Class LazyMetadataValue

Direct Known Subclasses:

@PowerNukkitXOnly @Since("1.19.63-r2") public class LazyMetadataValue extends MetadataValueAdapter
The LazyMetadataValue class implements a type of metadata that is not computed until another plugin asks for it.

By making metadata values lazy, no computation is done by the providing plugin until absolutely necessary (if ever). Additionally, LazyMetadataValue objects cache their values internally unless overridden by a LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy or invalidated at the individual or plugin level. Once invalidated, the LazyMetadataValue will recompute its value when asked.

  • Constructor Details

    • LazyMetadataValue

      public LazyMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin, Callable<Object> lazyValue)
      Initialized a LazyMetadataValue object with the default CACHE_AFTER_FIRST_EVAL cache strategy.
      owningPlugin - the Plugin that created this metadata value.
      lazyValue - the lazy value assigned to this metadata value.
    • LazyMetadataValue

      public LazyMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin, LazyMetadataValue.CacheStrategy cacheStrategy, Callable<Object> lazyValue)
      Initializes a LazyMetadataValue object with a specific cache strategy.
      owningPlugin - the Plugin that created this metadata value.
      cacheStrategy - determines the rules for caching this metadata value.
      lazyValue - the lazy value assigned to this metadata value.
    • LazyMetadataValue

      protected LazyMetadataValue(Plugin owningPlugin)
      Protected special constructor used by FixedMetadataValue to bypass standard setup.
  • Method Details