Interface AssemblerService

  • public interface AssemblerService
    AssemblerService provides users capabilities to perform various operations on PDF like assembling-disasessmbling, importing- exporting bookmarks, conversion-validation against PDFA standards, etc..
    • Method Detail

      • invoke

        AssemblerResult invoke​(Document ddx,
                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> inputs,
                               AssemblerOptionSpec environment)
                        throws OperationException
        Executes the DDX contained in ddx on the given input documents (inputs), returning an AssemblerResult object containing the result documents. All input and output Document objects are owned by the caller and should be disposed of properly.
        ddx - The DDX, specified as a Document object.
        inputs - A java.util.Map of input documents. The keys are logical names to be referenced in the DDX. A name may reference:
        • One Document object
        • A list of Document objects, in the form of a serializable object implementing the java.util.List interface
        environment - An AssemblerOptionSpec containing log and failure mode key value pairs.
        An AssemblerResult containing the result documents.
        OperationException - Any throwable exception that occurs is converted to an OperationException or a subclass.