Class AdjustInstance

  • public class AdjustInstance
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class used to forward instructions to SDK which user gives as part of Adjust class interface.
    12th April 2014
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdjustInstance

        public AdjustInstance()
    • Method Detail

      • onCreate

        public void onCreate​(AdjustConfig adjustConfig)
        Called upon SDK initialisation.
        adjustConfig - AdjustConfig object used for SDK initialisation
      • trackEvent

        public void trackEvent​(AdjustEvent event)
        Called to track event.
        event - AdjustEvent object to be tracked
      • onResume

        public void onResume()
        Called upon each Activity's onResume() method call.
      • onPause

        public void onPause()
        Called upon each Activity's onPause() method call.
      • setEnabled

        public void setEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        Called to disable/enable SDK.
        enabled - boolean indicating whether SDK should be enabled or disabled
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled()
        Get information if SDK is enabled or not.
        boolean indicating whether SDK is enabled or not
      • appWillOpenUrl

        public void appWillOpenUrl​( url)
        Called to process deep link.
        url - Deep link URL to process
      • appWillOpenUrl

        public void appWillOpenUrl​( url,
                                   android.content.Context context)
        Called to process deep link.
        url - Deep link URL to process
        context - Application context
      • sendReferrer

        public void sendReferrer​(java.lang.String rawReferrer,
                                 android.content.Context context)
        Called to process referrer information sent with INSTALL_REFERRER intent.
        rawReferrer - Raw referrer content
        context - Application context
      • sendPreinstallReferrer

        public void sendPreinstallReferrer​(java.lang.String referrer,
                                           android.content.Context context)
        Called to process preinstall payload information sent with SYSTEM_INSTALLER_REFERRER intent.
        referrer - Preinstall referrer content
        context - Application context
      • setOfflineMode

        public void setOfflineMode​(boolean enabled)
        Called to set SDK to offline or online mode.
        enabled - boolean indicating should SDK be in offline mode (true) or not (false)
      • sendFirstPackages

        public void sendFirstPackages()
        Called if SDK initialisation was delayed and you would like to stop waiting for timer.
      • addSessionCallbackParameter

        public void addSessionCallbackParameter​(java.lang.String key,
                                                java.lang.String value)
        Called to add global callback parameter that will be sent with each session and event.
        key - Global callback parameter key
        value - Global callback parameter value
      • addSessionPartnerParameter

        public void addSessionPartnerParameter​(java.lang.String key,
                                               java.lang.String value)
        Called to add global partner parameter that will be sent with each session and event.
        key - Global partner parameter key
        value - Global partner parameter value
      • removeSessionCallbackParameter

        public void removeSessionCallbackParameter​(java.lang.String key)
        Called to remove global callback parameter from session and event packages.
        key - Global callback parameter key
      • removeSessionPartnerParameter

        public void removeSessionPartnerParameter​(java.lang.String key)
        Called to remove global partner parameter from session and event packages.
        key - Global partner parameter key
      • resetSessionCallbackParameters

        public void resetSessionCallbackParameters()
        Called to remove all added global callback parameters.
      • resetSessionPartnerParameters

        public void resetSessionPartnerParameters()
        Called to remove all added global partner parameters.
      • teardown

        public void teardown()
        Called to teardown SDK state. Used only for Adjust tests, shouldn't be used in client apps.
      • setPushToken

        public void setPushToken​(java.lang.String token)
        Called to set user's push notifications token.
        token - Push notifications token
      • setPushToken

        public void setPushToken​(java.lang.String token,
                                 android.content.Context context)
        Called to set user's push notifications token.
        token - Push notifications token
        context - Application context
      • gdprForgetMe

        public void gdprForgetMe​(android.content.Context context)
        Called to forget the user in accordance with GDPR law.
        context - Application context
      • disableThirdPartySharing

        public void disableThirdPartySharing​(android.content.Context context)
        Called to disable the third party sharing.
        context - Application context
      • trackMeasurementConsent

        public void trackMeasurementConsent​(boolean consentMeasurement)
      • trackAdRevenue

        public void trackAdRevenue​(java.lang.String source,
                                   org.json.JSONObject adRevenueJson)
        Track ad revenue from a source provider
        source - Source of ad revenue information, see AdjustConfig.AD_REVENUE_* for some possible sources
        adRevenueJson - JsonObject content of the ad revenue information
      • trackAdRevenue

        public void trackAdRevenue​(AdjustAdRevenue adjustAdRevenue)
        Track ad revenue from a source provider
        adjustAdRevenue - Adjust ad revenue information like source, revenue, currency etc
      • trackPlayStoreSubscription

        public void trackPlayStoreSubscription​(AdjustPlayStoreSubscription subscription)
        Track subscription from Google Play.
        subscription - AdjustPlayStoreSubscription object to be tracked
      • getAdid

        public java.lang.String getAdid()
        Called to get value of unique Adjust device identifier.
        Unique Adjust device indetifier
      • getAttribution

        public AdjustAttribution getAttribution()
        Called to get user's current attribution value.
        AdjustAttribution object with current attribution value
      • getSdkVersion

        public java.lang.String getSdkVersion()
        Called to get native SDK version string.
        Native SDK version string.
      • verifyPurchase

        public void verifyPurchase​(AdjustPurchase purchase,
                                   OnPurchaseVerificationFinishedListener callback)
        Verify in app purchase from Google Play.
        purchase - AdjustPurchase object to be verified
        callback - Callback to be pinged with the verification results
      • setTestOptions

        public void setTestOptions​(AdjustTestOptions testOptions)
        Used for testing purposes only. Do NOT use this method.
        testOptions - Adjust integration tests options