Class BlockMoving

All Implemented Interfaces:
BlockEntityHolder<BlockEntityMovingBlock>, BlockID, IBlockState, IMutableBlockState, AxisAlignedBB, Metadatable, Cloneable

@PowerNukkitOnly public class BlockMoving extends BlockTransparent implements BlockEntityHolder<BlockEntityMovingBlock>
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in class Block
    • getId

      public int getId()
      Specified by:
      getId in class Block
    • getBlockEntityType

      @PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") @NotNull public String getBlockEntityType()
      Specified by:
      getBlockEntityType in interface BlockEntityHolder<BlockEntityMovingBlock>
    • getBlockEntityClass

      @Since("") @PowerNukkitOnly @NotNull public Class<? extends BlockEntityMovingBlock> getBlockEntityClass()
      Specified by:
      getBlockEntityClass in interface BlockEntityHolder<BlockEntityMovingBlock>
    • place

      public boolean place(@NotNull Item item, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block target, @NotNull BlockFace face, double fx, double fy, double fz, @Nullable Player player)
      Description copied from class: Block
      Place and initialize a this block correctly in the world.

      The current instance must have level, x, y, z, and layer properties already set before calling this method.

      place in class Block
      item - The item being used to place the block. Should be used as an optional reference, may mismatch the block that is being placed depending on plugin implementations.
      block - The current block that is in the world and is getting replaced by this instance. It has the same x, y, z, layer, and level as this block.
      target - The block that was clicked to create the place action in this block position.
      face - The face that was clicked in the target block
      fx - The detailed X coordinate of the clicked target block face
      fy - The detailed Y coordinate of the clicked target block face
      fz - The detailed Z coordinate of the clicked target block face
      player - The player that is placing the block. May be null.
      true if the block was properly place. The implementation is responsible for reverting any partial change.
    • canBePushed

      public boolean canBePushed()
      canBePushed in class Block
    • canBePulled

      @PowerNukkitOnly public boolean canBePulled()
      canBePulled in class Block
    • isBreakable

      public boolean isBreakable(Item item)
      isBreakable in class Block
    • canPassThrough

      public boolean canPassThrough()
      canPassThrough in class Block
    • isSolid

      public boolean isSolid()
      isSolid in class Block