Package com.adobe.acs.commons.models.injectors.annotation

@Version("3.6.0") package com.adobe.acs.commons.models.injectors.annotation
  • Annotation Types
    Sling Models Injector which injects the Adobe AEM objects defined in <cq:defineObjects/>.
    Annotation to inject a child (or list of child) resources using a request as the adaptable.
    Injects a hierarchical page property.
    Injects I18n text into a field, based on the underlying resource in case of resource adaptation, or request.
    Parses a value map property that contains a JSON string over to a POJO using gson.
    Annotation to be used on either methods, fields to let Sling Models inject an inherited property from the parent resource
    Sling Models Injector annotation for Shared Component Properties.