Interface FormSubmitActionService

  • public interface FormSubmitActionService
    Interface to provide Form Submit Service. The implementations should handle the form submission
    • Method Detail

      • getServiceName

        java.lang.String getServiceName()
        Returns the name of the service. This name is used as value of submitService property configured on submit action node.
        service name
      • submit

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> submit​(FormSubmitInfo formSubmitInfo)
        Form Submission handler. This handler submits the form data using the given FormSubmitInfo object which contains the required information needed to submit the form like data, mimeType of data etc Caller could additionally make use of GuideSubmitUtils.REDIRECT_PARAM_KEY and its associated value as a map to store redirect parameters
        formSubmitInfo - FormSubmitInfo object
        map containing the submit output