
EVENT_REMOVE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SET_DATA - Static variable in class
EVENT_SET_DATA - Static variable in class
EVENT_SIM_TIME_SCALE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SIM_TIME_SCALE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SIM_TIME_STEP - Static variable in class
EVENT_SIM_TIME_STEP - Static variable in class
EVENT_SLEEPING_PLAYERS - Static variable in class
EVENT_SLEEPING_PLAYERS - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_AMETHYST_RESONATE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ANVIL_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ANVIL_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ANVIL_FALL - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ANVIL_FALL - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ANVIL_USE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ANVIL_USE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ARMOR_STAND_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ARMOR_STAND_BREAK - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ARMOR_STAND_FALL - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ARMOR_STAND_FALL - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ARMOR_STAND_HIT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ARMOR_STAND_HIT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ARMOR_STAND_PLACE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ARMOR_STAND_PLACE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_BLAZE_SHOOT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_BLAZE_SHOOT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_BUTTON_CLICK - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_BUTTON_CLICK - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_CAMERA_TAKE_PICTURE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_CAMERA_TAKE_PICTURE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_CLICK - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_CLICK - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_CLICK_FAIL - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_CLICK_FAIL - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_DOOR - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_DOOR - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_DOOR_BUMP - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_DOOR_BUMP - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_DOOR_CRASH - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_DOOR_CRASH - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_DYE_USED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_DYE_USED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_EXPERIENCE_ORB - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_EXPERIENCE_ORB - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_EXPLODE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_EXPLODE - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_FIZZ - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_FIZZ - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_GHAST - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_GHAST - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_GHAST_SHOOT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_GHAST_SHOOT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_INK_SACE_USED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_INK_SACE_USED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_DROP - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_DROP - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_ITEM_ADDED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_ITEM_ADDED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_ITEM_REMOVED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_ITEM_REMOVED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_ITEM_ROTATED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_ITEM_ROTATED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_PLACED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_PLACED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_REMOVED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_FRAME_REMOVED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_THROWN - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ITEM_THROWN - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_PLAY_RECORDING - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_PLAY_RECORDING - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_PORTAL - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_PORTAL - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_SHOOT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_SHOOT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_SPLASH - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_SPLASH - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_TNT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_TNT - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_TOTEM - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_TOTEM - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ZOMBIE_CONVERTED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ZOMBIE_CONVERTED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ZOMBIE_INFECTED - Static variable in class
EVENT_SOUND_ZOMBIE_INFECTED - Static variable in class
EVENT_START_RAIN - Static variable in class
EVENT_START_RAIN - Static variable in class
EVENT_START_THUNDER - Static variable in class
EVENT_START_THUNDER - Static variable in class
EVENT_STOP_RAIN - Static variable in class
EVENT_STOP_RAIN - Static variable in class
EVENT_STOP_THUNDER - Static variable in class
EVENT_STOP_THUNDER - Static variable in class
EVENT_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class
eventData - Variable in class
EventException - Exception in cn.nukkit.utils
EventException() - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.EventException
Constructs a new EventException
EventException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.EventException
Constructs a new EventException with the given message
EventException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.EventException
Constructs a new EventException based on the given Exception
EventException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.EventException
Constructs a new EventException with the given message
EventExecutor - Interface in cn.nukkit.plugin
EventHandler - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.event
Annotation that defines a handler.
eventId - Variable in class
eventId - Variable in class
eventName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.Event
eventName - Variable in class
EventPacket - Class in
EventPacket() - Constructor for class
EventPriority - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event
evid - Variable in class
evid - Variable in class
EVOCATION_FANG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
EVOKER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EVOKER_SPELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
ExceptionHandler - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport
Project nukkit
ExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport.ExceptionHandler
execute() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
execute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
execute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
execute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.GrindstoneTransaction
execute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
execute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.RepairItemTransaction
execute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.SmithingTransaction
execute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.TradingTransaction
execute(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
execute(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DebugPasteCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.GarbageCollectorCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.HelpCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.StatusCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TpsCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.VersionCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.FormattedCommandAlias
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.PluginCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.simple.SimpleCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
Execute int.
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.AbilityCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.BanCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.BanIpCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.BanListCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.CameraShakeCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ClearCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ClearSpawnPointCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.CloneCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DamageCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DayLockCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DebugCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DefaultGamemodeCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DeopCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.DifficultyCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.EffectCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.EnchantCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ExecuteCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ExecuteCommandOld
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.FillCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.FogCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.FunctionCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.GamemodeCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.GameruleCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.GiveCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.KickCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.KillCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ListCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.MeCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.OpCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PardonCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PardonIpCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ParticleCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PlayAnimationCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PlaySoundCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PluginsCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ReplaceItemCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SaveCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SaveOffCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SaveOnCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SayCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ScoreboardCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SeedCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SetBlockCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SetMaxPlayersCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SetWorldSpawnCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SpawnpointCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SpreadPlayersCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.StopCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.StopSoundCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SummonCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TagCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TeleportCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TellCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TellrawCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForBlockCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForBlocksCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TickingAreaCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TimeCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TimingsCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TitleCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TitlerawCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.WeatherCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.WhitelistCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.WorldCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.XpCommand
execute(CommandSender, String, Map.Entry<String, ParamList>, CommandLogger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.PluginCommand
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
execute(Listener, Event) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.EventExecutor
execute(Listener, Event) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.MethodEventExecutor
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultAction
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultExperienceAction
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTransferMaterialAction
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
No need to do anything extra here: this type just provides a place for items to disappear or appear from.
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DamageAnvilAction
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DropItemAction
Drops the target item in front of the player.
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.GrindstoneItemAction
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
Performs actions needed to complete the inventory-action server-side.
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.NoOpIventoryAction
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
Sets the item into the target inventory.
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SmithingItemAction
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TakeLevelAction
execute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TradeAction
execute(Value...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalFunction
EXECUTE - Enum constant in enum class
EXECUTE_ACTION - Enum constant in enum class
EXECUTE_CLOSING_COMMANDS - Enum constant in enum class
EXECUTE_CONTEXT - Enum constant in enum class
EXECUTE_OPENING_COMMANDS - Enum constant in enum class
executeCommand(CommandSender, String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandMap
executeCommand(CommandSender, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
executeCommand(CommandSender, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
ExecuteCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
ExecuteCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ExecuteCommand
ExecuteCommandOld - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
ExecuteCommandOld(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ExecuteCommandOld
executeRedstonePulse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
executingOnFirstTick - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
executingOnFirstTick - Variable in class
executor - Variable in class
ExecutorCommandSender - Class in cn.nukkit.command
ExecutorCommandSender(CommandSender, Entity, Location) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
executors - Variable in class
EXHAUSTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
exist(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
Check existence of NBT tag
existInCloseList(Vector3) - Method in class
existInOpenList(Vector3) - Method in class
exists(int) - Method in class
exists(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
exists(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Check existence of config section element
exists(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
exists(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Check existence of config section element
EXIT_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class
EXIT_LEVEL_LIVING_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class
expand(double, double, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
expand(BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
expandTo(StructureBoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
Changes this bounding box to the bounding box of the union of itself and another bounding box.
expansion - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
expansion - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
experience - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultExperienceAction
EXPERIENCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
EXPERIENCE_LEVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
EXPERIMENTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Usage
Intended for new, experimental features where we are looking for feedback.
EXPERIMENTAL_GAMEPLAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
ExperimentData(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
experiments - Variable in class
explode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
explode() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityExplosive
explode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
explode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
explode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
explode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
explode(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
explode(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
explode(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
EXPLODE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
EXPLODE_CANCELLABLE - Static variable in interface
EXPLODE_ON_BREAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
explodeA() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
Calculates which blocks will be destroyed by this explosion.
explodeB() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
Executes the explosion's effects on the world.
explodeForce - Variable in class
ExplodeParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
ExplodeParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.ExplodeParticle
explodeTime - Variable in class
Explosion - Class in cn.nukkit.level
Explosion(Position, double, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
Explosion(Position, double, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
Explosion(Position, double, Object) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
Creates explosion at given position with given power.
EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause
EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class
EXPLOSION_CAULDRON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
EXPLOSION_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
EXPLOSION_EGG_DESTROY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
EXPLOSION_EYEOFENDER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
EXPLOSION_LABTABLE_FIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
EXPLOSION_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
EXPLOSION_MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
ExplosionPrimeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
ExplosionPrimeEvent(Entity, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
EXPORT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
exportedFromEditor - Variable in class
exportingToItems(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
exportingToItems(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
exportingToItems(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
exportingToItems(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
exportingToItems(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
exportJava(Class<?>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMJavaExporter
EXPOSED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.OxidizationLevel
EXPOSED_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EXPOSED_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
EXPOSED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
EXPOSED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
expression - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
expungeStaleEntries() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
Cleans all unused references.
expungeStaleEntries() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
Cleans all unused references.
extend(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
extending - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
extendsOnlyInPowerNukkit() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitDifference
extendsOnlyInPowerNukkitX() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXDifference
ExternalArray - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external
ExternalArray(Context, Value) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalArray
ExternalFunction - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external
ExternalFunction(Context, Value) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalFunction
externalMap - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator
ExternalObject - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external
ExternalObject(Context, Value) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalObject
extinguish() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
EXTINGUISH_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
EXTINGUISHED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
extraBlocks - Variable in class
extraData - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
extraData - Variable in class
extraData - Variable in class
extraData - Variable in class
extraRandomHeight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.HugeTreesGenerator
EXTREME_HILLS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
EXTREME_HILLS_EDGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
EXTREME_HILLS_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
EXTREME_HILLS_PLUS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
EXTREME_HILLS_PLUS_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
ExtremeHillsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills
ExtremeHillsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsBiome
ExtremeHillsBiome(boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsBiome
ExtremeHillsEdgeBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills
ExtremeHillsEdgeBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsEdgeBiome
ExtremeHillsMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills
ExtremeHillsMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsMBiome
ExtremeHillsMBiome(boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsMBiome
ExtremeHillsPlusBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills
ExtremeHillsPlusBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsPlusBiome
ExtremeHillsPlusBiome(boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsPlusBiome
ExtremeHillsPlusMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills
ExtremeHillsPlusMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsPlusMBiome
EYE_OF_ENDER_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect


F2 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
F2 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
F3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
F3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
F4 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
F4 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
face - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
face - Variable in class
face - Variable in class
Faceable - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils
facing - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
FACING_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
FACING_DIRECTION_BLOCK_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
FacingDirection - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state
factory - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.LZ4Freezer
fade(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
fade(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
fadeInTime - Variable in class
fadeOutTime - Variable in class
FAKE - Enum constant in enum class
FakeBlock - Interface in cn.nukkit.block.fake
FakeBlockMenu - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
FakeBlockMenu(Inventory, Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeBlockMenu
FakeBlockUIComponent - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
FakeHumanEnderChestInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
这个Inventory是一个hack实现,用来实现EntityIntelligentHuman的背包实现,它无法被open 和 close,因为虚拟人类不会自己打开物品栏
FakeHumanEnderChestInventory(EntityIntelligentHuman) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanEnderChestInventory
FakeHumanInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
这个Inventory是一个hack实现,用来实现EntityIntelligentHuman的背包实现,它无法被open 和 close,因为虚拟人类不会自己打开物品栏
FakeHumanInventory(EntityIntelligentHuman) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
FakeHumanOffhandInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
这个Inventory是一个hack实现,用来实现EntityIntelligentHuman的背包实现,它无法被open 和 close,因为虚拟人类不会自己打开物品栏
FakeHumanOffhandInventory(EntityIntelligentHuman) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
FakeScorer - Class in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer
FakeScorer(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.FakeScorer
FakeStructBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block.fake
FakeStructBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.fake.FakeStructBlock
fall(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
fall(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent.DamageCause
FALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Fall damage
FALL - Enum constant in enum class
FALL_AMETHYST_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_AMETHYST_CLUSTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_ANCIENT_DEBRIS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_AZALEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_AZALEA_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_BONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_CALCITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_CAVE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_CLOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_CORAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_DAMAGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
FALL_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_GRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_GRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_HANGING_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_HONEY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_LADDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_MOSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_NETHER_GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_NETHER_SPROUTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_NETHER_WART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_NETHER_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_NETHERITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_NETHERRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_NYLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_POWDER_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_SCULK_SHRIEKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_SHROOMLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_SLIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_SOUL_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_SOUL_SOIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_SPORE_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_TUFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALL_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FALLBACK_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
fallbackLang - Variable in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
fallDistance - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
fallDistance - Variable in class
FALLING_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by falling block
FALLING_BORDER_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
FALLING_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
FALLING_DUST_CONCRETE_POWDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
FALLING_DUST_DRAGON_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
FALLING_DUST_GRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
FALLING_DUST_RED_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
FALLING_DUST_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
FALLING_DUST_SCAFFOLDING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
FALLING_DUST_TOP_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
fallingTick - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
FALSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
FAN_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
Farmland(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Farmland
Farmland(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Farmland
FARMLAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FARMLAND - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FarmLandDecayEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
FarmLandDecayEvent(Entity, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.FarmLandDecayEvent
fastBreak - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
FastByteArrayOutputStream - Class in
Simple, fast byte-array output stream that exposes the backing array.
FastByteArrayOutputStream() - Constructor for class
Creates a new array output stream with an initial capacity of FastByteArrayOutputStream.DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY bytes.
FastByteArrayOutputStream(byte[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new array output stream wrapping a given byte array.
FastByteArrayOutputStream(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new array output stream with a given initial capacity.
fastCollidingEntities(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
fastCollidingEntities(AxisAlignedBB, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
fastCollisionCubes(Entity, AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
fastCollisionCubes(Entity, AxisAlignedBB, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
fastCollisionCubes(Entity, AxisAlignedBB, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
fastMove(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
fastMove(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
fastNearbyEntities(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
fastNearbyEntities(AxisAlignedBB, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
fastNearbyEntities(AxisAlignedBB, Entity, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
fastSplit(String, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.StringUtils
fastSplit(String, String, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.StringUtils
FATAL_POISON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
FATIGUE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
fbaos - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
FEATHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FEATHER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FEATURE_GENERATED_TMP_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
FEATURE_GENERATED_TMP_MAP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
FEATURE_MODULE_MAP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
FEATURE_REGISTRY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
FEATURES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FENCE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FENCE_ACACIA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
FENCE_BIRCH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
FENCE_DARK_OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FENCE_GATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FENCE_GATE_ACACIA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FENCE_GATE_BIRCH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FENCE_GATE_DARK_OAK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FENCE_GATE_JUNGLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FENCE_GATE_OAK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FENCE_GATE_SPRUCE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FENCE_JUNGLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
FENCE_OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
FENCE_SPRUCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
feof() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FERMENTED_SPIDER_EYE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType
FERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.TallGrassType
FERTILIZER - Enum constant in enum class
fi_FI - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
FIELD_MASONED_BANNER_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FIGHTERS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
file - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ZippedResourcePack
FILE_PATH - Enum constant in enum class
fileAssociations - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
filePath - Variable in class
filePath - Variable in class
fileSystem - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
FileWriteTask - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
FileWriteTask(File, byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.FileWriteTask
FileWriteTask(File, InputStream) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.FileWriteTask
FileWriteTask(File, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.FileWriteTask
FileWriteTask(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.FileWriteTask
FileWriteTask(String, InputStream) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.FileWriteTask
FileWriteTask(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.FileWriteTask
fill(byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
fill(BlockVector3, BlockVector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Fills a box with the given block.
fill(BlockVector3, BlockVector3, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Fills a box with the given block.
fill(BlockVector3, BlockVector3, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Builds a box from one block, and fills it with another.
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.BlockNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.BooleanNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ChainedCommandNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.CommandNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.CompareOperatorStringNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.DoubleNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.EntitiesNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.EnumNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.FloatNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IntNode
fill(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IPlayersNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IPStringNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ItemNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.MessageStringNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.OperatorStringNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PlayersNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.RawTextNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.RemainStringNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.StringNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.VoidNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.WildcardIntNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.WildcardTargetStringNode
fill(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.XpLevelNode
FILL_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
FILL_KEEP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
FILL_LEVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
fillAirColumnUp(ChunkManager, int, int, int, BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
fillBase(FullChunk, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
fillColumnDown(ChunkManager, BlockState, int, int, int, BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
fillColumnDown(ChunkManager, BlockState, int, int, int, BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
FillCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
FillCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.FillCommand
FILLED_MAP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FillerCorridor(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FillerCorridor
FillerCorridor(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FillerCorridor
fillWithRandomBlock(BlockVector3, BlockVector3, NukkitRandom, Map<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Sets a box of blocks to have random types, chosen independently.
FILTER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
FILTER_TEXT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
FilterTextPacket - Class in
FilterTextPacket() - Constructor for class
FilterTextPacket(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
FINAL_WARNING - Enum constant in enum class
finalData - Variable in class
finalData - Variable in class
finalize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
finalize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
finalize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.IterableThreadLocal
finalize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PNXLibDeflater
finalize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PNXLibInflater
findBorders(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
findBorders(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
findClass(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSClassLoader
findClass(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginClassLoader
findClass(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginClassLoader
findCollisionPiece(List<StructurePiece>, BoundingBox) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
findCorridorSize(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCorridor
findCrossing(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCrossing
finded - Variable in class
findFirstNodeWithValue(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
findingRangeSquared - Variable in class
findManifestInJar(ZipFile) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
findMinecart() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
findNodeAtIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
findPair() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
findPieceBox(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.LightPost
findPieceBox(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
findPieceBox(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FillerCorridor
findStairs(List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
findTrackingHandler(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
findTrackingHandler(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
findTrackingHandlers(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
findTrackingHandlers(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
findTrackingHandlers(NamedPosition, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
findTrackingHandlers(NamedPosition, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
findTrackingHandlers(NamedPosition, boolean, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
findTrackingHandlers(NamedPosition, boolean, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
findVine(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Attempt to find the root or the head of the vine transversing the growth direction for up to 256 blocks.
findVineAge(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Attempt to get the age of the root or the head of the vine.
findVineBlock(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Attempt to find the root or the head of the vine transversing the growth direction for up to 256 blocks.
finish() - Method in class
finished - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
finished - Variable in class
FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.NetherReactorState
FINISHED_CHARGING_CROSSBOW - Static variable in class
FINISHED_LIST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
FIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by standing in fire
FIRE - Enum constant in enum class
FIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FIRE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FIRE_AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
FIRE_CHARGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FIRE_CHARGE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FIRE_DAMAGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
FIRE_FIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FIRE_IGNITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FIRE_RESISTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
FIRE_RESISTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
FIRE_RESISTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
FIRE_RESISTANCE_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
FIRE_RESISTANCE_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
FIRE_TICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Burn damage
FIREBALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause
fireChance - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
fireProof - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
fireTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
FIREWORK_BLAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FIREWORK_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class
FIREWORK_LARGE_BLAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FIREWORK_LAUNCH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FIREWORK_ROCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FIREWORK_SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FIREWORK_STAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FIREWORK_TWINKLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
FireworkExplosion() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
FIREWORKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by fireworks
FIREWORKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FIREWORKSCHARGE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FireworksDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
FireworksDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.FireworksDispenseBehavior
first(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
first(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
first(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
first(Item, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
first(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
first(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
FIRST - Static variable in interface
firstAncestorOfType(Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
firstChildOfType(SNBTConstants.TokenType) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
firstChildOfType(Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
firstChildOfType(Class<T>, Predicate<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
firstDescendantOfType(SNBTConstants.TokenType) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
firstDescendantOfType(Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
firstEmpty(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
firstEmpty(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
firstEmpty(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
firstEmpty(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
firstEmpty(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
firstInLayers(int, Predicate<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
firstInLayers(Predicate<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
firstMove - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
fish - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
FISH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
fish_cooked - Static variable in class
FISH_HOOK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
FISH_HOOK_BUBBLE - Static variable in class
FISH_HOOK_HOOK - Static variable in class
FISH_HOOK_POSITION - Static variable in class
FISH_HOOK_TEASE - Static variable in class
FISH_POS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
fish_raw - Static variable in class
fishBites() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
FISHES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
fishing - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
Fishing - Class in cn.nukkit.item.randomitem
Fishing() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
FISHING_ROD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
FISHING_ROD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FISHING_ROD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FiveCrossing(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FiveCrossing
FiveCrossing(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FiveCrossing
FIXED_INVENTORY - Static variable in interface
FixedMetadataValue - Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
A FixedMetadataValue is a special case metadata item that contains the same value forever after initialization.
FixedMetadataValue(Plugin, Object) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue
Initializes a FixedMetadataValue with an Object
FLAG_ALL - Static variable in class
FLAG_ALL_PRIORITY - Static variable in class
FLAG_FORCE_MOVE_LOCAL_ENTITY - Static variable in class
FLAG_FORCE_MOVE_LOCAL_ENTITY - Static variable in class
FLAG_GROUND - Static variable in class
FLAG_HAS_HEAD_YAW - Static variable in class
FLAG_HAS_PITCH - Static variable in class
FLAG_HAS_X - Static variable in class
FLAG_HAS_Y - Static variable in class
FLAG_HAS_YAW - Static variable in class
FLAG_HAS_Z - Static variable in class
FLAG_NEIGHBORS - Static variable in class
FLAG_NETWORK - Static variable in class
FLAG_NOGRAPHIC - Static variable in class
FLAG_NONE - Static variable in class
FLAG_ON_GROUND - Static variable in class
FLAG_PRIORITY - Static variable in class
FLAG_TELEPORT - Static variable in class
FLAG_TELEPORTING - Static variable in class
flagMemory - Variable in class
flags - Variable in class
flags - Variable in class
flags - Variable in class
flags - Variable in class
flags - Variable in class
flags - Variable in class
flags - Variable in class
FLAGS_TO_BITS - Static variable in class
flags2 - Variable in class
flagsByte0() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the flagsByte0 record component.
flagsByte1() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the flagsByte1 record component.
flagsVarInt0() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the flagsVarInt0 record component.
FlameParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
FlameParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FlameParticle
FLAP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
Flat - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator
Flat() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
Flat(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
FlatRandomRoamExecutor - Class in
FlatRandomRoamExecutor(float, int, int) - Constructor for class
FlatRandomRoamExecutor(float, int, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
FlatRandomRoamExecutor(float, int, int, boolean, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
FLETCHING_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FLETCHING_TABLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FLINT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FLINT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FLINT_AND_STEEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause
FLINT_AND_STEEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FLINT_AND_STEEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FLINT_STEEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FlintAndSteelDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
FlintAndSteelDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.FlintAndSteelDispenseBehavior
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Type
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class
FloatEntityData - Class in
FloatEntityData(int, float) - Constructor for class
FloatingTextParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
FloatingTextParticle(Location, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
FloatingTextParticle(Location, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
FloatingTextParticle(Vector3, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
FloatingTextParticle(Vector3, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
FloatNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
FloatNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.FloatNode
FloatPositionNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
FloatPositionNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.FloatPositionNode
floatProperties() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the floatProperties record component.
FloatTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
FloatTag(float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
FloatTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
FloatTag(String, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
floatValue - Variable in class
floor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
floor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
floor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
floor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
floor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
floor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
floor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
floor(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
floor(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
floor(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
floor(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
floor_double_long(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
floor_float_int(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
floorDouble(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
floorFloat(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
FLOWER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FLOWER_BANNER_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FLOWER_FOREST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
FLOWER_POT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FLOWER_POT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
FLOWER_POT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
FLOWER_POT_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FLOWER_POT_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FlowerForestBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest
FlowerForestBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.FlowerForestBiome
FlowerForestBiome(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.FlowerForestBiome
FLOWERING_AZALEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FLOWERING_AZALEA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FLOWING_LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FLOWING_LAVA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FLOWING_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FLOWING_WATER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
flowIntoBlock(Block, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
flowIntoBlock(Block, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
flowVector - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
floydSmooth(List<Node>) - Method in class
FluctuateController - Class in
FluctuateController() - Constructor for class
FLUID_PICKUP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
FLUID_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
flush() - Method in class
Flush any bytes in the file's buffer that have not yet been written to disk.
flush() - Method in class
FLUTE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
FLY_SPEED - Enum constant in enum class
FLYING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
FLYING - Enum constant in enum class
FLYING - Static variable in class
FLYING_DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
FLYING_INTO_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by flying into wall
FlyingPosEvaluator - Class in
FlyingPosEvaluator() - Constructor for class
Fog(Identifier, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Fog record class.
FogCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
FogCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.FogCommand
fogStack - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
foil(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
FOLIAGE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
FOLLOW_RANGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
followingTokens() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
Food - Class in
Food() - Constructor for class
FOOD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
FoodChorusFruit - Class in
FoodChorusFruit() - Constructor for class
foodData - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
FoodEffective - Class in
FoodEffective(int, float) - Constructor for class
FoodEffectiveInBow - Class in
FoodEffectiveInBow(int, float) - Constructor for class
FoodHoney - Class in
FoodHoney(int, float) - Constructor for class
FoodInBowl - Class in
FoodInBowl(int, float) - Constructor for class
foodLevel - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent
FoodMilk - Class in
FoodMilk() - Constructor for class
FoodNormal - Class in
FoodNormal(int, float) - Constructor for class
foodSaturationLevel - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent
ForbidConsole - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.command.simple
force - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
forceDataPacket(DataPacket, Runnable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
forceEncode(Entity, Object) - Method in class
forceMoveLocalEntity - Variable in class
forceMovement - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
forceRecheck(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
forceRecheckAllPlayers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
forceSendEmptyChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
forceServerPacks - Variable in class
forceShutdown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
forceUpdateRoute - Variable in class
forEach(AxisAlignedBB.BBConsumer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
forEach(Consumer<BlockProperty<?>>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
forEach(ObjIntConsumer<BlockProperty<?>>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
FOREST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
FOREST_HILLS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
ForestBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest
ForestBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestBiome
ForestBiome(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestBiome
ForestHillsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest
ForestHillsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestHillsBiome
ForestHillsBiome(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestHillsBiome
forFacings(BlockFace, BlockFace) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
forItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
format - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
format - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
format - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
format_strings - Variable in class
FormattedCommandAlias - Class in cn.nukkit.command
FormattedCommandAlias(String, String[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.FormattedCommandAlias
FormattedCommandAlias(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.FormattedCommandAlias
FormDialogHandler - Interface in cn.nukkit.dialog.handler
formId - Variable in class
formId - Variable in class
formId - Variable in class
formID - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent
formID - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
FormResponse - Class in cn.nukkit.form.response
FormResponse() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponse
FormResponseCustom - Class in cn.nukkit.form.response
FormResponseCustom(HashMap<Integer, Object>, HashMap<Integer, FormResponseData>, HashMap<Integer, String>, HashMap<Integer, Float>, HashMap<Integer, FormResponseData>, HashMap<Integer, Boolean>, HashMap<Integer, String>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseCustom
FormResponseData - Class in cn.nukkit.form.response
FormResponseData(int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseData
FormResponseDialog - Class in cn.nukkit.dialog.response
FormResponseDialog(NPCRequestPacket, FormWindowDialog) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.response.FormResponseDialog
FormResponseHandler - Interface in cn.nukkit.form.handler
FormResponseModal - Class in cn.nukkit.form.response
FormResponseModal(int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseModal
FormResponseSimple - Class in cn.nukkit.form.response
FormResponseSimple(int, ElementButton) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseSimple
FormWindow - Class in cn.nukkit.form.window
FormWindow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
formWindowCount - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
FormWindowCustom - Class in cn.nukkit.form.window
FormWindowCustom(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
FormWindowCustom(String, List<Element>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
FormWindowCustom(String, List<Element>, ElementButtonImageData) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
FormWindowCustom(String, List<Element>, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
FormWindowDialog - Class in cn.nukkit.dialog.window
FormWindowDialog(String, String, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
FormWindowDialog(String, String, Entity, List<ElementDialogButton>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
FormWindowModal - Class in cn.nukkit.form.window
FormWindowModal(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
formWindows - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
FormWindowSimple - Class in cn.nukkit.form.window
FormWindowSimple(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
FormWindowSimple(String, String, List<ElementButton>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
forState(IBlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
forState(IBlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
forState(IBlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
Replace all matching states of this block state with the same states of the given block state.
FOSSILS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.fossil.PopulatorFossil
FOSSILS_COAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.fossil.PopulatorFossil
FOX_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
fr_CA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
fr_FR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
frame - Variable in class
frame - Variable in class
frame - Variable in class
FRAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FRAME_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
frames - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
FreezableArrayManager - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
FreezableArrayManager(boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
FreezableByteArray - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
freeze() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable
freeze() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
FREEZE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable.FreezeStatus
FREEZE_DAMAGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
FREEZING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by temperature
FREEZING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable.FreezeStatus
freezingTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
frequency - Variable in class
frequency - Variable in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
friction(Integer) - Method in class
FROG_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FROG_SPAWN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FROG_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
from(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
from(int) - Static method in enum class
from(int) - Static method in enum class
from(int) - Static method in enum class
from(int) - Static method in enum class
from(int) - Static method in enum class
from(int) - Static method in enum class
from(int) - Static method in enum class
from(PacketCompressionAlgorithm) - Static method in interface
fromAngle(double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
fromAxis(BlockFace.AxisDirection, BlockFace.Axis) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
fromBinary(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
fromBinary(byte[], LevelProvider) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
fromBlock(int, int, int, int, Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
fromBlock(int, int, int, BlockFace, Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
fromCompoundTag(CompoundTag) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern
fromContainerWindowId(int) - Static method in class
fromCreativeInventory() - Static method in class
fromEntity(Entity) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
fromEntityUniquieId - Variable in class
fromFastBinary(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
fromFastBinary(byte[], LevelProvider) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
fromFullId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
fromGlobalInventory() - Static method in class
fromHash(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
fromHorizontalAngle(double) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the BlockFace corresponding to the given angle (0-360).
fromHorizontalIndex(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get a BlockFace by it's horizontal index (0-3).
fromId(int) - Static method in enum class
fromID(int) - Static method in enum class
fromIdentifier(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
From identifier to get legacy entry.According to item_mappings.json
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get a BlockFace by it's index (0-5).
fromInvalid() - Static method in class
fromJson(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents
fromJson(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
fromJsonNetworkId(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
fromLegacy(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
fromLocation(Location) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
fromLocation(Location, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
fromMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
fromNonImplementedTodo(int) - Static method in class
fromObject(Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
fromObject(Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
fromObject(Vector3, Level) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
fromObject(Vector3, Level) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
fromObject(Vector3, Level, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
fromObject(Vector3, Level, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
fromObject(Vector3, Level, double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
fromOrdinal(int) - Static method in enum class
fromOrdinal(int) - Static method in enum class
fromOrdinal(int) - Static method in enum class
fromOrNull(int) - Static method in enum class
fromPath(Path) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.Function
fromPos(double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
fromPos(Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
fromRaw(char[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray4096
fromRaw(int[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
fromRawSlow(char[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray4096
fromRawText(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText
fromRuntime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
From runtimeId to get legacy item entry.
fromServer - Variable in class
fromString(String) - Static method in class
fromString(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
fromString(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
fromStringMultiple(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
fromUntrackedInteractionUI(int) - Static method in class
fromWeight(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment.Rarity
Converts the weight to the closest rarity using floor semantic.
fromWorldInteraction(InventorySource.Flag) - Static method in class
FROSTED_ICE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FROZEN_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
FROZEN_RIVER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
FrozenOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
FrozenOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.FrozenOceanBiome
FrozenRiverBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river
FrozenRiverBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river.FrozenRiverBiome
Fuel - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
Fuel() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.Fuel
fuelAmount - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
fuelTotal - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
FULL_CHUNK_DATA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
FULL_INTEGER_RANGE - Enum constant in enum class
FULL_TILT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt
FullChunk - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.format
fullId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
fullID() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry
fullList - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
fullServerTickTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
FullServerTickTiming - Class in co.aikar.timings
Function - Class in cn.nukkit.command.function
FUNCTION_COMMAND_LIMIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
FUNCTION_FILE - Static variable in class
FunctionCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
FunctionCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.FunctionCommand
FunctionManager - Class in cn.nukkit.command.function
FunctionManager(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.function.FunctionManager
FunctionManager(Path) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.function.FunctionManager
FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
FURNACE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
FURNACE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
FURNACE_DATA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
FURNACE_DATA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
FurnaceBurnEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
FurnaceBurnEvent(BlockEntityFurnace, Item, short) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
FurnaceInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
FurnaceInventory(BlockEntityFurnace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
FurnaceInventory(BlockEntityFurnace, InventoryType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
FurnaceRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
FurnaceRecipe(Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceRecipe
furnaceRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
FurnaceSmeltEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
FurnaceSmeltEvent(BlockEntityFurnace, Item, Item, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
fuse - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT


G2 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
G2 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
G22 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
G22 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
G3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
G3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
G4 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
G4 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
G42 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
G42 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
G43 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
G43 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
G44 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
G44 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
GAME - Enum constant in enum class
GAME_ARGUMENT - Enum constant in enum class
GAME_DIRECTOR_ENTITY_SERVER - Enum constant in enum class
GAME_PAD - Enum constant in enum class
GAME_PLAYER_ATTACK_NODAMAGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
GAME_PLAYER_ATTACK_STRONG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
GAME_PLAYER_DIE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
GAME_PLAYER_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
GAME_PUBLISH_SETTING_FRIENDS_ONLY - Static variable in class
GAME_PUBLISH_SETTING_FRIENDS_ONLY - Static variable in class
GAME_PUBLISH_SETTING_INVITE_ONLY - Static variable in class
GAME_PUBLISH_SETTING_INVITE_ONLY - Static variable in class
GAME_PUBLISH_SETTING_NO_MULTI_PLAY - Static variable in class
GAME_PUBLISH_SETTING_NO_MULTI_PLAY - Static variable in class
GAME_PUBLISH_SETTING_PUBLIC - Static variable in class
GAME_PUBLISH_SETTING_PUBLIC - Static variable in class
GAME_RULES_CHANGED_PACKET - Static variable in interface
GAME_TEST_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
GAME_TEST_RESULTS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
gamemode - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
gamemode - Variable in class
gamemode - Variable in class
gamemode - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
GamemodeCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
GamemodeCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.GamemodeCommand
GameRule - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level
GameruleCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
GameruleCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.GameruleCommand
gameRules - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
gameRules - Variable in class
gameRules - Variable in class
gameRules - Variable in class
GameRules - Class in cn.nukkit.level
GameRules.Type - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level
GameRules.Value<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.level
GameRulesChangedPacket - Class in
GameRulesChangedPacket() - Constructor for class
gameType - Variable in class
gameType - Variable in class
GameType - Enum Class in
gameVersion - Variable in class
GarbageCollectorCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
GarbageCollectorCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.GarbageCollectorCommand
gc() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSJVMManager
genDepth - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
generate(ChunkManager, int, int, ScatteredStructurePiece) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectEndSpike
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.structure.DesertPyramid
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.structure.JungleTemple
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut.structure.SwampHut
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructurePiece
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.BasicGenerator
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectChorusTree
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectEndGateway
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectEndIsland
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectEndSpike
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.NewJungleTree
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectAzaleaTree
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectDarkOakTree
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectJungleBigTree
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSavannaTree
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSwampTree
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectChorusTree
generate(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3, BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectEndGateway
generate(String, String, long, Class<? extends Generator>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
generate(String, String, long, Class<? extends Generator>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
generateAirBox(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
generateBox(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, NukkitRandom, StructurePiece.BlockSelector) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
generateBox(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState, BlockState, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
generateBoxOnFillOnly(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
generateCaveNode(long, FullChunk, double, double, double, float, float, float, int, int, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
generateChildForward(NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
generateChildLeft(NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
generateChildLeft(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
generateChildRight(NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
generateChildRight(VillagePieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
generateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
generateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
generateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
generateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
generateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
generateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
generateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
generateChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
generateChunk(int, int, ChunkManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
generateChunk(int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
generateChunk(int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorRavines
generateChunkCallback(int, int, BaseFullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
generateChunkCallback(int, int, BaseFullChunk, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
generateChunkCallback(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
generateChunkCallback(ChunkManager, int, int, ScatteredStructurePiece, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
generateChunkCallback(ReadableStructureTemplate, int, ChunkManager, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
generateChunkCallback(ReadableStructureTemplate, int, ChunkManager, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.CallbackableTemplateStructurePopulator
generateChunkLoaderId(ChunkLoader) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
generateCustomCommandData(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
Generates modified command data for the specified player for AvailableCommandsPacket.
generateDefaultData() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
generateDefaultFloor(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
generateDoor(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
generateKey(String) - Static method in class
generateLargeCaveNode(long, FullChunk, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
generateLevel(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
generateLevel(String, long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
generateLevel(String, long, Class<? extends Generator>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
generateLevel(String, long, Class<? extends Generator>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
generateLevel(String, long, Class<? extends Generator>, Map<String, Object>, DimensionData) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
generateLevel(String, long, Class<? extends Generator>, Map<String, Object>, DimensionData, Class<? extends LevelProvider>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
generateMaybeBox(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState, BlockState, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
generateModule(String, Context) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.ConvertFeature
generateModule(String, Context) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.TestFeature
generateModule(String, Context) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.WsClientFeature
generateModule(String, Context) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeature
generateNoiseOctaves(double[], int, int, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorOctavesD
generateNoiseOctaves(double[], int, int, int, int, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorOctavesD
generateNoiseOctaves(float[], int, int, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorOctavesF
generateNoiseOctaves(float[], int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorOctavesF
generatePieces(ChunkManager, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft.MineshaftStart
generatePieces(ChunkManager, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.PopulatorNetherFortress.NetherFortressStart
generatePieces(ChunkManager, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument.OceanMonumentStart
generatePieces(ChunkManager, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold.StrongholdStart
generatePieces(ChunkManager, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
generatePieces(ChunkManager, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.VillageStart
generateRandomToken() - Static method in class
generateSaplings(Level, Random, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.TreeGenerator
generateSkinId(String) - Method in class
generateSmallDoor(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, StrongholdPieces.StrongholdPiece.SmallDoorType, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
generateSmallDoorChildForward(StrongholdPieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
generateSmallDoorChildLeft(StrongholdPieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
generateSmallDoorChildRight(StrongholdPieces.StartPiece, List<StructurePiece>, NukkitRandom, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
generateUpperHalfSphere(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
generateWaterBox(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
GENERATION_COPY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
GENERATION_COPY_OF_COPY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
GENERATION_ORIGINAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
GENERATION_TATTERED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
generationCallbackTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
GenerationTask - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
GenerationTask(Level, BaseFullChunk) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.GenerationTask
generationTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
generator - Variable in class
generator - Variable in class
Generator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator
Generator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
generators - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
generatorWrapper() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
Returns the value of the generatorWrapper record component.
GenericParameter - Interface in
GenericParameter.CommandParameterSupplier<T> - Interface in
GenericParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
GenericParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.GenericParticle
GenericParticle(Vector3, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.GenericParticle
geometry(Geometry) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
geometry(Geometry) - Method in class
geometry(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
Geometry - Class in
Geometry(String) - Constructor for class
GEOMETRY_CUSTOM - Static variable in class
GEOMETRY_CUSTOM_SLIM - Static variable in class
get() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
get() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
get() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
get() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.VoidNode
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.loot.DesertPyramidChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon.loot.DungeonChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.loot.IglooChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.loot.JungleTempleChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.loot.JungleTempleDispenser
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.loot.MineshaftChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.loot.NetherBridgeChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.loot.RuinBigChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.loot.RuinSmallChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.loot.PillagerOutpostChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.loot.ShipwreckMapChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.loot.ShipwreckSupplyChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.loot.ShipwreckTreasureChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.loot.StrongholdCorridorChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.loot.StrongholdCrossingChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.loot.StrongholdLibraryChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.loot.VillageBlacksmithChest
get() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.loot.VillageTwoRoomHouseChest
get() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB.BBConsumer
get() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
get(boolean) - Method in interface
get(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
get(int) - Method in class
get(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
get(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
get(int) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
get(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BiomePalette
get(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
get(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArray
get(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PaddedBitArray
get(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.Pow2BitArray
Gets the entry at the given index
get(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
get(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
get(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ArrayWrapper
get(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ByteArrayWrapper
get(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
get(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
get(int, boolean) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
get(int, byte[]) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
get(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
get(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BiomePalette
get(int, int, Level, int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
get(int, int, Level, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
get(int, Level, int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
get(int, Level, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
get(int, Integer) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
get(int, Integer) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
get(int, Integer, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
get(int, Integer, int, byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
get(int, Integer, Position) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
get(int, Integer, Position, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
get(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalArray
get(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
get(AdventureSettings.Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
get(MemoryType<D>) - Method in interface
get(MemoryType<D>) - Method in class
get(LangCode, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
get(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
get(PlayerAbility) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
get(Property<T>) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
get(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
get(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
get(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
get(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
get(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get object by key.
get(String, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
get(String, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get object by key.
get(K) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
get(K) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap.WithInlinedExpunction
GET - Enum constant in enum class
GET_UPDATED_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
get3DBiomeDataArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
get3DBiomeDataArray() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection3DBiome
get3DBiomeDataArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getAbilitiesSet() - Method in class
getAbility() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
getAbilityValues() - Method in class
getAbsoluteZero() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
getAbsorption() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getAccuracy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ProjectileDispenseBehavior
getAchievement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent
getAction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
getAction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
getAction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
getAction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
getAction() - Method in class
getAction() - Method in class
getAction() - Method in class
getActionJson() - Method in class
getActionList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
getActions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
getActionType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent
getActionType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent
getActionType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
Returns the type of the action.
getActivePower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityTarget
getActorIdentifier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
getAddress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getAddress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
getAddress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
得到地址,如果开启waterdogpe兼容,该地址是被修改为兼容waterdogpe型的,反之则与Player.rawSocketAddress 一样
getAdventureSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getAffectedBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
getAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
getAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
getAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
getAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getAirTicks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getAlias() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
getAliases() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getAliases() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
getAll() - Method in interface
getAll() - Method in class
getAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
getAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get new instance of config section
getAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.IterableThreadLocal
getAllConstructors() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getAllInterfaceClasses() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getAllMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get root section as LinkedHashMap
getAllMethods() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getAllowFlight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getAllowFlight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getAllProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getAllRepairs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.blockstate.BlockStateRepairFinishEvent
getAllResults() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
getAllResults() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
getAllResults() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getAllResults() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getAllSuperFields() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getAllSuperMethods() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getAllTags() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getAllTags() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getAllThreadDumps() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
getAllTickingArea() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
getAllTickingArea() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
getAllTokens(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getAllViewers() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
getAllViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
getAlpha() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
getAmount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
getAmount() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
getAmplifier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
getAnalogMoveVector() - Method in class
getAnalogOutput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, int, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, int, Block) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, int, Block) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, int, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, int, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, Block) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, Block) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getAndSetBlock(int, int, int, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getAndSetBlockState(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getAndSetBlockState(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getAndSetBlockState(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getAndSetBlockState(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getAndSetBlockState(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getAndSetBlockState(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
getAndSetBlockState(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getAndSetBlockState(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getAndSetFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
getAndSetFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
getAnimation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageBlockedEvent
getAnimation() - Method in class
getAnimationData() - Method in class
getAnimationMode() - Method in class
getAnimations() - Method in class
getAnimationSeconds() - Method in class
getAnimationType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent
getAnvilDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getAPI() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.EntitySelectorAPI
getApiVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getApplyEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionApplyEvent
getApplySeconds(int, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getARGB() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
getArgs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamTree
getArgs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
getARGUMENT_JOINER() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.EntitySelectorAPI
getArmorContents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getArmorContents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getArmorInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getArmorInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getArmorInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
getArmorInventory() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
getArmorItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getArmorItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsChain
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsDiamond
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsGold
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsIron
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsLeather
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsNetherite
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateChain
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateDiamond
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateGold
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateIron
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateLeather
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateNetherite
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetChain
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetDiamond
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetGold
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetIron
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetLeather
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetNetherite
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsChain
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsDiamond
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsGold
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsIron
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsLeather
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsNetherite
getArmorPoints() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTurtleShell
getArmorStand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChangeArmorStandEvent
getArmSize() - Method in class
getArray(Class<T>, Function<BinaryStream, T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getArrow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupArrowEvent
getArt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
getArtifactId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Library
getAsBoolean() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
getAsInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.AtomicIntIncrementSupplier
getAsInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.IntIncrementSupplier
getAsString(boolean) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
getAsyncTaskPoolSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
getAt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
getAt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray4096
getAttachedBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
getAttachedFace() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
The direction that is touching the attached block.
getAttachment() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getAttachment() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachmentInfo
getAttachmentType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getAttachmentType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getAttackCooldown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeDiamond
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeGold
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeIron
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeNetherite
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeStone
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeWood
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeNetherite
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeDiamond
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeGold
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeIron
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeNetherite
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeStone
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeWood
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelDiamond
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelGold
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelIron
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelNetherite
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelStone
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelWood
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordDiamond
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordGold
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordIron
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordNetherite
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordStone
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordWood
getAttackDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTrident
getAttacker() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageBlockedEvent
getAttacker() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageByEntityEvent
Returns the attacking entity
getAttackRadius() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
getAttackTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getAttackTimeBefore() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getAttribute(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
getAttributeByName(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
getAttributeList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
Reads a list of Attributes from the stream.
getAttributes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
getAuthor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
Returns the author of this book.
getAuthors() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns all the authors of this plugin.
getAutoSave() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
getAutoSave() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getAutoSave() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getAuxValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
getAvailableHorizontalOffset(Vector3) - Method in class
getAverageEdgeLength() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
getAverageGroundHeight(ChunkManager, BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
getAxis() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the Axis of this BlockFace
getAxis(BlockFace.Axis) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getAxis(BlockFace.Axis) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getAxis(BlockFace.Axis) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getAxisDirection() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the AxisDirection of this BlockFace
getBambooLeafSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getBambooStalkThickness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getBase() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText
getBaseClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
getBaseColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
getBaseColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
getBaseDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
getBaseDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
getBaseDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getBaseDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
getBaseFolder() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.LibraryLoader
getBaseHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
getBaseOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getBaseOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getBaseOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getBaseOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getBaseOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getBaseOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getBaseOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
getBaseOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
getBaseRatio() - Method in interface
When converting from this energy type to another energy type, the amount of energy is converted firstly to the "base" energy type, and then converted to the target energy type.
getBatchOperationHeat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
getBeamTarget() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
getBed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBedEnterEvent
getBed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBedLeaveEvent
getBefore() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.utils.InvalidBlockDamageException
getBeginColumn() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getBeginLine() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getBeginOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
getBeginOffset() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getBeginOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getBehavior(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DispenseBehaviorRegister
getBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
getBehaviorPeriodTimer() - Method in class
getBehaviors() - Method in class
getBehaviors() - Method in class
getBehaviors() - Method in class
getBehaviors() - Method in interface
getBehaviorState() - Method in class
getBehaviorState() - Method in interface
getBehaviourPackEntries() - Method in class
getBestTool(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
getBigCraftingGrid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
getBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getBigDamage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getBigId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBigId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
getBigRuinProcessor(FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
getBindEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
getBiome(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
getBiome(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
getBiome(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
Get Biome by name.
getBiome(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
getBiomeId(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getBiomeId(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBiomeId(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBiomeId(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBiomeId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getBiomeId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBiomeId(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection3DBiome
getBiomeId(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBiomeId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBiomeId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBiomeIdArray() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBiomeIdArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBiomeIdOrCorrect(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
getBiomeNameFromId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
getBiomePopulators() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkPrePopulateEvent
getBiomeProvider() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getBiomeProvider() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getBiomeProvider() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
getBitSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getBitSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getBitSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getBitSize() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBitSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
getBlastFurnaceRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getBlendOutTime() - Method in class
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getBlock() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
getBlock() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getBlock() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockEvent
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonEvent
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInteractEvent
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.StructureGrowEvent
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGlassBottleFillEvent
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock
getBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
getBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
getBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLavaStill
getBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
getBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterStill
getBlock(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlock(int, int, int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
getBlock(int, int, int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoChunk
getBlock(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlock(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlock(int, Integer) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getBlock(int, Integer, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getBlock(int, Integer, int, byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getBlock(Block) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, int, BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
getBlock(Level, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlock(Level, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlock(Level, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlock(Level, int, int, int, int, boolean, Consumer<BlockStateRepair>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getBlock(Level, int, int, int, int, boolean, Consumer<BlockStateRepair>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlock(Position) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlock(Position, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlock(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlock(Vector3, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlock(Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlock(Vector3, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockActionData() - Method in class
getBlockActionData() - Method in class
getBlockActorProcessor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
getBlockActorProcessor(FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
getBlockActorProcessor(FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
getBlockActorProcessor(FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
getBlockAgainst() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
getBlockAround(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockBreakProgress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getBlockChangeCache() - Method in class
getBlockChanges() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBlockChanges() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockChanges() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockChanges() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockChanges() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBlockChangeStateAbove(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBlockChangeStateAbove(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
getBlockChangeStateAbove(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockChangeStateAbove(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBlockClicked() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBlockPickEvent
getBlockClicked() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
getBlockData(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBlockData(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
getBlockData(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
getBlockData(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockData(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockData(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockData(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
getBlockEntities() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockEntities() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBlockEntities() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getBlockEntity() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
getBlockEntity(int, int, int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getBlockEntity(int, int, int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getBlockEntity(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockEntity(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockEntityById(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnaceBurning
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmokerBurning
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getBlockEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getBlockEntityDataAt(Vector3, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.DoubleFakeBlock
getBlockEntityDataAt(Vector3, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.SingleFakeBlock
getBlockEntityIfLoaded(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockEntityName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDispenser
getBlockEntityName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDropper
getBlockEntityName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
getBlockEntityTiming(BlockEntity) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnaceBurning
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getBlockEntityType() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrameGlow
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmokerBurning
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getBlockEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getBlockExtraData(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockExtraData(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBlockExtraDataArray() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockExtraDataArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBlockExtraDataAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemMelon
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemPumpkin
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
getBlockFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getBlockFace() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Faceable
getBlockFace(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
getBlockFallOn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityFallEvent
getBlockHelper(CompoundTag) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
getBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getBlockId() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
getBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The block ID of the block state that is being repaired.
getBlockId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
getBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getBlockId() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.utils.InvalidBlockDamageException
getBlockId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBlockId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
getBlockId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
getBlockId(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockId(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCactus
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDeadBush
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDoublePlant
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorFlower
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGrass
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGroundFire
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorLilyPad
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorMelon
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorPumpkin
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSmallMushroom
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSugarcane
getBlockId(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlock
getBlockId(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
getBlockIdByRuntimeId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getBlockLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getBlockLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBlockLight(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockLight(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBlockLightArray() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockLightArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockLightArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBlockLightAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
getBlockList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.StructureGrowEvent
getBlockMapping() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
getBlockMetadata() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockMoveCostAt(Level, Vector3) - Method in class
getBlockMoveCostAt(Level, Vector3) - Method in class
getBlockPaletteBytes() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getBlockPaletteDataVersion() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getBlockPaletteLength() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getBlockProperty(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getBlockProperty(String, Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getBlockRepairing(Block) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlockRepairing(Level, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlockRepairing(Level, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlockRepairing(Level, int, int, int, int, Consumer<BlockStateRepair>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlockRepairing(Level, BlockVector3, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlockRepairing(Level, Vector3) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlockRepairing(Level, Vector3, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlockRepairing(Position, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBlockReplace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
getBlockRuntimeId(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockRuntimeId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockRuntimeId(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockRuntimeId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonEvent
getBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
getBlocksAround() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getBlockSkyLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getBlockSkyLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBlockSkyLight(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockSkyLight(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockSkyLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockSkyLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBlockSkyLightArray() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockSkyLightArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockSkyLightArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getBlockSkyLightAt(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockState(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
getBlockState(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockState(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockState(int, int, int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getBlockState(int, int, int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getBlockState(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getBlockState(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getBlockState(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getBlockState(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockState(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getBlockState(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.PopulatorGroundSoulFire
getBlockState(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorKelp
getBlockState(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSeagrass
getBlockState(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorOceanFloorSurfaceBlock
getBlockState(int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlockPN
getBlockStateAt(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
getBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
getBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
getBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
getBlockStateByRuntimeId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getBlocksToDestroy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase.BlocksCalculator
getBlocksToMove() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase.BlocksCalculator
getBlockType() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
getBlockUnsafe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getBlockVector3() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getBlockXYZ(long, int, Level) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlockXYZ(BlockVector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getBlue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
getBoatId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatAcacia
getBoatId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBase
getBoatId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBirch
getBoatId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatDarkOak
getBoatId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatJungle
getBoatId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatMangrove
getBoatId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatOak
getBoatId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatSpruce
getBoilingPoint() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
getBook() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
getBook() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternDropBookEvent
getBook() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPlaceBookEvent
getBoolean() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getBoolean(int) - Method in class
getBoolean(GameRule) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
getBoolean(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getBoolean(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getBoolean(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get boolean value of config section element
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get boolean value of config section element
getBooleanList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getBooleanList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get Boolean List value of config section element
getBooleanValue(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getBooleanValue(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getBooleanValue(long, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getBooleanValue(long, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getBooleanValue(BlockProperty<?>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getBooleanValue(BigInteger, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getBooleanValue(BigInteger, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getBooleanValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
getBoots() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
getBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getBossBarId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructurePiece
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
getBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
getBow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
getBreakingBlockTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getBreakTime(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getBreakTime(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getBrewingRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getBrewingStand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
getBrewingStand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.StartBrewEvent
getBrokenPropertyMeta() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The current invalid int value that is in the property bit space.
getBStatsNukkitVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getBucket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
Returns the bucket used in this event
getBuffer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getBuildCommand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
getBuildTree() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonSignPost
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonWallSign
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceMangrove
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksMangrove
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorCrimson
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorWarped
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedSignPost
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWallSign
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getBurnAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
这个值越大,这个方块本身越容易起火 返回-1,这个方块不能被点燃
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonSignPost
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonWallSign
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceMangrove
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFletchingTable
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherSprout
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksMangrove
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRoots
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorCrimson
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorWarped
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedSignPost
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWallSign
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getBurnChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getBurnDuration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getBurnIndefinitely() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
getBurningBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBlastFurnace
getBurningBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getBurningBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySmoker
getBurnTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getBurnTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
getBusyingTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getButton1() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
getButton2() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
getButtonJSONData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
getButtons() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
getButtons() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
getButtonText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getByAttachedFace(BlockFace) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
getByChar(char) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Gets the TextFormat represented by the specified format code.
getByChar(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Gets the TextFormat represented by the specified format code.
getByDyeData(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
getByDyeData(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
getByName(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
getByName(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
getByNamespaceId(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
getByRelative(int, String, int) - Static method in class
getByRelative(Block) - Static method in class
getByRelative(Item) - Static method in class
getByte() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getByte(int) - Method in class
getByte(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ByteArrayWrapper
getByte(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
getByte(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.PureByteArray
getByte(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getByteArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getByteArray(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getByteList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getByteList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get Byte List value of config section element
getByTerracottaData(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
getByTorchDirection(BlockFace) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
getByTypeData(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType
getByWoolData(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
getCachedValidation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getCallback() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
getCampfire() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CampfireSmeltEvent
getCampfireRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getCanDestroy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCanPlaceOn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCanTrade() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getCapeData() - Method in class
getCapeData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getCapeData() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getCapeId() - Method in class
getCartographyRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getCategory() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
getCategory() - Method in class
getCauldronLiquid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent
getCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
getCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
Gets the cause of the creeper being (un)powered.
getCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageBlockedEvent
getCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
getCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
getCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
getCause() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.utils.EventException
If applicable, returns the Exception that triggered this Exception
getCelestialAngle(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCenterX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar.ObsidianPillar
getCenterZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar.ObsidianPillar
getChainData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterFillEvent
getChance(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getChanges() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getChannel() - Method in class
getChar() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Gets the char value associated with this color
getCharacterList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getCharacterList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get Character List value of config section element
getCharge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getChartData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedBarChart
getChartData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.AdvancedPie
getChartData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.CustomChart
getChartData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.DrilldownPie
getChartData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.MultiLineChart
getChartData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.SimpleBarChart
getChartData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.SimplePie
getChartData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.SingleLineChart
getCheckedProperty(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getCheckedPropertyValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getCheckedValue(int, String, Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getCheckedValue(long, String, Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getCheckedValue(BigInteger, String, Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
getChestplate() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
getChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getChild() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByChildEntityEvent
getChild(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
getChild(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getChild(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getChildCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
getChildCount() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getChildCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getChildren() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
getChunk() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getChunk() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkEvent
getChunk() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getChunk(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
getChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getChunk(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.PopChunkManager
getChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SingleChunkManager
getChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
getChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunk(ChunkVector2) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
getChunkAt(int, int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getChunkBlockEntities(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunkCacheFromData(int, int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getChunkEntities(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunkEntities(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunkIfLoaded(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunkLoadCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getChunkLoaders(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunkManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
getChunkManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
返回生成器的目标区块管理器 实际为PopChunkManager
getChunkManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
getChunkManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
getChunkManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
getChunkOffset(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
getChunkPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getChunkPlayers(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunkRadius() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
getChunkSectionCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
getChunkSectionCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getChunkSectionCount() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getChunkSectionY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getChunkSectionY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getChunkSectionY(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getChunksPerTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getChunkVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getChunkVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getChunkX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChunkRequestEvent
getChunkX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
getChunkX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getChunkX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getChunkX() - Method in class
getChunkXZ(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getChunkY() - Method in class
getChunkZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChunkRequestEvent
getChunkZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
getChunkZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getChunkZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getChunkZ() - Method in class
getClassDescriptor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getClassInternalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getClassLoader() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getClassLoaders() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
getClassName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getCleanCapture() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
getCleanedNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
getCleanedNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
getCleanerThread() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
getCleanerThread() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
getClickedButton() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.response.FormResponseDialog
getClickedButton() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseSimple
getClickedButtonId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseModal
getClickedButtonId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseSimple
getClickedButtonText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseModal
getClickedPos() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
getClientId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
getClientId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getClientId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getClientId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getClientID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getClientName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBlastFurnace
getClientName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getClientName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySmoker
getClientSecret() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getClientUUID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getClientUUID() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getCloseHashSet() - Method in class
getCloseList() - Method in class
getCloseNode(Vector3) - Method in class
getClosestBlockFace() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
Gets the closest face for this direction.
getClosestFromYaw(double) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
Gets the closes direction based on the given Entity yaw.
getClosestFromYaw(double, CompassRoseDirection.Precision) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
Gets the closes direction based on the given Entity yaw.
getClosingWindowId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getCodec() - Method in class
getCodename() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getCodePointColumnFromOffset(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
getCollidingEntities(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCollidingEntities(AxisAlignedBB, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCollisionBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getCollisionBlocks(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCollisionBlocks(AxisAlignedBB, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCollisionBlocks(AxisAlignedBB, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCollisionBlocks(AxisAlignedBB, boolean, boolean, Predicate<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
getCollisionBox() - Method in class
getCollisionCubes(Entity, AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCollisionCubes(Entity, AxisAlignedBB, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCollisionCubes(Entity, AxisAlignedBB, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCollisionPos() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricks
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksEndStone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNether
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksQuartz
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksRedNether
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockClay
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopper
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCut
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutExposed
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutOxidized
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWeathered
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperExposed
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperOxidized
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWeathered
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanDead
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCraftingTable
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDiamond
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorAcacia
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorBirch
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorDarkOak
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorJungle
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorMangrove
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorSpruce
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWood
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposed
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidized
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeathered
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDriedKelpBlock
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEmerald
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndStone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateAcacia
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateBirch
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateDarkOak
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateJungle
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateMangrove
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateSpruce
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceMangrove
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFireSoul
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFletchingTable
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlass
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPane
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPaneStained
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowLichen
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGold
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoneycombBlock
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIron
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLapis
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossCarpet
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMud
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherSprout
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWartBlock
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNyliumCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNyliumWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoal
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoalDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopperDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamondDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmeraldDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldNether
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreIronDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapisDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksMangrove
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateMangrove
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWood
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawIron
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedSandstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkVein
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaLantern
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShroomlight
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShulkerBox
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposed
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSolid
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSolidMeta
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSoil
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairMangrove
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAcacia
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBirch
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutExposed
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutOxidized
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWeathered
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkOak
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDioritePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsJungle
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPurpur
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSpruce
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStoneBrick
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTransparent
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTransparentMeta
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorAcacia
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorBirch
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorCrimson
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorDarkOak
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorJungle
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorMangrove
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorSpruce
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorWarped
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTuff
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstone
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslateCobbled
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslatePolished
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallTileDeepslate
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWartBlock
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.PrismarineBlockType
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignColorChangeEvent
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemColorArmor
Get color of Leather Item
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern
getColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
getColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
getColor(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
getColor(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlack
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlue
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBrown
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeCyan
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGray
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGreen
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightBlue
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightGray
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLime
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeMagenta
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeOrange
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePink
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePurple
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeRed
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeWhite
getColorName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeYellow
getColorName(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
getColors() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
getCombuster() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByBlockEvent
getCombuster() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByEntityEvent
getCommand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getCommand() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
getCommand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamTree
getCommand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
getCommand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.command.CommandBlockExecuteEvent
getCommand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
getCommand() - Method in class
getCommand(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandMap
getCommand(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
getCommand(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getCommandAliases() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getCommandFormatTips() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getCommandMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getCommandName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
getCommandParameters() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getCommandParameters() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
getCommandParameters(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getCommandPermission() - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
getCommands() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.Function
getCommands() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
getCommands() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns all the defined commands of this plugin.
getCommandTiming(Command) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
getComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getComparatorPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
getCompassRoseDirection() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
getCompatibleAPIs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
返回这个插件支持的Nukkit API版本列表。
Returns all Nukkit API versions this plugin supports.
getComponent_rawtext() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
getComponent_score() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
getComponent_selector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
getComponent_text() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
getComponent_translate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
getComponent_translate_with() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
getCompound(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getCompoundTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
getCompoundTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCompression() - Method in interface
getCompression() - Method in class
getConfig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getConfig() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
The config file this Nukkit plugin as a Config object.
getConfig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getConfig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getConfig(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getConfig(String, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getConfigPack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
getConnections() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockConnectable
getConnectionType(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
getConsoleSender() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getConstraints() - Method in class
getContainerHash(Item, Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getContainerId() - Method in class
getContainerId() - Method in class
getContainerRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getContent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
getContent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
getContent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
getContents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getContents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
getContents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
getContents() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getContents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getContents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
getContents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
getContentVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getContentVersion() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getContentVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getController() - Method in class
getControllers() - Method in class
getControllers() - Method in class
getControllers() - Method in interface
getCookTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getCoolDownDuration() - Method in class
getCopperId(boolean, OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
getCopperId(boolean, OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCut
getCopperId(boolean, OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
getCopperId(boolean, OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut
getCopperId(boolean, OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
getCopperId(boolean, OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCut
getCopperId(boolean, OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
getCopperId(boolean, OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCut
getCoreBehaviorPeriodTimer() - Method in class
getCoreBehaviors() - Method in class
getCoreBehaviors() - Method in class
getCoreBehaviors() - Method in interface
getCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.RepairItemEvent
getCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
getCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
getCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.RepairItemTransaction
getCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEntry
getCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ComplexAliasDescriptor
getCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DefaultDescriptor
getCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
getCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.InvalidDescriptor
getCount() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptor
getCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
getCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
getCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getCount(long, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport.BugReportGenerator
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach.ColdBeachBiome
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauFBiome
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.BasaltDeltasBiome
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.CrimsonForestBiome
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.NetherBiome
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.SoulSandValleyBiome
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.WarpedForestBiome
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.WastelandsBiome
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaBiome
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
A single block placed on top of the surface blocks
getCoverBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.SnowyBiome
getCoverId(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
A single block placed on top of the surface blocks
getCoverState(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
A single block placed on top of the surface blocks
getCracks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getCrackState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getCraftingGrid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
getCraftingGrid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getCraftingManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getCraftingPacket() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getCraftingTable() - Method in class
getCraftingTransaction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getCreationDate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
getCreationTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
getCreationTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
getCreativeItem(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCreativeItemIndex(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCreativeItems() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCriteriaName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
getCriteriaName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
getCrossbow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
getCurrentBehavior() - Method in class
getCurrentContentVersion() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.ChunkUpdater
Version history: 0Before or from Cloudburst Nukkit 1Melon Stem, Pumpkin Stem and Cobblestone Walls are now rendered server side 2, 3, 4Re-render the cobblestone walls to fix connectivity issues 6Beehive and bee_nest now uses BlockFace.horizontalIndex instead of BlockFace.index (parallel change) 5, 7Beehive and bee_nest honey level is now limited to 5, was up to 7 (parallel change) 8Sync beehive and bee_nest parallel changes 9Re-render cobblestone walls to connect to glass, stained glass, and other wall types like border and blackstone wall 10Re-render snow layers to make them cover grass blocks and fix leaves2 issue: 11The debug block property was removed from stripped_warped_hyphae, stripped_warped_stem, stripped_crimson_hyphae, and stripped_crimson_stem 12Upgraded the block frame data values to match the vanilla data, allowing to place up and down and have map
getCurrentHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getCurrentInputMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getCurrentInputMode() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getCurrentMeta() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException
getCurrentNode() - Method in class
getCurrentNode() - Method in interface
getCurrentNode() - Method in class
getCurrentResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
getCurrentRouteUpdateTick() - Method in class
getCurrentSearchDepth() - Method in class
getCurrentState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getCurrentState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getCurrentState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getCurrentState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The current state that is being repaired.
getCurrentState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getCurrentState() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getCurrentState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getCurrentState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getCurrentState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getCurrentTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getCurrentTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getCurrentTick() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getCurrentTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getCurrentValue() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException
getCurrentValue() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyValueException
getCursor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
getCursor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
getCursorInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
getCursorInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getCustomBlockData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCustomBlockDefinitionList() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getCustomBlockMap() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getCustomColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
getCustomEnchantment(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCustomEnchantmentLevel(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCustomEntityDefinition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomEntityProvider
getCustomItemDefinition() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCustomItems() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getCustomName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry.MappingEntry
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageBlockedEvent
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageEvent
Returns the caused damage on the vehicle
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCoal
getDamage() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry
getDamage() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
getDamage() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.utils.InvalidBlockDamageException
getDamage(EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
getDamageBonus(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageAll
getDamageBonus(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageArthropods
getDamageBonus(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageSmite
getDamageBonus(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getDamageBonus(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentImpaling
getDamageByTarget(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
getDamageCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getDamageEvent(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getDamageEvent(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfireSoul
getDamager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByBlockEvent
getDamager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.response.FormResponseDialog
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButtonImageData
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.NumberTag
getData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData() - Method in class
getData(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems
getDataField() - Method in class
getDataFlag(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataFolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
getDataFolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getDataFolder() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
The data folder of this Nukkit plugin.
getDataFolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getDataFromId(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionEnum
getDataPath() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getDataProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataProperty(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyBoolean(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyByte(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyFloat(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyLong(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyPos(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyShort(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyString(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyType(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataPropertyVector3f(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDataStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getDataStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getDataStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getDataStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getDataStorage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getDataStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getDataStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getDataStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getDeathMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
getDecoder() - Method in interface
getDecoder() - Method in class
getDecryptionCipher() - Method in class
getDefault() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
getDefault() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
getDefaultBooleanValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getDefaultCommandData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
Returns an CommandData containing command data
getDefaultCompound(Vector3, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
getDefaultData() - Method in class
getDefaultGamemode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getDefaultInputMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getDefaultInputMode() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getDefaultIntValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getDefaultIntValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getDefaultIntValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getDefaultLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getDefaultNBT(Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDefaultNBT(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDefaultNBT(Vector3, Vector3, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
获得该实体的默认NBT,带有位置,motion,yaw pitch等信息
getDefaultOptionIndex() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
getDefaultPermissions(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
getDefaultPermSubscriptions(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
getDefaultSize() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
getDefaultState() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockType
getDefaultStepIndex() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
getDefaultTemperature() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
getDefaultText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput
getDefaultTitle() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
getDefaultValue() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
getDefaultValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
getDefaultValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getDefaultValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getDefaultValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getDefaultValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getDefaultValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
getDefaultValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
getDefaultValue(Map<String, List<String>>, SelectorType, CommandSender) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.ScopeArgument
getDefaultValue(Map<String, List<String>>, SelectorType, CommandSender) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Type
getDefaultValue(Map<String, List<String>>, SelectorType, CommandSender) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.ISelectorArgument
getDefinition() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
getDefinition() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntity
getDefinition() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItem
getDefinition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustom
getDefinition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomBookEnchanted
getDefinitions() - Method in class
getDelay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getDelay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getDelay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
getDelay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
getDelegate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getDelta() - Method in class
getDelta() - Method in class
getDepend() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
The names of the plugins what is depended by this plugin.
getDepthOnTop() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getDerailedVelocityMod() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
getDescription() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getDescription() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
getDescription() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getDescription() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
getDescription() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
The description this Nukkit plugin as a PluginDescription object.
getDescription() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getDescription() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns the description text of this plugin.
getDestroyedBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonEvent
getDestroyer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDestroyByEntityEvent
Returns the destroying entity
getDestroySpeed(Block, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getDestructibleByExplosion() - Method in class
getDestructibleByMining() - Method in class
getDeviceId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getDeviceId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getDeviceModel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getDeviceModel() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getDeviceOS() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getDeviceOS() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getDialog() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
getDialog() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
getDialog() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDialogRespondedEvent
getDialogue() - Method in class
getDialogWindows() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getDiffHandDamage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCanAttack
getDiffHandDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
getDiffHandDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
getDiffHandDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
getDiffHandDamage(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCanAttack
getDifficulty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getDifficultyFromString(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getDimension() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getDimension() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getDimension() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
getDimension() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
getDimension() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getDimension() - Method in class
getDimensionData() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionEnum
getDimensionData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
getDimensionData() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.DimensionDataProvider
getDimensionData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getDimensionData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
getDimensionData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getDimensionData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
getDimensionId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
getDimensionName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
getDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
getDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
getDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHanging
getDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonEvent
getDirection(double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
getDirection2D(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.VectorMath
getDirectionPlane() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDirectionVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDirectionVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
getDirectionVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
getDirectionVector(double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
getDirtType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
getDirtType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
getDirtType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
getDisconnectReason() - Method in class
getDispenseBehavior(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getDispenseBehavior(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
getDispensePosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getDisplay() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
getDisplay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
getDisplayBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
Get the minecart display block
getDisplayBlockOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
Get the block display offset
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getDisplayName() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
getDisplayName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getDisplayName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getDisplayName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
getDisplayName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
getDisplaySlot(DisplaySlot) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
getDisplaySlot(DisplaySlot) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
getDoorBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
getDots(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
getDouble(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getDouble(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getDouble(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get double value of config section element
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get double value of config section element
getDoubleInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestInventory
getDoubleList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getDoubleList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get Double List value of config section element
getDoublePlantType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
getDownload() - Method in class
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
getDrag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getDrop() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
getDropdownResponse(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseCustom
getDropExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getDropExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoal
getDropExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamond
getDropExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmerald
getDropExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapis
getDropExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
getDropExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
getDropExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
getDropMultiplier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOre
getDropMultiplier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopper
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityIronGolem
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySlime
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySpider
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVindicator
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCod
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDolphin
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDonkey
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityHorse
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMule
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityParrot
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPolarBear
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityRabbit
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySalmon
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySkeletonHorse
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySquid
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityZombieHorse
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockHarvestEvent
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
getDrops() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
控制方块被破坏时掉落的物品 常在Level.useBreakOn(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player, boolean, boolean)方法被调用
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystCluster
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeetroot
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonStone
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfireSoul
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarrot
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockClay
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBase
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlass
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPane
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassTinted
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowstone
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGravel
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLeaves
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossCarpet
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherSprout
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOre
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamond
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmerald
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldNether
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapis
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPotato
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaLantern
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
getDrops(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWheat
getDummyBossBar(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getDummyBossBars() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getDUNESWIndex() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the index of this BlockFace (0-5).
getDuration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getDuration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent
getDuration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
getDUSWNEIndex() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the index of this BlockFace (0-5).
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPaneStained
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShulkerBox
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlack
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlue
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBrown
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedCyan
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGray
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGreen
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLightBlue
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLime
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedMagenta
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedOrange
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPink
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPurple
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedRed
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedSilver
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedWhite
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedYellow
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBed
getDyeColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
getDyeColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
getDyeColor(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
getDyeData() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
The minecraft:dye meta from `0-15` that represents the source of a dye.
getDyeData() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
getDyeName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
getDyeName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
getEatingTick() - Method in class
getEatingTickSupplier() - Method in class
getEdges() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
getEditorEntityRuntimeId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
设置编辑此告示牌的玩家的运行时实体 ID。只有此玩家才能编辑告示牌。这用于防止多个玩家同时编辑同一告示牌,并防止玩家编辑他们未放置的告示牌。
getEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getEffect(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getEffect(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
getEffect(int, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getEffectByName(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
getEffectiveFlowDecay(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
getEffectivePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getEffects() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getEggCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getEggsHatching() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
getElementContent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseData
getElementID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseData
getElements() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
getEmptyChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
getEmptyChunk(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getEmptyChunk(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getEmptyChunk(int, int, DimensionData) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getEmptyChunk(int, int, LevelProvider) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getEmptyChunk(int, int, LevelProvider, DimensionData) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getEnchantAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getEnchantAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
getEnchantAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBook
getEnchantAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBow
getEnchantAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
getEnchantAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishingRod
getEnchantAbility() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
getEnchanter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
getEnchantment(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The same as Enchantment.get(int) but returns a safe copy of the enchantment.
getEnchantment(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getEnchantment(short) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getEnchantment(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getEnchantment(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXItemHandle
getEnchantmentLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getEnchantmentName2IDMap() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getEnchantments() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
Gets an array of all registered enchantments, the objects in the array are linked to the registry, it's not safe to change them.
getEnchantments() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEntry
getEnchantments() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getEnchantments() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemMeta
getEnchantments() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXItemHandle
getEnchantName() - Method in class
getEnchantNetId() - Method in class
getEnchants0() - Method in class
getEnchants1() - Method in class
getEnchants2() - Method in class
getEnchantTransaction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getEncoder() - Method in interface
getEncoder() - Method in class
getEncryptionCipher() - Method in class
getEncryptionKey() - Method in class
getEncryptionKey() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
getEncryptionKey() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePack
getEncryptionKey() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ZippedResourcePack
getEndColumn() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getEnderChestInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
getEnderChestInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getEnderChestInventory() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
getEndianness() - Method in class
getEndianness() - Method in class
getEndLine() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getEndOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
getEndOffset() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getEndOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getEndSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getEnergyCost() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
getEnergyType() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
getEnergyType(String) - Static method in class
getEngineVersion() - Method in class
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AnvilDamage
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.PrismarineBlockType
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandStoneType
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneBrickType
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
getEntires() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
getEntities() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getEntities() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getEntities() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getEntity() - Method in class
getEntity() - Method in interface
getEntity() - Method in class
getEntity() - Method in class
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.FarmLandDecayEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.WaterFrostEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ItemDespawnEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ItemSpawnEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMouseOverEntityEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionApplyEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.EntityEnterVehicleEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.EntityExitVehicleEvent
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
getEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
getEntity(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getEntity(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXWorldHandle
getENTITY_SELECTOR() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.EntitySelectorAPI
getEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.ClassEntityProvider
getEntityClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomClassEntityProvider
getEntityClass() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.provider.EntityProviderWithClass
getEntityDefinitions() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getEntityId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
getEntityId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
getEntityId() - Method in class
getEntityLink() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getEntityMetadata() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getEntityName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
getEntityNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
getEntityNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
getEntityPlayerLookingAt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getEntityRuntimeId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.response.FormResponseDialog
getEntityRuntimeId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
Reads and returns an EntityRuntimeID
getEntityRuntimeIds() - Method in class
getEntityTiming(Entity) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.MinecartDispenseBehavior
getEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ProjectileDispenseBehavior
getEntityUniqueId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
Reads and returns an EntityUniqueID
getEntityUuid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.EntityScorer
getEntries() - Method in class
getEnumData() - Method in class
getEquipment() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
getEquipment() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
getEquipmentInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getEquipmentInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getEquipmentInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
getEquipmentInventory() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
getEquipmentItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.SmithingTableEvent
getEquipmentItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.SmithingTransaction
getError() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
getError() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
getEvalPos() - Method in class
getEvaluator() - Method in class
getEventName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.Event
getExactIntStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getExactIntStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getExactIntStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getExactIntStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getExactIntStorage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getExactIntStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getExactIntStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getExactIntStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getExceptionMessage(Throwable) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
getExecutor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
getExecutor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.PluginCommand
getExecutor() - Method in class
getExitPortal() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
getExitPortalPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndGateway
getExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
getExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
getExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
getExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultExperienceAction
getExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.GrindstoneItemAction
getExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getExperienceDropped() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.GrindstoneEvent
getExperienceLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getExpirationDate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
getExtraBlocks() - Method in class
getExtraData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getExtraResults() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
getExtraResults() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
getExtraResults() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getExtraResults() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getEyeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getEyeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getEyeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getEyeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityLlama
getF() - Method in class
getFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
getFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
getFaceHit() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
getFacing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
getFacing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getFacing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getFacing() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
getFacing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
getFacing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getFacing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getFacing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
getFacing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
getFacing() - Method in class
getFadeInTime() - Method in class
getFadeOutTime() - Method in class
getFades() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
getFakeName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.FakeScorer
getFakeOreDenominator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getFallbackBlockState() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getFallbackLangMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
getFallbackLanguage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
Gets fallback language.
getFallbackRuntimeId() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getFallDistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityFallEvent
getFallingTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
getFavoredSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getFeature(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
getFeatureByModule(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
getFeatures() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns the author of this plugin.
getFenceBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
getFile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getFile() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Returns the File object of this plugin itself.
getFile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
Returns the File object of this plugin itself.
getFileAssociations() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
getFilePath() - Method in class
getFilePath() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getFilePointer() - Method in class
getFileSystem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getFillLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getFilter(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.CachedFilterSelectorArgument
getFilter(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.ISelectorArgument
getFinalDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
getFinalResult(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
getFinished() - Method in class
getFireChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
getFireChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
getFireChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
getFireChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
getFirstChild() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Returns the first child of this node.
getFirstItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.GrindstoneEvent
getFirstItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
getFirstItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
getFirstItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.GrindstoneTransaction
getFirstPlayed() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Returns the time this player first played in this server.
getFirstPlayed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
getFirstPlayed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getFirstToken() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getFishEntityId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
getFishingResult(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
getFishingResult(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
getFixedPropertyValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The property value that can be set to fix the current block state.
getFlag() - Method in class
getFlag(int) - Method in class
getFloat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getFloat(int) - Method in class
getFloat(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getFloat(GameRule) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
getFloat(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getFloatingForceFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
getFloatingForceFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
getFloatingHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
获得浮动到的实体高度 , 0为实体底部 Entity.getCurrentHeight()为实体顶部
getFloatingHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
getFloatingHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
getFloatList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getFloatList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get Float List value of config section element
getFloatPosition(int) - Method in class
getFloorX() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getFloorX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
getFloorX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
getFloorX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getFloorX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getFloorY() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getFloorY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
getFloorY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
getFloorY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getFloorY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getFloorZ() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getFloorZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getFloorZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getFlowDecay(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getFlowDecayPerBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
getFlowDecayPerBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getFlower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getFlowerType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDandelion
getFlowerType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
getFlowerType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
getFlowVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getFluidHeightPercent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getFlyingVelocityMod() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
getFlySpeed() - Method in class
getFogStack() - Method in class
Fog stack containing fog effects from the /fog command
getFogStack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getFogStack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getFolderName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getFollowingPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityElytraFirework
getFood() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEatFoodEvent
getFood() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomEdible
getFoodData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getFoodLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent
getFoodSaturationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent
getFoodSaturationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
getFootHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
getFootHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCamel
getFootPart() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
getForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
getForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
getForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
getForceGamemode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getForceMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getForceResources() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getForceResourcesAllowOwnPacks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getFormat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
getFormID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent
getFormID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
getFormWindowCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getFormWindows() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getForward() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getForward() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getFreeSpace(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getFreeSpace(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getFreeSpace(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getFreezableArrayManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getFreezeStatus() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable
getFreezeStatus() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
getFreezingEffectStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getFreezingPoint() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
getFreezingTicks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getFriction() - Method in class
getFrictionFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getFrictionFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlueIce
getFrictionFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getFrictionFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
getFrictionFactor() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
getFrom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent
getFrom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityBlockChangeEvent
getFrom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
getFrom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
getFrom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
getFrom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
getFromCachedStore(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.SimpleTickCachedBlockStore
getFromCachedStore(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.TickCachedBlockStore
getFromData(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.NetherReactorState
getFromThreadStore(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
getFrostbiteInjury() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getFrostbiteInjury() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityBlaze
getFrostbiteInjury() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMagmaCube
getFrostbiteInjury() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityStrider
getFruitId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
getFruitId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemMelon
getFruitId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemPumpkin
getFuel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
getFuel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
getFuel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
getFuel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingInventory
getFuel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
getFuelDuration(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.Fuel
getFuelTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getFullBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getFullBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
getFullBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
getFullBlock(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getFullBlock(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getFullBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getFullBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getFullBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getFullDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
getFullId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
PowerNukkit: The meta is limited to 32 bits
getFullId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getFullId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
getFullId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
getFullId(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems
getFullItemHash(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getFullLight(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getFullName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
getFullName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
Returns the full name of this plugin.
getFullName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns the full name of this plugin.
getFullPath() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.Function
getFullSkinId() - Method in class
getFunction(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.FunctionManager
getFunctionManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getFunctions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.FunctionManager
getFurnace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
getFurnace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
getFurnaceName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBlastFurnace
getFurnaceName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getFurnaceName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySmoker
getFurnaceRecipes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getFurnaceRecipesMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getFuzzySpawnLocation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getG() - Method in class
getGamemode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getGamemode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getGamemodeFromString(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getGamemodeString(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getGamemodeString(int, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Server
从gamemode id获取游戏模式字符串.
getGamerules() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getGamerules() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getGameRules() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
getGameRules() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getGameRuleType(GameRule) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
getGameVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getGameVersion() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getGenDepth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
getGenerateStructures() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getGeneration() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
Returns the generation of the book.
getGenerator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getGenerator() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getGenerator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getGenerator() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getGenerator() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getGenerator(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getGenerator(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getGeneratorList() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getGeneratorName(Class<? extends Generator>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getGeneratorOptions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getGeneratorOptions() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getGeneratorType(Class<? extends Generator>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getGeometry() - Method in class
getGeometryData() - Method in class
getGeometryDataEngineVersion() - Method in class
getGitCommit() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getGrandParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
getGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getGreen() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
getGrindstoneTransaction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getGroundBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.StoneBeachBiome
getGroundBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.OceanBiome
getGroundBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
Between surface and stone
getGroundBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.GrassyBiome
getGroundBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.SandyBiome
getGroundBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.WateryBiome
getGroundDepth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.StoneBeachBiome
getGroundDepth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
The amount of times the ground block should be used
getGroundDepth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.SandyBiome
getGroundDepth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.WateryBiome
getGroundDepth(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsMBiome
getGroundDepth(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
getGroundDepth(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.LukewarmOceanBiome
getGroundDepth(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.WarmOceanBiome
getGroundDepth(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
getGroundFrictionFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
getGroundId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
getGroundMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
The metadata of the ground block
getGroundState(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
getGroundState(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.LukewarmOceanBiome
getGroundState(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.WarmOceanBiome
getGroundState(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
getGroupId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Library
getGrowth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
getGrowthDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
The direction that the vine will grow, vertical direction is expected but future implementations may also add horizontal directions.
getGrowthDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
getGrowthDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
getGrowthSides() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
getGrowthStage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getGuiScale() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getGuiScale() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getH() - Method in class
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBiomeDelegate
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockType
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
getHandle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntity
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntityType
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemDelegate
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemMeta
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoChunk
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getHandle() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getHandle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
getHandler() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task
getHandlerLists() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
getHandlers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BigDripleafTiltChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBurnEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFadeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFallEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFormEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockGrowEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockHarvestEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockRedstoneEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockSpreadEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockUpdateEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.CauldronFilledByDrippingLiquidEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterFillEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ConduitActivateEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ConduitDeactivateEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.DoorToggleEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.FarmLandDecayEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.HopperSearchItemEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LeavesDecayEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternDropBookEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPlaceBookEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LiquidFlowEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignColorChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignGlowEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.WaterFrostEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.blockstate.BlockStateRepairEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.blockstate.BlockStateRepairFinishEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.command.CommandBlockExecuteEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityArmorChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityBlockChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageBlockedEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDespawnEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEffectRemoveEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEffectUpdateEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityFallEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInteractEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInventoryChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityLevelChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityMotionEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityVehicleEnterEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityVehicleExitEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ItemDespawnEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ItemSpawnEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CampfireSmeltEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CraftItemEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.GrindstoneEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupArrowEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupTridentEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryTransactionEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.PlayerTypingAnvilInventoryEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.RepairItemEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.SmithingTableEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.StartBrewEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkLoadEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkPopulateEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkPrePopulateEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkUnloadEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelInitEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelLoadEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelSaveEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelUnloadEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.SpawnChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.StructureGrowEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ThunderChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.VibrationArriveEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.VibrationOccurEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.WeatherChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.EntityFreezeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBedEnterEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBedLeaveEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBlockPickEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketFillEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChangeArmorStandEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChangeSkinEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChunkRequestEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDialogRespondedEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEatFoodEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerExperienceChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInvalidMoveEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerItemConsumeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerItemHeldEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerJumpEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerLocallyInitializedEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMapInfoRequestEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMouseOverEntityEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerServerSettingsRequestEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerShowCreditsEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleFlightEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleGlideEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSneakEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSpinAttackEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSprintEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSwimEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.plugin.PluginEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionApplyEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionCollideEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.BatchPacketsEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ConsoleCommandOutputEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.DataPacketReceiveEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.DataPacketSendEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.PlayerDataSerializeEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.RemoteServerCommandEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerStartedEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerStopEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.EntityEnterVehicleEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.EntityExitVehicleEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleCreateEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageByEntityEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDestroyByEntityEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDestroyEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleUpdateEvent
getHandlers() - Static method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
getHandshakeJwt() - Method in class
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstonePolishedChiseled
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlueIce
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricks
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksEndStone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNether
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksQuartz
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockClay
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobblestone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCraftingTable
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateCobbled
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDiamond
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWood
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDriedKelpBlock
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEmerald
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndStone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFletchingTable
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlass
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPane
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGold
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGravel
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoneycombBlock
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeCrimson
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIron
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLapis
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossStone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMud
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWartBlock
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOre
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoalDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopperDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamondDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmeraldDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreIronDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapisDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksCrimson
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksMangrove
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksWarped
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateMangrove
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWood
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaLantern
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShroomlight
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothStone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSoil
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDioritePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPurpur
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStoneBrick
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStem
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutter
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTuff
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstone
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickBlackstonePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslateCobbled
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslatePolished
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallTileDeepslate
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWartBlock
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getHardness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getHardness() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
getHardness(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getHardWareNetworkInterfaces() - Method in class
getHasAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
getHashX(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
获取chunkX从chunk hash
getHashZ(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
获取chunkZ从chunk hash
getHasNectar() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
getHasNectar() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
getHeadPart() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getHeadYaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
getHeadYaw() - Method in class
getHeadYaw() - Method in class
getHealingAmount(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHealable
getHealingAmount(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
获得可以治疗猫的物品的治疗量 WIKI了解只有生鲑鱼与生鳕鱼才能恢复猫咪血量恢复2
getHealingAmount(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
getHealth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFirework
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityBlaze
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCaveSpider
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityElderGuardian
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderman
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEndermite
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEvoker
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGhast
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGuardian
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHoglin
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityIronGolem
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMagmaCube
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglin
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglinBrute
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPillager
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityRavager
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityShulker
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySilverfish
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySlime
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySnowGolem
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySpider
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVex
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVindicator
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitch
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZoglin
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombiePigman
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillagerV1
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAllay
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAxolotl
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBat
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCamel
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCod
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDolphin
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDonkey
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFox
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFrog
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGlowSquid
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGoat
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityHorse
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityLlama
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMule
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityOcelot
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPanda
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityParrot
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPolarBear
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPufferfish
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityRabbit
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySalmon
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySkeletonHorse
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySquid
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityStrider
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTadpole
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWanderingTrader
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityZombieHorse
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.SlenderProjectile
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
getHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar.ObsidianPillar
getHeight(NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.HugeTreesGenerator
getHeightMap(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getHeightMap(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getHeightMap(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getHeightMapArray() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getHeightMapArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getHeightMapArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getHeightOffset(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
How much offset should be added to the min/max heights at this position
getHeightOffset(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
getHeightVariation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
getHeldItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
getHeldItemIndex() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getHeldItemIndex() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getHeldItemSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
getHelmet() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
getHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getHiddenPlayers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getHighestAdjacentBlockSkyLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
Returns the highest block skylight level available in the positions adjacent to the specified block coordinates.
getHighestBlockAt(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getHighestBlockAt(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getHighestBlockAt(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getHighestBlockAt(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getHighestBlockAt(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getHighestUnder(Vector3, int) - Method in class
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.MushroomPopulator
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.PopulatorGroundSoulFire
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorBamboo
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDisk
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGroundFire
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorVines
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.Populator
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorOceanFloorSurfaceBlock
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlock
getHighestWorkableBlock(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlockPN
getHistoryInterval() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getHistoryLength() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BarrelInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestBoatInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DispenserInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DropperInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeBlockUIComponent
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanEnderChestInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.HopperInventory
getHolder() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MinecartChestInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MinecartHopperInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerCursorInventory
This override is here for documentation and code completion purposes only.
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerEnderChestInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerOffhandInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
getHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
getHoneyLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getHoneyLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
getHook() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
getHopper() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.HopperSearchItemEvent
getHorizontalAngle() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the angle of this BlockFace (0-360)
getHorizontalFacing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getHorizontalIndex() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the horizontal index of this BlockFace (0-3).
getHorizontals() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
getHotbarSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getHotbarSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getHotbarSlotIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getHugeDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getHugeDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getHugeDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getHugeDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getHugeDamage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getHugeDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getHugeDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getHugeDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getI18n(PluginBase) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18nManager
getIcon() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaSignPost
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaWallSign
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystCluster
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaFlowering
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeavesFlowered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeetroot
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchSignPost
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchWallSign
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstonePolishedChiseled
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnace
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnaceBurning
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlueIce
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricks
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksBlackstonePolishedCracked
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslateCracked
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksEndStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNether
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNetherChiseled
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNetherCracked
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksQuartz
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksRedNether
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonAcacia
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonBirch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonDarkOak
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonJungle
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonSpruce
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWooden
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfireSoul
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBlack
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBlue
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBrown
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlack
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlue
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBrown
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeCyan
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGray
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGreen
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightBlue
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightGray
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLime
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeMagenta
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeOrange
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePink
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePurple
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeRed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeWhite
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeYellow
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCyan
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleGray
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleGreen
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLightBlue
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLightGray
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLime
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleMagenta
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleOrange
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandlePink
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandlePurple
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleRed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleWhite
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleYellow
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarrot
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarvedPumpkin
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockClay
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobblestone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlockChain
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlockRepeating
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopper
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCut
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutExposed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutExposedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutOxidized
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWeathered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperExposed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperExposedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperOxidized
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperOxidizedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWeathered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWeatheredWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanDead
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang2
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang3
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCraftingTable
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonSignPost
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonWallSign
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDandelion
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakSignPost
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakWallSign
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetectorInverted
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateChiseled
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateCobbled
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslatePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDiamond
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorAcacia
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorBirch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorDarkOak
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorJungle
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorSpruce
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWood
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleMudBrickSlab
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidized
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeathered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslateCobbled
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDriedKelpBlock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEmerald
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateAcacia
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateBirch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateDarkOak
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateJungle
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateSpruce
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFireSoul
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFletchingTable
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFloweringAzalea
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnace
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlass
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPane
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPaneStained
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassTinted
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowLichen
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGold
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGravel
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoneycombBlock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfoUpdate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIron
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrameGlow
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleSignPost
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleWallSign
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLapis
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLargeAmethystBud
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLavaStill
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLogStrippedMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLeaves
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropaguleHanging
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveSignPost
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveWallSign
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMediumAmethystBud
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossCarpet
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMud
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrick
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickSlab
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickStairs
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickWall
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomBrown
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomRed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherSprout
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWartBlock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNyliumCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNyliumWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOchreFrogLight
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoal
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoalDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopper
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopperDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamond
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamondDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmerald
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmeraldDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGold
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldNether
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreIron
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreIronDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapis
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapisDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslateGlowing
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneGlowing
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPackedMud
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPearlescentFrogLight
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPiston
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHeadSticky
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonSticky
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPolishedBasalt
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPotato
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateAcacia
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBirch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateDarkOak
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateJungle
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateSpruce
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWood
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkinLit
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawCopper
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawGold
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawIron
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedSandstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLampLit
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterUnpowered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockReinForcedDeepSlate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsHanging
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkVein
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaLantern
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShroomlight
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShulkerBox
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCut
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslateCobbled
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallAmethystBud
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoker
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmokerBurning
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothBasalt
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulLantern
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSoil
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulTorch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSporeBlossom
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceSignPost
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceWallSign
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAcacia
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBirch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCut
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutExposed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutExposedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutOxidized
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWeathered
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkOak
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDioritePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsJungle
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPurpur
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSpruce
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStoneBrick
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemMelon
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemPumpkin
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutter
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlack
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlue
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBrown
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedCyan
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGray
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGreen
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLightBlue
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLime
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedMagenta
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedOrange
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPink
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPurple
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedRed
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedSilver
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedWhite
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedYellow
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslateCracked
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorAcacia
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorBirch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorCrimson
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorDarkOak
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorJungle
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorSpruce
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorWarped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrappedChest
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTuff
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUnknown
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVerdantFrogLight
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstone
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickBlackstonePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslateCobbled
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslatePolished
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallTileDeepslate
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedSignPost
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWallSign
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWartBlock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterStill
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWheat
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStripped
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedAcacia
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedBirch
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedDarkOak
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedJungle
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedMangrove
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedOak
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedSpruce
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
getId() - Method in enum class
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MultiRecipe
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomArmor
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomEdible
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomTool
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The ID of this enchantment.
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.item.StringItem
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.StringItemBase
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.BlockEntry
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getId() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.EndTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in enum class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSTimerTask
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
getId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getId() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Get the variants of the current minecart
getId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems
getId(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.IdMapper
getID() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
getIdentifier() - Method in class
getIdentifier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getIdentifier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getIdentifier() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
getIdentifier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
getIdentifier() - Method in class
getIdentifier(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getIdentityPublicKey() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getIdentityPublicKey() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getIdleBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBlastFurnace
getIdleBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getIdleBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySmoker
getIgnitions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
getIgnitions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
getIgnoredConfigSections() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getImage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButton
getImage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getImage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getImpalingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getInAirTicks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getIndex() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
getIndex() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getIndex() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getIndex() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the index of this BlockFace (0-5).
getIndex(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BiomePalette
getIndexAndIncrement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
getIngredient() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
getIngredient() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.StartBrewEvent
getIngredient() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingInventory
getIngredient() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MixRecipe
getIngredient() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
getIngredient() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
getIngredient() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
getIngredient(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getIngredientCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getIngredientItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.SmithingTableEvent
getIngredientItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.SmithingTransaction
getIngredientList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.RepairRecipe
getIngredientList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getIngredientList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getIngredientMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getIngredients() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
getIngredientsAggregate() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
getIngredientsAggregate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getIngredientsAggregate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getIngredientsAggregate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
getIngredientView() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getIngredientView() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeInventoryHolder
Get the ingredients view of the inventory holder's inventory, which is usually a part of the raw inventory.
getInitiator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
getInput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CraftItemEvent
getInput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BlastFurnaceRecipe
getInput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireRecipe
getInput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceRecipe
getInput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MixRecipe
getInput() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.SmeltingRecipe
getInput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmokerRecipe
getInputData() - Method in class
getInputData() - Method in class
getInputItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
getInputItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.RepairItemTransaction
getInputList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
getInputMode() - Method in class
getInputMode() - Method in class
getInputResponse(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseCustom
getInputSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
getInputSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EnchantInventory
getInputSource() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getInputSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
getInstaBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
getInstance() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PowerNukkitPlugin
getInstance() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getInstance() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
getInstance() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.HumanStringComparator
getInstanceName() - Method in class
getInstrument() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getInt(int) - Method in class
getInt(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getInt(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getInt(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get int value of config section element
getInt(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getInt(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get int value of config section element
getIntArray(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getInteger(GameRule) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
getIntegerList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getIntegerList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get Integer List value of config section element
getIntegrity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
getIntegritySeed() - Method in class
getIntegrityValue() - Method in class
getInteractButtonText(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityInteractable
getInteractButtonText(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getInteractButtonText(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getInteractButtonText(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
getInteractButtonText(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty
getInteractButtonText(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
getInteractButtonText(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
getInteractButtonText(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
getInteractionModel() - Method in class
getInteractionModel() - Method in class
getInterface() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
getInterfaces() - Method in class
getInterfaz() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getIntermediateWithXValue(Vector3f, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Returns a new vector with x value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the passed in vector, or null if not possible.
getIntermediateWithXValue(Vector3, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Returns a new vector with x value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the passed in vector, or null if not possible.
getIntermediateWithXValue(Vector3, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
getIntermediateWithYValue(Vector3f, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Returns a new vector with y value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the passed in vector, or null if not possible.
getIntermediateWithYValue(Vector3, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Returns a new vector with y value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the passed in vector, or null if not possible.
getIntermediateWithYValue(Vector3, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
getIntermediateWithZValue(Vector3f, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Returns a new vector with z value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the passed in vector, or null if not possible.
getIntermediateWithZValue(Vector3, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Returns a new vector with z value equal to the second parameter, along the line between this vector and the passed in vector, or null if not possible.
getIntermediateWithZValue(Vector3, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
getIntLocationIndexes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
getIntValue(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getIntValue(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getIntValue(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getIntValue(long, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getIntValue(long, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getIntValue(BlockProperty<?>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getIntValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getIntValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getIntValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getIntValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getIntValue(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getIntValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getIntValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getIntValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getIntValue(BigInteger, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getIntValue(BigInteger, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getIntValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
getIntValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getIntValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getIntValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getIntValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getInvalidMeta() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException
getInvalidValue() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException
getInvalidValue() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyValueException
getInventories() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBarrel
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDispenser
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDropper
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityStructBlock
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getInventory() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.PlayerTypingAnvilInventoryEvent
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeBlockMenu
getInventory() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder
getInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
Returns the inventory involved in this action.
getInventorySlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerItemHeldEvent
getInventorySource() - Method in class
getInventoryType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBlastFurnace
getInventoryType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getInventoryType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySmoker
getInventoryType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.RepairRecipe
getIp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getIPBans() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getIslandHeight(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterFillEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameDropItemEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBlockPickEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
Returns the item in hand after the event
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChangeArmorStandEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGlassBottleFillEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerItemConsumeEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerItemHeldEvent
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DefaultDescriptor
getItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ConstantItemSelector
getItem() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.item.UnknownNetworkIdException
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
getItem(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityContainer
Returns an item that stores in this container, as an Item object.
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
getItem(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
getItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
getItem2Tags() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
getItemBlockProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getItemByNamespaceId(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
Creates a new instance of the respective Item by the namespaced id.
getItemCategory() - Method in class
getItemDataPalette() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
getItemDropChance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
getItemDyeMeta() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
The minecraft:dye meta that actually represents the item dye for that color.
getItemFormNamespaceId() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
getItemFrame() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameDropItemEvent
getItemFrame() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
getItemHandle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
getItemHash(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getItemHash(Item, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getItemHelper(CompoundTag) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
getItemId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getItemInHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getItemInHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
getItemInHand() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
getItemInHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getItemInHand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getItemInOffhand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getItemInOffhand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
getItemInOffhand() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
getItemList() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getItemLockMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getItemMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getItemMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getItemMeta() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
getItemPalette() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
Get item palette byte [ ].
getItemPropertyNames() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getItemRotation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
getItems(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
getItemSet(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
getItemSkullName(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
getItemTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
getItemUsed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
getItemWithItemDescriptorsHash(Collection<Item>, Collection<ItemDescriptor>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getIterator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalArray
getIusername() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getJITVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSJVMManager
getJoinMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
getJsContext() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getJsContext() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getJsExports() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getJson() - Method in class
getJSONData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
getJsPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSClassLoader
getJumpingMotion(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
返回实体在跳跃时要增加的motion y
getJVMVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSJVMManager
getJwt() - Method in class
getKeepExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
getKeepInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
getKeepItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CampfireSmeltEvent
getKeepItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
getKey(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BytePalette
getKey(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.CharPalette
getKey(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.IntPalette
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.C
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.DX
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.DY
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.DZ
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.L
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.LM
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.M
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Name
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.R
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RM
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RX
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RXM
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RY
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RYM
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Tag
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Type
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.X
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Y
getKeyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Z
getKeyName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.ISelectorArgument
getKeys() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getKeys() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get all keys
getKeys(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getKeys(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get all keys
getKickMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getKickMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
getKickMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
getKiller() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getKnockBack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
getKnockBackAttacker() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageBlockedEvent
getKnownBlockStateIdByRuntimeId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getKnownEntities() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getKnownEntityIds() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getKnownEntityProviders() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getKnownRuntimeIdByBlockStateId(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getKnownService() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
getKnownService() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServiceManager
Return the known service(s).
getLabel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getLabelResponse(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseCustom
getLang() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
getLangMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
getLanguage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getLanguageCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLanguageCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getLanguageCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getLanguageCode() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getLastActiveTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
getLastAttackEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLastBeAttackEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLastChild() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Returns the last child of the given node.
getLastChorusFruitTeleport() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLastColors(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Gets the chat color used at the end of the given input string.
getLastDamageCause() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getLastEditedByEntityId() - Method in class
getLastEnderPearl() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getLastEnderPearlThrowingTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLastExecution() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getLastExecution() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
getLastInAirTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
返回Player.lastInAirTick的值,代表玩家上次在空中的server tick
getLastOutput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getLastOutput() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
getLastOutputCommandMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getLastOutputCommandMode() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
getLastOutputParams() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getLastPlayed() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Returns the time this player last joined in this server.
getLastPlayed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
getLastPlayed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLastPlayerdLevelUpSoundTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getLastRightClickPos() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getLastRightClickTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getLastRunTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
getLastToken() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getLastVibrationEvent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
getLaunchTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getLayerType() - Method in class
getLeafBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBirchTree
getLeafBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectCrimsonTree
getLeafBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectJungleTree
getLeafBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectOakTree
getLeafBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSpruceTree
getLeafBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
getLeafBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectWarpedTree
getLeafSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getLeatherColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
getLeaveMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLectern() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternDropBookEvent
getLectern() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
getLectern() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPlaceBookEvent
getLeftChild() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
getLeftPage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
getLeftPage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
getLeftSide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
getLegacyDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getLegacyDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getLegacyDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getLegacyDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getLegacyDamage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getLegacyDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getLegacyDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getLegacyDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getLegacyFullId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
Returns the full id of a given network id.
getLegacyFullId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.GlobalBlockPalette
getLegacyIdFromLegacyString(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems
getLegacyName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry.MappingEntry
getLegacyStateId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
getLeggings() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
getLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
getLength() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getLength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
getLevel() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getLevel() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.IBlockOreRedstoneGlowing
getLevel() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
getLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelEvent
getLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.WeatherEvent
getLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The current level of this enchantment.
getLevel() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
getLevel() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
getLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getLevel() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
返回此生成器实例绑定的世界 你不应该将此方法的返回值用于Populator上,而是使用getChunkManager()方法 以更好地利用多线程
getLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
getLevel() - Method in class
getLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
getLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getLevel() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
getLevel(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
从世界id得到世界,0主世界 1 地狱 2 末地
getLevelBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevelBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevelBlock(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevelBlockAround() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevelBlockAtLayer(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevelBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
getLevelBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevelBlocks(Level, AxisAlignedBB) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
getLevelBlockState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevelBlockState(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevelByName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
从世界名得到世界,overworld 主世界 nether 地狱 the_end 末地
getLevelCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
getLevelData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getLevelMetadata() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getLevelName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLevelName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
getLevelName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.NamedPosition
getLevelName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
getLevels() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TakeLevelAction
getLevels() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getLevelString(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getLevelType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getLeverOrientation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getLFloat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getLFloat(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getLightArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getLightArray() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getLightArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getLightDampening() - Method in class
getLightEmission() - Method in class
getLightFilter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getLightFilter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getLightFilter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
getLightFilter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getLightFilter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
getLightFilter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getLightFilter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
getLightFilter() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
getLightFilter(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystCluster
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnace
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlueIce
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfireSoul
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogLight
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnace
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowLichen
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowstone
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLargeAmethystBud
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMediumAmethystBud
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomBrown
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslateGlowing
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneGlowing
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkinLit
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLampLit
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaLantern
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShroomlight
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallAmethystBud
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoker
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulLantern
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulTorch
getLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
getLightLevel() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
getLightLevel(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getLightning() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent
Gets the lightning bolt which is striking the Creeper.
getLightning() - Method in class
Gets the bolt which is striking the earth.
getLine() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent
getLine(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
getLine(IScorer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
getLine(IScorer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
getLineFromOffset(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
getLineId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboardLine
获取行id 客户端通过此id标识计分板上的每个行
getLineId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
getLineOfSight(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getLineOfSight(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getLineOfSight(int, int, Integer[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getLineOfSight(int, int, Map<Integer, Object>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getLines() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
getLines() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
getLines() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
getLInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getLiquid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.CauldronFilledByDrippingLiquidEvent
getLiquidDepth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getLiquidLevelIncrement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.CauldronFilledByDrippingLiquidEvent
getLiquidMovementSpeed(BlockLiquid) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
getList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get List value of config section element
getList(String, Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getList(String, List) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getList(String, List) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get List value of config section element
getListener() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
getListenerVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
getListenerVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
getListenerVector() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationListener
getListenRange() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
getListenRange() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
getListenRange() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationListener
getLitState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
getLitState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslate
getLitState() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.IBlockOreRedstoneGlowing
getLLong() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getLoadBefore() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
TODO finish javadoc
getLoadedChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getLoadedChunk(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getLoadedChunk(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getLoadedChunk(long) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getLoadedChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getLoadedChunks() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getLoaderId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
getLoaderId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLoaders() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getLoadQueue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getLocale() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLocation() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getLocation() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Oxidizable
getLocation() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Waxable
getLocation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getLocation() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
getLocation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
getLocation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
getLocation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getLocation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
getLocation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getLocation() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getLocation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getLocationHash() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getLocationIndexes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
getLock() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces
getLockComponentData() - Method in class
getLockTimeout() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager
getLogger() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getLogger() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Returns the logger of this plugin as a PluginLogger object.
getLogger() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getLogger() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getLogger() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
getLoginChainData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getLoginChainData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getLoginResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getLogLevel() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
getLong() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getLong(int) - Method in class
getLong(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getLong(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getLong(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get long value of config section element
getLong(String, long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getLong(String, long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get long value of config section element
getLongList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getLongList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get Long List value of config section element
getLongQuery(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getLookTarget() - Method in interface
getLoot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
getLore() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getLoyaltyLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getLShort() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getLTriad() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getMain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns the main class name of this plugin.
getManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
getManualOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
getManualOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getManualOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getMap() - Method in class
getMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMapInfoRequestEvent
getMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
getMapColorAt(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getMapId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
getMapList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getMapList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get Map List value of config section element
getMapping() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems
getMatchedCommandForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
getMaterialInstances() - Method in class
getMaterialItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.RepairItemEvent
getMaterialItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.RepairItemTransaction
getMaterials() - Method in class
getMaterialSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
getMax() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
getMax() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.RollEntry
getMax() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
getMaxAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
getMaxChunkSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager
getMaxChunkX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
getMaxChunkZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
getMaxCompressionTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
getMaxCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomTool
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeDiamond
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeGold
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeIron
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeNetherite
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeStone
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeWood
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsChain
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsDiamond
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsGold
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsIron
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsLeather
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsNetherite
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBow
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotOnAStick
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateChain
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateDiamond
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateGold
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateIron
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateLeather
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateNetherite
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemElytra
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishingRod
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlintSteel
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetChain
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetDiamond
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetGold
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetIron
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetLeather
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetNetherite
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeDiamond
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeGold
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeIron
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeNetherite
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeStone
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeWood
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsChain
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsDiamond
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsGold
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsIron
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsLeather
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsNetherite
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeDiamond
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeGold
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeIron
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeNetherite
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeStone
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeWood
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShears
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShield
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelDiamond
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelGold
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelIron
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelNetherite
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelStone
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelWood
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordDiamond
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordGold
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordIron
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordNetherite
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordStone
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordWood
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTrident
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTurtleShell
getMaxDurability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick
getMaxDurability() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemDelegate
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowFlame
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowInfinity
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowKnockback
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowPower
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbow
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageAll
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageArthropods
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageSmite
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The maximum enchantability for the given level as described in
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentBindingCurse
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentDurability
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEfficiency
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFireAspect
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFrostWalker
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentKnockback
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentLure
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentMending
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSilkTouch
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSoulSpeed
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentThorns
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentVanishingCurse
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterBreath
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterWalker
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterWorker
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot.EnchantmentLoot
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTrident
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentChanneling
getMaxEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentImpaling
getMaxEnchantableLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageAll
getMaxEnchantableLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The maximum level that can be obtained using an enchanting table.
getMaxEntryValue() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
getMaxFollowRangeSquared() - Method in class
getMaxGrowth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
getMaxHandler() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
getMaxHealth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getMaxHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
getMaxHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getMaxHeight() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk
getMaxHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getMaxHeight() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoChunk
getMaxHeight() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getMaxHeight() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getMaximumLayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
getMaximumLayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getMaximumLayer() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getMaximumLayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getMaximumLayer() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getMaximumSizePerChunk() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getMaximumStaleDatagrams() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowKnockback
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowPower
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowMultishot
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowPiercing
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowQuickCharge
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The maximum safe level which is possible with this enchantment.
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentDurability
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEfficiency
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFireAspect
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFrostWalker
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentKnockback
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentLure
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSoulSpeed
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSwiftSneak
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentThorns
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterBreath
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterWalker
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot.EnchantmentLoot
getMaxLevel() - Method in class
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentImpaling
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentLoyalty
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentRiptide
getMaxLevel() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
getMaxLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
getMaxOrbSize(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
Returns the largest size of normal XP orb that will be spawned for the specified amount of XP.
getMaxPage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
getMaxPlayerCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getMaxPlayers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getMaxSearchDepth() - Method in class
getMaxSpeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireInventory
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
getMaxStackSize() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomBookEnchanted
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmorStand
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBed
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBoat
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookAndQuill
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookEnchanted
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCampfireSoul
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotOnAStick
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBase
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompassLodestone
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEgg
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderPearl
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoneyBottle
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorDiamond
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorGold
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorIron
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorLeather
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecart
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartChest
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartHopper
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartTNT
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMushroomStew
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionLingering
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionSplash
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitStew
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSaddle
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShield
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSign
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSnowball
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpyglass
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSuspiciousStew
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTotem
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick
getMaxStorage() - Method in interface
getMaxTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getMaxTime() - Method in class
getMaxTradeTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getMaxValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getMaxValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getMaxValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
getMaxVineAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
The maximum accepted age of this block.
getMaxVineAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
getMaxVineAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
getMaxWeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
getMaxWeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
getMaxX() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
getMaxX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
getMaxY() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
getMaxY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
getMaxZ() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
getMaxZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
getMeltingHeat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
getMember(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalObject
getMember(String) - Method in class
getMember(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSProxyLogger
getMemberKeys() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalObject
getMemberKeys() - Method in class
getMemberKeys() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSProxyLogger
getMemory() - Method in class
getMemoryStorage() - Method in class
getMemoryStorage() - Method in class
getMemoryStorage() - Method in interface
getMemoryStorage() - Method in interface
getMemoryStorage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityComponent
getMemoryStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
getMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Achievement
getMessage() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.command.exceptions.SelectorSyntaxException
getMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMessageEvent
getMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ConsoleCommandOutputEvent
getMessage() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessageContainer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
getMessageCounter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getMessageId() - Method in class
getMessages() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.RemoteConsoleCommandSender
getMessages() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer
getMeta() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
getMeta() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry
getMeta() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.BlockEntry
getMetadata() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
getMetadata(Object, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.BlockMetadataStore
getMetadata(Object, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataStore
getMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getMetadata(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.metadata.Metadatable
getMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
getMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getMetaForPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
getMetaForPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getMetaForPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getMetaForPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getMetaForPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getMetaForValue(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getMetaForValue(E) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
getMetaForValue(Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getMetaForValue(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getMetaForValue(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getMetaForValue(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getMetaFromBigInt(BigInteger, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getMetaFromFace(BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getMetaFromFaces(Set<BlockFace>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getMetaFromInt(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getMetaFromLong(long, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getMethod() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.MethodEventExecutor
getMiddleBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.BasaltDeltasBiome
getMiddleBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.CrimsonForestBiome
getMiddleBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.NetherBiome
getMiddleBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.SoulSandValleyBiome
getMiddleBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.WarpedForestBiome
getMiddleBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.WastelandsBiome
getMin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
getMin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.RollEntry
getMin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
getMinChunkX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
getMinChunkZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
getMinCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry
getMinecartInvPickupFrom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
getMinecartInvPushTo() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowFlame
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowInfinity
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowKnockback
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBowPower
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowMultishot
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowPiercing
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.crossbow.EnchantmentCrossbowQuickCharge
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageAll
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageArthropods
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamageSmite
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The minimum enchantability for the given level as described in
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentBindingCurse
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentDurability
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEfficiency
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFireAspect
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentFrostWalker
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentKnockback
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentLure
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentMending
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSilkTouch
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSoulSpeed
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSwiftSneak
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentThorns
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentVanishingCurse
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterBreath
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterWalker
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentWaterWorker
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.loot.EnchantmentLoot
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentChanneling
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentImpaling
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentLoyalty
getMinEnchantAbility(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.trident.EnchantmentTridentRiptide
getMinFollowRangeSquared() - Method in class
getMinHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
getMinHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getMinHeight() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk
getMinHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getMinHeight() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getMinHeight() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getMinimalistStateId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getMinimumLightLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
getMinLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The minimum safe level which is possible with this enchantment.
getMinLevel() - Method in class
getMinRange() - Method in class
getMinTime() - Method in class
getMinValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getMinValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getMinValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
getMinX() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
getMinX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getMinY() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
getMinY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
getMinZ() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
getMinZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
getMirror() - Method in class
getMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getMode() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
getMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
getModProcessRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getModX() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
Get the amount of X-coordinates to modify to get the represented block
getModZ() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
Get the amount of Z-coordinates to modify to get the represented block
getMolangVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
getMonsterEggStoneType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
getMoonPhase(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getMotd() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getMotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ProjectileDispenseBehavior
getMotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getMotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
getMotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityMotionEvent
getMotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
getMotion() - Method in class
getMotion() - Method in class
getMotive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
getMotive(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
getMoundFrequency() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
getMoundFrequency() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBryceBiome
getMoundFrequency() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauMBiome
getMountedOffset(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getMountedOffset(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getMouthTickCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
getMoveBlockLimit() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase.BlocksCalculator
getMoveDirectionEnd() - Method in interface
getMoveDirectionStart() - Method in interface
getMovementSpeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getMoveTarget() - Method in interface
getMovingBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
getMovingBlockEntityCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
getMovingBlockString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
getMovingObjectPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent
getMultiItemHash(Collection<Item>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getMultiRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getMutableState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaSignPost
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaWallSign
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaFlowering
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeavesFlowered
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeetroot
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchSignPost
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchWallSign
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstonePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstonePolishedChiseled
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnace
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnaceBurning
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlueIce
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricks
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksBlackstonePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksBlackstonePolishedCracked
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslateCracked
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksEndStone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNether
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNetherChiseled
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNetherCracked
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksQuartz
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksRedNether
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonAcacia
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonBirch
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonBlackstonePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonDarkOak
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonJungle
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonSpruce
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonStone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWooden
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfireSoul
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarrot
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarvedPumpkin
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockClay
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobblestone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlockChain
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlockRepeating
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopper
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCut
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutExposed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutExposedWaxed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutOxidized
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWaxed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWeathered
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperExposed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperExposedWaxed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperOxidized
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperOxidizedWaxed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWaxed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWeathered
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWeatheredWaxed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanDead
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCraftingTable
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonSignPost
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonWallSign
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakSignPost
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakWallSign
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetectorInverted
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateChiseled
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateCobbled
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslatePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDiamond
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorAcacia
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorBirch
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorDarkOak
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorJungle
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorSpruce
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWood
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBase
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDriedKelpBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEmerald
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndStone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateAcacia
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateBirch
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateDarkOak
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateJungle
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateSpruce
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGateWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFireSoul
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFletchingTable
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFloweringAzalea
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnace
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlass
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPane
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPaneStained
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassTinted
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowLichen
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGold
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGravel
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoneycombBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeStrippedWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfoUpdate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIron
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrameGlow
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleSignPost
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleWallSign
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLapis
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLavaStill
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLogStrippedMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLeaves
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropaguleHanging
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveSignPost
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveWallSign
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossCarpet
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossStone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMud
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrick
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickStairs
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickWall
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomBrown
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomRed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherSprout
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWartBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNyliumCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNyliumWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOchreFrogLight
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoal
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoalDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopper
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopperDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamond
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamondDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmerald
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmeraldDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGold
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldNether
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreIron
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreIronDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapis
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapisDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslateGlowing
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneGlowing
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPackedMud
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPearlescentFrogLight
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPiston
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHeadSticky
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonSticky
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPolishedBasalt
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPotato
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateAcacia
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBirch
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBlackstonePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateDarkOak
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateJungle
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateSpruce
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWood
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkinLit
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawCopper
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawGold
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawIron
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedSandstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLampLit
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterUnpowered
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockReinForcedDeepSlate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsHanging
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkVein
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaLantern
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShroomlight
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShulkerBox
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoker
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmokerBurning
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothBasalt
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothStone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulLantern
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSoil
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulTorch
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSporeBlossom
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceSignPost
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceWallSign
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAcacia
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBirch
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstonePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickBlackstonePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCut
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkOak
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDioritePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsJungle
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPurpur
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSpruce
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStoneBrick
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemMelon
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemPumpkin
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStrippedWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutter
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlack
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBlue
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedBrown
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedCyan
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGray
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedGreen
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLightBlue
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedLime
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedMagenta
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedOrange
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPink
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedPurple
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedRed
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedSilver
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedWhite
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazedYellow
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslateCracked
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorAcacia
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorBirch
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorCrimson
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorDarkOak
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorJungle
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorSpruce
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorWarped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrappedChest
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTuff
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUnknown
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVerdantFrogLight
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstone
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickBlackstonePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslateCobbled
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslatePolished
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallTileDeepslate
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedSignPost
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWallSign
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWartBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterStill
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWheat
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStripped
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedMangrove
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBarrel
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnchantTable
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnderChest
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityGlowItemFrame
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNameable
Gets the name of this object.
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityStructBlock
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
如果命令发送者是一个玩家,将会返回他的玩家名字(name)不是显示名字(display name).
if(sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) .....;
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.RemoteConsoleCommandSender
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in interface
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
The current name used by this entity in the name tag, or the static name if the entity don't have nametag.
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.ClassEntityProvider
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomEntityProvider
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.provider.EntityProvider
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.PlayerDataSerializeEvent
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ComplexAliasDescriptor
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Returns the name of this player.
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach.BeachBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach.ColdBeachBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave.DeepDarkBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave.DripStoneCavesBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave.LushCavesBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert.DesertBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert.DesertHillsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert.DesertMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.end.TheEndBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsEdgeBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsPlusBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsPlusMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.StoneBeachBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.FlowerForestBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestHillsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.HellBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains.IcePlainsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains.IcePlainsSpikesBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jaggedpeaks.JaggedPeaksBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.BambooJungleBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.BambooJungleHillsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleEdgeBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleEdgeMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleHillsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mangroveswamp.MangroveSwampBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBryceBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauFBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauFMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mushroom.MushroomIslandBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mushroom.MushroomIslandShoreBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.BasaltDeltasBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.CrimsonForestBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.SoulSandValleyBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.WarpedForestBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.WastelandsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.ColdOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepColdOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepFrozenOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepLukewarmOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.DeepWarmOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.FrozenOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.LegacyFrozenOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.LukewarmOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.OceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.WarmOceanBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.plains.PlainsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.plains.SunflowerPlainsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river.FrozenRiverBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river.RiverBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.roofedforest.RoofedForestBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.roofedforest.RoofedForestMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaPlateauBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaPlateauMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.snowyslopes.SnowySlopesBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.swamp.SwampBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.swamp.SwamplandMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaHillsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.MegaSpruceTaigaBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.MegaTaigaBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.MegaTaigaHillsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.TaigaBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.TaigaHillsBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.TaigaMBiome
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
getName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
getName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the name of this BlockFace (up, down, north, etc.)
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.ConvertFeature
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.TestFeature
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.WsClientFeature
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeature
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Returns the name of this plugin.
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns the name of this plugin.
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.EntityScorer
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.FakeScorer
getName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.IScorer
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
getName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
getName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
getName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Get the name of the minecart variants
getName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
getName(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
getName(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.GlobalBlockPalette
getNameBans() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getNamedChild(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
getNamedChildList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
getNamedTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getNamedTagEntry(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getNamePrefix() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getNamePrefix() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystCluster
getNamePrefix() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLargeAmethystBud
getNamePrefix() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMediumAmethystBud
getNamePrefix() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallAmethystBud
getNames() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getNames() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
getNamespace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
getNamespacedId() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
getNamespacedIdByNetworkId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
Returns the namespaced id of a given network id.
getNamespaceId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
getNamespaceId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomArmor
getNamespaceId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomBookEnchanted
getNamespaceId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomEdible
getNamespaceId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomTool
getNamespaceId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getNamespaceId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock
getNamespaceId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.item.StringItem
getNamespaceId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.StringItemBase
getNameTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getNameTag() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
getNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
getNBT(int) - Method in class
getNearbyEntities(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getNearbyEntities(AxisAlignedBB, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getNearbyEntities(AxisAlignedBB, Entity, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getNearestInLove(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
getNearestNodeFromCloseList(Vector3) - Method in class
getNested(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
use Config.get(String) instead
getNested(String, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getNestedAs(String, Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
use Config.get(String) instead
getNetwork() - Method in class
getNetwork() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFirework
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityBlaze
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCaveSpider
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityElderGuardian
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderman
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEndermite
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEvoker
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGhast
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGuardian
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHoglin
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityIronGolem
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMagmaCube
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglin
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglinBrute
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPillager
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityRavager
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityShulker
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySilverfish
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySlime
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySnowGolem
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySpider
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVex
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVindicator
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitch
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZoglin
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombiePigman
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillagerV1
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAllay
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAxolotl
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBat
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCamel
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCod
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDolphin
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDonkey
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFox
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFrog
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGlowSquid
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGoat
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityHorse
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityLlama
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMule
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityOcelot
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPanda
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityParrot
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPolarBear
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPufferfish
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityRabbit
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySalmon
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySkeletonHorse
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySquid
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityStrider
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTadpole
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWanderingTrader
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityZombieHorse
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.ClassEntityProvider
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomEntityProvider
getNetworkId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.provider.EntityProvider
getNetworkId() - Method in class
getNetworkId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getNetworkId(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
Returns the network id based on the full id of the given item.
getNetworkIdByNamespaceId(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
Returns the network id of a given namespaced id.
getNetworkLatency(Player) - Method in class
getNetworkLatency(Player) - Method in interface
getNetworkSession() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getNetworkSession() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getNetworkType() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
getNewAdventureSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
getNewBlockState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getNewBook() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
getNewDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getNewEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEffectUpdateEvent
getNewExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerExperienceChangeEvent
getNewExperienceLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerExperienceChangeEvent
getNewFlowDecay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LiquidFlowEvent
getNewGamemode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
getNewIngredient(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getNewIngredientList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getNewIngredients() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getNewItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityArmorChangeEvent
getNewItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInventoryChangeEvent
getNewItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
getNewItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.RepairItemEvent
getNewItemName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
getNewLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
getNewPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getNewPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonChangeEvent
getNewPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockRedstoneEvent
getNewRawPage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
getNewState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getNewState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFadeEvent
getNewState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockGrowEvent
getNewState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockHarvestEvent
getNewState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
getNewTilt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BigDripleafTiltChangeEvent
getNewValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent
getNext() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CrackState
getNext() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece.BlockSelector
getNext() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getNextChunkOrderRun() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getNextDialog() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
getNextPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getNextRunTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
getNextState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The state after the repair.
getNextState() - Method in class
getNextTargetTime() - Method in class
getNextTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getNextToken() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
getNextToken(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
A lower level method to tokenize, that takes the absolute offset into the content buffer as a parameter
getNextToken(Token) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
The public method for getting the next token.
getNode(int) - Method in interface
getNode(int) - Method in class
getNodeIndex() - Method in class
getNodeIndex() - Method in interface
getNodeIndex() - Method in class
getNoise(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
getNoise2D(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
getNoise2D(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.PerlinD
getNoise2D(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
getNoise2D(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
getNoise2D(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.PerlinF
getNoise2D(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
getNoise3D(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
getNoise3D(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.PerlinD
getNoise3D(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
getNoise3D(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
getNoise3D(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.PerlinF
getNoise3D(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
getNormalizedText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.InvalidToken
getNormalizedText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getNoShieldTicks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getNpc() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
getNpcName() - Method in class
getNukkitVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getObjectiveName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
getObjectiveName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
getObsidianPillars(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar.ObsidianPillar
getOccupants() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
getOccupantsCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
getOffhandInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
getOffhandInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getOffhandInventory() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
getOfflinePlayer(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getOfflinePlayer(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getOfflinePlayerData(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getOfflinePlayerData(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getOfflinePlayerData(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getOfflinePlayerData(UUID, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty
getOffset() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.AxisDirection
getOffset() - Method in class
getOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getOffset(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.fake.FakeBlock
getOffset(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getOffsetBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
getOffsetBoundingBox(double, double, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
getOffsetBoundingBox(BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
getOldAnvilDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getOldBlockState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getOldBook() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
getOldDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getOldEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEffectUpdateEvent
getOldExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerExperienceChangeEvent
getOldExperienceLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerExperienceChangeEvent
getOldItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityArmorChangeEvent
getOldItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInventoryChangeEvent
getOldItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
getOldItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.RepairItemEvent
getOldPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonChangeEvent
getOldPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockRedstoneEvent
getOldTarget() - Method in class
getOldTilt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BigDripleafTiltChangeEvent
getOldValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent
getOnInit() - Method in class
getOnlinePlayers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getOpenList() - Method in class
getOpenNode(Vector3) - Method in class
getOperation() - Method in class
getOpposite() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the opposite BlockFace (e.g.
getOppositeFace() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
getOppositeSide(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getOps() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getOption() - Method in class
getOptions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
getOrCreate(Map<T, Map<U, V>>, T) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
getOrCreate(Map<T, U>, Class<V>, T) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
getOrCreateBlockEntity() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
getOrCreateMutableSection(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getOrCreateNamedTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getOrCreateRuntimeId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.GlobalBlockPalette
getOrCreateRuntimeId(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.GlobalBlockPalette
getOrDefault(int, EntityData) - Method in class
getOrder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns the order the plugin loads, or when the plugin is loaded.
getOrdinal() - Method in enum class
getOrientation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getOrientation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
getOrigin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityLevelChangeEvent
getOriginalDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
getOriginalDamage(EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
The name that English name of the type of this entity.
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFirework
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotionLingering
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityBlaze
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCaveSpider
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityElderGuardian
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderman
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEndermite
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEvoker
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGhast
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGuardian
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHoglin
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityIronGolem
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMagmaCube
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglin
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglinBrute
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPillager
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityRavager
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityShulker
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySilverfish
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySlime
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySnowGolem
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySpider
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVex
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVindicator
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitch
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZoglin
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombiePigman
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillagerV1
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAllay
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAxolotl
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBat
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCod
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDolphin
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDonkey
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFox
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFrog
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGlowSquid
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGoat
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityHorse
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityLlama
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMule
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityOcelot
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPanda
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityParrot
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPolarBear
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPufferfish
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityRabbit
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySalmon
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySkeletonHorse
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySquid
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityStrider
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTadpole
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWanderingTrader
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityZombieHorse
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getOriginalName() - Method in class
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getOriginalName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getOriginalRespawnPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
getOriginalState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The state that was originally received when the repair started.
getOriginMethod() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.CompiledExecutor
getOrOriginal(LangCode, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
getOrSetStorage(Consumer<LayerStorage>, IntSupplier, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
getOrSetStorage(Consumer<LayerStorage>, IntSupplier, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
getOrSetStorage(Consumer<LayerStorage>, IntSupplier, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
getOtherNetherPair(Level) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
getOtherTheEndPair(Level) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
getOutputItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
getOutputItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.GrindstoneTransaction
getOutputItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.RepairItemTransaction
getOutputItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.SmithingTransaction
getOutPutItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getOutputSignal() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityComparator
getOutputSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
getOutputSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EnchantInventory
getOverloads() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getOwner() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityOwnable
getOwner() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getOwner() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
getOwner() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.PluginTask
Returns the owner of this task.
getOwnerName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityOwnable
getOwnerName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
getOwningPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValue
getOwningPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopper
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCut
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutExposed
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutOxidized
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWeathered
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperExposed
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperOxidized
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWeathered
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposed
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidized
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeathered
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCut
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposed
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidized
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeathered
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCut
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutExposed
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutOxidized
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWeathered
getOxidizationLevel() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Oxidizable
getPack() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getPack() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getPackById(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager
getPackChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
getPackChunk(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePack
getPackChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ZippedResourcePack
getPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.DataPacketReceiveEvent
getPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.DataPacketSendEvent
getPacket(byte) - Method in class
getPacket(int) - Method in class
getPacketId() - Method in class
getPacketId() - Method in class
getPacketId() - Method in class
getPacketId() - Method in class
getPacketId() - Method in class
getPackets() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.BatchPacketsEvent
getPackId() - Method in class
getPackId() - Method in class
getPackId() - Method in class
getPackId() - Method in class
getPackId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.AbstractResourcePack
getPackId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePack
getPackName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.AbstractResourcePack
getPackName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePack
getPackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
getPackSize() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePack
getPackSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ZippedResourcePack
getPackVersion() - Method in class
getPackVersion() - Method in class
getPackVersion() - Method in class
getPackVersion() - Method in class
getPackVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.AbstractResourcePack
getPackVersion() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePack
getPages() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
Returns an list containing all pages of this book.
getPageText(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
Returns a string containing the content of a page (which could be empty), or null if the page doesn't exist.
getPair() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
getPaletteName() - Method in class
getParameter(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer
getParameters() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer
getParameters() - Method in class
getParamTree() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getParent() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
getParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
getParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.VoidNode
getParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
getParent() - Method in class
getParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Selector
getParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
getParent() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
getParsedArgs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
getParser() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
getParticleId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getParticleIdByName(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
getPassableBlockFrictionFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getPassableBlockFrictionFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
getPassableBlockFrictionFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
getPassableBlockFrictionFactor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
getPassByVector3(Vector3, Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.VectorMath
getPassenger() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getPassengers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getPath() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getPath() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getPath() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
getPathRoute(Node) - Method in class
getPattern(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
getPattern(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
getPatterns() - Method in class
getPatternsSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
getPatternsSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
getPatternType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
getPayload() - Method in class
getPendingBlockUpdates(FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getPendingBlockUpdates(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getPendingBlockUpdates(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.BlockUpdateScheduler
getPeriod() - Method in class
getPeriod() - Method in interface
getPeriod() - Method in class
getPeriod() - Method in interface
getPeriod() - Method in class
getPeriod() - Method in class
getPeriod() - Method in class
getPeriod() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
getPerm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getPermanentWindows() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getPermissible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachmentInfo
getPermissibles() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
getPermission() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getPermission() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachmentInfo
getPermission() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
getPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
getPermissionMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getPermissionMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
getPermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
getPermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns all the defined permissions of this plugin.
getPermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
getPermissionSubscriptions(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
getPersistenceName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getPersistenceName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getPersistenceName(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getPersistenceNames() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getPersistenceValue(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getPersistenceValue(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getPersistenceValue(long, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getPersistenceValue(long, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getPersistenceValue(BlockProperty<?>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getPersistenceValue(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getPersistenceValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getPersistenceValue(BigInteger, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getPersistenceValue(BigInteger, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getPersistenceValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
getPersistenceValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getPersistenceValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getPersistenceValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getPersistenceValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getPersistentMemories() - Static method in class
getPersonaPieces() - Method in class
getPickupCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getPickupDelay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getPickupDelay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
getPickupMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
getPickupMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getPiece(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.PopulatorDesertPyramid
getPiece(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.PopulatorJungleTemple
getPiece(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut.PopulatorSwampHut
getPiece(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
getPieces() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
getPillarAxis() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
getPillarAxis() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getPillarAxis() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
getPillarAxis() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
getPillarAxis() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothBasalt
getPing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getPistonHeadBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPiston
getPistonHeadBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
getPistonHeadBlockId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonSticky
getPitch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMusic
getPitch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
getPitch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
getPitch() - Method in class
getPitch() - Method in class
getPitchFromVector(Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
getPivot() - Method in class
getPlaceHolder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput
getPlane() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
getPlanksBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
getPlantBlockTag() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot.FlowerPotBlock
getPlatformOnlineId() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterFillEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.DoorToggleEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameDropItemEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
获取使用物品展示框的玩家 Gets player.
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternDropBookEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPlaceBookEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignColorChangeEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignGlowEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CraftItemEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.GrindstoneEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.PlayerTypingAnvilInventoryEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.RepairItemEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.SmithingTableEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.DataPacketReceiveEvent
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.DataPacketSendEvent
getPlayer() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Returns a Player object for this interface.
getPlayer() - Method in interface
getPlayer() - Method in class
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
getPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
getPlayer(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPlayer(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPlayerClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
getPlayerCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getPlayerDataSerializer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPlayerExact(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPlayerList() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getPlayerMetadata() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPlayerPermission() - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
getPlayerRadius() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
getPlayers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.BatchPacketsEvent
getPlayers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getPlayerSkinChangeCooldown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPlayerUIInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getPlayFabId() - Method in class
getPlayMode() - Method in class
getPlayMode() - Method in class
getPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.PluginCommand
getPlugin() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.PluginIdentifiableCommand
getPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.plugin.PluginEvent
getPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
getPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
getPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.RegisteredServiceProvider
Return the plugin provide this service.
getPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
getPlugin(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
getPluginCommand(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getPluginCommand(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPluginDescription(File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
getPluginDescription(File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JSPluginLoader
getPluginDescription(File) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoader
通过插件的 File对象,来获得描述这个插件的 PluginDescription对象。
Gets a PluginDescription object describes the plugin by a File object describes the plugin file.
getPluginDescription(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
getPluginDescription(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JSPluginLoader
getPluginDescription(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoader
通过插件文件名的字符串,来获得描述这个插件的 PluginDescription对象。
Gets a PluginDescription object describes the plugin by its file name.
getPluginEventTiming(Class<? extends Event>, Listener, EventExecutor, Plugin) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getPluginFilters() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
getPluginFilters() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JSPluginLoader
getPluginFilters() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoader
Returns the file types this plugin loader supports.
getPluginLoader() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getPluginLoader() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Returns the loader of this plugin as a PluginLoader object.
getPluginLoader() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getPluginManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPluginPath() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPlugins() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getPlugins() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
getPointedDripStoneLength(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
getPopulators() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
getPopulators() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorStructure
getPort() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getPort() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
getPort() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getPort() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPortalType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent
getPosition() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper.IHopper
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
getPosition() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDespawnEvent
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
getPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition() - Method in class
getPosition(int) - Method in class
getPosition(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
getPosition(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
Retrieves the PositionTracking object that is assigned to the given trackingHandler.
getPosition(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
getPosition(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
Retrieves the PositionTracking object that is assigned to the given trackingHandler.
getPositions(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.DoubleFakeBlock
getPositions(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.fake.FakeBlock
getPositionTrackingService() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaWallSign
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchWallSign
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonWallSign
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakWallSign
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleWallSign
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveWallSign
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceWallSign
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
getPostId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWallSign
getPotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionEvent
getPotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
getPotion(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
getPotion(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.StartBrewEvent
getPotion(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getPotionByName(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getPotionColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getPotionHash(Item, Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getPotionId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
getPotionId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getPotions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.BrewEvent
getPotions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.StartBrewEvent
getPotionType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
getPotionTypeName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
getPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorPowered
getPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered
getPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterUnpowered
getPowerLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
getPowerOnSide(Vector3, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getPowerOnSides() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.CachedSimpleSelectorArgument
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.DX
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.DY
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.DZ
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.R
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RM
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.X
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Y
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Z
getPredicate(SelectorType, CommandSender, Location, String...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.ISelectorArgument
getPrefix() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns the message title of this plugin.
getPreLoginEventTask() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getPrevious() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getPreviousName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.PlayerTypingAnvilInventoryEvent
getPreviousSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.SpawnChangeEvent
getPrimaryOutput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
getPrimaryPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
getPrimarySlot() - Method in class
getPrimaryThread() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.C
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.CoordinateArgument
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.L
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.LM
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.M
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Name
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.R
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RM
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RX
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RXM
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RY
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RYM
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.ScopeArgument
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Tag
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Type
getPriority() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.ISelectorArgument
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in interface
getPriority() - Method in class
getPriority() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
getPriority() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.RegisteredServiceProvider
getPrismarineBlockType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
getProductView() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getProductView() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeInventoryHolder
Get the result view of the inventory holder's inventory, which is usually a part of the raw inventory.
getProfession() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getProfession() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
getProgress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNetherReactor
getProjectile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
getProjectile(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
getProjectileEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEgg
getProjectileEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderPearl
getProjectileEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemExpBottle
getProjectileEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionLingering
getProjectileEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionSplash
getProjectileEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSnowball
getProjectileEntityType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ProjectileItem
getProjectiles() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
getProjectilesCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
The properties that fully describe all possible and valid states that this block can have.
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang2
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang3
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDandelion
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBase
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFallableMeta
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceBase
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogLight
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungus
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPaneStained
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLeaves
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMeta
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossCarpet
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickSlab
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRoots
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShulkerBox
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslateCobbled
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothBasalt
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStem
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUnknown
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStripped
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The block properties of the block stat that is being repaired.
getProperties() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
getProperties() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getProperties(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getProperty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty
getProperty() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyException
getProperty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The property that reported the invalid state, null if all the properties was validated but the state have more bits to validate.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getProperty(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getProperty(String, Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPropertyBoolean(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPropertyBoolean(String, Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPropertyInt(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPropertyInt(String, Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPropertyName() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.BlockPropertyNotFoundException
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getPropertyOffset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The bit position of the invalid property value, when BlockStateRepair.getProperty() is null this indicates the start index of the BlockStateRepair.getBrokenPropertyMeta().
getPropertyString(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPropertyString(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getPropertyValue(BlockProperty<V>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getPropertyValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
getProposedPropertyValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The proposed property int value to fix the current block state, if the proposed value is not valid BlockStateRepair.getFixedPropertyValue() will be used.
getProtectionFactor(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getProtectionFactor(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class
getProtectionFactor(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class
getProtectionFactor(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class
getProtectionFactor(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class
getProtectionFactor(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class
getProtocol() - Method in class
getProtocol() - Method in class
getProtocolUsed() - Method in class
getProtocolUsed() - Method in class
getProvider() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getProvider() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getProvider() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getProvider() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getProvider() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.RegisteredServiceProvider
Return the service provider.
getProvider(Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
getProvider(Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServiceManager
Return the service's provider.
getProvider(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProviderManager
getProviderByName(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProviderManager
getProviderName() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
getProviderOrder() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
getQueryInformation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getQueueSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
getQuitMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
getQuitMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
getRadius() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getRadius() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar.ObsidianPillar
getRadiusChangeOnPickup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getRadiusPerTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getRailDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getRainStrength(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getRainTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getRainTime() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getRainTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getRakNetSession() - Method in class
getRandom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
getRandom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getRandom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
getRandom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
getRandom() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
getRandomAccessFile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
getRandomBlock(NukkitRandom, Map<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Chooses a random block from a weighted list.
getRandomClientId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getRandomName() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getRandomName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEntry
getRandomNumberInRange(Random, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
Returns a random number between min and max, inclusive.
getRange() - Method in class
getRarity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
How rare this enchantment is.
getRaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
getRawAddress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getRawBytes() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ByteArrayWrapper
getRawBytes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
getRawBytes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.PureByteArray
getRawCapture() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
getRawData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getRawData() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ArrayWrapper
getRawData() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ByteArrayWrapper
getRawData() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getRawFakeOreToPutRuntimeIdMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOre
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoal
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCopper
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamond
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmerald
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGold
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldNether
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreIron
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreLapis
getRawMaterial() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
getRawPage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
getRawPort() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getRawRealOreToReplacedRuntimeIdMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getRawSocketAddress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getRawTransparentBlockRuntimeIds() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getRawUniqueId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getRawUniqueId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getReachableTarget() - Method in class
getReachableTarget() - Method in interface
getReactorState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNetherReactor
getReagentSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EnchantInventory
getRealInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
getRealInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
getRealMeta() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getRealTokens() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getRealTokens(Node) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getReason() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent
getReason() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
getReason() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
getReason() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
getReasonEnum() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
getReceiveDataPacketTiming(DataPacket) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getRecipe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CraftItemEvent
getRecipe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
getRecipeCount() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getRecipeId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
getRecipeId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getRecipeId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getRecipeId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
getRecipeIngredient() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getRecipes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getRecipeXp(Recipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getRecipeXpMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getRecipients() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
getRecordItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
getRed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
getRedstonePower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getRedstonePower(Vector3, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getRedstoneSaveMode() - Method in class
getRedstoneSignal() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getRedstoneSignal() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getRegainReason() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
getRegion(double[], double, double, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorPerlinD
getRegion(double[], double, double, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorPerlinD
getRegion(float[], float, float, int, int, float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorPerlinF
getRegion(float[], float, float, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorPerlinF
getRegion(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getRegionIndexX(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getRegionIndexZ(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getRegisteredEnchantments() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
Gets a collection with a safe copy of all enchantments that are currently registered.
getRegisteredListeners() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
getRegisteredListeners(Plugin) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
getRegistrations(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
getRegistrations(Plugin) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServiceManager
getRegistrations(Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
getRegistrations(Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServiceManager
getRelative(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
getRemovalCallback() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
getRemoveEffect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityEffectRemoveEvent
getRemoveFormat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getRepair() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.blockstate.BlockStateRepairEvent
getRepairCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getRepairItemTransaction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getRepairs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
How many repairs was applied to the original state.
getRequestedEntityRuntimeId() - Method in class
getRequestTimestamp() - Method in class
getRequestType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.response.FormResponseDialog
getRequestType() - Method in class
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeeNest
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlueIce
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricks
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksEndStone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNether
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksQuartz
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockClay
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobblestone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCraftingTable
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateCobbled
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDiamond
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWood
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDriedKelpBlock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEmerald
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndStone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFletchingTable
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogLight
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlass
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPane
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGold
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGravel
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoneycombBlock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIron
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLapis
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossCarpet
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossStone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMud
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWartBlock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOre
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksCrimson
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksMangrove
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksWarped
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateMangrove
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWood
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockReinForcedDeepSlate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaLantern
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShroomlight
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothStone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSoil
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDioritePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPurpur
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStoneBrick
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStem
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutter
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTuff
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstone
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslateCobbled
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslatePolished
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallTileDeepslate
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWartBlock
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getResistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getResistance() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
getResource(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getResource(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Reads a resource of this plugin, and returns as an InputStream object.
getResource(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getResourcePackEntries() - Method in class
getResourcePackManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getResourceStack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager
getRespawnBlockPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
getRespawnPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
getResponse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDialogRespondedEvent
getResponse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent
Can be null if player closed the window instead of submitting it
getResponse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
Can be null if player closed the window instead of submitting it
getResponse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
getResponse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
getResponse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
getResponse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
getResponse(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseCustom
getResponses() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseCustom
getResponseTimestamp() - Method in class
getRestoreFood() - Method in class
getRestoreSaturation() - Method in class
getResult() - Method in class
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.blockstate.BlockStateRepairFinishEvent
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CampfireSmeltEvent
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BlastFurnaceRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MixRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MultiRecipe
getResult() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Recipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.RepairRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmokerRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
getResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
getResult(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
getResultDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
getResultDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
getResultDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
getResultDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getResultDamage(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
getResultDamage(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
getResultExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
getResultItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.GrindstoneEvent
getResultItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.SmithingTableEvent
getRGB() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
getRiding() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getRight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getRight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getRightChild() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
getRightPage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
getRightPage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
getRightSide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
getRiptideLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getRollingAmplitude() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
getRollingDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
getRomanLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
getRoomIndex(int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
getRoot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamTree
getRoot() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getRoot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
getRootPath() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.FunctionManager
getRootSection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Get root (main) config section of the Config
getRootsFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
getRootsFace() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
getRotation() - Method in class
getRotation() - Method in class
getRotation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
getRotation() - Method in class
getRoute() - Method in class
getRoute() - Method in interface
getRoute() - Method in class
getRouteFinder() - Method in class
getRouteFinder() - Method in class
getRouteFinder() - Method in interface
getRouteFindingTask() - Method in class
getRowingTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent
getRules() - Method in class
getRules() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
getRunningBehaviors() - Method in class
getRunningBehaviors() - Method in class
getRunningBehaviors() - Method in interface
getRunningCoreBehaviors() - Method in class
getRunningCoreBehaviors() - Method in class
getRunningCoreBehaviors() - Method in interface
getRuntimeEntityId() - Method in class
getRuntimeId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getRuntimeId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getRuntimeId() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition
getRuntimeId() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
getRuntimeId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
getRuntimeId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getRuntimeId(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getRuntimeId(BlockState) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getRuntimeId(String) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
getRuntimeIdLayer0() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Vector3WithRuntimeId
getRuntimeIdLayer1() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Vector3WithRuntimeId
getRuntimeMapping() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems
getSafeExitPortal() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
getSafeSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getSafeSpawn(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getSafeSpawn(Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getSafeSpawn(Vector3, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getSandstoneType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
getSapling() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
getSapling() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeavesFlowered
getSapling() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getSapling() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
getSaveData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
getSaveId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getSaveId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
getSaveId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getSaveId(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
从网络id 查询该实体的Name,对应Entity.knownEntities key
getSaveId(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
从key id 查询该实体的网络id,Entity.knownEntities
getSaveIds() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getScale() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getScale() - Method in class
getSceneName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.response.FormResponseDialog
getSceneName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
getSceneName() - Method in class
getSceneName() - Method in class
getScheduledActions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getScheduler() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getScore() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboardLine
getScore() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
getScoreboard() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardEvent
getScoreboard() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboardLine
getScoreboard() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
getScoreboard(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
getScoreboard(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
getScoreboardManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getScoreboards() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
getScoreboards() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
getScorer() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboardLine
getScorer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
getScorerType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.EntityScorer
getScorerType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.FakeScorer
getScorerType() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.IScorer
getScorerType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
getScoreTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getScrollingSpeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
getSeatPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getSecondaryPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
getSecondItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.GrindstoneEvent
getSecondItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
getSecondItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
getSecondItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.GrindstoneTransaction
getSecretKey(PrivateKey, PublicKey, byte[]) - Static method in class
getSection(float) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk
getSection(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getSection(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getSection(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get config section element defined by key
getSectionBlockChange(Level, BehaviorGroup.ChunkSectionVector) - Method in class
getSectionBlockChanges(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getSections() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk
getSections() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
getSections() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getSections() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get all ConfigSections in root path.
getSections(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getSections(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get sections (and only sections) from provided path
getSeed() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
getSeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getSeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getSeed() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getSeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
getSeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getSeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
getSeed() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getSeed() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
getSeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
getSeedsId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
getSeedsId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemMelon
getSeedsId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemPumpkin
getSelectionBox() - Method in class
getSelector() - Method in class
getSendDataPacketTiming(DataPacket) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getSender() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamTree
getSender() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
getSender() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ConsoleCommandOutputEvent
getSender() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
getSender() - Method in class
getSensorPeriodTimer() - Method in class
getSensors() - Method in class
getSensors() - Method in class
getSensors() - Method in interface
getSerializer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.PlayerDataSerializeEvent
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
getServer() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getServer() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Returns the server carrying this player.
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getServer() - Method in class
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
getServer() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Gets the server which is running this plugin, and returns as a Server object.
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
getServer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncPool
getServerAddress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getServerAddress() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getServerAuthoritativeMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getServerName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getServerPosition() - Method in class
getServerSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getServerUniqueId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getService() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.RegisteredServiceProvider
Return the provided service.
getServiceManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getSession(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class
getSession(InetSocketAddress) - Method in interface
getSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerServerSettingsRequestEvent
getSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
getSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
getSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
getSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
getSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
getSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
getSettings() - Method in class
getSha256() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
getSha256() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePack
getSha256() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ZippedResourcePack
getShape() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getShapedRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getShapelessItemDescriptorHash(Collection<ItemDescriptor>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getShapelessMultiItemHash(Collection<Item>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getShapelessRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getSharedThreadPool() - Static method in class
getShieldBreakCoolDown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
getShooter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent
getShootingSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ProjectileDispenseBehavior
getShort() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getShort(int) - Method in class
getShort(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getShortList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getShortList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get Short List value of config section element
getShortQuery(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getSide(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getSide(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getSide(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getSide(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getSide(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getSide(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getSide(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
getSide(BlockFace, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getSide(BlockFace, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getSide(BlockFace, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getSide(BlockFace, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getSide(BlockFace, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
getSideAtLayer(int, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getSideAtLayer(int, BlockFace) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockConnectable
getSideAtLayer(int, BlockFace, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getSidePos(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getSideVec(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getSignColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
getSignDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getSignDirection() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
getSignedBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getSignedBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
getSignedBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
getSignedBigDamage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getSignedBigDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
getSignedBlockPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getSimpleName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.ClassEntityProvider
getSimpleName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomClassEntityProvider
getSimpleName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomEntityProvider
getSimpleName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.provider.EntityProvider
getSimulationType() - Method in class
getSingleOperationHeat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleMudBrickSlab
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBase
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposed
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidized
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWaxed
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeathered
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslateCobbled
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
getSingleSlabId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBarrel
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
getSize() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityContainer
Returns the max number of items that this container can contain.
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
getSize() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentList
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractStructureTemplate
getSize() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructureTemplate
getSize() - Method in class
getSize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalArray
getSkin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getSkin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getSkin() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
getSkin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getSkin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChangeSkinEvent
getSkin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getSkinColor() - Method in class
getSkinData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
getSkinData() - Method in class
getSkinId() - Method in class
getSkinResourcePatch() - Method in class
getSkinType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.response.FormResponseDialog
getSkinType() - Method in class
getSkyLightArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getSkyLightArray() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getSkyLightArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleMudBrickSlab
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBase
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCut
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslateCobbled
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickSlab
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickBlackstonePolished
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCut
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslateCobbled
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
getSlabName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
getSlabType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getSlabType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getSlabType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getSlabType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getSlabType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
getSlabType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
getSlabType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
getSlabType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
getSleeping() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getSliderResponse(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseCustom
getSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityArmorChangeEvent
getSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInventoryChangeEvent
getSlot() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority
getSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
getSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChangeArmorStandEvent
getSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerItemHeldEvent
getSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
Returns the inventorySlot in the inventory which this action modified.
getSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getSlot(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentList
getSlotIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
getSlotIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
getSlotIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getSlotIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
getSlotIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
getSlotIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
getSlotName() - Method in enum class
getSlots() - Method in class
getSmallRuinProcessor(FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
getSmelting() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
getSmithingRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getSmithingTransaction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getSmokerRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getSnowHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getSocketAddress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
getSocketAddress() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
得到套接字地址,如果开启waterdogpe兼容,该套接字地址是被修改为兼容waterdogpe型的,反正则与Player.rawSocketAddress 一样
getSoftDepend() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
TODO finish javadoc
getSortOrder() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
getSortOrder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
getSoulSpeedMultiplier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getSound() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
getSound() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord11
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord13
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord5
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordBlocks
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordCat
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordChirp
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordFar
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordMall
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordMellohi
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordOtherside
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordPigstep
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordStal
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordStrad
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordWait
getSoundId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordWard
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockSpreadEvent
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LiquidFlowEvent
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CampfireSmeltEvent
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
getSource() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
getSourceContext() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
getSourceItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
getSourceItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
Returns the item that was present before the action took place.
getSourceReceiveCallback() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
getSouth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getSouth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getSpawn() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
getSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
getSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
getSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
getSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
getSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
getSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getSpawnBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getSpawnBlockPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBarrel
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBed
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnchantTable
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnderChest
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFlowerPot
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityGlowItemFrame
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNetherReactor
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnable
getSpawnCompound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityStructBlock
getSpawnLocation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getSpawnPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnable
getSpawnPacket(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnable
getSpawnPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getSpawnRadius() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getSpawnThreshold() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getSpawnTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getSpecificBlock(BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
getSpeed() - Method in class
getSpeed() - Method in class
getSpeed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomTool
getSpeedMultiplier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBlastFurnace
getSpeedMultiplier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getSpeedMultiplier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySmoker
getStability() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getStabilityCheck() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getStackTrace() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
getStandardBlocks() - Method in class
getStart() - Method in class
getStart() - Method in interface
getStart() - Method in class
getStart(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
getStartAction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getStartActionTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getStartAirTicks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getStarted() - Method in class
getStartingHandler() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
getStartSlot() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getStartTime() - Method in class
getState() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateException
getStateId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
Gets a unique persistence identification for this state based on the block properties.
getStates() - Method in class
getStateWithOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
getStateWithOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
getStateWithOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
getStateWithOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
getStateWithOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Oxidizable
getStatus() - Method in class
getStayTime() - Method in class
getStep() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
getStepHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getStepHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAnimal
getStepHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getSteps() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
getStepSliderResponse(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseCustom
getStoneBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
The block used as stone/below all other surface blocks
getStoneBrickType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
getStonecutterRecipeMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
getStoneType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getStopExpression() - Method in class
getStopExpressionVersion() - Method in class
getStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
getStorage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
getStorage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
getStorageOrEmpty(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
getStorageOrEmpty(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
getStorageOrEmpty(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
getStorageOrNull(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
getStorageOrNull(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
getStorageOrNull(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
getStoredEnergy() - Method in interface
getStoredEnergyType() - Method in interface
getStoredXP() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
getStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
getString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getString(int) - Method in class
getString(GameRule) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
getString(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getString(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getString(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get String value of config section element
getString(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getString(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get String value of config section element
getStringId() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition
getStringList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
getStringList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Get String List value of config section element
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeCrimson
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHyphaeWarped
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLog
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemCrimson
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStripped
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemWarped
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
getStrippedState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStripped
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrappedChest
getStrongPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
getStrongPower(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getStrongPower(Vector3, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getStructureBlockType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
getStructurePopulators() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
getStructureVillageWeightedPieceList(NukkitRandom, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces
getStuckToBlockPos() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getSubMotd() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getSubName() - Method in class
getSuccessCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getSuccessCount() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
getSuccessCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer
getSuperClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
getSupportEnchantments(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.EnchantmentItemSelector
getSurfaceBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.StoneBeachBiome
getSurfaceBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains.IcePlainsSpikesBiome
getSurfaceBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mushroom.MushroomIslandBiome
getSurfaceBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
Between cover and ground
getSurfaceBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.GrassyBiome
getSurfaceBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.SandyBiome
getSurfaceBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.WateryBiome
getSurfaceDepth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.StoneBeachBiome
getSurfaceDepth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
The amount of times the surface block should be used
getSurfaceDepth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.SandyBiome
getSurfaceDepth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.WateryBiome
getSurfaceDepth(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsMBiome
getSurfaceDepth(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
getSurfaceDepth(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
getSurfaceId(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
getSurfaceMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
The metadata of the surface block
getSurfaceState(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.ExtremeHillsMBiome
getSurfaceState(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
getSurfaceState(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
getSwimmingHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getSwimmingHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getSwimmingHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getTag2Items() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
getTagExpression() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
getTagName(byte) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
getTags() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
getTags() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LinkedCompoundTag
getTags(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
getTagSet(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
getTarget() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in interface
getTarget() - Method in class
getTarget() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityLevelChangeEvent
getTargetBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
getTargetBlock(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getTargetBlock(int, Integer[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getTargetBlock(int, Map<Integer, Object>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
getTargetEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
getTargetInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
getTargetItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
Returns the item that the action attempted to replace the source item with.
getTargetLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
getTargetPlayer() - Method in class
getTask() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
getTaskId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
getTaskId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.NukkitRunnable
Gets the task id for this runnable.
getTaskId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task
getTaskId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
getTaskName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
getTaskTiming(TaskHandler, long) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
getTeleportPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getTemperature() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable
getTemperature() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
getTemplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
getTerracottaData() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
getTerrainPopulators() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkPrePopulateEvent
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButton
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementLabel
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementToggle
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.TextContainer
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
getText(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
getText(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
getTexture() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
getTextureName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItem
getTextureName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustom
getTextureName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomArmor
getTextureName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomBookEnchanted
getTextureName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomEdible
getTextureName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomTool
getThickness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
getThreadLastChunk() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getThrower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getThrowForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEgg
getThrowForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderPearl
getThrowForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemExpBottle
getThrowForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionLingering
getThrowForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionSplash
getThrowForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSnowball
getThrowForce() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ProjectileItem
getThrownPotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionCollideEvent
getThunderStrength(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getThunderTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getThunderTime() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getThunderTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTick() - Method in class
getTick() - Method in class
getTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getTickCachedBlock(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedBlock(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedBlock(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedBlock(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedBlock(Vector3, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedBlock(Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedBlock(Vector3, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedBlocksAround() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getTickCachedCollisionBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getTickCachedCollisionBlocks(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedCollisionBlocks(AxisAlignedBB, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedCollisionBlocks(AxisAlignedBB, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedCollisionBlocks(AxisAlignedBB, boolean, boolean, Predicate<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickCachedLevelBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getTickCachedLevelBlockAtLayer(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getTickCachedSide(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getTickCachedSide(BlockFace, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getTickCachedSideAtLayer(int, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getTickCachedSideAtLayer(int, BlockFace, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getTickDelay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getTickDelay() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
getTickingArea(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
getTickingArea(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
getTickingAreaByChunk(String, TickingArea.ChunkPos) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
getTickingAreaByChunk(String, TickingArea.ChunkPos) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
getTickingAreaByPos(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
getTickingAreaByPos(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
getTickingAreaManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getTickRate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTickRateTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTicks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
getTicksLeftToStay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
getTicksPerSecond() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getTicksPerSecondAverage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getTickUsage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getTickUsageAverage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeDiamond
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeGold
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeIron
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeNetherite
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeStone
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeWood
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsChain
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsDiamond
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsGold
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsIron
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsLeather
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsNetherite
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateChain
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateDiamond
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateGold
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateIron
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateLeather
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateNetherite
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetChain
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetDiamond
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetGold
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetIron
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetLeather
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetNetherite
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeDiamond
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeGold
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeIron
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeNetherite
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeStone
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeWood
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsChain
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsDiamond
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsGold
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsIron
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsLeather
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsNetherite
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeDiamond
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeGold
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeIron
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeNetherite
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeStone
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeWood
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelDiamond
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelGold
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelIron
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelNetherite
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelStone
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelWood
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordDiamond
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordGold
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordIron
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordNetherite
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordStone
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordWood
getTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTurtleShell
getTile(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getTile(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getTilt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
getTime() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
getTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getTimeout() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getTimeout() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSSafeObject
getTimeSinceRest() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getTiming(String) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsManager
getTint(JsonObject) - Static method in class
getTintColors() - Method in class
getTippedArrowPotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArrow
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
getTitle() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
Returns the title of this book.
getTitle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
getTitleAction() - Method in class
getTo() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent
getTo() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LiquidFlowEvent
getTo() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityBlockChangeEvent
getTo() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
getTo() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
getTo() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
getTo() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
getToggleResponse(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.response.FormResponseCustom
getToken() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
getToken() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
Returns the token which causes the parse error and null otherwise.
getToken(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
getTokens(Node) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getTokenSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
getTokenSource() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getTokenSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
getTokenString(byte[], InetAddress) - Static method in class
getTokenString(String, InetAddress) - Static method in class
getTokenType() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystCluster
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricks
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksEndStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNether
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksQuartz
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksRedNether
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobblestone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateCobbled
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDiamond
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEmerald
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGold
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIron
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLapis
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMud
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOre
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreCoal
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreDiamond
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreEmerald
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGold
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreGoldNether
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRawGold
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPurpur
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStoneBrick
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutter
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTuff
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstone
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBrickDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslateCobbled
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallDeepslatePolished
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallTileDeepslate
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
getToolTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlackstoneGilded
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBookshelf
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricks
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksEndStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksNether
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksQuartz
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksRedNether
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButtonWooden
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockClay
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoal
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobblestone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCraftingTable
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslateCobbled
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDiamond
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWood
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBlackstonePolished
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBrickDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabDeepslatePolished
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabMangrove
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabTileDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDropper
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEmerald
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceNetherBrick
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFletchingTable
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGold
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGravel
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoneycombBlock
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIron
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLapis
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMud
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWartBlock
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianCrying
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOre
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreQuartz
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksCrimson
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksMangrove
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanksWarped
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateMangrove
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateWood
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculk
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShroomlight
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSoil
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesite
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsAndesitePolished
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBlackstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrick
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsBrickDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCobblestone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDarkPrismarine
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslateCobbled
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDeepslatePolished
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDiorite
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsDioritePolished
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsEndBrick
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranite
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsGranitePolished
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyCobblestone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsMossyStoneBrick
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsNetherBrick
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarine
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPrismarineBrick
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsPurpur
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsQuartz
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedNetherBrick
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsRedSandstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSandstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothQuartz
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothRedSandstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsSmoothSandstone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsStoneBrick
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsTileDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsWood
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutter
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracotta
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTilesDeepslate
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTuff
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBlackstonePolished
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWartBlock
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateHeavy
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWeightedPressurePlateLight
getToolType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
getTopWindow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getTorchAttachment() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
getTorchDirection() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
The direction that the flame is pointing.
getTotalPages() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
getTotalWeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.PoolBuilder
getTotalWeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.RollEntry
getTouchVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsDiamond
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsNetherite
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateDiamond
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateNetherite
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetDiamond
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetNetherite
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsDiamond
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsNetherite
getToughness() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTurtleShell
getTrackingHandle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompassLodestone
getTrackingHandler() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLodestone
getTrackingId() - Method in class
getTrackingPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompassLodestone
getTradeExp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getTradeTier() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getTradingTransaction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getTransaction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
getTransaction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CraftItemEvent
getTransaction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryTransactionEvent
getTransactionRecipe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
getTransformation() - Method in class
getTranslationDeathMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
getTreeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBirchTree
getTreeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectJungleTree
getTreeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectNetherTree
getTreeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectOakTree
getTreeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSpruceTree
getTreeHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
getTriad() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getTrident() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupTridentEvent
getTridentRope() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
getTrunkBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBirchTree
getTrunkBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectCrimsonTree
getTrunkBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectJungleTree
getTrunkBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectOakTree
getTrunkBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSpruceTree
getTrunkBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
getTrunkBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectWarpedTree
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang2
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang3
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomBrown
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroomRed
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDespawnEvent
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButtonImageData
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BigCraftingGrid
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BlastFurnaceRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CartographyRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeBlockUIComponent
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceRecipe
getType() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getType() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MultiRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerCursorInventory
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ComplexAliasDescriptor
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DefaultDescriptor
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
getType() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Recipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.InvalidDescriptor
getType() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptor
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.RepairRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmokerRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.EnchantingAction
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.GrindstoneItemAction
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.RepairItemAction
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SmithingItemAction
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TradeAction
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Value
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBirchTree
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectJungleTree
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectNetherTree
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectOakTree
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSpruceTree
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft.MineshaftStart
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCorridor
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCrossing
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.PopulatorNetherFortress.NetherFortressStart
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeCrossing
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeEndFiller
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeStraight
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorStairsPiece
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleEntrance
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorCrossingPiece
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorPiece
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleStalkRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.MonsterThrone
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.RoomCrossing
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StairsRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument.OceanMonumentStart
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.MonumentBuilding
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentCoreRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXYRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYZRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleZRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentEntryRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPenthouse
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleTopRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentWingRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold.StrongholdStart
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FillerCorridor
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FiveCrossing
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.LeftTurn
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Library
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PrisonHall
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RightTurn
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StairsDown
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Straight
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StraightStairsDown
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Turn
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.VillageStart
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.BookHouse
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.DoubleFarmland
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Farmland
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.LightPost
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PigHouse
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SimpleHouse
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallHut
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallTemple
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Smithy
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StartPiece
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.TwoRoomHouse
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Well
getType() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
Return the TokenType of this Token object
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern
getTypedBlockEntity(Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getTypedName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.PlayerTypingAnvilInventoryEvent
getTypeModifier() - Method in class
getTypeModifier() - Method in class
getTypeModifier() - Method in class
getTypeModifier() - Method in class
getTypeModifier() - Method in class
getTypeModifier() - Method in class
getTypeName() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
getTypes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorFlower
getUIInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getUIProfile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getUIProfile() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getUncheckedPropertyValue(BlockProperty<V>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getUncheckedPropertyValue(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
getUncheckedValue(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getUncheckedValue(long, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getUncheckedValue(BigInteger, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getUnclonedDirectionVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
getUnclonedItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getUnclonedItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
getUnclonedItem(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
getUnclonedItem(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getUncommonFlower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDandelion
getUncommonFlower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
getUniqueId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getUniqueId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getUniqueId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getUniqueId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
getUniqueId() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
getUniqueId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
getUnitCube() - Method in class
getUnitVector() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Get the unit vector of this BlockFace
getUniverse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
getUnknownBox() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
getUnlitState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
getUnlitState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslate
getUnlitState() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.IBlockOreRedstoneGlowing
getUnlockedRecipes() - Method in class
getUnpowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
getUnpowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparatorUnpowered
getUnpowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getUnpowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterPowered
getUnpowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeaterUnpowered
getUnsignedVarInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getUnsignedVarLong() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getUp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getUp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getUpdateBlockRegistration() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
getUpdateLCG() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getUpload() - Method in class
getUsage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
getUsageMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
getUsername() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getUsername() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getUsername() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getUuid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getUuid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.PlayerDataSerializeEvent
getUuid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
getUUID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getValidationException() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
The exception that was thrown when trying to validate the BlockStateRepair.getCurrentState() and resulted in this repair.
getValidBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
getValidLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachmentInfo
getValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
getValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
getValue(byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BytePalette
getValue(char) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.CharPalette
getValue(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorPerlinD
getValue(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorSimplexD
getValue(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorPerlinF
getValue(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorSimplexF
getValue(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.IntPalette
getValue(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getValue(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getValue(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getValue(long, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getValue(long, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getValue(long, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getValue(BigInteger, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getValue(BigInteger, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
getValueClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
getValueClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getValueClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getValueClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getValueClass() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
getValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
getValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
getValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
getValueForMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
getValues() - Method in class
getVariant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getVariant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
getVarInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getVarLong() - Method in class
getVarLong() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getVector() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityMotionEvent
getVector2f() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getVector3() - Method in class
getVector3f() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
getVehicle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityVehicleEnterEvent
getVehicle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityVehicleExitEvent
getVehicle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEvent
getVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
getVersion() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArray
getVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PaddedBitArray
getVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.Pow2BitArray
getVersion() - Method in class
getVersion() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Library
getVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns the version string of this plugin.
getVersion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getVibrationEvent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.VibrationEvent
getVibrationManager() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
getViewDistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getViewDistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
getViewers() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
getViewers() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
getViewers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
getViewers(DisplaySlot) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
getViewers(DisplaySlot) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
getViewingEnderChest() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getVillagerProfession(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.BookHouse
getVillagerProfession(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PigHouse
getVillagerProfession(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallTemple
getVillagerProfession(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Smithy
getVillagerProfession(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
getVineAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
The current age of this block.
getVineAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
getVineAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
getVisibleName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Similar to Entity.getName(), but if the name is blank or empty it returns the static name instead.
getVrGazeDirection() - Method in class
getVrGazeDirection() - Method in class
getWaitTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getWalkSpeed() - Method in class
getWalkThroughExtraCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getWalkThroughExtraCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
getWallConnections() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaSignPost
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchSignPost
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonSignPost
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakSignPost
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleSignPost
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveSignPost
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceSignPost
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
getWallId() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedSignPost
getWallType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
getWaterdogIP() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getWaterdogIP() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getWaterdogXUID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getWaterdogXUID() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getWaterHeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
getWaterLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPane
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMobSpawner
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutter
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
getWaterloggingLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrappedChest
getWeakPower(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
getWeaponEnchantments() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
getWebsite() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
Returns the website of this plugin.
getWeight() - Method in class
getWeight() - Method in interface
getWeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
getWeight() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment.Rarity
getWeight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry
getWest() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getWest() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getWhitelist() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFirework
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityBlaze
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCaveSpider
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityElderGuardian
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderman
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEndermite
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEvoker
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGhast
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGuardian
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHoglin
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityIronGolem
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMagmaCube
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglin
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglinBrute
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPillager
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityRavager
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityShulker
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySilverfish
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySlime
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySnowGolem
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySpider
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVex
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVindicator
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitch
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZoglin
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombiePigman
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillagerV1
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAllay
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAxolotl
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBat
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCamel
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCod
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDolphin
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDonkey
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFox
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFrog
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGlowSquid
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGoat
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityHorse
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityLlama
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMule
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityOcelot
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPanda
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityParrot
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPolarBear
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPufferfish
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityRabbit
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySalmon
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySkeletonHorse
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySquid
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityStrider
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTadpole
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWanderingTrader
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityZombieHorse
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.SlenderProjectile
getWidth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
getWindow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent
getWindow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
getWindowById(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getWindowCnt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getWindowId(Inventory) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
getWindowIndex() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getWindows() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceBase
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLogStrippedMangrove
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedAcacia
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedBirch
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedDarkOak
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedJungle
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedMangrove
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedOak
getWoodType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedSpruce
getWoolData() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
getWords() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArray
getWords() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PaddedBitArray
getWords() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.Pow2BitArray
getWordsForSize(int) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
getWorkerReceiveCallback() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
getWorkSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
getWorkSoundPitch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
getWorld() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
getWorld() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
getWorld() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
getWorldHandle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
getWorldX(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
getWorldY(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
getWorldZ(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
getX() - Method in class
getX() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
getX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
getX() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
getX() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
getX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
getX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
getX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
getX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getX() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getXOffset() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Returns an offset that addresses the block in front of this BlockFace
getXp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
getXpCost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
getXSpan() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
getXuid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
getXuid() - Method in class
getXUID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
Returns the author's XUID of this book.
getXUID() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
getXUID() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
getY() - Method in class
getY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
getY() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
getY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
getY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
getY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
getY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getY() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getYaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
getYaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
getYaw() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
Gets the Entity yaw that represents this direction.
getYaw() - Method in class
getYaw() - Method in class
getYawFromVector(Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
getYield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
getYield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
getYOffset() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Returns an offset that addresses the block in front of this BlockFace
getYSpan() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
getZ() - Method in class
getZ() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
getZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
getZ() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
getZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
getZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
getZ() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
getZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
getZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
getZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
getZ() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
getZOffset() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Returns an offset that addresses the block in front of this BlockFace
getZSpan() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
GHAST_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GHAST_TEAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GHAST_TEAR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GILDED_BLACKSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GILDED_BLACKSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GIT_COMMIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
GIT_INFO - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
GiveCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
GiveCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.GiveCommand
giveItem(Item...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
GLASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GLASS_BOTTLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLASS_BOTTLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GLASS_PANE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLASS_PANE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GLASS_PANEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GlassBottleDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
GlassBottleDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.GlassBottleDispenseBehavior
GLISTERING_MELON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GLISTERING_MELON_SLICE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOBAL - Enum constant in enum class
GlobalBlockPalette - Class in cn.nukkit.level
GlobalBlockPalette() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.GlobalBlockPalette
globalCycleTickSpread - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
globalMaxId - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
GLOBE_BANNER_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOCKENSPIEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
GLOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
glow_berries - Static variable in class
GLOW_BERRIES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOW_BERRIES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GLOW_FRAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOW_FRAME - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GLOW_FRAME_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOW_INK_SAC - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOW_ITEM_FRAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
GLOW_ITEM_FRAME - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GLOW_LICHEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOW_LICHEN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GLOW_SQUID_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOW_STICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOWING_OBSIDIAN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GLOWING_REDSTONE_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GLOWINGOBSIDIAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOWSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOWSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GLOWSTONE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GLOWSTONE_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GLOWSTONE_DUST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOAT_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents gold.
GOLD_AXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLD_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GOLD_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
GOLD_BOOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_CHESTPLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_HELMET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_HOE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_HORSE_ARMOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_INGOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLD_INGOT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_LEGGINGS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_NUGGET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLD_NUGGET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLD_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GOLD_PICKAXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_SHOVEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLD_SWORD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_APPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_APPLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_APPLE_ENCHANTED - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_AXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_AXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_BOOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_CARROT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_CARROT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_HELMET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_HOE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_HOE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_HORSE_ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_NUGGET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_PICKAXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_PICKAXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_RAIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_SHOVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_SHOVEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_SWORD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GOLDEN_SWORD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
GOLDEN_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
grad(int, double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
grad(int, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorImprovedD
grad(int, float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
grad(int, float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorImprovedF
grad2(int, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorImprovedD
grad2(int, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorImprovedF
grad3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
grad3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
GRAHAM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
GRANITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
GRANITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
GRANITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
GRANITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
GRANITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
GRANITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
GRANITE_SMOOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
GRANITE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GRANITE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType
GRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GRASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GRASS_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
GRASS_PATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GRASS_PATH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GrassyBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.type
GrassyBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.GrassyBiome
GRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GRAVEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
gravity - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
GRAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
GRAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
GRAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents gray.
GRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
GRAY_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
GRAY_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GRAY_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GRAY_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GRAY_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GRAY_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GRAY_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
GRAY_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BossBarColor
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents green.
GREEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
GREEN_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
GREEN_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GREEN_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GREEN_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GREEN_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GREEN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GREEN_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GREEN_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
GREEN_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GRIDROOM_LEFTWING_CONNECT_INDEX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
GRIDROOM_RIGHTWING_CONNECT_INDEX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
GRIDROOM_SOURCE_INDEX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
GRIDROOM_TOP_CONNECT_INDEX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
gridSize - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
GRINDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
GRINDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GRINDSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
GRINDSTONE_EQUIPMENT_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
GRINDSTONE_INGREDIENT_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
GRINDSTONE_WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
GrindstoneEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
GrindstoneEvent(GrindstoneInventory, Item, Item, Item, int, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.GrindstoneEvent
GrindstoneInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
GrindstoneInventory(PlayerUIInventory, Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
GrindstoneItemAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
GrindstoneItemAction(Item, Item, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.GrindstoneItemAction
grindstoneTransaction - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
GrindstoneTransaction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction
GrindstoneTransaction(Player, List<InventoryAction>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.GrindstoneTransaction
GROUND_SIGN_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
grow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
grow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
grow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
grow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
grow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
grow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
grow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Grow a single vine if possible.
grow(byte[], int) - Static method in class
grow(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
grow(double, double, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
grow(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
grow(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray4096
grow(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
grow(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
grow(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungus
grow(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusCrimson
grow(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungusWarped
growFruit() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
growGrass(ChunkManager, Vector3, NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ObjectTallGrass
growGrass(ChunkManager, Vector3, NukkitRandom, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ObjectTallGrass
growImmediately(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, Vector3, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectChorusTree
growLeavesLayer(ChunkManager, Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.HugeTreesGenerator
growLeavesLayerStrict(ChunkManager, Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.HugeTreesGenerator
growMultiple() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Grow a random amount of vines.
growSlow(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
growSlow(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray4096
GROWTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
growToSide(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
growTree(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
growTree(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
growTree(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom, WoodType, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
growVegetation(ChunkManager, Vector3, NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ObjectNyliumVegetation
growWool() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
gson - Static variable in class
GSON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
GSON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
GUARDIAN_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
GUARDIAN_ATTACK_ANIMATION - Static variable in class
GUARDIAN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GUARDIAN_WATER_MOVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
GUI_DATA_PICK_ITEM_PACKET - Static variable in interface
GUIDataPickItemPacket - Class in
GUIDataPickItemPacket() - Constructor for class
GUITAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
GUNPOWDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
GUNPOWDER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID


hadCollision - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
handEquipped(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
handle(PlayerHandle, ClientToServerHandshakePacket) - Method in class
handle(PlayerHandle, InventoryTransactionPacket) - Method in class
handle(PlayerHandle, LoginPacket) - Method in class
handle(PlayerHandle, RequestNetworkSettingsPacket) - Method in class
handle(PlayerHandle, T) - Method in class
handle(Player, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.form.handler.FormResponseHandler
handle(Player, FormResponseDialog) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.dialog.handler.FormDialogHandler
handle(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport.ExceptionHandler
handle(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuf) - Method in class
HANDLE_TELEPORT - Enum constant in enum class
handleAsyncChunkPopTask(AsyncTask) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
handleAsyncStructureGenTask(AsyncTask) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
handleCollideMovement(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
HANDLED_TELEPORT - Enum constant in enum class
handleDataPacket(DataPacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
handleFloatingMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
handleGravity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
handleGroundFrictionMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
handleLavaMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
handleLiquidMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
handleLogicInMove(boolean, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
handleMovement(Location) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
handlePacket(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuf) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
handlePassableBlockFrictionMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
HandlerList - Class in cn.nukkit.event
HandlerList() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
handlers - Variable in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
handlers - Variable in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
handleUnsupportedStorageType(int, Number, RuntimeException) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
HANDSHAKE - Static variable in class
HANG_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
HANG1_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
HANG2_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang2
HANG3_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang3
HANGING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AttachmentType
HANGING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
HANGING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
HANGING_ACTOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
HANGING_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HANGING_ROOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
HappyVillagerParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
HappyVillagerParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.HappyVillagerParticle
HARD_GLASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HARD_GLASS_PANE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HARD_STAINED_GLASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HARD_STAINED_GLASS_PANE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HARDENED_CLAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HARDENED_CLAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
hardness - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
HARMING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
HARMING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
HARMING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
HARMING_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
HARMING_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
has(Property<T>) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
HAS_EYE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.EndPortalEyeBit
HAS_MAP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
HAS_PHOTO - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
HAS_POTION_A - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
HAS_POTION_B - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
HAS_POTION_C - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
HAS_SEMANTIC_CONSTRAINT - Enum constant in enum class
hasAchievement(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
hasAchievementsDisabled - Variable in class
hasAchievementsDisabled - Variable in class
hasAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
hasAutoJump() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
hasBarrier(Node, Node) - Method in class
hasBarrier(Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class
hasBarrier(Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class
hasBlockDataBig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
hasBlockDataExtras() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
hasBlockDataHuge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
hasBlockIdExtras() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
hasBlockIds() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
hasBlockInside() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Gets if the minecart contains block
hasBlockLight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
hasBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
hasBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
hasBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
hasBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
hasBlocks() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
hasBook() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
hasChanged() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
hasChanged() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
hasChanneling() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
hasChildNodes() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Returns whether this node has any children.
hasCollision(Entity, AxisAlignedBB, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
hasCollisionBlocks(Level, AxisAlignedBB) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
hasCollisionTickCachedBlocks(Level, AxisAlignedBB) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
hasCompoundTag() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
hasConfirmedPlatformLockedContent - Variable in class
hasConfirmedPlatformLockedContent - Variable in class
hasConnectingDirections(BlockFace...) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
hasConnectingDirections(Collection<BlockFace>) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
hasConnections() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
hasControllingPassenger() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
hasCurrentNode() - Method in class
hasCurrentNode() - Method in interface
hasCurrentNode() - Method in class
hasCustomBlockData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
hasCustomEnchantment(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
hasCustomName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
hasCustomName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
hasDamage() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry
Returns the value of the hasDamage record component.
hasDamage() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.RuntimeEntry
Returns the value of the hasDamage record component.
hasDamage() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
hasData(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems
hasEduFeaturesEnabled - Variable in class
hasEduFeaturesEnabled - Variable in class
hasEffect(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
hasEnchantment(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
hasEnchantments() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
hasEntityCollision() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
hasExecuted - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
hasExecuted() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
hasExpired() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
hasFallingDamage() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityFlyable
hasFeature(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
hasFeatureByModule(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
hasFlag(int) - Method in class
hasFlicker() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
hasFlower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
hash() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
Returns the value of the hash record component.
Hash - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Hash() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Hash
hashBlock(int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Hash
hashBlock(Vector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Hash
hashBlockX(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Hash
hashBlockY(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Hash
hashBlockZ(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Hash
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry.MappingEntry
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores.ScoreCondition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ComplexAliasDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DefaultDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.RuntimeEntry
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems.MappingEntry
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ChunkPosition
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.BlockEntry
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBiomeDelegate
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntityType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemDelegate
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemMeta
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoChunk
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea.ChunkPos
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationEvent
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.NumberTag
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperField
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.RegisteredServiceProvider
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.AbstractResourcePack
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.EntityScorer
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.FakeScorer
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap.WeakKey
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
hashCode() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.utils.InvalidBlockDamageException
hashCode() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPieceTint
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
hashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
hashCode() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.Timing
hasLineOfSight(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
hasLockedBehaviorPack - Variable in class
hasLockedBehaviorPack - Variable in class
hasLockedResourcePack - Variable in class
hasLockedResourcePack - Variable in class
hasMember(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalObject
hasMember(String) - Method in class
hasMember(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSProxyLogger
hasMeta - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
hasMeta - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
hasMeta() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
hasMetadata(Object, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.BlockMetadataStore
hasMetadata(Object, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataStore
hasMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
hasMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
hasMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
hasMetadata(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.metadata.Metadatable
hasMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
hasMetadata(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
hasMoveDirection() - Method in interface
hasName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBarrel
hasName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
hasName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
hasName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
hasName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
hasName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnchantTable
hasName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
hasName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
hasName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNameable
Whether this object has a name.
hasName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
hasName() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
hasNewUnCalMoveTarget(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
hasNext() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
hasNext() - Method in class
hasNext() - Method in interface
hasNext() - Method in class
hasNext() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockIterator
hasNext() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.TickCachedBlockIterator
hasOwner() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityTamable
hasOwner(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityTamable
hasParamTree() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
hasPattern() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
hasPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
hasPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
hasPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
hasPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
hasPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
hasPermission(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
hasPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
hasPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
hasPlayedBefore() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Returns if this player has played in this server before.
hasPlayedBefore() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
hasPlayedBefore() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
hasPosition(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
hasPosition(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
hasPosition(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
hasPosition(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
hasPotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
hasResourcePack(File) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
hasResult() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
hasResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
hasResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.VoidNode
hasResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
hasResult(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
hasRule(GameRule) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
hasSeenCredits() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
hasSkyLight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
hasSpawned - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
hasStartWithMapEnabled - Variable in class
hasStartWithMapEnabled - Variable in class
HASTE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
HastebinUtility - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
HastebinUtility() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.HastebinUtility
hasTrackingDevice(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
hasTrail() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
hasTwoChildren() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
hasWaterAt(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
hasWaterAt(float, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
hasWhitelist() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
hatch() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
hatch(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
hatch(int, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
HATCH_FROG_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HAY_BALE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
HAY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
HEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
HEAD_PIECE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
headRot - Variable in class
headYaw - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
headYaw - Variable in class
headYaw - Variable in class
headYaw - Variable in class
headYaw - Variable in class
headYawDelta - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
heal(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
heal(EntityRegainHealthEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
HEALING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
health - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
health - Variable in class
HEALTH_BOOST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
healthPercent - Variable in class
HEART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
HEART_OF_THE_SEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HEART_OF_THE_SEA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
HeartParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
HeartParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.HeartParticle
HeartParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.HeartParticle
HEAT_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HEAVY_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
height - Variable in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
height - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.MobSpawnParticle
height - Variable in class
height - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
heightMap - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
HEIROGLYPHS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandStoneType
HELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
HellBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl
HellBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.HellBiome
HELMET - Enum constant in enum class
HelpCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
HelpCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.HelpCommand
hexStringToBytes(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
hiddenPlayers - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
hide(DisplaySlot) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
hide(DisplaySlot) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.displayer.IScoreboardViewer
hideDisconnectionScreen - Variable in class
hidePlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
HIGH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority
Event call is of high importance
HIGHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServicePriority
HIGHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority
Event call is critical and must have the final say in what happens to the event
HIGHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServicePriority
highestPosition - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
HIT_AMETHYST_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_AMETHYST_CLUSTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_ANCIENT_DEBRIS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_ANVIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_AZALEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_AZALEA_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_BONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_CALCITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_CAVE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_CLOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_CORAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_GRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_GRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_GROUND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
HIT_HANGING_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_HONEY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_LADDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_MOSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_NETHER_GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_NETHER_SPROUTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_NETHER_WART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_NETHER_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_NETHERITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_NETHERRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_NYLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_POWDER_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SCULK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SCULK_CATALYST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SCULK_SHRIEKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SHROOMLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SLIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SOUL_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SOUL_SOIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_SPORE_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_TUFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HIT_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
hitEOF() - Method in exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
hitVector - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
HOGLIN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
holder - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
holder - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
holder - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
holder - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
honey - Static variable in class
HONEY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HONEY_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
honey_bottle - Static variable in class
HONEY_BOTTLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HONEY_BOTTLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
HONEY_DRIP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
HONEY_LEVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
honeyCollected(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
honeyCollected(Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
HONEYCOMB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HONEYCOMB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
HONEYCOMB_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HONEYCOMB_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
HOPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
HOPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HOPPER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
HOPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
HOPPER_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
HOPPER_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HOPPER_MINECART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HOPPER_MINECART - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
HopperInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
HopperInventory(BlockEntityHopper) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.HopperInventory
HopperSearchItemEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
HopperSearchItemEvent(BlockHopper.IHopper, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.HopperSearchItemEvent
HORIZONTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Plane
horizPos - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
HORN_CALL_0 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HORN_CALL_1 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HORN_CALL_2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HORN_CALL_3 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HORN_CALL_4 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HORN_CALL_5 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HORN_CALL_6 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HORN_CALL_7 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
HORSE_ARMOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
HORSE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HOST - Enum constant in enum class
HOST_PERMISSIONS - Enum constant in enum class
HOT_FLOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused when an entity steps on a hot block, like BlockID.MAGMA
HOTBAR - Static variable in interface
hotbarSlot - Variable in class
hotbarSlot - Variable in class
hotbarSlot - Variable in class
hotbarSlot - Variable in class
hotbarSlot - Variable in class
HOUSTONIA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
hu_HU - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
HUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
HUGE_EXPLOSION_LAB_MISC - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
HUGE_EXPLOSION_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
HUGE_MUSHROOM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
HugeExplodeParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
HugeExplodeParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.HugeExplodeParticle
HugeExplodeSeedParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
HugeExplodeSeedParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.HugeExplodeSeedParticle
HugeTreesGenerator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
HugeTreesGenerator(int, int, Block, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.HugeTreesGenerator
HUMAN_INTERACTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent.RingCause
HumanStringComparator - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
HumanStringComparator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.HumanStringComparator
HUNGER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by hunger
HUNGER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
HURT_ANIMATION - Static variable in class
HURT_ARMOR_PACKET - Static variable in interface
HurtArmorPacket - Class in
HurtArmorPacket() - Constructor for class
HUSK_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
HYPERVISORPRESENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.StatusCommand.ComputerSystemEntry


I - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
IBehavior - Interface in
IBehaviorEvaluator - Interface in
IBehaviorExecutor - Interface in
IBehaviorGroup - Interface in
它由若干个(核心)行为IBehavior、控制器IController、传感器ISensor以及一个寻路器IRouteFinder和记忆存储器IMemoryStorage组成br> 注:核心行为指的是不会被行为优先级影响的行为,其激活状态只取决于其自身的评估器br>
IBlockOreRedstoneGlowing - Interface in cn.nukkit.block
IBlockState - Interface in cn.nukkit.blockstate
ICE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ICE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ICE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
ICE_BOMB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ICE_BOMB - Enum constant in enum class
ICE_EVAPORATION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
ICE_FROSTED - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ICE_PLAINS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
ICE_PLAINS_SPIKES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
IcePlainsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains
IcePlainsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains.IcePlainsBiome
IcePlainsSpikesBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains
IcePlainsSpikesBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains.IcePlainsSpikesBiome
ICommandBlock - Interface in cn.nukkit.blockentity
ICommandBlock.CommandBlockTrigger - Class in cn.nukkit.blockentity
icon - Variable in class
IController - Interface in
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The internal ID which this enchantment got registered.
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
id - Variable in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.GenericParticle
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.AbstractResourcePack
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
id - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
id() - Method in enum class
ID_BINDING_CURSE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_BOW_FLAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_BOW_INFINITY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_BOW_KNOCKBACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_BOW_POWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_CROSSBOW_MULTISHOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_CROSSBOW_PIERCING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_CROSSBOW_QUICK_CHARGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_DAMAGE_ALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_DAMAGE_SMITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_DURABILITY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_EFFICIENCY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_FIRE_ASPECT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_FORTUNE_DIGGING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_FORTUNE_FISHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_FROST_WALKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
id_ID - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
ID_KNOCKBACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_LOOTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_LURE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_MENDING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_PROTECTION_ALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_PROTECTION_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_PROTECTION_FALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_PROTECTION_FIRE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_PROTECTION_PROJECTILE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_SILK_TOUCH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_SOUL_SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_SWIFT_SNEAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_THORNS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_TO_CUSTOM_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
ID_TRIDENT_CHANNELING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_TRIDENT_IMPALING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_TRIDENT_LOYALTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_VANISHING_CURSE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_WATER_BREATHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_WATER_WALKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
ID_WATER_WORKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
idArray - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
identifier - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
identifier - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
identifier - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
identifier - Variable in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
identifier - Variable in class
identifier() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
Returns the value of the identifier record component.
identifier() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
Returns the value of the identifier record component.
identifier() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.RuntimeEntry
Returns the value of the identifier record component.
identifier() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntityType
Returns the value of the identifier record component.
identifier() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the identifier record component.
identifier(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition.Builder
Identifier - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Identifier(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
Identifier(String[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
Identifier(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
IDENTIFIER_2_IDS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIds
IdMapper<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
IdMapper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.IdMapper
IdMapper(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.IdMapper
ifPresent(BooleanConsumer) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
IGLOO - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
IGLOO_WITH_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
IglooChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.loot
ignitions - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
ignitions - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
ignoreCancelled() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.event.EventHandler
Define if the handler ignores a cancelled event.
IHuman - Interface in cn.nukkit.entity
image - Variable in class
image - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_PATH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButtonImageData
IMAGE_DATA_TYPE_URL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButtonImageData
IMemoryCodec<Data> - Interface in
IMemoryStorage - Interface in
immediate - Variable in class
immediate - Variable in class
ImmutableBlockStorage - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util
ImmutableCollection - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
ImmutableCollection is used to mark a collection as immutable.
immutableCopy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
immutableCopy() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.ImmutableBlockStorage
immutableWorld - Variable in class
IMutableBlockState - Interface in cn.nukkit.blockstate
in - Variable in class
in_length - Variable in class
IN_LOVE_HEARTS - Static variable in class
IN_WALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
inaccurate(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
inAirTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
inBlock - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
increaseAsyncTaskPoolSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
increaseRootAge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Attempts to increase the age of the base of the nether vine.
increaseStrength() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
increment(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
incrementLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
incrementSuccessCount() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer
INCUBATING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Usage
Intended for features in drafts.
index - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
indexOf(Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
indexOf(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
individualCaveRarity - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
inEndPortal - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
INFECTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a zombie infects a villager
INFESTED_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
INFESTED_DEEPSLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
INFINIBURN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
inflate(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Zlib
inflate(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.LibDeflateThreadLocal
inflate(byte[], int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Zlib
inflate(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibOriginal
inflate(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibSingleThreadLowMem
inflate(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibThreadLocal
inflate0(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.LibDeflateThreadLocal
inflateRaw(byte[]) - Static method in class
info() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitDifference
info() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXDifference
info(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
info(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
info(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
info(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
info(String, Throwable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
info(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
INFO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
INFO_UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
INFO_UPDATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
INFO_UPDATE2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
INFO_UPDATE2 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
infos - Variable in class
ingredients - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
inhabitedTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DispenseBehaviorRegister
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces
init() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSJob
init() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
init() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
init() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.IterableThreadLocal
init() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
Initialize the static fields.
init(ParamList, String, boolean, CommandParamType, CommandEnum, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.EnumNode
init(ParamList, String, boolean, CommandParamType, CommandEnum, String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
这个方法用于初始化ParamList和一些能从CommandParameter得到的参数,例如optional enumData等,插件不需要调用
init(ParamList, String, boolean, CommandParamType, CommandEnum, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
init(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
init(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
init(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
init(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
init(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
init(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
init(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
init(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
init(Player, List<InventoryAction>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
init(JSPluginLoader, File, PluginDescription) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
init(PluginLoader, Server, PluginDescription, File, File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
Initialize the plugin.
init(Data, EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
init(Data, EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
init(Context) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDaylightDetector
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
initBlockEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnable
initChunk() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
initChunk() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
initCustomBlock() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHanging
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotionLingering
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityBlaze
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCaveSpider
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityElderGuardian
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderman
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEndermite
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEvoker
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGhast
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGuardian
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHoglin
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityIronGolem
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMagmaCube
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglin
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglinBrute
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPillager
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityRavager
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityShulker
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySilverfish
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySlime
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySnowGolem
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySpider
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVex
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVindicator
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitch
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZoglin
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombiePigman
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillagerV1
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAllay
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAnimal
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAxolotl
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBat
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCamel
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCod
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDolphin
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDonkey
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFox
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFrog
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGlowSquid
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGoat
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityHorse
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityLlama
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMule
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityOcelot
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPanda
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityParrot
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPolarBear
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPufferfish
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityRabbit
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySalmon
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySkeletonHorse
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySquid
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityStrider
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTadpole
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWanderingTrader
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityZombieHorse
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
initEntity() - Method in class
initEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
initHumanEntity(Entity) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
INITIALIZED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.NetherReactorState
initialRadius - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
initialValue() - Method in class
initialValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.IterableThreadLocal
INITIATE_WEB_SOCKET_CONNECTION_PACKET - Static variable in interface
InitiateWebSocketConnectionPacket - Class in
InitiateWebSocketConnectionPacket() - Constructor for class
initiator() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationEvent
Returns the value of the initiator record component.
initInternalFeatures() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
initLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
initLevel(DimensionData) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
initLevels() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
initMotion(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ProjectileDispenseBehavior
initPeriodTimer() - Method in class
initTimer(Context) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator
injectIntoContext(Context) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeature
INK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
INK_SAC - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
InkParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
InkParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.InkParticle
InkParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.InkParticle
INLINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet.Cleaner
InLoveExecutor - Class in
InLoveExecutor(int) - Constructor for class
innerBiome() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBiomeDelegate
Returns the value of the innerBiome record component.
innerBlockState() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
Returns the value of the innerBlockState record component.
innerBlockState() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockType
Returns the value of the innerBlockState record component.
innerEnchantment() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
Returns the value of the innerEnchantment record component.
innerItem() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemDelegate
Returns the value of the innerItem record component.
innerItem() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemMeta
Returns the value of the innerItem record component.
innerItem() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
Returns the value of the innerItem record component.
inPortalTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
input - Variable in class
input - Variable in class
inputInto(EnergyType, double) - Method in interface
InputMode - Enum Class in
inputs - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
insertPage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
Inserts a new page with the given text and moves other pages upwards.
insertPage(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
Inserts a new page with the given text and moves other pages upwards.
INSPECT - Enum constant in enum class
JSON Data:
INSPECT_DATA - Enum constant in enum class
JSON Data:
INSPECT_ITEM_COUNT - Enum constant in enum class
JSON Data:
INSPECT_ITEM_DETAIL - Enum constant in enum class
Note: If the enchantment level is above 10, the i18n string should not be used.
INSPECT_ITEM_SPACE - Enum constant in enum class
JSON Data:
instaBreak - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
INSTABUILD - Enum constant in enum class
INSTANCE - Static variable in class
INSTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.InvalidDescriptor
INSTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.BiomeLegacyId2StringIdMap
INSTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.InternalPlugin
INSTANT_DAMAGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
INSTANT_HEALTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
INSTANT_HEALTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
INSTANT_HEALTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
INSTANT_HEALTH_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
INSTANT_HEALTH_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
InstantEffect - Class in cn.nukkit.potion
InstantEffect(int, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.potion.InstantEffect
InstantEffect(int, String, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.potion.InstantEffect
InstantEnchantParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
InstantEnchantParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.InstantEnchantParticle
INSTANTIATION - Enum constant in enum class
InstantSpellParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
InstantSpellParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.InstantSpellParticle
InstantSpellParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.InstantSpellParticle
InstantSpellParticle(Vector3, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.InstantSpellParticle
InstantSpellParticle(Vector3, BlockColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.InstantSpellParticle
insteadOf() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitDifference
insteadOf() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXDifference
INSTRUMENT_PLAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
INT - Enum constant in enum class
int1 - Variable in class
int2 - Variable in class
IntArrayNBT - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
IntArrayNBT() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.IntArrayNBT
IntArrayNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
IntArrayTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
IntArrayTag(int[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
IntArrayTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
IntArrayTag(String, int[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
IntBlockProperty - Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty
IntBlockProperty(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
IntBlockProperty(String, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
IntBlockProperty(String, boolean, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
IntBlockProperty(String, boolean, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
intCache256 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Type
INTEGER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
intensity - Variable in class
IntEntityData - Class in
IntEntityData(int, int) - Constructor for class
INTERACT - Enum constant in enum class
INTERACT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
INTERACT_WITH_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
InteractPacket - Class in
InteractPacket() - Constructor for class
interfaz - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
internal - Variable in class
INTERNAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Definition
Intended for features should only be used by Nukkit itself.
internalGet(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
InternalPlugin - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
interrupt - Variable in class
interruptAllRunningBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
InterruptibleThread - Interface in cn.nukkit
An interface to describe a thread that can be interrupted.
intersects(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
intersects(BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
intersectsWith(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
Whether this box intersects the given vertically-infinite box.
intersectsWith(StructureBoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
Whether this box intersects the given box.
intersectsWith(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
IntIncrementSupplier - Class in cn.nukkit.math
IntIncrementSupplier(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.IntIncrementSupplier
IntMutableBlockState - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
IntMutableBlockState(int, BlockProperties) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
IntMutableBlockState(int, BlockProperties, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
IntNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
IntNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IntNode
IntPalette - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette
IntPalette() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.IntPalette
IntPositionEntityData - Class in
IntPositionEntityData(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
IntPositionEntityData(int, Vector3) - Constructor for class
IntPositionNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
IntPositionNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IntPositionNode
intProperties() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the intProperties record component.
IntTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
IntTag(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
IntTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
IntTag(String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptorType
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class
INVALID - Enum constant in enum class
INVALID_PVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
INVALID_PVP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
invalidate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue
invalidate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue
invalidate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValue
invalidateAll(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataStore
invalidateHandler(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
invalidateHandler(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
InvalidBlockDamageException - Exception in cn.nukkit.utils
InvalidBlockDamageException(int, int, int) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.InvalidBlockDamageException
InvalidBlockPropertyException - Exception in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception
InvalidBlockPropertyException(BlockProperty<?>) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyException
InvalidBlockPropertyException(BlockProperty<?>, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyException
InvalidBlockPropertyException(BlockProperty<?>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyException
InvalidBlockPropertyException(BlockProperty<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyException
InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException - Exception in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception
InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException(BlockProperty<?>, Number, Number) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException
InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException(BlockProperty<?>, Number, Number, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException
InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException(BlockProperty<?>, Number, Number, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException
InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException(BlockProperty<?>, Number, Number, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyMetaException
InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException - Exception in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception
InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException(BlockProperty<?>, String, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException
InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException(BlockProperty<?>, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException
InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException(BlockProperty<?>, String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException
InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException(BlockProperty<?>, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyPersistenceValueException
InvalidBlockPropertyValueException - Exception in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception
InvalidBlockPropertyValueException(BlockProperty<?>, Serializable, Serializable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyValueException
InvalidBlockPropertyValueException(BlockProperty<?>, Serializable, Serializable, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyValueException
InvalidBlockPropertyValueException(BlockProperty<?>, Serializable, Serializable, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyValueException
InvalidBlockPropertyValueException(BlockProperty<?>, Serializable, Serializable, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.exception.InvalidBlockPropertyValueException
InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException - Exception in cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception
InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException(Number) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException
InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException(Number, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateDataTypeException
InvalidBlockStateException - Exception in cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception
InvalidBlockStateException(BlockState) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateException
InvalidBlockStateException(BlockState, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateException
InvalidBlockStateException(BlockState, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateException
InvalidBlockStateException(BlockState, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockstate.exception.InvalidBlockStateException
invalidCustomBlockWhenLoad - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
InvalidDescriptor - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
InvalidIdentifierException - Exception in cn.nukkit.utils
InvalidIdentifierException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.InvalidIdentifierException
InvalidIdentifierException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.InvalidIdentifierException
InvalidToken - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
Token subclass to represent lexically invalid input
InvalidToken(SNBTLexer, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.InvalidToken
inventories - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent
inventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
Inventory - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory
INVENTORY - Static variable in interface
INVENTORY_CONTENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
INVENTORY_SLOT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
INVENTORY_TRANSACTION_PACKET - Static variable in interface
InventoryAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
InventoryAction(Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
InventoryClickEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryClickEvent(Player, Inventory, int, Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent
InventoryCloseEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryCloseEvent(Inventory, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent
InventoryContentPacket - Class in
InventoryContentPacket() - Constructor for class
InventoryEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryEvent(Inventory) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryEvent
InventoryHolder - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory
inventoryId - Variable in class
inventoryId - Variable in class
InventoryListener - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory
InventoryMoveItemEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryMoveItemEvent(Inventory, Inventory, InventoryHolder, Item, InventoryMoveItemEvent.Action) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
InventoryMoveItemEvent.Action - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryOpenEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryOpenEvent(Inventory, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryOpenEvent
InventoryPickupArrowEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryPickupArrowEvent(Inventory, EntityArrow) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupArrowEvent
InventoryPickupItemEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryPickupItemEvent(Inventory, EntityItem) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupItemEvent
InventoryPickupTridentEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryPickupTridentEvent(Inventory, EntityThrownTrident) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryPickupTridentEvent
InventorySlice - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
InventorySlice(Inventory, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
inventorySlot - Variable in class
inventorySlot - Variable in class
inventorySlot - Variable in class
InventorySlotPacket - Class in
InventorySlotPacket() - Constructor for class
InventorySource - Class in
InventorySource.Flag - Enum Class in
InventorySource.Type - Enum Class in
InventoryTransaction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction
InventoryTransaction(Player, List<InventoryAction>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
InventoryTransaction(Player, List<InventoryAction>, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
InventoryTransactionEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
InventoryTransactionEvent(InventoryTransaction) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryTransactionEvent
InventoryTransactionPacket - Class in
InventoryTransactionPacket() - Constructor for class
InventoryTransactionProcessor - Class in
InventoryTransactionProcessor() - Constructor for class
InventoryType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
INVISIBILITY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
invisible - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
invisible - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
INVISIBLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
INVISIBLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
INVISIBLE_BEDROCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
INVISIBLE_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
INVISIBLE_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
INVISIBLEBEDROCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
invulnerable - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
INVULNERABLE - Enum constant in enum class
IP_BANNED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
IParamNode<T> - Interface in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
IPlayer - Interface in cn.nukkit
An interface to describe a player and get its information.
IPlayersNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
IPlayersNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IPlayersNode
IPosEvaluator - Interface in
IPStringNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
IPStringNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IPStringNode
IRON_AXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_AXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_BAR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
IRON_BARS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_BARS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
IRON_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
IRON_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
IRON_BOOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_BOOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_CHESTPLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
IRON_DOOR_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_GOLEM_OFFER_FLOWER - Static variable in class
IRON_GOLEM_WITHDRAW_FLOWER - Static variable in class
IRON_HELMET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_HELMET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_HOE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_HOE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_HORSE_ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_HORSE_ARMOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_INGOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_INGOT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_LEGGINGS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_NUGGET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_NUGGET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
IRON_PICKAXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_PICKAXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_SHOVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_SHOVEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_SWORD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_SWORD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
IRON_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IRON_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
IRON_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
IRouteFinder - Interface in
IS_ANGRY - Static variable in interface
IS_ARMOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_ATTACK_TARGET_CHANGED - Static variable in interface
IS_AXE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_COOKED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_FISH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_FOOD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_HOE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_IN_LOVE - Static variable in interface
IS_MEAT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_MINECART - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_PICKAXE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_SHOVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_SITTING - Static variable in interface
IS_SWORD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
IS_TOOL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
isAbility() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
isAbstract() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
isActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
isActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
isActivated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
isActive - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
isActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
isActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
isActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
isActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
isActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
isActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
isAdventure() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isAged() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
isAir() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
isAlive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isAlive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
isAlternateInput(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
isAlternateInput(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
isAmbient() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
isAngry() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityAngryable
isAngry() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
isAntiXrayEnabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isApplicable(EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
isAreaLoaded(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isArmor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isArmor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
isArmor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemElytra
isAscending() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertwell.PopulatorDesertWell
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon.PopulatorDungeon
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.fossil.PopulatorFossil
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.PopulatorNetherFortress
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage
isAsync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorStructure
isAsynchronous() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
isAttached() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
isAttached() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
isAttackTimeByShieldKb() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
isAuto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isAuto() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
isAxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isAxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeDiamond
isAxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeGold
isAxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeIron
isAxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeNetherite
isAxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeStone
isAxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeWood
isAxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
isBaby() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityAgeable
isBabyMob - Variable in class
isBabyMob - Variable in class
isBabyMob - Variable in class
isBad() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
isBanned() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Returns if this player is banned.
isBanned() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
isBanned() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isBanned(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
isBedValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
isBlock - Variable in class
isBlockBreaking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
isBlockBreaking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
isBlockBreaking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
isBlockChangeAllowed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isBlockChangeAllowed(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
isBlockChangeAllowed(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
isBlockChangeAllowed(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isBlockedByBorder(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
isBlockedByBorder(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBarrel
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBed
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityComparator
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDaylightDetector
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDispenser
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDropper
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnchantTable
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnderChest
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndPortal
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFlowerPot
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLodestone
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMusic
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNetherReactor
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkCatalyst
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkShrieker
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityStructBlock
isBlockEntityValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityTarget
isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isBlocking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
isBlockPowered(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isBlockTickPending(Vector3, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isBlockTickPending(Vector3, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.BlockUpdateScheduler
isBlockTopFacingSurfaceSolid(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
isBoolean(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
isBoolean(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Check type of section element defined by key.
isBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsChain
isBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsDiamond
isBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsGold
isBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsIron
isBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsLeather
isBoots() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsNetherite
isBoss() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isBoss() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
isBoss() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
isBoundingBoxVisible() - Method in class
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrier
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
isBreakable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
isBreakable(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isBreakable(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
isBreakable(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
isBreakable(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
isBreakingBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isBreakShield() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
isBreedingItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAnimal
isBreedingItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
绑定猫繁殖物品 WIKI了解只能使用生鲑鱼与生鳕鱼才能繁殖
isBreedingItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
isBreedingItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityOcelot
isBreedingItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
isBreedingItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
isBurning() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
isByteArrayEmpty(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
isCachedValidationValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
isCanBeChanged() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Value
isCancelled() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.event.Cancellable
isCancelled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.Event
isCancelled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
isCancelled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
isCapeOnClassic() - Method in class
isCharcoal() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCoal
isCharValid(char) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
isCheckDecay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
isCheckingMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isCheckMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
isCheckMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateChain
isChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateDiamond
isChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateGold
isChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateIron
isChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateLeather
isChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateNetherite
isChestplate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemElytra
isChunkGenerated(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
isChunkGenerated(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
isChunkGenerated(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
isChunkGenerated(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
isChunkGenerated(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isChunkInUse(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isChunkInUse(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isChunkLoaded(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
isChunkLoaded(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
isChunkLoaded(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isChunkLoaded(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
isChunkLoaded(long) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
isChunkPopulated(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
isChunkPopulated(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
isChunkPopulated(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isChunkSection3DBiomeSupported() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
isChunkSection3DBiomeSupported() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk
isClearDataWhenLose() - Method in class
isClosed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isCocoaBeans() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
isCollided - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isCollidedHorizontally - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isCollidedVertically - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isColor() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Checks if this code is a color code as opposed to a format code.
isCompatibleWith(Enchantment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
Returns true if and only if this enchantment is compatible with the other and the other is also compatible with this enchantment.
isComponent() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.RuntimeEntry
Returns the value of the isComponent record component.
isConditional - Variable in class
isConditional() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isConditional() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
isConditionalMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isConditionMet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isConditionMet() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
isConnected() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isConnected(BlockFace) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockConnectable
isConnected(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
isConsumeCharge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
isControlling(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isControlling(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
IScoreboard - Interface in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard
计分板对象 可被发送到任何实现了IScoreboardViewer接口的对象上
IScoreboardLine - Interface in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard
IScoreboardManager - Interface in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager
IScoreboardStorage - Interface in
IScoreboardViewer - Interface in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.displayer
计分板观察者 (eg: Player) 此接口用于抽象服务端到客户端的协议层方法
IScorer - Interface in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer
isCorrect() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
isCorrectTool(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBase
isCorrectTool(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCrimson
isCorrectTool(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWarped
isCorrectTool(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
isCovered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
isCraftingPart - Variable in class
NOTE: THESE FIELDS DO NOT EXIST IN THE PROTOCOL, it's merely used for convenience for us to easily determine whether we're doing a crafting or enchanting transaction.
isCreative() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
isCreative() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isCreativeItem(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isCreature() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDespawnEvent
isCreature() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
isCritical() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
isCritical() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
isCurved() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
isCustomColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
isDamageable() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
isDaytime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isDead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
isDead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
isDead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
isDead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanDead
isDead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
isDead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
isDefault - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
isDefaultBooleanValue(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
isDefaultBooleanValue(BlockProperty<T>, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
isDefaultBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
isDefaultIntValue(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
isDefaultIntValue(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
isDefaultIntValue(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
isDefaultIntValue(BlockProperty<T>, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
isDefaultIntValue(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
isDefaultPersistentValue(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
isDefaultState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isDefaultState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
isDefaultState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
isDefaultState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
isDefaultState() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IBlockState
isDefaultState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
isDefaultState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
isDefaultState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
isDefaultValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementToggle
isDefaultValue(BlockProperty<T>, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
isDefaultValue(E) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
isDefaultValue(Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
isDefaultValue(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
isDefaultValue(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
isDefaultValue(String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
isDefaultValue(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
isDelayed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
isDeprecated() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
isDiode(Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
isDisabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
isDisabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
isDisabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
isDisabled() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Whether this Nukkit plugin is disabled.
isDisabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
isDisablingCustomSkins - Variable in class
isDisablingCustomSkins - Variable in class
isDisablingPersonas - Variable in class
isDisablingPersonas - Variable in class
isDisarmed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
isDouble(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
isDouble(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Check type of section element defined by key.
isDrink() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomEdible
isDry() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
isDry() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.desert.DesertBiome
isDry() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.HellBiome
isDry() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.NetherBiome
isDry() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.plains.PlainsBiome
isDry() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaBiome
isEducationEdition() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
isEffect - Variable in class
isEffect() - Method in class
isEffect() - Method in interface
ISelectorArgument - Interface in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
isEmpty() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
isEmpty() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingSetWrapper
isEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
isEmpty(MemoryType<?>) - Method in interface
isEnable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
isEnableClientCommand() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isEnabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
isEnabled() - Method in class
isEnabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
isEnabled() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Whether this Nukkit plugin is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
isEnabled(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
isEnabled(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
isEnableExperimentMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isEnableFloydSmooth() - Method in class
isEnablePitch() - Method in interface
isEnableRangeTest() - Method in class
isEnchantingPart - Variable in class
isEncoded - Variable in class
isEndPortalEye() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
ISensor - Interface in
isEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isEntity() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
请使用这个方法来检查发送者是否是一个实体,而不是使用代码"xxx instanceof Entity".
isEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
isEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
isEntity() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationListener
是否是实体 若为实体,则在发送声波粒子时会使用实体专属的nbt tag 若不是,则将此监听器作为方块处理(eg: 潜声传感器)
isEntity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isEqualsIgnoreAttributes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
isEqualsIgnoreWaterlogged() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
isExecutingCommands() - Method in class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole
isExecutingOnFirstTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isExecutingOnFirstTick() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
isExportedToItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
isExtended() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
isExtending() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPistonEvent
isExtinguished() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
isFacingTowardsRepeater() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
isFalling() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
isFastBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
isFertilizer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isFertilizer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
isFilter() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.CachedFilterSelectorArgument
isFilter() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.ISelectorArgument
isFinished() - Method in class
isFinished() - Method in interface
isFinished() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
isFirstSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
isFlowingDown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
isFlying - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleFlightEvent
isFlying() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleFlightEvent
isFoodEnabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isForcedToAccept() - Method in class
isForceOldSystem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.NewLeafUpdater
isForceSkinTrusted() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isForceSync() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.BatchPacketsEvent
isForceUpdateRoute() - Method in class
isForceUpdateRoute() - Method in class
isForceUpdateRoute() - Method in interface
isForcingServerPacksEnabled() - Method in class
isFormat() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Checks if this code is a format code as opposed to a color code.
isFreezing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
isFreezing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.beach.ColdBeachBiome
isFreezing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.iceplains.IcePlainsSpikesBiome
isFreezing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.FrozenOceanBiome
isFreezing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.LegacyFrozenOceanBiome
isFreezing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river.FrozenRiverBiome
isFreezing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.ColdTaigaBiome
isFromFishing - Variable in class
isFromLockedWorldTemplate - Variable in class
isFromLockedWorldTemplate - Variable in class
isFromServer() - Method in class
isFromWorldTemplate - Variable in class
isFromWorldTemplate - Variable in class
isFrontSide() - Method in class
isFuel(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.Fuel
isFull() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
isFull() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
isFull() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
isFull() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
isFull() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
isFull() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
isFull() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
isFull() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
isFullBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
Check if the block occupies the entire block space, like a stone and normal glass blocks
isFullBlock(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isFullyAged() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
isFullyGrown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
isGenerated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
isGenerated() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
isGenerating() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
isGettingPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
Check if a block is getting powered threw a block or directly.
isGettingPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
isGettingPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
isGettingPower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
isGliding - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleGlideEvent
isGliding() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isGliding() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleGlideEvent
isGlobal - Variable in class
isGlobal - Variable in class
isGlobal - Variable in class
isGlowing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
isGlowing() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignGlowEvent
isGlowing(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
isGrowthToSide(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
isGuarded() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar.ObsidianPillar
isHanging() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
isHanging() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
isHardcore() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isHead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
isHeadPiece() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
isHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetChain
isHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetDiamond
isHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetGold
isHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetIron
isHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetLeather
isHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetNetherite
isHelmet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTurtleShell
isHighLightChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isHoe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isHoe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeDiamond
isHoe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeGold
isHoe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeIron
isHoe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeNetherite
isHoe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeStone
isHoe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeWood
isHoe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
isHoneyEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
isHoneyFull() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
isHorizontal() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
isHost - Variable in class
isHotbarSlot(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
isHuman() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDespawnEvent
isHuman() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
isIgnoreAir() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
isIgnoredPacket(Class<? extends DataPacket>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isIgnoreEntities() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
isIgnoringBlocks() - Method in class
isIgnoringCancelled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
isIgnoringEntities() - Method in class
isImmobile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isInAngerRange(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
isIncendiary() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
isIncendiary() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
isIncendiary() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
isIncludingPlayers() - Method in class
isInEndPortal() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isInit - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
isInitialized() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
isInitialized() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
Returns if this plugin is initialized.
isInitializing() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isInOverWorld() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isInRangedAttackRange(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
isInserted() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
isInside(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
isInsideOfFire() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isInsideOfLava() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isInsideOfSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isInsideOfWater() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isInSniffRange(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
isInSpawnRadius(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isInstant(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
isInt(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
isInt(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Check type of section element defined by key.
isInteger(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
isInterior(ChunkManager, int, int, int, BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
isInternal() - Method in class
isInterrupt() - Method in class
isInterrupt() - Method in interface
isInvalid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate
isInvalid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractStructureTemplate
isInvalid() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructureTemplate
isInventoryServerAuthoritative - Variable in class
isInventoryServerAuthoritative - Variable in class
isInverted() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
isInverted() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetectorInverted
isInverted() - Method in class
isInvisible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
isInWall() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
isItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDespawnEvent
isItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
isItemAcceptable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage
isItemAcceptable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
isItemAcceptable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentDurability
isItemAcceptable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentEfficiency
isItemAcceptable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentSilkTouch
isItemAcceptable(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentThorns
isKeepRespawnBlockPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
isKeepRespawnPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
isLanguageForced() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isLapisLazuli() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
isLarge() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySalmon
isLastOutputCondionalMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isLastOutputCondionalMode() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
isLastOutputRedstoneMode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isLastOutputRedstoneMode() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
isLava() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
If the block, when in item form, is resistant to lava and fire and can float on lava like if it was on water.
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAncientDebris
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetheriteBlock
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemScrapNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelNetherite
isLavaResistant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordNetherite
isLeaf() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
isLeftChildOfParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
isLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsChain
isLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsDiamond
isLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsGold
isLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsIron
isLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsLeather
isLeggings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsNetherite
isLevelGenerated(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isLevelLoaded(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isLightPopulated() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
isLightPopulated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
isLiquid(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
isList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
isList(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Check type of section element defined by key.
isLoaded() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
isLoaded() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
isLoaded() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
isLoaderActive() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
isLoaderActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isLocalized - Variable in class
isLocked - Variable in class
isLocked() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
isLocked() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
isLong(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
isLong(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Check type of section element defined by key.
isMajor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage
isMajor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
isMajor() - Method in class
isMinecart() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.HopperSearchItemEvent
isMouthMoving() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
isMovable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
isMovementServerAuthoritative - Variable in class
isMovementServerAuthoritative - Variable in class
isMuted() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
isNameTagAlwaysVisible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isNameTagVisible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isNameTagVisible() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
isNether() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
isNether() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
isNether() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
isNether() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isNetherAllowed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isNetwork() - Method in class
isNetwork() - Method in class
isNewChunk() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkLoadEvent
isNoClip() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isNonOceanSolid(BlockState) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper.PopulatorHelpers
isNonSolid(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper.PopulatorHelpers
isNonTickingPlayersAndTickingAreasEnabled() - Method in class
isNormalBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
Check if the block is not transparent, is solid and can't provide redstone power.
isNull() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isObservable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
Indicates if an observer blocks that are looking at this block should blink when BlockEntity.setDirty() is called.
isObservable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
isObservable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
isOccupied() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
isOkBox(BoundingBox) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
isOkBox(BoundingBox) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
isOkBox(BoundingBox) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
isOldAnvil() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
isOnFire() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isOnGround() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isOnLadder() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isOnline() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Returns if this player is online.
isOnline() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
isOnline() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isOnline() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
isOnlySpawningV1Villagers - Variable in class
isOnlySpawningV1Villagers - Variable in class
isOnTop() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
isOnTransferCooldown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
isOnTransferCooldown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
isOp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isOp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
isOp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
isOp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
isOp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
isOp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
isOp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
isOp() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.ServerOperator
Returns if this object is an operator.
isOp() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isOp(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isOpen() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
isOpen() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
isOpen() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
isOpen() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
isOpen() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
isOpening - Variable in class
isOptional() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
isOptional() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
isOptional() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.VoidNode
isOrdinal() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
isOverridingPlayerAppearance() - Method in class
isOverWorld() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
isOverWorld() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
isOverWorld() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
isOverWorld() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isPaired() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
isPaletteUpdateDelayed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
isPaletteUpdatesDelayed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
isParserTolerant() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
isPassable(EntityIntelligent, Vector3) - Method in class
指定实体在指定坐标上能否不发生碰撞 对于空间中的移动做了特别的优化
isPassable(EntityIntelligent, Vector3) - Method in class
指定实体在指定坐标上能否不发生碰撞 对于空间中的移动做了特别的优化
isPassable(EntityIntelligent, Vector3) - Method in class
isPassenger(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isPathCharacterValid(char) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
isPermissionSet(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isPermissionSet(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
isPermissionSet(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
isPermissionSet(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
isPermissionSet(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
isPermissionSet(Permission) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
isPermissionSet(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
isPermissionSet(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isPermissionSet(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isPermissionSet(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
isPermissionSet(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
isPermissionSet(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
isPermissionSet(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
isPermissionSet(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
isPermissionSet(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
isPermissionSet(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isPersistent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
isPersistent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
isPersistent() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
isPersistent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
isPersona() - Method in class
isPickaxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isPickaxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeDiamond
isPickaxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeGold
isPickaxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeIron
isPickaxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeNetherite
isPickaxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeStone
isPickaxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeWood
isPickaxe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
isPlant - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
isPlantOrFluid - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
isPlayer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
isPlayer() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
isPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
isPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
isPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
isPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
isPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.EntityEnterVehicleEvent
isPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.EntityExitVehicleEvent
isPlayer() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isPluginEnabled(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
isPopulated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
isPopulated() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
isPositionOverlap(Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class
isPotBlockState() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot.FlowerPotBlock
isPotBlockState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
isPowderSnow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
isPowered - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
isPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
isPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
isPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
isPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
isPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
isPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMusic
isPowered() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
isPowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
isPoweredFromSide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
isPoweredFromSide() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
isPowerOn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrappedChest
isPowerSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
isPreDeObfuscate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isPremium() - Method in class
isPresent() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityBlaze
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCaveSpider
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityElderGuardian
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderman
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEndermite
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEvoker
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGuardian
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglin
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglinBrute
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPillager
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityRavager
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySilverfish
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySpider
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVex
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVindicator
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitch
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZoglin
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombiePigman
isPreventingSleep(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
isPrimaryThread() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
Checks the current thread against the expected primary thread for the server.
isPrimaryUser() - Method in class
isPrivacy() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
isProjectile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDespawnEvent
isProjectile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
isProvidedFor(Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
isProvidedFor(Class<T>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServiceManager
isQueued(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
isRailActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
isRailActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
isRailActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
isRailActive() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
isRailBlock(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail
isRailBlock(Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail
isRaining() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
isRaining() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
isRaining() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isReachable() - Method in class
isReachable() - Method in interface
isReadyToExecute() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
isRecalculateOnFailure() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
isRedstoneEnabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isRedstoneMode - Variable in class
isRegistered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
isRemoveFormat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
isRepairItemPart - Variable in class
isRepeating() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
isReplaceable() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType
isResetBlocksAround() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
isRespawnBlockAvailable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
isRevert() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInvalidMoveEvent
isRideable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
isRideable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
isRideable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty
isRideable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
isRideable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
isRightChildOfParent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
isRightHinged() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
isRinging() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
isRunning() - Method in class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole
isRunning() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isSafeSpawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isSameHeightStraight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMudBrickSlab
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstone
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBlackstonePolished
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabBrickDeepslate
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCrimson
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslateCobbled
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabDeepslatePolished
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabMangrove
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabTileDeepslate
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
isSameType(BlockSlab) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
isSameType(Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
isSameType(Vector3, WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
isSameType(Vector3, WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
isScriptingEnabled() - Method in class
isScrolling() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
isSearching() - Method in class
isSearching() - Method in interface
isSection(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
isSection(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Check type of section element defined by key.
isSectionEmpty(float) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk
isSectionEmpty(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
isSendInvalidRespawnBlockMessage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
isShaded() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.StartArgUtils
isShears() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isShears() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShears
isShears() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
isShouldLogin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
isShouldUpdateMoveDirection() - Method in interface
isShovel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isShovel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelDiamond
isShovel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelGold
isShovel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelIron
isShovel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelNetherite
isShovel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelStone
isShovel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelWood
isShovel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
isShowingCredits() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isSideFull(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
Check if the given face is fully occupied by the block bounding box.
isSidePowered(Vector3, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isSimpleBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
Check if the block is not transparent, is solid and is a full cube like a stone block.
isSitting() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCanSit
isSitting() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
isSkipped() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
isSleeping() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isSlowWhenEmpty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
Is the minecart can be slowed when empty?
isSneaking - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSneakEvent
isSneaking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isSneaking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSneakEvent
isSoft() - Method in class
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSolid
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSolidMeta
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSporeBlossom
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockThin
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
isSolid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
isSolid() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockType
isSolid(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
Check if blocks can be attached in the given side.
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAir
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlime
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSolid
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSolidMeta
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockThin
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
isSolid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
isSoulSpeedCompatible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isSoulSpeedCompatible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
isSoulSpeedCompatible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSoil
isSource() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
isSourceOrFlowingDown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
isSpawnChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isSpawnFaceValid(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
isSpectator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isSpinAttacking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isSpinAttacking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSpinAttackEvent
isSplash() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
isSplashPotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
isSpotSelected - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold
isSprinting - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSprintEvent
isSprinting() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isSprinting() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSprintEvent
isStale() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
isStatic - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isStoringMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
isStoringPhoto() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
isStraight() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockConnectable
isStraight() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
isString(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
isString(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Check type of section element defined by key.
isStripped() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
isStripped() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
isSuccess() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterFillEvent
issueUnixTime - Variable in class
isSupportingBox(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
isSupportValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRoots
isSupportValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsHanging
isSupportValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
isSupportValid(Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
isSupportValid(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
isSupportValid(Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
isSupportValid(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
isSupportValid(Block, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
Check if the given block and its block face is a valid support for a lever
isSupportValid(Block, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
isSurfaceValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHanging
isSurroundingBlockFlammable(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
isSurvival() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isSwimming() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isSwimming() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSwimEvent
isSword() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isSword() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordDiamond
isSword() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordGold
isSword() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordIron
isSword() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordNetherite
isSword() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordStone
isSword() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordWood
isSword() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
isSyncable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
isTamed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
isTeacher - Variable in class
isTechnical() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
isTeleportCooldown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
isTexturePacksRequired - Variable in class
isTexturePacksRequired - Variable in class
isTheEnd() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
isTheEnd() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
isTheEnd() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
isTheEnd() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isTheEndAllowed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isThick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
isThundering() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
isThundering() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
isThundering() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isTimingsCloseCompletely() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
isTimingsEnabled() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
isToggled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
isTool() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isTool() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
isTop() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
isTop() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
isTop(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
isTopHalf() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
isTouchingWater() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isTracking(Player, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
isTrackingOutput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isTrackingOutput() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
isTrackOutput() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
isTradeItemPart - Variable in class
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlueIce
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSporeBlossom
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTransparent
isTransparent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTransparentMeta
isTransparent(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
isTreeBuildingEnabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
isTrial - Variable in class
isTrial - Variable in class
isTriggered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
IStructBlock - Interface in cn.nukkit.blockentity
isTrusted() - Method in class
isType(Entity, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Type
isUnbreakable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
isUnbreakable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
isUnbreakable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZoglin
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombiePigman
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillagerV1
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySkeletonHorse
isUndead() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityZombieHorse
isUnderBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
isUnlockedNotification() - Method in class
isUnparsed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
isUnparsed() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
isUnparsed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
isUpdateRouteImmediatelyWhenTargetChange() - Method in class
isUpdateScheduled(Vector3, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isUpperBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
isUpsideDown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
isUseParsedArgs() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
isUsingItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isUsingJavaJar() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.JarStart
isUsingMsaGamertagsOnly - Variable in class
isUsingMsaGamertagsOnly - Variable in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
isValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.VillageStart
isValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PieceWeight
isValid() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultAction
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTransferMaterialAction
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
Checks that the player is in creative, and (if creating an item) that the item exists in the creative inventory.
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DamageAnvilAction
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DropItemAction
Verifies that the source item of a drop-item action must be air.
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.EnchantingAction
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.GrindstoneItemAction
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
Returns whether this action is currently valid.
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.RepairItemAction
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
Checks if the item in the inventory at the specified inventorySlot is the same as this action's source item.
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SmithingItemAction
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TakeLevelAction
isValid(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TradeAction
isValid(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
isValid(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
isValidAngerEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
isValidAngerEntity(Entity, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
isValidRespawnBlock(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
判断重生锚是否有效如果重生锚有效则在重生锚上重生或者在床上重生 如果玩家以上2种都没有则在服务器重生点重生
isValidStart() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.StartArgUtils
isValidSupport(Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
isValidSupport(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungus
isValidSupport(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
isVectorInside(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
Checks whether the given point is inside a block that intersects this box.
isVectorInside(Vector3) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
isVectorInXY(Vector3) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
isVectorInXZ(Vector3) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
isVectorInYZ(Vector3) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
isVehicle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDespawnEvent
isVehicle() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntitySpawnEvent
isVerboseEnabled() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
isVerified() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
isVertical() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
isVirtual() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
isVisible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
isWallPost() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
isWater() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
isWater() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockType
isWaterdogCapable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutExposedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperExposedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperOxidizedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperWeatheredWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutExposedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutExposedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutOxidizedWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperCutWeatheredWaxed
isWaxed() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Waxable
isWhitelisted() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Returns if this player is pardoned by whitelist.
isWhitelisted() - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
isWhitelisted() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
isWhitelisted(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
isWorldTemplateOptionLocked - Variable in class
isWorldTemplateOptionLocked - Variable in class
isXboxAuthed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
isXboxAuthed() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.LoginChainData
isXrelative() - Method in class
isYInRange(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
isYrelative() - Method in class
isZero(Number) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
isZombieVillage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
isZrelative() - Method in class
it_IT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
ITALIC - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Makes the text italic.
item - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
item - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
item - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
item - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
item - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGlassBottleFillEvent
item - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
item - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
item - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ConstantItemSelector
item - Variable in class
item - Variable in class
item - Variable in class
item - Variable in class
Item - Class in cn.nukkit.item
Item(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.Item
Item(int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.Item
Item(int, Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.Item
Item(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.Item
ITEM_BONE_MEAL_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_BOOK_PAGE_TURN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_BOOK_PUT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_COMPONENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ITEM_FRAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
ITEM_FRAME - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ITEM_FRAME_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ITEM_FRAME_DROP_ITEM_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ITEM_INTERACT_FINISH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
ITEM_MANGROVE_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ITEM_NAME - Static variable in interface
ITEM_SHIELD_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_SPYGLASS_STOP_USING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_SPYGLASS_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_STACK_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ITEM_STACK_RESPONSE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ITEM_TAG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptorType
ITEM_TRIDENT_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_TRIDENT_HIT_GROUND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_TRIDENT_RETURN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_1 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_3 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_TRIDENT_THROW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ITEM_TRIDENT_THUNDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
Item.ItemJsonComponents - Class in cn.nukkit.item
Item.ItemJsonComponents.CanDestory - Class in cn.nukkit.item
Item.ItemJsonComponents.CanPlaceOn - Class in cn.nukkit.item
Item.ItemJsonComponents.ItemLock - Class in cn.nukkit.item
Item.ItemJsonComponents.KeepOnDeath - Class in cn.nukkit.item
Item.ItemLockMode - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.item
物品锁定在玩家的物品栏 LOCK_IN_SLOT 阻止该物品被从玩家物品栏的该槽位移动、移除、丢弃或用于合成 LOCK_IN_INVENTORY 阻止该物品被从玩家的物品栏移除、丢弃或用于合成
ItemAcaciaSign - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAcaciaSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAcaciaSign
ItemAcaciaSign(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAcaciaSign
ItemAcaciaSign(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAcaciaSign
ItemAmethystShard - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAmethystShard() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAmethystShard
ItemAmethystShard(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAmethystShard
ItemAmethystShard(int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAmethystShard
ItemAmethystShard(int, Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAmethystShard
ItemAmethystShard(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAmethystShard
ItemAmethystShard(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAmethystShard
ItemAmethystShard(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAmethystShard
ItemApple - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemApple() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemApple
ItemApple(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemApple
ItemApple(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemApple
ItemAppleGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAppleGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAppleGold
ItemAppleGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAppleGold
ItemAppleGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAppleGold
ItemAppleGoldEnchanted - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAppleGoldEnchanted() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAppleGoldEnchanted
ItemAppleGoldEnchanted(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAppleGoldEnchanted
ItemAppleGoldEnchanted(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAppleGoldEnchanted
ItemArmor - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemArmor(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
ItemArmor(int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
ItemArmor(int, Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
ItemArmor(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
ItemArmorStand - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemArmorStand() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmorStand
ItemArmorStand(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmorStand
ItemArmorStand(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmorStand
ItemArrow - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemArrow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArrow
ItemArrow(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArrow
ItemArrow(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArrow
ItemAxeDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAxeDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeDiamond
ItemAxeDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeDiamond
ItemAxeDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeDiamond
ItemAxeGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAxeGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeGold
ItemAxeGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeGold
ItemAxeGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeGold
ItemAxeIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAxeIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeIron
ItemAxeIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeIron
ItemAxeIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeIron
ItemAxeNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAxeNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeNetherite
ItemAxeNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeNetherite
ItemAxeNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeNetherite
ItemAxeStone - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAxeStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeStone
ItemAxeStone(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeStone
ItemAxeStone(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeStone
ItemAxeWood - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemAxeWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeWood
ItemAxeWood(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeWood
ItemAxeWood(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAxeWood
ItemBanner - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBanner() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
ItemBanner(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
ItemBanner(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
ItemBannerPattern - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBannerPattern() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
ItemBannerPattern(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
ItemBannerPattern(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
ItemBannerPattern(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
ItemBed - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBed() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBed
ItemBed(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBed
ItemBed(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBed
ItemBeefRaw - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBeefRaw() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBeefRaw
ItemBeefRaw(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBeefRaw
ItemBeefRaw(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBeefRaw
ItemBeetroot - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBeetroot() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBeetroot
ItemBeetroot(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBeetroot
ItemBeetroot(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBeetroot
ItemBeetrootSoup - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBeetrootSoup() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBeetrootSoup
ItemBeetrootSoup(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBeetrootSoup
ItemBeetrootSoup(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBeetrootSoup
ItemBirchSign - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBirchSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBirchSign
ItemBirchSign(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBirchSign
ItemBirchSign(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBirchSign
ItemBlazePowder - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBlazePowder() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlazePowder
ItemBlazePowder(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlazePowder
ItemBlazePowder(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlazePowder
ItemBlazeRod - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBlazeRod() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlazeRod
ItemBlazeRod(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlazeRod
ItemBlazeRod(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlazeRod
ItemBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBlock(Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock
ItemBlock(Block, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock
ItemBlock(Block, Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock
ItemBoat - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBoat() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBoat
ItemBoat(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBoat
ItemBoat(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBoat
ItemBoat(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBoat
ItemBone - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBone
ItemBone(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBone
ItemBone(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBone
ItemBook - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBook() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBook
ItemBook(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBook
ItemBook(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBook
ItemBookAndQuill - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBookAndQuill() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookAndQuill
ItemBookAndQuill(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookAndQuill
ItemBookAndQuill(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookAndQuill
ItemBookEnchanted - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBookEnchanted() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookEnchanted
ItemBookEnchanted(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookEnchanted
ItemBookEnchanted(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookEnchanted
ItemBookEnchanted(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookEnchanted
ItemBookWritable - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBookWritable(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
ItemBookWritable(int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
ItemBookWritable(int, Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
ItemBookWritable(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
ItemBookWritten - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBookWritten() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
ItemBookWritten(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
ItemBookWritten(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
ItemBootsChain - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBootsChain() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsChain
ItemBootsChain(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsChain
ItemBootsChain(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsChain
ItemBootsDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBootsDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsDiamond
ItemBootsDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsDiamond
ItemBootsDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsDiamond
ItemBootsGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBootsGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsGold
ItemBootsGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsGold
ItemBootsGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsGold
ItemBootsIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBootsIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsIron
ItemBootsIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsIron
ItemBootsIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsIron
ItemBootsLeather - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBootsLeather() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsLeather
ItemBootsLeather(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsLeather
ItemBootsLeather(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsLeather
ItemBootsNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBootsNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsNetherite
ItemBootsNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsNetherite
ItemBootsNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBootsNetherite
ItemBow - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBow
ItemBow(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBow
ItemBow(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBow
ItemBowl - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBowl() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBowl
ItemBowl(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBowl
ItemBowl(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBowl
ItemBread - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBread() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBread
ItemBread(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBread
ItemBread(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBread
ItemBreakParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
ItemBreakParticle(Vector3, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.ItemBreakParticle
ItemBrewingStand - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBrewingStand() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBrewingStand
ItemBrewingStand(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBrewingStand
ItemBrewingStand(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBrewingStand
ItemBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBrick
ItemBrick(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBrick
ItemBrick(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBrick
ItemBucket - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemBucket() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
ItemBucket(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
ItemBucket(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
ItemBucket(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
ItemCake - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCake() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCake
ItemCake(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCake
ItemCake(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCake
ItemCampfire - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCampfire() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCampfire
ItemCampfire(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCampfire
ItemCampfire(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCampfire
ItemCampfireSoul - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCampfireSoul() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCampfireSoul
ItemCampfireSoul(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCampfireSoul
ItemCampfireSoul(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCampfireSoul
ItemCarrot - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCarrot() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrot
ItemCarrot(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrot
ItemCarrot(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrot
ItemCarrotGolden - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCarrotGolden() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotGolden
ItemCarrotGolden(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotGolden
ItemCarrotGolden(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotGolden
ItemCarrotOnAStick - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCarrotOnAStick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotOnAStick
ItemCarrotOnAStick(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotOnAStick
ItemCarrotOnAStick(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotOnAStick
ItemCauldron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCauldron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCauldron
ItemCauldron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCauldron
ItemCauldron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCauldron
ItemChain - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChain() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChain
ItemChain(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChain
ItemChain(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChain
ItemChestBoatAcacia - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestBoatAcacia() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatAcacia
ItemChestBoatAcacia(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatAcacia
ItemChestBoatAcacia(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatAcacia
ItemChestBoatAcacia(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatAcacia
ItemChestBoatBase - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestBoatBase(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBase
ItemChestBoatBirch - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestBoatBirch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBirch
ItemChestBoatBirch(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBirch
ItemChestBoatBirch(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBirch
ItemChestBoatBirch(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBirch
ItemChestBoatDarkOak - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestBoatDarkOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatDarkOak
ItemChestBoatDarkOak(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatDarkOak
ItemChestBoatDarkOak(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatDarkOak
ItemChestBoatDarkOak(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatDarkOak
ItemChestBoatJungle - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestBoatJungle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatJungle
ItemChestBoatJungle(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatJungle
ItemChestBoatJungle(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatJungle
ItemChestBoatJungle(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatJungle
ItemChestBoatMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestBoatMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatMangrove
ItemChestBoatMangrove(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatMangrove
ItemChestBoatMangrove(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatMangrove
ItemChestBoatMangrove(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatMangrove
ItemChestBoatOak - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestBoatOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatOak
ItemChestBoatOak(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatOak
ItemChestBoatOak(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatOak
ItemChestBoatOak(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatOak
ItemChestBoatSpruce - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestBoatSpruce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatSpruce
ItemChestBoatSpruce(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatSpruce
ItemChestBoatSpruce(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatSpruce
ItemChestBoatSpruce(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatSpruce
ItemChestplateChain - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestplateChain() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateChain
ItemChestplateChain(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateChain
ItemChestplateChain(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateChain
ItemChestplateDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestplateDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateDiamond
ItemChestplateDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateDiamond
ItemChestplateDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateDiamond
ItemChestplateGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestplateGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateGold
ItemChestplateGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateGold
ItemChestplateGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateGold
ItemChestplateIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestplateIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateIron
ItemChestplateIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateIron
ItemChestplateIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateIron
ItemChestplateLeather - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestplateLeather() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateLeather
ItemChestplateLeather(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateLeather
ItemChestplateLeather(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateLeather
ItemChestplateNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChestplateNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateNetherite
ItemChestplateNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateNetherite
ItemChestplateNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestplateNetherite
ItemChickenCooked - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChickenCooked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChickenCooked
ItemChickenCooked(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChickenCooked
ItemChickenCooked(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChickenCooked
ItemChickenRaw - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChickenRaw() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChickenRaw
ItemChickenRaw(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChickenRaw
ItemChickenRaw(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChickenRaw
ItemChorusFruit - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChorusFruit() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChorusFruit
ItemChorusFruit(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChorusFruit
ItemChorusFruit(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChorusFruit
ItemChorusFruitPopped - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemChorusFruitPopped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChorusFruitPopped
ItemChorusFruitPopped(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChorusFruitPopped
ItemChorusFruitPopped(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChorusFruitPopped
ItemClay - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemClay() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemClay
ItemClay(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemClay
ItemClay(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemClay
ItemClock - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemClock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemClock
ItemClock(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemClock
ItemClock(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemClock
ItemClownfish - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemClownfish() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemClownfish
ItemClownfish(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemClownfish
ItemClownfish(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemClownfish
ItemCoal - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCoal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCoal
ItemCoal(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCoal
ItemCoal(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCoal
ItemCoal(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCoal
ItemColorArmor - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemColorArmor(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemColorArmor
ItemColorArmor(int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemColorArmor
ItemColorArmor(int, Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemColorArmor
ItemColorArmor(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemColorArmor
ItemCompass - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCompass() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompass
ItemCompass(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompass
ItemCompass(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompass
ItemCompassLodestone - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCompassLodestone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompassLodestone
ItemCompassLodestone(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompassLodestone
ItemCompassLodestone(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompassLodestone
ItemComponentPacket - Class in
ItemComponentPacket() - Constructor for class
ItemComponentPacket.Entry - Class in
ItemCookie - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCookie() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCookie
ItemCookie(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCookie
ItemCookie(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCookie
ItemCreativeCategory - Enum Class in
ItemCrimsonSign - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCrimsonSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrimsonSign
ItemCrimsonSign(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrimsonSign
ItemCrimsonSign(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrimsonSign
ItemCrossbow - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemCrossbow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
ItemCrossbow(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
ItemCrossbow(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
ItemCustom - Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
ItemCustom(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustom
ItemCustom(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustom
ItemCustomArmor - Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
ItemCustomArmor(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomArmor
ItemCustomArmor(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomArmor
ItemCustomBookEnchanted - Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
ItemCustomBookEnchanted(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomBookEnchanted
ItemCustomEdible - Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
ItemCustomEdible(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomEdible
ItemCustomEdible(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomEdible
ItemCustomTool - Class in cn.nukkit.item.customitem
ItemCustomTool(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomTool
ItemCustomTool(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomTool
ItemDarkOakSign - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDarkOakSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDarkOakSign
ItemDarkOakSign(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDarkOakSign
ItemDarkOakSign(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDarkOakSign
ItemDescriptor - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
ItemDescriptorType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
ItemDespawnEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
ItemDespawnEvent(EntityItem) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ItemDespawnEvent
ItemDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDiamond
ItemDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDiamond
ItemDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDiamond
ItemDiscFragment5 - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDiscFragment5() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDiscFragment5
ItemDiscFragment5(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDiscFragment5
ItemDiscFragment5(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDiscFragment5
ItemDoorAcacia - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorAcacia() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorAcacia
ItemDoorAcacia(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorAcacia
ItemDoorAcacia(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorAcacia
ItemDoorBirch - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorBirch() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorBirch
ItemDoorBirch(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorBirch
ItemDoorBirch(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorBirch
ItemDoorCrimson - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorCrimson() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorCrimson
ItemDoorCrimson(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorCrimson
ItemDoorCrimson(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorCrimson
ItemDoorDarkOak - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorDarkOak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorDarkOak
ItemDoorDarkOak(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorDarkOak
ItemDoorDarkOak(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorDarkOak
ItemDoorIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorIron
ItemDoorIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorIron
ItemDoorIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorIron
ItemDoorJungle - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorJungle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorJungle
ItemDoorJungle(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorJungle
ItemDoorJungle(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorJungle
ItemDoorMangrove - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorMangrove() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorMangrove
ItemDoorMangrove(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorMangrove
ItemDoorMangrove(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorMangrove
ItemDoorSpruce - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorSpruce() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorSpruce
ItemDoorSpruce(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorSpruce
ItemDoorSpruce(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorSpruce
ItemDoorWarped - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorWarped() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorWarped
ItemDoorWarped(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorWarped
ItemDoorWarped(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorWarped
ItemDoorWood - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDoorWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorWood
ItemDoorWood(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorWood
ItemDoorWood(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDoorWood
ItemDragonBreath - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDragonBreath() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDragonBreath
ItemDragonBreath(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDragonBreath
ItemDragonBreath(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDragonBreath
ItemDriedKelp - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDriedKelp() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDriedKelp
ItemDriedKelp(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDriedKelp
ItemDriedKelp(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDriedKelp
ItemDurable - Interface in cn.nukkit.item
Items that implement this interface can take damage and break.
ItemDye - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemDye() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
ItemDye(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
ItemDye(DyeColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
ItemDye(DyeColor, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
ItemDye(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
ItemDye(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
ItemEchoShard - Class in cn.nukkit.item.randomitem
ItemEchoShard() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ItemEchoShard
ItemEchoShard(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ItemEchoShard
ItemEchoShard(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ItemEchoShard
ItemEdible - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemEdible(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEdible
ItemEdible(int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEdible
ItemEdible(int, Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEdible
ItemEdible(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEdible
ItemEgg - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemEgg() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEgg
ItemEgg(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEgg
ItemEgg(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEgg
ItemElytra - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemElytra() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemElytra
ItemElytra(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemElytra
ItemElytra(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemElytra
ItemEmerald - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemEmerald() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEmerald
ItemEmerald(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEmerald
ItemEmerald(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEmerald
ItemEmptyMap - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemEmptyMap() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEmptyMap
ItemEmptyMap(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEmptyMap
ItemEmptyMap(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEmptyMap
ItemEndCrystal - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemEndCrystal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEndCrystal
ItemEndCrystal(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEndCrystal
ItemEndCrystal(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEndCrystal
ItemEnderEye - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemEnderEye() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderEye
ItemEnderEye(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderEye
ItemEnderEye(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderEye
ItemEnderPearl - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemEnderPearl() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderPearl
ItemEnderPearl(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderPearl
ItemEnderPearl(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEnderPearl
ItemEntry(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry
ItemEntry(int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry
ItemEntry(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry
ItemEntry(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry
ItemExpBottle - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemExpBottle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemExpBottle
ItemExpBottle(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemExpBottle
ItemExpBottle(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemExpBottle
ItemFeather - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFeather() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFeather
ItemFeather(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFeather
ItemFeather(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFeather
ItemFireCharge - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFireCharge() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFireCharge
ItemFireCharge(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFireCharge
ItemFireCharge(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFireCharge
ItemFirework - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFirework() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework
ItemFirework(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework
ItemFirework(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework
ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion.ExplosionType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFireworkStar - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFireworkStar() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFireworkStar
ItemFireworkStar(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFireworkStar
ItemFireworkStar(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFireworkStar
ItemFish - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFish() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFish
ItemFish(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFish
ItemFish(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFish
ItemFish(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFish
ItemFishCooked - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFishCooked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishCooked
ItemFishCooked(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishCooked
ItemFishCooked(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishCooked
ItemFishingRod - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFishingRod() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishingRod
ItemFishingRod(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishingRod
ItemFishingRod(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishingRod
ItemFlint - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFlint() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlint
ItemFlint(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlint
ItemFlint(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlint
ItemFlintSteel - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFlintSteel() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlintSteel
ItemFlintSteel(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlintSteel
ItemFlintSteel(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlintSteel
ItemFlowerPot - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemFlowerPot() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlowerPot
ItemFlowerPot(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlowerPot
ItemFlowerPot(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlowerPot
itemFrame - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
ItemFrameDropItemEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
ItemFrameDropItemEvent(Player, Block, BlockEntityItemFrame, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameDropItemEvent
ItemFrameDropItemPacket - Class in
ItemFrameDropItemPacket() - Constructor for class
ItemFrameUseEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
ItemFrameUseEvent(Player, Block, BlockEntityItemFrame, Item, ItemFrameUseEvent.Action) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
ItemFrameUseEvent.Action - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
ItemGhastTear - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemGhastTear() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGhastTear
ItemGhastTear(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGhastTear
ItemGhastTear(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGhastTear
ItemGlassBottle - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemGlassBottle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlassBottle
ItemGlassBottle(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlassBottle
ItemGlassBottle(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlassBottle
ItemGlowBerries - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemGlowBerries() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlowBerries
ItemGlowBerries(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlowBerries
ItemGlowBerries(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlowBerries
ItemGlowInkSac - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemGlowInkSac() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlowInkSac
ItemGlowstoneDust - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemGlowstoneDust() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlowstoneDust
ItemGlowstoneDust(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlowstoneDust
ItemGlowstoneDust(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlowstoneDust
ItemGunpowder - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemGunpowder() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGunpowder
ItemGunpowder(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGunpowder
ItemGunpowder(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGunpowder
ItemHeartOfTheSea - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHeartOfTheSea() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHeartOfTheSea
ItemHeartOfTheSea(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHeartOfTheSea
ItemHeartOfTheSea(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHeartOfTheSea
ItemHelmetChain - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHelmetChain() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetChain
ItemHelmetChain(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetChain
ItemHelmetChain(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetChain
ItemHelmetDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHelmetDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetDiamond
ItemHelmetDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetDiamond
ItemHelmetDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetDiamond
ItemHelmetGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHelmetGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetGold
ItemHelmetGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetGold
ItemHelmetGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetGold
ItemHelmetIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHelmetIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetIron
ItemHelmetIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetIron
ItemHelmetIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetIron
ItemHelmetLeather - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHelmetLeather() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetLeather
ItemHelmetLeather(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetLeather
ItemHelmetLeather(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetLeather
ItemHelmetNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHelmetNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetNetherite
ItemHelmetNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetNetherite
ItemHelmetNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHelmetNetherite
ItemHoeDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHoeDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeDiamond
ItemHoeDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeDiamond
ItemHoeDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeDiamond
ItemHoeGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHoeGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeGold
ItemHoeGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeGold
ItemHoeGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeGold
ItemHoeIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHoeIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeIron
ItemHoeIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeIron
ItemHoeIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeIron
ItemHoeNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHoeNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeNetherite
ItemHoeNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeNetherite
ItemHoeNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeNetherite
ItemHoeStone - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHoeStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeStone
ItemHoeStone(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeStone
ItemHoeStone(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeStone
ItemHoeWood - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHoeWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeWood
ItemHoeWood(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeWood
ItemHoeWood(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoeWood
ItemHoneyBottle - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHoneyBottle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoneyBottle
ItemHoneyBottle(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoneyBottle
ItemHoneyBottle(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoneyBottle
ItemHoneycomb - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHoneycomb() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoneycomb
ItemHoneycomb(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoneycomb
ItemHoneycomb(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoneycomb
ItemHopper - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHopper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHopper
ItemHopper(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHopper
ItemHopper(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHopper
ItemHorseArmorDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHorseArmorDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorDiamond
ItemHorseArmorDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorDiamond
ItemHorseArmorDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorDiamond
ItemHorseArmorGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHorseArmorGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorGold
ItemHorseArmorGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorGold
ItemHorseArmorGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorGold
ItemHorseArmorIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHorseArmorIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorIron
ItemHorseArmorIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorIron
ItemHorseArmorIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorIron
ItemHorseArmorLeather - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemHorseArmorLeather() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorLeather
ItemHorseArmorLeather(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorLeather
ItemHorseArmorLeather(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHorseArmorLeather
itemId - Variable in class
ItemID - Interface in cn.nukkit.item
ItemIngotCopper - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemIngotCopper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotCopper
ItemIngotGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemIngotGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotGold
ItemIngotGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotGold
ItemIngotGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotGold
ItemIngotIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemIngotIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotIron
ItemIngotIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotIron
ItemIngotIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotIron
ItemIngotNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemIngotNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotNetherite
ItemIngotNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotNetherite
ItemIngotNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemIngotNetherite
itemInHand - Variable in class
itemInHand - Variable in class
itemInHand - Variable in class
itemInHandIndex - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
itemInHandIndex - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
ItemItemFrame - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemItemFrame() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemItemFrame
ItemItemFrame(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemItemFrame
ItemItemFrame(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemItemFrame
ItemItemFrameGlow - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemItemFrameGlow() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemItemFrameGlow
ItemItemFrameGlow(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemItemFrameGlow
ItemItemFrameGlow(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemItemFrameGlow
ItemJungleSign - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemJungleSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemJungleSign
ItemJungleSign(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemJungleSign
ItemJungleSign(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemJungleSign
ItemKelp - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemKelp() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemKelp
ItemKelp(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemKelp
ItemKelp(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemKelp
ItemLead - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemLead() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLead
ItemLead(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLead
ItemLead(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLead
ItemLeather - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemLeather() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeather
ItemLeather(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeather
ItemLeather(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeather
ItemLeggingsChain - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemLeggingsChain() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsChain
ItemLeggingsChain(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsChain
ItemLeggingsChain(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsChain
ItemLeggingsDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemLeggingsDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsDiamond
ItemLeggingsDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsDiamond
ItemLeggingsDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsDiamond
ItemLeggingsGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemLeggingsGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsGold
ItemLeggingsGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsGold
ItemLeggingsGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsGold
ItemLeggingsIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemLeggingsIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsIron
ItemLeggingsIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsIron
ItemLeggingsIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsIron
ItemLeggingsLeather - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemLeggingsLeather() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsLeather
ItemLeggingsLeather(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsLeather
ItemLeggingsLeather(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsLeather
ItemLeggingsNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemLeggingsNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsNetherite
ItemLeggingsNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsNetherite
ItemLeggingsNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemLeggingsNetherite
itemLock - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents
ItemLock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents.ItemLock
ItemMagmaCream - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMagmaCream() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMagmaCream
ItemMagmaCream(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMagmaCream
ItemMagmaCream(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMagmaCream
ItemMangroveSign - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMangroveSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMangroveSign
ItemMangroveSign(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMangroveSign
ItemMangroveSign(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMangroveSign
ItemMap - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMap() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
ItemMap(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
ItemMap(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
ItemMelon - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMelon() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMelon
ItemMelon(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMelon
ItemMelon(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMelon
ItemMelonGlistering - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMelonGlistering() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMelonGlistering
ItemMelonGlistering(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMelonGlistering
ItemMelonGlistering(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMelonGlistering
ItemMinecart - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMinecart() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecart
ItemMinecart(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecart
ItemMinecart(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecart
ItemMinecartChest - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMinecartChest() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartChest
ItemMinecartChest(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartChest
ItemMinecartChest(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartChest
ItemMinecartHopper - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMinecartHopper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartHopper
ItemMinecartHopper(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartHopper
ItemMinecartHopper(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartHopper
ItemMinecartTNT - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMinecartTNT() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartTNT
ItemMinecartTNT(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartTNT
ItemMinecartTNT(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartTNT
ItemMushroomStew - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMushroomStew() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMushroomStew
ItemMushroomStew(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMushroomStew
ItemMushroomStew(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMushroomStew
ItemMuttonCooked - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMuttonCooked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMuttonCooked
ItemMuttonCooked(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMuttonCooked
ItemMuttonCooked(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMuttonCooked
ItemMuttonRaw - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemMuttonRaw() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMuttonRaw
ItemMuttonRaw(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMuttonRaw
ItemMuttonRaw(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMuttonRaw
itemName() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the itemName record component.
itemName() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the itemName record component.
ItemNameTag - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemNameTag() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNameTag
ItemNameTag(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNameTag
ItemNameTag(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNameTag
ItemNautilusShell - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemNautilusShell() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNautilusShell
ItemNautilusShell(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNautilusShell
ItemNautilusShell(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNautilusShell
ItemNetherBrick - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemNetherBrick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherBrick
ItemNetherBrick(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherBrick
ItemNetherBrick(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherBrick
ItemNetherSprouts - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemNetherSprouts() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherSprouts
ItemNetherSprouts(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherSprouts
ItemNetherSprouts(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherSprouts
ItemNetherStar - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemNetherStar() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherStar
ItemNetherStar(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherStar
ItemNetherStar(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherStar
ItemNetherWart - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemNetherWart() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherWart
ItemNetherWart(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherWart
ItemNetherWart(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherWart
ItemNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
ItemNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ItemNode
ItemNuggetGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemNuggetGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNuggetGold
ItemNuggetGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNuggetGold
ItemNuggetGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNuggetGold
ItemNuggetIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemNuggetIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNuggetIron
ItemNuggetIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNuggetIron
ItemNuggetIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNuggetIron
ItemPainting - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPainting() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPainting
ItemPainting(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPainting
ItemPainting(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPainting
ItemPaper - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPaper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPaper
ItemPaper(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPaper
ItemPaper(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPaper
ItemPhantomMembrane - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPhantomMembrane() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPhantomMembrane
ItemPhantomMembrane(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPhantomMembrane
ItemPhantomMembrane(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPhantomMembrane
ItemPickaxeDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPickaxeDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeDiamond
ItemPickaxeDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeDiamond
ItemPickaxeDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeDiamond
ItemPickaxeGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPickaxeGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeGold
ItemPickaxeGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeGold
ItemPickaxeGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeGold
ItemPickaxeIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPickaxeIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeIron
ItemPickaxeIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeIron
ItemPickaxeIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeIron
ItemPickaxeNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPickaxeNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeNetherite
ItemPickaxeNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeNetherite
ItemPickaxeNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeNetherite
ItemPickaxeStone - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPickaxeStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeStone
ItemPickaxeStone(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeStone
ItemPickaxeStone(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeStone
ItemPickaxeWood - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPickaxeWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeWood
ItemPickaxeWood(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeWood
ItemPickaxeWood(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPickaxeWood
ItemPorkchopCooked - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPorkchopCooked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPorkchopCooked
ItemPorkchopCooked(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPorkchopCooked
ItemPorkchopCooked(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPorkchopCooked
ItemPorkchopRaw - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPorkchopRaw() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPorkchopRaw
ItemPorkchopRaw(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPorkchopRaw
ItemPorkchopRaw(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPorkchopRaw
ItemPotato - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPotato() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotato
ItemPotato(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotato
ItemPotato(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotato
ItemPotato(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotato
ItemPotatoBaked - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPotatoBaked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotatoBaked
ItemPotatoBaked(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotatoBaked
ItemPotatoBaked(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotatoBaked
ItemPotatoPoisonous - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPotatoPoisonous() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotatoPoisonous
ItemPotatoPoisonous(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotatoPoisonous
ItemPotatoPoisonous(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotatoPoisonous
ItemPotion - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPotion() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
ItemPotion(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
ItemPotion(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
ItemPotionLingering - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPotionLingering() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionLingering
ItemPotionLingering(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionLingering
ItemPotionLingering(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionLingering
ItemPotionSplash - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPotionSplash() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionSplash
ItemPotionSplash(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionSplash
ItemPotionSplash(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionSplash
ItemPrismarineCrystals - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPrismarineCrystals() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPrismarineCrystals
ItemPrismarineCrystals(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPrismarineCrystals
ItemPrismarineCrystals(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPrismarineCrystals
ItemPrismarineShard - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPrismarineShard() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPrismarineShard
ItemPrismarineShard(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPrismarineShard
ItemPrismarineShard(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPrismarineShard
ItemPufferfish - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPufferfish() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPufferfish
ItemPufferfish(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPufferfish
ItemPufferfish(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPufferfish
ItemPumpkinPie - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemPumpkinPie() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPumpkinPie
ItemPumpkinPie(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPumpkinPie
ItemPumpkinPie(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPumpkinPie
ItemQuartz - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemQuartz() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemQuartz
ItemQuartz(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemQuartz
ItemQuartz(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemQuartz
ItemRabbitCooked - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRabbitCooked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitCooked
ItemRabbitCooked(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitCooked
ItemRabbitCooked(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitCooked
ItemRabbitFoot - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRabbitFoot() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitFoot
ItemRabbitFoot(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitFoot
ItemRabbitFoot(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitFoot
ItemRabbitHide - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRabbitHide() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitHide
ItemRabbitHide(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitHide
ItemRabbitHide(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitHide
ItemRabbitRaw - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRabbitRaw() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitRaw
ItemRabbitRaw(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitRaw
ItemRabbitRaw(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitRaw
ItemRabbitStew - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRabbitStew() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitStew
ItemRabbitStew(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitStew
ItemRabbitStew(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRabbitStew
ItemRawCopper - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRawCopper() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRawCopper
ItemRawGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRawGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRawGold
ItemRawIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRawIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRawIron
ItemRawMaterial - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRawMaterial(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRawMaterial
ItemRecord - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecord(int, Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord
ItemRecord11 - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecord11() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord11
ItemRecord11(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord11
ItemRecord11(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord11
ItemRecord13 - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecord13() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord13
ItemRecord13(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord13
ItemRecord13(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord13
ItemRecord5 - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecord5() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord5
ItemRecord5(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord5
ItemRecord5(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecord5
ItemRecordBlocks - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordBlocks() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordBlocks
ItemRecordBlocks(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordBlocks
ItemRecordBlocks(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordBlocks
ItemRecordCat - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordCat() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordCat
ItemRecordCat(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordCat
ItemRecordCat(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordCat
ItemRecordChirp - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordChirp() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordChirp
ItemRecordChirp(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordChirp
ItemRecordChirp(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordChirp
ItemRecordFar - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordFar() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordFar
ItemRecordFar(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordFar
ItemRecordFar(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordFar
ItemRecordMall - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordMall() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordMall
ItemRecordMall(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordMall
ItemRecordMall(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordMall
ItemRecordMellohi - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordMellohi() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordMellohi
ItemRecordMellohi(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordMellohi
ItemRecordMellohi(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordMellohi
ItemRecordOtherside - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordOtherside() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordOtherside
ItemRecordOtherside(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordOtherside
ItemRecordOtherside(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordOtherside
ItemRecordPigstep - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordPigstep() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordPigstep
ItemRecordPigstep(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordPigstep
ItemRecordPigstep(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordPigstep
ItemRecordStal - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordStal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordStal
ItemRecordStal(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordStal
ItemRecordStal(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordStal
ItemRecordStrad - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordStrad() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordStrad
ItemRecordStrad(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordStrad
ItemRecordStrad(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordStrad
ItemRecordWait - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordWait() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordWait
ItemRecordWait(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordWait
ItemRecordWait(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordWait
ItemRecordWard - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRecordWard() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordWard
ItemRecordWard(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordWard
ItemRecordWard(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRecordWard
ItemRedstone - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRedstone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRedstone
ItemRedstone(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRedstone
ItemRedstone(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRedstone
ItemRedstoneComparator - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRedstoneComparator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRedstoneComparator
ItemRedstoneComparator(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRedstoneComparator
ItemRedstoneComparator(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRedstoneComparator
ItemRedstoneRepeater - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRedstoneRepeater() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRedstoneRepeater
ItemRedstoneRepeater(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRedstoneRepeater
ItemRedstoneRepeater(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRedstoneRepeater
ItemRottenFlesh - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemRottenFlesh() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRottenFlesh
ItemRottenFlesh(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRottenFlesh
ItemRottenFlesh(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemRottenFlesh
items() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the items record component.
ITEMS - Enum constant in enum class
ITEMS - Enum constant in enum class
ItemSaddle - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSaddle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSaddle
ItemSaddle(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSaddle
ItemSaddle(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSaddle
ItemSalmon - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSalmon() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSalmon
ItemSalmon(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSalmon
ItemSalmon(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSalmon
ItemSalmonCooked - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSalmonCooked() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSalmonCooked
ItemSalmonCooked(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSalmonCooked
ItemSalmonCooked(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSalmonCooked
ItemScrapNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemScrapNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemScrapNetherite
ItemScrapNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemScrapNetherite
ItemScrapNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemScrapNetherite
ItemScute - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemScute() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemScute
ItemScute(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemScute
ItemScute(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemScute
ItemSeedsBeetroot - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSeedsBeetroot() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsBeetroot
ItemSeedsBeetroot(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsBeetroot
ItemSeedsBeetroot(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsBeetroot
ItemSeedsMelon - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSeedsMelon() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsMelon
ItemSeedsMelon(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsMelon
ItemSeedsMelon(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsMelon
ItemSeedsPumpkin - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSeedsPumpkin() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsPumpkin
ItemSeedsPumpkin(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsPumpkin
ItemSeedsPumpkin(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsPumpkin
ItemSeedsWheat - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSeedsWheat() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsWheat
ItemSeedsWheat(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsWheat
ItemSeedsWheat(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSeedsWheat
ItemShears - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemShears() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShears
ItemShears(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShears
ItemShears(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShears
ItemShield - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemShield() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShield
ItemShield(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShield
ItemShield(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShield
ItemShield(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShield
ItemShovelDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemShovelDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelDiamond
ItemShovelDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelDiamond
ItemShovelDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelDiamond
ItemShovelGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemShovelGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelGold
ItemShovelGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelGold
ItemShovelGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelGold
ItemShovelIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemShovelIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelIron
ItemShovelIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelIron
ItemShovelIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelIron
ItemShovelNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemShovelNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelNetherite
ItemShovelNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelNetherite
ItemShovelNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelNetherite
ItemShovelStone - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemShovelStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelStone
ItemShovelStone(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelStone
ItemShovelStone(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelStone
ItemShovelWood - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemShovelWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelWood
ItemShovelWood(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelWood
ItemShovelWood(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShovelWood
ItemShulkerShell - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemShulkerShell() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShulkerShell
ItemShulkerShell(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShulkerShell
ItemShulkerShell(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemShulkerShell
ItemSign - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSign
ItemSign(int, Integer, int, String, BlockSignPost) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSign
ItemSign(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSign
ItemSign(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSign
ItemSkull - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSkull() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
ItemSkull(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
ItemSkull(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
ItemSlimeball - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSlimeball() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSlimeball
ItemSlimeball(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSlimeball
ItemSlimeball(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSlimeball
ItemSnowball - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSnowball() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSnowball
ItemSnowball(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSnowball
ItemSnowball(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSnowball
ItemSpawnEgg - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSpawnEgg() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
ItemSpawnEgg(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
ItemSpawnEgg(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
ItemSpawnEgg(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
ItemSpawnEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
ItemSpawnEvent(EntityItem) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ItemSpawnEvent
ItemSpiderEye - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSpiderEye() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpiderEye
ItemSpiderEye(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpiderEye
ItemSpiderEye(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpiderEye
ItemSpiderEyeFermented - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSpiderEyeFermented() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpiderEyeFermented
ItemSpiderEyeFermented(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpiderEyeFermented
ItemSpiderEyeFermented(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpiderEyeFermented
ItemSpruceSign - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSpruceSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpruceSign
ItemSpruceSign(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpruceSign
ItemSpruceSign(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpruceSign
ItemSpyglass - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSpyglass() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpyglass
ItemSpyglass(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpyglass
ItemSpyglass(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpyglass
ItemStackAction(byte, boolean, byte, int, int, byte, byte, byte, int, byte, byte, int, List<Item>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a ItemStackAction record class.
ItemStackRequestPacket - Class in
ItemStackRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
ItemStackRequestPacket.ItemStackAction - Record Class in
ItemStackRequestPacket.Request - Record Class in
ItemStackResponsePacket - Class in
ItemStackResponsePacket() - Constructor for class
ItemSteak - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSteak() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSteak
ItemSteak(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSteak
ItemSteak(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSteak
ItemStick - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemStick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemStick
ItemStick(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemStick
ItemStick(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemStick
ItemString - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemString() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemString
ItemString(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemString
ItemString(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemString
ItemSugar - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSugar() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSugar
ItemSugar(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSugar
ItemSugar(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSugar
ItemSugarcane - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSugarcane() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSugarcane
ItemSugarcane(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSugarcane
ItemSugarcane(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSugarcane
ItemSuspiciousStew - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSuspiciousStew() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSuspiciousStew
ItemSuspiciousStew(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSuspiciousStew
ItemSuspiciousStew(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSuspiciousStew
ItemSweetBerries - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSweetBerries() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSweetBerries
ItemSweetBerries(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSweetBerries
ItemSweetBerries(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSweetBerries
ItemSwordDiamond - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSwordDiamond() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordDiamond
ItemSwordDiamond(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordDiamond
ItemSwordDiamond(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordDiamond
ItemSwordGold - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSwordGold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordGold
ItemSwordGold(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordGold
ItemSwordGold(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordGold
ItemSwordIron - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSwordIron() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordIron
ItemSwordIron(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordIron
ItemSwordIron(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordIron
ItemSwordNetherite - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSwordNetherite() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordNetherite
ItemSwordNetherite(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordNetherite
ItemSwordNetherite(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordNetherite
ItemSwordStone - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSwordStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordStone
ItemSwordStone(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordStone
ItemSwordStone(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordStone
ItemSwordWood - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemSwordWood() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordWood
ItemSwordWood(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordWood
ItemSwordWood(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSwordWood
ItemTag - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
ItemTag() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
ItemTagDescriptor - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
ItemTagDescriptor(String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
ItemTool - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemTool(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
ItemTool(int, Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
ItemTool(int, Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
ItemTool(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
ItemTotem - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemTotem() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTotem
ItemTotem(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTotem
ItemTotem(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTotem
ItemTrident - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemTrident() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTrident
ItemTrident(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTrident
ItemTrident(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTrident
ItemTurtleShell - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemTurtleShell() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTurtleShell
ItemTurtleShell(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTurtleShell
ItemTurtleShell(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTurtleShell
ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick
ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick
ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick
ItemWarpedSign - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemWarpedSign() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWarpedSign
ItemWarpedSign(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWarpedSign
ItemWarpedSign(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWarpedSign
ItemWheat - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ItemWheat() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWheat
ItemWheat(Integer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWheat
ItemWheat(Integer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWheat
IterableThreadLocal<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
IterableThreadLocal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.IterableThreadLocal
iterateStates(BlockPositionDataConsumer<BlockState>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
iterator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.SimplePalette
iterator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.IdMapper
iterator() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Plane
iterator() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
iterator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingSetWrapper
iterator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
iterator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap.WithInlinedExpunction
iterator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
iterator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.IterableThreadLocal
iterator() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
iusername - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player


ja_JP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
JACK_O_LANTERN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JAGGED_PEAKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
JaggedPeaksBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jaggedpeaks
JaggedPeaksBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jaggedpeaks.JaggedPeaksBiome
jarPath - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader.JarPluginResourcePackLoader
jarPluginFile - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
JarPluginResourcePack - Class in cn.nukkit.resourcepacks
JarPluginResourcePack(File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
JarPluginResourcePackLoader - Class in cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader
JarPluginResourcePackLoader(File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader.JarPluginResourcePackLoader
JarStart - Class in cn.nukkit
JarStart() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.JarStart
javaClassCache - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSClassLoader
JavaPluginLoader - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
JavaPluginLoader(Server) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
JClassBuilder - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler
JClassBuilder(CommonJSPlugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
JClassBuilder(Context) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
JConstructor - Record Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler
JConstructor(JClassBuilder, JType[], JType...) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
JConstructor(JClassBuilder, String, String, JType[], JType...) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
Creates an instance of a JConstructor record class.
jeBlocksMapping - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXWorldHandle
JeBlockState - Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles
JeBlockState(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
JIGSAW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JIGSAW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JMethod - Record Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler
JMethod(JClassBuilder, String, JType, JType...) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
JMethod(JClassBuilder, String, String, JType, JType...) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
Creates an instance of a JMethod record class.
JOCKEY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an entity spawns as a jockey of another entity (mostly spider jockeys)
join() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager.JPromise
joinMessage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
JPromise(Context, CompletableFuture<?>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager.JPromise
JS_DEBUG_LIST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
JS_FEATURE_MAP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
JSClassLoader - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSClassLoader(CommonJSPlugin, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSClassLoader
JSConcurrentManager - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSConcurrentManager(CommonJSPlugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager
JSConcurrentManager.Executable - Interface in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSConcurrentManager.JPromise - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSConcurrentManager.Thenable - Interface in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
jsContext - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
JSEventManager - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSEventManager(CommonJSPlugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager
JSEventManager.CommandBuilder - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
jsExports - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
JSExternal - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSExternal(Context, Value) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
JSExternal.ReferenceNotAliveException - Exception in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
jsExternalMap - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
JSFeature - Interface in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSFeatures - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSIInitiator - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSIInitiator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator
JSJob - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSJob(Context, ESMFileSystem, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSJob
JSJVMManager - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSJVMManager(CommonJSPlugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSJVMManager
json - Variable in class
JSON - Enum constant in enum class
JSON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
JSONPair(int, Object) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil.JSONPair
JSONPair(String, Object) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil.JSONPair
JSONScoreboardStorage - Class in
JSONScoreboardStorage(String) - Constructor for class
JSONTickingAreaStorage - Class in
JSONTickingAreaStorage(String) - Constructor for class
JsonUtil - Class in cn.nukkit.timings
JsonUtil() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil
JsonUtil.JSONPair - Class in cn.nukkit.timings
jsPluginIdMap - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
JSPluginLoader - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
JSPluginLoader(Server) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.JSPluginLoader
JSProxyLogger - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSProxyLogger(PluginLogger) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSProxyLogger
JSSafeObject - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSSafeObject(Context, Object, long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSSafeObject
jsTimer - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator
JSTimerTask - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSTimerTask(long, Context, Value, Object...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSTimerTask
jsTimeTaskMap - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator
JSuperField - Record Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler
JSuperField(JClassBuilder, String, JType) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperField
Creates an instance of a JSuperField record class.
JSuperMethod - Record Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler
JSuperMethod(JClassBuilder, String, JType, JType...) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
Creates an instance of a JSuperMethod record class.
JSWorker - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js
JSWorker(Context, ESMFileSystem, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
JType - Record Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler
JType(Type) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
Creates an instance of a JType record class.
JUKEBOX - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUKEBOX - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JUKEBOX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
JUMP - Static variable in class
JUMP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
JUMP_ANCIENT_DEBRIS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_AZALEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_BONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_BOOST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
JUMP_CAVE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_CLOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_COOL_DOWN - Static variable in class
JUMP_CORAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
JUMP_DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_GRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_GRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_HANGING_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_HONEY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_MOSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_NETHER_GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_NETHER_SPROUTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_NETHER_WART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_NETHERITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_NETHERRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_NYLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_SHROOMLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_SLIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_SOUL_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_SOUL_SOIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_SPORE_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
JUMP_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
jumping - Variable in class
JUMPING - Enum constant in enum class
JUNGLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
JUNGLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
JUNGLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
JUNGLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
JUNGLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
JUNGLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
JUNGLE_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JUNGLE_CHEST_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
JUNGLE_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
JUNGLE_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JUNGLE_DOOR_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_EDGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
JUNGLE_EDGE_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
JUNGLE_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_HILLS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
JUNGLE_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JUNGLE_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
JUNGLE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JUNGLE_STANDING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_STANDING_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JUNGLE_WALL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
JUNGLE_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JUNGLE_WOOD_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JUNGLE_WOODEN_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
JungleBigTreePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree
JungleBigTreePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleBigTreePopulator
JungleBigTreePopulator(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleBigTreePopulator
JungleBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle
JungleBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleBiome
JungleEdgeBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle
JungleEdgeBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleEdgeBiome
JungleEdgeMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle
JungleEdgeMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleEdgeMBiome
JungleFloorPopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree
JungleFloorPopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleFloorPopulator
JungleFloorPopulator(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleFloorPopulator
JungleHillsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle
JungleHillsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleHillsBiome
JungleMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle
JungleMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.jungle.JungleMBiome
JungleTemple - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.structure
JungleTemple(BlockVector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.structure.JungleTemple
JungleTempleChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.loot
JungleTempleDispenser - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.loot
JungleTreePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree
JungleTreePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleTreePopulator
JungleTreePopulator(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleTreePopulator
JUNK_BONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNK_BOWL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNK_FISHING_ROD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNK_LEATHER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNK_LEATHER_BOOTS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNK_ROTTEN_FLESH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNK_STICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNK_STRING_ITEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNK_TRIPWIRE_HOOK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNK_WATTER_BOTTLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
JUNKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
justCreated - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
jwt - Variable in class


KEBAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
KEEP_INVENTORY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
keepMovement - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Player do not use
keepOnDeath - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents
keepOnDeath() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
KeepOnDeath() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents.KeepOnDeath
KELP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
KELP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
KELP_AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
KELP_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
key - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil.JSONPair
KEY_ABILITIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
KEY_COMMAND_PERMISSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
KEY_DIALOG_BUTTONS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
KEY_DIALOG_CONTENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
KEY_DIALOG_SKINDATA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
KEY_DIALOG_TITLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
KEY_PLAYER_PERMISSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
keySet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
KeyValuePair - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
KeyValuePair() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.KeyValuePair
KeyValuePair() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
kick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
reason=empty string
kick(PlayerKickEvent.Reason) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
kick(PlayerKickEvent.Reason, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
kick(PlayerKickEvent.Reason, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
kick(PlayerKickEvent.Reason, String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
kick(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
kick(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
KICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent.LoginResult
KickCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
KickCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.KickCommand
KICKED_BY_ADMIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
kickMessage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
kickMessage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
kill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
kill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
kill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
kill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
kill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
kill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
kill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
kill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
kill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Watchdog
KillCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
KillCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.KillCommand
killProjectiles() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
knockBack(Entity, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
knockBack(Entity, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
knockBack(Entity, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
KNOCKBACK_RESISTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
KNOCKBACK_ROAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
knownCommands - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
ko_KR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode


L - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
L() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.L
LAB_TABLE_HEATBLOCK_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
LAB_TABLE_MISC_MYSTICAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
LAB_TABLE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
label - Variable in class
LABORATORY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
LabTablePacket - Class in
LabTablePacket() - Constructor for class
LabTableReactionType - Enum Class in
LabTableType - Enum Class in
LADDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LADDER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LADDER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
LAMP_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
LAND_ANCIENT_DEBRIS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_AZALEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_BONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_CAVE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_CLOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_CORAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_GRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_GRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_HANGING_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_HONEY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_MOSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_NETHER_GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_NETHER_SPROUTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_NETHER_WART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_NETHERITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_NETHERRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_NYLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_SHROOMLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_SLIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_SOUL_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_SOUL_SOIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_SPORE_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LAND_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LANDED_ON_GROUND - Static variable in class
lang - Variable in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
LangCode - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.lang
langName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
The Lang name.
LANTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LANTERN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LAPIS_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LAPIS_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LAPIS_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
LAPIS_LAZULI - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LAPIS_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LAPIS_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LARGE_AMETHYST_BUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LARGE_AMETHYST_BUD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LARGE_BALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion.ExplosionType
LARGE_EXPLOSION_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
LARGE_FERN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
LARGE_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.BambooLeafSize
largestNodeInSubTree() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
LAST - Static variable in interface
LAST_BE_ATTACKED_TIME - Static variable in interface
LAST_BE_FED_TIME - Static variable in interface
LAST_EGG_SPAWN_TIME - Static variable in interface
LAST_FEED_PLAYER - Static variable in interface
LAST_IN_LOVE_TIME - Static variable in interface
LAST_OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class
lastActiveTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
lastAttackEntity - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastBeAttackEntity - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastBreak - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastChorusFruitTeleport - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastCollideTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
lastDamageCause - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastDetectTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
lastEnderPearl - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastExecution - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
lastHeadYaw - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastInAirTick - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastMinuteTime - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsHistory
lastMotionX - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastMotionY - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastMotionZ - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastOutput - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
lastOutput - Variable in class
lastOutputCommandMode - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
lastOutputCondionalMode - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
lastOutputParams - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
lastOutputRedstoneMode - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
lastPitch - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastPlayerdLevelUpSoundTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastPositions - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.SingleFakeBlock
lastProgress - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
lastRegion - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
lastRightClickPos - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastRightClickTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastSector - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
lastSkinChange - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
lastUpdate - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
lastUpdate - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastUsed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
lastVibrationEvent - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
lastX - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastY - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastYaw - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
lastZ - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
launchArrow(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType
LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CauldronLiquid
LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause
LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by standing in lava
LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LAVA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LAVA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
LAVA_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LAVA_CAULDRON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LAVA_CAULDRON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LAVA_DRIP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
LAVA_PARTICLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
LavaDripParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
LavaDripParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.LavaDripParticle
LavaParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
LavaParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.LavaParticle
lavaSpread(ChunkManager, int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.LiquidUpdater
lavaSpread(ChunkManager, BlockVector3) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.LiquidUpdater
layer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
layer() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
Returns the value of the layer record component.
LAYER - Enum constant in enum class
LayerStorage - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil
LayerStorage() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
LazyMetadataValue - Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
The LazyMetadataValue class implements a type of metadata that is not computed until another plugin asks for it.
LazyMetadataValue(Plugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue
Protected special constructor used by FixedMetadataValue to bypass standard setup.
LazyMetadataValue(Plugin, LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy, Callable<Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue
Initializes a LazyMetadataValue object with a specific cache strategy.
LazyMetadataValue(Plugin, Callable<Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue
Initialized a LazyMetadataValue object with the default CACHE_AFTER_FIRST_EVAL cache strategy.
LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
Describes possible caching strategies for metadata.
LEAD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEAD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
LEAF_SIZE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
LEAF_SIZE_LARGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
LEAF_SIZE_NONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
LEAF_SIZE_SMALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
LEAPING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
LEAPING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
LEAPING_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
LEAPING_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
LEAPING_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
LEAPING_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
LEASHKNOT_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LEASHKNOT_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LEATHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEATHER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
LEATHER_BOOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEATHER_BOOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
LEATHER_CAP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
LEATHER_CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEATHER_HELMET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEATHER_HORSE_ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEATHER_HORSE_ARMOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
LEATHER_LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEATHER_PANTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
LEATHER_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
LEATHER_TUNIC - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
LEAVE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LEAVE2 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEAVES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LEAVES2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEAVES2 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LeavesDecayEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
LeavesDecayEvent(Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.LeavesDecayEvent
leavesMetadata - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.HugeTreesGenerator
Sets the metadata for the leaves used in huge trees
LECTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LECTERN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LECTERN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
LECTERN_BOOKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
LECTERN_UPDATE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
LecternDropBookEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
LecternDropBookEvent(Player, BlockEntityLectern, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternDropBookEvent
LecternPageChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
LecternPageChangeEvent(Player, BlockEntityLectern, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
LecternPlaceBookEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
LecternPlaceBookEvent(Player, BlockEntityLectern, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPlaceBookEvent
LecternUpdatePacket - Class in
LecternUpdatePacket() - Constructor for class
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
LEFT_CLICK_AIR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action
LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action
leftBeehive(BlockEntityBeehive) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
LeftTurn(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.LeftTurn
LeftTurn(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.LeftTurn
LEGACY_FROZEN_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
LEGACY_IDS - Static variable in class
legacy2String(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.BiomeLegacyId2StringIdMap
LegacyEntry(int, boolean, int) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry
Creates an instance of a LegacyEntry record class.
LegacyFrozenOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
LegacyFrozenOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.LegacyFrozenOceanBiome
legacyId() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry
Returns the value of the legacyId record component.
legacyName() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems.MappingEntry
Returns the value of the legacyName record component.
legacyRequestId - Variable in class
LegacySetItemSlotData - Class in
LegacySetItemSlotData(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class
legacySlots - Variable in class
LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class
length - Variable in class
The number of valid bytes in FastByteArrayOutputStream.array.
length() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.IntPalette
length() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
length() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
length() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
length() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Calculates the Length of this Vector
length() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Calculates the Length of this Vector
length() - Method in class
length() - Method in class
length(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar.Builder
lengthSquared() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
lengthSquared() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
lengthSquared() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
lengthSquared() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
lengthSquared() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
lerp(double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
lerp(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorImprovedD
lerp(float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
lerp(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorImprovedF
LESSON_PROGRESS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
LessonAction - Enum Class in
LessonProgressPacket - Class in
LessonProgressPacket() - Constructor for class
level - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The level of this enchantment.
level - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
level - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
level - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
level - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
level - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
level - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
level - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
level - Variable in class
level - Variable in class
level - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
Level - Class in cn.nukkit.level
Level(Server, String, String, Class<? extends LevelProvider>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Level
LEVEL_EVENT_GENERIC_PACKET - Static variable in interface
LEVEL_EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
LEVEL_SOUND_EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
LEVEL_SOUND_EVENT_PACKET_V1 - Static variable in interface
LEVEL_SOUND_EVENT_PACKET_V2 - Static variable in interface
LevelChunkPacket - Class in
LevelChunkPacket() - Constructor for class
levelData - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
LevelEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
LevelEvent(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelEvent
LevelEventGenericPacket - Class in
LevelEventGenericPacket() - Constructor for class
LevelEventPacket - Class in
LevelEventPacket() - Constructor for class
LevelEventPacket_v575 - Class in
LevelEventPacket_v575() - Constructor for class
LevelException - Exception in cn.nukkit.utils
LevelException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.LevelException
LevelException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.LevelException
levelId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.LightPopulationTask
levelId - Variable in class
levelId - Variable in class
LevelInitEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
LevelInitEvent(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelInitEvent
LevelLoadEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
LevelLoadEvent(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelLoadEvent
LevelMetadataStore - Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
LevelMetadataStore() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.LevelMetadataStore
levelName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
levelProvider - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
LevelProvider - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.format
LevelProviderManager - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format
LevelProviderManager() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProviderManager
LevelSaveEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
LevelSaveEvent(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelSaveEvent
levelSaveTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
LevelSoundEventPacket - Class in
LevelSoundEventPacket() - Constructor for class
LevelSoundEventPacketV1 - Class in
LevelSoundEventPacketV1() - Constructor for class
LevelSoundEventPacketV2 - Class in
LevelSoundEventPacketV2() - Constructor for class
LevelTimings - Class in cn.nukkit.timings
LevelTimings(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
LevelUnloadEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
LevelUnloadEvent(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.LevelUnloadEvent
LEVER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LEVER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LEVER_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
LEVITATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
libDeflateAvailable - Static variable in class
LibDeflateThreadLocal - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
LibDeflateThreadLocal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.LibDeflateThreadLocal
Library - Interface in cn.nukkit.plugin
Library(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Library
Library(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Library
LibraryLoader - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
LibraryLoader() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.LibraryLoader
LibraryLoadException - Exception in cn.nukkit.plugin
LibraryLoadException(Library) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.plugin.LibraryLoadException
LICHEN_GREEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
LiftController - Class in
LiftController() - Constructor for class
light - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
LIGHT_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHT_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIGHT_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
LIGHT_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
LIGHT_BLUE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
LIGHT_BLUE_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHT_BLUE_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIGHT_BLUE_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIGHT_BLUE_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHT_BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHT_BLUE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIGHT_BLUE_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
LIGHT_BLUE_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHT_GRAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
LIGHT_GRAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
LIGHT_GRAY_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
LIGHT_GRAY_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHT_GRAY_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIGHT_GRAY_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIGHT_GRAY_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHT_GRAY_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
LIGHT_GRAY_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHT_LEVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
LIGHT_PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents light purple.
LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHT_WEIGHTED_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
lightDampening(Integer) - Method in class
lightEmission(Integer) - Method in class
lightFilter - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
LIGHTNING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause
LIGHTNING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a creature spawns because of a lightning strike
LIGHTNING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause
Power change caused by a lightning bolt
LIGHTNING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by being struck by lightning
LIGHTNING - Enum constant in enum class
LIGHTNING_ROD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIGHTNING_ROD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIGHTNING_STRIKE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
lightningLevel - Variable in class
lightningLevel - Variable in class
LightningStrikeEvent - Class in
LightningStrikeEvent(Level, EntityLightningStrike) - Constructor for class
LightPopulationTask - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
LightPopulationTask(Level, BaseFullChunk) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.LightPopulationTask
LightPost(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.LightPost
LightPost(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.LightPost
LILAC - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
LILY_PAD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
LIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
LIME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
LIME_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
LIME_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIME_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIME_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIME_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIME_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIME_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIME_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
LIME_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
linearLerp(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
linearLerp(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
lineId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
lines - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
LINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.ChiselType
LINGERING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType
LINGERING_POTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LINGERING_POTION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
LinkedCompoundTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
LinkedCompoundTag() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LinkedCompoundTag
LinkedCompoundTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LinkedCompoundTag
LinkedCompoundTag(String, Map<String, Tag>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LinkedCompoundTag
LinkedCompoundTag(Map<String, Tag>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LinkedCompoundTag
links - Variable in class
linkUri() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the linkUri record component.
LIQUID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
LIQUID_DEPTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
LIQUID_LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LIQUID_LAVAPOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LIQUID_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
liquidCollide(Block, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
LiquidFlowEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
LiquidFlowEvent(Block, BlockLiquid, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.LiquidFlowEvent
LiquidUpdater - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block
list - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
list - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
LIST - Enum constant in enum class
ListChunkManager - Class in cn.nukkit.level
ListChunkManager(ChunkManager) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
ListCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
ListCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ListCommand
listener - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.level.VibrationArriveEvent
Listener - Interface in cn.nukkit.event
An interface implemented by all classes that handles events.
listeners - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
ListNBT - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
ListNBT() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.ListNBT
ListNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
ListTag<T extends Tag> - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
ListTag() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
ListTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
LIT_BLAST_FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIT_BLAST_FURNACE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIT_DEEPSLATE_REDSTONE_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIT_DEEPSLATE_REDSTONE_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIT_FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIT_FURNACE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIT_PUMPKIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIT_PUMPKIN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIT_REDSTONE_LAMP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIT_REDSTONE_LAMP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIT_REDSTONE_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIT_REDSTONE_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LIT_SMOKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LIT_SMOKER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
Literal - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
Literal(SNBTConstants.TokenType, SNBTLexer, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.Literal
LittleEndianByteBufInputStream - Class in
LittleEndianByteBufInputStream(ByteBuf) - Constructor for class
LittleEndianByteBufOutputStream - Class in
LittleEndianByteBufOutputStream(ByteBuf) - Constructor for class
liveTime - Variable in class
LIVING_ROOM - Enum constant in enum class
livingEntityBaseTickTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
LLAMA_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LLAMA_SPIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
LM - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
LM() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.LM
load() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
load() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
load() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
load() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
load() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SimpleConfig
load(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
load(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
load(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
load(NBTInputStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
load(CompoundTag) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadableStructureTemplate
load(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadOnlyLegacyStructureTemplate
load(Library) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.LibraryLoader
load(InputStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
load(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.LibraryLoader
load(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
load(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
load(String, int, ConfigSection) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
LOAD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
loadAllChunk() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
loadAllTickingArea() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
loadAllTickingArea() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
loadArrow(Player, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
loadAsJson(InputStream, Gson) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
loadChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
loadChunk(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
loadChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
loadChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
loadChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
loadChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
loadChunk(long, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
loadChunk(long, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
loadFunctions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.FunctionManager
loadImageFromNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
loadInternalPlugin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadLang(InputStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
loadLang(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
loadLevel(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
loadLocationTable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
loadLocationTable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBed
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityComparator
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFlowerPot
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLodestone
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMusic
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNetherReactor
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
loadNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityStructBlock
loadPacks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader.JarPluginResourcePackLoader
loadPacks() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader.ResourcePackLoader
loadPacks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader.ZippedResourcePackLoader
loadPermission(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
loadPermission(String, Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
loadPermission(String, Map<String, Object>, String, List<Permission>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
loadPermissions(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
loadPermissions(Map<String, Object>, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
loadPlugin(File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
loadPlugin(File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JSPluginLoader
loadPlugin(File) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoader
通过插件的 File对象,来加载和初始化一个插件。
Loads and initializes a plugin by a File object describes the file.
loadPlugin(File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadPlugin(File, Map<String, PluginLoader>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadPlugin(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JavaPluginLoader
loadPlugin(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JSPluginLoader
loadPlugin(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoader
Loads and initializes a plugin by its file name.
loadPlugin(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadPlugin(String, Map<String, PluginLoader>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadPlugins(File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadPlugins(File, List<String>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadPlugins(File, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadPlugins(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadPlugins(String, List<String>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
loadQueue - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
loadRegion(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
localBlockHash(double, double, double, Level) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
localBlockHash(int, int, int, int, Level) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
locallyInitialized - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
Location - Class in cn.nukkit.level
Location() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
Location(double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
Location(double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
Location(double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
Location(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
Location(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
Location(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
Location(double, double, double, double, double, double, Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
Location(double, double, double, double, double, Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
Location(double, double, double, Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Location
locationTable - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
lock - Variable in class
LOCK_IN_INVENTORY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemLockMode
LOCK_IN_INVENTORY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents.ItemLock
LOCK_IN_SLOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemLockMode
LOCK_IN_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemJsonComponents.ItemLock
LODESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LODESTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LODESTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
LODESTONE_COMPASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LODESTONE_COMPASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
LODESTONE_COMPASS_LINK_COMPASS_TO_LODESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
LODESTONECOMPASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
log(LogLevel, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
log(LogLevel, String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
log(LogLevel, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
log(LogLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
log(LogLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
log(LogLevel, String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
log(MainLogger, String) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
log(MainLogger, String, Throwable) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LOG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
log2(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
LOG2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LOG2 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
logException(Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
loggedIn - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
Logger - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils
LogicalUtils - Interface in
Provide some utility method encapsulation
LOGIN_FAILED_CLIENT - Static variable in class
LOGIN_FAILED_EDU_VANILLA - Static variable in class
LOGIN_FAILED_INVALID_TENANT - Static variable in class
LOGIN_FAILED_SERVER - Static variable in class
LOGIN_FAILED_SERVER_FULL - Static variable in class
LOGIN_FAILED_VANILLA_EDU - Static variable in class
LOGIN_PACKET - Static variable in interface
LOGIN_SUCCESS - Static variable in class
LOGIN_TIMEOUT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
loginChainData - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
LoginChainData - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils
LoginPacket - Class in
LoginPacket() - Constructor for class
LoginProcessor - Class in
LoginProcessor() - Constructor for class
LogLevel - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
LOGS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
LOGS_THAT_BURN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
LONG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
LongEntityData - Class in
LongEntityData(int, long) - Constructor for class
LongMutableBlockState - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
LongMutableBlockState(int, BlockProperties) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
LongMutableBlockState(int, BlockProperties, long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
LongTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
LongTag(long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
LongTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
LongTag(String, long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
LOOK_TARGET - Static variable in interface
LookAtFeedingPlayerExecutor - Class in
此执行器与 LookAtTargetExecutor 最大的一点不同是,它会设置实体的DATA_FLAG_INTERESTED为true
LookAtFeedingPlayerExecutor() - Constructor for class
lookAtRoute - Variable in class
lookAtTarget - Variable in class
LookAtTargetExecutor - Class in
LookAtTargetExecutor(MemoryType<? extends Vector3>, int) - Constructor for class
LookController - Class in
LookController(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
lookTarget - Variable in class
lookupName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
LOOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
LOOM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
LootSpawnTask - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
LootSpawnTask(Level, BlockVector3, ListTag<CompoundTag>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.LootSpawnTask
LOVE_PARTICLES - Static variable in class
LOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority
Event call is of low importance
LOWER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServicePriority
LOWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.UpperBlockBit
LOWER_PADDING_SIZE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
LOWEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority
Event call is of very low importance and should be ran first, to allow other plugins to further customise the outcome
LOWEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServicePriority
LUCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
LUKEWARM_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
LukewarmOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
LukewarmOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.LukewarmOceanBiome
LUSH_CAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
LushCavesBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave
LushCavesBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.cave.LushCavesBiome
LZ4Freezer - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
LZ4Freezer() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.LZ4Freezer


M - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
M() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.M
MAGENTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
MAGENTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
MAGENTA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
MAGENTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
MAGENTA_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MAGENTA_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MAGENTA_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MAGENTA_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MAGENTA_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MAGENTA_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MAGENTA_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
MAGENTA_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MAGIC - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Potion or spell damage
MAGIC_CRITICAL_HIT - Enum constant in enum class
MAGMA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MAGMA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MAGMA_CREAM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MAGMA_CREAM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MAGMA_CUBE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MAGNESIUM_SALTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
MAGNESIUM_SALTS - Enum constant in enum class
main(String[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.JarStart
main(String[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
MAIN_HAND - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
mainJSFile - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
MainLogger - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
MAINTAINED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Usage
Intended for features that was tested, documented and at least stable for production use.
mainThreadHeartbeat(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
MALFORMED_PACKET - Enum constant in enum class
manager() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
Returns the value of the manager record component.
MANGROVE_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_CHEST_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MANGROVE_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_FENCE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_FENCE_GATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_LEAVES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_LOG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_LOGS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
MANGROVE_PLANKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_PLANKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_PROPAGULE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_PROPAGULE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_PROPAGULE_HANGING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_PROPAGULE_HANGING - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_ROOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MANGROVE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_STANDING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_STANDING_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_SWAMP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MANGROVE_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_WALL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MANGROVE_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MANGROVE_WOOD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MangroveSwampBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mangroveswamp
MangroveSwampBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mangroveswamp.MangroveSwampBiome
manifest - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.AbstractResourcePack
MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet.Cleaner
MAP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MAP_CREATE_LOCKED_COPY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
MAP_INFO_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
mapCount - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
MapCreateLockedCopyPacket - Class in
MapCreateLockedCopyPacket() - Constructor for class
MapDecorator() - Constructor for class
mapId - Variable in class
mapId - Variable in class
MapInfoRequestPacket - Class in
MapInfoRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
MappingEntry(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry.MappingEntry
MappingEntry(String, int) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems.MappingEntry
Creates an instance of a MappingEntry record class.
mapToArray(E[], Function<E, Object>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil
mapToArray(Iterable<E>, Function<E, Object>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil
mapToObject(Iterable<E>, Function<E, JsonUtil.JSONPair>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil
MapTrackedObject(long) - Constructor for class
MapTrackedObject(Vector3) - Constructor for class
MASKED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForBlocksCommand.TestForBlocksMode
match(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DefaultDescriptor
match(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptor
match(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
MATCH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
matchAndParse(CommandSender, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamTree
返回值是一个Map.Entry,它是成功匹配的命令重载,对应Command.getCommandParameters() commandParameters}。
其Key对应commandParameters中的Key,值是一个ParamList 其中每个节点与commandParameters的Value一一对应,并且是解析之后的结果。
matchBlastFurnaceRecipe(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchBrewingRecipe(Item, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchCampfireRecipe(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchCartographyRecipe(List<Item>, Item, List<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchCommandForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
matchContainerRecipe(Item, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchEntities(CommandSender, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.EntitySelectorAPI
matches(BlockState) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
matchesNamedPosition(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.NamedPosition
matchFurnaceRecipe(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchItemList(List<Item>, List<Item>) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Recipe
matchItems(List<Item>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
matchItems(List<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
matchItems(List<Item>, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
matchItems(List<Item>, List<Item>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
Returns whether the specified list of crafting grid inputs and outputs matches this recipe.
matchItems(List<Item>, List<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
Returns whether the specified list of crafting grid inputs and outputs matches this recipe.
matchItems(List<Item>, List<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
Returns whether the specified list of crafting grid inputs and outputs matches this recipe.
matchItems(List<Item>, List<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
matchItems(List<Item>, List<Item>, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
matchItems(List<Item>, List<Item>, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
matchItems(List<Item>, List<Item>, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
matchModProcessRecipe(String, List<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchPlayer(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
matchRecipe() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
matchRecipe(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBlastFurnace
matchRecipe(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
matchRecipe(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySmoker
matchRecipe(List<Item>, Item, List<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchSmithingRecipe(Item, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchSmithingRecipe(Item, Item, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchSmithingRecipe(List<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchSmithingRecipe(List<Item>, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchSmokerRecipe(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
matchStonecutterRecipe(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
materialId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the materialId record component.
materialInstances(Materials) - Method in class
Materials - Class in
Materials.RenderMethod - Enum Class in
MathHelper - Class in cn.nukkit.math
max() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores.ScoreCondition
Returns the value of the max record component.
max() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Arguments
max(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
MAX_BIOMES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
MAX_BLOCK_CACHE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
MAX_BLOCK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
MAX_BREW_TIME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
MAX_COMMAND_CHAIN_LENGTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
MAX_CRACKED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CrackState
MAX_DISTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
MAX_HEALTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
MAX_HUNGER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
MAX_SECTOR_LENGTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
MAX_STACK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
maxChunkSize - Variable in class
maxFireTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
maxFollowRangeSquared - Variable in class
maxFollowRangeSquared - Variable in class
maxHeight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
MAXIMUM_SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
maxPassByTimeRange - Variable in class
maxPlaceCount - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PieceWeight
maxPlainDistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
maxPlainDistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
maxPlainDistance(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
maxPlainDistance(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
maxPlainDistance(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
maxPlainDistance(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
maxPlainDistance(Vector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
maxPlainDistance(Vector2f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
maxPlainDistance(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
maxPlainDistance(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
maxRange - Variable in class
maxRetryTime - Variable in class
maxRoamRange - Variable in class
maxSearchDepth - Variable in class
maxSenseRangeSquared - Variable in class
maxStackSize - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
maxTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
maxTime - Variable in class
maxTradeTier - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
maxValue - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
maxYRoamRange - Variable in class
MAY_FLY - Enum constant in enum class
maybeGenerateBlock(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
MeCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
MeCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.MeCommand
MEDICINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MEDIUM_AMETHYST_BUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MEDIUM_AMETHYST_BUD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MEGA_SPRUCE_TAIGA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MEGA_TAIGA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MEGA_TAIGA_HILLS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MegaSpruceTaigaBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
MegaSpruceTaigaBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.MegaSpruceTaigaBiome
MegaTaigaBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
MegaTaigaBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.MegaTaigaBiome
MegaTaigaHillsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
MegaTaigaHillsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.MegaTaigaHillsBiome
MeleeAttackExecutor - Class in
MeleeAttackExecutor(MemoryType<? extends Entity>, float, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
MeleeAttackExecutor(MemoryType<? extends Entity>, float, int, boolean, int, Effect) - Constructor for class
MELON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MELON_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MELON_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MELON_SEEDS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MELON_SEEDS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
melon_slice - Static variable in class
MELON_SLICE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MELON_SLICE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MELON_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MELON_STEM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
melt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
melt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
MEMBER - Enum constant in enum class
memberKeys - Static variable in class
memories - Variable in class
memory - Variable in class
memory - Variable in class
memory - Variable in class
memory - Variable in class
MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class
MemoryCheckEmptyEvaluator - Class in
MemoryCheckEmptyEvaluator(MemoryType<?>) - Constructor for class
MemoryCheckNotEmptyEvaluator - Class in
MemoryCheckNotEmptyEvaluator(MemoryType<?>) - Constructor for class
MemoryCodec<Data> - Class in
MemoryCodec(Function<CompoundTag, Data>, BiConsumer<Data, CompoundTag>) - Constructor for class
memoryMap - Variable in class
memoryStorage - Variable in class
MemoryStorage - Class in
MemoryStorage(Entity) - Constructor for class
MemoryType<Data> - Class in
MemoryType(Identifier) - Constructor for class
MemoryType(Identifier, Data) - Constructor for class
MemoryType(Identifier, Supplier<Data>) - Constructor for class
MemoryType(String) - Constructor for class
MemoryType(String, Data) - Constructor for class
MemoryType(String, Supplier<Data>) - Constructor for class
MERGE_ITEMS - Static variable in class
MESA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MESA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft.Type
MESA_BRYCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MESA_PLATEAU - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MESA_PLATEAU_F - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MESA_PLATEAU_F_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MESA_PLATEAU_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MesaBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa
MesaBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
MesaBiomeUpdater - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.updater
MesaBiomeUpdater(ChunkSection) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.MesaBiomeUpdater
MesaBryceBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa
MesaBryceBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBryceBiome
MesaPlateauBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa
MesaPlateauBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauBiome
MesaPlateauFBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa
MesaPlateauFBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauFBiome
MesaPlateauFMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa
MesaPlateauFMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauFMBiome
MesaPlateauMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa
MesaPlateauMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauMBiome
message - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Achievement
message - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMessageEvent
message - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ConsoleCommandOutputEvent
message - Variable in class
message - Variable in class
MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class
messageCounter - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
messageEntityID() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the messageEntityID record component.
messages - Variable in class
MessageStringNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
MessageStringNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.MessageStringNode
messageType() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the messageType record component.
meta - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
metadata - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
metadata - Variable in class
metadata - Variable in class
metadata - Variable in class
metadata - Variable in class
metadata() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
Metadatable - Interface in cn.nukkit.metadata
MetadataEvaluationException - Exception in cn.nukkit.metadata
A MetadataEvaluationException is thrown any time a LazyMetadataValue fails to evaluate its value due to an exception.
MetadataStore - Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
MetadataStore() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataStore
MetadataValue - Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
MetadataValue(Plugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValue
MetadataValueAdapter - Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
Optional base class for facilitating MetadataValue implementations.
MetadataValueAdapter(Plugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValueAdapter
MethodEventExecutor - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
MethodEventExecutor(Method) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.MethodEventExecutor
methodName() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
Returns the value of the methodName record component.
methodName() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
Returns the value of the methodName record component.
Metrics - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
Metrics(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics
Creates a new instance and starts submitting immediately.
Metrics(String, String, boolean, MainLogger) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics
Creates a new instance and starts submitting immediately.
Metrics.AdvancedBarChart - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
Represents a custom advanced bar chart.
Metrics.AdvancedPie - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
Represents a custom advanced pie.
Metrics.CustomChart - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
Represents a custom chart.
Metrics.DrilldownPie - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
Represents a custom drill down pie.
Metrics.MultiLineChart - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
Represents a custom multi line chart.
Metrics.SimpleBarChart - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
Represents a custom simple bar chart.
Metrics.SimplePie - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
Represents a custom simple pie.
Metrics.SingleLineChart - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
Represents a custom single line chart.
milk - Static variable in class
MILK_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
min() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores.ScoreCondition
Returns the value of the min record component.
min() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Arguments
MIN_DISTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
minAndMaxChunkPos() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
MINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
MINE - Enum constant in enum class
MINE - Static variable in class
MINECART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MINECART - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MINECART_BASE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MINECART_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
MINECART_CHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
MINECART_CHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Represents a chest holder.
MINECART_COMMAND_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Represents a command block minecart.
MINECART_EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Represents an empty vehicle.
MINECART_FURNACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Represents a furnace minecart.
MINECART_HOPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
MINECART_HOPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Represents a hopper minecart.
MINECART_INSIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MINECART_MOB_SPAWNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Represents a mob spawner minecart.
MINECART_TNT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Represents a TNT minecart.
MINECART_TNT_PRIME_FUSE - Static variable in class
MINECART_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Represents an unknown minecart.
MINECART_WITH_CHEST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MINECART_WITH_HOPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MINECART_WITH_TNT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MinecartChestInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
MinecartChestInventory(EntityMinecartChest) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.MinecartChestInventory
MinecartDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
MinecartDispenseBehavior(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.MinecartDispenseBehavior
minecartEid - Variable in class
MinecartHopperInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
MinecartHopperInventory(EntityMinecartHopper) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.MinecartHopperInventory
MinecartType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Helper class of Minecart variants
MINECOIN_GOLD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents minecoins gold.
MINECRAFT_VERSION - Static variable in interface
MINECRAFT_VERSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
MINECRAFT_VERSION_NETWORK - Static variable in interface
MINECRAFT_VERSION_NETWORK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
MinecraftItemID - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.item
An enum containing all valid vanilla Minecraft items.
MinecraftNamespaceComparator - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
MinecraftNamespaceComparator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecraftNamespaceComparator
MineshaftChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.loot
MineshaftCorridor(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace, PopulatorMineshaft.Type) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCorridor
MineshaftCorridor(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCorridor
MineshaftCrossing(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace, PopulatorMineshaft.Type) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCrossing
MineshaftCrossing(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCrossing
MineshaftPieces - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure
MineshaftPieces() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces
MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCorridor - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure
MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCrossing - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure
MineshaftPieces.MineshaftRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure
MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure
MineshaftRoom(int, NukkitRandom, int, int, PopulatorMineshaft.Type) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftRoom
MineshaftRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftRoom
MineshaftStairs(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace, PopulatorMineshaft.Type) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
MineshaftStairs(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
MineshaftStart(ChunkManager, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft.MineshaftStart
minFollowRangeSquared - Variable in class
minHeight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
minHill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
minHill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBryceBiome
minHill() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaPlateauMBiome
MINIMUM_LIGHT_LEVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
MINING_FATIGUE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
minPassByTimeRange - Variable in class
minRange - Variable in class
minRange - Variable in class
minRange - Variable in class
minTime - Variable in class
minValue - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
MISC_EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class
MISC_FIRE - Enum constant in enum class
MISC_LARGE_SMOKE - Enum constant in enum class
MISC_LAVAL - Enum constant in enum class
MISC_MYSTICAL - Enum constant in enum class
MISC_SMOKE - Enum constant in enum class
MixRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
MixRecipe(Item, Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.MixRecipe
MOB_AGENT_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ALLAY_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ALLAY_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ALLAY_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ALLAY_IDLE_HOLDING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ALLAY_ITEM_GIVEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ALLAY_ITEM_TAKEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ALLAY_ITEM_THROWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ARMOR_EQUIPMENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
MOB_ARMOR_STAND_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ARMOR_STAND_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ARMOR_STAND_LAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ARMOR_STAND_PLACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_AXOLOTL_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_AXOLOTL_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_AXOLOTL_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_AXOLOTL_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_AXOLOTL_IDLE_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_AXOLOTL_SPLASH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_AXOLOTL_SWIM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BAT_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BAT_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BAT_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BAT_TAKEOFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BEE_AGGRESSIVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BEE_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BEE_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BEE_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BEE_POLLINATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BEE_STING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BLAZE_BREATHE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BLAZE_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BLAZE_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BLAZE_SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_BLOCK_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
MOB_CAT_BEG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CAT_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CAT_HISS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CAT_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CAT_MEOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CAT_PURR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CAT_PURREOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CAT_STRAYMEOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CHICKEN_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CHICKEN_PLOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CHICKEN_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CHICKEN_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_COW_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_COW_MILK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_COW_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_COW_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CREEPER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_CREEPER_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_BLOWHOLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_IDLE_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_JUMP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_PLAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_SPLASH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DOLPHIN_SWIM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DROWNED_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DROWNED_DEATH_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DROWNED_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DROWNED_HURT_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DROWNED_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DROWNED_SAY_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DROWNED_SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DROWNED_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_DROWNED_SWIM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EFFECT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
MOB_ELDERGUARDIAN_CURSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ELDERGUARDIAN_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ELDERGUARDIAN_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ELDERGUARDIAN_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERDRAGON_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERDRAGON_FLAP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERDRAGON_GROWL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERDRAGON_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMEN_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMEN_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMEN_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMEN_PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMEN_SCREAM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMEN_STARE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMITE_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMITE_KILL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMITE_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ENDERMITE_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EQUIPMENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
MOB_EVOCATION_FANGS_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EVOCATION_ILLAGER_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EVOCATION_ILLAGER_CAST_SPELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EVOCATION_ILLAGER_CELEBRATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EVOCATION_ILLAGER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EVOCATION_ILLAGER_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EVOCATION_ILLAGER_PREPARE_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EVOCATION_ILLAGER_PREPARE_SUMMON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_EVOCATION_ILLAGER_PREPARE_WOLOLO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FISH_FLOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FISH_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FISH_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_AGGRO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_BITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_SCREECH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_SLEEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_SNIFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FOX_SPIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FROG_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FROG_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FROG_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FROG_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FROG_JUMP_TO_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FROG_LAY_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FROG_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_FROG_TONGUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GHAST_AFFECTIONATE_SCREAM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GHAST_CHARGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GHAST_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GHAST_FIREBALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GHAST_MOAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GHAST_SCREAM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GLOW_SQUID_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GLOW_SQUID_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GLOW_SQUID_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GLOW_SQUID_INK_SQUIRT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_AMBIENT_SCREAMER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_DEATH_SCREAMER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_HORN_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_HURT_SCREAMER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_MILK_SCREAMER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_PREPARE_RAM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_PREPARE_RAM_SCREAMER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_RAM_IMPACT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_RAM_IMPACT_SCREAMER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GOAT_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GRIEFING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
MOB_GUARDIAN_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GUARDIAN_ATTACK_LOOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GUARDIAN_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GUARDIAN_FLOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GUARDIAN_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GUARDIAN_LAND_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GUARDIAN_LAND_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_GUARDIAN_LAND_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HOGLIN_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HOGLIN_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HOGLIN_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HOGLIN_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HOGLIN_HOWL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HOGLIN_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HOGLIN_RETREAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HOGLIN_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_ARMOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_BREATHE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_DONKEY_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_DONKEY_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_DONKEY_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_DONKEY_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_GALLOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_JUMP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_LAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_LEATHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_SKELETON_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_SKELETON_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_SKELETON_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_SOFT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_ZOMBIE_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_ZOMBIE_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HORSE_ZOMBIE_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HUSK_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HUSK_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HUSK_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_HUSK_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_IRONGOLEM_CRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_IRONGOLEM_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_IRONGOLEM_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_IRONGOLEM_REPAIR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_IRONGOLEM_THROW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_IRONGOLEM_WALK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_LLAMA_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_LLAMA_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_LLAMA_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_LLAMA_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_LLAMA_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_LLAMA_SPIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_LLAMA_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_LLAMA_SWAG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_MAGMACUBE_BIG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_MAGMACUBE_JUMP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_MAGMACUBE_SMALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_MOOSHROOM_CONVERT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_MOOSHROOM_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_MOOSHROOM_SUSPICIOUS_MILK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_OCELOT_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_OCELOT_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_BABY_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_BITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_CANT_BREED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_IDLE_AGGRESSIVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_IDLE_WORRIED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_PRESNEEZE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_SNEEZE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PANDA_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PARROT_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PARROT_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PARROT_FLY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PARROT_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PARROT_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PARROT_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PHANTOM_BITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PHANTOM_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PHANTOM_FLAP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PHANTOM_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PHANTOM_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PHANTOM_SWOOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIG_BOOST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIG_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIG_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIG_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_ADMIRING_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_BRUTE_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_BRUTE_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_BRUTE_CONVERTED_TO_ZOMBIFIED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_BRUTE_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_BRUTE_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_BRUTE_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_CELEBRATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_CONVERTED_TO_ZOMBIFIED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_JEALOUS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_RETREAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PIGLIN_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PILLAGER_CELEBRATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PILLAGER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PILLAGER_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PILLAGER_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PLAYER_HURT_DROWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PLAYER_HURT_FREEZE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_POLARBEAR_BABY_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_POLARBEAR_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_POLARBEAR_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_POLARBEAR_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_POLARBEAR_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_POLARBEAR_WARNING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
MOB_RABBIT_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RABBIT_HOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RABBIT_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RABBIT_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RAVAGER_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RAVAGER_BITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RAVAGER_CELEBRATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RAVAGER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RAVAGER_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RAVAGER_ROAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RAVAGER_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_RAVAGER_STUN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHEEP_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHEEP_SHEAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHEEP_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHULKER_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHULKER_BULLET_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHULKER_CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHULKER_CLOSE_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHULKER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHULKER_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHULKER_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHULKER_SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SHULKER_TELEPORT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SILVERFISH_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SILVERFISH_KILL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SILVERFISH_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SILVERFISH_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SKELETON_CONVERT_TO_STRAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SKELETON_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SKELETON_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SKELETON_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SKELETON_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SLIME_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SLIME_BIG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SLIME_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SLIME_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SLIME_JUMP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SLIME_SMALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SLIME_SQUISH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SNOWGOLEM_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SNOWGOLEM_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SNOWGOLEM_SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SPAWNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MOB_SPAWNER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MOB_SPAWNER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
MOB_SPIDER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SPIDER_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SPIDER_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SQUID_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SQUID_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SQUID_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_SQUID_INK_SQUIRT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRAY_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRAY_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRAY_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRAY_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRIDER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRIDER_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRIDER_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRIDER_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRIDER_PANIC - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRIDER_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRIDER_STEP_LAVA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_STRIDER_TEMPT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TADPOLE_CONVERT_TO_FROG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TADPOLE_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TADPOLE_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TURTLE_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TURTLE_BABY_BORN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TURTLE_BABY_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TURTLE_BABY_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TURTLE_BABY_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TURTLE_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TURTLE_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TURTLE_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_TURTLE_SWIM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VEX_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VEX_CHARGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VEX_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VEX_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VILLAGER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VILLAGER_HAGGLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VILLAGER_HIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VILLAGER_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VILLAGER_NO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VILLAGER_YES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VINDICATOR_CELEBRATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VINDICATOR_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VINDICATOR_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_VINDICATOR_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_DISAPPEARED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_DRINK_MILK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_DRINK_POTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_HAGGLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_NO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_REAPPEARED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WANDERINGTRADER_YES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_AGITATED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_CLICKING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_DIG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_EMERGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_HEARTBEAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_LISTENING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_LISTENING_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_NEARBY_CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_NEARBY_CLOSER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_NEARBY_CLOSEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_ROAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_SNIFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_SONIC_BOOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_SONIC_CHARGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WARDEN_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITCH_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITCH_CELEBRATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITCH_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITCH_DRINK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITCH_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITCH_THROW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITHER_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITHER_BREAK_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITHER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITHER_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITHER_SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WITHER_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WOLF_BARK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WOLF_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WOLF_GROWL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WOLF_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WOLF_PANTING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WOLF_SHAKE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WOLF_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_WOLF_WHINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOGLIN_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOGLIN_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOGLIN_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOGLIN_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOGLIN_IDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOGLIN_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_REMEDY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_UNFECT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_DEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_SAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIE_WOODBREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIEPIG_ZPIG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIEPIG_ZPIGANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIEPIG_ZPIGDEATH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MOB_ZOMBIEPIG_ZPIGHURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MobArmorEquipmentPacket - Class in
MobArmorEquipmentPacket() - Constructor for class
MobEffectPacket - Class in
MobEffectPacket() - Constructor for class
MobEquipmentPacket - Class in
MobEquipmentPacket() - Constructor for class
MOBFLAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
MOBFLAME_SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
MobSpawnParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
MobSpawnParticle(Vector3, float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.MobSpawnParticle
MOBSPELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
MOBSPELL_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
MOD_PROCESS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
MODAL_FORM_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
MODAL_FORM_RESPONSE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ModalFormRequestPacket - Class in
ModalFormRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
ModalFormResponsePacket - Class in
ModalFormResponsePacket() - Constructor for class
mode - Variable in class
MODE_CHAIN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
MODE_NORMAL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
MODE_NORMAL - Static variable in class
MODE_PITCH - Static variable in class
MODE_REPEATING - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
MODE_RESET - Static variable in class
MODE_TELEPORT - Static variable in class
ModProcessRecipe - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory
MOISTURIZED_AMOUNT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
MOJANG_BANNER_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MOLANG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptorType
MolangDescriptor - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe
MolangDescriptor(String, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
molangVariablesJson - Variable in class
MONITOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority
Event is listened to purely for monitoring the outcome of an event.
MONSTER_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MONSTER_EGG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MONSTER_EGG_STONE_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
MONSTER_SPAWNER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MonsterEggStoneType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
MonsterThrone(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.MonsterThrone
MonsterThrone(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.MonsterThrone
MonumentBuilding(NukkitRandom, int, int, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.MonumentBuilding
MonumentBuilding(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.MonumentBuilding
MOOSHROOM_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MOSS_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MOSS_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MOSS_CARPET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MOSS_CARPET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MOSS_STONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MOSSY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneBrickType
MOSSY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
MOSSY_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
MOSSY_COBBLESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
MOSSY_COBBLESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
MOSSY_COBBLESTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MOSSY_COBBLESTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MOSSY_COBBLESTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MOSSY_COBBLESTONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MOSSY_STONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MOSSY_STONE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
MOSSY_STONE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.MonsterEggStoneType
MOSSY_STONE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MOSSY_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
MOSSY_STONE_BRICKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
MOSSY_WALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
MOTION_CONTROLLER - Enum constant in enum class
MOTION_PREDICTION_HINTS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
motionChanged - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
motionX - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
motionX - Variable in class
motionX - Variable in class
motionY - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
motionY - Variable in class
motionY - Variable in class
motionZ - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
motionZ - Variable in class
motives - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
moundHeight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
MOUNT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an entity spawns as a mount of another entity (mostly chicken jockeys)
mountEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
mountEntity(Entity) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityRideable
Mount or Dismounts an Entity from a rideable entity
mountEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
mountEntity(Entity, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Mount an Entity from a/into vehicle
mountEntity(Entity, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
mountEntity(Entity, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
mountEntity(Entity, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
mountEntity(Entity, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
MOUSE - Enum constant in enum class
movable - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
move() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
move(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
move(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.SlenderProjectile
move(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftRoom
move(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
move(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
MOVE - Enum constant in enum class
JSON Data:
MOVE_DIRECTION_END - Static variable in interface
MOVE_DIRECTION_START - Static variable in interface
MOVE_ENTITY_ABSOLUTE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
MOVE_ENTITY_DELTA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
MOVE_PLAYER_PACKET - Static variable in interface
MOVE_STEP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
MOVE_TARGET - Static variable in interface
moveBelowSeaLevel(int, NukkitRandom, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
moveCollidedEntities() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
moveCollidedEntities(BlockEntityPistonArm, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
moved(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
MoveEntityAbsolutePacket - Class in
MoveEntityAbsolutePacket() - Constructor for class
MoveEntityDeltaPacket - Class in
MoveEntityDeltaPacket() - Constructor for class
moveFlying(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
moveInsideHeights(NukkitRandom, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
MOVEMENT_SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
movementSpeed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
MovePlayerPacket - Class in
MovePlayerPacket() - Constructor for class
moveSpeed - Variable in class
MoveToTargetExecutor - Class in
MoveToTargetExecutor(MemoryType<? extends Vector3>, float) - Constructor for class
MoveToTargetExecutor(MemoryType<? extends Vector3>, float, boolean) - Constructor for class
MoveToTargetExecutor(MemoryType<? extends Vector3>, float, boolean, float, float) - Constructor for class
MoveToTargetExecutor(MemoryType<? extends Vector3>, float, boolean, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class
moveToTheEnd(Position) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
MOVING_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MOVING_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
MovingObjectPosition - Class in cn.nukkit.level
MovingObjectPosition() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
Mth - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math
MUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MUD_BRICK_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUD_BRICK_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MUD_BRICK_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUD_BRICK_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MUD_BRICK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUD_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MUD_BRICK_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUD_BRICK_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MUD_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUD_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MUDDY_MANGROVE_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUDDY_MANGROVE_ROOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MULE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MULTI - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
MULTI - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
MULTI_FACE_DIRECTION_BITS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
MultiBehaviorEvaluator - Class in
MultiBehaviorEvaluator(IBehaviorEvaluator...) - Constructor for class
MultiBehaviorEvaluator(Set<IBehaviorEvaluator>) - Constructor for class
MultiLayerStorage - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil
MultiLayerStorage() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
MultiLayerStorage(BlockStorage...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
MultiLineChart(String, Callable<Map<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.MultiLineChart
Class constructor.
MULTIPLAYER_SETTINGS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
multiplayerCorrelationId - Variable in class
multiplayerCorrelationId - Variable in class
multiplayerGame - Variable in class
multiplayerGame - Variable in class
MULTIPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AttachmentType
MultipleExecutor - Class in
MultipleExecutor(IBehaviorExecutor...) - Constructor for class
MultipleExecutor(Set<IBehaviorExecutor>) - Constructor for class
multiply(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
multiply(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
multiply(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
multiply(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
multiply(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
multiply(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
multiply(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
multiply(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
multiply(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
MultiRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
MultiRecipe(UUID) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.MultiRecipe
multiRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
MUNDANE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
MUNDANE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
MUNDANE_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
MUNDANE_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
MUSHROOM_ISLAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
MUSHROOM_ISLAND_SHORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
mushroom_stew - Static variable in class
MUSHROOM_STEW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSHROOM_STEW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
MushroomIslandBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mushroom
MushroomIslandBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mushroom.MushroomIslandBiome
MushroomIslandShoreBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mushroom
MushroomIslandShoreBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mushroom.MushroomIslandShoreBiome
MushroomPopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
MushroomPopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.MushroomPopulator
MushroomPopulator(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.MushroomPopulator
MUSIC - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
MUSIC_DISC - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
MUSIC_DISC_11 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_13 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_5 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_CAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_CHIRP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_FAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_MALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_MELLOHI - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_OTHERSIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_PIGSTEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_STAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_STRAD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_WAIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_DISC_WARD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MUSIC_GAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_AND_WILD_EQUAL_CHANCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_AND_WILD_FAVOR_GAME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_BASALT_DELTAS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_CREATIVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_CREDITS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_CRIMSON_FOREST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_DEEP_DARK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_DRIPSTONE_CAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_END - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_ENDBOSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_FROZEN_PEAKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_GROVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_JAGGED_PEAKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_LUSH_CAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_MEADOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_NETHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_NETHER_WASTES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_SNOWY_SLOPES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_SOUL_SAND_VALLEY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_SOULSAND_VALLEY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_STONY_PEAKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_SWAMP_MUSIC - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_WARPED_FOREST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_GAME_WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
MUSIC_MENU - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
mustAccept - Variable in class
mustAccept - Variable in class
mustDrop(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
mustDrop(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
mustSilkTouch(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
mustSilkTouch(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
MutableBlockState - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
MUTED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
MUTED - Enum constant in enum class
MUTED - Static variable in class
MUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
mutton_cooked - Static variable in class
mutton_raw - Static variable in class
MYCELIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
MYCELIUM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
MYCELIUM_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect


name - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
name - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
name - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The name visible by the player, this is used in conjunction with Enchantment.getName(), unless modified with an override, the getter will automatically add "%enchantment." as prefix to grab the translation key
name - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
name - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
name() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Command
name() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Parameter
name() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Parameters
name() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperField
Returns the value of the name record component.
Name - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
Name() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Name
NAME_BANNED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
NAME_BINDING_CURSE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_BOW_FLAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_BOW_INFINITY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_BOW_KNOCKBACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_BOW_POWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_CROSSBOW_MULTISHOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_CROSSBOW_PIERCING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_CROSSBOW_QUICK_CHARGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_DAMAGE_ALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_DAMAGE_ARTHROPODS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_DAMAGE_SMITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_DURABILITY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_EFFICIENCY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_FIRE_ASPECT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_FORTUNE_DIGGING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_FORTUNE_FISHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_FROST_WALKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_KNOCKBACK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_LOOTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_LURE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_MENDING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_PROTECTION_ALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_PROTECTION_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_PROTECTION_FALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_PROTECTION_FIRE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_PROTECTION_PROJECTILE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_SILK_TOUCH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_SOUL_SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_SWIFT_SNEAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_TAG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NAME_TAG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NAME_THORNS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_TRIDENT_CHANNELING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_TRIDENT_IMPALING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_TRIDENT_LOYALTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_VANISHING_CURSE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_WATER_BREATHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_WATER_WALKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NAME_WATER_WORKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
NamedPosition - Class in cn.nukkit.positiontracking
NamedPosition() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.NamedPosition
NamedPosition(double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.NamedPosition
NamedPosition(double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.NamedPosition
NamedPosition(double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.NamedPosition
namedtag - Variable in class
namedTag - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
namedTag - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
namedTag - Variable in class
namespace - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
NATURAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When something spawns from natural means
NATURAL_REGENERATION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
NATURE - Enum constant in enum class
NATURE - Enum constant in enum class
NAUSEA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
NAUTILUS_SHELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NAUTILUS_SHELL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
nb_NO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
nbt - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
nbt - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
nbt - Variable in class
nbt - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo
nbt - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureEntityInfo
nbt - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.TileSyncTask
nbt() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
Returns the value of the nbt record component.
nbt() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition
Returns the value of the nbt record component.
nbt() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
Returns the value of the nbt record component.
NBTData - Interface in
NBTentities - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
NBTEntityData - Class in
NBTEntityData(int, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class
NBTInputStream - Class in
NBTInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
NBTInputStream(InputStream, ByteOrder) - Constructor for class
NBTInputStream(InputStream, ByteOrder, boolean) - Constructor for class
NBTIO - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt
A Named Binary Tag library for Nukkit Project
NBTIO() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
NBTOutputStream - Class in
NBTOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
NBTOutputStream(OutputStream, ByteOrder) - Constructor for class
NBTOutputStream(OutputStream, ByteOrder, boolean) - Constructor for class
NBTtiles - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
NEAREST_FEEDING_PLAYER - Static variable in interface
NEAREST_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
NEAREST_PLAYER - Static variable in interface
NEAREST_SKELETON - Static variable in interface
NEAREST_SUITABLE_ATTACK_TARGET - Static variable in interface
NearestFeedingPlayerSensor - Class in
NearestFeedingPlayerSensor(double, double) - Constructor for class
NearestFeedingPlayerSensor(double, double, int) - Constructor for class
NearestPlayerSensor - Class in
NearestPlayerSensor(double, double) - Constructor for class
NearestPlayerSensor(double, double, int) - Constructor for class
NearestTargetEntitySensor<T extends Entity> - Class in
用来搜索最近的目标实体,构造函数中接受一个目标函数Function<T, Boolean> target的Set,用于实体检测,最终结果保存到List<MemoryType<Entity>> memories中.
NearestTargetEntitySensor(double, double, int, List<MemoryType<Entity>>, Function<T, Boolean>...) - Constructor for class
NearestTargetEntitySensor(double, double, List<MemoryType<Entity>>) - Constructor for class
NECTAR_DRIP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
nectarDelivered(BlockEntityBeehive) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
needNewDirection(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
needNewDirection(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
needsInject() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeature
needsRecalcMovement - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
needUpdateTarget(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
negateDamage(Item, int, Random) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentDurability
NEGATIVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.AxisDirection
neighborChangeAroundImmediately(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
neighborChangeAroundImmediately(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
Nether - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator
Nether() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
Nether(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
NETHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent.PortalType
NETHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionEnum
NETHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHER_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
NETHER_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
NETHER_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
NETHER_BRICK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHER_BRICK_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHER_BRICK_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHER_BRICK_FENCE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHER_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHER_BRICKS_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHER_GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHER_GOLD_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHER_PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a creature is spawned by nether portal
NETHER_PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
NETHER_PORTAL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHER_QUARTZ - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHER_REACTOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHER_REACTOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
NETHER_SPROUTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHER_SPROUTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHER_SPROUTS_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHER_SPROUTS_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHER_STAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHER_STAR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHER_WART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHER_WART - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHER_WART_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHER_WART_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHER_WART_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NetherBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether
NetherBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.NetherBiome
NETHERBRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NetherBridgeChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.loot
NetherBridgePieces - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces
NetherBridgePieces.BridgeCrossing - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.BridgeEndFiller - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.BridgeStraight - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorStairsPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.CastleEntrance - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorCrossingPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.CastleStalkRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.MonsterThrone - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.RoomCrossing - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.StairsRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure
NetherFortressStart(ChunkManager, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.PopulatorNetherFortress.NetherFortressStart
NETHERITE_AXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_AXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHERITE_BOOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_BOOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_CHESTPLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_HELMET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_HELMET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_HOE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_HOE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_INGOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_INGOT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_LEGGINGS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_LEGGINGS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_PICKAXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_PICKAXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_SCRAP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_SCRAP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_SHOVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_SHOVEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_SWORD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERITE_SWORD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
NETHERITE_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
NETHERRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERRACK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NETHERRACK_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
NETHERREACTOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NETHERREACTOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
NetherReactorState - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
Network - Class in
Network(Server) - Constructor for class
NETWORK_CHUNK_PUBLISHER_UPDATE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFirework
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotionLingering
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityBlaze
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCaveSpider
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityDrowned
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityElderGuardian
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderDragon
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEnderman
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEndermite
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityEvoker
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGhast
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityGuardian
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHoglin
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityIronGolem
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMagmaCube
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPhantom
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglin
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPiglinBrute
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityPillager
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityRavager
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityShulker
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySilverfish
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySlime
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySnowGolem
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySpider
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityStray
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVex
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityVindicator
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitch
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWither
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZoglin
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombiePigman
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillagerV1
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAllay
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAxolotl
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBat
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCamel
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCod
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDolphin
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityDonkey
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFox
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFrog
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGlowSquid
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityGoat
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityHorse
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityLlama
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMule
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityOcelot
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPanda
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityParrot
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPolarBear
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPufferfish
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityRabbit
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySalmon
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySkeletonHorse
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySquid
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityStrider
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTadpole
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWanderingTrader
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityZombieHorse
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
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NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_ID - Static variable in class
NETWORK_SETTINGS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
NETWORK_STACK_LATENCY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
NetworkChunkPublisherUpdatePacket - Class in
NetworkChunkPublisherUpdatePacket() - Constructor for class
networkCompressionLevel - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Server
NetworkInventoryAction - Class in
NetworkInventoryAction() - Constructor for class
NetworkPlayerSession - Interface in
networkSession - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
NetworkSettingsPacket - Class in
NetworkSettingsPacket() - Constructor for class
NetworkStackLatencyPacket - Class in
NetworkStackLatencyPacket() - Constructor for class
networkType - Variable in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
NEVER_CACHE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy
Re-evaluate the metadata item every time it is requested
NEW_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
NEW_LEAF_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
NEW_LEAF_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
NEW_LOG_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
newAdventureSettings - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
newByteChannel(Path, Set<? extends OpenOption>, FileAttribute<?>...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
newDeflater() - Method in class
newDeflaterOutputStream(OutputStream, Deflater) - Static method in class
newDirectoryStream(Path, DirectoryStream.Filter<? super Path>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
newEnum(String, boolean, CommandEnum) - Static method in class
optional = false
newEnum(String, boolean, CommandEnum, CommandParamOption...) - Static method in class
optional = false
newEnum(String, boolean, CommandEnum, IParamNode<?>) - Static method in class
optional = false
newEnum(String, boolean, CommandEnum, IParamNode<?>, CommandParamOption...) - Static method in class
newEnum(String, boolean, String) - Static method in class
optional = false
newEnum(String, boolean, String[]) - Static method in class
newEnum(String, boolean, String[], boolean) - Static method in class
newEnum(String, CommandEnum) - Static method in class
optional = false
newEnum(String, String) - Static method in class
optional = false
newEnum(String, String[]) - Static method in class
optional = false
newItem - Variable in class
newItemStack(int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemDelegate
NewJungleTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
NewJungleTree(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.NewJungleTree
NewLeafUpdater - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.updater
NewLeafUpdater(ChunkSection) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.NewLeafUpdater
newMapId - Variable in class
newPosition - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
newReader(Path) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
newSkinName - Variable in class
newState - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
newTag(byte, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
newTag(Number) - Static method in class
newThread(ForkJoinPool) - Method in class
newToken(SNBTConstants.TokenType, SNBTLexer, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
newToken(SNBTConstants.TokenType, String, SNBTLexer) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
newTradingUi - Variable in class
newType(String, boolean, CommandParamType) - Static method in class
paramNode = null , CommandParamOption=[]
newType(String, boolean, CommandParamType, CommandParamOption...) - Static method in class
paramNode = null
newType(String, boolean, CommandParamType, IParamNode<?>, CommandParamOption...) - Static method in class
newType(String, CommandParamType) - Static method in class
optional = false
newType(String, CommandParamType, IParamNode<?>) - Static method in class
optional = false,CommandParamOption=[]
next - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece.BlockSelector
next() - Method in class
next() - Method in interface
next() - Method in class
next() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
next() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockIterator
next() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.TickCachedBlockIterator
next(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
next(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
next(NukkitRandom, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece.BlockSelector
nextApply - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
nextBoolean() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextBoundedInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextCachedToken() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
nextChunkOrderRun - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
nextDialog - Variable in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
nextDouble() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextFloat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextInt(NukkitRandom, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Mth
nextRange() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextRange(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextRange(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextSibling() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
nextSignedDouble() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextSignedFloat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextSignedInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
nextState(String) - Method in class
nextTargetTime - Variable in class
NibbleArray - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util
NibbleArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
NibbleArray(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
NIGHT_VISION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
NIGHT_VISION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
NIGHT_VISION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
NIGHT_VISION_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
NIGHT_VISION_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
NKServiceManager - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.service
NKServiceManager() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
nl_NL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
NO_ACTION - Enum constant in enum class
NO_CLIP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
NO_CLIP - Enum constant in enum class
NO_CLIP - Static variable in class
NO_CRACKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CrackState
NO_DROP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
NO_EFFECTS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
NO_EFFECTS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
NO_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.BambooLeafSize
NO_MVP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
NO_MVP - Static variable in class
NO_PVM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
NO_PVM - Static variable in class
noClip - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
noDamageOnAttack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotOnAStick
noDamageOnAttack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishingRod
noDamageOnAttack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
No damage to item when it's used to attack entities
noDamageOnBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCarrotOnAStick
noDamageOnBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishingRod
noDamageOnBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
No damage to item when it's used to break blocks
noDamageOnBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemWarpedFungusOnAStick
noDamageTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Node - Class in
Node - Interface in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
Node(Vector3, Node, int, int) - Constructor for class
Node(T) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
Node.Visitor - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
nodeArity() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
nodes - Variable in class
noise2(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
2D SuperSimplex noise, standard lattice orientation.
noise2_XBeforeY(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
2D SuperSimplex noise, with Y pointing down the main diagonal.
noise2D(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
noise2D(double, double, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
noise2D(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
noise2D(float, float, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
noise3_Classic(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
3D Re-oriented 8-point BCC noise, classic orientation Proper substitute for what 3D SuperSimplex would be, in light of Forbidden Formulae.
noise3_XYBeforeZ(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
3D Re-oriented 8-point BCC noise, with better visual isotropy in (X, Y).
noise3_XZBeforeY(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
3D Re-oriented 8-point BCC noise, with better visual isotropy in (X, Z).
noise3D(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
noise3D(double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
noise3D(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
noise3D(float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
noise4_Classic(double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
4D SuperSimplex noise, classic lattice orientation.
noise4_XYBeforeZW(double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
4D SuperSimplex noise, with XY and ZW forming orthogonal triangular-based planes.
noise4_XYZBeforeW(double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
4D SuperSimplex noise, with XYZ oriented like noise3_Classic, and W for an extra degree of freedom.
noise4_XZBeforeYW(double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
4D SuperSimplex noise, with XZ and YW forming orthogonal triangular-based planes.
NoiseD - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d
NoiseD() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
NoiseF - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f
NoiseF() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
NoiseGeneratorImprovedD - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d
NoiseGeneratorImprovedD() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorImprovedD
NoiseGeneratorImprovedD(NukkitRandom) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorImprovedD
NoiseGeneratorImprovedF - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f
NoiseGeneratorImprovedF() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorImprovedF
NoiseGeneratorImprovedF(NukkitRandom) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorImprovedF
NoiseGeneratorOctavesD - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d
NoiseGeneratorOctavesD(NukkitRandom, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorOctavesD
NoiseGeneratorOctavesF - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f
NoiseGeneratorOctavesF(NukkitRandom, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorOctavesF
NoiseGeneratorPerlinD - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d
NoiseGeneratorPerlinD(NukkitRandom, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorPerlinD
NoiseGeneratorPerlinF - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f
NoiseGeneratorPerlinF(NukkitRandom, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorPerlinF
NoiseGeneratorSimplexD - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d
NoiseGeneratorSimplexD() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorSimplexD
NoiseGeneratorSimplexD(NukkitRandom) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorSimplexD
NoiseGeneratorSimplexF - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f
NoiseGeneratorSimplexF() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorSimplexF
NoiseGeneratorSimplexF(NukkitRandom) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorSimplexF
noMvP - Variable in class
NON_IMPLEMENTED_TODO - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt
NONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallConnectionType
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
None block creative category.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by no reason (eg: /damage command with cause NONE)
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemLockMode
NONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Rotation
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class
NONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable.FreezeStatus
NONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
NONE - Static variable in interface
NONE - Static variable in class
NONE - Static variable in interface
NONE_MOSSY_WALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
NoOpIventoryAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
NoOpIventoryAction(Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.NoOpIventoryAction
noPvM - Variable in class
Normal - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator
Nukkit's terrain generator Originally adapted from the PocketMine-MP generator by NycuRO and CreeperFace Mostly rewritten by DaPorkchop_
Normal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
Normal(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DirtType
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandType
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority
Event call is neither important nor unimportant, and may be ran normally
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft.Type
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServicePriority
NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
NORMAL_STONE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NORMAL_STONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
normalize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
normalize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
normalize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
normalize() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
north() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
north() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
north() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
north() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
north(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
north(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
north(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
north(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
north(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
north(Materials.RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class
north(Materials.RenderMethod, String) - Method in class
ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
NORTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
NORTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
NORTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.Direction
NORTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.FacingDirection
NORTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.TorchFacingDirection
NORTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.WeirdoDirection
NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
NORTH_EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
NORTH_JUMP - Enum constant in enum class
NORTH_NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
NORTH_NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
NORTH_SOUTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.RailDirection
NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
NORTH_WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class
NOT_WHITELISTED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
NOTE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
NOTE_BANJO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_BASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_BASSATTACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_BD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_BELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_BIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_BLOCK_PLAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
NOTE_CHIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_COW_BELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_DIDGERIDOO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_FLUTE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_GUITAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_HARP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_HAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_IRON_XYLOPHONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_PLING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_SNARE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTE_XYLOPHONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
NOTEBLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NOTEBLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
notEmpty(MemoryType<?>) - Method in interface
notEmpty(String) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.item.StringItem
notice(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
notice(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
notice(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
notice(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
notice(String, Throwable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
notice(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
NOTICE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
NPC_DIALOGUE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
NPC_INITIATOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
NPC_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
NPC_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
NPCCommandSender - Class in cn.nukkit.command
NPCCommandSender(EntityNPCEntity, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
NPCDialoguePacket - Class in
NPCDialoguePacket() - Constructor for class
NPCDialoguePacket.NPCDialogAction - Enum Class in
NPCRequestPacket - Class in
NPCRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
NPCRequestPacket.RequestType - Enum Class in
Nukkit - Class in cn.nukkit
The launcher class of Nukkit, including the main function.
Nukkit() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
NukkitCollections - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils
NukkitCollectors - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
NukkitConsole - Class in cn.nukkit.console
NukkitConsole(Server) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole
NukkitConsoleCompleter - Class in cn.nukkit.console
NukkitConsoleCompleter(Server) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsoleCompleter
NukkitMath - Class in cn.nukkit.math
NukkitMath() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
NukkitMetrics - Class in cn.nukkit.metrics
NukkitMetrics(Server) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.NukkitMetrics
NukkitRandom - Class in cn.nukkit.math
NukkitRandom() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
NukkitRandom(long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
NukkitRunnable - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
This class is provided as an easy way to handle scheduling tasks.
NukkitRunnable() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.NukkitRunnable
NumberConversions - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Utils for casting number types to other number types
numberInRange(Random, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
numberInRange(Random, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorRavines
NumberMemoryCodec<Data extends Number> - Class in
NumberMemoryCodec(String) - Constructor for class
NumberTag<T extends Number> - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
NumberTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.NumberTag


OAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
OAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
OAK_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OAK_CHEST_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OAK_CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
OAK_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OAK_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OAK_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OAK_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OAK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OAK_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OAK_WOOD_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OAK_WOODEN_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OBFUSCATED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Makes the text obfuscated.
ObjectAzaleaTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectAzaleaTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectAzaleaTree
ObjectBigSpruceTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectBigSpruceTree(float, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBigSpruceTree
ObjectBirchTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectBirchTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBirchTree
ObjectChorusTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end
ObjectChorusTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectChorusTree
ObjectCrimsonTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectCrimsonTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectCrimsonTree
ObjectDarkOakTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectDarkOakTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectDarkOakTree
ObjectEndGateway - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end
ObjectEndGateway() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectEndGateway
ObjectEndIsland - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end
ObjectEndIsland() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectEndIsland
ObjectEndSpike - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end
ObjectEndSpike(Vector3, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.end.ObjectEndSpike
objectiveId - Variable in class
objectiveName - Variable in class
objectiveName - Variable in class
objectiveName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
objectiveName() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores.ScoreCondition
Returns the value of the objectiveName record component.
OBJECTIVES - Static variable in interface
ObjectJungleBigTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectJungleBigTree(int, int, Block, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectJungleBigTree
ObjectJungleTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectJungleTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectJungleTree
ObjectNetherTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectNetherTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectNetherTree
ObjectNetherTree(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectNetherTree
ObjectNyliumVegetation - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object
ObjectOakTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectOakTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectOakTree
ObjectSavannaTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectSavannaTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSavannaTree
ObjectSpruceTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectSpruceTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSpruceTree
ObjectSwampTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectSwampTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSwampTree
ObjectTallBirchTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectTallBirchTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTallBirchTree
ObjectTallGrass - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object
ObjectTallGrass() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ObjectTallGrass
ObjectTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
ObjectWarpedTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
ObjectWarpedTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectWarpedTree
OBLIQUE_2D_MOVE_COST - Static variable in class
OBLIQUE_3D_MOVE_COST - Static variable in class
OBLIQUE_MOVE_COST - Static variable in class
OBSERVER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OBSERVER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OBSIDIAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OBSIDIAN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OBSIDIAN_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
OBSIDIAN_GLOW_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
OBSIDIAN_TEAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
ObsidianPillar(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar.ObsidianPillar
Occupant(int, String, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
OCCUPIED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
OceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
OceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.OceanBiome
OceanMonumentCoreRoom(BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentCoreRoom
OceanMonumentCoreRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentCoreRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleXRoom(BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleXRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleXYRoom(BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXYRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleXYRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXYRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleYRoom(BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleYRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleYZRoom(BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYZRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleYZRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYZRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleZRoom(BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleZRoom
OceanMonumentDoubleZRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleZRoom
OceanMonumentEntryRoom(BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentEntryRoom
OceanMonumentEntryRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentEntryRoom
OceanMonumentPenthouse(BlockFace, BoundingBox) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPenthouse
OceanMonumentPenthouse(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPenthouse
OceanMonumentPiece(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
OceanMonumentPiece(int, BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
OceanMonumentPiece(BlockFace, BoundingBox) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
OceanMonumentPiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
OceanMonumentPieces - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces
OceanMonumentPieces.MonumentBuilding - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentCoreRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXYRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYZRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleZRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentEntryRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPenthouse - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleTopRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentWingRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure
OceanMonumentSimpleRoom(BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition, NukkitRandom) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleRoom
OceanMonumentSimpleRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleRoom
OceanMonumentSimpleTopRoom(BlockFace, OceanMonumentPieces.RoomDefinition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleTopRoom
OceanMonumentSimpleTopRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleTopRoom
OceanMonumentStart(ChunkManager, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument.OceanMonumentStart
OceanMonumentWingRoom(BlockFace, BoundingBox, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentWingRoom
OceanMonumentWingRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentWingRoom
OCELOT_BABY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an ocelot has a baby spawned along with them
OCELOT_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OCHRE_FROGLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OCHRE_FROGLIGHT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
octaves - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
octaves - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
of(boolean) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
of(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
of(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
of(int, byte) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
of(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
of(int, int, int, int) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
of(int, long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
of(int, Number) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
of(int, BigInteger) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
of(Item, Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
of(Item, Item, Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
of(Boolean) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
of(Class<?>) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
of(Method) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
of(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
Returns the BlockState object that represents the given persistedStateId.
of(String) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
of(String, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
Returns the BlockState object that represents the given persistedStateId.
of(String, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
of(Type) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
ofClassName(String) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
offerMovementTask(Location) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
offers - Variable in class
OFFHAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
OFFHAND - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
OFFHAND - Static variable in interface
offhandInventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
offhandInventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
OfflinePlayer - Class in cn.nukkit
Describes an offline player.
OfflinePlayer(Server, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
OfflinePlayer(Server, UUID) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
Initializes the object OfflinePlayer.
OfflinePlayer(Server, UUID, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
offPitch - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
offset - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
offset(double, double, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
offset(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
Offset - Class in
OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
offsetBoundingBox - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
offsetBoundingBox - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
offsetVec - Variable in class
offsetW - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
offsetW - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
offsetX - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
offsetX - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
offsetX - Variable in class
offsetX - Variable in class
offsetY - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
offsetY - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
offsetZ - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
offsetZ - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
offsetZ - Variable in class
offsetZ - Variable in class
ofNullable(Boolean) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
ok() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
Returns the value of the ok record component.
OK<E> - Record Class in cn.nukkit.utils
OK(boolean) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
OK(boolean, E) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
Creates an instance of a OK record class.
OLD_LEAF_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
OLD_LEAF_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
OLD_LOG_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
OLD_VERSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
oldItem - Variable in class
OldNukkitLevelConvert - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
OldNukkitLevelConvert() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.OldNukkitLevelConvert
oldSkinName - Variable in class
oldTarget - Variable in class
oldTarget - Variable in class
oldTarget - Variable in class
oldTarget - Variable in class
ON_ENTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton.Mode
ON_EXIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton.Mode
ON_SCREEN_TEXTURE_ANIMATION_PACKET - Static variable in interface
onActivate(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
onActivate(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
onActivate(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
onActivate(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLeaves
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCartographyTable
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarvedPumpkin
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCraftingTable
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetectorInverted
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirtWithRoots
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungus
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlowLichen
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherrack
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkinLit
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmithingTable
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnow
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemStripped
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoorIron
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStripped
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Oxidizable
onActivate(Item, Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Waxable
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmorStand
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBoat
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChestBoatBase
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEmptyMap
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEndCrystal
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFireCharge
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlintSteel
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlassBottle
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemGlowBerries
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecart
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartChest
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartHopper
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMinecartTNT
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPainting
onActivate(Level, Player, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
onAddToTransaction(InventoryTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultAction
onAddToTransaction(InventoryTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTransferMaterialAction
onAddToTransaction(InventoryTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
Called when the action is added to the specified InventoryTransaction.
onAddToTransaction(InventoryTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
onBinaryHandler - Variable in class
onBlock(Entity, EntityDamageEvent, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
onBlock(Entity, EntityDamageEvent, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
onBlock(Entity, EntityDamageEvent, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
onBlock(Entity, EntityDamageEvent, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onBlockChanged(Vector3) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
onBlockChanged(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onBowShoot(Player, EntityProjectile, ItemBow) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.bow.EnchantmentBow
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLodestone
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
onBreak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
onBreak(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
onBreak(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidian
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
onBreak(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
onCancel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task
onChorusFruitTeleport() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onChunkChanged(FullChunk) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
onChunkChanged(FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onChunkLoaded(FullChunk) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
onChunkLoaded(FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onChunkPopulated(FullChunk) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
onChunkPopulated(FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onChunkUnloaded(FullChunk) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkLoader
onChunkUnloaded(FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.ItemCustomEdible
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
玩家在空气中投掷如三叉戟一样 返回物品是否改变,例如数量变化或耐久度
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAppleGold
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemAppleGoldEnchanted
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBow
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChorusFruit
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEdible
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEmptyMap
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFishingRod
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoneyBottle
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTrident
onClickAir(Player, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ProjectileItem
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BarrelInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BeaconInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EnchantInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeBlockUIComponent
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanEnderChestInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerEnderChestInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
onClose(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
onCloseHandler - Variable in class
onCollide(int, List<Entity>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
onCollide(int, List<Entity>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
onCollideWithBlock(Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
onCollideWithBlock(Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
onCollideWithBlock(Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
onCollideWithBlock(Position, Vector3, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
onCollideWithEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
onCollideWithEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
onCollideWithEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
onCollideWithEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
onCollideWithEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
onCollideWithEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
onCollideWithEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
onCollideWithPlayer(EntityHuman) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandExecutor
Called when a command is executed.
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
onCompletion(Server) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.GenerationTask
onCompletion(Server) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.LightPopulationTask
onCompletion(Server) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.PopulationTask
onCompletion(Server) - Method in class
onCompletion(Server) - Method in class
onCompletion(Server) - Method in class
onCompletion(Server) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
onConnectionRequest(InetSocketAddress, InetSocketAddress) - Method in class
onDirect(ByteBuf) - Method in class
onDisable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
onDisable() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Called when a Nukkit plugin is disabled.
onDisable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
onDisconnect(DisconnectReason) - Method in class
onEatenBy(Player) - Method in class
onEatenBy(Player) - Method in class
onEatenBy(Player) - Method in class
onEatenBy(Player) - Method in class
onEatenBy(Player) - Method in class
onEatenBy(Player) - Method in class
onEatenBy(Player) - Method in class
onEnable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
onEnable() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Called when a Nukkit plugin is enabled.
onEnable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
onEncapsulated(EncapsulatedPacket) - Method in class
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCobweb
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
onEntityCollide(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
onEntityDead(EntityLiving) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
onEntityDead(EntityLiving) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
onEntityFallOn(Entity, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
onEntityFallOn(Entity, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
onEntityFallOn(Entity, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
onEntityFallOn(Entity, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
ONEOVERPHI - Static variable in class
onErrorHandler - Variable in class
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultAction
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTransferMaterialAction
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DamageAnvilAction
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DropItemAction
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.GrindstoneItemAction
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
Performs additional actions when this inventory-action did not complete successfully.
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.NoOpIventoryAction
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
Sends the original inventorySlot contents to the source player to revert the action.
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SmithingItemAction
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TakeLevelAction
onExecuteFail(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TradeAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTransferMaterialAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DamageAnvilAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DropItemAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.GrindstoneItemAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
Performs additional actions when this inventory-action completed successfully.
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.NoOpIventoryAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
Sends inventorySlot changes to other viewers of the inventory.
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SmithingItemAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TakeLevelAction
onExecuteSuccess(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TradeAction
onFinish(RouteFindingManager.RouteFindingTask) - Method in interface
onGround - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
onGround - Variable in class
onGround - Variable in class
onInit(BiConsumer<Data, EntityIntelligent>) - Method in class
onInput(double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
onInteract(Player, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCreature
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAnimal
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
onInteract(Player, Item, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInterrupt(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onInventoryChanged(Inventory, Item, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryListener
onLoad() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
onLoad() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Called when a Nukkit plugin is loaded, before Plugin.onEnable() .
onLoad() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
onlyWithProperties(BlockProperty<?>...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
onlyWithProperties(String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
onlyWithProperty(BlockProperty<?>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
onlyWithProperty(BlockProperty<T>, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
onlyWithProperty(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
onlyWithProperty(String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
onNeighborChange(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
onNeighborChange(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
onOpChange(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
当玩家OP身份变动时此方法将被调用 注意此方法并不会向客户端发包刷新权限信息,你需要手动调用update()方法刷新
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BarrelInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EnchantInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeBlockUIComponent
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanEnderChestInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerEnderChestInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
onOpen(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
onOpenHandler - Variable in class
onPaddle(AnimatePacket.Action, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
onPingHandler - Variable in class
onPitch - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
onPlayerCompleteLoginSequence(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
onPlayerJoin(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
onPlayerJoin(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
你可能会对这里的代码感到疑惑 这里其实是为了规避玩家下线导致的“玩家离线”计分项 我们在玩家下线时,删除其他在线玩家显示槽位中的“玩家离线” 并在其重新连接上服务器时加回去
onPlayerLocallyInitialized() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onPlayerLogin(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
onPongHandler - Variable in class
onPreExecute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DropItemAction
onPreExecute(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
Called by inventory transactions before any actions are processed.
onProjectileHit(Entity, Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
onProjectileHit(Entity, Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
onProjectileHit(Entity, Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
onProjectileHit(Entity, Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
onProjectileHit(Entity, Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
onProjectileHit(Entity, Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPowderSnow
onProjectileHit(Entity, Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
onProjectileHit(Entity, Position, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
onPromiseCreation(Value, Value) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager.Executable
onPromiseCreation(Value, Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager.JPromise
onPushByPiston(BlockEntityPistonArm) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
onPushByPiston(BlockEntityPistonArm) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
onQuery(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class
onRelease(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
onRelease(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBow
onRelease(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
onRelease(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTrident
onRun() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.CallbackableChunkGenerationTask
onRun() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.CallbackableGenerationTask
onRun() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.ChunkPopulationTask
onRun() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.GenerationTask
onRun() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.LightPopulationTask
onRun() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.PopulationTask
onRun() - Method in class
onRun() - Method in class
onRun() - Method in class
onRun() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
onRun() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.FileWriteTask
onRun(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.ActorSpawnTask
onRun(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.BlockActorSpawnTask
onRun(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.LootSpawnTask
onRun(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.TileSyncTask
onRun(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task
What will be called when the task is executed.
OnScreenTextureAnimationPacket - Class in
OnScreenTextureAnimationPacket() - Constructor for class
onSessionChangeState(RakNetState) - Method in class
onSessionCreation(RakNetServerSession) - Method in class
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerOffhandInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
onSlotChange(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
onSlotChangeBase(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
onStart(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStart(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStart(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
onStart(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStart(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStart(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStart(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStart(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
onStruckByLightning(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
onStruckByLightning(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
onTextHandler - Variable in class
onThrowEnderPearl() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onTouch(Player, PlayerInteractEvent.Action) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
onTouch(Player, PlayerInteractEvent.Action) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
onTouch(Player, PlayerInteractEvent.Action) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
onTouch(Player, PlayerInteractEvent.Action) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
onTouch(Player, PlayerInteractEvent.Action) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
onUnhandledDatagram(ChannelHandlerContext, DatagramPacket) - Method in class
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityDaylightDetector
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
onUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanDead
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFallable
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFireSoul
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungus
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrassPath
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIce
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIcePacked
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLavaStill
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMagma
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMycelium
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNylium
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstone
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslateGlowing
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneGlowing
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLampLit
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRoots
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSoulSand
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTarget
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
onUpdate(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.IBlockOreRedstoneGlowing
onUpdate(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Oxidizable
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHanging
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityCrossbowFirework
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityElytraFirework
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityExpBottle
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFirework
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartEmpty
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntitySkeleton
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillager
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombieVillagerV1
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEgg
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityEnderPearl
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySmallFireBall
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntitySnowball
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
onUpdate(int) - Method in class
onUpdate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
onUse(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
onUse(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
onUse(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemChorusFruit
onUse(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
onUse(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEdible
onUse(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemHoneyBottle
onUse(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
onVibrationArrive(VibrationEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
onVibrationArrive(VibrationEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
onVibrationArrive(VibrationEvent) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationListener
onVibrationOccur(VibrationEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
onVibrationOccur(VibrationEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
onVibrationOccur(VibrationEvent) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationListener
是否响应此振动 若响应,将会从声波源发射声波到监听器位置,并在到达时调用 onVibrationArrive() 方法 请注意,若此方法被调用,则声波必定可到达
OPAQUE - Enum constant in enum class
OpCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
OpCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.OpCommand
open() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Life-cycle hook method called after the node has been made the current node
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeBlockUIComponent
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanEnderChestInventory
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
open(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
open(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
OPEN - Enum constant in enum class
OPEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
OPEN_BRACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
OPEN_BRACKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
OPEN_CONTAINERS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
OPEN_CONTAINERS - Enum constant in enum class
OPEN_CONTAINERS - Static variable in class
OPEN_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
OPEN_IRON_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
OPEN_IRON_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
OPEN_NETHER_WOOD_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
OPEN_NETHER_WOOD_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
OPEN_NETHER_WOOD_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
OPEN_SIGN - Static variable in interface
OPEN_WOODEN_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
OPEN_WOODEN_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
openList - Variable in class
openSignEditor(Vector3, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
Opens the player's sign editor GUI for the sign at the given position.
OpenSignPacket - Class in
OpenSignPacket() - Constructor for class
OpenSimplex2S - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit
K.jpg's OpenSimplex 2, smooth variant ("SuperSimplex")
OpenSimplex2S(long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.OpenSimplex2S
OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class
OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class
OPERATOR - Enum constant in enum class
OPERATOR - Static variable in class
OPERATOR_COMMANDS - Enum constant in enum class
OPERATOR_PERMISSIONS - Enum constant in enum class
OperatorStringNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
OperatorStringNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.OperatorStringNode
option - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
optional - Variable in class
optional - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
optional() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Parameter
OptionalBoolean - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
options - Variable in class
options - Variable in class
ORANGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
ORANGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
ORANGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
ORANGE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
ORANGE_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ORANGE_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ORANGE_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ORANGE_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ORANGE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ORANGE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ORANGE_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
ORANGE_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ORB_SPLIT_SIZES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
Split sizes used for dropping experience orbs.
ORCHID - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
ORDER_YZX - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
ORDER_ZXY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
orderChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
ordinal(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
orElse(boolean) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
orElseGet(BooleanSupplier) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
orElseThrow(Supplier<X>) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
OreType - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore
OreType(Block, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
OreType(Block, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
orientBox(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
origin - Variable in class
ORIGIN - Static variable in interface
originalMapId - Variable in class
originX() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the originX record component.
originX() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the originX record component.
originY() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the originY record component.
originY() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the originY record component.
originZ() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the originZ record component.
originZ() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the originZ record component.
output - Variable in class
output - Variable in class
output() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
output(boolean) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
OUTPUT_ITEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
OUTPUT_LIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
OUTPUT_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
outputContainer() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Returns the value of the outputContainer record component.
outputFrom(EnergyType, double) - Method in interface
outputObjectWhisper(Player, String, Object...) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
outputObjectWhisper(Player, String, String...) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
overlay - Variable in class
overloads - Variable in class
overridable(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
OVERWORLD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionEnum
OVERWORLD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
owner - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
owner - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.PluginTask
OWNER - Static variable in interface
OWNER_NAME - Static variable in interface
owningPlugin - Variable in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValue
OXEYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
Oxidizable - Interface in cn.nukkit.block
OxidizationLevel - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
OXIDIZED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.OxidizationLevel
OXIDIZED_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OXIDIZED_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
OXIDIZED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
OXIDIZED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID


PACKED_ICE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PACKED_ICE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PACKED_MUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PACKED_MUD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
packEntries - Variable in class
packet - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
PACKET_VIOLATION_WARNING_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PacketCompressionAlgorithm - Enum Class in
packetId - Variable in class
packetId() - Method in class
packetId() - Method in class
packetId() - Method in class
packetId() - Method in class
packetId() - Method in class
PacketViolationWarningPacket - Class in
PacketViolationWarningPacket() - Constructor for class
PacketViolationWarningPacket.PacketViolationSeverity - Enum Class in
PacketViolationWarningPacket.PacketViolationType - Enum Class in
packId - Variable in class
packId - Variable in class
packId - Variable in class
packId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
PaddedBitArray - Class in cn.nukkit.level.util
PAEONIA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType
page - Variable in class
pageExists(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
Returns whether the given page exists in this book.
pageNumber - Variable in class
PAINTING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PAINTING - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
pairWith(BlockEntityChest) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
palette - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
PalettedBlockStorage - Class in cn.nukkit.level.util
PalettedBlockStorage() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
PalettedBlockStorage(BitArray, IntList) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
PalettedBlockStorage(BitArrayVersion) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
PANDA_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PAPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PAPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
parallelForeach(Consumer<? super V>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
Parameter - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.command.simple
parameters - Variable in class
parameters - Variable in class
parameters() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.CommandParameters
parameters() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Parameters
Parameters - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.command.simple
ParamList - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree
ParamList(ParamTree) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
paramNode - Variable in class
ParamNode<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
ParamNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
paramOptions - Variable in class
params - Variable in class cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer
paramTree - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
ParamTree - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree
ParamTree(Command) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamTree
CommandParameter.newType(String, CommandParamType, IParamNode)
CommandParameter.newEnum(String, boolean, CommandEnum, IParamNode)
初始化指定的命令节点。 应该在命令构造函数中commandParameters初始化完毕后调用Command::enableParamTree(),形如
ParamTree(Command, Map<String, ParamList>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamTree
PardonCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
PardonCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PardonCommand
PardonIpCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
PardonIpCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PardonIpCommand
parent - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
parent - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
PARROT_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
parse(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.SNBTParser
parseAllRemain() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseAllRemain(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseArg(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
parseArg(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
parseArgumentMap(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.EntitySelectorAPI
parseArguments(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
parseBoolean() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseBoolean(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseCompoundTag(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
parseCustomPermissions() - Method in class
parseDouble() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseDouble(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseEnum(Class<T>, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
ParseException - Exception in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
ParseException() - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
ParseException(SNBTParserImplement, Token, EnumSet<SNBTConstants.TokenType>, List<SNBTParserImplement.NonTerminalCall>) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
ParseException(SNBTParserImplement, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
ParseException(SNBTParserImplement, EnumSet<SNBTConstants.TokenType>, List<SNBTParserImplement.NonTerminalCall>) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
ParseException(Token) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
ParseException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
parseFromAnimation(AnimateEntityPacket.Animation) - Method in class
AnimateEntityPacket.Animation 对象中解析数据并写入到包
parseGameMode(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.ParseUtils
parseHexBinary(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
parseInt() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseInt(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseLanguageText(LangCode, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
parseLanguageText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
parseLanguageText(String, String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
parseOffsetDouble(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseOffsetDouble(double, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseOffsetDouble(String, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.ParseUtils
parseOffsetInt(String, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.ParseUtils
parsePath(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
parsePath(URI) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
parsePosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parsePosition(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parsePosition(Vector3, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parsePreset(String, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
parseSelectorType(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
parseString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseString(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseString(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
parseTargetPlayers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseTargetPlayers(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseTargets() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseTargets(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseTilde(String, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
parseTranslation(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
parseTranslation(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
ParseUtils - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector
ParseUtils() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.ParseUtils
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.EndTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LinkedCompoundTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
parseValue() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
parseVector2() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseVector2(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseVector3() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseVector3(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseVector3(Vector3, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseWildcardInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseWildcardInt(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandParser
parseYamlCommands(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
PARTIAL_TILT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt
Particle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
Particle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
Particle(double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
Particle(double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
Particle(double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
PARTICLE_SOUL_ESCAPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ParticleCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
ParticleCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ParticleCommand
ParticleEffect - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level
particleExists(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
particles - Variable in class
PassByTimeEvaluator - Class in
PassByTimeEvaluator(MemoryType<Integer>, int, int) - Constructor for class
PASSENGER_INDEX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
PASSENGER_OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
passengers - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
path - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
path - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader.ZippedResourcePackLoader
path - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
PATH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
PATTERN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.HastebinUtility
PATTERN_BORDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_BORDURE_INDENTED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
PATTERN_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_BOTTOM_STRIPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_BOTTOM_TRIANGLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_BOTTOM_TRIANGLE_SAWTOOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_CENTER_STRIPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_CREEPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_CREEPER_CHARGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
PATTERN_CURLY_BORDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_DIAGONAL_CROSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_DOWN_LEFT_STRIPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_DOWN_RIGHT_STRIPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_FIELD_MASONED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
PATTERN_FLOWER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_FLOWER_CHARGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
PATTERN_GRADIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_GRADIENT_UPSIDE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_HORIZONTAL_HALF_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_HORIZONTAL_HALF_TOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_LEFT_OF_DIAGONAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_LEFT_OF_UPSIDE_DOWN_DIAGONAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_LEFT_STRIPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_MIDDLE_CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_MIDDLE_RHOMBUS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_MIDDLE_STRIPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_MOJANG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_RIGHT_OF_DIAGONAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_RIGHT_OF_UPSIDE_DOWN_DIAGONAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_RIGHT_STRIPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_SKULL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_SKULL_CHARGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
PATTERN_SMALL_STRIPES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_SNOUT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_SNOUT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
PATTERN_SQUARE_CROSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_THING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
PATTERN_TOP_LEFT_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_TOP_STRIPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_TOP_TRIANGLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_TOP_TRIANGLE_SAWTOOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_VERTICAL_HALF_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
PATTERN_VERTICAL_HALF_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
patternId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the patternId record component.
payload - Variable in class
PEARLESCENT_FROGLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PEARLESCENT_FROGLIGHT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
peekNode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
pendingChildren - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece
pendingChildren - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StartPiece
pendingHouses - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StartPiece
pendingRoads - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StartPiece
PEONY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
PERFORM_BLOCK_ACTIONS - Enum constant in enum class
PERFORM_ITEM_INTERACTION - Enum constant in enum class
PERFORM_ITEM_STACK_REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class
performHurtAnimation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
period - Variable in class
period - Variable in class
period - Variable in class
period - Variable in class
period - Variable in class
PerlinD - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d
PerlinD(NukkitRandom, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.PerlinD
PerlinD(NukkitRandom, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.PerlinD
PerlinF - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f
PerlinF(NukkitRandom, float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.PerlinF
PerlinF(NukkitRandom, float, float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.PerlinF
perm - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
perm - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
perm - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
perm - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
PERMANENTLY_DEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
permanentWindows - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
Permissible - Interface in cn.nukkit.permission
PermissibleBase - Class in cn.nukkit.permission
PermissibleBase(ServerOperator) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
permissibleCalculationTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
permission - Variable in class
Permission - Class in cn.nukkit.permission
Permission(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
Permission(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
Permission(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
Permission(String, String, String, Map<String, Boolean>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
PERMISSION_ADMIN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
PERMISSION_ADMIN - Static variable in class
PERMISSION_AUTOMATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
PERMISSION_AUTOMATION - Static variable in class
PERMISSION_CUSTOM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
PERMISSION_HOST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
PERMISSION_HOST - Static variable in class
PERMISSION_MEMBER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
PERMISSION_NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
PERMISSION_NORMAL - Static variable in class
PERMISSION_OPERATOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
PERMISSION_OPERATOR - Static variable in class
PERMISSION_OPERATOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
PERMISSION_VISITOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
PermissionAttachment - Class in cn.nukkit.permission
PermissionAttachment(Plugin, Permissible) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
PermissionAttachmentInfo - Class in cn.nukkit.permission
PermissionAttachmentInfo(Permissible, String, PermissionAttachment, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachmentInfo
permissionDefaultTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
permissionLevel - Variable in class
permissionLevel - Variable in class
PermissionRemovedExecutor - Interface in cn.nukkit.permission
permissions - Variable in class
permissions - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
permSubs - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
permutation(Permutation) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
Permutation - Record Class in
The type Permutation builder.
Permutation(Component, String) - Constructor for record class
Permutation(Component, String, String[]) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Permutation record class.
permutations(Permutation...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
PERSIST_SNEAK - Enum constant in enum class
persistence - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
persistence - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
PERSISTENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
PersonaPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
PersonaPiece(String, String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
PersonaPieceTint - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
PersonaPieceTint(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPieceTint
PGZIPBlock - Class in
PGZIPBlock(PGZIPOutputStream) - Constructor for class
PGZIPOutputStream - Class in
A multi-threaded version of GZIPOutputStream.
PGZIPOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
PGZIPOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a PGZIPOutputStream using PGZIPOutputStream.getSharedThreadPool().
PGZIPOutputStream(OutputStream, ExecutorService, int) - Constructor for class
PGZIPState - Class in
PGZIPState(PGZIPOutputStream) - Constructor for class
PGZIPThreadLocal - Class in
PGZIPThreadLocal(PGZIPOutputStream) - Constructor for class
PHANTOM_MEMBRANE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PHANTOM_MEMBRANE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
PHANTOM_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PHANTOM_TRAIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
PHOTO_INFO_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PHOTO_TRANSFER_PACKET - Static variable in interface
photoId - Variable in class
PhotoInfoRequestPacket - Class in
PhotoInfoRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
photoItemName - Variable in class
photoName - Variable in class
photoName - Variable in class
PHYSICAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action
PIANO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
PICK_BERRIES_CAVE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
pickBiome(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.BiomeSelector
pickBiome(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
pickBiome(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
pickBiomeExperimental(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
pickedXPOrb - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
PICKUP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent.Action
PICKUP_ANY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
PICKUP_CREATIVE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
PICKUP_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class
PICKUP_NONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
pickupDelay - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
pickupEntity(Entity, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
pickupItems(InventoryHolder, Position, AxisAlignedBB) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper.IHopper
pickupMode - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
pickupMode - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
pid() - Method in class
pid() - Method in class
pid() - Method in class
pid() - Method in class
pid() - Method in class
pid() - Method in class
pid() - Method in class
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pid() - Method in class
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pid() - Method in class
pieceClass - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PieceWeight
pieceIds - Variable in class
pieces - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
pieceType - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPieceTint
PieceWeight(Class<? extends VillagePieces.VillagePiece>, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PieceWeight
PIG_SCENE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
PIG_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PigHouse(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PigHouse
PigHouse(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PigHouse
PIGLIN_BANNER_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PIGLIN_BRUTE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PIGLIN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PillagerOutpostChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.loot
PILLAR_AXIS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
PILLAR_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
PINK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CoralType
PINK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BossBarColor
PINK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
PINK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
PINK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
PINK_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
PINK_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PINK_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PINK_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PINK_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PINK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PINK_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PINK_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
PINK_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
piston - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMovingBlock
PISTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PISTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PISTON_ARM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
PISTON_ARM_COLLISION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PISTON_CONTRACT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
PISTON_EXTEND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
PISTON_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PISTON_HEAD_STICKY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
pitch - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
pitch - Variable in class
pitch - Variable in class
pitch - Variable in class
pitch - Variable in class
pitch - Variable in class
pitch - Variable in class
pitch - Variable in class
pitch - Variable in class
pitch - Variable in class
pitchDelta - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
pl_PL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
Place and initialize a this block correctly in the world.
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAllow
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeacon
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConduit
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeadBush
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeny
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnchantingTable
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFungus
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveRoots
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoving
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMushroom
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherReactor
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstone
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLamp
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRoots
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRootsHanging
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSporeBlossom
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrappedChest
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
place(Item, Block, Block, BlockFace, double, double, double, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
place(ChunkManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar
place(ChunkManager, int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
PLACE_AMETHYST_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_AMETHYST_CLUSTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_AZALEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_AZALEA_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
PLACE_CALCITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_HANGING_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_LARGE_AMETHYST_BUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_MEDIUM_AMETHYST_BUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_MOSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_NETHER_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_POWDER_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_SCULK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_SCULK_CATALYST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_SCULK_SHRIEKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_SMALL_AMETHYST_BUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_SPORE_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PLACE_TUFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
placeAdjacentRuin(BaseFullChunk, NukkitRandom, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
placeBlock(int, int, int, int, FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDoublePlant
placeBlock(int, int, int, int, FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorFlower
placeBlock(int, int, int, int, FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGroundFire
placeBlock(int, int, int, int, FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorTallSugarcane
placeBlock(int, int, int, int, FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlock
placeBlock(int, int, int, BlockState, FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.PopulatorGroundSoulFire
placeBlock(int, int, int, BlockState, FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorOceanFloorSurfaceBlock
placeBlock(int, int, int, BlockState, FullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlockPN
placeBlock(ChunkManager, BlockState, int, int, int, BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
placeCount - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PieceWeight
placeDoor(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
placeEntities(Level, BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadOnlyLegacyStructureTemplate
placeFeature(ReadableStructureTemplate, FullChunk, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
placeInChunk(FullChunk, NukkitRandom, BlockVector3, int, Consumer<CompoundTag>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadableStructureTemplate
placeInChunk(FullChunk, NukkitRandom, BlockVector3, int, Consumer<CompoundTag>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadOnlyLegacyStructureTemplate
placeInChunk(FullChunk, NukkitRandom, BlockVector3, StructurePlaceSettings) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadableStructureTemplate
placeInChunk(FullChunk, NukkitRandom, BlockVector3, StructurePlaceSettings) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadOnlyLegacyStructureTemplate
placeInLevel(ChunkManager, int, int, ReadableStructureTemplate, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
placeInLevel(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BlockVector3, int, Consumer<CompoundTag>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadableStructureTemplate
placeInLevel(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BlockVector3, int, Consumer<CompoundTag>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadOnlyLegacyStructureTemplate
placeInLevel(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BlockVector3, StructurePlaceSettings) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadableStructureTemplate
placeInLevel(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BlockVector3, StructurePlaceSettings) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadOnlyLegacyStructureTemplate
placeLeaves(ChunkManager, int, int, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBigSpruceTree
placeLeaves(ChunkManager, int, int, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSpruceTree
PLACEMENT - Enum constant in enum class
placeObject(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBigSpruceTree
placeObject(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBirchTree
placeObject(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectJungleTree
placeObject(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectNetherTree
placeObject(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectOakTree
placeObject(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSpruceTree
placeObject(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTallBirchTree
placeObject(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
placeRuin(ReadableStructureTemplate, FullChunk, int, boolean, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
placeTorch(ChunkManager, BlockFace, int, int, int, BoundingBox) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
placeTrunk(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBigSpruceTree
placeTrunk(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectNetherTree
placeTrunk(ChunkManager, int, int, int, NukkitRandom, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectTree
PLAINS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
PLAINS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.Type
PlainsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.plains
PlainsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.plains.PlainsBiome
PLANK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PLANKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PLANKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PLANKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
PLANT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
PLATFORM_NATIVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Definition
Intended for features only available on one or several client platforms.
platformBroadcastIntent - Variable in class
platformBroadcastIntent - Variable in class
platformChatId - Variable in class
platformChatId - Variable in class
platformChatId - Variable in class
platformName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
platformOnlineId - Variable in class
play() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
PLAY_SOUND_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAY_STATUS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
playActionAnimation(AnimatePacket.Action, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
playActionAnimation(AnimatePacket.Action, float, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Play the action animation of this entity to a specified group of players
playAnimation(AnimateEntityPacket.Animation) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
playAnimation(AnimateEntityPacket.Animation, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Play the animation of this entity to a specified group of players
PlayAnimationCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
PlayAnimationCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PlayAnimationCommand
playAnimationOnEntities(AnimateEntityPacket.Animation, Collection<Entity>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
playAnimationOnEntities(AnimateEntityPacket.Animation, Collection<Entity>, Collection<Player>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Batch play animation on entity groups
This method is recommended if you need to play the same animation on a large number of entities at the same time, as it only sends packets once for each player, which greatly reduces bandwidth pressure
playAttackAnimation(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
playAttackAnimation(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
playCloseSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
playCloseSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
playCloseSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
playEatGrassAnimation(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
playedBefore - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
player - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
player - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockPlaceEvent
player - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent
player - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent
player - Variable in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
Player - Class in cn.nukkit
Player(SourceInterface, Long, String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.Player
Player(SourceInterface, Long, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.Player
PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class
PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class
PLAYER_ACTION_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_ARMOR_DAMAGE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_AUTH_INPUT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_ENCHANT_OPTIONS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_FOG_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_HOTBAR_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_INPUT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_LIST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_SKIN_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PLAYER_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
PLAYER_SPAWN - Static variable in class
PLAYER_START_ITEM_COOL_DOWN_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PlayerAbility - Enum Class in
PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAchievementAwardedEvent
PlayerActionPacket - Class in
PlayerActionPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayerActionType - Enum Class in
PlayerAnimationEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerAnimationEvent(Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent
PlayerAnimationEvent(Player, AnimatePacket) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent
PlayerAnimationEvent(Player, AnimatePacket.Action) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAnimationEvent
playerApplyNameTag(Player, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCreature
playerApplyNameTag(Player, Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
playerApplyNameTag(Player, Item, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
PlayerArmorDamagePacket - Class in
PlayerArmorDamagePacket() - Constructor for class
PlayerArmorDamagePacket.PlayerArmorDamageFlag - Enum Class in
PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
This event is called asynchronously
PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent(String, UUID, LoginChainData, Skin, String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent(String, UUID, String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent.LoginResult - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerAuthInputPacket - Class in
PlayerAuthInputPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayerAuthInputPacket_v568 - Class in
PlayerAuthInputPacket_v568() - Constructor for class
PlayerBedEnterEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerBedEnterEvent(Player, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBedEnterEvent
PlayerBedLeaveEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerBedLeaveEvent(Player, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBedLeaveEvent
PlayerBlockActionData - Class in
PlayerBlockActionData(PlayerActionType, BlockVector3, int) - Constructor for class
PlayerBlockPickEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerBlockPickEvent(Player, Block, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBlockPickEvent
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerBucketEmptyEvent(Player, Block, BlockFace, Block, Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
PlayerBucketFillEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerBucketFillEvent(Player, Block, BlockFace, Block, Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketFillEvent
PlayerChangeArmorStandEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerChangeArmorStandEvent(Player, Entity, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChangeArmorStandEvent
PlayerChangeSkinEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerChangeSkinEvent(Player, Skin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChangeSkinEvent
PlayerChatEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerChatEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
PlayerChatEvent(Player, String, String, Set<CommandSender>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
playerChunkOrderTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
PlayerChunkRequestEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerChunkRequestEvent(Player, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChunkRequestEvent
playerChunkSendTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
playerCommandTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
PlayerCreationEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerCreationEvent(SourceInterface, Class<? extends Player>, Class<? extends Player>, Long, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
PlayerCursorInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
PlayerDataSerializeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
PlayerDataSerializeEvent(String, PlayerDataSerializer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.PlayerDataSerializeEvent
PlayerDataSerializer - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils
PlayerDeathEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerDeathEvent(Player, Item[], TextContainer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
PlayerDeathEvent(Player, Item[], String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
PlayerDialogRespondedEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerDialogRespondedEvent(Player, FormWindowDialog, FormResponseDialog) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDialogRespondedEvent
PlayerDropItemEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerDropItemEvent(Player, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDropItemEvent
PlayerEatFoodEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerEatFoodEvent(Player, Food) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEatFoodEvent
PlayerEditBookEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerEditBookEvent(Player, Item, Item, BookEditPacket.Action) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
playerEid - Variable in class
PlayerEnchantOptionsPacket - Class in
PlayerEnchantOptionsPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayerEnchantOptionsPacket.EnchantData - Class in
PlayerEnchantOptionsPacket.EnchantOptionData - Class in
PlayerEnderChestInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
PlayerEnderChestInventory(EntityHumanType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerEnderChestInventory
PlayerEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerEvent() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEvent
PlayerExperienceChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerExperienceChangeEvent(Player, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerExperienceChangeEvent
PlayerFishEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
An event that is called when player catches a fish
PlayerFishEvent(Player, EntityFishingHook, Item, int, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
PlayerFogPacket - Class in
PlayerFogPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayerFogPacket.Fog - Record Class in
PlayerFood - Class in cn.nukkit
PlayerFood(Player, int, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent(Player, int, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent
PlayerFormRespondedEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerFormRespondedEvent(Player, int, FormWindow) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent
playerGamemode - Variable in class
playerGamemode - Variable in class
PlayerGameModeChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerGameModeChangeEvent(Player, int, AdventureSettings) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
PlayerGlassBottleFillEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerGlassBottleFillEvent(Player, Block, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGlassBottleFillEvent
PlayerHandle - Class in cn.nukkit
A PlayerHandle is used to access a player's protected data.
PlayerHandle(Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
PlayerHotbarPacket - Class in
PlayerHotbarPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayerInputPacket - Class in
PlayerInputPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayerInteractEntityEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerInteractEntityEvent(Player, Entity, Item, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEntityEvent
PlayerInteractEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerInteractEvent(Player, Item, Vector3, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
PlayerInteractEvent(Player, Item, Vector3, BlockFace, PlayerInteractEvent.Action) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
PlayerInteractEvent.Action - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerInvalidMoveEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
call when a player moves wrongly
PlayerInvalidMoveEvent(Player, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInvalidMoveEvent
PlayerInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
0-8 物品栏
9-35 背包
36-39 盔甲栏
PlayerInventory(EntityHumanType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
PlayerItemConsumeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
Called when a player eats something
PlayerItemConsumeEvent(Player, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerItemConsumeEvent
PlayerItemHeldEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerItemHeldEvent(Player, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerItemHeldEvent
PlayerJoinEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerJoinEvent(Player, TextContainer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
PlayerJoinEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
PlayerJumpEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerJumpEvent(Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerJumpEvent
PlayerKickEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerKickEvent(Player, PlayerKickEvent.Reason, TextContainer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
PlayerKickEvent(Player, PlayerKickEvent.Reason, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
PlayerKickEvent(Player, PlayerKickEvent.Reason, String, TextContainer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
PlayerKickEvent(Player, String, TextContainer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
PlayerKickEvent(Player, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
PlayerKickEvent.Reason - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerListPacket - Class in
PlayerListPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayerListPacket.Entry - Class in
PlayerLocallyInitializedEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerLocallyInitializedEvent(Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerLocallyInitializedEvent
PlayerLoginEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerLoginEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
PlayerMapInfoRequestEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerMapInfoRequestEvent(Player, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMapInfoRequestEvent
PlayerMessageEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerMessageEvent() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMessageEvent
PlayerMetadataStore - Class in cn.nukkit.metadata
PlayerMetadataStore() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metadata.PlayerMetadataStore
PlayerMouseOverEntityEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerMouseOverEntityEvent(Player, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMouseOverEntityEvent
PlayerMoveEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerMoveEvent(Player, Location, Location) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
PlayerMoveEvent(Player, Location, Location, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
playerNetworkReceiveTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
playerNetworkSendTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
PlayerOffhandInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
PlayerOffhandInventory(EntityHumanType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerOffhandInventory
playerPermission - Variable in class
playerPermission - Variable in class
PlayerPermission - Enum Class in
playerPos - Variable in class
playerPos - Variable in class
PlayerPreLoginEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
Called when the player logs in, before things have been set up
PlayerPreLoginEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
PlayerQuitEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerQuitEvent(Player, TextContainer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
PlayerQuitEvent(Player, TextContainer, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
PlayerQuitEvent(Player, TextContainer, boolean, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
PlayerQuitEvent(Player, TextContainer, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
PlayerQuitEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
PlayerQuitEvent(Player, String, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
PlayerQuitEvent(Player, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
PlayerQuitEvent(Player, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
PlayerRespawnEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerRespawnEvent(Player, Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
PlayerRespawnEvent(Player, Position, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
PlayerScorer - Class in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer
PlayerScorer(Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
PlayerScorer(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
PlayerScorer(UUID) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
PlayerServerSettingsRequestEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerServerSettingsRequestEvent(Player, Map<Integer, FormWindow>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerServerSettingsRequestEvent
PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent(Player, int, FormWindow) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
PlayerShowCreditsEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerShowCreditsEvent(Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerShowCreditsEvent
PlayerSkinPacket - Class in
PlayerSkinPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayersNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
PlayersNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PlayersNode
PlayerStartItemCoolDownPacket - Class in
PlayerStartItemCoolDownPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayerTeleportEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerTeleportEvent(Player, Location, Location, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
PlayerTeleportEvent(Player, Vector3, Vector3, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent
PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
playerTicks - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsHistory
PlayerToggleFlightEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerToggleFlightEvent(Player, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleFlightEvent
PlayerToggleGlideEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerToggleGlideEvent(Player, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleGlideEvent
PlayerToggleSneakEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerToggleSneakEvent(Player, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSneakEvent
PlayerToggleSpinAttackEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerToggleSpinAttackEvent(Player, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSpinAttackEvent
PlayerToggleSprintEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerToggleSprintEvent(Player, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSprintEvent
PlayerToggleSwimEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.player
PlayerToggleSwimEvent(Player, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerToggleSwimEvent
PlayerTypingAnvilInventoryEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
Fired when a player change anything in the item name in an open Anvil inventory window.
PlayerTypingAnvilInventoryEvent(Player, AnvilInventory, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.PlayerTypingAnvilInventoryEvent
playerUI - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
PlayerUIComponent - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
playerUIInventory - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
PlayerUIInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
PlayerUIInventory(Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
playerUniqueEntityId - Variable in class
playerUniqueId - Variable in class
playOffSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
playOnSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
playOpenCloseSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
playOpenCloseSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
playOpenCloseSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
playOpenSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
playOpenSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
playOpenSound() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
PlaySoundCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
PlaySoundCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PlaySoundCommand
PlaySoundPacket - Class in
PlaySoundPacket() - Constructor for class
PlayStatusPacket - Class in
PlayStatusPacket() - Constructor for class
plugin() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Returns the value of the plugin record component.
Plugin - Interface in cn.nukkit.plugin
An interface what must be implemented by all Nukkit plugins.
PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
PLUGIN_PATH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
PluginBase - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
A class to be extended by a normal Nukkit plugin.
PluginBase() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
PluginClassLoader - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
PluginClassLoader(JavaPluginLoader, ClassLoader, File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginClassLoader
PluginCommand<T extends Plugin> - Class in cn.nukkit.command
PluginCommand(String, String, T) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.PluginCommand
PluginCommand(String, T) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.PluginCommand
PluginDescription - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
Describes a Nukkit plugin.
PluginDescription(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
PluginDescription(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginDescription
pluginDir - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
PluginDisableEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.plugin
PluginDisableEvent(Plugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.plugin.PluginDisableEvent
PluginEnableEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.plugin
PluginEnableEvent(Plugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.plugin.PluginEnableEvent
PluginEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.plugin
PluginEvent(Plugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.plugin.PluginEvent
pluginEventTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
PluginException - Exception in cn.nukkit.utils
PluginException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.PluginException
PluginException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.PluginException
PluginI18n - Class in cn.nukkit.lang
PluginI18n(PluginBase) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
PluginI18nManager - Class in cn.nukkit.lang
PluginIdentifiableCommand - Interface in cn.nukkit.command
PluginLoader - Interface in cn.nukkit.plugin
An interface to describe a plugin loader.
PluginLoadOrder - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
Describes a Nukkit plugin load order.
PluginLogger - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
PluginLogger(Plugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
PluginManager - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
PluginManager(Server, SimpleCommandMap) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
pluginName - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
plugins - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
PluginsCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
PluginsCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.PluginsCommand
PluginTask<T extends Plugin> - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
Task that created by a plugin.
PluginTask(T) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.PluginTask
Constructs a plugin-owned task.
PNXAdapter - Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra
PNXAdapter() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXAdapter
PNXBiomeDelegate - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXBiomeDelegate(Biome) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBiomeDelegate
Creates an instance of a PNXBiomeDelegate record class.
PNXBlockStateDelegate - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXBlockStateDelegate(BlockState) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
Creates an instance of a PNXBlockStateDelegate record class.
PNXBlockType - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXBlockType(BlockState) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockType
Creates an instance of a PNXBlockType record class.
PNXChunkDelegate - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXChunkDelegate(ServerWorld, BaseFullChunk) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
Creates an instance of a PNXChunkDelegate record class.
PNXEnchantmentDelegate - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXEnchantmentDelegate(Enchantment) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
Creates an instance of a PNXEnchantmentDelegate record class.
PNXEntity - Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXEntity(Entity, ServerWorld) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntity
PNXEntityType - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXEntityType(String) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntityType
Creates an instance of a PNXEntityType record class.
PNXItemDelegate - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXItemDelegate(Item) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemDelegate
Creates an instance of a PNXItemDelegate record class.
PNXItemHandle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles
PNXItemHandle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXItemHandle
PNXItemMeta - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXItemMeta(Item) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemMeta
Creates an instance of a PNXItemMeta record class.
PNXItemStack - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXItemStack(Item) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
Creates an instance of a PNXItemStack record class.
PNXLibDeflater - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
PNXLibDeflater() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.PNXLibDeflater
PNXLibDeflater(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.PNXLibDeflater
PNXLibInflater - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
PNXLibInflater() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.PNXLibInflater
PNXPlatform - Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra
PNXPlatform() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
PNXProtoChunk - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXProtoChunk(BaseFullChunk) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoChunk
Creates an instance of a PNXProtoChunk record class.
PNXProtoWorld - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXProtoWorld(ServerWorld, int, int) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
Creates an instance of a PNXProtoWorld record class.
PNXServerWorld - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate
PNXServerWorld(TerraGenerator, ChunkManager) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
Creates an instance of a PNXServerWorld record class.
PNXWorldHandle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles
PNXWorldHandle() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.PNXWorldHandle
PODZOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PODZOL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POINTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
POISON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
POISON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
POISON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
POISON_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
POISON_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
POISON_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
POISON_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
POISONOUS_POTATO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POISONOUS_POTATO - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
pokeNode(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
Puts the node on the top of the stack.
POLAR_BEAR_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_ANDESITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
POLISHED_ANDESITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
POLISHED_ANDESITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
POLISHED_ANDESITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
POLISHED_ANDESITE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_ANDESITE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BASALT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICK_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_BLACKSTONE_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_WALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_DEEPSLATE_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_DIORITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
POLISHED_DIORITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
POLISHED_DIORITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
POLISHED_DIORITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
POLISHED_DIORITE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_DIORITE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POLISHED_GRANITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
POLISHED_GRANITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
POLISHED_GRANITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
POLISHED_GRANITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
POLISHED_GRANITE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POLISHED_GRANITE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
pool - Variable in class
POOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
PoolBuilder() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.PoolBuilder
pools - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer
PopChunkManager - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator
PopChunkManager(long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.PopChunkManager
popNode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
POPPED_CHORUS_FRUIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POPPED_CHORUS_FRUIT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
POPPY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
POPPY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.BasaltDeltaLavaPopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.BasaltDeltaMagmaPopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.BasaltDeltaPillarPopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.CrimsonFungiTreePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.CrimsonGrassesPopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.CrimsonWeepingVinesPopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.PopulatorGlowStone
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.PopulatorSoulsandFossils
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.WarpedFungiTreePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.WarpedGrassesPopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.WarpedTwistingVinesPopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorBedrock
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorChorusTree
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndGateway
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndIsland
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndSpike
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGroundCover
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorLava
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorMineshaft
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorOre
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorOreEmerald
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorRavines
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSpring
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertwell.PopulatorDesertWell
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon.PopulatorDungeon
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.fossil.PopulatorFossil
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.PopulatorNetherFortress
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.DarkOakTreePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleBigTreePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleFloorPopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleTreePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SavannaTreePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SpruceBigTreePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SpruceMegaTreePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SwampTreePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.WaterIcePopulator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.Populator
populate(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorCount
populateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Flat
populateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
populateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
populateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
populateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
populateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
populateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
populateChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
populateChunk(int, int, ChunkManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
populateChunk(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
populateChunk(ChunkManager, List<Populator>, int, int, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.MushroomPopulator
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorBamboo
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCactus
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDisk
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorKelp
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSeagrass
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorTree
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorVines
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorCount
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorOceanFloorSurfaceBlock
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlock
populateCount(ChunkManager, int, int, NukkitRandom, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlockPN
populateNoiseArray(double[], double, double, double, int, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorImprovedD
populateNoiseArray(float[], float, float, float, int, int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorImprovedF
populateRegion(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMoss
populateSkyLight() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
populateSkyLight() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
populateStructure(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
PopulationTask - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
PopulationTask(Level, BaseFullChunk) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.PopulationTask
populationTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
Populator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type
Populator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.Populator
PopulatorBamboo - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorBamboo() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorBamboo
PopulatorBedrock - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorBedrock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorBedrock
PopulatorCactus - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorCactus() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCactus
PopulatorCaves - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorCaves() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
PopulatorChorusTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorChorusTree(TheEnd) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorChorusTree
PopulatorCount - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type
PopulatorCount() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorCount
PopulatorDeadBush - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorDeadBush() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDeadBush
PopulatorDesertPyramid - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid
PopulatorDesertPyramid() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertpyramid.PopulatorDesertPyramid
PopulatorDesertWell - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertwell
PopulatorDesertWell() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.desertwell.PopulatorDesertWell
PopulatorDisk - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorDisk() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDisk
PopulatorDisk(double, BlockState, int, int, int, List<BlockState>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDisk
PopulatorDoublePlant - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorDoublePlant(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorDoublePlant
PopulatorDungeon - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon
PopulatorDungeon() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.dungeon.PopulatorDungeon
PopulatorEndGateway - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorEndGateway(TheEnd) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndGateway
PopulatorEndIsland - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorEndIsland(TheEnd) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndIsland
PopulatorEndObsidianPillar - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorEndObsidianPillar(PopulatorEndObsidianPillar.ObsidianPillar) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndObsidianPillar
PopulatorEndObsidianPillar.ObsidianPillar - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorEndSpike - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorEndSpike(TheEnd) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndSpike
PopulatorFlower - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorFlower() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorFlower
PopulatorFossil - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.fossil
PopulatorFossil() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.fossil.PopulatorFossil
PopulatorGlowStone - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
PopulatorGlowStone() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.PopulatorGlowStone
PopulatorGrass - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorGrass() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGrass
PopulatorGroundCover - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorGroundCover() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGroundCover
PopulatorGroundFire - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorGroundFire() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGroundFire
PopulatorGroundSoulFire - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
PopulatorGroundSoulFire() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.PopulatorGroundSoulFire
PopulatorHelpers - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.helper
PopulatorIgloo - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo
PopulatorIgloo() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
PopulatorJungleTemple - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple
PopulatorJungleTemple() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.jungletemple.PopulatorJungleTemple
PopulatorKelp - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorKelp() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorKelp
PopulatorLava - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorLava() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorLava
PopulatorLilyPad - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorLilyPad() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorLilyPad
PopulatorMelon - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorMelon() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorMelon
PopulatorMineshaft - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorMineshaft - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft
PopulatorMineshaft() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorMineshaft
PopulatorMineshaft() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft
PopulatorMineshaft.MineshaftStart - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft
PopulatorMineshaft.Type - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft
PopulatorNetherFortress - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress
PopulatorNetherFortress() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.PopulatorNetherFortress
PopulatorNetherFortress.NetherFortressStart - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress
PopulatorOceanFloorSurfaceBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type
PopulatorOceanFloorSurfaceBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorOceanFloorSurfaceBlock
PopulatorOceanMonument - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument
PopulatorOceanMonument() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
PopulatorOceanMonument.OceanMonumentStart - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument
PopulatorOceanRuin - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin
PopulatorOceanRuin() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
PopulatorOre - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorOre() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorOre
PopulatorOre(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorOre
PopulatorOre(int, OreType[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorOre
PopulatorOreEmerald - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorOreEmerald() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorOreEmerald
PopulatorPillagerOutpost - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost
PopulatorPillagerOutpost() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
PopulatorPumpkin - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorPumpkin() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorPumpkin
PopulatorRavines - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorRavines() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorRavines
PopulatorScatteredStructure - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator
PopulatorScatteredStructure() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
PopulatorSeagrass - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorSeagrass() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSeagrass
PopulatorSeagrass(double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSeagrass
PopulatorShipwreck - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck
PopulatorShipwreck() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
PopulatorSmallMushroom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorSmallMushroom() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSmallMushroom
PopulatorSoulsandFossils - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
PopulatorSoulsandFossils() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.PopulatorSoulsandFossils
PopulatorSpring - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorSpring(BlockState, List<BlockState>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSpring
PopulatorStronghold - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold
PopulatorStronghold() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold
PopulatorStronghold.StrongholdStart - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold
PopulatorStructure - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type
PopulatorStructure() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorStructure
PopulatorSugarcane - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorSugarcane() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorSugarcane
PopulatorSurfaceBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type
PopulatorSurfaceBlock() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlock
PopulatorSurfaceBlockPN - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type
PopulatorSurfaceBlockPN() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorSurfaceBlockPN
PopulatorSwampHut - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut
PopulatorSwampHut() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut.PopulatorSwampHut
PopulatorTallSugarcane - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorTallSugarcane() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorTallSugarcane
PopulatorTree - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorTree() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorTree
PopulatorTree(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorTree
PopulatorVillage - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village
PopulatorVillage() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage
PopulatorVillage.Type - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village
PopulatorVillage.VillageStart - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village
PopulatorVines - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
PopulatorVines() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorVines
PORKCHOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
porkchop_cooked - Static variable in class
porkchop_raw - Static variable in class
port - Variable in class
PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PORTAL_DIRECTIONAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
PORTAL_EAST_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
PORTAL_NORTH_SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
PORTAL_PORTAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PORTAL_REVERSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
PORTAL_TRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PORTAL_TRIGGER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
PortalParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
PortalParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.PortalParticle
PortalRoom(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
PortalRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
portalRoomPiece - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StartPiece
pos - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo
pos - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureEntityInfo
pos - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
POS_TRACKING_CLIENT_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
POS_TRACKING_SERVER_BROADCAST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
position - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
position - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
position - Variable in class
position - Variable in class
position() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntity
position() - Method in class
position() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
position(float, float, float) - Method in class
position(long) - Method in class
position(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
position(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
position(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntity
Position - Class in cn.nukkit.level
Position() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Position
Position(double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Position
Position(double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Position
Position(double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Position
Position(double, double, double, Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Position
POSITION - Enum constant in enum class
POSITIONAL - Enum constant in enum class
positionChanged - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
PositionNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
PositionNode(Pattern) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
PositionTracking - Class in cn.nukkit.positiontracking
PositionTracking(Level, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
PositionTracking(Level, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
PositionTracking(Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
PositionTracking(NamedPosition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
PositionTracking(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
PositionTracking(String, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
PositionTrackingDBClientRequestPacket - Class in
PositionTrackingDBClientRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
PositionTrackingDBClientRequestPacket.Action - Enum Class in
PositionTrackingDBServerBroadcastPacket - Class in
PositionTrackingDBServerBroadcastPacket() - Constructor for class
PositionTrackingDBServerBroadcastPacket.Action - Enum Class in
PositionTrackingService - Class in cn.nukkit.positiontracking
A position tracking db service.
PositionTrackingService(File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
Creates position tracking db service.
PositionTrackingStorage - Class in cn.nukkit.positiontracking
PositionTrackingStorage(int, File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
Opens or create the file and all directories in the path automatically.
PositionTrackingStorage(int, File, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
Opens or create the file and all directories in the path automatically.
POSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.AxisDirection
postAttack(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
postFix - Variable in class
postMessage(Value...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
postMessageAsync(Value...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCorridor
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftCrossing
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeCrossing
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeEndFiller
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.BridgeStraight
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorStairsPiece
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleCorridorTBalconyPiece
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleEntrance
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorCrossingPiece
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorLeftTurnPiece
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorPiece
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleSmallCorridorRightTurnPiece
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.CastleStalkRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.MonsterThrone
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.RoomCrossing
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StairsRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument.OceanMonumentStart
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.MonumentBuilding
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentCoreRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleXYRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleYZRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentDoubleZRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentEntryRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPenthouse
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentSimpleTopRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentWingRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FillerCorridor
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.FiveCrossing
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.LeftTurn
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Library
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PrisonHall
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RightTurn
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StairsDown
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Straight
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StraightStairsDown
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.BookHouse
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.DoubleFarmland
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Farmland
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.LightPost
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PigHouse
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SimpleHouse
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallHut
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallTemple
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Smithy
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.TwoRoomHouse
postProcess(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Well
POSTWORLD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoadOrder
Indicates that the plugin will be loaded after the first/default world was created.
POTATO - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POTATO - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
potato_baked - Static variable in class
POTATO_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
potato_poisonous - Static variable in class
potato_raw - Static variable in class
POTATOES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POTATOES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
Potion - Class in cn.nukkit.potion
Potion(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
Potion(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
Potion(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
POTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POTION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
POTION_TYPE_EMPTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
POTION_TYPE_LAVA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
POTION_TYPE_LINGERING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
POTION_TYPE_NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
POTION_TYPE_SPLASH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
PotionApplyEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.potion
PotionApplyEvent(Potion, Effect, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionApplyEvent
PotionCollideEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.potion
PotionCollideEvent(Potion, EntityPotion) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionCollideEvent
PotionEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.potion
PotionEvent(Potion) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionEvent
potionId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
potions - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
Pow2BitArray - Class in cn.nukkit.level.util
POWDER_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CauldronLiquid
POWDER_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POWDER_SNOW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POWDER_SNOW_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
power - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
POWER_OFF_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
POWER_ON_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
powered - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
powered - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
powered - Variable in class
POWERED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
POWERED_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
POWERED_COMPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POWERED_COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POWERED_RAIL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
POWERED_REPEATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
POWERED_REPEATER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PowerNukkitDifference - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
Indicates that the annotated element works differently in PowerNukkit environment and may cause issues or unexpected behaviour when used in a normal NukkitX server without PowerNukkit's patches and features.
PowerNukkitDifference.DifferenceList - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
PowerNukkitOnly - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
Indicates that the annotated element is only available in PowerNukkit environment and will cause issues when used in a normal NukkitX server without PowerNukkit's patches and features.
PowerNukkitPlugin - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
PowerNukkitPlugin() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.PowerNukkitPlugin
PowerNukkitXDifference - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
Indicates that the annotated element works differently in PowerNukkit environment and may cause issues or unexpected behaviour when used in a normal NukkitX server without PowerNukkitX's patches and features.
PowerNukkitXDifference.DifferenceList - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
PowerNukkitXInternal - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
PowerNukkitXOnly - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
preAttack(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
precedingTokens() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
precedingUnparsedTokens() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
PRECISION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
PRECOMPILED - Enum constant in enum class
preCover(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
Called before a new block column is covered.
predecessor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
PREDICT_DESTROY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
preInsert(Token) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
preLoginEventTask - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
premium - Variable in class
premiumWorldTemplateId - Variable in class
premiumWorldTemplateId - Variable in class
preMove(boolean, List<BlockVector3>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
PrepareEncryptionTask - Class in
PrepareEncryptionTask(Player) - Constructor for class
preParse(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText
prependChild(Node, Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Insert a Node right before a given Node.
previousCachedToken() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
previousCollideMotion - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
previousCurrentMotion - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
previousPiece - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece
previousPiece - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StartPiece
previousPiece - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StartPiece
previousSibling() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
PRIMARY_INTER_CARDINAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection.Precision
N, E, S, W, NE, NW, SE, SW.
primaryOutput - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
prime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
prime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
prime(int, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
PRIME_CREEPER - Static variable in class
PRIME_FUSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
primitiveLocationTable - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
print(PrintStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
print(String, PrintStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
print(String, PrintStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
print(String, PrintStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in exception cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ParseException
priority - Variable in class
priority - Variable in class
priority - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockUpdateEntry
priority() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.event.EventHandler
Define the priority of the handler.
PRISMARINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
PRISMARINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PRISMARINE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PRISMARINE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
PRISMARINE_BLOCK_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
PRISMARINE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
PRISMARINE_BRICKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
PRISMARINE_BRICKS_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PRISMARINE_BRICKS_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PRISMARINE_CRYSTALS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
PRISMARINE_DARK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
PRISMARINE_ROUGH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
PRISMARINE_SHARD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PRISMARINE_SHARD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
PRISMARINE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PRISMARINE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PrismarineBlockType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
PrisonHall(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PrisonHall
PrisonHall(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PrisonHall
PRIVILEGED_BUILDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
PRIVILEGED_BUILDER - Enum constant in enum class
probability - Variable in class
PROBABILITY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft
ProbabilityEvaluator - Class in
ProbabilityEvaluator(int, int) - Constructor for class
process() - Method in class
process() - Method in interface
process(String, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Method in class
processBatch(byte[], Collection<DataPacket>, CompressionProvider) - Method in class
processBatch(BatchPacket, Player) - Method in class
processInterfaces() - Method in class
processLogin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
processLogin() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
processMovement(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
processPacket(PlayerHandle, DataPacket) - Static method in class
processPackets(Player, List<DataPacket>) - Method in class
Process packets obtained from batch packets Required to perform additional analyses and filter unnecessary packets
productId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
profession - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
0 generic 普通
1 farmer 农民
2 fisherman 渔民
3 shepherd 牧羊人
4 fletcher 制箭师
5 librarian 图书管理员
6 cartographer 制图师
7 cleric 牧师
8 armor 盔甲匠
9 weapon 武器匠
10 tool 工具匠
11 butcher 屠夫
12 butcher 皮匠
13 mason 石匠
14 nitwit 傻子
PROFESSION_BLACKSMITH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
PROFESSION_BUTCHER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
PROFESSION_FARMER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
PROFESSION_GENERIC - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
PROFESSION_LIBRARIAN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
PROFESSION_PRIEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
progress - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
progress - Variable in class
PROJECTILE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent.RingCause
PROJECTILE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by being hit by a projectile such as an Arrow
PROJECTILE - Enum constant in enum class
PROJECTILE - Enum constant in enum class
PROJECTILE_LAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
PROJECTILE_SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
ProjectileDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
ProjectileDispenseBehavior(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ProjectileDispenseBehavior
ProjectileHitEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
ProjectileHitEvent(EntityProjectile) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent
ProjectileHitEvent(EntityProjectile, MovingObjectPosition) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent
ProjectileItem - Class in cn.nukkit.item
ProjectileItem(int, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.ProjectileItem
ProjectileLaunchEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.entity
ProjectileLaunchEvent(EntityProjectile) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent
ProjectileLaunchEvent(EntityProjectile, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent
PROMISE_FAILED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager
PROPAGULE_STAGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
properties - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethyst
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzaleaLeaves
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBone
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCalcite
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVines
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesBodyWithBerries
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCaveVinesHeadWithBerries
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcrete
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockConcretePowder
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang2
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang3
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDeepslate
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDripstone
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogLight
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassPaneStained
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomBrown
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHugeMushroomRed
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockInfestedDeepslate
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJigsaw
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveLeaves
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangrovePropagule
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMossCarpet
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRaw
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkCatalyst
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkShrieker
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockShulkerBox
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothBasalt
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaGlazed
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTerracottaStained
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTNT
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUnknown
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
Holds the twisting_vines block property definitions.
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
Holds the weeping_vines block property definitions.
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWool
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
property - Variable in class
PROPERTY - Static variable in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
PROPERTY - Static variable in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
PROPERTY - Static variable in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
PROPERTY - Static variable in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
PROPERTY - Static variable in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
PROPERTY_BREWING_STAND_BREW_TIME - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_BREWING_STAND_FUEL_TOTAL - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_FURNACE_FUEL_AUX - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_FURNACE_LIT_DURATION - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_FURNACE_LIT_TIME - Static variable in class
PROPERTY_FURNACE_TICK_COUNT - Static variable in class
PropertySyncData - Record Class in
PropertySyncData(int[], float[]) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a PropertySyncData record class.
protectionType - Variable in class
protocol - Variable in class
ProtocolInfo - Interface in
protocolVersion - Variable in class
provide(Class<T>, T, Plugin, ServicePriority) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
provideCacheService() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.CachedFilterSelectorArgument
provideCacheService() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.CachedSimpleSelectorArgument
provideEntity(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Object...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.ClassEntityProvider
provideEntity(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Object...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomClassEntityProvider
provideEntity(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Object...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomEntityProvider
provideEntity(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Object...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.provider.EntityProvider
provider - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
providerClass - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
providers - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProviderManager
pt_BR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
pt_PT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
pufferfish - Static variable in class
PUFFERFISH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PUFFERFISH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
PUFFERFISH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
PUFFERFISH_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PUFFERFISH_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
pullItems(InventoryHolder, Position) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper.IHopper
pullItemsFromMinecart() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
PUMPKIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PUMPKIN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
pumpkin_pie - Static variable in class
PUMPKIN_PIE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PUMPKIN_PIE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
PUMPKIN_SEEDS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PUMPKIN_SEEDS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
PUMPKIN_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PUMPKIN_STEM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PunchBlockParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
PunchBlockParticle(Vector3, int, int, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.PunchBlockParticle
PunchBlockParticle(Vector3, Block, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.PunchBlockParticle
PURCHASE_RECEIPT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
PureByteArray - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CoralType
PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BossBarColor
PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
PURPLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
PURPLE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
PURPLE_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PURPLE_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PURPLE_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PURPLE_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PURPLE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PURPLE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PURPLE_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
PURPLE_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PURPUR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
PURPUR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
PURPUR_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PURPUR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
PURPUR_NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
PURPUR_PILLAR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
PURPUR_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
PURPUR_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
pushItems() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
pushItemsIntoMinecart() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
pushNode(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
push a node onto the top of the node stack
put(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
put(int, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
put(long, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
put(MemoryType<D>, D) - Method in interface
put(MemoryType<D>, D) - Method in class
put(EntityData) - Method in class
put(String, Tag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
put(K, V) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
put(K, V) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap.WithInlinedExpunction
put(K, V1) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
PUT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent.Action
putArray(Collection<T>, BiConsumer<BinaryStream, T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putArray(Collection<T>, Consumer<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putArray(T[], Consumer<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putAttributeList(Attribute[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
Writes a list of Attributes to the packet buffer using the standard format.
putBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putBlockHelper(Block) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
putBlockPaletteBytes(BinaryStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
putBlockVector3(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putBlockVector3(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putBoolean(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class
putBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putByte(byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putByte(int, int) - Method in class
putByte(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putByteArray(String, byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putChunk(long, BaseFullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
putCompound(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putCompound(String, CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putDouble(String, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putEntityLink(EntityLink) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putEntityRuntimeId(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
Writes an EntityUniqueID
putEntityUniqueId(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
Writes an EntityUniqueID
putFloat(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putFloat(int, float) - Method in class
putFloat(String, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putGameRules(GameRules) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putImage(SerializedImage) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putInt(int, int) - Method in class
putInt(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putIntArray(String, int[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putItemHelper(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
putItemHelper(Item, Integer) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
putLFloat(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putLInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putList(ListTag<? extends Tag>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putList(String, ListTag<? extends Tag>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putLLong(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putLong(int, long) - Method in class
putLong(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putLong(String, long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putLShort(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putLTriad(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalObject
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSProxyLogger
putNBT(int, CompoundTag) - Method in class
putNeighborNodeIntoOpen(Node) - Method in class
putNeighborNodeIntoOpen(Node) - Method in class
putPacket(Player, DataPacket) - Method in class
putPacket(Player, DataPacket) - Method in interface
putPacket(Player, DataPacket, boolean) - Method in class
putPacket(Player, DataPacket, boolean) - Method in interface
putPacket(Player, DataPacket, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
putPacket(Player, DataPacket, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface
putRecipeIngredient(ItemDescriptor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putRecipeIngredient(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putResourcePacket(Player, DataPacket) - Method in class
putResourcePacket(Player, DataPacket) - Method in interface
putSelector(Selector) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.RandomItem
putSelector(Selector, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.RandomItem
putShort(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putShort(int, int) - Method in class
putShort(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putSignedBlockPosition(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putSkin(Skin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putSlot(int, Item) - Method in class
putSlot(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putSlot(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putString(int, String) - Method in class
putString(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putString(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
putTag(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putTriad(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putUnsignedVarInt(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putUnsignedVarLong(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putUUID(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putVarInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putVarLong(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putVector2f(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putVector2f(Vector2f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putVector3f(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
putVector3f(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
PVP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule


QUARTZ - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
QUARTZ - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
QUARTZ - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
QUARTZ - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
QUARTZ - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
QUARTZ - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
QUARTZ_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
QUARTZ_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
QUARTZ_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
QUARTZ_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
QUARTZ_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
QUARTZ_CHISELED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
QUARTZ_NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
QUARTZ_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
QUARTZ_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
QUARTZ_PILLAR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
QUARTZ_PILLAR2 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
QUARTZ_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
QUARTZ_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
QUERY - Enum constant in enum class
QueryHandler - Class in
QueryHandler() - Constructor for class
QueryRegenerateEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
QueryRegenerateEvent(Server) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
QueryRegenerateEvent(Server, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
quitMessage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
quitMessage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent


R - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
R() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.R
RABBIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
rabbit_cooked - Static variable in class
RABBIT_FOOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RABBIT_FOOT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RABBIT_HIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RABBIT_HIDE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
rabbit_raw - Static variable in class
RABBIT_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
rabbit_stew - Static variable in class
RABBIT_STEW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RABBIT_STEW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
radius - Variable in class
radius - Variable in class
radius - Variable in class
radius - Variable in class
radiusOnUse - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
RAID_HORN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
Rail - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
INTERNAL helper class of railway
RAIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RAIL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
Rail.Orientation - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Rail.Orientation.State - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
RailDirection - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state
RAIN_SPLASH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
rainLevel - Variable in class
rainLevel - Variable in class
RainSplashParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
RainSplashParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.RainSplashParticle
RakNetInterface - Class in
RakNetInterface(Server) - Constructor for class
RakNetPlayerSession - Class in
RakNetPlayerSession(RakNetInterface, RakNetServerSession) - Constructor for class
rand() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
rand(double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
rand(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
random - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
random - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
random - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
random() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Plane
random(NukkitRandom) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Plane
random(Random) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Choose a random BlockFace using the given Random
RANDOM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
RANDOM_ANVIL_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_ANVIL_LAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_ANVIL_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_BOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_BOWHIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_BREAK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_BURP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_CHESTCLOSED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_CHESTOPEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_CLICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_DOOR_CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_DOOR_OPEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_DRINK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_DRINK_HONEY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_EAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_ENDERCHESTCLOSED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_ENDERCHESTOPEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_EXPLODE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_FIZZ - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_FUSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_GLASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_HURT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_LEVELUP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_ORB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_PLAYER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
RANDOM_POP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_POP2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_POTION_BREWED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_SCREENSHOT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_SHULKERBOXCLOSED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_SHULKERBOXOPEN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_SPLASH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_SWIM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_TICK_SPEED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
RANDOM_TOAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_TOTEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RANDOM_WOOD_CLICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
randomClientId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
RandomItem - Class in cn.nukkit.item.randomitem
RandomItem() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.RandomItem
RandomizableContainer - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot
RandomizableContainer(Map<List<RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry>, RandomizableContainer.RollEntry>, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer
RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot
RandomizableContainer.PoolBuilder - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot
RandomizableContainer.RollEntry - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot
randomizeVineAge(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Changes the current vine age to a random new random age.
randomRange(NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
randomRange(NukkitRandom, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
randomRange(NukkitRandom, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
randomSmallDoor(NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom
RandomTimeRangeEvaluator - Class in
RandomTimeRangeEvaluator(int, int) - Constructor for class
randomVector3(Entity, int) - Method in class
range - Variable in class
range - Variable in class
RAPID_FERTILIZER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RARE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment.Rarity
RAVAGER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RAW_BEEF - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RAW_CHICKEN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RAW_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RAW_COPPER_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RAW_COPPER_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RAW_FISH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RAW_GOLD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RAW_GOLD_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RAW_GOLD_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RAW_IRON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RAW_IRON_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RAW_IRON_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RAW_IRON_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
RAW_MUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RAW_PORKCHOP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RAW_RABBIT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RAW_SALMON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
rawHashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
rawHashCode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
rawSocketAddress - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
RawText - Class in cn.nukkit.command.utils
RAWTEXT - Enum constant in enum class
RAWTEXT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component.ComponentType
RawText.Component - Class in cn.nukkit.command.utils
RawText.Component.ComponentType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.command.utils
RawTextNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
RawTextNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.RawTextNode
rawUUID - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
rawUUID - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
RCON - Class in
Implementation of Source RCON protocol.
RCON(Server, String, String, int) - Constructor for class
RCONCommand - Class in
A data structure to hold sender, request ID and command itself.
RCONCommand(SocketChannel, int, String) - Constructor for class
RCONPacket - Class in
A data structure representing an RCON packet.
RCONPacket(int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class
RCONPacket(ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class
RCONServer - Class in
Thread that performs all RCON network work.
RCONServer(String, int, String) - Constructor for class
reachable - Variable in class
reachableTarget - Variable in class
reactionType - Variable in class
read() - Method in class
read() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
read() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
read(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
read(byte[]) - Method in class
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
read(byte[], ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
read(byte[], ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
read(InventoryTransactionPacket) - Method in class
read(LoginPacket) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
read(File) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
read(File, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
read(InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
read(InputStream, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
read(InputStream, ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
read(String, UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DefaultPlayerDataSerializer
read(String, UUID) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.PlayerDataSerializer
Reads player data from InputStream if the file exists otherwise it will create the default data.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
read1() - Method in class
ReadableStructureTemplate - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
readAttributes(Path, String, LinkOption...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
readBool(byte) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readBoolean() - Method in class
readByte() - Method in class
readChar() - Method in class
readChar() - Method in class
readChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
readChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
readCompoundValue(NBTInputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
Only used for LevelEventGenericPacket Which do not read tag id and name (It only can be a compound tag)
readCompoundValue(InputStream, ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
readCompressed(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
readCompressed(byte[], ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
readCompressed(InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
readCompressed(InputStream, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
readCurrent() - Method in class
readDisplay() - Method in interface
readDisplay() - Method in class
readDouble() - Method in class
readDouble() - Method in class
readDouble(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readFile(File) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
readFile(InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
readFile(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
readFloat() - Method in class
readFloat() - Method in class
readFloat(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readFloat(byte[], int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
readInt() - Method in class
readInt() - Method in class
readInt(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readItemJsonComponents(Item.ItemJsonComponents) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
readLDouble(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readLFloat(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readLFloat(byte[], int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readLine() - Method in class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole
readLine() - Method in class
readLInt(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readLLong(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readLong() - Method in class
readLong() - Method in class
readLong(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readLShort(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readLTriad(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readMetadata(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readNamedTag(NBTInputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
readNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
readNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
readNetworkCompressed(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
readNetworkCompressed(byte[], ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
readNetworkCompressed(InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
readNetworkCompressed(InputStream, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
ReadOnlyLegacyStructureTemplate - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
ReadOnlyLegacyStructureTemplate() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.ReadOnlyLegacyStructureTemplate
readScoreboard() - Method in interface
readScoreboard() - Method in class
readScoreboard(String) - Method in interface
readScoreboard(String) - Method in class
readShort() - Method in class
readShort() - Method in class
readShort(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readSignedByte(byte) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readSignedLShort(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readSignedShort(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readTag(InputStream, ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
readTickingArea() - Method in class
readTickingArea() - Method in interface
readTriad(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class
readUnsignedVarInt(BinaryStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
readUnsignedVarInt(InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
readUnsignedVarLong(BinaryStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
readUnsignedVarLong(InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
readUTF() - Method in class
readUUID(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
readVarInt(BinaryStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
readVarInt(InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
readVarLong(BinaryStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
readVarLong(InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
READY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.NetherReactorState
REAL_DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REAL_DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REAL_DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB3 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REAL_DOUBLE_STONE_SLAB4 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REALITY - Enum constant in enum class
reapplicationDelay - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
reason - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
reason - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
reason() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails
Why it is deprecated.
reasonString - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
rebuildItemList() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
rebuildPacket() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
reCalcOffsetBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
recalcTickOptDelay() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBorder
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockThin
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
recalculateBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
recalculateBoundingBox(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
recalculateCollisionBoundingBox() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
recalculateEffectColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
recalculateHeightMap() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
recalculateHeightMap() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
recalculateHeightMapColumn(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
recalculateHeightMapColumn(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
recalculateNewState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
recalculatePermissibles() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
recalculatePermissionDefaults(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
recalculatePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
recalculatePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
recalculatePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
recalculatePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
recalculatePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
recalculatePermissions() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
recalculatePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
recalculatePermissions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
recalculatePotionColor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
recalculatePotionColor(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
recalculateResultExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
receive() - Method in class
recheckBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
recheckBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.ImmutableBlockStorage
recipe - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
Recipe - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory
RecipeBuildUtils - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
RecipeBuildUtils(CompoundTag, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
recipeComparator - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
RecipeInventoryHolder - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory
This inventory holder's inventory is used for recipe, usually in machines, such as furnaces, etc.
recipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
recipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
RecipeType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
recipients - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
RECORD_11 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_11 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_13 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_13 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_5 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_5 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_BLOCKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_BLOCKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_CAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_CAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_CHIRP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_CHIRP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_FAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_FAR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_MALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_MALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_MELLOHI - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_MELLOHI - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_OTHERSIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_OTHERSIDE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_PIGSTEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_PIGSTEP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_STAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_STAL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_STRAD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_STRAD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_WAIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_WAIT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECORD_WARD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RECORD_WARD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
RECOVERY_COMPASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
recurse(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node.Visitor
Just recurses over (i.e.
RED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CoralType
RED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandType
RED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BossBarColor
RED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
RED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
RED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents red.
RED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
RED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
RED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
RED_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
RED_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_FLOWER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_FLOWER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_FLOWER_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_MUSHROOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_MUSHROOM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_MUSHROOM_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
RED_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
RED_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_NETHER_BRICK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_NETHER_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
RED_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_NETHER_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
RED_SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
RED_SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RED_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
RED_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent.RingCause
REDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REDSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
REDSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REDSTONE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
REDSTONE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
REDSTONE_DUST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
REDSTONE_LAMP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REDSTONE_LAMP - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
REDSTONE_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REDSTONE_ORE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
REDSTONE_ORE_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
REDSTONE_REPEATER_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
REDSTONE_SIGNAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
REDSTONE_SIGNAL_BLOCK_PROPERTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
REDSTONE_TORCH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REDSTONE_TORCH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
REDSTONE_TORCH_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
REDSTONE_WIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REDSTONE_WIRE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
REDSTONE_WIRE_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
RedstoneComponent - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils
Interface, all redstone components implement, containing redstone related methods.
RedstoneParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
RedstoneParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.RedstoneParticle
RedstoneParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.RedstoneParticle
RedstoneUpdateEvent - Class in
RedstoneUpdateEvent(Block) - Constructor for class
reduce(R, TriFunction<BlockProperty<?>, Integer, R, R>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
reduceInt(int, ToIntTriFunctionTwoInts<BlockProperty<?>>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
reduceLong(long, ToLongTriFunctionOneIntOneLong<BlockProperty<?>>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
REEDS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REEDS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
reelLine() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
ReferenceNotAliveException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal.ReferenceNotAliveException
refresh() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
regenerateChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
regenerateInfo() - Method in class
regenerateToken() - Method in class
REGENERATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
REGENERATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
REGENERATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
REGENERATION_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
REGENERATION_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
REGENERATION_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
REGENERATION_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
RegionLoader - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil
RegionLoader(LevelProvider, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
regions - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
register() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
register(int, Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
register(int, Biome) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
register(CommandMap) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
register(Enchantment...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
register(Enchantment, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
register(RandomizableContainer.ItemEntry) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.PoolBuilder
register(PluginBase) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18nManager
register(PluginBase, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18nManager
register(RegisteredListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
register(TypeRegistry) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
register(Class<T>, T, Plugin, ServicePriority) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.NKServiceManager
register(Class<T>, T, Plugin, ServicePriority) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServiceManager
Register an object as a service's provider.
register(String, Command) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandMap
register(String, Command) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
register(String, Command, String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandMap
register(String, Command, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
register(String, EventPriority, Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager
registerAll(String, List<? extends Command>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandMap
registerAll(String, List<? extends Command>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
registerAll(Collection<RegisteredListener>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
registerArgument(ISelectorArgument) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.EntitySelectorAPI
registerBehavior(int, DispenseBehavior) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DispenseBehaviorRegister
registerBlastFurnaceRecipe(BlastFurnaceRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerBlock(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
registerBlock(int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
registerBlockEntity(String, Class<? extends BlockEntity>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
registerBlockImplementation(int, Class<? extends Block>, String, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
Register a new block implementation overriding the existing one.
registerBlocks(int, int...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
registerBrewingRecipe(BrewingRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerCampfireRecipe(CampfireRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerCartographyRecipe(CartographyRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerChunkLoader(ChunkLoader, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
registerChunkLoader(ChunkLoader, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
registerContainerRecipe(ContainerRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerCorePermissions() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.DefaultPermissions
registerCustomBlock(List<CustomBlock>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
registerCustomBlock(List<Class<? extends CustomBlock>>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
registerCustomBlock(Map<String, Class<? extends CustomBlock>>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
registerCustomBlockState(List<CustomBlock>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
registerCustomEntity(CustomEntityProvider) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
registerCustomItem(CustomItem, Supplier<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
registerCustomItem(Class<? extends CustomItem>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
registerCustomItem(List<Class<? extends CustomItem>>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
registerDefaultProcessors() - Static method in class
RegisteredBlockProperty(BlockProperty<?>, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty
registeredEnergyTypes - Static variable in class
RegisteredListener - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin
RegisteredListener(Listener, EventExecutor, EventPriority, Plugin, boolean, Timing) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener
RegisteredServiceProvider<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.service
registerEnergyType(EnergyType) - Static method in class
Register a new energy type.
registerEntity(EntityProvider<? extends Entity>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
registerEntity(EntityProvider<? extends Entity>, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
registerEntity(String, Class<? extends Entity>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
registerEntity(String, Class<? extends Entity>, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
registerEvent(Class<? extends Event>, Listener, EventPriority, EventExecutor, Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
registerEvent(Class<? extends Event>, Listener, EventPriority, EventExecutor, Plugin, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
registerEvents(Listener, Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
registerExceptionHandler() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport.ExceptionHandler
registerFeature(JSFeature) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
registerFood(Food, Plugin) - Static method in class
registerFurnaceRecipe(FurnaceRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerInterface(SourceInterface) - Method in class
registerInterface(Class<? extends PluginLoader>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
registerItem(int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
registerItem(int, int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
registerItem(int, MinecraftItemID) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
registerItems(int, int...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
registerItems(int, MinecraftItemID...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
registerItemTag(String, Collection<String>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
Register item tags for the given item namespaceId.
registerModProcessRecipe(ModProcessRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerMultiRecipe(MultiRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerNamespacedIdItem(Class<? extends StringItem>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
registerNamespacedIdItem(String, Constructor<? extends Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
registerNamespacedIdItem(String, Supplier<Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
registerOld() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
registerPacket(byte, Class<? extends DataPacket>) - Method in class
registerPacketNew(int, Class<? extends DataPacket>) - Method in class
Register a packet to the pool.
registerPackLoader(ResourcePackLoader) - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager
registerPermission(Permission) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.DefaultPermissions
registerPermission(Permission, Permission) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.permission.DefaultPermissions
registerPersistenceName(int, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry
registerProcessor(DataPacketProcessor...) - Static method in class
registerRecipe(Recipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerServerAliases() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
registerShapedRecipe(ShapedRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerShapelessRecipe(ShapelessRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerSimpleCommands(Object) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandMap
registerSimpleCommands(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
registerSmithingRecipe(SmithingRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerSmokerRecipe(SmokerRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerStonecutterRecipe(StonecutterRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BlastFurnaceRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CartographyRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ContainerRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.ModProcessRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MultiRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Recipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.RepairRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmokerRecipe
registerToCraftingManager(CraftingManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
REINFORCED_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REINFORCED_DEEPSLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
REINFORCEMENTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an entity calls for reinforcements
reinitAntiXray(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
relativeIDs - Variable in class
RELEASE_ITEM_ACTION_CONSUME - Static variable in class
RELEASE_ITEM_ACTION_RELEASE - Static variable in class
ReleaseItemData - Class in
ReleaseItemData() - Constructor for class
releaseTickCachedBlocks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
reliability - Variable in class
reload() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.function.FunctionManager
reload() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
reload() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
reload() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
reload(PluginBase) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18nManager
reload(PluginBase, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18nManager
ReloadCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
ReloadCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand
reloadConfig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
reloadConfig() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Reloads the plugin config.
reloadConfig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
reloadLang(LangCode, InputStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
Reload lang boolean.
reloadLang(LangCode, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
Reload lang boolean.
reloadPacks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager
reloadWhitelist() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
RemainStringNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
RemainStringNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.RemainStringNode
RemoteConsoleCommandSender - Class in cn.nukkit.command
Represents an RCON command sender.
RemoteConsoleCommandSender() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.RemoteConsoleCommandSender
RemoteServerCommandEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
Called when an RCON command is executed.
RemoteServerCommandEvent(CommandSender, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.RemoteServerCommandEvent
remove() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
remove() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
remove(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
remove(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
remove(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalArray
remove(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
remove(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
remove(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
remove(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
remove(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
remove(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
remove(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.BlockUpdateScheduler
remove(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.fake.FakeBlock
Remove it.
remove(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.FakeStructBlock
remove(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.SingleFakeBlock
remove(BlockUpdateEntry) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.BlockUpdateScheduler
remove(SortedList.Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
从这个SortedList中删除给定的节点,如果需要重新平衡,也会添加modCount。 时间复杂度O(log(n))。
remove(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
remove(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingSetWrapper
remove(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
remove(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
remove(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
remove(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
remove(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Remove config section element
remove(K) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
remove(K) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap.WithInlinedExpunction
remove(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
remove(V) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent.ActionType
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class
REMOVE_ALL_LINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent.ActionType
REMOVE_ENTITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
REMOVE_LEASH - Static variable in class
REMOVE_LINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent.ActionType
REMOVE_OBJECTIVE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
REMOVE_VOLUME_ENTITY - Static variable in interface
REMOVE_VOLUME_ENTITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
removeAchievement(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
removeAll(Collection<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
removeAllEffects() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
removeAllLine(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
removeAllLine(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
removeAllScoreboard() - Method in interface
removeAllScoreboard() - Method in class
removeAllTickingArea() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
removeAllTickingArea() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
removeAllTickingArea() - Method in class
removeAllTickingArea() - Method in interface
removeAllWindows() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
removeAllWindows(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
removeAndGet(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
removeAntiXrayFakeBlock(Block, Collection<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
removeAntiXrayOreBlock(Block, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.Permissible
removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
removeBlockEntity(BlockEntity) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
removeBlockEntity(BlockEntity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
removeBlockEntity(BlockEntity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
removeBossBar(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
removeBusying(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
removeChild(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
removeChild(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Remove the node at index i.
removeChild(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
removeChild(Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Removes the Node from this node's children
removeChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
removeChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
removeCreativeItem(Item) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
removeDispenseBehavior(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DispenseBehaviorRegister
removeEffect(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
removeEntity(Entity) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
removeEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
removeEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
RemoveEntityPacket - Class in
RemoveEntityPacket() - Constructor for class
removeExpired() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
removeFlower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
removeFormat - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
是否移除改玩家聊天中的颜色字符如 §c §1
removeForPlacement(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmorStand
removeItem(Item...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
removeItem(Item...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
removeItem(Item...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
removeItem(Item...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
removeItem(Item...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
removeLine(IScoreboardLine) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
removeLine(IScoreboardLine) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.displayer.IScoreboardViewer
removeLine(IScorer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
removeLine(IScorer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
removeListener(InventoryListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
removeListener(InventoryListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
removeListener(InventoryListener) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
removeListener(InventoryListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
removeListener(InventoryListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
removeListener(VibrationListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
removeListener(VibrationListener) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationManager
removeLookTarget(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
removeMember(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalObject
removeMetadata(Object, String, Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.BlockMetadataStore
removeMetadata(Object, String, Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataStore
removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.metadata.Metadatable
removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
removeMetadata(String, Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
removeNested(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
RemoveObjectivePacket - Class in
RemoveObjectivePacket() - Constructor for class
removeOccupant(BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
removeOnlinePlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
removeOp(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
removePattern(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
removePattern(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
removePermission(Permission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
removePermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
removePlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
removePlayerListData(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
removePlayerListData(UUID, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
removePlayerListData(UUID, Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
removePlayerListData(UUID, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
removePopulator(Class<? extends PopulatorStructure>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorStructure
removeRouteTarget(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
removeScore(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboardLine
removeScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
removeScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.displayer.IScoreboardViewer
removeScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
removeScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
removeScoreboard(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
removeScoreboard(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
removeScoreboard(String) - Method in interface
removeScoreboard(String) - Method in class
removeTag(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
removeTickingArea(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
removeTickingArea(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
removeTickingArea(String) - Method in class
removeTickingArea(String) - Method in interface
removeViewer(IScoreboardViewer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
removeViewer(IScoreboardViewer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
removeViewer(IScoreboardViewer, DisplaySlot) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
removeViewer(IScoreboardViewer, DisplaySlot) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
RemoveVolumeEntityPacket - Class in
RemoveVolumeEntityPacket() - Constructor for class
removeWhitelist(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
removeWindow(Inventory) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
removeWindow(Inventory, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
renderOffsets(RenderOffsets) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
RenderOffsets - Class in
RenderOffsets是设置 render_offsets 项目组件。可以设置参数来偏移物品的在不同视角下的呈现方式。
RenderOffsets(Offset, Offset, Offset, Offset) - Constructor for class
reObfuscateChunk() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
reObfuscateChunk() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
REPAIR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
RepairItemAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
RepairItemAction(Item, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.RepairItemAction
RepairItemEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
RepairItemEvent(AnvilInventory, Item, Item, Item, int, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.RepairItemEvent
repairItemTransaction - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
RepairItemTransaction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction
RepairItemTransaction(Player, List<InventoryAction>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.RepairItemTransaction
RepairRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
RepairRecipe(InventoryType, Item, Collection<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.RepairRecipe
repairStorage(int, BigInteger, BlockProperties, Consumer<BlockStateRepair>) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
REPEATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REPEATER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
REPEATER_DELAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
REPEATING_COMMAND_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
REPEATING_COMMAND_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
replace(Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
REPLACE_PAGE - Enum constant in enum class
replaceBlockId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
replaceBucket(Item, Player, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
replaceChild(Node, Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Replaces a child node with another one.
ReplaceItemCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
ReplaceItemCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ReplaceItemCommand
replaceType(SNBTConstants.TokenType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
replaceWith() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails
What should be used or do instead.
reportTimings(CommandSender) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsExport
Builds a JSON timings report and sends it to Aikar's viewer
Request(int, List<ItemStackRequestPacket.ItemStackAction>) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Request record class.
REQUEST_ABILITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
REQUEST_CHUNK_RADIUS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
REQUEST_NETWORK_SETTINGS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
REQUEST_PERMISSIONS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
RequestAbilityPacket - Class in
RequestAbilityPacket() - Constructor for class
requestChunk(int, int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
RequestChunkRadiusPacket - Class in
RequestChunkRadiusPacket() - Constructor for class
RequestChunkRadiusPacket_v575 - Class in
RequestChunkRadiusPacket_v575() - Constructor for class
requestChunkTask(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
requestChunkTask(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
requestId - Variable in class
requestId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the requestId record component.
RequestNetworkSettingsPacket - Class in
RequestNetworkSettingsPacket() - Constructor for class
RequestNetworkSettingsProcessor - Class in
RequestNetworkSettingsProcessor() - Constructor for class
RequestPermissionsPacket - Class in
RequestPermissionsPacket() - Constructor for class
requests - Variable in class
requestSubChunks - Variable in class
requestTrackingHandler() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLodestone
requestType - Variable in class
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityHusk
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWitherSkeleton
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityZombie
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAllay
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCow
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityFish
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityMooshroom
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityPig
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
requireBehaviorGroup() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
requireContainerInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBarrel
requireContainerInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
requireContainerInventory() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
requireProvider() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
Returns the level provider if it exists.
requireRegisteredProperty(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
requires - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Achievement
requiresCraftingTable() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
requiresCraftingTable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
requiresCraftingTable() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
resend() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
resend() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
reserveBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
RESERVED6 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ChainedCommandNode
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.CommandNode
reset() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.IParamNode
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.MessageStringNode
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.RemainStringNode
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.VoidNode
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.ParamList
reset() - Method in class
Marks this array output stream as empty.
reset() - Method in class
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
reset() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSIInitiator
reset() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
reset() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
RESET - Enum constant in enum class
RESET - Enum constant in enum class
RESET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Resets all previous chat colors or formats.
resetCapture() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
resetClientMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
resetCraftingGridType() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
Reset crafting grid type.
resetFallDistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
resetFallDistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
resetFallDistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
resetFallDistance() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
resetInAirTicks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
resetNodes() - Method in class
resetNodes() - Method in class
resetPieces() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces
resetStatistics() - Method in class
resetTitleSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
reshow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
Once the player has teleported, resend Show BossBar
RESISTANCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier
Damage reduction caused by the Resistance potion effect
RESISTANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
RESOURCE_PACK_CHUNK_DATA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
RESOURCE_PACK_CHUNK_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
RESOURCE_PACK_CHUNK_SIZE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
RESOURCE_PACK_CLIENT_RESPONSE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
RESOURCE_PACK_DATA_INFO_PACKET - Static variable in interface
RESOURCE_PACK_PATH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
RESOURCE_PACK_STACK_PACKET - Static variable in interface
RESOURCE_PACKS_INFO_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ResourcePack - Interface in cn.nukkit.resourcepacks
ResourcePackChunkDataPacket - Class in
ResourcePackChunkDataPacket() - Constructor for class
ResourcePackChunkRequestPacket - Class in
ResourcePackChunkRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
ResourcePackClientResponsePacket - Class in
ResourcePackClientResponsePacket() - Constructor for class
ResourcePackClientResponsePacket.Entry - Class in
ResourcePackDataInfoPacket - Class in
ResourcePackDataInfoPacket() - Constructor for class
resourcePackEntries - Variable in class
ResourcePackLoader - Interface in cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader
ResourcePackManager - Class in cn.nukkit.resourcepacks
ResourcePackManager(ResourcePackLoader...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager
ResourcePackManager(File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager
ResourcePackManager(Set<ResourcePackLoader>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager
ResourcePacksInfoPacket - Class in
ResourcePacksInfoPacket() - Constructor for class
resourcePackStack - Variable in class
ResourcePackStackPacket - Class in
ResourcePackStackPacket() - Constructor for class
ResourcePackStackPacket.ExperimentData - Class in
respawn - Variable in class
respawn() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
RESPAWN - Enum constant in enum class
RESPAWN - Static variable in class
RESPAWN_ANCHOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
RESPAWN_ANCHOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
RESPAWN_ANCHOR_AMBIENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RESPAWN_ANCHOR_CHARGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RESPAWN_ANCHOR_CHARGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
RESPAWN_ANCHOR_DEPLETE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RESPAWN_ANCHOR_SET_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
RESPAWN_PACKET - Static variable in interface
RespawnPacket - Class in
RespawnPacket() - Constructor for class
respawnState - Variable in class
respawnToAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
respond(SocketChannel, int, String) - Method in class
response - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDialogRespondedEvent
responseStatus - Variable in class
RESTART - Enum constant in enum class
restoreFood - Variable in class
restoreSaturation - Variable in class
RESULT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
resultPosition - Variable in class
returnAsmType() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
returnAsmType() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
returnType() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
Returns the value of the returnType record component.
returnType() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
Returns the value of the returnType record component.
reverseArray(T[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
reverseArray(T[], boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
reversed() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores.ScoreCondition
Returns the value of the reversed record component.
reverseSending() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
revertClientMotion(Location) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
RIDER_INDEX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
RIDER_JUMP_PACKET - Static variable in interface
RIDER_OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
RIDER_PASSENGER_OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
RIDER_PLAYER_OFFSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
riderInitiated - Variable in class
riderInitiated - Variable in class
RiderJumpPacket - Class in
RiderJumpPacket() - Constructor for class
riderUniqueId - Variable in class
riding - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
ridingEid - Variable in class
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
RIGHT_CLICK_AIR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action
RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action
RIGHTSIDEUP_BACKHALF - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
RIGHTSIDEUP_BACKHALF_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
RIGHTSIDEUP_FRONTHALF - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
RIGHTSIDEUP_FRONTHALF_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
RIGHTSIDEUP_FULL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
RIGHTSIDEUP_FULL_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
RightTurn(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RightTurn
RightTurn(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RightTurn
ring(Entity, BellRingEvent.RingCause) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
ring(Entity, BellRingEvent.RingCause, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
RISING_BORDER_DUST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
RIVER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
RiverBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river
RiverBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.river.RiverBiome
RM - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
RM() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RM
Road(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Road
Road(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Road
rod - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
RollEntry(int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.RollEntry
RollEntry(int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer.RollEntry
rollingDirection - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
ROOFED_FOREST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
ROOFED_FOREST_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
RoofedForestBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.roofedforest
RoofedForestBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.roofedforest.RoofedForestBiome
RoofedForestMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.roofedforest
RoofedForestMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.roofedforest.RoofedForestMBiome
RoomCrossing(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.RoomCrossing
RoomCrossing(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing
RoomCrossing(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.RoomCrossing
RoomCrossing(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing
roomDefinition - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
Root - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
Root() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.Root
Root() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
ROOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.RandomItem
ROOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.permission.DefaultPermissions
ROOT_FISHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
rootNode() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
ROSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType
ROSE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
ROSE_BUSH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
rotate(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
rotate(Rotation) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
ROTATE_180 - Enum constant in enum class
ROTATE_270 - Enum constant in enum class
ROTATE_90 - Enum constant in enum class
rotatePitch(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
rotateY() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Rotate this BlockFace around the Y axis clockwise (NORTH => EAST => SOUTH => WEST => NORTH)
rotateYaw(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
rotateYCCW() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Rotate this BlockFace around the Y axis counter-clockwise (NORTH => WEST => SOUTH => EAST => NORTH)
rotation - Variable in class
rotation() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the rotation record component.
rotation(float, float, float) - Method in class
rotation(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
以度为单位设置块围绕立方体中心的旋转,旋转顺序为 xyz.角度必须是90的倍数。
rotation(Vector3f) - Method in class
Rotation - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math
ROTATION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent.Action
ROTATIONAL - Enum constant in enum class
rotten_flesh - Static variable in class
ROTTEN_FLESH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ROTTEN_FLESH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
round() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
round() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
round() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
round() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
round() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
round() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
round() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
round(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
round(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
round(double, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitMath
ROUTE - Enum constant in enum class
ROUTE_UNREACHABLE_TIME - Static variable in interface
ROUTE_UPDATE_CYCLE - Static variable in class
routeFinder - Variable in class
routeFinder(SimpleRouteFinder) - Method in class
RouteFindingManager - Class in
RouteFindingManager() - Constructor for class
RouteFindingManager.RouteFindingPoolThreadFactory - Class in
RouteFindingManager.RouteFindingTask - Class in
RouteFindingManager.RouteFindingTask.FinishCallback - Interface in
RouteFindingManager.RouteFindingThread - Class in
RouteFindingPoolThreadFactory() - Constructor for class
routeFindingTask - Variable in class
RouteFindingTask(IRouteFinder, RouteFindingManager.RouteFindingTask.FinishCallback) - Constructor for class
RouteUnreachableTimeSensor - Class in
RouteUnreachableTimeSensor(MemoryType<Integer>) - Constructor for class
ROW_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
ROW_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
rowingTime - Variable in class
rtrim(String, char) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
ru_RU - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
RuinBigChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.loot
RUINS_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
RUINS_CRACKED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
RUINS_MOSSY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
RuinSmallChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.loot
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock.CommandBlockTrigger
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSTimerTask
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncWorker
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport.BugReportGenerator
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ServerKiller
run() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Watchdog
run() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsExport
run(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
runCommand(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole
running - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Watchdog
runningBehaviors - Variable in class
runningCoreBehaviors - Variable in class
runningTime - Variable in class
runPossiblyUnsafeTask(Runnable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.PNXPlatform
runTask(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.NukkitRunnable
runTaskAsynchronously(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.NukkitRunnable
runTaskLater(Plugin, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.NukkitRunnable
runTaskLaterAsynchronously(Plugin, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.NukkitRunnable
runTaskTimer(Plugin, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.NukkitRunnable
runTaskTimerAsynchronously(Plugin, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.NukkitRunnable
RUNTIME_ID - Static variable in record class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition
runtimeEntityId - Variable in class
runtimeEntityId - Variable in class
RuntimeEntry(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.RuntimeEntry
Creates an instance of a RuntimeEntry record class.
runtimeId - Variable in class
runtimeId - Variable in class
runtimeId() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.RuntimeEntry
Returns the value of the runtimeId record component.
runtimeID() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the runtimeID record component.
RuntimeItemMapping - Class in cn.nukkit.item
RuntimeItemMapping(Map<String, RuntimeItems.MappingEntry>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry - Record Class in cn.nukkit.item
RuntimeItemMapping.RuntimeEntry - Record Class in cn.nukkit.item
RuntimeItems - Class in cn.nukkit.item
RuntimeItems.MappingEntry - Record Class in cn.nukkit.item
RX - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
RX() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RX
RXM - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
RXM() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RXM
RY - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
RY() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RY
RYM - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
RYM() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.RYM


SACRIFICE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
SADDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SADDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
safeWrite(CompoundTag, File) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
safeWrite(File, Consumer<File>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
SALMON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SALMON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
SALMON_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
salmon_cooked - Static variable in class
salmon_raw - Static variable in class
SALMON_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SAND - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SAND - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
SAND_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
SAND_STONE_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
SAND_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSand
SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
SANDSTONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
SANDSTONE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SANDSTONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SandStoneType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
SandType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
SandyBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.type
SandyBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.SandyBiome
SAPLING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SAPLING - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SAPLING_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
SAPLINGS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SATURATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
SATURATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
SAVANNA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
SAVANNA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.Type
SAVANNA_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
SAVANNA_PLATEAU - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
SAVANNA_PLATEAU_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
SavannaBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna
SavannaBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaBiome
SavannaMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna
SavannaMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaMBiome
SavannaPlateauBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna
SavannaPlateauBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaPlateauBiome
SavannaPlateauMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna
SavannaPlateauMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.savanna.SavannaPlateauMBiome
SavannaTreePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree
SavannaTreePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SavannaTreePopulator
SavannaTreePopulator(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SavannaTreePopulator
save() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
save() - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
save() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
save() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
save() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
save() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
save() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SimpleConfig
save(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
save(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
save(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SimpleConfig
save(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
save(File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
save(File, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
Save configuration into provided file.
save(Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
SAVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
SAVE_STORAGE_VERSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
saveAsJson(boolean, Gson) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
saveAsJson(File, boolean, Gson) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
saveChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
saveChunk(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
saveChunk(int, int, byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
saveChunk(int, int, byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
saveChunk(int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
saveChunk(int, int, FullChunk) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
saveChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
saveChunks() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
saveChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
SaveCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SaveCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SaveCommand
saveConfig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
saveConfig() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Saves the plugin config.
saveConfig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
saveDefaultConfig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
saveDefaultConfig() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Saves the DEFAULT plugin config.
saveDefaultConfig() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
saveDisplay(Map<DisplaySlot, IScoreboard>) - Method in interface
saveDisplay(Map<DisplaySlot, IScoreboard>) - Method in class
saveHumanEntity(Entity) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
saveIntoCachedStore(Block, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.SimpleTickCachedBlockStore
saveIntoCachedStore(Block, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.TickCachedBlockStore
saveLevelData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
saveLevelData() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBed
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityComparator
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNetherReactor
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityStructBlock
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHanging
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligent
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityChestBoat
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartChest
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAnimal
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
saveNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
SaveOffCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SaveOffCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SaveOffCommand
saveOfflinePlayerData(String, CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
saveOfflinePlayerData(String, CompoundTag, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
saveOfflinePlayerData(UUID, CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
saveOfflinePlayerData(UUID, CompoundTag, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
SaveOnCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SaveOnCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SaveOnCommand
saveResource(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
saveResource(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Saves the resource of this plugin.
saveResource(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
saveResource(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
saveResource(String, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
Saves or replaces the resource of this plugin.
saveResource(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
saveResource(String, String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
saveResource(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.Plugin
saveResource(String, String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
SAVES_TO_DISK - Enum constant in enum class
SAVES_TO_MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class
saveScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in interface
saveScoreboard(IScoreboard) - Method in class
saveScoreboard(Collection<IScoreboard>) - Method in interface
saveScoreboard(Collection<IScoreboard>) - Method in class
saveToThreadStore(String, Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
SayCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SayCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SayCommand
SCAFFOLDING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SCAFFOLDING - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
scale - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
scale - Variable in class
scale() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the scale record component.
scale(float, float, float) - Method in class
scaleNoise - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
scaleOffset(double) - Static method in class
scaleOffset(int) - Static method in class
scanBlocks(LevelProvider, int, int, BlockVector3, BlockVector3, BiPredicate<BlockVector3, BlockState>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
scanBlocks(LevelProvider, int, int, BlockVector3, BlockVector3, BiPredicate<BlockVector3, BlockState>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
scanBlocks(LevelProvider, int, int, BlockVector3, BlockVector3, BiPredicate<BlockVector3, BlockState>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
scanBlocks(AxisAlignedBB, BiPredicate<BlockVector3, BlockState>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
scanBlocks(BlockVector3, BlockVector3, BiPredicate<BlockVector3, BlockState>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
scanBlocks(BlockVector3, BlockVector3, BiPredicate<BlockVector3, BlockState>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
scanEdgeBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
scanStructure() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
scanValidSpawnFaces() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
scanValidSpawnFaces(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
ScatteredStructureBuilder - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure
ScatteredStructureBuilder(ChunkManager, ScatteredStructurePiece) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
ScatteredStructurePiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure
ScatteredStructurePiece(BlockVector3, BlockVector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructurePiece
Creates a scattered structure piece.
sceneName - Variable in class
scheduleAsyncTask(Plugin, AsyncTask) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
设置一个只执行一次的异步任务 Set up an asynchronous task to be executed only once
scheduleAsyncTask(AsyncTask) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleAsyncTaskToWorker(AsyncTask, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleBlockEntityUpdate(BlockEntity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
scheduleDelayedRepeatingTask(Plugin, Runnable, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedRepeatingTask(Plugin, Runnable, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedRepeatingTask(Task, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedRepeatingTask(Task, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedRepeatingTask(Runnable, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedRepeatingTask(Runnable, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedTask(Plugin, Runnable, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedTask(Plugin, Runnable, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedTask(Task, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
设置一个只执行一次的非异步延迟任务 Set up a delayed task to be executed only once
scheduleDelayedTask(Task, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedTask(Runnable, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleDelayedTask(Runnable, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
schedulerAsyncTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
scheduleRepeatingTask(Plugin, Runnable, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleRepeatingTask(Plugin, Runnable, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleRepeatingTask(Task, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleRepeatingTask(Task, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleRepeatingTask(Runnable, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleRepeatingTask(Runnable, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
schedulerSyncTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
schedulerTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
scheduleSyncAction(Consumer<Server>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
scheduleTask(Plugin, Runnable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleTask(Plugin, Runnable, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleTask(Task) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleTask(Runnable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleTask(Runnable, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
scheduleUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
scheduleUpdate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
scheduleUpdate(Block, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
scheduleUpdate(Block, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
scheduleUpdate(Block, Vector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
scheduleUpdate(Block, Vector3, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
scheduleUpdate(Block, Vector3, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
scheduleUpdate(Block, Vector3, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
ScopeArgument - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
args like dx,dy,dz.
ScopeArgument() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.ScopeArgument
score - Variable in class
score - Variable in class
score - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
SCORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component.ComponentType
SCORE_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent.ActionType
SCORE_JOINER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores
SCORE_SCOPE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ExecuteCommand
SCORE_SCOPE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores
SCORE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores
scoreboard - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
Scoreboard - Class in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard
Scoreboard(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Scoreboard(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
Scoreboard(String, String, String, SortOrder) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
SCOREBOARD_OBJECTIVES - Static variable in class
ScoreboardCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
ScoreboardCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.ScoreboardCommand
ScoreboardEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard
请注意,若计分板不存在于 Server::scoreboardManager中,则此事件不会被调用
ScoreboardEvent(IScoreboard) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardEvent
scoreboardId - Variable in class
scoreboardId - Variable in class
ScoreboardLine - Class in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard
ScoreboardLine(IScoreboard, IScorer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
ScoreboardLine(IScoreboard, IScorer, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
ScoreboardLineChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard
ScoreboardLineChangeEvent(IScoreboard, IScoreboardLine, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent
ScoreboardLineChangeEvent(IScoreboard, IScoreboardLine, int, int, ScoreboardLineChangeEvent.ActionType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent
ScoreboardLineChangeEvent.ActionType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard
ScoreboardManager - Class in cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager
ScoreboardManager(IScoreboardStorage) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard
ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent(IScoreboard, ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent.ActionType) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent
ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent.ActionType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard
scoreboards - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
ScoreCondition(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores.ScoreCondition
Creates an instance of a ScoreCondition record class.
ScoreInfo(long, String, int) - Constructor for class
ScoreInfo(long, String, int, ScorerType, long) - Constructor for class
ScoreInfo(long, String, int, String) - Constructor for class
scorer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
ScorerType - Enum Class in
Scores - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
Scores() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores
Scores.ScoreCondition - Record Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
SCRAPE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
ScrapeParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
ScrapeParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.ScrapeParticle
SCREEN - Enum constant in enum class
screenshotFrequency - Variable in class
SCRIPT - Enum constant in enum class
SCRIPT_CUSTOM_EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SCRIPT_MESSAGE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ScriptCustomEventPacket - Class in
ScriptCustomEventPacket() - Constructor for class
scripting - Variable in class
ScriptMessagePacket - Class in
ScriptMessagePacket() - Constructor for class
ScrollingTextDialog - Class in cn.nukkit.dialog.window
ScrollingTextDialog(Player, FormWindowDialog) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
ScrollingTextDialog(Player, FormWindowDialog, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
SCULK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SCULK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SCULK_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
SCULK_CATALYST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SCULK_CATALYST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SCULK_CATALYST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
SCULK_CHARGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SCULK_CHARGE_POP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SCULK_SENSOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SCULK_SENSOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
SCULK_SENSOR_REDSTONE_PARTICLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SCULK_SHRIEKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SCULK_SHRIEKER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SCULK_SHRIEKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
SCULK_SOUL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SCULK_VEIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SCULK_VEIN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SCUTE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SCUTE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
SEA_GRASS_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
SEA_LANTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SEA_LANTERN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SEA_PICKLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SEA_PICKLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SEAGRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SEAGRASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SeaGrassType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
seaHeight - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
SEALANTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
search() - Method in class
search() - Method in interface
searching - Variable in class
SECONDARY_INTER_CARDINAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection.Precision
secondaryOutputs - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
secondaryPageNumber - Variable in class
SECTION_SIZE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
sectionLength - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
sectionLock - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
sections - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
sectionY() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the sectionY record component.
seed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
seed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
seed - Variable in class
seed - Variable in class
SeedCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SeedCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SeedCommand
SEEDS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
seek(long) - Method in class
SeekableInMemoryByteChannel - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
SeekableInMemoryByteChannel() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
SeekableInMemoryByteChannel(byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
SeekableInMemoryByteChannel(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
seekUnsafe(long) - Method in class
select() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.ConstantItemSelector
select() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Selector
selectCrops(NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Farmland
selectedHotbarSlot - Variable in class
selectedSlot - Variable in class
selectHotbarSlot - Variable in class
selectionBox(SelectionBox) - Method in class
selectionBox(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
SelectionBox - Record Class in
SelectionBox(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a SelectionBox record class.
Selector - Class in cn.nukkit.item.randomitem
Selector(Selector) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Selector
SELECTOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component.ComponentType
SelectorSyntaxException - Exception in cn.nukkit.command.exceptions
SelectorSyntaxException() - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.command.exceptions.SelectorSyntaxException
SelectorSyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.command.exceptions.SelectorSyntaxException
SelectorSyntaxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.command.exceptions.SelectorSyntaxException
SelectorSyntaxException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.command.exceptions.SelectorSyntaxException
SelectorSyntaxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.command.exceptions.SelectorSyntaxException
SelectorType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector
selectRandom(Map<Selector, Float>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Selector
SELF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
send(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.dialog.window.Dialog
send(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
send(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
SEND_COMMAND_FEEDBACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
sendAbilities(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
sendActionBar(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendActionBar(String, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendAllInventories() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendAnnouncement(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendAnnouncement(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendArmorContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendArmorContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendArmorContents(Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendArmorContents(Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendArmorContents(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendArmorContents(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendArmorSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendArmorSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendArmorSlot(int, Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendArmorSlot(int, Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendArmorSlot(int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendArmorSlot(int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendAttackParticle(EntityIntelligent, Vector3, Vector3) - Method in class
sendAttributes() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendBlockExtraData(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendBlockExtraData(int, int, int, int, int, Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendBlockExtraData(int, int, int, int, int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendBlocks(Player[], Vector3[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendBlocks(Player[], Vector3[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendBlocks(Player[], Vector3[], int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendBlocks(Player[], Vector3[], int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendBlocks(Player[], Vector3[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendBreedingAnimation(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityAnimal
sendBrewTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
sendChat(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendChat(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendChunk(int, int, int, byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendChunk(int, int, DataPacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendCommandData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendCommandOutput(CommandOutputContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
sendCommandOutput(CommandOutputContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
sendCommandOutput(CommandOutputContainer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
Send command output.
sendCommandOutput(CommandOutputContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
sendCommandOutput(CommandOutputContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
sendCommandOutput(CommandOutputContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
sendCommandOutput(CommandOutputContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
sendContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
sendContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
sendContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
sendContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendContents(Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
sendContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
sendContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendContents(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeBlockUIComponent
sendContents(Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerCursorInventory
sendContents(Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerOffhandInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
sendContents(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
sendContents(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
sendContents(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
sendContents(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendContents(Collection<Player>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
sendContents(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
sendContents(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendContents(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
sendCreativeContents() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendData(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
sendData(Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
sendData(Player[], EntityMetadata) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
sendData(Player, EntityMetadata) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
sender - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ConsoleCommandOutputEvent
sender - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
sender() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Returns the value of the sender record component.
sendExperience() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendExperience(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendExperienceLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendExperienceLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendFogStack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendFoodLevel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
sendFoodLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
sendFuel() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
sendFullPlayerListData(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
sendHeldItem(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendHeldItem(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendHeldItem(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendHeldItem(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendImage(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
sendImmediatePacket(DataPacket) - Method in interface
sendImmediatePacket(DataPacket) - Method in class
sendImmediatePacket(DataPacket, Runnable) - Method in interface
sendImmediatePacket(DataPacket, Runnable) - Method in class
sendInGameMessage(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.simple.SimpleCommand
sendInventories() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
sendInventories() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
sendLoveParticle(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
sendMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
sendMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
sendMessage(TextContainer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
sendMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
sendMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
sendMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
sendMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.RemoteConsoleCommandSender
sendMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
sendMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
sendMessage(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.command.CommandSender
sendMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
sendMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
sendMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
sendMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.RemoteConsoleCommandSender
sendMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendMovementSpeed(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendNextChunk() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPacket(DataPacket) - Method in interface
sendPacket(DataPacket) - Method in class
sendPacket(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuf) - Method in class
sendParticle(String, Vector3, Player[]) - Method in class
sendPlayStatus(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPlayStatus(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
sendPlayStatus(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPlayStatus(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
sendPopup(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPopup(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPopupJukebox(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPosition(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPosition(Vector3, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPosition(Vector3, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPosition(Vector3, double, double, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPosition(Vector3, double, double, int, Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendPotionEffects(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
sendRawPacket(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuf) - Method in interface
sendRawPacket(InetSocketAddress, ByteBuf) - Method in class
sendRawTextMessage(RawText) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendRecipeList(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
sendResourcePacket(DataPacket) - Method in class
sendSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
sendSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
sendSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
sendSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
sendSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendSlot(int, Player) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
sendSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
sendSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendSlot(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerOffhandInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxInventory
sendSlot(int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
sendSlot(int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
sendSlot(int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
sendSlot(int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
sendSlot(int, Collection<Player>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
sendSlot(int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
sendSlot(int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
sendSlot(int, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
sendSlot(Inventory, int, Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
sendSystem(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendTime(Player...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendTip(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendTitle(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendTitle(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendTitle(String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendToast(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendTranslation(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendTranslation(String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
message="Test Message {%0} {%1}" parameters=["Hello","World"]
实际消息内容"Test Message Hello World"
sendUsageMessage(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.simple.SimpleCommand
sendWeather(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendWeather(Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendWeather(Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sendWhisper(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sendWhisper(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
sense(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
sense(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
sense(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
sense(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
sense(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
sense(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
sense(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
sensorPeriodTimer - Variable in class
sensors - Variable in class
sensors(Set<ISensor>) - Method in class
separateArguments(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.EntitySelectorAPI
SEPARATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
SEPARATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
SEPARATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
SEPARATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
SEPARATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
SEPARATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage
serialize(BaseChunk, BiConsumer<BinaryStream, Integer>, DimensionData) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
SerializedImage - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
SerializedImage(int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
server - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
server - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
server - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
server - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.JSPluginLoader
Server - Class in cn.nukkit
SERVER_FULL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
SERVER_SETTINGS_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SERVER_SETTINGS_RESPONSE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SERVER_STATS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SERVER_TO_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
serverAuthoritativeMovement - Variable in class
serverAuthoritativeMovement - Variable in class
serverChunkTickRange - Variable in class
serverChunkTickRange - Variable in class
ServerCommandEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
ServerCommandEvent(CommandSender, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
serverCommandTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
ServerEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
ServerEvent() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerEvent
ServerException - Exception in cn.nukkit.utils
ServerException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.ServerException
ServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.utils.ServerException
ServerKiller - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
ServerKiller(long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ServerKiller
ServerKiller(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ServerKiller
ServerOperator - Interface in cn.nukkit.permission
Who can be an operator(OP).
ServerScheduler - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
ServerScheduler() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
serverSettings - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
ServerSettingsRequestPacket - Class in
ServerSettingsRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
ServerSettingsResponsePacket - Class in
ServerSettingsResponsePacket() - Constructor for class
ServerStartedEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
ServerStartedEvent() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerStartedEvent
ServerStopEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.server
ServerStopEvent() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerStopEvent
serverTick() - Method in class
ServerToClientHandshakePacket - Class in
ServerToClientHandshakePacket() - Constructor for class
serverWorld() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
Returns the value of the serverWorld record component.
ServiceManager - Interface in cn.nukkit.plugin.service
ServicePriority - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.service
set(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BytePalette
set(char[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.CharPalette
set(int[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.IntPalette
set(int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.NibbleArray
set(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BiomePalette
set(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArray
set(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PaddedBitArray
set(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.Pow2BitArray
Sets the entry at the given location to the given value
set(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BiomePalette
set(int, Byte) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ByteArrayWrapper
set(int, T) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ArrayWrapper
set(long, Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.external.ExternalArray
set(AdventureSettings.Type, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
set(PlayerAbility, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
set(Property<T>, T) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
set(String, Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
set(String, Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.ConfigSection
Store value into config section
SET - Enum constant in enum class
SET - Enum constant in enum class
SET - Enum constant in enum class
SET_ACTION_BAR_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class
SET_ACTIONBAR_JSON - Enum constant in enum class
SET_ACTIONS - Enum constant in enum class
SET_ANIMATION_TIMES - Enum constant in enum class
SET_COMMANDS_ENABLED_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_DEFAULT_GAME_TYPE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_DIFFICULTY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_DISPLAY_OBJECTIVE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_ENTITY_DATA_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_ENTITY_LINK_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_ENTITY_MOTION_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_HEALTH_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_INTERACTION_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class
SET_LAST_HURT_BY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_LOCAL_PLAYER_AS_INITIALIZED_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_NAME - Enum constant in enum class
SET_OFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause
Power change caused by something else (probably a plugin)
SET_ON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause
Power change caused by something else (probably a plugin)
SET_PLAYER_GAME_TYPE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_SCORE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_SCOREBOARD_IDENTITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_SKIN - Enum constant in enum class
SET_SPAWN_POSITION_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_SUBTITLE_JSON - Enum constant in enum class
SET_SUBTITLE_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class
SET_TIME_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SET_TITLE_JSON - Enum constant in enum class
SET_TITLE_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class
SET_TITLE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
set3DBiomeDataArray(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
set3DBiomeDataArray(byte[]) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection3DBiome
set3DBiomeDataArray(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setAbsorption(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setAction(NPCDialoguePacket.NPCDialogAction) - Method in class
setAction(PositionTrackingDBServerBroadcastPacket.Action) - Method in class
setAction(PlayerActionType) - Method in class
setActionJson(String) - Method in class
setActivated(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
setActivated(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
setActivated(boolean, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
setActive(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
Changes the active flag and update the state in the world in a single call.
setActivePower(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityTarget
setActorIdentifier(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
setAddChange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
setAdventureSettings(AdventureSettings) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setAffectedBlocks(Set<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
setAge(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
setAge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
setAge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
setAge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
setAge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
setAge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
setAged(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
setAirTicks(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
setAlias(String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
setAliases(String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
setAlive(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
setAll(ConfigSection) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
setAll(LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
setAll(List<T>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
setAllowFlight(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setAllowInteract(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setAllowInteract(boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setAllowModifyWorld(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setAmbient(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
setAmbientSoundEvent(Sound) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setAmbientSoundEventName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setAmbientSoundInterval(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setAmbientSoundIntervalRange(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setAmount(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityRegainHealthEvent
setAmount(int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
setAmplifier(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
setAngry(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityAngryable
setAngry(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
setAngry(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
setAnimation(String) - Method in class
setAnimationData(String) - Method in class
setAntiXrayEnabled(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setAnvilDamage(AnvilDamage) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
setApplyEffect(Effect) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionApplyEvent
setArmorContents(Item[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setArmorContents(Item[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setArmorItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setArmorItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setArmorItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setArmorItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setArmSize(String) - Method in class
setAt(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
setAt(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray4096
setAttached(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
setAttached(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
setAttachment(AttachmentType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
setAttachmentType(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
setAttachmentType(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
setAttackCooldown(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
setAttribute(Attribute) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setAuthor(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
Sets the author of this book.
setAuto(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setAuto(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setAutoJump(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setAutoSave() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
setAutoSave(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
setAutoSave(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setAutoSave(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
setBaby(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityAgeable
setBambooStalkThickness(BambooStalkThickness) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
setBanned(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Sets this player to be banned or to be pardoned.
setBanned(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
setBanned(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorLava
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.DarkOakTreePopulator
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleBigTreePopulator
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleFloorPopulator
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleTreePopulator
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SavannaTreePopulator
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SpruceBigTreePopulator
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SpruceMegaTreePopulator
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SwampTreePopulator
setBaseAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorCount
setBaseClass(Class<? extends Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
setBaseColor(DyeColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
setBaseColor(DyeColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
setBaseHeight(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
setBB(AxisAlignedBB) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
setBeamTarget(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
setBeginOffset(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
setBeginOffset(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Set the offset where the token begins, expressed in code units.
setBeginOffset(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
It would be extremely rare that an application programmer would use this method.
setBehaviorState(BehaviorState) - Method in class
setBehaviorState(BehaviorState) - Method in interface
setBehaviourPackEntries(ResourcePack[]) - Method in class
setBindEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
setBiome(int, int, int, Biome) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
setBiome(int, int, int, Biome) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBiome(int, int, Biome) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBiomeId(int, int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
setBiomeId(int, int, byte) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBiomeId(int, int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBiomeId(int, int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBiomeId(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBiomeId(int, int, int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
setBiomeId(int, int, int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBiomeId(int, int, int, byte) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection3DBiome
setBiomeId(int, int, int, byte) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBiomeId(int, int, int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBiomeId(int, int, int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBiomeId(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBiomePopulators(List<Populator>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkPrePopulateEvent
setBlendOutTime(float) - Method in class
setBlock(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
setBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
setBlock(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlock(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
setBlock(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlock(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlock(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlock(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlock(int, int, int, int, Block, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlock(int, int, int, Block, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlock(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
setBlock(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoChunk
setBlock(int, int, int, BlockState, boolean) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
setBlock(ChunkManager, Vector3, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.BasicGenerator
setBlock(BlockVector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Sets the block at a given point.
setBlock(BlockVector3, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Sets the block at a given point.
setBlock(Vector3, int, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlock(Vector3, int, Block, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlock(Vector3, int, Block, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlock(Vector3, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlock(Vector3, Block, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlock(Vector3, Block, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockActorProcessor(Consumer<CompoundTag>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
setBlockAndCreateEntity(H) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
setBlockAndCreateEntity(H, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
setBlockAndCreateEntity(H, boolean, boolean, CompoundTag, Object...) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockEntityHolder
setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(ChunkManager, BlockVector3, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.BasicGenerator
setBlockAndNotifyAdequately(ChunkManager, Vector3, Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.BasicGenerator
setBlockAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setBlockAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockAtLayer(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setBlockBreaking(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
setBlockBreaking(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
setBlockBreaking(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
setBlockBreakProgress(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setBlockChangeCache(long) - Method in class
SetBlockCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SetBlockCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SetBlockCommand
setBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
setBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
setBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockData(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlockData(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlockData(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockData(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockData(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockData(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockDataAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setBlockDownward(BlockVector3, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Builds a 1x1 column out of the given block, replacing non-solid blocks starting at a given location and proceeding downward until a solid block is reached.
setBlockDownward(BlockVector3, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Builds a 1x1 column out of the given block, replacing non-solid blocks starting at a given location and proceeding downward until a solid block is reached.
setBlockExtraData(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockExtraData(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockExtraDataAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAmethystBud
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAnvil
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLectern
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLightningRod
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemMelon
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStemPumpkin
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
Sets the direction that the flame is pointing.
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
setBlockFace(BlockFace) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Faceable
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockFullIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
setBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
setBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockIdAt(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setBlocking(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
setBlockLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlockLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlockLightAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockList(List<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
setBlockList(List<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.StructureGrowEvent
setBlockSkyLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlockSkyLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockSkyLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockSkyLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockSkyLight(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlockSkyLightAt(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockState(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
setBlockState(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockState(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockState(int, int, int, BlockState, boolean) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
setBlockState(int, int, int, BlockState, boolean) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
setBlockState(int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
setBlockState(int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.ImmutableBlockStorage
setBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setBlockStateAt(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setBlockStateAt(int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setBlockStateAtLayer(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setBlockStateAtLayer(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setBlockStateAtLayer(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setBlockStateAtLayer(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setBlockStateAtLayer(int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setBlockThicknessStateAt(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
setBlockWithRandomBlock(BlockVector3, NukkitRandom, Map<Integer, Integer>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
setBook(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
setBook(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternDropBookEvent
setBook(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPlaceBookEvent
setBooleanValue(int, String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setBooleanValue(long, String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setBooleanValue(BlockProperty<Boolean>, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
setBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
setBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
setBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
setBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
setBooleanValue(BigInteger, String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setBoots(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setBoots(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
setBoots(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
setBoots(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setBoots(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setBounds(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
setBreakingBlockTime(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setBreakShield(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
setBreedingAge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle
setBrickStoneType(StoneBrickType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
setBuffer(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
setBuffer(byte[], int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
setBuildTree(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
setBurnDuration(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
setBurnIndefinitely(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrock
setBurning(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
setBurning(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
setBurnTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
setBurnTime(short) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceBurnEvent
setButton1(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
setButton2(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
setButtonJSONData(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
setButtons(List<ElementDialogButton>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
setButtonText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setByte(int, byte) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ByteArrayWrapper
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
setByte(int, byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.PureByteArray
setCallback(Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
setCanBeChanged(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Value
setCancelled() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.event.Cancellable
setCancelled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.Event
setCancelled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
setCancelled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.event.Cancellable
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.Event
setCanClimb() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setCanClimb(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setCanClimbWalls() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setCanClimbWalls(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setCanDestroy(Block[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setCanPlaceOn(Block[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setCanRandomTick(int, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setCanTrade(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
setCapeData(byte[]) - Method in class
setCapeData(SerializedImage) - Method in class
setCapeData(BufferedImage) - Method in class
setCapeId(String) - Method in class
setCapeOnClassic(boolean) - Method in class
setCategory(CodeBuilderCategoryType) - Method in class
setCauldronLiquid(CauldronLiquid) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
setChanged() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setChanged() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setChanged(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setChanged(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setChannel(int) - Method in class
setChannel(String) - Method in class
setChanneling(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setCharge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRespawnAnchor
setCheckDecay(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
setCheckMovement(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setChestplate(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setChestplate(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
setChestplate(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
setChestplate(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setChestplate(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setChild(int, Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
setChild(int, Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Replace the node at index i
setChild(int, Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
setChunk(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setChunk(int, int, FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setChunk(int, int, FullChunk) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setChunk(int, int, BaseFullChunk) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.ChunkManager
setChunk(int, int, BaseFullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setChunk(int, int, BaseFullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.PopChunkManager
setChunk(int, int, BaseFullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SingleChunkManager
setChunk(int, int, BaseFullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setChunk(int, int, BaseFullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.ListChunkManager
setChunk(int, int, BaseFullChunk, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setChunkLoadCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setChunkManager(ChunkManager) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
setChunkPacket(BatchPacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setChunkRadius(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setClassLoader(JSClassLoader) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
setClassName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
setClientID(Long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setClosingWindowId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setCollarColor(DyeColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
setCollarColor(DyeColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityWolf
setCollisionPos(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setColor(boolean, BlockColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
setColor(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
setColor(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTropicalFish
setColor(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemColorArmor
setColor(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemColorArmor
Set leather armor color
setColor(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
setColor(BlockColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
setColor(BlockColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemColorArmor
Set leather armor color
setColor(BossBarColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
setColor(DyeColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemColorArmor
Set leather armor color
setCommand(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setCommand(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setCommand(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.command.CommandBlockExecuteEvent
setCommand(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ServerCommandEvent
setCommandName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
setCommandParameters(Map<String, CommandParameter[]>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
setCommandParameters(Map<String, CommandParameter[]>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
setCommandPermission(CommandPermission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
SetCommandsEnabledPacket - Class in
SetCommandsEnabledPacket() - Constructor for class
setComponent_rawtext(List<RawText.Component>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
setComponent_score(RawText.Component.ScoreComponent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
setComponent_selector(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
setComponent_text(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
setComponent_translate(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
setComponent_translate_with(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component
setComponents(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
setComponents(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
setComponents(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
setComponents(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
setComponents(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
setComponents(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
setComponents(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
setComponents(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
setComponentsAdding(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
setComponentsAdding(Vector3, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
setComponentsAdding(Vector3, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
setCompoundTag(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setCompoundTag(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setCompression(CompressionProvider) - Method in interface
setCompression(CompressionProvider) - Method in class
setConditional(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setConditional(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setConditionMet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setConditionMet() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setConnected(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setConnection(BlockFace, BlockWall.WallConnectionType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
setConsumeCharge(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
setContent(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
setContent(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
setContent(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
setContents(Map<Integer, Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
setContents(Map<Integer, Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
setContents(Map<Integer, Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
setContents(Map<Integer, Item>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
setContents(Map<Integer, Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
setContents(Map<Integer, Item>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
setContentVersion(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setContentVersion(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setContentVersion(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setController(String) - Method in class
setCookTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
setCoolDownDuration(int) - Method in class
setCost(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.RepairItemEvent
setCost(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
setCost(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
setCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setCovered(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
setCracks(CrackState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
setCrackState(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
setCraftingGrid(CraftingGrid) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setCraftingPacket(DataPacket) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
setCraftingTransaction(CraftingTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
setCreative(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setCritical() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
setCritical() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setCritical(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
setCritical(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setCurrentBehavior(IBehavior) - Method in class
setCurrentRouteUpdateTick(int) - Method in class
setCurrentSearchDepth(int) - Method in class
setCurrentSpeed(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
Used to multiply the minecart current speed
setCurrentTick(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setCurrentTick(long) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setCursor(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
setCustomBlockData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setCustomColor(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
setCustomColor(BlockColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
setCustomEntityDefinition(CustomEntityDefinition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.provider.CustomEntityProvider
setCustomName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setDamage(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageEvent
Sets the damage caused on the vehicle
setDamage(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
setDamage(float, EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
setDamage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setDamage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
setDamage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
setDamage(int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArrow
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBed
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBlock
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBoat
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemEmptyMap
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemNetherWart
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionLingering
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotionSplash
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
setDamage(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
setData(BlockVector3) - Method in class
setData(Vector3f) - Method in class
setData(CompoundTag) - Method in class
setData(CompoundTag) - Method in class
setData(CompoundTag) - Method in class
setData(Double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
setData(Float) - Method in class
setData(Float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
setData(Integer) - Method in class
setData(Integer) - Method in class
setData(Integer) - Method in class
setData(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
setData(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
setData(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
setData(Long) - Method in class
setData(Long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
setData(String) - Method in class
setData(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButtonImageData
setData(String) - Method in class
setData(T) - Method in class
setData(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.NumberTag
setDataFlag(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setDataFlag(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setDataProperty(EntityData) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setDataProperty(EntityData, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setDataStorage(Number) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setDataStorage(Number) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
setDataStorage(Number) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
setDataStorage(Number) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setDataStorage(Number) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
setDataStorage(Number) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
setDataStorage(Number) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
setDataStorage(Number, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setDataStorage(Number, boolean, Consumer<BlockStateRepair>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setDataStorage(Number, boolean, Consumer<BlockStateRepair>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setDataStorageFromInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setDataStorageFromInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
setDataStorageFromInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
setDataStorageFromInt(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setDataStorageFromInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
setDataStorageFromInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
setDataStorageFromInt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
setDataStorageFromInt(int, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setDataStorageFromInt(int, boolean, Consumer<BlockStateRepair>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setDataStorageFromInt(int, boolean, Consumer<BlockStateRepair>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setDataStorageFromItemBlockMeta(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setDead(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
setDead(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralBlock
setDead(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
setDeathMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
setDeathMessage(TranslationContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
setDeathMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
setDebugOption(EntityAI.DebugOption, boolean) - Static method in class
setDecorationDefaults() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.BasicGenerator
setDefault(ConfigSection) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
setDefault(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
setDefault(LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
SetDefaultGameTypePacket - Class in
SetDefaultGameTypePacket() - Constructor for class
setDefaultLevel(Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
setDefaultOptionIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
setDefaultOptionIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
setDefaultText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput
setDefaultValue(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementToggle
setDefaultValue(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
setDefaultValue(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
setDefinitions(CompoundTag) - Method in class
setDelay(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
setDelegate(Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
setDerailedVelocityMod(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
setDescription(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
setDescription(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.Permission
setDescription(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
setDialog(FormWindowDialog) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
setDialogue(String) - Method in class
setDialogWindows(Cache<String, FormWindowDialog>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setDifficulty(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
SetDifficultyPacket - Class in
SetDifficultyPacket() - Constructor for class
setDimension(int) - Method in class
setDimensionData(DimensionData) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
setDimensionData(DimensionData) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.DimensionDataProvider
setDirection(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
setDirection(CompassRoseDirection) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
setDirection(CompassRoseDirection) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBanner
setDirtAt(ChunkManager, BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.TreeGenerator
setDirtAt(ChunkManager, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectAzaleaTree
setDirtAt(ChunkManager, Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.TreeGenerator
setDirtType(DirtType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDirt
setDirtType(DirtType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrass
setDirtType(DirtType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPodzol
setDirty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
setDirty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
setDirty() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
setDisarmed(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
setDisplay(DisplaySlot, IScoreboard) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.IScoreboardManager
设置指定槽位显示计分板 若形参scoreboard为null,则清除指定槽位内容
setDisplay(DisplaySlot, IScoreboard) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
setDisplayBlock(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
Set the minecart display block
setDisplayBlock(Block, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
Set the minecart display block
setDisplayBlockOffset(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
Set the block offset.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
SetDisplayObjectivePacket - Class in
SetDisplayObjectivePacket() - Constructor for class
setDoubleInventory(DoubleChestInventory) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ChestInventory
setDoublePlantType(DoublePlantType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
setDrop(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
setDropExp(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
setDrops(Item[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
setDrops(Item[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockHarvestEvent
setDrops(Item[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent
setDummyBossBars(Map<Long, DummyBossBar>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setDuration(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setDuration(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent
setDuration(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
setDuration(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setDyeColor(DyeColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarpet
setDyeColor(DyeColor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGlassStained
setEatingTick(int) - Method in class
setEatingTickSupplier(IntSupplier) - Method in class
setEditorEntityRuntimeId(Long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
setEffect(boolean) - Method in class
setEffect(boolean) - Method in interface
setEggCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
setEggsHatching(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
setElementsFromResponse() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
Set Elements from Response Used on ServerSettings Form Response.
setEnable(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanList
setEnableClientCommand(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setEnabled() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
Enables this plugin.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginBase
Enables or disables this plugin.
setEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
setEnabled(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingStorage
setEnableFloydSmooth(boolean) - Method in class
setEnablePitch(boolean) - Method in interface
setEnchanter(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
setEnchantTransaction(EnchantTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setEncryption(SecretKey, Cipher, Cipher) - Method in interface
setEncryption(SecretKey, Cipher, Cipher) - Method in class
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
setEndOffset(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Set the offset where the token ends, actually the location where the very next token should begin.
setEndOffset(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
It would be extremely rare that an application programmer would use this method.
setEndPortalEye(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
setEndSlot(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
setEngineVersion(String) - Method in class
setEntity(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
SetEntityDataPacket - Class in
SetEntityDataPacket() - Constructor for class
SetEntityLinkPacket - Class in
SetEntityLinkPacket() - Constructor for class
SetEntityMotionPacket - Class in
SetEntityMotionPacket() - Constructor for class
setEntityRuntimeIds(List<Long>) - Method in class
setEntries(ItemComponentPacket.Entry[]) - Method in class
setEqualsIgnoreAttributes(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
setEqualsIgnoreWaterlogged(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
setEquipment(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
setExecutingCommands(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole
setExecutingOnFirstTick(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setExecutingOnFirstTick(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setExecutor(CommandExecutor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.PluginCommand
setExitPortal(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
setExitPortalPosition(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorEndGateway
setExp(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
setExperience(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
setExperience(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
setExperience(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
level = this.getExperienceLevel(),playLevelUpSound=false
setExperience(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setExperience(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setExperienceDropped(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.GrindstoneEvent
setExpirationDate(Date) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
setExtinguished(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
setExtraData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
setExtraOutput(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
setF(int) - Method in class
setFace(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
setFaceHit(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
setFacing(int) - Method in class
setFadeInTime(int) - Method in class
setFadeOutTime(int) - Method in class
setFakeOreDenominator(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setFallbackLanguage(LangCode) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
Sets fallback language.
setFallDistance(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityFallEvent
setFavoredSlot(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setFillLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
setFillLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldronLava
setFillLevel(int, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
setFinished(boolean) - Method in class
setFinished(boolean) - Method in class
setFireChance(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
setFireChance(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
setFireChance(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
setFirework(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFirework
setFirstItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
setFirstItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
setFirstItem(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
setFirstItem(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
setFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class
setFlicker(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
setFlower(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
setFlowerType(SmallFlowerType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDandelion
setFlowerType(SmallFlowerType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
setFlowerType(SmallFlowerType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWitherRose
setFlyingVelocityMod(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
setFlySpeed(float) - Method in class
setFogStack(List<PlayerFogPacket.Fog>) - Method in class
Fog stack containing fog effects from the /fog command
setFogStack(List<PlayerFogPacket.Fog>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setFogStack(List<PlayerFogPacket.Fog>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setFollowingPlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityElytraFirework
setFood(Food) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEatFoodEvent
setFoodData(PlayerFood) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setFoodEnabled(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setFoodLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent
setFoodLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
setFoodLevel(int, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
setFoodSaturationLevel(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFoodLevelChangeEvent
setFoodSaturationLevel(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
setForbidConsole(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.simple.SimpleCommand
setForce(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
setForce(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
setForce(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
setForce(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ExplosionPrimeEvent
setForcedToAccept(boolean) - Method in class
setForceMovement(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setForceOldSystem(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.NewLeafUpdater
setForceUpdateRoute(boolean) - Method in class
setForceUpdateRoute(boolean) - Method in class
setForceUpdateRoute(boolean) - Method in interface
setForcingServerPacksEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setFormat(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
setFormWindowCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setFormWindows(Map<Integer, FormWindow>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setFreezingEffectStrength(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setFreezingTicks(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setFrom(Location) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
setFrom(Location) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
setFromServer(boolean) - Method in class
setFrontSide(boolean) - Method in class
setFuel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
setFuel(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingInventory
setFuel(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
setFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BlockDataPalette
setFullBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setFullBlockId(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
setFullSkinId(String) - Method in class
setG(int) - Method in class
setGamemode(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setGamemode(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setGamemode(int, boolean, AdventureSettings) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setGamemode(int, boolean, AdventureSettings, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setGameRule(GameRule, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
setGameRule(GameRule, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
setGameRule(GameRule, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
setGameRules(GameRule, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
setGameRules(GameRules) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setGameRules(GameRules) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setGenerated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
setGenerated() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setGenerated(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
setGenerated(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setGeneration(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
Sets the generation of a book.
setGeometryData(String) - Method in class
setGeometryDataEngineVersion(String) - Method in class
setGeometryName(String) - Method in class
setGliding() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setGliding(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setGlowing(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
setGlowing(boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
setGrindstoneTransaction(GrindstoneTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setGrowth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrops
setH(int) - Method in class
setHandler(TaskHandler) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task
setHanging(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLantern
setHanging(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
setHasAge(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
setHasNectar(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
setHasNectar(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityBee
setHasSeenCredits(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setHead(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
setHeadPiece(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
setHeadYaw(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
setHealth(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setHealth(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
setHealth(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
SetHealthPacket - Class in
SetHealthPacket() - Constructor for class
setHeightMap(int, int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setHeightMap(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setHeightMap(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setHeightVariation(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
setHeldItemIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setHeldItemIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setHeldItemSlot(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setHeldItemSlot(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setHelmet(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setHelmet(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
setHelmet(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
setHelmet(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setHelmet(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setHistoryInterval(int) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
setHistoryLength(int) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
setHomePos(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTurtle
setHoneyLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
setHoneyLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
setHotbarSlotIndex(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setIcon(ElementButtonImageData) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
setIcon(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
setId(int) - Method in class
setId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(long) - Method in class
setId(UUID) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingRecipe
setId(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
setId(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
setId(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
setIdentifier(String) - Method in class
setIgnitions(Set<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
setIgnitions(Set<Block>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
setIgnoreAir(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
setIgnoreEntities(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
setImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
setImage(File) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
setImage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
setImmobile() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setImmobile(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setImpalingLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setInAirTicks(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setIncendiary(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplosionPrimeEvent
setIncendiary(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplosionPrimeEvent
setIncendiary(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Explosion
setIngredient(char, ItemDescriptor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
setIngredient(char, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
setIngredient(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BrewingInventory
setIngredient(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
setIngredient(String, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
setInput(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BlastFurnaceRecipe
setInput(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CampfireRecipe
setInput(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceRecipe
setInput(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmokerRecipe
setInput(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
setInputItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
setInputSource(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
setInputSource(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
setInstaBreak(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent
setInstanceName(String) - Method in class
setIntegrity(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
setInternalSection(float, ChunkSection) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setInterrupt(boolean) - Method in class
setIntValue(int, String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setIntValue(long, String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setIntValue(BlockProperty<Integer>, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setIntValue(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setIntValue(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
setIntValue(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
setIntValue(String, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setIntValue(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
setIntValue(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
setIntValue(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
setIntValue(BigInteger, String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setInventories(Inventory[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
setInventories(Inventory[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setInventories(Inventory[]) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
setInventorySource(InventorySource) - Method in class
setInvisible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
setInvisible(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
setInWall(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
setItem(int, Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityContainer
Sets or stores this item into this container.
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnableContainer
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setItem(int, Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
setItem(int, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.DoubleChestInventory
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
setItem(int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
setItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
setItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent
setItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBlockPickEvent
setItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
setItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChangeArmorStandEvent
setItem(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
setItemByPlayer(Player, int, Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
setItemByPlayer(Player, int, Item, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
Now it is only called by SlotChangeAction and EnchantTransaction
setItemCategory(String) - Method in class
setItemCoolDown(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setItemDropChance(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
setItemInHand(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setItemInHand(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
setItemInHand(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
setItemInHand(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setItemInHand(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setItemInHand(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setItemInHand(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
setItemInHand(Item, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
setItemInOffhand(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setItemInOffhand(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
setItemInOffhand(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setItemInOffhand(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityEquipmentInventory
setItemInOffhand(Item, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
setItemLockMode(Item.ItemLockMode) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setItemMeta(ItemMeta) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
setItemRotation(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityItemFrame
setItemUsed(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
setIusername(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setJoinMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
setJoinMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent
setJwt(String) - Method in class
setKeepExperience(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
setKeepInventory(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerDeathEvent
setKeepItem(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CampfireSmeltEvent
setKeepItem(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
setKeepOnDeath(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setKeepRespawnBlockPosition(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
setKeepRespawnPosition(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
setKickMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
setKickMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerLoginEvent
setKickMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerPreLoginEvent
setKnockBack(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent
setLabel(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
setLastAttackEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setLastBeAttackEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setLastChorusFruitTeleport(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setLastDamageCause(EntityDamageEvent) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setLastEnderPearl(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setLastExecution(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setLastExecution(long) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
SetLastHurtByPacket - Class in
SetLastHurtByPacket() - Constructor for class
setLastInAirTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setLastOutput(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setLastOutput(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setLastOutputCommandMode(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setLastOutputCommandMode(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setLastOutputCondionalMode(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setLastOutputCondionalMode(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setLastOutputParams(ListTag<StringTag>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setLastOutputParams(ListTag<StringTag>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setLastOutputRedstoneMode(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setLastOutputRedstoneMode(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setLastPlayerdLevelUpSoundTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setLastRightClickPos(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setLastRightClickTime(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setLastRunTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
setLayerType(AbilityLayer.Type) - Method in class
setLeafSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
setLeftPage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
setLeftPage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
setLeggings(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setLeggings(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
setLeggings(Item) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityInventoryHolder
setLeggings(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setLeggings(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setLength(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
setLength(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
setLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
Changes the level of this enchantment.
setLevel(int) - Method in class
setLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
setLevel(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
Changes the level of this enchantment.
setLevel(int, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
setLevel(Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
setLevel(Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
setLevelCost(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
setLevelName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
setLeverOrientation(BlockLever.LeverOrientation) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
setLightPopulated() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setLightPopulated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setLightPopulated(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setLightPopulated(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setLine(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
setLines(Collection<IScoreboardLine>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
setLines(Collection<IScoreboardLine>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
setLines(List<String>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
按照List顺序设置计分板的内容 (使用FakeScorer作为追踪对象)
setLines(List<String>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
setLiquid(CauldronLiquid) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.CauldronFilledByDrippingLiquidEvent
setLiquidDepth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
setLiquidLevelIncrement(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.CauldronFilledByDrippingLiquidEvent
setListClass(Class<? extends List>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
Sets the List class that is used to store child nodes.
setListPlugins(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
SetLocalPlayerAsInitializedPacket - Class in
SetLocalPlayerAsInitializedPacket() - Constructor for class
setLockComponentData(int) - Method in class
setLockTimeout(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager
setLogDebug(Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
setLoginChainData(LoginChainData) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setLoginResult(PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent.LoginResult) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
setLogLevel(Level) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
setLookTarget(EntityIntelligent, Vector3) - Method in interface
setLookTarget(Vector3) - Method in interface
setLoot(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
setLore(String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setLoyaltyLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setManualOverride(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
setManualOverride(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
setManualOverride(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
setMax(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
setMaxArgs(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.simple.SimpleCommand
setMaxChunkSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ResourcePackManager
setMaxCompressionTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
setMaxHealth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setMaxHealth(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setMaximumSpeed(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
setMaxPlayerCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
setMaxPlayers(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
SetMaxPlayersCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SetMaxPlayersCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SetMaxPlayersCommand
setMaxSearchDepth(int) - Method in class
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.Inventory
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIComponent
setMaxStackSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
setMaxTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
setMaxTradeTier(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
setMaxUses(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
setMaxValue(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
setMaxX(double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
setMaxX(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
setMaxY(double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
setMaxY(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
setMaxZ(double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
setMaxZ(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
setMergeBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
setMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMessageEvent
setMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.ConsoleCommandOutputEvent
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessageCounter(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setMetadata(Object, String, MetadataValue) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.BlockMetadataStore
setMetadata(Object, String, MetadataValue) - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataStore
setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.metadata.Metadatable
setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
setMetadata(String, MetadataValue) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setMin(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
setMinArgs(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.simple.SimpleCommand
setMinecartInvPickupFrom(InventoryHolder) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
setMinecartInvPushTo(InventoryHolder) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
setMinValue(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
setMinX(double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
setMinX(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
setMinY(double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
setMinY(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
setMinZ(double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
setMinZ(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
setMode(ElementDialogButton.Mode) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
setMonsterEggStoneType(MonsterEggStoneType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
setMotion(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setMotion(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
setMotion(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFishEvent
setMotion(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setMoundHeight(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.mesa.MesaBiome
setMouthMoving(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
setMouthTickCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySkull
setMoveBlockLimit(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase.BlocksCalculator
setMoveDirectionEnd(Vector3) - Method in interface
setMoveDirectionStart(Vector3) - Method in interface
setMovementSpeed(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
setMovementSpeed(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setMovementSpeed(float, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setMoveTarget(Vector3) - Method in interface
setMovingObjectPosition(MovingObjectPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileHitEvent
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBarrel
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEjectable
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEnchantTable
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
setName(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNameable
Changes the name of this object, or names it.
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityShulkerBox
setName(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
setName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in interface
setNamedChild(String, Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
setNamedTag(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setNameTag(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setNameTag(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
setNameTagAlwaysVisible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setNameTagAlwaysVisible(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setNameTagVisible() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setNameTagVisible(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setNameTagVisible(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
setNeedReObfuscate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
setNeedReObfuscate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
setNeedReObfuscate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
setNeedReObfuscate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
setNeedReObfuscate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
setNeedReObfuscate() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
setNetwork(Network) - Method in interface
setNetwork(Network) - Method in class
setNewAdventureSettings(AdventureSettings) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
setNewBlockState(BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
setNewBook(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerEditBookEvent
setNewDamage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
setNewExperience(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerExperienceChangeEvent
setNewExperienceLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerExperienceChangeEvent
setNewItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityArmorChangeEvent
setNewItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityInventoryChangeEvent
setNewItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
setNewItemName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
setNewLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterEmptyEvent
setNewPosition(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setNewRawPage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
setNewState(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent
setNewState(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockHarvestEvent
setNewState(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
setNewTilt(BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BigDripleafTiltChangeEvent
setNewValue(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent
setNextChunkOrderRun(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setNextDialog(Dialog) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
setNextRunTick(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
setNextState(String) - Method in class
setNoClip(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setNodeIndex(int) - Method in class
setNodeIndex(int) - Method in interface
setNodeIndex(int) - Method in class
setNoShieldTicks(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setNpcName(String) - Method in class
setOccupied(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
setOffset(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
setOffset(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
setOffset(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BinaryStream
setOldItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
setOldValue(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent
setOnFire(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setOnFire(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHumanType
setOnFire(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setOnFire(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
setOnFire(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
setOnFire(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
setOnSingleFlowerType(SmallFlowerType, SmallFlowerType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
setOnTop(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
setOp(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setOp(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
setOp(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
setOp(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.ExecutorCommandSender
setOp(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.NPCCommandSender
setOp(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
setOp(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissibleBase
setOp(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.permission.ServerOperator
Sets this object to be an operator or not to be.
setOp(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
setOpen(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
setOpen(Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
setOpen(Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
setOpen(Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
setOperation(CodeBuilderOperationType) - Method in class
setOreTypes(OreType[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorOre
setOrientation(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
setOrientation(Rail.Orientation) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
Changes the rail direction and update the state in the world if the orientation changed in a single call.
setOriginalRespawnPosition(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
setOutputItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.EnchantTransaction
setOutputSignal(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityComparator
setOverridingPlayerAppearance(boolean) - Method in class
setOwner(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
setOwnerName(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityOwnable
setOwnerName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
setOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
setOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
setOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
setOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
setOxidizationLevel(OxidizationLevel) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Oxidizable
setPackId(UUID) - Method in class
setPackId(UUID) - Method in class
setPackId(UUID) - Method in class
setPackId(UUID) - Method in class
setPackVersion(Version) - Method in class
setPackVersion(Version) - Method in class
setPackVersion(Version) - Method in class
setPackVersion(Version) - Method in class
setPageText(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
Sets the text of a page in the book.
setPaletteUpdatesDelayed(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setParameter(int, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer
setParameters(String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer
setParent(Node) - Method in class
setParent(Selector) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Selector
setParent(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
setParent(Node) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
setParent(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
setParsedLines(BitSet) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
This is used in conjunction with having a preprocessor.
setParserTolerant(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
setParticleId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setParticleId(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setPeriod(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
setPermission(Permission, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
setPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
setPermission(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
setPermission(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
setPermissionMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
setPermissionMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
setPermissions(Map<String, Boolean>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
setPersistenceValue(int, String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setPersistenceValue(long, String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setPersistenceValue(BigInteger, String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityNameable
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
setPersona(boolean) - Method in class
setPickupCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setPickupCount(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setPickupDelay(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
setPickupDelay(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
setPickupMode(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
setPickupMode(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setPillarAxis(BlockFace.Axis) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBasalt
setPillarAxis(BlockFace.Axis) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
setPillarAxis(BlockFace.Axis) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLog
setPillarAxis(BlockFace.Axis) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMuddyMangroveRoots
setPillarAxis(BlockFace.Axis) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmoothBasalt
setPitch(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
setPitch(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
设置 pitch.
setPlaceHolder(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput
setPlatformOnlineId(String) - Method in class
setPlayer(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.DoorToggleEvent
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
Changes the player that is sending the message
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
setPlayer(Player) - Method in class
setPlayerClass(Class<? extends Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerCreationEvent
setPlayerCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
setPlayerDataSerializer(PlayerDataSerializer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
SetPlayerGameTypePacket - Class in
SetPlayerGameTypePacket() - Constructor for class
setPlayerList(Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
setPlayerPermission(PlayerPermission) - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
setPlayerUIInventory(PlayerUIInventory) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setPlayFabId(String) - Method in class
setPlugins(Plugin[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
setPodzolProbability(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorBamboo
setPopulated() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
setPopulated() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setPopulated(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
setPopulated(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setPosition(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setPosition(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setPosition(int, int, int) - Method in class
setPosition(BlockVector3) - Method in class
setPosition(BlockVector3) - Method in class
setPosition(BlockVector3) - Method in class
setPosition(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setPosition(Vector3) - Method in class
setPositionAndRotation(Vector3, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setPositionAndRotation(Vector3, double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Sets position and rotation.
setPotion(Potion) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.potion.PotionEvent
setPotionColor(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setPotionColor(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setPotionColor(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setPotionId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
setPotionId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setPotionId(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setPotionType(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
setPowered() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setPowered(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObserver
setPowered(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSculkSensor
setPowered(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
setPowered(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
setPowered(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setPowered(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityMusic
setPowered(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setPowered(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
setPowered(EntityLightningStrike) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityCreeper
setPowerLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
setPowerOn(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
setPreDeObfuscate(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setPreLoginEventTask(AsyncTask) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setPremium(boolean) - Method in class
setPriceMultiplierA(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
setPriceMultiplierB(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
setPrimaryOutput(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
setPrimaryPower(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
setPrimaryUser(boolean) - Method in class
setPrismarineBlockType(PrismarineBlockType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPrismarine
setProfession(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
setProfession(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillagerV1
setProgress(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNetherReactor
setProjectile(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootBowEvent
setProjectile(EntityProjectile, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
setProjectiles(EntityProjectile[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityShootCrossbowEvent
setPropertyBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
setPropertyInt(String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
setPropertyString(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
setPropertyValue(BlockProperty<T>, T) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setPropertyValue(String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setPropertyValue(String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
setPropertyValue(String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
setPropertyValue(String, Serializable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
setPropertyValue(String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
setPropertyValue(String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
setPropertyValue(String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
setProvider(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Zlib
setProvider(LevelProvider) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setProvider(LevelProvider) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setQuitMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
setQuitMessage(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
setQuitMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent
setQuitMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent
setRadius(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setRadius(float, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setRadiusChangeOnPickup(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setRadiusChangeOnPickup(float, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setRadiusPerTick(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setRadiusPerTick(float, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setRailActive(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
setRailActive(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailActivator
setRailActive(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
setRailActive(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailPowered
setRailDirection(Rail.Orientation) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
Changes the rail direction without changing anything else.
setRaining(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setRaining(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setRaining(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setRainTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setRainTime(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setRainTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setRandom(NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorLava
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.DarkOakTreePopulator
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleBigTreePopulator
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleFloorPopulator
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.JungleTreePopulator
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SavannaTreePopulator
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SpruceBigTreePopulator
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SpruceMegaTreePopulator
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SwampTreePopulator
setRandomAmount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorCount
setRandomClientId(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setRandomTreeHeight(NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBigSpruceTree
setRawBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ByteArrayWrapper
setRawBytes(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
setRawBytes(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.PureByteArray
setRawData(Byte[]) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ByteArrayWrapper
setRawData(T[]) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ArrayWrapper
setRawPage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
setRawTextActionBar(RawText) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setRawTextActionBar(RawText, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
设置一个JSON ActionBar消息。
setRawTextSubTitle(RawText) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setRawTextTitle(RawText) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setRawUniqueId(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
setReachable(boolean) - Method in class
setReachableTarget(Vector3) - Method in class
setReactorState(NetherReactorState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityNetherReactor
setReadyToExecute(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
setReason(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
setRecalculateOnFailure(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
setRecipe(int, CampfireRecipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCampfire
setRecipeXp(Recipe, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
setRecipients(Set<CommandSender>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerChatEvent
setRecordItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
setRedstoneEnabled(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
setRedstonePower(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
setRelative(byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
setRemovalCallback(PermissionRemovedExecutor) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
setRemoveFormat() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setRemoveFormat(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setRepairCost(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
setRepairItemTransaction(RepairItemTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setRequestedEntityRuntimeId(long) - Method in class
setRequestTimestamp(long) - Method in class
setRequestType(NPCRequestPacket.RequestType) - Method in class
setResetBlocksAround(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
setResourcePackEntries(ResourcePack[]) - Method in class
setRespawnBlockAvailable(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
setRespawnBlockPosition(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
setRespawnPosition(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
setResponse(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
setResponse(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
setResponse(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
setResponse(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
setResponseTimestamp(long) - Method in class
setRestoreFood(int) - Method in class
setRestoreSaturation(float) - Method in class
setResult(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.blockstate.BlockStateRepairFinishEvent
setResult(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.CampfireSmeltEvent
setResult(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
setResult(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
setResult(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
setResult(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
setResult(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
setResultExperience(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
setRevert(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInvalidMoveEvent
If you just simply want to disable the movement check, please use Player.setCheckMovement(boolean) instead.
setRewardExp(Byte) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
setRightHinged(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
setRightPage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityLectern
setRightPage(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.LecternPageChangeEvent
setRinging(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
setRiptideLevel(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setRollingAmplitude(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
setRollingDirection(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityVehicle
setRotation(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setRotation(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setRouteFindingTask(RouteFindingManager.RouteFindingTask) - Method in class
setRouteTarget(EntityIntelligent, Vector3) - Method in interface
setRuntimeEntityId(long) - Method in class
setRuntimeIdLayer0(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Vector3WithRuntimeId
setRuntimeIdLayer1(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Vector3WithRuntimeId
setSandstoneType(SandStoneType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
setSaveData(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
setScale(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setSceneName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
setSceneName(String) - Method in class
setSceneName(String) - Method in class
setScore(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboardLine
setScore(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
SetScoreboardIdentityPacket - Class in
SetScoreboardIdentityPacket() - Constructor for class
SetScoreboardIdentityPacket.Action - Enum Class in
SetScoreboardIdentityPacket.Entry - Class in
SetScorePacket - Class in
SetScorePacket() - Constructor for class
SetScorePacket.Action - Enum Class in
SetScorePacket.ScoreInfo - Class in
setScoreTag(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setScriptingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
setScrolling(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
setScrollingSpeed(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
setSearching(boolean) - Method in class
setSeatPosition(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setSecondaryPower(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
setSecondItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
setSecondItem(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
setSecondItem(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
setSecondItem(Item, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
setSection(float, ChunkSection) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.Chunk
setSection(float, ChunkSection) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
setSeed(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setSeed(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setSeed(long) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setSeed(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
setSeed(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.NukkitRandom
setSendInvalidRespawnBlockMessage(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent
setSerializer(PlayerDataSerializer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.PlayerDataSerializeEvent
setServerName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
setServerPosition(Vector3f) - Method in class
setServerSettings(Map<Integer, FormWindow>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setSettings(int, FormWindow) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerServerSettingsRequestEvent
setSettings(Map<Integer, FormWindow>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerServerSettingsRequestEvent
setShieldBreakCoolDown(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent
setShouldLogin(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setShouldUpdateMoveDirection(boolean) - Method in interface
setShowBase(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
setShowingCredits(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setSignDirection(CompassRoseDirection) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
setSignDirection(CompassRoseDirection) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallSign
setSimulationType(SimulationTypePacket.SimulationType) - Method in class
setSitting(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityCanSit
setSitting(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
setSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
setSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanInventory
setSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FakeHumanOffhandInventory
setSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory
setSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerOffhandInventory
setSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.PlayerUIInventory
setSkin(Skin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
setSkin(Skin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setSkin(Skin) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
setSkin(Skin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent
setSkin(Skin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setSkinColor(String) - Method in class
setSkinData(byte[]) - Method in class
setSkinData(SerializedImage) - Method in class
setSkinData(BufferedImage) - Method in class
setSkinData(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
setSkinId(String) - Method in class
setSkinResourcePatch(String) - Method in class
setSkinType(int) - Method in class
setSlabType(StoneSlab1Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
setSlabType(StoneSlab1Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
setSlabType(StoneSlab2Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabRedSandstone
setSlabType(StoneSlab2Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
setSlabType(StoneSlab3Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
setSlabType(StoneSlab3Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
setSlabType(StoneSlab4Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
setSlabType(StoneSlab4Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
setSleeping(EntityIntelligent, boolean) - Method in class
setSleeping(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setSlot(int, EnchantmentEntry) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentList
setSlowWhenEmpty(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartAbstract
Set the minecart slowdown flag
setSmelting(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.FurnaceInventory
setSmithingTransaction(SmithingTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setSneaking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setSneaking(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setSnowHeight(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
setSocketAddress(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setSortOrder(SortOrder) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
setSortOrder(SortOrder) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
setSource(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.BanEntry
setSourceReceiveCallback(Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
setSpawn(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setSpawn(Vector3) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setSpawn(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setSpawnBlock(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setSpawnBlockPosition(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setSpawnLocation(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setSpawnPosition(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
SetSpawnPositionPacket - Class in
SetSpawnPositionPacket() - Constructor for class
setSpawnTime(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setSpawnTime(long, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setSpeed(int) - Method in class
setSpinAttacking() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setSpinAttacking(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setSplash(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
setSplashPotion(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
setSpouse(T, T) - Method in class
setSprinting() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setSprinting(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setSprinting(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setStability(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
setStabilityCheck(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
setStart(Vector3) - Method in class
setStart(Vector3) - Method in interface
setStart(Vector3) - Method in class
setStartAction(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setStartAirTicks(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setStarted(boolean) - Method in class
setStartSlot(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventorySlice
setStartTime(long) - Method in class
setState(IBlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
setState(IBlockState) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
Replace all matching states of this block state with the same states of the given block state.
setState(IBlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
setStates(CompoundTag) - Method in class
setStatus(int) - Method in class
setStayTime(int) - Method in class
setStep(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
setStoneType(StoneType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
setStopExpression(String) - Method in class
setStopExpressionVersion(int) - Method in class
setStoredXP(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
setStoringMap(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
setStoringPhoto(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
setStrategy(int) - Method in class
setStripped(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
setStripped(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
setStrong() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
setStructureBlockType(StructureBlockType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
setStuckToBlockPos(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setSubName(String) - Method in class
setSubtitle(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.ComposterFillEvent
setSuccessCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setSuccessCount(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setSuccessCount(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.CommandOutputContainer
setSuperClass(JType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JClassBuilder
setSwimming() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setSwimming(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
setTabSize(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
set the tab size used for location reporting
setTamed(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityTameable
setTarget(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
setTarget(Vector3) - Method in class
setTarget(Vector3) - Method in interface
setTarget(Vector3) - Method in class
setTargetEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
setTaskId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncTask
setTeleportCooldown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
setTeleportCooldown(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
setTeleportPosition(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setTerrainPopulators(List<Populator>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ChunkPrePopulateEvent
setText(boolean, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButton
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementDropdown
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementInput
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementLabel
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementSlider
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementStepSlider
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementToggle
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.TextContainer
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
setText(String) - Method in class
setText(String) - Method in class
setText(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
setText(String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
setThick(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
setThickness(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
setThrower(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
setThundering(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setThundering(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setThundering(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setThunderTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setThunderTime(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setThunderTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setTickDelay(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setTickDelay(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setTickRate(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setTicks(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
setTicksLeftToStay(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
setTier(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
setTile(BlockVector3, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Sets the block entity at a given point.
setTile(BlockVector3, String, CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.ScatteredStructureBuilder
Sets the block entity at a given point.
setTilt(BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
setTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
setTime(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
setTime(long) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
setTimeout(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
setTimeout(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSSafeObject
SetTimePacket - Class in
SetTimePacket() - Constructor for class
setTimeSinceRest(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setTimingsEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
SETTINGS_COMMAND_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SETTINGS_LADDER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
setTipBlock(int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
setTitle(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
setTitle(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowCustom
setTitle(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowModal
setTitle(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindowSimple
setTitle(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
Sets the title of this book.
setTitle(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
setTitleAction(SetTitlePacket.TitleAction) - Method in class
setTitleAnimationTimes(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
SetTitlePacket - Class in
SetTitlePacket() - Constructor for class
SetTitlePacket.TitleAction - Enum Class in
setTo(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockFromToEvent
setTo(Location) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityTeleportEvent
setTo(Location) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerMoveEvent
setToggled(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
setTokensAreNodes(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
setTokenSource(SNBTLexer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
setTokenSource(SNBTLexer) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
setTokenSource(SNBTLexer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
It should be exceedingly rare that an application programmer needs to use this method.
setTop(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
setTop(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
setTopHalf(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
setTorchAttachment(BlockTorch.TorchAttachment) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
setTrackingHandle(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompassLodestone
setTrackingId(int) - Method in class
setTrackingPosition(NamedPosition) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCompassLodestone
setTrackOutput(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
setTrackOutput(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
setTradeExp(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
setTraderExp(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.RecipeBuildUtils
setTradeTier(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
setTradingPlayer(Long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
setTradingTransaction(TradingTransaction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setTrail(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
setTransactionRecipe(Recipe) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.CraftingTransaction
setTransferCooldown(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
setTransferCooldown(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
setTridentRope(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
setTriggered(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
setTrusted(boolean) - Method in class
setType(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBanner
setType(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
setType(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBanner
setType(BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
setType(StructureVoidType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
setType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
setType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves2
setType(PopulatorVillage.Type) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
setType(SNBTConstants.TokenType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
setType(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.element.ElementButtonImageData
setUniqueId(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
setUniqueId(UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
setUniqueId(UUID) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.IHuman
setUnparsed(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
setUnparsed(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node
Mark whether this Node is unparsed, i.e.
setUnparsed(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
setUnparsedLines(BitSet) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
setUnparsedTokensAreNodes(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
setUpperBlock(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmallDripleaf
setUpsideDown(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
setUsage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
setUsageMessage(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSEventManager.CommandBuilder
setUsername(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setUsingItem(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
设置玩家当前是否正在使用某项物品 Player.startAction(右击并按住)。
setValue(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
setValue(float, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
setValue(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
setValue(int, int, Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
setValue(int, int, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
setValue(int, String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setValue(long, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
setValue(long, int, Boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
setValue(long, int, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
setValue(long, String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(BigInteger, int, T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
setValue(BigInteger, String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
setVariant(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
setVariant(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
setVector3(Vector3) - Method in class
setVerboseEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
setVerified(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setVersion(int) - Method in class
setViewDistance(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
设置玩家的可视距离(范围 0--Server.getViewDistance())
setViewingEnderChest(BlockEnderChest) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setVineAge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
Changes the age of this block.
setVineAge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
setVineAge(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
setWaitTime(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setWaitTime(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityAreaEffectCloud
setWalkSpeed(float) - Method in class
setWallPost(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
setWallType(BlockWall.WallType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
setWaxed(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCopperBase
setWaxed(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabCopperBase
setWaxed(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabCopperBase
setWaxed(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairsCopperBase
setWaxed(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.Waxable
setWeak() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
setWhitelisted(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.IPlayer
Adds this player to the white list, or removes it from the whitelist.
setWhitelisted(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.OfflinePlayer
setWhitelisted(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
setWindowCnt(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerHandle
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabWood
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFence
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceBase
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLogStrippedMangrove
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWood
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood2
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStripped
setWoodType(WoodType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodStrippedMangrove
setWorkerReceiveCallback(Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
setWorkSound(Sound) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
setWorkSoundPitch(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
setWorld(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.server.QueryRegenerateEvent
SetWorldSpawnCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SetWorldSpawnCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SetWorldSpawnCommand
setX(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
setX(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
setX(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
setX(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setX(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setX(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
setX(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
setXp(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.FurnaceSmeltEvent
setXpCost(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.EnchantItemEvent
setXuid(String) - Method in class
setXUID(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
Sets the author's XUID of this book.
setY(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
setY(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
setY(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
setY(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
setYaw(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
setYaw(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BVector3
setYield(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
setYield(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
setZ(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
setZ(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
setZ(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
setZ(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
setZ(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
setZ(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
setZ(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
severity - Variable in class
sha256 - Variable in class
sha256 - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
sha256 - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ZippedResourcePack
SHAKE_WET - Static variable in class
shakeAction - Variable in class
shakeCamera(float, float, CameraShakePacket.CameraShakeType, CameraShakePacket.CameraShakeAction) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
shakeType - Variable in class
SHAPED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
SHAPED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
SHAPED_CHEMISTRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
SHAPED_CHEMISTRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
ShapedRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
ShapedRecipe(Item, String[], Map<Character, Item>, List<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
ShapedRecipe(String, int, Item, String[], Map<Character, ItemDescriptor>, Collection<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
ShapedRecipe(String, int, Item, String[], Map<Character, Item>, List<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
Constructs a ShapedRecipe instance.
ShapedRecipe.Entry - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
shapedRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
SHAPELESS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
SHAPELESS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
SHAPELESS_CHEMISTRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
SHAPELESS_CHEMISTRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
ShapelessRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
ShapelessRecipe(Item, Collection<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
ShapelessRecipe(String, int, Item, Collection<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
ShapelessRecipe(String, int, Item, List<ItemDescriptor>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe
shapelessRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
shear() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.entity.EntityShearable
shear() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
SHEAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
sheared - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntitySheep
SHEARED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an cow is spawned by shearing a mushroom cow
SHEARS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SHEARS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ShearsDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
ShearsDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ShearsDispenseBehavior
SHEEP_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SHIELD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SHIELD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
ShipwreckMapChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.loot
ShipwreckSupplyChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.loot
ShipwreckTreasureChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.loot
shooter - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.ProjectileLaunchEvent
shootingEntity - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
SHORT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallConnectionType
SHORT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
ShortEntityData - Class in
ShortEntityData(int, int) - Constructor for class
ShortTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
ShortTag(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
ShortTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
ShortTag(String, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
shortTitle - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
SHOULD_EXPLODE - Static variable in interface
SHOULD_UPDATE_MOVE_DIRECTION - Static variable in interface
shouldBePowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
shouldBePowered() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
shouldCallEvent() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
shouldCallEvent() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
SHOULDER_ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an entity is spawned as a result of the entity it is being perched on jumping or being damaged
shouldFindingSpouse(T) - Method in class
shouldGenerateStructures() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
若返回值为true,则将会在区块地形生成完毕后调用 Generator 的 populateStructure(int chunkX, int chunkZ) 方法
shouldGenerateStructures() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Nether
shouldGenerateStructures() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Normal
shouldGenerateStructures() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
shouldGenerateStructures() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
shouldLogin - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
shouldSavePlayerData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
shouldSend - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
ShouldThaw - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
shouldTrackOutput - Variable in class
shouldUpdateRoute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
show - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
SHOW_COORDINATES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
SHOW_CREDITS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SHOW_DEATH_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
SHOW_DEATH_MESSAGES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
SHOW_NAME_TAGS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
SHOW_NAME_TAGS - Static variable in class
SHOW_PROFILE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SHOW_STORE_OFFER_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SHOW_TAGS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
showBase() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityEndCrystal
showCredits() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
ShowCreditsPacket - Class in
ShowCreditsPacket() - Constructor for class
showDialogWindow(FormWindowDialog) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
showDialogWindow(FormWindowDialog, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
showFormWindow(FormWindow) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
Automatic id assignment
showFormWindow(FormWindow, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
向玩家显示一个新的FormWindow。 你可以通过监听PlayerFormRespondedEvent来了解FormWindow的结果。
showNameTags - Variable in class
showPlayer(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
ShowProfilePacket - Class in
ShowProfilePacket() - Constructor for class
showXboxProfile(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
SHRIEK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SHRIEK_SCULK_SHRIEKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
shrink(double, double, double) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.math.AxisAlignedBB
SHROOMLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SHROOMLIGHT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
shuffle(List<?>, NukkitRandom) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.NukkitCollections
Randomly permute the specified list using the specified source of randomness.
SHULKER_BOX - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
SHULKER_BOX - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
SHULKER_BOX - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
SHULKER_BOX - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SHULKER_BOX - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SHULKER_BOX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
SHULKER_BULLET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SHULKER_SHELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SHULKER_SHELL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SHULKER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ShulkerBoxDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
ShulkerBoxDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ShulkerBoxDispenseBehavior
ShulkerBoxInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
ShulkerBoxInventory(BlockEntityShulkerBox) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxInventory
ShulkerBoxRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
ShulkerBoxRecipe(Item, Collection<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxRecipe
ShulkerBoxRecipe(String, int, Item, Collection<Item>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxRecipe
ShulkerBoxRecipe(String, int, Item, List<ItemDescriptor>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShulkerBoxRecipe
shutdown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.console.NukkitConsole
shutdown() - Method in class
shutdown() - Method in interface
shutdown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
shutdown() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
SIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AttachmentType
SIDE_DOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
SIDE_EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
SIDE_NORTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
SIDE_SOUTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
SIDE_UP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
SIDE_WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
SIDEBAR - Enum constant in enum class
sideHit - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
SIDEWAYS_BACKHALF - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
SIDEWAYS_BACKHALF_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
SIDEWAYS_FRONTHALF - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
SIDEWAYS_FRONTHALF_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
SIDEWAYS_FULL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
SIDEWAYS_FULL_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
SIGN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
SIGN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SIGN_BOOK - Enum constant in enum class
SIGN_DYE_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
SIGN_INK_SAC_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
SIGN_POST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
signBook(String, String, String, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
signByte(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
SignChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
SignChangeEvent(Block, Player, String[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent
SignColorChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
SignColorChangeEvent(Block, Player, BlockColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignColorChangeEvent
SignGlowEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
SignGlowEvent(Block, Player, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.SignGlowEvent
signInt(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
signJwt(JWSObject, ECPrivateKey) - Static method in class
signShort(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
SILENT - Enum constant in enum class
silentExecuteCommand(Player, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
silentExecuteCommand(String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
SILVER_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SILVER_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SILVERFISH_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a silverfish spawns from a block
SILVERFISH_GRIEF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SILVERFISH_SPAWN_ANIMATION - Static variable in class
SILVERFISH_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SIMPLE_EVENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SIMPLE_SLAB_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
SimpleAxisAlignedBB - Class in cn.nukkit.math
SimpleAxisAlignedBB(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
SimpleAxisAlignedBB(Vector3, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
SimpleBarChart(String, Callable<Map<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.SimpleBarChart
Class constructor.
simpleBuilder(ItemCustom, ItemCreativeCategory) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
SimpleBuilder(CustomItem, ItemCreativeCategory) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
SimpleChunkManager - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator
SimpleChunkManager(long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SimpleChunkManager
SimpleCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.simple
SimpleCommand(Object, Method, String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.simple.SimpleCommand
SimpleCommandMap - Class in cn.nukkit.command
SimpleCommandMap(Server) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap
SimpleConfig - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
SimpleConfig for Nukkit added 11/02/2016 by fromgate
SimpleConfig(Plugin) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SimpleConfig
SimpleConfig(Plugin, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SimpleConfig
SimpleConfig(File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SimpleConfig
SimpleConfig.Path - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.utils
SimpleConfig.Skip - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.utils
SimpleEventPacket - Class in
SimpleEventPacket() - Constructor for class
SimpleFlatAStarRouteFinder - Class in
SimpleFlatAStarRouteFinder(IPosEvaluator, EntityIntelligent) - Constructor for class
SimpleHouse(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SimpleHouse
SimpleHouse(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SimpleHouse
SimplePalette() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.SimplePalette
SimplePie(String, Callable<String>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.SimplePie
Class constructor.
SimpleRouteFinder - Class in
SimpleRouteFinder(IPosEvaluator) - Constructor for class
SimpleSpaceAStarRouteFinder - Class in
务必注意,三维标准A*寻路的代价十分高昂(比原版的洪水填充低得多),切忌将最大寻路深度设置得太大! TODO: 用BA*、JPS或者势能场寻路代替
SimpleSpaceAStarRouteFinder(IPosEvaluator, EntityIntelligent) - Constructor for class
SimpleTickCachedBlockStore - Class in cn.nukkit.level.util
SimpleTickCachedBlockStore(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.util.SimpleTickCachedBlockStore
SimpleTickingAreaManager - Class in cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager
SimpleTickingAreaManager(TickingAreaStorage) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.SimpleTickingAreaManager
SimpleVibrationManager - Class in cn.nukkit.level.vibration
SimpleVibrationManager(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.SimpleVibrationManager
SimplexD - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d
SimplexD(NukkitRandom, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
SimplexD(NukkitRandom, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
SimplexF - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f
SimplexF(NukkitRandom, float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
SimplexF(NukkitRandom, float, float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
SIMULATION_TYPE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SimulationTypePacket - Class in
SimulationTypePacket() - Constructor for class
SimulationTypePacket.SimulationType - Enum Class in
sin(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
sin(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
since() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails
The version which marked this element as deprecated.
since() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitDifference
since() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXDifference
Since - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
Indicates which version added the annotated element.
SINGLE_SKIN_SIZE - Static variable in class
singleArgument(String[], String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.command.selector.ParseUtils
SingleChunkManager - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator
SingleChunkManager(long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.SingleChunkManager
SingleFakeBlock - Class in cn.nukkit.block.fake
SingleFakeBlock(int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.block.fake.SingleFakeBlock
SingleLayerStorage - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil
SingleLayerStorage() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
SingleLayerStorage(BlockStorage) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
SingleLineChart(String, Callable<Integer>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.metrics.Metrics.SingleLineChart
Class constructor.
sinking - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
SINKING_DEPTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
SINKING_MAX_SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
SINKING_SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
size - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
size - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.loot.RandomizableContainer
size - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractStructureTemplate
size - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StartPiece
size - Variable in class
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.IdMapper
size() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArray
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PaddedBitArray
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.Pow2BitArray
Gets the long array that is used to store the data in this BitArray.
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
size() - Static method in enum class
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentInt2ObjectHashStore
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConcurrentLong2ObjectHashStore
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingMapWrapper
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.ConvertingSetWrapper
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
size() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
SIZE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage
SIZE - Static variable in class
sizeOfSubTree() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
sizeX() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the sizeX record component.
sizeX() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the sizeX record component.
sizeY() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the sizeY record component.
sizeY() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the sizeY record component.
sizeZ() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the sizeZ record component.
sizeZ() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the sizeZ record component.
sk_SK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
SKELETON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
SKELETON_HORSE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SKELETON_SKULL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
skin - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
skin - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
skin - Variable in class
skin - Variable in class
skin - Variable in class
Skin - Class in
Skin() - Constructor for class
SKIN_128_128_SIZE - Static variable in class
SKIN_128_64_SIZE - Static variable in class
SkinAnimation - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
SkinAnimation(SerializedImage, int, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
SkinAnimation(SerializedImage, int, float, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
skinType - Variable in class
skipBytes(int) - Method in class
skipLoad() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.utils.SimpleConfig.Skip
skipSave() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.utils.SimpleConfig.Skip
SKULL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SKULL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
SKULL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SKULL_AND_ROSES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
SKULL_BANNER_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SKULL_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SKULL_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
skyLight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
skyLight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
skyLightSubtracted - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SLABS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
sleeping - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
sleepOn(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
SleepOnOwnerBedExecutor - Class in
只能在实现了接口 EntityTamable 的实体上使用
SleepOnOwnerBedExecutor() - Constructor for class
sleepTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
sleepTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ServerKiller
SlenderProjectile - Class in cn.nukkit.entity.projectile
这个抽象类代表较为细长的投射物实体(例如弓箭,三叉戟),它通过重写Entity.move(double, double, double)方法实现这些实体较为准确的碰撞箱计算。
SlenderProjectile(FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.SlenderProjectile
SlenderProjectile(FullChunk, CompoundTag, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.SlenderProjectile
SLIGHTLY_DAMAGED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AnvilDamage
slightlyMelt(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
SLIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SLIME_BALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SLIME_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SLIME_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SLIME_SPLIT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a slime splits
SLIMEBALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
slot - Variable in class
SLOT_CHANGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent.Action
SLOT_CHEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
SLOT_FEET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
SLOT_HEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
SLOT_LEGS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.EntityArmorInventory
SlotChangeAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
SlotChangeAction(Inventory, int, Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
slots - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
slots - Variable in class
slots - Variable in class
SLOW_FALLING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
SLOW_FALLING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
SLOW_FALLING_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
SLOWNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
SLOWNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
SLOWNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
SLOWNESS_IV - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
SLOWNESS_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
SLOWNESS_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
SLOWNESS_LONG_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
SMALL_AMETHYST_BUD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SMALL_AMETHYST_BUD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SMALL_BALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion.ExplosionType
SMALL_DRIPLEAF_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SMALL_DRIPLEAF_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SMALL_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.BambooLeafSize
smallestNodeInSubTree() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
SmallFlowerType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
SmallHut(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallHut
SmallHut(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallHut
SmallTemple(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallTemple
SmallTemple(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.SmallTemple
SmeltingRecipe - Interface in cn.nukkit.inventory
SMITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage.TYPE
SMITHING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
SMITHING_EQUIPMENT_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
SMITHING_INGREDIENT_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
SMITHING_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
SMITHING_TABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SMITHING_TABLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SMITHING_TABLE_USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
SMITHING_TRANSFORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
SMITHING_TRANSFORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
SMITHING_TRIM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
SMITHING_TRIM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
SMITHING_WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
SmithingInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
SmithingInventory(PlayerUIInventory, Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
SmithingItemAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
SmithingItemAction(Item, Item, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SmithingItemAction
SmithingRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
SmithingRecipe(String, int, Collection<Item>, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
SmithingTableEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
SmithingTableEvent(SmithingInventory, Item, Item, Item, Player) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.SmithingTableEvent
smithingTransaction - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
SmithingTransaction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction
SmithingTransaction(Player, List<InventoryAction>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.SmithingTransaction
Smithy(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Smithy
Smithy(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Smithy
SmokeParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
SmokeParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SmokeParticle
SmokeParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SmokeParticle
SMOKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
SMOKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
SMOKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SMOKER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SMOKER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
SMOKER_DATA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
SmokerRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
SmokerRecipe(Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmokerRecipe
smokerRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
SMOOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.ChiselType
SMOOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandStoneType
SMOOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneBrickType
SMOOTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSandstone
SMOOTH_BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SMOOTH_BASALT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SMOOTH_QUARTZ - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
SMOOTH_QUARTZ - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
SMOOTH_QUARTZ - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
SMOOTH_QUARTZ_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SMOOTH_QUARTZ_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone3
SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone3
SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SMOOTH_RED_SANDSTONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SMOOTH_SANDSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
SMOOTH_SANDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabRedSandstone
SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SMOOTH_SANDSTONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SMOOTH_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
SMOOTH_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SMOOTH_STONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SNAPPY - Enum constant in enum class
SNBT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.LexicalState
SNBTConstants - Interface in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
SNBTConstants.LexicalState - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
Lexical States
SNBTConstants.TokenType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
The various token types.
SNBTLexer - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
SNBTLexer(Reader) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
SNBTLexer(CharSequence) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
SNBTLexer(String, Reader) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
SNBTLexer(String, Reader, SNBTConstants.LexicalState, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
SNBTLexer(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
SNBTLexer(String, CharSequence, SNBTConstants.LexicalState, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
SNBTParser - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt
SNBTParserImplement - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
SNBTParserImplement(SNBTLexer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
Constructor with user supplied Lexer.
SNBTParserImplement(InputStream) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
SNBTParserImplement(Reader) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
SNBTParserImplement(CharSequence) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
SNBTParserImplement(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
SNBTParserImplement(String, Path) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
SNBTParserImplement(String, Path, Charset) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
SNBTParserImplement(Path) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
SNEAK_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
SNEAK_TOGGLE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
sneaking - Variable in class
SNEAKING - Enum constant in enum class
sniff(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.TallGrassType
SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SNOW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SNOW_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SNOW_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
SNOW_HEIGHT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
SNOW_LAYER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SNOW_LAYER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SNOWBALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SNOWBALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SNOWFLAKE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SnowLayerUpdater - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.updater
SnowLayerUpdater(Level, ChunkSection) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.SnowLayerUpdater
SNOWY_SLOPES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
SnowyBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.type
SnowyBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.SnowyBiome
SnowySlopesBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.snowyslopes
SnowySlopesBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.snowyslopes.SnowySlopesBiome
socketAddress - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
softEnums - Variable in class
softEnums - Variable in class
solid - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
SONIC_EXPLOSION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SortedList<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
SortedList(Comparator<? super T>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
SortedList.Node - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
sortOrder - Variable in class
sortOrder - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
SortOrder - Enum Class in
SOUL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SOUL_CAMPFIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SOUL_CAMPFIRE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SOUL_CAMPFIRE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SOUL_CAMPFIRE_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SOUL_FIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SOUL_FIRE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SOUL_FIRE_BASE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
SOUL_LANTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SOUL_LANTERN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SOUL_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SOUL_SAND - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SOUL_SAND_VALLEY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
SOUL_SOIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SOUL_SOIL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SOUL_TORCH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SOUL_TORCH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SoulSandValleyBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether
SoulSandValleyBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.SoulSandValleyBiome
sound - Variable in class
sound - Variable in class
sound - Variable in class
Sound - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level
SOUND_ADD_CHEST - Static variable in class
SOUND_ADMIRE - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_AGGRESSIVE - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_BABY - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_BASALT_DELTAS - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_CANDLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_CAVE - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_CRIMSON_FOREST - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_IN_RAID - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_IN_WATER - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_LOOP_BASALT_DELTAS - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_LOOP_CRIMSON_FOREST - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_LOOP_NETHER_WASTES - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_LOOP_WARPED_FOREST - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_NETHER_WASTES - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_POLLINATE - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_SCREAMER - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_SOULSAND_VALLEY - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_TAME - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_WARPED_FOREST - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMBIENT_WORRIED - Static variable in class
SOUND_AMETHYST_BLOCK_CHIME - Static variable in class
SOUND_ANGRY - Static variable in class
SOUND_ARMOR - Static variable in class
SOUND_ARMOR_EQUIP_CHAIN - Static variable in class
SOUND_ARMOR_EQUIP_DIAMOND - Static variable in class
SOUND_ARMOR_EQUIP_ELYTRA - Static variable in class
SOUND_ARMOR_EQUIP_GENERIC - Static variable in class
SOUND_ARMOR_EQUIP_GOLD - Static variable in class
SOUND_ARMOR_EQUIP_IRON - Static variable in class
SOUND_ARMOR_EQUIP_LEATHER - Static variable in class
SOUND_ATTACH - Static variable in class
SOUND_ATTACK - Static variable in class
SOUND_ATTACK_NODAMAGE - Static variable in class
SOUND_ATTACK_STRONG - Static variable in class
SOUND_BABY_SPAWN - Static variable in class
SOUND_BALLOONPOP - Static variable in class
SOUND_BARREL_CLOSE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BARREL_OPEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_BEACON_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BEACON_AMBIENT - Static variable in class
SOUND_BEACON_DEACTIVATE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BEACON_POWER - Static variable in class
SOUND_BEEHIVE_DRIP - Static variable in class
SOUND_BEEHIVE_ENTER - Static variable in class
SOUND_BEEHIVE_EXIT - Static variable in class
SOUND_BEEHIVE_SHEAR - Static variable in class
SOUND_BEEHIVE_WORK - Static variable in class
SOUND_BELL - Static variable in class
SOUND_BIG_DRIPLEAF_TILT_DOWN - Static variable in class
SOUND_BIG_DRIPLEAF_TILT_UP - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLAST - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLAST_FURNACE_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_BAMBOO_SAPLING_PLACE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_CLICK - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_CLICK_FAIL - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_END_PORTAL_FRAME_FILL - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_END_PORTAL_SPAWN - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_FLETCHING_TABLE_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_SCAFFOLDING_CLIMB - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_ATTACK - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_BREAK - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_CRACK - Static variable in class
SOUND_BLOCK_TURTLE_EGG_HATCH - Static variable in class
SOUND_BOOST - Static variable in class
SOUND_BORN - Static variable in class
SOUND_BOTTLE_DRAGONBREATH - Static variable in class
SOUND_BOW - Static variable in class
SOUND_BOW_HIT - Static variable in class
SOUND_BREAK - Static variable in class
SOUND_BREAK_BLOCK - Static variable in class
SOUND_BREAK_DECORATED_POD - Static variable in class
SOUND_BREATHE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BRUSH - Static variable in class
SOUND_BRUSH_COMPLETED - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUBBLE_DOWN - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUBBLE_DOWNINSIDE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUBBLE_POP - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUBBLE_UP - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUBBLE_UPINSIDE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUCKET_EMPTY_FISH - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUCKET_EMPTY_LAVA - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUCKET_EMPTY_POWDER_SNOW - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUCKET_EMPTY_WATER - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUCKET_FILL_FISH - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUCKET_FILL_LAVA - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUCKET_FILL_POWDER_SNOW - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUCKET_FILL_WATER - Static variable in class
SOUND_BULLET_HIT - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUNDLE_DROP_CONTENTS - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUNDLE_INSERT - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUNDLE_REMOVE_ONE - Static variable in class
SOUND_BURP - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUTTON_CLICK_OFF - Static variable in class
SOUND_BUTTON_CLICK_ON - Static variable in class
SOUND_CAKE_ADD_CANDLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_CAMERA_TAKE_PICTURE - Static variable in class
SOUND_CAMPFIRE_CRACKLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_CANT_BREED - Static variable in class
SOUND_CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_CAST_SPELL - Static variable in class
SOUND_CAVE_VINES_PICK_BERRIES - Static variable in class
SOUND_CELEBRATE - Static variable in class
SOUND_CHARGE - Static variable in class
SOUND_CHEST_CLOSED - Static variable in class
SOUND_CHEST_OPEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_CHORUSDEATH - Static variable in class
SOUND_CHORUSGROW - Static variable in class
SOUND_COMPOSTER_EMPTY - Static variable in class
SOUND_COMPOSTER_FILL - Static variable in class
SOUND_COMPOSTER_FILL_LAYER - Static variable in class
SOUND_COMPOSTER_READY - Static variable in class
SOUND_CONDUIT_ACTIVATE - Static variable in class
SOUND_CONDUIT_AMBIENT - Static variable in class
SOUND_CONDUIT_ATTACK - Static variable in class
SOUND_CONDUIT_DEACTIVATE - Static variable in class
SOUND_CONDUIT_SHORT - Static variable in class
SOUND_CONVERT_TO_DROWNED - Static variable in class
SOUND_CONVERT_TO_FROG - Static variable in class
SOUND_CONVERT_TO_STRAY - Static variable in class
SOUND_CONVERT_TO_ZOMBIFIED - Static variable in class
SOUND_COPPER_WAX_OFF - Static variable in class
SOUND_COPPER_WAX_ON - Static variable in class
SOUND_CRACK_IRON_GOLEM - Static variable in class
SOUND_CROSSBOW_LOADING_END - Static variable in class
SOUND_CROSSBOW_LOADING_MIDDLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_CROSSBOW_LOADING_START - Static variable in class
SOUND_CROSSBOW_QUICK_CHARGE_END - Static variable in class
SOUND_CROSSBOW_QUICK_CHARGE_START - Static variable in class
SOUND_CROSSBOW_SHOOT - Static variable in class
SOUND_DEATH - Static variable in class
SOUND_DEATH_BABY - Static variable in class
SOUND_DEATH_IN_WATER - Static variable in class
SOUND_DEATH_MID_VOLUME - Static variable in class
SOUND_DEATH_MIN_VOLUME - Static variable in class
SOUND_DEATH_SCREAMER - Static variable in class
SOUND_DEATH_TO_ZOMBIE - Static variable in class
SOUND_DEFAULT - Static variable in class
SOUND_DENY - Static variable in class
SOUND_DETACH - Static variable in class
SOUND_DISAPPEARED - Static variable in class
SOUND_DOOR_CLOSE - Static variable in class
SOUND_DOOR_OPEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_DRINK - Static variable in class
SOUND_DROP_SLOT - Static variable in class
SOUND_EAT - Static variable in class
SOUND_ELDERGUARDIAN_CURSE - Static variable in class
SOUND_ELEMCONSTRUCT_OPEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_ENCHANTING_TABLE_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_ENDERCHEST_CLOSED - Static variable in class
SOUND_ENDERCHEST_OPEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_EQUIP_NETHERITE - Static variable in class
SOUND_EXPLODE - Static variable in class
SOUND_EXTINGUISH_CANDLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_EXTINGUISH_FIRE - Static variable in class
SOUND_FALL - Static variable in class
SOUND_FALL_BIG - Static variable in class
SOUND_FALL_SMALL - Static variable in class
SOUND_FANG - Static variable in class
SOUND_FENCE_GATE_CLOSE - Static variable in class
SOUND_FENCE_GATE_OPEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_FIRE - Static variable in class
SOUND_FIZZ - Static variable in class
SOUND_FLAP - Static variable in class
SOUND_FLY - Static variable in class
SOUND_FROGSPAWN_BREAK - Static variable in class
SOUND_FROGSPAWN_HATCHED - Static variable in class
SOUND_FURNACE_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_FUSE - Static variable in class
SOUND_GALLOP - Static variable in class
SOUND_GLASS - Static variable in class
SOUND_GLOW_SQUID_INK_SQUIRT - Static variable in class
SOUND_GLOWSTICK_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_0 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_1 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_2 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_3 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_4 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_5 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_6 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_7 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_8 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_BASS_9 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_0 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_1 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_2 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_3 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_4 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_5 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_6 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_7 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_8 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_CALL_9 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_0 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_1 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_2 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_3 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_4 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_5 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_6 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_7 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_8 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_HARMONY_9 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_0 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_1 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_2 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_3 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_4 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_5 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_6 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_7 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_8 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GOAT_MELODY_9 - Static variable in class
SOUND_GRINDSTONE_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_GROWL - Static variable in class
SOUND_GUARDIAN_FLOP - Static variable in class
SOUND_HAGGLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_HAGGLE_IDLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_HAGGLE_NO - Static variable in class
SOUND_HAGGLE_YES - Static variable in class
SOUND_HEARTBEAT - Static variable in class
SOUND_HEAVY_STEP - Static variable in class
SOUND_HIT - Static variable in class
SOUND_HONEYBOTTLE_DRINK - Static variable in class
SOUND_HORN_BREAK - Static variable in class
SOUND_HURT - Static variable in class
SOUND_HURT_BABY - Static variable in class
SOUND_HURT_IN_WATER - Static variable in class
SOUND_HURT_SCREAMER - Static variable in class
SOUND_ICEBOMB_HIT - Static variable in class
SOUND_IGNITE - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_BLAZE - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_CAVE_SPIDER - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_CREEPER - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_ELDER_GUARDIAN - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_ENDER_DRAGON - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_ENDERMAN - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_ENDERMITE - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_EVOCATION_ILLAGER - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_GHAST - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_HUSK - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_ILLUSION_ILLAGER - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_MAGMA_CUBE - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_POLAR_BEAR - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_SHULKER - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_SILVERFISH - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_SKELETON - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_SLIME - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_SPIDER - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_STRAY - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_VEX - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_WARDEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_WITCH - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_WITHER - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_WITHER_SKELETON - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_WOLF - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_ZOMBIE - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_ZOMBIE_PIGMAN - Static variable in class
SOUND_IMITATE_ZOMBIE_VILLAGER - Static variable in class
SOUND_INSERT - Static variable in class
SOUND_INSERT_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_FIZZ - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_GIVEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_TAKEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_THROWN - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_TRIDENT_HIT - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_TRIDENT_HIT_GROUND - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_TRIDENT_RETURN - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_1 - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_2 - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_TRIDENT_RIPTIDE_3 - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_TRIDENT_THROW - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_TRIDENT_THUNDER - Static variable in class
SOUND_ITEM_USE_ON - Static variable in class
SOUND_JUMP - Static variable in class
SOUND_JUMP_PREVENT - Static variable in class
SOUND_JUMP_TO_BLOCK - Static variable in class
SOUND_LAND - Static variable in class
SOUND_LARGE_BLAST - Static variable in class
SOUND_LAUNCH - Static variable in class
SOUND_LAVA - Static variable in class
SOUND_LAVA_POP - Static variable in class
SOUND_LAY_SPAWN - Static variable in class
SOUND_LEASHKNOT_BREAK - Static variable in class
SOUND_LEASHKNOT_PLACE - Static variable in class
SOUND_LECTERN_BOOK_PLACE - Static variable in class
SOUND_LEVELUP - Static variable in class
SOUND_LINK_COMPASS_TO_LODESTONE - Static variable in class
SOUND_LISTENING - Static variable in class
SOUND_LISTENING_ANGRY - Static variable in class
SOUND_LOOM_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_BLEACH - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_EPASTE - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_EPASTE2 - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_FERTILIZER - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_FIRE - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_FIREBALL - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_GLOW_STICK - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_GLOW_STICK_2 - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_ICEBOMB - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_LUMINOL - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_MGSALT - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_MISCEXPLOSION - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_MISCFIRE - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_MISCMYSTICAL - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_MISCMYSTICAL2 - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_PRODUCT - Static variable in class
SOUND_LT_REACTION_SALT - Static variable in class
SOUND_MAD - Static variable in class
SOUND_MILK - Static variable in class
SOUND_MILK_DRINK - Static variable in class
SOUND_MILK_SCREAMER - Static variable in class
SOUND_MILK_SUSPICIOUSLY - Static variable in class
SOUND_MOB_ARMOR_STAND_PLACE - Static variable in class
SOUND_MOB_WARNING - Static variable in class
SOUND_MOB_WARNING_BABY - Static variable in class
SOUND_MOOSHROOM_CONVERT - Static variable in class
SOUND_NOTE - Static variable in class
SOUND_PANIC - Static variable in class
SOUND_PANT - Static variable in class
SOUND_PICKUP - Static variable in class
SOUND_PICKUP_ENCHANTED - Static variable in class
SOUND_PISTON_IN - Static variable in class
SOUND_PISTON_OUT - Static variable in class
SOUND_PLACE - Static variable in class
SOUND_PLAYER_HURT_DROWN - Static variable in class
SOUND_PLAYER_HURT_FREEZE - Static variable in class
SOUND_PLAYER_HURT_ON_FIRE - Static variable in class
SOUND_PLOP - Static variable in class
SOUND_POINTED_DRIPSTONE_DRIP_LAVA - Static variable in class
SOUND_POP - Static variable in class
SOUND_PORTAL - Static variable in class
SOUND_PORTAL_TRAVEL - Static variable in class
SOUND_POTION_BREWED - Static variable in class
SOUND_POWER_OFF - Static variable in class
SOUND_POWER_ON - Static variable in class
SOUND_PRE_RAM - Static variable in class
SOUND_PRE_RAM_SCREAMER - Static variable in class
SOUND_PREPARE_ATTACK - Static variable in class
SOUND_PREPARE_SUMMON - Static variable in class
SOUND_PREPARE_WOLOLO - Static variable in class
SOUND_PRESNEEZE - Static variable in class
SOUND_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_OFF - Static variable in class
SOUND_PRESSURE_PLATE_CLICK_ON - Static variable in class
SOUND_PURR - Static variable in class
SOUND_PURREOW - Static variable in class
SOUND_RAID_HORN - Static variable in class
SOUND_RAM_IMPACT - Static variable in class
SOUND_RAM_IMPACT_SCREAMER - Static variable in class
SOUND_RANDOM_ANVIL_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_REAPPEARED - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_11 - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_13 - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_5 - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_BLOCKS - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_CAT - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_CHIRP - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_FAR - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_MALL - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_MELLOHI - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_OTHERSIDE - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_PIGSTEP - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_PLAYING - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_STAL - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_STRAD - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_WAIT - Static variable in class
SOUND_RECORD_WARD - Static variable in class
SOUND_REMEDY - Static variable in class
SOUND_REPAIR_IRON_GOLEM - Static variable in class
SOUND_RESPAWN_ANCHOR_AMBIENT - Static variable in class
SOUND_RESPAWN_ANCHOR_CHARGE - Static variable in class
SOUND_RESPAWN_ANCHOR_DEPLETE - Static variable in class
SOUND_RESPAWN_ANCHOR_SET_SPAWN - Static variable in class
SOUND_RETREAT - Static variable in class
SOUND_ROAR - Static variable in class
SOUND_SADDLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCARED - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCRAPE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCREECH - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCULK_CATALYST_BLOOM - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCULK_CHARGE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCULK_PLACE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCULK_SENSOR_PLACE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCULK_SENSOR_POWER_OFF - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCULK_SENSOR_POWER_ON - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCULK_SHRIEKER_PLACE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCULK_SHRIEKER_SHRIEK - Static variable in class
SOUND_SCULK_SPREAD - Static variable in class
SOUND_SHAKE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SHATTER_DECORATED_POT - Static variable in class
SOUND_SHEAR - Static variable in class
SOUND_SHIELD_BLOCK - Static variable in class
SOUND_SHOOT - Static variable in class
SOUND_SHULKER_CLOSE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SHULKER_OPEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_SHULKERBOX_CLOSED - Static variable in class
SOUND_SHULKERBOX_OPEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_SLEEP - Static variable in class
SOUND_SMITHING_TABLE_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SMOKER_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SNEEZE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SONIC_BOOM - Static variable in class
SOUND_SONIC_CHARGE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SOUL_ESCAPE_LOUD - Static variable in class
SOUND_SOUL_ESCAPE_QUIET - Static variable in class
SOUND_SPARKLER_ACTIVE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SPARKLER_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_SPAWN - Static variable in class
SOUND_SPLASH - Static variable in class
SOUND_SQUID_INK_SQUIRT - Static variable in class
SOUND_SQUISH_BIG - Static variable in class
SOUND_SQUISH_SMALL - Static variable in class
SOUND_STARE - Static variable in class
SOUND_STEP - Static variable in class
SOUND_STEP_BABY - Static variable in class
SOUND_STEP_LAVA - Static variable in class
SOUND_STONECUTTER_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_STOP_RECORD - Static variable in class
SOUND_STOP_USING_SPYGLASS - Static variable in class
SOUND_STUN - Static variable in class
SOUND_SWEET_BERRY_BUSH_HURT - Static variable in class
SOUND_SWEET_BERRY_BUSH_PICK - Static variable in class
SOUND_SWIM - Static variable in class
SOUND_SWOOP - Static variable in class
SOUND_TAKEOFF - Static variable in class
SOUND_TELEPORT - Static variable in class
SOUND_TEMPT - Static variable in class
SOUND_THORNS - Static variable in class
SOUND_THROW - Static variable in class
SOUND_THUNDER - Static variable in class
SOUND_TONGUE - Static variable in class
SOUND_TRAPDOOR_CLOSE - Static variable in class
SOUND_TRAPDOOR_OPEN - Static variable in class
SOUND_TRIPOD - Static variable in class
SOUND_TURTLE_LAY_EGG - Static variable in class
SOUND_TWINKLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_UI_CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_UI_LOOM_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_UI_STONECUTTER_USE - Static variable in class
SOUND_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class
SOUND_UNFECT - Static variable in class
SOUND_USE_SMITHING_TABLE - Static variable in class
SOUND_USE_SPYGLASS - Static variable in class
SOUND_WARDEN_NEARBY_CLOSE - Static variable in class
SOUND_WARDEN_NEARBY_CLOSER - Static variable in class
SOUND_WARDEN_NEARBY_CLOSEST - Static variable in class
SOUND_WARDEN_SLIGHTLY_ANGRY - Static variable in class
SOUND_WARN - Static variable in class
SOUND_WATER - Static variable in class
SOUND_WHINE - Static variable in class
source - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPrimedTNT
source - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.InventoryTransaction
source - Variable in class
source() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationEvent
Returns the value of the source record component.
SOURCE_CONTAINER - Static variable in class
SOURCE_CRAFT_SLOT - Static variable in class
SOURCE_CREATIVE - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TODO - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_ANVIL_INPUT - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_ANVIL_MATERIAL - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_ANVIL_OUTPUT - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_ANVIL_RESULT - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_BEACON - Static variable in class
Any client-side window dropping its contents when the player closes it
Fake window IDs for the SOURCE_TODO type (99999)
SOURCE_TYPE_CRAFTING_RESULT - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_ENCHANT_INPUT - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_ENCHANT_MATERIAL - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_ENCHANT_OUTPUT - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_TRADING_INPUT_1 - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_TRADING_INPUT_2 - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_TRADING_OUTPUT - Static variable in class
SOURCE_TYPE_TRADING_USE_INPUTS - Static variable in class
SOURCE_WORLD - Static variable in class
sourceContext - Variable in class
sourceContext - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
SourceInterface - Interface in
sourceItem - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
sourceType - Variable in class
south() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
south() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
south() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
south() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
south(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
south(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
south(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
south(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
south(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
south(Materials.RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class
south(Materials.RenderMethod, String) - Method in class
ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
SOUTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
SOUTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
SOUTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.Direction
SOUTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.FacingDirection
SOUTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.TorchFacingDirection
SOUTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.WeirdoDirection
SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
SOUTH_EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
SOUTH_SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
SOUTH_SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
SOUTH_WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
SpaceMoveController - Class in
SpaceMoveController() - Constructor for class
SpaceRandomRoamExecutor - Class in
SpaceRandomRoamExecutor(float, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
SpaceRandomRoamExecutor(float, int, int, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
SpaceRandomRoamExecutor(float, int, int, int, boolean, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
SPACING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.igloo.PopulatorIgloo
SPACING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
SPACING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
SPACING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
SPACING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
SPACING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage
SPARKLER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPARKLER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
spawn(ChunkManager, NukkitRandom, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.ore.OreType
SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a creature spawns from a Spawner Egg
SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPAWN_EGG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
SPAWN_EGG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SPAWN_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SPAWN_PARTICLE_EFFECT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SPAWN_RADIUS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
spawnBlockPosition - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
spawnBoatEntity(Level, Vector3, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.BoatDispenseBehavior
spawnBoatEntity(Level, Vector3, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.ChestBoatDispenseBehavior
SpawnChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
SpawnChangeEvent(Level, Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.SpawnChangeEvent
spawned - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
spawnEgg(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition.Builder
SpawnEggDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
SpawnEggDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.SpawnEggDispenseBehavior
spawnElder(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.structure.OceanMonumentPieces.OceanMonumentPiece
spawnEntity(double, double, double, EntityType) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
spawnEntity(double, double, double, EntityType) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
SPAWNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a creature spawns from a spawner
spawnExceptions - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBell
SpawnExperienceOrbPacket - Class in
SpawnExperienceOrbPacket() - Constructor for class
spawnFish() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
spawnFishEntity(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBucket
spawnObsidianPlatform(Position) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
spawnOccupant(BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant, List<BlockFace>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive
SpawnParticleEffectPacket - Class in
SpawnParticleEffectPacket() - Constructor for class
SpawnpointCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SpawnpointCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SpawnpointCommand
spawnPortal(Position) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
spawnPosition - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
spawnThreshold - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
spawnTo(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnable
spawnTo(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
spawnTo(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
spawnTo(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
spawnTo(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
spawnTo(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
spawnTo(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
spawnTo(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
spawnToAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron
spawnToAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnable
spawnToAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
spawnToAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
spawnToAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityMob
spawnToAll() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
spawnToAll() - Method in class
spawnType - Variable in class
spawnVillagers(ChunkManager, BoundingBox, int, int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
spawnX - Variable in class
spawnX - Variable in class
spawnY - Variable in class
spawnY - Variable in class
spawnZ - Variable in class
spawnZ - Variable in class
SPECIAL_ARMOR - Static variable in class
SPECIAL_CREATIVE - Static variable in class
SPECIAL_FIXED_INVENTORY - Static variable in class
SPECIAL_HOTBAR - Static variable in class
SPECIAL_INVENTORY - Static variable in class
SPECIAL_OFFHAND - Static variable in class
SPECTATOR - Enum constant in enum class
SPECTATOR - Enum constant in enum class
SPECTATOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
speed - Variable in class
speed - Variable in class
speed - Variable in class
speed - Variable in class
speed - Variable in class
speed - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
每tick 当前位置与移动目标位置向量之差
speed(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
SPEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
SPEED_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
SPEED_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
SPEED_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
SPEED_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
speedX - Variable in class
speedX - Variable in class
speedX - Variable in class
speedY - Variable in class
speedY - Variable in class
speedY - Variable in class
speedZ - Variable in class
speedZ - Variable in class
speedZ - Variable in class
SpellParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
SpellParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SpellParticle
SpellParticle(Vector3, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SpellParticle
SpellParticle(Vector3, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SpellParticle
SpellParticle(Vector3, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SpellParticle
SpellParticle(Vector3, BlockColor) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SpellParticle
spider_eye - Static variable in class
SPIDER_EYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPIDER_EYE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SPIDER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
splash - Variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
splash(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotion
splash(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPotionLingering
SPLASH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType
SPLASH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
SPLASH_POTION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPLASH_POTION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SplashParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
SplashParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SplashParticle
SPLASHPOTIONSPELL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
split(String, char) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
splitArray(Object[], int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
splitBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
splitIntoOrbSizes(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
Splits the specified amount of XP into an array of acceptable XP orb sizes.
splitOn(String, char) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
SPONGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPONGE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPONGE_ABSORB_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SPONGE_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
SpongeType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
SPORE_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPORE_BLOSSOM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPORE_BLOSSOM_AMBIENT_BLOCK_ACTOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SPORE_BLOSSOM_SHOWER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SporeParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
SporeParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.SporeParticle
SPREAD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause
SPREAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold
SPREAD_SCULK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
SpreadPlayersCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SpreadPlayersCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SpreadPlayersCommand
SPRINT_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
SPRINTING - Enum constant in enum class
SPRUCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
SPRUCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
SPRUCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPlanks
SPRUCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSapling
SPRUCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWood
SPRUCE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
SPRUCE_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPRUCE_CHEST_BOAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_CHEST_BOAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SPRUCE_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SPRUCE_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPRUCE_DOOR_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPRUCE_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SPRUCE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPRUCE_STANDING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_STANDING_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPRUCE_WALL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPRUCE_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPRUCE_WOOD_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SPRUCE_WOODEN_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SpruceBigTreePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree
SpruceBigTreePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SpruceBigTreePopulator
SpruceMegaTreePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree
SpruceMegaTreePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SpruceMegaTreePopulator
SPYGLASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SPYGLASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
sqrt(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.math.MathHelper
SQRT_3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
SQRT_3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
SQRT_3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorSimplexD
SQRT_3 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorSimplexF
SQRT_5 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.SimplexD
SQRT_5 - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.SimplexF
square(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
SQUARE_WAVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
SQUID_FLEE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SQUID_INK_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SQUID_INK_CLOUD - Static variable in class
SQUID_MOVE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SQUID_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STABILITY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
STABILITY_CHECK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
STABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Usage
Intended for features that was tested, documented and is preferred in production use.
stack(AsyncTask) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncWorker
stackNetworkId - Variable in class
STAGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
STAINED_GLASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STAINED_GLASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STAINED_GLASS_PANE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STAINED_GLASS_PANE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STAINED_HARDENED_CLAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STAINED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STAIRS_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
StairsDown(int, NukkitRandom, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StairsDown
StairsDown(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StairsDown
StairsDown(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StairsDown
StairsRoom(int, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StairsRoom
StairsRoom(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StairsRoom
STALK_THICKNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
standable(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
standable(Vector3, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
standardBlocks - Variable in class
STANDING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AttachmentType
STANDING_BANNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STANDING_BANNER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STANDING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STAR_SHAPED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion.ExplosionType
start - Variable in class
start() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSJob
start() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSWorker
start() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
start() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsExport
START - Enum constant in enum class
START_COMBINE - Enum constant in enum class
START_DESTROY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
START_GAME_PACKET - Static variable in interface
START_GLIDING - Enum constant in enum class
START_GLIDING - Enum constant in enum class
START_ITEM_USE_ON - Enum constant in enum class
START_JUMP - Enum constant in enum class
START_JUMPING - Enum constant in enum class
START_REACTION - Enum constant in enum class
START_SLEEPING - Enum constant in enum class
START_SNEAKING - Enum constant in enum class
START_SNEAKING - Enum constant in enum class
START_SPIN_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class
START_SPRINTING - Enum constant in enum class
START_SPRINTING - Enum constant in enum class
START_SWIMMING - Enum constant in enum class
START_SWIMMING - Enum constant in enum class
START_SWIMMING - Static variable in class
START_TIME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
startAction - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
startAction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
startAirTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
StartArgUtils - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
StartBrewEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.inventory
StartBrewEvent(BlockEntityBrewingStand) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.StartBrewEvent
startFishing(Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
Start fishing
StartGamePacket - Class in
StartGamePacket() - Constructor for class
StartGamePacket_v575 - Class in
StartGamePacket_v575() - Constructor for class
startNow(Server) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.metrics.NukkitMetrics
Setup the nukkit metrics and starts it if it hadn't started yet.
StartPiece(ChunkManager, int, NukkitRandom, int, int, List<VillagePieces.PieceWeight>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StartPiece
StartPiece(NukkitRandom, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece
StartPiece(NukkitRandom, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StartPiece
StartPiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.netherfortress.structure.NetherBridgePieces.StartPiece
StartPiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StartPiece
startRouteUpdateTick(int) - Method in class
startScrolling() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
startTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
startTiming() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.EmptyTiming
startTiming() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.FullServerTickTiming
startTiming() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.Timing
startTracking(Player, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
STARTUP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoadOrder
Indicates that the plugin will be loaded at startup.
state - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
state - Variable in class
state - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo
state - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.CallbackableChunkGenerationTask
state - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.CallbackableGenerationTask
state - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.GenerationTask
STATE - Variable in class
This ThreadLocal avoids the recycling of a lot of memory, causing lumpy performance.
STATE_CLIENT_READY_TO_SPAWN - Static variable in class
STATE_READY_TO_SPAWN - Static variable in class
STATE_SEARCHING_FOR_SPAWN - Static variable in class
stateFor(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.SimplePalette
staticLineId - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.ScoreboardLine
STATISTICS - Static variable in class
status - Variable in class
status - Variable in class
STATUS_COMPLETED - Static variable in class
STATUS_END_CREDITS - Static variable in class
STATUS_HAVE_ALL_PACKS - Static variable in class
STATUS_REFUSED - Static variable in class
STATUS_SEND_PACKS - Static variable in class
STATUS_START_CREDITS - Static variable in class
StatusCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
StatusCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.StatusCommand
StatusCommand.ComputerSystemEntry - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
stayTime - Variable in class
steak - Static variable in class
STEAK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
STEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
StemStrippedUpdater - Class in cn.nukkit.level.format.updater
StemStrippedUpdater(ChunkSection) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.StemStrippedUpdater
STEP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
STEP_AMETHYST_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_AMETHYST_CLUSTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_ANCIENT_DEBRIS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_AZALEA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_AZALEA_LEAVES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_BONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_CALCITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_CAVE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_CLOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_CORAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_FROG_SPAWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_FROGLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_GRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_GRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_HANGING_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_HONEY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_LADDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_MOSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_NETHER_GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_NETHER_SPROUTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_NETHER_WART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_NETHER_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_NETHERITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_NETHERRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_NYLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_POWDER_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SCULK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SCULK_CATALYST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SCULK_SHRIEKER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SCULK_VEIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SHROOMLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SLIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SOUL_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SOUL_SOIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_SPORE_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_TUFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STEP_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
STICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STICK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
STICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
STICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAzalea
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCactus
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusFlower
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChorusPlant
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowable
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLadder
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLodestone
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMelon
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
sticksToPiston() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesNether
sticky - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
sticky - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
STICKY_PISTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STICKY_PISTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STICKY_PISTON_ARM_COLLISION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STILL_LAVA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STILL_WATER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.MonsterEggStoneType
STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
STONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
STONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone4
STONE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
STONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
STONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone4
STONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorGroundCover
STONE_AXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_AXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
STONE_BEACH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
STONE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
STONE_BLOCK_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_BLOCK_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_BLOCK_SLAB2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_BLOCK_SLAB2 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_BLOCK_SLAB3 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_BLOCK_SLAB3 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_BLOCK_SLAB4 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_BLOCK_SLAB4 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
STONE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.MonsterEggStoneType
STONE_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
STONE_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
STONE_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
STONE_BRICK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMonsterEgg
STONE_BRICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
STONE_BRICK_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_BRICK_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBricksStone
STONE_BRICKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_BRICKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
STONE_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_CRAFTING_MATERIALS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
STONE_HOE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_HOE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
STONE_PICKAXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_PICKAXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_SHOVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_SHOVEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
STONE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_SLAB3 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_SLAB4 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONE_SWORD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONE_SWORD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
STONE_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
STONE_TOOL_MATERIALS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
STONE_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStone
STONE_WALL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
StoneBeachBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills
StoneBeachBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.extremehills.StoneBeachBiome
STONEBRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONEBRICK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
StoneBrickType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
STONECUTTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
STONECUTTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
STONECUTTER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONECUTTER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STONECUTTER_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STONECUTTER_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
StonecutterInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
StonecutterInventory(PlayerUIInventory, Position) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterInventory
StonecutterRecipe - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
StonecutterRecipe(Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
StonecutterRecipe(String, int, Item, Item) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
stonecutterRecipes - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CraftingManager
StoneSlab1Type - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
StoneSlab2Type - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
StoneSlab3Type - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
StoneSlab4Type - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
StoneType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
stop() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityJukebox
stop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
stop(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
STOP - Enum constant in enum class
STOP - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_DESTROY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_GLIDING - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_GLIDING - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_ITEM_USE_ON - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_SLEEPING - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_SNEAKING - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_SNEAKING - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_SOUND_PACKET - Static variable in interface
STOP_SPIN_ATTACK - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_SPRINTING - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_SPRINTING - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_SWIMMING - Enum constant in enum class
STOP_SWIMMING - Enum constant in enum class
stopAction() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
stopAll - Variable in class
StopCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
StopCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.StopCommand
stopExpression(String) - Method in class
stopExpressionVersion(int) - Method in class
stopFishing(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
Stop fishing
stopScrolling() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.ScrollingTextDialog
stopServer() - Static method in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
stopSleep() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
StopSoundCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
StopSoundCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.StopSoundCommand
StopSoundPacket - Class in
StopSoundPacket() - Constructor for class
stopTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
stopTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
stopTiming() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.EmptyTiming
stopTiming() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.FullServerTickTiming
stopTiming() - Method in class co.aikar.timings.Timing
stopTracking(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
stopTracking(Player, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTrackingService
storage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
storage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
store - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadStore
storedXP - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityFurnace
str - Variable in class
straight(BlockFace) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
Straight(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Straight
Straight(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Straight
STRAIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation.State
STRAIGHT_EAST_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
STRAIGHT_NORTH_SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
straightOrCurved(BlockFace, BlockFace) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
StraightRoad(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
StraightRoad(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
StraightStairsDown(int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StraightStairsDown
StraightStairsDown(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.StraightStairsDown
STRAY_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
stream() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.AtomicIntIncrementSupplier
stream() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.IntIncrementSupplier
STREAM_STORAGE_VERSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
streamCollidingEntities(AxisAlignedBB, Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
STRENGTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier
Additional damage caused by damager's Strength potion effect
STRENGTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
STRENGTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
STRENGTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
STRENGTH_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
STRENGTH_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
STRENGTH_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
STRENGTH_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
STRIDER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIKETHROUGH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Makes a line appear through the text.
STRING - Enum constant in enum class
STRING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
STRING - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
STRING_IDENTIFIED_ITEM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
string2Legacy(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.BiomeLegacyId2StringIdMap
StringEntityData - Class in
StringEntityData(int, String) - Constructor for class
stringFromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
stringFromBytes(byte[], Charset) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
StringItem - Interface in cn.nukkit.item
StringItemBase - Class in cn.nukkit.item
StringItemBase(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.StringItemBase
StringItemUnknown - Class in cn.nukkit.item
StringItemUnknown(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.item.StringItemUnknown
StringMemoryCodec - Class in
StringMemoryCodec(String) - Constructor for class
StringNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
StringNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.StringNode
StringTag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
StringTag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
StringTag(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
StringUtils - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
STRIPPED_ACACIA_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_ACACIA_LOG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_BIRCH_LOG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodBark
STRIPPED_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWoodMangrove
STRIPPED_CRIMSON_HYPHAE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_CRIMSON_HYPHAE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_CRIMSON_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_CRIMSON_STEM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_DARK_OAK_LOG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_JUNGLE_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_JUNGLE_LOG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_MANGROVE_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_MANGROVE_LOG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_MANGROVE_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_MANGROVE_WOOD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_OAK_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_OAK_LOG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_SPRUCE_LOG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_SPRUCE_LOG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_WARPED_HYPHAE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_WARPED_HYPHAE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRIPPED_WARPED_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRIPPED_WARPED_STEM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
StrongholdCorridorChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.loot
StrongholdCrossingChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.loot
StrongholdLibraryChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.loot
StrongholdPieces - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces
StrongholdPieces.ChestCorridor - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.FillerCorridor - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.FiveCrossing - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.LeftTurn - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.Library - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.PortalRoom - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.PrisonHall - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.RightTurn - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.StairsDown - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.StartPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.Straight - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.StraightStairsDown - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
StrongholdPieces.Turn - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure
strongholdPos - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold
StrongholdStart(ChunkManager, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold.StrongholdStart
StructBlockInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
StructBlockInventory(BlockEntityStructBlock) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.StructBlockInventory
STRUCTURE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRUCTURE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRUCTURE_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
STRUCTURE_BLOCK_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructure
STRUCTURE_BLOCK_UPDATE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
STRUCTURE_EDITOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
STRUCTURE_LOCATION_BEACHED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
STRUCTURE_LOCATION_OCEAN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
STRUCTURE_POPULATORS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.type.PopulatorStructure
STRUCTURE_VOID - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
STRUCTURE_VOID - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
STRUCTURE_VOID_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStructureVoid
StructureAnimationMode - Enum Class in
StructureBlockInfo(BlockVector3, BlockEntry, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo
StructureBlockType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
StructureBlockUpdatePacket - Class in
StructureBlockUpdatePacket() - Constructor for class
StructureBoundingBox - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math
StructureBoundingBox(BlockVector3, BlockVector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.StructureBoundingBox
StructureEditorData - Class in
StructureEditorData(String, String, boolean, boolean, StructureBlockType, StructureSettings, StructureRedstoneSaveMode) - Constructor for class
StructureEntityInfo(Vector3, BlockVector3, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureEntityInfo
StructureGrowEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
StructureGrowEvent(Block, List<Block>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.StructureGrowEvent
StructureMirror - Enum Class in
StructurePiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure
StructurePiece(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
StructurePiece(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructurePiece
StructurePiece.BlockSelector - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure
StructurePlaceSettings - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
StructurePlaceSettings() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.StructurePlaceSettings
structurePopulators - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
StructureRedstoneSaveMode - Enum Class in
StructureRotation - Enum Class in
StructureSettings - Class in
StructureSettings(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, BlockVector3, BlockVector3, long, StructureRotation, StructureMirror, StructureAnimationMode, float, float, int, Vector3f) - Constructor for class
StructureStart - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure
StructureStart(ChunkManager, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.structure.StructureStart
StructureTemplate - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template
StructureVoidType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
Determines which void mode to draw for structure blocks.
STUNNED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
SUB_CHUNK_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SUB_CHUNK_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
SUB_CLIENT_LOGIN_PACKET - Static variable in interface
subBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
subBytes(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
subChunkCount - Variable in class
subChunkLimit - Variable in class
SubClientLoginPacket - Class in
SubClientLoginPacket() - Constructor for class
submit(RouteFindingManager.RouteFindingTask) - Method in class
subscribeToDefaultPerms(boolean, Permissible) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
subscribeToPermission(String, Permissible) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
subtract() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
subtract() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
subtract() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
subtract() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
subtract() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
subtract() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
subtract(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
subtract(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
subtract(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
subtract(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
subtract(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
subtract(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
subtract(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
subtract(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
subtract(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
subtract(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
subtract(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
subtract(double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
subtract(double, double, double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
subtract(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
subtract(float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
subtract(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
subtract(float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
subtract(float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
subtract(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
subtract(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
subtract(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
subtract(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
subtract(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
subtract(BlockVector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
subtract(ChunkVector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
subtract(Vector2) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
subtract(Vector2f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
subtract(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
subtract(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
subtract(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
subtract(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
subtract(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
subtract(Vector3f) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
SUBTRACT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator.Mode
success - Variable in class cn.nukkit.dispenser.DefaultDispenseBehavior
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent.LoginResult
successCount - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
successCount - Variable in class
successCount(int) - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
successor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
SUFFOCATION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by being put in a block
SUGAR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SUGAR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SUGAR_CANE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SUGAR_CANE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SUGAR_CANES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SUGARCANE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SUGARCANE_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SUICIDE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Player commits suicide
SUMMON_AGENT - Static variable in class
summonable(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition.Builder
SummonCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
SummonCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.SummonCommand
SUNFLOWER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType
SUNFLOWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
SUNFLOWER_PLAINS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
SunflowerPlainsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.plains
SunflowerPlainsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.plains.SunflowerPlainsBiome
SUNSET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
superAsmTypes() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
superDelegateName() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
Returns the value of the superDelegateName record component.
superTypes() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
Returns the value of the superTypes record component.
supportable(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFrogSpawn
supported - Variable in class
SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface
SUPPRESS_ENUM_AUTOCOMPLETION - Enum constant in enum class
SURVIVAL - Enum constant in enum class
SURVIVAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
SURVIVAL_SLOTS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
SURVIVAL_VIEWER - Enum constant in enum class
SUSPENDED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
SUSPICIOUS_STEW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SUSPICIOUS_STEW - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
suspicious_stew_blindness - Static variable in class
suspicious_stew_fire_resistance - Static variable in class
suspicious_stew_jump - Static variable in class
suspicious_stew_night_vision - Static variable in class
suspicious_stew_poison - Static variable in class
suspicious_stew_regeneration - Static variable in class
suspicious_stew_saturation - Static variable in class
suspicious_stew_weakness - Static variable in class
suspicious_stew_wither - Static variable in class
sv_SE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
SWAMP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
SwampBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.swamp
SwampBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.swamp.SwampBiome
SwampHut - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut.structure
SwampHut(BlockVector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.swamphut.structure.SwampHut
SWAMPLAND_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
SwamplandMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.swamp
SwamplandMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.swamp.SwamplandMBiome
SwampTreePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree
SwampTreePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SwampTreePopulator
SwampTreePopulator(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.tree.SwampTreePopulator
SWAP_PAGES - Enum constant in enum class
swapPages(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritable
Switches the text of two pages with each other.
sweet_berries - Static variable in class
SWEET_BERRIES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SWEET_BERRIES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
SWEET_BERRY_BUSH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
SWEET_BERRY_BUSH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
SWIFTNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
SWIM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
SwimmingPosEvaluator - Class in
SwimmingPosEvaluator() - Constructor for class
SWING_ARM - Enum constant in enum class
switchLevel(Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
switchLevel(Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
switchTo(SNBTConstants.LexicalState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTLexer
Switch to specified lexical state.
SWORD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
SYNC - Enum constant in enum class
SYNC_ENTITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface
SYNC_ENTITY_PROPERTY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
syncChunkLoadBlockEntitiesTimer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
syncChunkLoadDataTimer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
syncChunkLoadEntitiesTimer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
syncChunkLoadTimer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
syncChunkSendPrepareTimer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
syncChunkSendTimer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
syncedProperties - Variable in class
syncedProperties - Variable in class
syncedProperties - Variable in class
SyncEntityPropertyPacket - Class in
SyncEntityPropertyPacket() - Constructor for class
synchronizeCover - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
SYRINGA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType


tableName() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the tableName record component.
TADPOLE_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TADPOLE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
tag - Variable in class
tag - Variable in class
tag - Variable in class
tag - Variable in class
tag(String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.SimpleBuilder
Tag - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
Tag - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.tag
Tag() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Tag
Tag(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_ANIMATION_MODE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_ANIMATION_SECONDS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_AUTO - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_BACK_TEXT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_Byte - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_Byte_Array - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_COMMAND - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_Compound - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_CONDITION_MET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_CONDITIONAL_MODE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_DATA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_DATA_FIELD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_Double - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_End - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_EXECUTE_ON_FIRST_TICK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_Float - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_FRONT_TEXT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_GLOWING_TEXT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_IGNORE_ENTITIES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_INCLUDE_PLAYERS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_Int - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_Int_Array - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_INTEGRITY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_IS_POWERED - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_LAST_EXECUTION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_LAST_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_LAST_OUTPUT_PARAMS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_LEGACY_BUG_RESOLVE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_List - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_LOCKED_FOR_EDITING_BY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_Long - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_LP_COMMAND_MODE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_LP_CONDIONAL_MODE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_LP_REDSTONE_MODE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_MIRROR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_PERSIST_FORMATTING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_POWERED - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_REDSTONE_SAVEMODE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_REMOVE_BLOCKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_ROTATION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_SEED - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_Short - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_SHOW_BOUNDING_BOX - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_String - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
TAG_STRUCTURE_NAME - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_SUCCESS_COUNT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_TEXT_BLOB - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_TEXT_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_TEXT_LINE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_TICK_DELAY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_TRACK_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_VERSION - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TAG_WAXED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
TAG_X_STRUCTURE_OFFSET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_X_STRUCTURE_SIZE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_Y_STRUCTURE_OFFSET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_Y_STRUCTURE_SIZE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_Z_STRUCTURE_OFFSET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TAG_Z_STRUCTURE_SIZE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.IStructBlock
TagCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TagCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TagCommand
tags - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
TAIGA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
TAIGA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.Type
TAIGA_HILLS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
TAIGA_M - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
TaigaBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
TaigaBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.TaigaBiome
TaigaHillsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
TaigaHillsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.TaigaHillsBiome
TaigaMBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga
TaigaMBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.taiga.TaigaMBiome
TAKE_ITEM_ENTITY_PACKET - Static variable in interface
TakeItemEntityPacket - Class in
TakeItemEntityPacket() - Constructor for class
TakeLevelAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
TakeLevelAction(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TakeLevelAction
TALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallConnectionType
TALL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.TallGrassType
TALL_GRASS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
TALL_GRASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TALL_GRASS_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTallGrass
TALLGRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TallGrassType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
TAME_FAIL - Static variable in class
TAME_SUCCESS - Static variable in class
target - Variable in class
target - Variable in class
target - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerGlassBottleFillEvent
target - Variable in class
target - Variable in class
target - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
TARGET - Enum constant in enum class
TARGET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TARGET - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TARGET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
TARGET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
TARGET_OBJECTIVES - Static variable in interface
targetItem - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
TargetNode<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
TargetNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.TargetNode
targets - Variable in class
targets - Variable in class
Task - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
A class that describes a task.
Task() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.Task
TaskHandler - Class in cn.nukkit.scheduler
TaskHandler(Plugin, Runnable, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
TEASER - Enum constant in enum class
teleport - Variable in class
teleport() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDragonEgg
teleport(Location) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
teleport(Location, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
teleport(Location, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
teleport(Position) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
teleport(Position, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
teleport(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
teleport(Vector3, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
TELEPORT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
TELEPORT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
TELEPORT - Enum constant in enum class
TELEPORT - Static variable in class
TeleportationCause - Enum Class in
TeleportCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TeleportCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TeleportCommand
teleportCooldown - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
teleportEntity(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityEndGateway
teleportImmediate(Location) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
teleportImmediate(Location, PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
teleportPosition - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
TellCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TellCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TellCommand
TellrawCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TellrawCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TellrawCommand
temporalVector - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
TERMINATING_CONNECTION - Enum constant in enum class
terra - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TerracottaColor - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
TerraGenerator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.terra

Terra generator platform implementation class
Please note that we usually do not use this class directly but use TerraGeneratorWrapper
Each of its instances will hold an identical instance of TerraGenerator
The reason for this is because the bottom layer of nk will create a new generator instance for each thread to generate blocks in parallel, and Terra itself is parallel
TerraGenerator(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
TerraGenerator(ConfigPack, BlockState, Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
TerraGenerator(Map<String, Object>, Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.terra.TerraGenerator
TerraGeneratorWrapper - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator

Terra generator wrapper class for nk bottom layer
The specific reasons for this are detailed in TerraGenerator
TerraGeneratorWrapper(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TerraGeneratorWrapper
terrainGenerated - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
TerrainParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
TerrainParticle(Vector3, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.TerrainParticle
terrainPopulated - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
test(BlockFace) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
test(BlockFace) - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Plane
TEST - Enum constant in enum class
TEST - Enum constant in enum class
TestCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TestCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestCommand
TestCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestCommand
TestCommand(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestCommand
TestCommand(String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestCommand
TestFeature - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature
TestFeature() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.TestFeature
TestForBlockCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TestForBlockCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForBlockCommand
TestForBlocksCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TestForBlocksCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForBlocksCommand
TestForBlocksCommand.TestForBlocksMode - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TestForCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TestForCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForCommand
testPermission(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
testPermissionSilent(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
testPermissionSilent(CommandSender) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TeleportCommand
text - Variable in class cn.nukkit.lang.TextContainer
text - Variable in class
text - Variable in class
text - Variable in class
text(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar.Builder
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component.ComponentType
TEXT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
TextContainer - Class in cn.nukkit.lang
文本容器 通过TextContainer.text存放文本内容
TextContainer(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.TextContainer
TextFormat - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils
All supported formatting values for chat and console.
TextPacket - Class in
TextPacket() - Constructor for class
TEXTURE_UPDATE - Static variable in class
thaw() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable
thaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
THAWING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable.FreezeStatus
THE_END - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
THE_END - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
TheEnd - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator
TheEnd() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
TheEnd(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.TheEnd
TheEndBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.end
TheEndBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.end.TheEndBiome
then(Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager.JPromise
then(Value, Value) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager.JPromise
then(Value, Value) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager.Thenable
THICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.BambooStalkThickness
THICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
THICK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
THIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.BambooStalkThickness
THORNS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by thorns
THREAD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet.Cleaner
ThreadCache - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
ThreadCache() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadCache
ThreadedLogger - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
ThreadedLogger() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadedLogger
ThreadStore - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
ThreadStore() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ThreadStore
thrower - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityItem
ThunderChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
ThunderChangeEvent(Level, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.ThunderChangeEvent
tick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
tick(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.BlockUpdateScheduler
TICK_SYNC_PACKET - Static variable in interface
tickArrayMap - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
tickBlockEntityTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
TickCachedBlockIterator - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
TickCachedBlockIterator(Level, Vector3, Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.TickCachedBlockIterator
TickCachedBlockIterator(Level, Vector3, Vector3, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.TickCachedBlockIterator
TickCachedBlockIterator(Level, Vector3, Vector3, double, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.TickCachedBlockIterator
TickCachedBlockStore - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.util
TickCachedBlockStore.CachedBlockComputer - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.util
tickChunks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.LevelTimings
tickDelay - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
tickDelay - Variable in class
tickEntityTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
TICKING_AREAS_LOAD_STATUS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
TickingArea - Class in cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea
TickingArea(String, String, TickingArea.ChunkPos...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea
TickingArea.ChunkPos - Class in cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea
TickingAreaCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TickingAreaCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TickingAreaCommand
TickingAreaManager - Class in cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager
TickingAreaManager(TickingAreaStorage) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.manager.TickingAreaManager
TickingAreasLoadStatusPacket - Class in
TickingAreasLoadStatusPacket() - Constructor for class
TickingAreaStorage - Interface in
tickProcessor() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
tickRate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
tickRate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
tickRate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLava
tickRate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorch
tickRate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
tickRate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
tickRateCounter - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
tickRateOptDelay - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
tickRateTime - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
tickRunningBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
tickRunningBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
tickRunningBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
tickRunningCoreBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
tickRunningCoreBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
tickRunningCoreBehaviors(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
ticksLived - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
tickSpread - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
TickSyncPacket - Class in
TickSyncPacket() - Constructor for class
TIER_CHAIN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
TIER_DIAMOND - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
TIER_DIAMOND - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TIER_GOLD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
TIER_GOLD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TIER_IRON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
TIER_IRON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TIER_LEATHER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
TIER_NETHERITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
TIER_NETHERITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TIER_OTHER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemArmor
TIER_STONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TIER_WOODEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
tierExpRequirement - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
用于控制村民的等级成长所需要的经验 例如[0,10,20,30,40] 村民达到1级所需经验0,2级为10,这里的经验是EntityVillager.tradeExp.
TILE_PISTON_IN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
TILE_PISTON_OUT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
tileEntityTicks - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsHistory
tileId - Variable in class cn.nukkit.block.fake.SingleFakeBlock
tileList - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
tiles - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
TileSyncTask - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.task
TileSyncTask(String, FullChunk, CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.TileSyncTask
TILL - Enum constant in enum class
TILT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf
TILT_DOWN_BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
TILT_UP_BIG_DRIPLEAF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
time - Variable in class
TIME_DAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
TIME_FULL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
TIME_MIDNIGHT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
TIME_NIGHT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
TIME_NOON - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
TIME_SUNRISE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
TIME_SUNSET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
TimeCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TimeCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TimeCommand
timedMemory - Variable in class
timedTicks - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.TimingsHistory
timeout - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSSafeObject
timestamp - Variable in class
timing - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntity
timing - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
timing - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
timing - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.TaskHandler
Timing - Class in co.aikar.timings
timings - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
Timings - Class in co.aikar.timings
Timings() - Constructor for class co.aikar.timings.Timings
TimingsCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TimingsCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TimingsCommand
TimingsExport - Class in co.aikar.timings
TimingsHistory - Class in co.aikar.timings
TimingsManager - Class in co.aikar.timings
TimingsManager() - Constructor for class co.aikar.timings.TimingsManager
timingsTickTimer - Static variable in class co.aikar.timings.Timings
TINTED_GLASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TINTED_GLASS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
title - Variable in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
title - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
title - Variable in class
title - Variable in class
title - Variable in class
title - Variable in class
TITLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
TitleCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TitleCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TitleCommand
TitlerawCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TitlerawCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TitlerawCommand
titleTick() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
TMP - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.PositionNode
TNT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TNT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TNT_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
TNT_EXPLODES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
TNT_MINECART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TNT_MINECART - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
TNTDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
TNTDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.TNTDispenseBehavior
toABGR(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
toAbsolutePath(Path) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
toArray() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
toArray(E[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList
toArray(Object...) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil
TOAST_REQUEST_PACKET - Static variable in interface
ToastRequestPacket - Class in
ToastRequestPacket() - Constructor for class
toBeRemovedAt() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.DeprecationDetails
When the annotated element will be removed or have it's signature changed.
toBinary() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
toBinary() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
toBuffer() - Method in class
toByte(Object) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
toByteArray() - Method in class
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandle
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBlack
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBlue
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleBrown
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCyan
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleGray
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleGreen
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLightBlue
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLightGray
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleLime
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleMagenta
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleOrange
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandlePink
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandlePurple
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleRed
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleWhite
toCakeForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleYellow
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlack
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBlue
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeBrown
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeCyan
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGray
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeGreen
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightBlue
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLightGray
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeLime
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeMagenta
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeOrange
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePink
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakePurple
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeRed
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeWhite
toCandleForm() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCakeYellow
toCompoundTag() - Method in record class
toCompoundTag() - Method in class
toCompoundTag() - Method in record class
toCompoundTag() - Method in class
toCompoundTag() - Method in class
toCompoundTag() - Method in interface
toCompoundTag() - Method in record class
toCompoundTag() - Method in record class
toCompoundTag() - Method in record class
toCustomBlock() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
Plugins do not need @Override
toCustomBlock(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
Plugins do not need @Override
toDouble(Object) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
toEntityUniquieId - Variable in class
toFastBinary() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Chunk
toFastBinary() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
toFastBinary() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
toFloat(Object) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
toggle(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoor
toggle(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFenceGate
toggle(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
TOGGLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
toggleBooleanProperty(BlockProperty<Boolean>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
toggleBooleanProperty(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockstate.IMutableBlockState
toInt(Object) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
toInt(Object) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
ToIntTriFunctionOneInt<F,S> - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.functional
Represents a function that accepts three arguments where the last is int and produces an int result.
ToIntTriFunctionTwoInts<F> - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.functional
Represents a function that accepts three arguments where the last two are int and produces an int result.
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaSignPost
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockAcaciaWallSign
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBamboo
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBambooSapling
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBanner
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBarrel
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBed
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBedrockInvisible
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeehive
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBeetroot
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchSignPost
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBirchWallSign
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBlastFurnaceBurning
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBrewingStand
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBubbleColumn
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockButton
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCake
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfire
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCampfireSoul
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCandleCake
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCarrot
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCauldron
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChain
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCommandBlock
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockComposter
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFan
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoralFanHang
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonSignPost
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCrimsonWallSign
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCropsStem
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakSignPost
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDarkOakWallSign
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetectorInverted
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorAcacia
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorBirch
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorCrimson
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorDarkOak
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorIron
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorJungle
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorMangrove
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorSpruce
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWarped
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoorWood
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabBase
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEnderChest
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndGateway
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortal
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockEndRod
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFarmland
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFire
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlowerPot
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFurnaceBurning
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHopper
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIceFrosted
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockIronBars
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrame
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockItemFrameGlow
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJukebox
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleSignPost
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockJungleWallSign
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockKelp
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLight
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLoom
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveSignPost
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockMangroveWallSign
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherPortal
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherSprout
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNetherWart
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockObsidianGlowing
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneDeepslateGlowing
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockOreRedstoneGlowing
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonHead
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPotato
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPumpkin
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPurpur
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockQuartz
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedSandstone
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneLampLit
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneRepeater
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneTorchUnlit
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneWire
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockScaffolding
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeagrass
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSeaPickle
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSignPost
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSkull
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabWarped
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSmokerBurning
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSnowLayer
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceSignPost
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSpruceWallSign
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStonecutterBlock
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSugarcane
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSweetBerryBush
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWire
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTripWireHook
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTurtleEgg
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUndyedShulkerBox
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVine
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedSignPost
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWarpedWallSign
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWaterLily
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWheat
toItem() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlock
toItem() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.block.IBlockOreRedstoneGlowing
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ComplexAliasDescriptor
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DefaultDescriptor
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.InvalidDescriptor
toItem() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptor
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
toItem() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
Token - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt
Token() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
Token(SNBTConstants.TokenType, SNBTLexer, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
Token(SNBTConstants.TokenType, String, SNBTLexer) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
token_source - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
Generated Lexer.
toLong(Object) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
ToLongTriFunctionOneIntOneLong<F> - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.functional
Represents a function that accepts three arguments mixing F, int and long and produces a long result.
ToLongTriFunctionOneLong<F,S> - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.functional
Represents a function that accepts three arguments where the last is long and produces a long result.
toNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
toNBT() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
toNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
toNetworkInfo() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboardLine
内部方法 转换到network信息
toNetworkInfo(IScoreboard, IScoreboardLine) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.EntityScorer
toNetworkInfo(IScoreboard, IScoreboardLine) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.FakeScorer
toNetworkInfo(IScoreboard, IScoreboardLine) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.IScorer
内部方法 转换到network信息
toNetworkInfo(IScoreboard, IScoreboardLine) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scorer.PlayerScorer
toNewProtocolID(byte) - Static method in interface
toObject(Object) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil
toolBlocks - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition.ToolBuilder
toolBuilder(ItemCustomTool, ItemCreativeCategory) - Static method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
TOP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
TOP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.TorchFacingDirection
TOP_HALF_BITMASK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoublePlant
TOP_SLOT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlab
toRaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BiomePalette
toRaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
toRaw() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray4096
toRaw(int[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray256
toRawSlow() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.palette.BitArray4096
toRawText() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText
TORCH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TORCH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TORCH_FACING_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch
TorchFacingDirection - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state
toRealPath(Path, LinkOption...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.ESMFileSystem
toRGB(byte, byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
toRuntime(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping
from legacy item id and meta value to get runtimeId
toSectionY(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseChunk
toShort(Object) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.NumberConversions
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.EndTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
toSNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.EndTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
toSNBT(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
toString() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeehive.Occupant
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRegistry.MappingEntry
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockStateRepair
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.CapturingCommandSender
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Scores.ScoreCondition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.command.utils.CommandLogger
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Attribute
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.entity.custom.CustomEntityDefinition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.PlayerTypingAnvilInventoryEvent
toString() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MixRecipe
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.MultiRecipe
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ComplexAliasDescriptor
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DefaultDescriptor
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.DeferredDescriptor
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.InvalidDescriptor
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemTagDescriptor
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.MolangDescriptor
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingRecipe
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.StonecutterRecipe
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTakeResultExperienceAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CraftingTransferMaterialAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DamageAnvilAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.DropItemAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.EnchantingAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.InventoryAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.RepairItemAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.SlotChangeAction
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TakeLevelAction
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.customitem.CustomItemDefinition
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.LegacyEntry
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItemMapping.RuntimeEntry
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.item.RuntimeItems.MappingEntry
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.TextContainer
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionData
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.BlockState
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureBlockInfo
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.AbstractLegacyStructureTemplate.StructureEntityInfo
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.template.BlockEntry
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Position
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBiomeDelegate
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockStateDelegate
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXBlockType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEnchantmentDelegate
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntityType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemDelegate
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemMeta
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXItemStack
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoChunk
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXProtoWorld
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXServerWorld
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.handles.JeBlockState
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationEvent
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
toString() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.AxisDirection
toString() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.ChunkVector2
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.SimpleAxisAlignedBB
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.BaseNode
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Token
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteArrayTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ByteTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.DoubleTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.EndTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.FloatTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntArrayTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.IntTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.LongTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ShortTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.StringTag
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JConstructor
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JMethod
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperField
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperMethod
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
toString() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPieceTint
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
toString() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
toString() - Method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
total - Variable in class
totalPages - Variable in class
totalRunningTime - Variable in class
TOTEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
TOTEM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
TOTEM_MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
TOTEM_OF_UNDYING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
toThunderState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.ThunderChangeEvent
Gets the state of thunder that the world is being set to
TOUCH - Enum constant in enum class
TOUCH - Enum constant in enum class
touchVector - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent
toWeatherState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.level.WeatherChangeEvent
Gets the state of weather that the world is being set to
TpsCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
TpsCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TpsCommand
tr(LangCode, TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
tr(LangCode, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
tr(LangCode, String, Object...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
tr(LangCode, String, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.PluginI18n
tr(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
tr(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
tr(String, Object...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
tr(String, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
tr(String, String[], String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
tr_TR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
trackedObjects - Variable in class
trackOutput - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
TRADE_INPUT1_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
TRADE_INPUT2_UI_SLOT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
TRADE_WINDOW_ID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
村民交易window id
TradeAction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action
TradeAction(Item, Item, int, EntityVillager) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.TradeAction
tradeExp - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
TradeInventory - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory
TradeInventory(EntityVillager) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.TradeInventory
traderUniqueEntityId - Variable in class
tradeTier - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityVillager
tradeTier - Variable in class
TRADING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
tradingTransaction - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
TradingTransaction - Class in cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction
TradingTransaction(Player, List<InventoryAction>) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.TradingTransaction
transactionData - Variable in class
TransactionData - Interface in
transactionType - Variable in class
transfer(InetSocketAddress) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
TRANSFER_ITEM_TO - Enum constant in enum class
TRANSFER_PACKET - Static variable in interface
transferCooldown - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityHopper
transferCooldown - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
TransferPacket - Class in
TransferPacket() - Constructor for class
transformation(Transformation) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.customblock.CustomBlockDefinition.Builder
supports rotation, scaling, and translation.
transformation(Transformation) - Method in class
Transformation - Record Class in
supports rotation, scaling, and translation.
Transformation(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a Transformation record class.
translate(TextContainer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
TRANSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component.ComponentType
TRANSLATE_WITH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component.ComponentType
translateString(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
translateString(String, Object...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
translateString(String, String...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
translateString(String, String[], String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
translateString(String, String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.lang.BaseLang
translation - Variable in class
translation() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the translation record component.
TranslationContainer - Class in cn.nukkit.lang
TranslationContainer(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer
TranslationContainer(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer
TranslationContainer(String, String...) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.lang.TranslationContainer
transparent - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
TRANSPARENT_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
TRAP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an entity spawns as a trap for players approaching
TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TRAPDOOR_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
TRAPDOOR_OPEN_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
TRAPDOOR_TOP_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTrapdoor
TRAPPED_CHEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TRAPPED_CHEST - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TREASURE_BOW - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
TREASURE_ENCHANTED_BOOK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
TREASURE_FISHING_ROD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
TREASURE_HUNT - Static variable in class
TREASURE_NAME_TAG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
TREASURE_NAUTILUS_SHELL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
TREASURE_SADDLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
TREASURES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.randomitem.Fishing
TreeGenerator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree
TreeGenerator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.TreeGenerator
treeHeight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectBirchTree
treeHeight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectNetherTree
treeHeight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.ObjectSpruceTree
trident - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityThrownTrident
TRIDENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
TRIDENT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TRIDENT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
TriFunction<F,S,T,R> - Interface in cn.nukkit.utils.functional
Represents a function that accepts three arguments and produces a result.
trigger() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
trigger(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.blockentity.ICommandBlock
TRIGGERED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDispenser
triggerLavaMixEffects(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
trilinearLerp(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.d.NoiseD
trilinearLerp(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.nukkit.f.NoiseF
trim() - Method in class
TRIM_DATA - Static variable in interface
TrimDataPacket - Class in
TrimDataPacket() - Constructor for class
TrimMaterial - Record Class in
TrimMaterial(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a TrimMaterial record class.
TrimPattern - Record Class in
TrimPattern(String, String) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a TrimPattern record class.
TRIP_WIRE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TRIPWIRE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TRIPWIRE_HOOK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TRIPWIRE_HOOK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TROPICAL_FISH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TROPICAL_FISH_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TROPICAL_FISH_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TRUE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
TRUE - Static variable in record class cn.nukkit.utils.OK
truncate(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
TRUNK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TRUNK2 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
trustedSkin - Variable in class
tryDrop(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
tryEncode() - Method in class
tryGrow(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBuddingAmethyst
tryPair() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockChest
tryParse(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Identifier
tryPlaceFeature(BaseFullChunk, NukkitRandom) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
trySendImage(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemMap
TUFF - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TUFF - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TULIP_ORANGE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
TULIP_PINK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
TULIP_RED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
TULIP_WHITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
Turn(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Turn
Turn(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.Turn
TURN - Enum constant in enum class
TURTLE_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When turtles hatches from turtle eggs
TURTLE_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TURTLE_EGG - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TURTLE_HELMET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TURTLE_MASTER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
TURTLE_MASTER_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
TURTLE_MASTER_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
TURTLE_SHELL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
TURTLE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TurtleEggHatchEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
TurtleEggHatchEvent(BlockTurtleEgg, int, Block) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.TurtleEggHatchEvent
turtleTicks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityLiving
TWISTING_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
TWISTING_VINES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
TWISTING_VINES_AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesTwisting
Increments for every block the twisting vine grows.
TwoRoomHouse(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, BoundingBox, BlockFace) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.TwoRoomHouse
TwoRoomHouse(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.TwoRoomHouse
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
The group of objects that this enchantment can be applied.
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestBiome
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.structure.MineshaftPieces.MineshaftStairs
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.structure.StrongholdPieces.RoomCrossing
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.task.TileSyncTask
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.ListTag
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.PersonaPiece
type - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.SkinAnimation
type() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Parameter
type() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationEvent
Returns the value of the type record component.
type() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the type record component.
type() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.compiler.JSuperField
Returns the value of the type record component.
type(ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion.ExplosionType) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion
Type - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
Type() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Type
TYPE - Enum constant in enum class
TYPE_ACTION_BAR - Static variable in class
TYPE_ACTIONBAR_JSON - Static variable in class
TYPE_ADD - Static variable in class
TYPE_ADDON - Static variable in class
TYPE_ALLIUM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_ANIMATION_TIMES - Static variable in class
TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT - Static variable in class
TYPE_ATTACHMENT_HANGING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
TYPE_ATTACHMENT_HANGING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
TYPE_ATTACHMENT_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
TYPE_ATTACHMENT_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
TYPE_ATTACHMENT_SIDE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
TYPE_ATTACHMENT_SIDE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
TYPE_ATTACHMENT_STANDING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBell
TYPE_ATTACHMENT_STANDING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockGrindstone
TYPE_AUTOMATION_PLAYER - Static variable in class
TYPE_AXE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TYPE_AZURE_BLUET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_BALLOON_GAS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_BEHAVIOR - Static variable in class
TYPE_BIRCH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestBiome
TYPE_BIRCH_TALL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestBiome
TYPE_BLEACH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_BLOCK_FORCE_FIELD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_BLUE_FLAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_BLUE_ORCHID - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_BRAIN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
TYPE_BRUSH_DUST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_BUBBLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
TYPE_BUBBLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_BUBBLE_COLUMN_DOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_BUBBLE_COLUMN_UP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_BUBBLE_MANUAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_CACHED - Static variable in class
TYPE_CAMPFIRE_SMOKE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_CANDLE_FLAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_CARROT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_CHAT - Static variable in class
TYPE_CLEAR - Static variable in class
TYPE_CLIENT_AUTOMATION - Static variable in class
TYPE_COLORED_FLAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_COMMAND_BLOCK - Static variable in class
TYPE_CONDUIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_COPY_PROTECTED - Static variable in class
TYPE_CORNFLOWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_COUNT - Static variable in class
TYPE_CRAFTING - Static variable in class
TYPE_CREATE_ITEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
Player took an item from the creative window.
TYPE_CRITICAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_DEDICATED_SERVER - Static variable in class
TYPE_DELETE_ITEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.transaction.action.CreativeInventoryAction
Player put an item into the creative window to destroy it.
TYPE_DEV_CONSOLE - Static variable in class
TYPE_DRAGONS_BREATH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_DRIP_HONEY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_DRIP_LAVA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_DRIP_WATER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_DUST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_ELECTRIC_SPARK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_ENCHANTMENT_TABLE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_END_ROD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_ENTITY - Static variable in class
TYPE_EVAPORATION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_EXPLODE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_FALLING_DRAGONS_BREATH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_FALLING_DUST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_FALLING_RED_DUST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_FIRE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
TYPE_FIREWORKS_OVERLAY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_FIREWORKS_SPARK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_FIREWORKS_STARTER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_FLAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_FLAT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
TYPE_FOOD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_FURNACE - Static variable in class
TYPE_FURNACE_DATA - Static variable in class
TYPE_GAME_ARGUMENT - Static variable in class
TYPE_HANDS_ONLY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
Same breaking speed independent of the tool.
TYPE_HEALTH_PERCENT - Static variable in class
TYPE_HEART - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_HIDE - Static variable in class
TYPE_HOE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TYPE_HORN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
TYPE_HUGE_EXPLODE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_HUGE_EXPLODE_SEED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_INFINITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
TYPE_INK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_INTERNAL - Static variable in class
TYPE_INVALID - Static variable in class
TYPE_INVENTORY - Static variable in class
TYPE_ITEM_BREAK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_JUKEBOX_POPUP - Static variable in class
TYPE_LARGE_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_LARGE_SMOKE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_LAVA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_MINECART_COMMAND_BLOCK - Static variable in class
TYPE_MISMATCH - Static variable in class
TYPE_MOB_APPEARANCE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_MOB_FLAME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_MOB_PORTAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_MOB_SPELL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_MOB_SPELL_AMBIENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_MOB_SPELL_INSTANTANEOUS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_MULTI - Static variable in class
TYPE_MYCELIUM_DUST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_NETHER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TYPE_NORMAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.forest.ForestBiome
TYPE_NORMAL - Static variable in class
TYPE_NOTE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_OBJECT - Static variable in class
TYPE_OBJECT_WHISPER - Static variable in class
TYPE_OBSIDIAN_TEAR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_OLD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
TYPE_ORANGE_TULIP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_OXEYE_DAISY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_PASSENGER - Static variable in class
TYPE_PASSENGER - Static variable in class
TYPE_PERSONA_PIECE - Static variable in class
TYPE_PICKAXE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TYPE_PINK_TULIP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_PLAYER - Static variable in class
TYPE_PLAYER_SPAWN - Static variable in class
TYPE_POPPY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_POPUP - Static variable in class
TYPE_PORTAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_PORTAL_REVERSE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_QUERY - Static variable in class
TYPE_RAIN_SPLASH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_RAW - Static variable in class
TYPE_RED_TULIP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_REDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_REGISTER_PLAYER - Static variable in class
TYPE_RELEASE_ITEM - Static variable in class
TYPE_REMOVE - Static variable in class
TYPE_REMOVE - Static variable in class
TYPE_REMOVE - Static variable in class
TYPE_RESET - Static variable in class
TYPE_RESOURCE - Static variable in class
TYPE_RIDE - Static variable in class
TYPE_RIDER - Static variable in class
TYPE_RISING_DRAGONS_BREATH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_RISING_RED_DUST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SCULK_SENSOR_REDSTONE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SCULK_SOUL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SHAPED - Static variable in class
TYPE_SHAPELESS - Static variable in class
TYPE_SHEARS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TYPE_SHOVEL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TYPE_SHOW - Static variable in class
TYPE_SHRIEK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SHULKER_BOX - Static variable in class
TYPE_SHULKER_BULLET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SKINS - Static variable in class
TYPE_SLIME - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SMOKE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SNEEZE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SNOWBALL_POOF - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SNOWFLAKE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SONIC_EXPLOSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SOUL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SPARKLER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SPIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SPLASH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SPORE_BLOSSOM_AMBIENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SPORE_BLOSSOM_SHOWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_STALACTITE_DRIP_LAVA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_STALACTITE_DRIP_WATER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SUBTITLE - Static variable in class
TYPE_SUBTITLE_JSON - Static variable in class
TYPE_SUSPENDED_TOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_SWORD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class
TYPE_TALL_CAMPFIRE_SMOKE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_TERRAIN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_TEXTURE - Static variable in class
TYPE_THE_END - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.Generator
TYPE_TIP - Static variable in class
TYPE_TITLE - Static variable in class
TYPE_TITLE - Static variable in class
TYPE_TITLE_JSON - Static variable in class
TYPE_TOTEM - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_TOWN_AURA - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_TRACKING_EMITTER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_TRANSLATION - Static variable in class
TYPE_TUBE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCoral
TYPE_UNKNOWN_6 - Static variable in class
TYPE_UNREGISTER_PLAYER - Static variable in class
TYPE_UPDATE - Static variable in class
TYPE_UPDATE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class
TYPE_USE_ITEM - Static variable in class
TYPE_USE_ITEM_ON_ENTITY - Static variable in class
TYPE_VIBRATION_SIGNAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_VILLAGER_ANGRY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_VILLAGER_HAPPY - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_VIRTUAL - Static variable in class
TYPE_WATER_SPLASH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_WATER_SPLASH_MANUAL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_WATER_WAKE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_WAX - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_WHISPER - Static variable in class
TYPE_WHITE_TULIP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockFlower
TYPE_WITCH_SPELL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.Particle
TYPE_WORKBENCH - Static variable in class
TYPE_WORLD_SPAWN - Static variable in class
TYPE_WORLD_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class
typeOfHit - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.MovingObjectPosition
0 = block, 1 = entity


UI - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
UI - Static variable in interface
UI_CARTOGRAPHY_TABLE_TAKE_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
UI_LOOM_SELECT_PATTERN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
UI_LOOM_TAKE_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
UI_PROFILE_CLASSIC - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
UI_PROFILE_POCKET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.ClientChainData
UI_STONECUTTER_TAKE_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
uk_UA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
UNAFFECTED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.OxidizationLevel
unblockAddress(InetAddress) - Method in interface
unblockAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class
unblockAddress(InetAddress) - Method in class
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.bugreport.ExceptionHandler
UNCOMMON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment.Rarity
UNCURVED_RAIL_DIRECTION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRail
UNDAMAGED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AnvilDamage
UNDEFINED - Enum constant in enum class
UNDERLINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Makes the text appear underlined.
UNDERWATER_TORCH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
UNDERWATER_TORCH_BUBBLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
UNDYED_SHULKER_BOX - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
UNDYED_SHULKER_BOX - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
uniqueEntityId - Variable in class
uniqueEntityId - Variable in class
unitCube(Boolean) - Method in class
UNIVERSAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Definition
Intended for features implemented in all client platforms.
unknown - Variable in class
unknown - Variable in class
unknown - Variable in class
unknown - Variable in class
unknown - Variable in class
unknown - Variable in class
unknown - Variable in class
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent.RingCause
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Type
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockUnknown
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.TorchFacingDirection
UNKNOWN_3 - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN_6 - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN_STR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
unknown1 - Variable in class
unknown2 - Variable in class
unknownBool - Variable in class
UnknownNetworkIdException - Exception in cn.nukkit.item
UnknownNetworkIdException() - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.item.UnknownNetworkIdException
UnknownNetworkIdException(Item) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.item.UnknownNetworkIdException
UnknownNetworkIdException(Item, String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.item.UnknownNetworkIdException
UnknownNetworkIdException(Item, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.item.UnknownNetworkIdException
UnknownNetworkIdException(Item, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.item.UnknownNetworkIdException
UnknownNetworkIdException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.item.UnknownNetworkIdException
UnknownNetworkIdException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.item.UnknownNetworkIdException
UnknownNetworkIdException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.item.UnknownNetworkIdException
UnknownRuntimeIdException - Exception in cn.nukkit.blockproperty
UnknownRuntimeIdException() - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnknownRuntimeIdException
UnknownRuntimeIdException(String) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnknownRuntimeIdException
UnknownRuntimeIdException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnknownRuntimeIdException
UnknownRuntimeIdException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnknownRuntimeIdException
UNLIT_REDSTONE_TORCH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
UNLIT_REDSTONE_TORCH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
unload() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
unload() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
unload() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unload(boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
unload(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
unload(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unload(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.FullChunk
unload(boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseFullChunk
unloadChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
unloadChunk(int, int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
unloadChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unloadChunk(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
unloadChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
unloadChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
unloadChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unloadChunk(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unloadChunk(int, int, Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
unloadChunkRequest(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unloadChunkRequest(int, int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unloadChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
unloadChunks() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
unloadChunks() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unloadChunks(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unloadChunks(int, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unloadLevel(Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
unloadLevel(Level, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
UNLOCKED_RECIPES_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UnlockedRecipesPacket - Class in
UnlockedRecipesPacket() - Constructor for class
unorderedBiomes - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.Biome
unpackBatchedPackets(BatchPacket, CompressionProvider) - Method in class
unpair() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityChest
UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
UNPOWERED_COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
UNPOWERED_REPEATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
UNPOWERED_REPEATER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
unregister(CommandMap) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
unregister(Listener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
unregister(Plugin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
unregister(RegisteredListener) - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
unregisterAll() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
unregisterAll(Listener) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
unregisterAll(Plugin) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.event.HandlerList
unregisterChunkLoader(ChunkLoader, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
unregisterFeature(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSFeatures
unregisterInterface(SourceInterface) - Method in class
unserializeChunk(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
unserializeChunk(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
unsetPermission(Permission, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
unsetPermission(String, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
unsetPermissions(List<String>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.permission.PermissionAttachment
unsignByte(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
Unsigned - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
Indicates that the number may be negative in raw form but must be treated as an unsigned value by considering the sign bit as part of the number.
UnsignedIntBlockProperty - Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty
UnsignedIntBlockProperty(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
UnsignedIntBlockProperty(String, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
UnsignedIntBlockProperty(String, boolean, int, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
UnsignedIntBlockProperty(String, boolean, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
unsignInt(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
unsignShort(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
UNSTABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt
unstack() - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncWorker
unstack(AsyncTask) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.AsyncWorker
unsubscribeFromDefaultPerms(boolean, Permissible) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
unsubscribeFromPermission(String, Permissible) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginManager
UNTRACKED_INTERACTION_UI - Enum constant in enum class
up() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
up() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
up() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
up() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
up(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
up(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
up(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
up(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
up(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
up(Materials.RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class
up(Materials.RenderMethod, String) - Method in class
ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
UP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
UP - Enum constant in enum class
UP - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.FacingDirection
UP_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
UP_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
UP_X - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
UP_Z - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
update - Variable in class
update() - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
update(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
update(int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.BeehiveUpdater
update(int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.DoorUpdater
update(int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.MesaBiomeUpdater
update(int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.NewLeafUpdater
update(int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.SnowLayerUpdater
update(int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockState) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.updater.StemStrippedUpdater
UPDATE - Enum constant in enum class
UPDATE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLeaves
UPDATE_ABILITIES_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_ADVENTURE_SETTINGS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_ATTRIBUTES_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_BLOCK_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_BLOCK_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_BLOCK_SYNCED_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_CLIENT_INPUT_LOCKS - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_EQUIPMENT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_PLAYER_GAME_TYPE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_SOFT_ENUM_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_SUB_CHUNK_BLOCKS_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UPDATE_TRADE_PACKET - Static variable in interface
UpdateAbilitiesPacket - Class in
UpdateAbilitiesPacket() - Constructor for class
updateAdditionalCachedValues() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
updateAdventureSettings() - Method in class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings
UpdateAdventureSettingsPacket - Class in
UpdateAdventureSettingsPacket() - Constructor for class
updateAllAroundRedstone(Position, BlockFace...) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.RedstoneComponent
Send a redstone update to all blocks around the given position and also around the blocks of those updated blocks.
updateAllAroundRedstone(Position, List<BlockFace>) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.RedstoneComponent
Send a redstone update to all blocks around the given position and also around the blocks of those updated blocks.
updateAllAroundRedstone(BlockFace...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.RedstoneComponent
Send a redstone update to all blocks around this block.
updateAllAroundRedstone(List<BlockFace>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.RedstoneComponent
Send a redstone update to all blocks around this block and also around the blocks of those updated blocks.
updateAllLight(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
updateAround(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
updateAround(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
updateAroundObserver(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
updateAroundRedstone(Position, BlockFace...) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.RedstoneComponent
Send a redstone update to all blocks around the given position.
updateAroundRedstone(Position, List<BlockFace>) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.RedstoneComponent
Send a redstone update to all blocks around the given position.
updateAroundRedstone(BlockFace...) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.RedstoneComponent
Send a redstone update to all blocks around this block.
updateAroundRedstone(Vector3, BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
updateAroundRedstone(List<BlockFace>) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.RedstoneComponent
Send a redstone update to all blocks around this block.
updateAroundRedstoneTorches(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPistonBase
UpdateAttributesPacket - Class in
UpdateAttributesPacket() - Constructor for class
updateBlock() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBrewingStand
updateBlockLight(Map<Long, Map<Integer, Object>>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
UpdateBlockPacket - Class in
UpdateBlockPacket() - Constructor for class
UpdateBlockPacket.Entry - Class in
updateBlockSkyLight(int, int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
UpdateBlockSyncedPacket - Class in
UpdateBlockSyncedPacket() - Constructor for class
updateBossBar(String, int, long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
updateBossEntityPosition() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DummyBossBar
Don't let the entity go too far from the player, or the BossBar will disappear.
updateButtonData() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton
updateCachedValues() - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SortedList.Node
UpdateClientInputLocksPacket - Class in
UpdateClientInputLocksPacket() - Constructor for class
updateComparatorOutputLevel(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
updateComparatorOutputLevelSelective(Vector3, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
updateCompoundTag(CompoundTag, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityBeacon
updateCompoundTag(CompoundTag, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySign
updateCompoundTag(CompoundTag, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySpawnable
Called when a player updates a block entity's NBT data for example when writing on a sign.
UPDATED_ENCHANTING_SEED - Enum constant in enum class
updateEntities - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
UpdateEquipmentPacket - Class in
UpdateEquipmentPacket() - Constructor for class
updateFallState(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
updateFlags() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the updateFlags record component.
updateFoodExpLevel(double) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
updateLastActiveTime() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
updateLevelName(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseLevelProvider
updateLevelName(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.LevelProvider
updateMotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
updateMotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityArrow
updateMotion() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
updateMove(T, T) - Method in class
updateMoveDirection(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
updateMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
updateMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
updateMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityPhysical
updateMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityCat
updateMovement() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityChicken
updateMovingData(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityPistonArm
updateName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBannerPattern
updateName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSpawnEgg
updateName() - Method in class
updateNextTargetTime() - Method in class
updatePassengerPosition(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
updatePassengerPosition(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
updatePassengers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
updatePassengers() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
updatePassengers(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
updatePickupArea() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityMinecartHopper
UpdatePlayerGameTypePacket - Class in
UpdatePlayerGameTypePacket() - Constructor for class
updatePlayerListData(UUID, long, String, Skin) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
updatePlayerListData(UUID, long, String, Skin, Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
updatePlayerListData(UUID, long, String, Skin, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
updatePlayerListData(UUID, long, String, Skin, String, Player[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
updatePlayerListData(UUID, long, String, Skin, String, Collection<Player>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Server
updatePower() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDaylightDetector
updateResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.AnvilInventory
updateResult() - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.SmithingInventory
updateResult(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.inventory.GrindstoneInventory
updateRotation() - Method in class cn.nukkit.entity.projectile.EntityProjectile
updateRoute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
updateRoute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in class
updateRoute(EntityIntelligent) - Method in interface
updateRouteImmediatelyWhenTargetChange - Variable in class
updateRouteImmediatelyWhenTargetChange - Variable in class
updateSceneName() - Method in class cn.nukkit.dialog.window.FormWindowDialog
updateScore() - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboardLine
内部方法 通知所属计分板对象更新此行信息
updateScore(IScoreboardLine) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
updateScore(IScoreboardLine) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.displayer.IScoreboardViewer
updateScore(IScoreboardLine) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.IScoreboard
updateScore(IScoreboardLine) - Method in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
updateSetting(StructureBlockUpdatePacket) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityStructBlock
updateSoftEnum() - Method in class
updateSoftEnum(UpdateSoftEnumPacket.Type, String...) - Method in class
UpdateSoftEnumPacket - Class in
UpdateSoftEnumPacket() - Constructor for class
UpdateSoftEnumPacket.Type - Enum Class in
updateState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator
updateState() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneDiode
updateState(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRailDetector
updateState(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPressurePlateBase
UpdateSubChunkBlocksPacket - Class in
UpdateSubChunkBlocksPacket(int, int, int) - Constructor for class
updateTrackingPositions() - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
updateTrackingPositions(boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.Player
UpdateTradePacket - Class in
UpdateTradePacket() - Constructor for class
updateType - Variable in class
upload(File) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.HastebinUtility
upload(String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.HastebinUtility
UPPER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.UpperBlockBit
UPPER_BLOCK - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.CommonBlockProperties
UpperBlockBit - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state
UPSIDE_DOWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockStairs
UPSIDEDOWN_BACKHALF - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
UPSIDEDOWN_BACKHALF_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
UPSIDEDOWN_FRONTHALF - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
UPSIDEDOWN_FRONTHALF_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
UPSIDEDOWN_FULL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
UPSIDEDOWN_FULL_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
uri - Variable in class
url - Variable in class
usage() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.API
Indicates the level of stability of an API element.
USAGE - Enum constant in enum class
usageMessage - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.Command
usageMessage() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.Command
use() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSSafeObject
USE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent.DamageCause
USE_ANCIENT_DEBRIS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_BASALT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_BONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_CAVE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_CHAIN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_CLOTH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_CORAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_DEEPSLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_DEEPSLATE_BRICKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_DIRT_WITH_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_DRIPSTONE_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_GRASS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_GRAVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_HANGING_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_HONEY_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_ITEM - Static variable in class
USE_ITEM_ACTION_BREAK_BLOCK - Static variable in class
USE_ITEM_ACTION_CLICK_AIR - Static variable in class
USE_ITEM_ACTION_CLICK_BLOCK - Static variable in class
USE_ITEM_ON_ENTITY_ACTION_ATTACK - Static variable in class
USE_ITEM_ON_ENTITY_ACTION_INTERACT - Static variable in class
USE_LADDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_MOSS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_NETHER_BRICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_NETHER_GOLD_ORE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_NETHER_SPROUTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_NETHER_WART - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_NETHERITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_NETHERRACK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_NYLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_POINTED_DRIPSTONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_SCULK_SENSOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_SHROOMLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_SLIME - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_SNOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_SOUL_SAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_SOUL_SOIL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_SPORE_BLOSSOM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_STONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
USE_WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
useArrow(Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemCrossbow
useBreakOn(Vector3) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
useBreakOn(Vector3, int, BlockFace, Item, Player, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
useBreakOn(Vector3, Item) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
useBreakOn(Vector3, Item, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
useBreakOn(Vector3, Item, Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
useBreakOn(Vector3, BlockFace, Item, Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
useBreakOn(Vector3, BlockFace, Item, Player, boolean, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
UsedByReflection - Annotation Interface in cn.nukkit.api
usedChunks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
useDefaultFallDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
useDefaultFallDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHayBale
useDefaultFallDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockHoney
useDefaultFallDamage() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockPointedDripstone
usedFeatures - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.CommonJSPlugin
useHunger() - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
useHunger(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.PlayerFood
UseItemData - Class in
UseItemData() - Constructor for class
useItemOn(Vector3, Item, BlockFace, float, float, float) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
useItemOn(Vector3, Item, BlockFace, float, float, float, Player) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
useItemOn(Vector3, Item, BlockFace, float, float, float, Player, boolean) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.Level
UseItemOnEntityData - Class in
UseItemOnEntityData() - Constructor for class
useNewRakNetCover - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useNewRakNetCover() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useNewRakNetGround() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useNewRakNetGroundBlock - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useNewRakNetGroundDepth - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useNewRakNetGroundDepth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useNewRakNetSurface - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useNewRakNetSurface() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useNewRakNetSurfaceDepth - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useNewRakNetSurfaceDepth() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.CoveredBiome
useOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
useOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFlintSteel
useOn(Block) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
useOn(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
useOn(Entity) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemTool
USER_AGENT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.HastebinUtility
username - Variable in class
username - Variable in class
username - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
userProvidedId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the userProvidedId record component.
usesChunkSection() - Static method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
usesWaterLogging() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLiquid
usesWaterLogging() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWater
usingEconomyTrade - Variable in class
utcToLocal(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.VersionCommand
Utils - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Utils() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
uuid - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityHuman
uuid - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.EntityIntelligentHuman
uuid - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.FloatingTextParticle
uuid - Variable in class
uuid - Variable in class
uuid - Variable in class
uuid - Variable in class
uuid - Variable in class
uuid - Variable in class


V0 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
V1 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
V16 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
V2 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
V3 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
V4 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
V5 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
V6 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
V8 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
VALID_BEACH_BIOMES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
VALID_BIOMES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft
VALID_BIOMES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
VALID_BIOMES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.stronghold.PopulatorStronghold
VALID_FLAGS - Static variable in class
VALID_STRUCTURE_BLOCKS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityConduit
validate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BigIntegerMutableBlockState
validate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
validate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ByteMutableBlockState
validate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.IntMutableBlockState
validate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.LongMutableBlockState
validate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.MutableBlockState
validate() - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
validate(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.BlockPositionConsumer
validateDirectly(E) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
validateDirectly(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
validateDirectly(Integer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
validateDirectly(T) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
validateMeta(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty
validateMeta(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
validateMeta(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty
validateMeta(long, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
validateMeta(BigInteger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperties.RegisteredBlockProperty
validateMeta(BigInteger, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
validateMetaDirectly(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.ArrayBlockProperty
validateMetaDirectly(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BlockProperty
validateMetaDirectly(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.BooleanBlockProperty
validateMetaDirectly(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.IntBlockProperty
validateMetaDirectly(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.UnsignedIntBlockProperty
Validation - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
value - Variable in class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.ParamNode
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSExternal
value - Variable in class cn.nukkit.timings.JsonUtil.JSONPair
value() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitDifference.DifferenceList
value() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitOnly
value() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXDifference.DifferenceList
value() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.PowerNukkitXOnly
value() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.api.Since
The version which added the element.
value() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.command.simple.CommandPermission
value() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.FixedMetadataValue
value() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue
value() - Method in class cn.nukkit.metadata.MetadataValue
value() - Element in annotation interface cn.nukkit.utils.SimpleConfig.Path
Value - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
Value() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.Value
Value(GameRules.Type, T) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Value
Value() - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTParserImplement
VALUE - Enum constant in enum class
valueOf(int) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Returns of an instance of Minecart-variants
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Definition
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Usage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallConnectionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AnvilDamage
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AttachmentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.BambooLeafSize
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.BambooStalkThickness
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CauldronLiquid
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.ChiselType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CoralType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CrackState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DirtType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.MonsterEggStoneType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.NetherReactorState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.OxidizationLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.PrismarineBlockType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandStoneType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SeaGrassType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SpongeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneBrickType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureVoidType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.TallGrassType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.StatusCommand.ComputerSystemEntry
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForBlocksCommand.TestForBlocksMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component.ComponentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent.DamageCause
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent.RingCause
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent.PortalType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent.LoginResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent.ActionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent.ActionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage.TYPE
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment.Rarity
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemLockMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion.ExplosionType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionEnum
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Rotation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.AxisDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Plane
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection.Precision
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.LexicalState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoadOrder
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServicePriority
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BossBarColor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable.FreezeStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet.Cleaner
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values - Variable in class
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Definition
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.api.API.Usage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockBigDripleaf.Tilt
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockRedstoneComparator.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallConnectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall.WallType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCauldron.PotionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AnvilDamage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AttachmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.BambooLeafSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.BambooStalkThickness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CauldronLiquid
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.ChiselType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CoralType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CrackState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DirtType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.DoublePlantType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.MonsterEggStoneType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.NetherReactorState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.OxidizationLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.PrismarineBlockType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandStoneType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SandType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SeaGrassType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SpongeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneBrickType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab2Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab3Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab4Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureBlockType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureVoidType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.TallGrassType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.WoodType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.StatusCommand.ComputerSystemEntry
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.TestForBlocksCommand.TestForBlocksMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.selector.SelectorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.command.utils.RawText.Component.ComponentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.dialog.element.ElementDialogButton.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.AnvilDamageEvent.DamageCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BellRingEvent.RingCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockIgniteEvent.BlockIgniteCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.block.ItemFrameUseEvent.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreeperPowerEvent.PowerCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEnterEvent.PortalType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.EventPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.inventory.InventoryMoveItemEvent.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerAsyncPreLoginEvent.LoginResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerKickEvent.Reason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardLineChangeEvent.ActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.event.scoreboard.ScoreboardObjectiveChangeEvent.ActionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.CraftingDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.recipe.ItemDescriptorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.RecipeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.damage.EnchantmentDamage.TYPE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment.Rarity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.Item.ItemLockMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.ItemFirework.FireworkExplosion.ExplosionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.DimensionEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.EnumLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.mineshaft.PopulatorMineshaft.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.Rotation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.util.BitArrayVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.AxisDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Plane
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection.Precision
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.metadata.LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.LexicalState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLoadOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.plugin.service.ServicePriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BannerPattern.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BossBarColor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable.FreezeStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet.Cleaner
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.MinecartType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.OptionalBoolean
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.Rail.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VALUES - Static variable in enum class
VanillaCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
VanillaCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
VanillaCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
VanillaCommand(String, String, String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
VanillaCommand(String, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.VanillaCommand
vanillaVersion - Variable in class
vanillaVersion - Variable in class
variant - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.passive.EntityNPCEntity
VarInt - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Tool class for VarInt or VarLong operations.
varInt0() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the varInt0 record component.
varInt1() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the varInt1 record component.
Vector2 - Class in cn.nukkit.math
Vector2() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
Vector2(double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
Vector2(double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
Vector2f - Class in cn.nukkit.math
Vector2f() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
Vector2f(float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
Vector2f(float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
Vector3 - Class in cn.nukkit.math
Vector3() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Vector3(double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Vector3(double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Vector3(double, double, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
Vector3f - Class in cn.nukkit.math
Vector3f() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Vector3f(float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Vector3f(float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Vector3f(float, float, float) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
Vector3fEntityData - Class in
Vector3fEntityData(int, float, float, float) - Constructor for class
Vector3fEntityData(int, Vector3f) - Constructor for class
Vector3WithRuntimeId - Class in cn.nukkit.level
Vector3WithRuntimeId(double, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.Vector3WithRuntimeId
VectorMath - Class in cn.nukkit.math
VectorMath() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.math.VectorMath
VehicleCreateEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
VehicleCreateEvent(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleCreateEvent
VehicleDamageByEntityEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
Is called when an entity damages a vehicle
VehicleDamageByEntityEvent(EntityVehicle, Entity, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageByEntityEvent
Constructor for the VehicleDamageByEntityEvent
VehicleDamageEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
Is called when an entity takes damage
VehicleDamageEvent(EntityVehicle, double) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDamageEvent
Constructor for the VehicleDamageEvent
VehicleDestroyByEntityEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
Is called when an entity destroyed a vehicle
VehicleDestroyByEntityEvent(Entity, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDestroyByEntityEvent
Constructor for the VehicleDestroyByEntityEvent
VehicleDestroyEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
Is called when an vehicle gets destroyed
VehicleDestroyEvent(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleDestroyEvent
Constructor for the VehicleDestroyEvent
VehicleEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
VehicleEvent(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEvent
VehicleMoveEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
VehicleMoveEvent(Entity, Location, Location) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
vehicleUniqueId - Variable in class
VehicleUpdateEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.vehicle
VehicleUpdateEvent(Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleUpdateEvent
VERDANT_FROGLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
VERDANT_FROGLIGHT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
verified - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
verifyJwt(JWSObject, ECPublicKey) - Static method in class
verifyManifest() - Method in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.AbstractResourcePack
version - Variable in class
version - Variable in class
VERSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.Anvil
VERSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
VERSION - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Nukkit
VersionCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
VersionCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.VersionCommand
versions - Variable in class
VERTICAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Plane
VERY_DAMAGED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.AnvilDamage
VERY_RARE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment.Rarity
VEX_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
VIBRAPHONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
VIBRATION_DAMPER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
VIBRATION_DETECTE - Static variable in class
VIBRATION_DETECTED - Static variable in class
VIBRATION_SIGNAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
VibrationArriveEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
VibrationArriveEvent(VibrationEvent, VibrationListener) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.VibrationArriveEvent
vibrationEvent - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.level.VibrationEvent
VibrationEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
VibrationEvent - Record Class in cn.nukkit.level.vibration
VibrationEvent(VibrationEvent) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.VibrationEvent
VibrationEvent(Object, Vector3, VibrationType) - Constructor for record class cn.nukkit.level.vibration.VibrationEvent
Creates an instance of a VibrationEvent record class.
VibrationListener - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.vibration
VibrationManager - Interface in cn.nukkit.level.vibration
VibrationOccurEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
VibrationOccurEvent(VibrationEvent) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.VibrationOccurEvent
VibrationType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.level.vibration
VIDEO_STREAM_CONNECT_PACKET - Static variable in interface
VideoStreamConnectPacket - Class in
VideoStreamConnectPacket() - Constructor for class
VIEW - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
viewDistance - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
VIEWER - Enum constant in enum class
viewers - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntityCommandBlock
viewers - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.BaseInventory
viewers - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.CommandBlockInventory
viewers - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.manager.ScoreboardManager
viewers - Variable in class cn.nukkit.scoreboard.scoreboard.Scoreboard
VILLAGE_DEFENSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When an iron golem is spawned to defend a village
VILLAGE_HERO - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
VILLAGE_INVASION - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason
When a zombie is spawned to invade a village
VillageBlacksmithChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.loot
VillagePieces - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces
VillagePieces.BookHouse - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.DoubleFarmland - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.Farmland - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.LightPost - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.PieceWeight - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.PigHouse - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.Road - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.SimpleHouse - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.SmallHut - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.SmallTemple - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.Smithy - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.StartPiece - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.StraightRoad - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.TwoRoomHouse - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VillagePieces.Well - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure
VILLAGER_ANGRY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
VILLAGER_ANGRY - Static variable in class
VILLAGER_HAPPY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
VILLAGER_HAPPY - Static variable in class
VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
VillageStart(ChunkManager, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.PopulatorVillage.VillageStart
VillageTwoRoomHouseChest - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.loot
VINDICATOR_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
VINE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
VINE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
VINES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
VIRTUAL - Enum constant in enum class
VISIBILITY - Enum constant in enum class
visit(Node) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node.Visitor
Tries to invoke (via reflection) the appropriate visit(...) method defined in a subclass.
Visitor() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node.Visitor
VISITOR - Enum constant in enum class
visitUnparsedTokens - Variable in class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.Node.Visitor
VOID - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StructureVoidType
VOID - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
VOID - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by falling into the void
VOID_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
VoidNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
VoidNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.VoidNode
volume - Variable in class
VR_STUTTERTURN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.Sound


waitAndGet() - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager.JPromise
waitAndGet(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager.JPromise
waitChance - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
waitForVibration - Variable in class cn.nukkit.blockentity.BlockEntitySculkSensor
waitForVibration - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.mob.EntityWarden
waitingChunks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
waitingChunks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
waitingChunks - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.populator.PopulatorScatteredStructure
waitTimer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityFishingHook
WAKE_UP - Enum constant in enum class
WALK_SPEED - Enum constant in enum class
WalkController - Class in
处理陆地行走实体运动 todo: 有待解耦
WalkController() - Constructor for class
WalkingPosEvaluator - Class in
WalkingPosEvaluator() - Constructor for class
WALL_BANNER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WALL_BANNER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WALL_BLOCK_TYPE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWall
WALL_CONNECTION_TYPE_EAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
WALL_CONNECTION_TYPE_NORTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
WALL_CONNECTION_TYPE_SOUTH - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
WALL_CONNECTION_TYPE_WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
WALL_POST_BIT - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockWallBase
WALL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WANDERER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
WANDERING_TRADER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WANT_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
WANT_DOWN_SLOW - Enum constant in enum class
WANT_UP - Enum constant in enum class
WANT_UP_SLOW - Enum constant in enum class
WARDEN_ANGER_VALUE - Static variable in interface
WARDEN_DIG_PARTICLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
WARDEN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WardenMeleeAttackExecutor - Class in
WardenMeleeAttackExecutor(MemoryType<? extends Entity>, float, float) - Constructor for class
WardenRangedAttackExecutor - Class in
WardenRangedAttackExecutor(int, int) - Constructor for class
WardenSniffExecutor - Class in
WardenSniffExecutor(int, int) - Constructor for class
WardenViolentAnimationExecutor - Class in
WardenViolentAnimationExecutor(int) - Constructor for class
WARM_OCEAN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
WARM_RUINS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanruin.PopulatorOceanRuin
warmer(int) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.collection.AutoFreezable
this.temperature += temperature;
warmer(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableByteArray
WarmOceanBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean
WarmOceanBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.ocean.WarmOceanBiome
warning(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
warning(String) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
warning(String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.PluginLogger
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.Logger
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.MainLogger
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.LogLevel
WARPED_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WARPED_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_DOOR_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_DOUBLE_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_DOUBLE_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_FENCE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_FENCE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_FENCE_GATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_FENCE_GATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_FOREST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.biome.EnumBiome
WARPED_FUNGUS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_FUNGUS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_FUNGUS_ON_A_STICK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_FUNGUS_ON_A_STICK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WARPED_HYPHAE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_HYPHAE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_HYPHAE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
WARPED_NYLIUM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_NYLIUM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_NYLIUM_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
WARPED_PLANKS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_PLANKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_ROOTS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_ROOTS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WARPED_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_STANDING_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_STANDING_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_STEM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_STEM - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_STEM_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
WARPED_STEMS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
WARPED_TRAPDOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_TRAPDOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_WALL_SIGN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_WALL_SIGN - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_WART_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WARPED_WART_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WARPED_WART_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
WarpedForestBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether
WarpedForestBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.WarpedForestBiome
WarpedFungiTreePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
WarpedFungiTreePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.WarpedFungiTreePopulator
WarpedGrassesPopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
WarpedGrassesPopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.WarpedGrassesPopulator
WarpedTwistingVinesPopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether
WarpedTwistingVinesPopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.nether.WarpedTwistingVinesPopulator
warpSafe(Object) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager
wasClosed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent
Defines if player closed the window or submitted it
wasClosed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
Defines if player closed the window or submitted it
wasClosed() - Method in class cn.nukkit.form.window.FormWindow
wasServerInitiated - Variable in class
WASTELAND - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
WastelandsBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether
WastelandsBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.impl.nether.WastelandsBiome
Watchdog - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Watchdog(Server, long) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Watchdog
WATCHTOWER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
WATCHTOWER_OVERGROWN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.pillageroutpost.PopulatorPillagerOutpost
WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CauldronLiquid
WATER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WATER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WATER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
WATER_BIOMES - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.oceanmonument.PopulatorOceanMonument
WATER_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
WATER_BREATHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
WATER_BREATHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
WATER_BREATHING - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
WATER_BREATHING_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
WATER_BREATHING_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
WATER_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WATER_DRIP - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
WATER_EVAPORATION_ACTOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
WATER_EVAPORATION_BUCKET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
WATER_EVAPORATION_MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
WATER_LILY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WATER_SPASH_MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
WATER_SPLASH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
WATER_WAKE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
WaterBottleDispenseBehavior - Class in cn.nukkit.dispenser
WaterBottleDispenseBehavior() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.dispenser.WaterBottleDispenseBehavior
WaterDripParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
WaterDripParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.WaterDripParticle
WaterFrostEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.block
WaterFrostEvent(Block, Entity) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.block.WaterFrostEvent
WaterIcePopulator - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl
WaterIcePopulator() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.WaterIcePopulator
WATERLILY - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WATERLILY - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
waterlogged - Variable in class
WaterParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
WaterParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.WaterParticle
WateryBiome - Class in cn.nukkit.level.biome.type
WateryBiome() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.biome.type.WateryBiome
WAX - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
Waxable - Interface in cn.nukkit.block
WAXED_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_CUT_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_CUT_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_EXPOSED_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_EXPOSED_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_EXPOSED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_EXPOSED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_EXPOSED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_OXIDIZED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_WEATHERED_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_WEATHERED_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WAXED_WEATHERED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WAXED_WEATHERED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WaxOffParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
WaxOffParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.WaxOffParticle
WaxOnParticle - Class in cn.nukkit.level.particle
WaxOnParticle(Vector3) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.particle.WaxOnParticle
WeakConcurrentMap<K,V> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
A thread-safe map with weak keys.
WeakConcurrentMap(boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap
WeakConcurrentMap.WeakKey<T> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
WeakConcurrentMap.WithInlinedExpunction<K,V> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
A WeakConcurrentMap where stale entries are removed as a side effect of interacting with this map.
WeakConcurrentSet<V> - Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
A thread-safe set with weak values.
WeakConcurrentSet(WeakConcurrentSet.Cleaner) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentSet
WeakConcurrentSet.Cleaner - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.utils.collection
Determines the cleaning format.
WEAKNESS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageModifier
Damage reduction caused by damager's Weakness potion effect
WEAKNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
WEAKNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
WEAKNESS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
WEAKNESS_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemPotion
WEAKNESS_LONG - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
WEARABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.EnchantmentType
WeatherChangeEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
WeatherChangeEvent(Level, boolean) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.WeatherChangeEvent
WeatherCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
WeatherCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.WeatherCommand
WEATHERED - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.OxidizationLevel
WEATHERED_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WEATHERED_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WEATHERED_CUT_COPPER_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WEATHERED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WEATHERED_DOUBLE_CUT_COPPER_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WeatherEvent - Class in cn.nukkit.event.level
WeatherEvent(Level) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.event.level.WeatherEvent
WEB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
webSocketBuilder - Variable in class
WEEPING_VINES - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WEEPING_VINES - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WEEPING_VINES_AGE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockVinesWeeping
Increments for every block the weeping vine grows.
weight - Variable in class
weight - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.PieceWeight
WeightedMultiBehavior - Class in
WeightedMultiBehavior(int, IBehavior...) - Constructor for class
WeightedMultiBehavior(int, Set<IBehavior>) - Constructor for class
WeirdoDirection - Class in cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state
Well(VillagePieces.StartPiece, int, NukkitRandom, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Well
Well(CompoundTag) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.Well
west() - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
west() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
west() - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
west() - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
west(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
west(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
west(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
west(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.positiontracking.PositionTracking
west(int, int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.Block
west(Materials.RenderMethod, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in class
west(Materials.RenderMethod, String) - Method in class
ambientOcclusion=true, faceDimming=true
WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLever.LeverOrientation
WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockTorch.TorchAttachment
WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace
WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockCocoa
WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.mushroom.BigMushroom
WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.Direction
WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.FacingDirection
WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.TorchFacingDirection
WEST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.block.state.WeirdoDirection
WEST_NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
WEST_SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.CompassRoseDirection
WET - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SpongeType
WET - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSponge
WHEAT - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WHEAT - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WHEAT_BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WHEAT_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WHEAT_SEEDS - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WHEAT_SEEDS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WHITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BossBarColor
WHITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
WHITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
WHITE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents white.
WHITE - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
WHITE_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
WHITE_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WHITE_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WHITE_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WHITE_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WHITE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WHITE_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WHITE_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
WHITE_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WhitelistCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
WhitelistCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.WhitelistCommand
WHITESPACE - Class in cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast
WHITESPACE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
WHITESPACE(SNBTConstants.TokenType, SNBTLexer, int, int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.ast.WHITESPACE
width - Variable in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
width - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.particle.MobSpawnParticle
width - Variable in class
width - Variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.SerializedImage
WILDCARD_INT - Enum constant in enum class
WILDCARD_TARGET - Enum constant in enum class
WildcardIntNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
代表一个可以输入通配符 * 的IntNode,当输入通配符时,将会解析结果将变成默认值WildcardIntNode.defaultV
WildcardIntNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.WildcardIntNode
WildcardIntNode(int) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.WildcardIntNode
WildcardTargetStringNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
WildcardTargetStringNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.WildcardTargetStringNode
window - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerFormRespondedEvent
window - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.player.PlayerSettingsRespondedEvent
windowCnt - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
windowId - Variable in class
windowId - Variable in class
windowId - Variable in class
windowId - Variable in class
windowId - Variable in class
windowId - Variable in class
windowId - Variable in class
windowId - Variable in class
windowIndex - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
windows - Variable in class cn.nukkit.Player
windowType - Variable in class
WITCH_DRINK_POTION - Static variable in class
WITCH_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WITCH_SPELL_PARTICLES - Static variable in class
WITCH_THROW_POTION - Static variable in class
WITH_MAST - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
WITH_MAST_DEGRADED - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.shipwreck.PopulatorShipwreck
withBlockId(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
withCodec(IMemoryCodec<Data>) - Method in class
withData(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
withData(long) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
withData(Number) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
withData(BigInteger) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
WITHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityPainting.Motive
WITHER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause
Damage caused by Wither
WITHER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Effect
WITHER_BOSS_INVULNERABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.level.ParticleEffect
WITHER_II - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.potion.Potion
WITHER_ROSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.SmallFlowerType
WITHER_ROSE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WITHER_ROSE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WITHER_SKELETON_SKULL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
WITHER_SKELETON_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
witherAtSide(BlockFace) - Method in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockLichen
WithInlinedExpunction() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.WeakConcurrentMap.WithInlinedExpunction
withoutPlayer(Consumer<FormResponseDialog>) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.dialog.handler.FormDialogHandler
withoutPlayer(IntConsumer) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.form.handler.FormResponseHandler
withProperty(BlockProperty<E>, E) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
withProperty(String, Serializable) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
withProperty(String, String) - Method in class cn.nukkit.blockstate.BlockState
WOLF_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WolfAttackExecutor - Class in
WolfAttackExecutor(MemoryType<? extends Entity>, float, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class
WolfNearestFeedingPlayerSensor - Class in
WolfNearestFeedingPlayerSensor(double, double) - Constructor for class
WolfNearestFeedingPlayerSensor(double, double, int) - Constructor for class
WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.StoneSlab1Type
WOOD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOOD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOOD_BARK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOOD_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
WOOD_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOOD_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOOD_SLABS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOOD_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOOD2 - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOODEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlab
WOODEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockDoubleSlabStone
WOODEN - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.block.BlockSlabStone
WOODEN_AXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_AXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WOODEN_BUTTON - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_BUTTON - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOODEN_DOOR - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_DOOR - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WOODEN_DOOR_BLOCK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOODEN_DOOR_BLOCK_FORM - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_HOE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_HOE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WOODEN_PICKAXE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_PICKAXE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WOODEN_PLANK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOODEN_PLANKS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_PRESSURE_PLATE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOODEN_SHOVEL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_SHOVEL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WOODEN_SLAB - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_SLAB - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOODEN_SLABS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOODEN_SLABS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
WOODEN_STAIRS - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOODEN_SWORD - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOODEN_SWORD - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WOODEN_TIER - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
woodID - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.item.EntityBoat
woodMetadata - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.object.tree.HugeTreesGenerator
Sets the metadata for the wood blocks used
WoodType - Enum Class in cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value
WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WOOL - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WOOL - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ItemTag
words - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.enchantment.Enchantment
work(Object...) - Method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSJob
WORKBENCH - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.inventory.InventoryType
WORKBENCH - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
WORKERS - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.scheduler.ServerScheduler
world - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StartPiece
world() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXChunkDelegate
Returns the value of the world record component.
world() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntity
world(ServerWorld) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.terra.delegate.PNXEntity
WORLD_BUILDER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
WORLD_BUILDER - Enum constant in enum class
WORLD_BUILDER - Static variable in class
WORLD_IMMUTABLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.AdventureSettings.Type
WORLD_IMMUTABLE - Static variable in class
WORLD_INTERACTION - Enum constant in enum class
WorldCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
WorldCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.WorldCommand
worldEditor - Variable in class
worldEditor - Variable in class
worldGamemode - Variable in class
worldGamemode - Variable in class
worldHeightCap - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.PopulatorCaves
worldName - Variable in class
worldName - Variable in class
wrapByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.collection.FreezableArrayManager
wrapPromise(Context, CompletableFuture<?>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.JSConcurrentManager
WRITABLE_BOOK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(NBTOutputStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.CompoundTag
write(CompoundTag) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(CompoundTag, File) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(CompoundTag, File, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(CompoundTag, OutputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(CompoundTag, OutputStream, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(CompoundTag, OutputStream, ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(CompoundTag, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(CompoundTag, ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(Tag, ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(InventoryTransactionPacket) - Method in class
write(BinaryStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules.Value
write(String, UUID) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.DefaultPlayerDataSerializer
write(String, UUID) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.PlayerDataSerializer
Writes player data to given OutputStream.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class cn.nukkit.utils.SeekableInMemoryByteChannel
write(Collection<CompoundTag>) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(Collection<CompoundTag>, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
write(Collection<CompoundTag>, ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeBook(String, String, ListTag<CompoundTag>) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
writeBook(String, String, String[]) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemBookWritten
writeBool(boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class
writeByte(byte) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeByte(int) - Method in class
writeBytes(String) - Method in class
writeChar(int) - Method in class
writeChar(int) - Method in class
writeChars(String) - Method in class
writeChunk(FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
writeChunk(FullChunk) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
writeCompoundTag(CompoundTag) - Method in class cn.nukkit.item.Item
writeCurrent(byte) - Method in class
writeDouble(double) - Method in class
writeDouble(double) - Method in class
writeDouble(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeFile(File, InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
writeFile(File, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
writeFile(String, InputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
writeFile(String, String) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
writeFloat(float) - Method in class
writeFloat(float) - Method in class
writeFloat(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeGZIPCompressed(CompoundTag) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeGZIPCompressed(CompoundTag, OutputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeGZIPCompressed(CompoundTag, OutputStream, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeGZIPCompressed(CompoundTag, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeInt(int) - Method in class
writeInt(int) - Method in class
writeInt(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeLDouble(double) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeLFloat(float) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeLInt(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeLLong(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeLocationIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.RegionLoader
writeLocationIndex(int) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
writeLong(long) - Method in class
writeLong(long) - Method in class
writeLong(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeLShort(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeLTriad(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeMetadata(EntityMetadata) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeNamedTag(Tag, NBTOutputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
writeNamedTag(Tag, String, NBTOutputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
writeNBT() - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.GameRules
writeNetwork(Tag) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeNetworkGZIPCompressed(CompoundTag) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeNetworkGZIPCompressed(CompoundTag, OutputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeNetworkGZIPCompressed(CompoundTag, OutputStream, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeNetworkGZIPCompressed(CompoundTag, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeObfuscatedTo(BinaryStream, Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
writeObfuscatedTo(BinaryStream, Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
writeObfuscatedTo(BinaryStream, Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
writeObfuscatedTo(BinaryStream, Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
writeObfuscatedTo(BinaryStream, Level) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
writeObfuscatedTo(BinaryStream, Level) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
writeShort(int) - Method in class
writeShort(int) - Method in class
writeShort(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeTo(BinaryStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.ChunkSection
writeTo(BinaryStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.LayerStorage
writeTo(BinaryStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.MultiLayerStorage
writeTo(BinaryStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.SingleLayerStorage
writeTo(BinaryStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.anvil.util.BlockStorage
writeTo(BinaryStream) - Method in interface cn.nukkit.level.format.ChunkSection
writeTo(BinaryStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.EmptyChunkSection
writeTo(BinaryStream) - Method in class cn.nukkit.level.util.PalettedBlockStorage
writeTriad(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeUnsignedVarInt(long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeUnsignedVarInt(BinaryStream, long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
writeUnsignedVarInt(OutputStream, long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
writeUnsignedVarLong(BinaryStream, long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
writeUnsignedVarLong(OutputStream, long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
writeUTF(String) - Method in class
writeUTF(String) - Method in class
writeUUID(UUID) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeValue(CompoundTag) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
The following methods only used for LevelEventGenericPacket which do not write/read tag id and name
writeValue(CompoundTag, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeValue(CompoundTag, ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeValue(Tag, NBTOutputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.tag.Tag
Only used for LevelEventGenericPacket Which do not write tag id and name
writeValue(Tag, ByteOrder, boolean) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeVarInt(int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Binary
writeVarInt(BinaryStream, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
writeVarInt(OutputStream, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
writeVarLong(BinaryStream, long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
writeVarLong(OutputStream, long) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.VarInt
writeZLIBCompressed(CompoundTag, OutputStream) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeZLIBCompressed(CompoundTag, OutputStream, int) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeZLIBCompressed(CompoundTag, OutputStream, int, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
writeZLIBCompressed(CompoundTag, OutputStream, ByteOrder) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.nbt.NBTIO
WRITTEN_BOOK - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
WRITTEN_BOOK - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.item.ItemID
WsClientBuilder - Class in
WsClientBuilder(Context) - Constructor for class
WsClientFeature - Class in cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature
WsClientFeature() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.plugin.js.feature.WsClientFeature


x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe.Entry
x - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.ChunkPosition
x - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
x - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea.ChunkPos
x - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
x - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
x - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
x - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
x - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class
x() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
Returns the value of the x record component.
X - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
X - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
X - Enum constant in enum class
X() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.X
x0 - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
x1 - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
xblBroadcastIntent - Variable in class
xblBroadcastIntent - Variable in class
xboxUserId - Variable in class
xboxUserId - Variable in class
xCoord - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorImprovedD
xCoord - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorImprovedF
xo - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorSimplexD
xo - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorSimplexF
XpCommand - Class in cn.nukkit.command.defaults
XpCommand(String) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.defaults.XpCommand
XpLevelNode - Class in cn.nukkit.command.tree.node
XpLevelNode() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.tree.node.XpLevelNode
xuid - Variable in class
xuid - Variable in class
xuid - Variable in class
XYLOPHONE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.block.BlockNoteblock.Instrument
XZ - Enum constant in enum class
xzy(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockPositionConsumer) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.BlockPositionConsumer
xzy(int, int, int, int, int, int, BlockPositionConsumer) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.BlockPositionConsumer
xzy(int, int, int, BlockPositionConsumer) - Static method in interface cn.nukkit.utils.functional.BlockPositionConsumer


y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class cn.nukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe.Entry
y - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.ChunkPosition
y - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
y - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2
y - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector2f
y - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
y - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class
y() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
Returns the value of the y record component.
Y - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
Y - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
Y() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Y
y0 - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
y1 - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
YAML - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.Config
yaw - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.Location
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yaw - Variable in class
yawDelta - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
yCoord - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorImprovedD
yCoord - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorImprovedF
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.blockproperty.value.CoralType
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.BossBarColor
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.DyeColor
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TerracottaColor
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.utils.TextFormat
Represents yellow.
YELLOW - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemDye
YELLOW_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
YELLOW_CANDLE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
YELLOW_CANDLE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
YELLOW_CANDLE_CAKE - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
YELLOW_DYE - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
YELLOW_FLOWER - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
YELLOW_GLAZED_TERRACOTTA - Static variable in interface cn.nukkit.block.BlockID
YELLOW_TERRACOTA_BLOCK_COLOR - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.utils.BlockColor
YELLOW_WOOL - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
yield - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.block.BlockExplodeEvent
yield - Variable in class cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityExplodeEvent
yo - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorSimplexD
yo - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorSimplexF
yOffset - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.village.structure.VillagePieces.StraightRoad
ySize - Variable in class cn.nukkit.entity.Entity
Player do not use


z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.ChunkPosition
z - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.format.generic.BaseRegionLoader
z - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.tickingarea.TickingArea.ChunkPos
z - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.BlockVector3
z - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
z - Variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3f
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z - Variable in class
z() - Method in record class cn.nukkit.level.util.BlockIndex
Returns the value of the z record component.
Z - Class in cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl
Z - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.math.BlockFace.Axis
Z - Enum constant in enum class
Z() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.command.selector.args.impl.Z
z0 - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
z1 - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.populator.impl.structure.utils.math.BoundingBox
zCoord - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorImprovedD
zCoord - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorImprovedF
ZERO - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.math.Vector3
ZeroMutableBlockState - Class in cn.nukkit.blockstate
ZeroMutableBlockState(int, BlockProperties) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.blockstate.ZeroMutableBlockState
zh_CN - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
zh_TW - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.lang.LangCode
zipFolder(Path, Path) - Static method in class cn.nukkit.utils.Utils
zippedByteBuffer - Variable in class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.JarPluginResourcePack
ZippedResourcePack - Class in cn.nukkit.resourcepacks
ZippedResourcePack(File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.ZippedResourcePack
ZippedResourcePackLoader - Class in cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader
ZippedResourcePackLoader(File) - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.resourcepacks.loader.ZippedResourcePackLoader
Zlib - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
Zlib() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.Zlib
ZLIB - Enum constant in enum class
ZLIB - Static variable in interface
ZlibOriginal - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
ZlibOriginal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibOriginal
ZlibSingleThreadLowMem - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
ZlibSingleThreadLowMem() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibSingleThreadLowMem
ZlibThreadLocal - Class in cn.nukkit.utils
ZlibThreadLocal() - Constructor for class cn.nukkit.utils.ZlibThreadLocal
zo - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.d.NoiseGeneratorSimplexD
zo - Variable in class cn.nukkit.level.generator.noise.vanilla.f.NoiseGeneratorSimplexF
ZOGLIN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ZOMBIE_HEAD - Static variable in class cn.nukkit.item.ItemSkull
ZOMBIE_HORSE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ZOMBIE_PIGMAN_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ZOMBIE_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID
ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_CURE - Static variable in class
ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_SPAWN_EGG - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.item.MinecraftItemID


_getChannel() - Method in class
_TOKEN_17 - Enum constant in enum class cn.nukkit.nbt.snbt.SNBTConstants.TokenType
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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