Class BlockStemStrippedWarped

All Implemented Interfaces:
BlockID, IBlockWood, IBlockState, IMutableBlockState, AxisAlignedBB, Metadatable, Cloneable

@PowerNukkitOnly @Since("") public class BlockStemStrippedWarped extends BlockStemStripped
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getId

      public int getId()
      Specified by:
      getId in class Block
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in class Block
    • getBurnChance

      public int getBurnChance()
      Description copied from class: Block
      这个值越大,这个方块本身越容易起火 返回-1,这个方块不能被点燃

      The higher this value, the more likely the block itself is to catch fire

      getBurnChance in class Block
      the burn chance
    • getBurnAbility

      public int getBurnAbility()
      Description copied from class: Block

      The higher this value, the more likely it is to be ignited by the fire next to it

      getBurnAbility in class Block