Class SNBTLexer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SNBTLexer extends Object implements SNBTConstants
  • Constructor Details

    • SNBTLexer

      public SNBTLexer(CharSequence input)
    • SNBTLexer

      public SNBTLexer(String inputSource, CharSequence input)
      inputSource - just the naem of the input source (typically the filename) that will be used in error messages and so on.
      input - the input
    • SNBTLexer

      public SNBTLexer(String inputSource, CharSequence input, SNBTConstants.LexicalState lexState, int startingLine, int startingColumn)
      inputSource - just the name of the input source (typically the filename) that will be used in error messages and so on.
      input - the input
      line - The line number at which we are starting for the purposes of location/error messages. In most normal usage, this is 1.
      column - number at which we are starting for the purposes of location/error messages. In most normal usages this is 1.
    • SNBTLexer

      public SNBTLexer(Reader reader)
    • SNBTLexer

      public SNBTLexer(String inputSource, Reader reader)
    • SNBTLexer

      public SNBTLexer(String inputSource, Reader reader, SNBTConstants.LexicalState lexState, int line, int column)
  • Method Details

    • setTabSize

      public void setTabSize(int tabSize)
      set the tab size used for location reporting
    • getInputSource

      public String getInputSource()
    • setInputSource

      public void setInputSource(String inputSource)
    • getNextToken

      public Token getNextToken(Token tok)
      The public method for getting the next token. If the tok parameter is null, it just tokenizes starting at the internal bufferPosition Otherwise, it checks whether we have already cached the token after this one. If not, it finally goes to the NFA machinery
    • getNextToken

      public Token getNextToken(int offset)
      A lower level method to tokenize, that takes the absolute offset into the content buffer as a parameter
      offset - where to start
      the token that results from scanning from the given starting point
    • switchTo

      public boolean switchTo(SNBTConstants.LexicalState lexState)
      Switch to specified lexical state.
      lexState - the lexical state to switch to
      whether we switched (i.e. we weren't already in the desired lexical state)
    • setParsedLines

      public void setParsedLines(BitSet parsedLines)
      This is used in conjunction with having a preprocessor. We set which lines are actually parsed lines and the unset ones are ignored.
      parsedLines - a #java.util.BitSet that holds which lines are parsed (i.e. not ignored)
    • setUnparsedLines

      public void setUnparsedLines(BitSet unparsedLines)
    • getLineFromOffset

      public int getLineFromOffset(int pos)
      the line number from the absolute offset passed in as a parameter
    • getCodePointColumnFromOffset

      public int getCodePointColumnFromOffset(int pos)
      the column (1-based and in code points) from the absolute offset passed in as a parameter
    • getText

      public String getText(int startOffset, int endOffset)
      the text between startOffset (inclusive) and endOffset(exclusive)
    • stringFromBytes

      public static String stringFromBytes(byte[] bytes, Charset charset) throws CharacterCodingException
      bytes - the raw byte array
      charset - The encoding to use to decode the bytes. If this is null, we check for the initial byte order mark (used by Microsoft a lot seemingly) See:
      A String taking into account the encoding passed in or in the byte order mark (if it was present). And if no encoding was passed in and no byte-order mark was present, we assume the raw input is in UTF-8.
    • stringFromBytes

      public static String stringFromBytes(byte[] bytes) throws CharacterCodingException