Class ItemBookWritten

All Implemented Interfaces:
BlockID, ItemID, Cloneable

public class ItemBookWritten extends ItemBookWritable
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ItemBookWritten

      public ItemBookWritten()
    • ItemBookWritten

      public ItemBookWritten(Integer meta)
    • ItemBookWritten

      public ItemBookWritten(Integer meta, int count)
  • Method Details

    • getMaxStackSize

      public int getMaxStackSize()
      Description copied from class: Item

      Define the maximum number of items to be stacked

      getMaxStackSize in class Item
    • writeBook

      public Item writeBook(String author, String title, String[] pages)
    • writeBook

      public Item writeBook(String author, String title, ListTag<CompoundTag> pages)
    • signBook

      public boolean signBook(String title, String author, String xuid, int generation)
    • getGeneration

      public int getGeneration()
      Returns the generation of the book. Generations higher than 1 can not be copied.
    • setGeneration

      public void setGeneration(int generation)
      Sets the generation of a book.
    • getAuthor

      public String getAuthor()
      Returns the author of this book. This is not a reliable way to get the name of the player who signed this book. The author can be set to anything when signing a book.
    • setAuthor

      public void setAuthor(String author)
      Sets the author of this book.
    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      Returns the title of this book.
    • setTitle

      public void setTitle(String title)
      Sets the title of this book.
    • getXUID

      public String getXUID()
      Returns the author's XUID of this book.
    • setXUID

      public void setXUID(String title)
      Sets the author's XUID of this book.