Class PrintedOutputOptions

    • Constructor Detail

      • PrintedOutputOptions

        public PrintedOutputOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getPaginationOverride

        public PaginationOverride getPaginationOverride()
        Option to configure if printing should be one sided or two sided
        PaginationOverride type
      • setPaginationOverride

        public void setPaginationOverride​(PaginationOverride paginationOverride)
        Option to configure if printing should be one sided or two sided
        paginationOverride -
      • getContentRoot

        public java.lang.String getContentRoot()
        get location resolve document resources
        current content root
      • setContentRoot

        public void setContentRoot​(java.lang.String url)
        set Location to resolve document resources
        url -
      • getLocale

        public java.lang.String getLocale()
        get locale to render document
        get current locale
      • setLocale

        public void setLocale​(java.lang.String locale)
        Set locale to render document
        locale -
      • getCopies

        public int getCopies()
        Returns the number of copies that the Output service prints.
        An integer value that represents the number of copies.
      • setCopies

        public void setCopies​(int copies)
        Sets the number of copies to print. The default value is 1.
        copies - An integer value that represents the number of copies.
      • setPrintConfig

        public void setPrintConfig​(PrintConfig printConfig)
        This is a required parameter. This is used to specify printer specific language of output document using predefined constants in PrintConfig class This option can also be used to provide custom XDC files by creating a custom instance of using PrintConfig.Custom(String, RenderType) method
        printConfig -
      • setXci

        public void setXci​(Document xci)
        allows setting a custom xci document which provides low level access for XFA to print document conversion. Options specified in XCI document override those specified via API
        xci -
      • getDebugDir

        public java.lang.String getDebugDir()
      • setDebugDir

        public void setDebugDir​(java.lang.String debugDir)
        Sets the location of directory in which debug dumps are created; Debug dumps are created only if an existing directory is set in options
        debugDir -