Interface OutputService

  • @ProviderType
    public interface OutputService
    Allows the creation of a Java object that invokes operations that belong to the Output service. Using this object, you can create documents using a form design and data to merge with the form design. For example, you can reference an existing form design and generate a print documents, such as one of the following formats:
    • A PDF document.
    • An Adobe PostScript Document
    • A Printer Control Language (PCL) document.
    • A Zebra Programming Language (ZPL) document.
    For a complete list of print formats, see the RenderType enumeration value.
    • Field Detail

      • PAGE_COUNT

        static final java.lang.String PAGE_COUNT
        Key to be used for retrieving page count from rendered document object using Document#getAttribute method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • generatePDFOutput

        Document generatePDFOutput​(Document inDoc,
                                   Document data,
                                   PDFOutputOptions pdfOutputOptions)
                            throws OutputServiceException
        Generates a PDF Document given a template and data to merge The returned document object also contains an attribute FormsService#PAGE_COUNT which contains number of pages rendered which can retrieved using Document#getAttribute method
        inDoc - template on which generated pdf document is based. it is created in Adobe LiveCycle Designer it can be and XDP document or a PDF document
        data - data xml to be merged with the template
        pdfOutputOptions - options to configure the operation
        Document object containing PDF
      • generatePDFOutput

        Document generatePDFOutput​(java.lang.String urlOrFileName,
                                   Document data,
                                   PDFOutputOptions pdfOutputOptions)
                            throws OutputServiceException
        Generates a PDF Document given a template and data to merge The returned document object also contains an attribute FormsService#PAGE_COUNT which contains number of pages rendered which can retrieved using Document#getAttribute method
        urlOrFileName - name or url of template on which generated pdf document is based. it is created in Adobe LiveCycle Designer it can be and XDP document or a PDF document
        data - data xml to be merged with the template
        pdfOutputOptions - options to configure the operation
        Document object containing PDF
      • generatePDFOutputBatch

        BatchResult generatePDFOutputBatch​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> templates,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Document> data,
                                           PDFOutputOptions pdfOutputOptions,
                                           BatchOptions batchOptions)
                                    throws OutputServiceException
        Generates a set of PDF Document given a set of template and data to merge
        templates - set of names templates, identified by a key
        data - set of data documents, identified by key
        pdfOutputOptions - options to configure pdf generation
        batchOptions - options to configure batch
        BatchResult instance containg result of the operation
      • generatePDFOutputMultiDataBatch

        BatchResult generatePDFOutputMultiDataBatch​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> templates,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Document[]> data,
                                                    PDFOutputOptions pdfOutputOptions,
                                                    BatchOptions batchOptions)
                                             throws OutputServiceException
        Generates a set of PDF Document given a set of template and data to merge
        templates - set of names templates, identified by a key
        data - set of multiple data documents, identified by key
        pdfOutputOptions - options to configure pdf generation
        batchOptions - options to configure batch
        BatchResult instance containg result of the operation
      • generatePrintedOutput

        Document generatePrintedOutput​(Document inDoc,
                                       Document data,
                                       PrintedOutputOptions printedOutputOptions)
                                throws OutputServiceException
        create a PS/PCL/ZPL document from input xdp or pdf document The returned document object also contains an attribute FormsService#PAGE_COUNT which contains number of pages rendered which can retrieved using Document#getAttribute method
        inDoc -
        data -
        printedOutputOptions -
        Document object containing generated print document
      • generatePrintedOutput

        Document generatePrintedOutput​(java.lang.String urlOrFileName,
                                       Document data,
                                       PrintedOutputOptions printedOutputOptions)
                                throws OutputServiceException
        create a PS/PCL/ZPL document from input xdp or pdf document The returned document object also contains an attribute FormsService#PAGE_COUNT which contains number of pages rendered which can retrieved using Document#getAttribute method
        urlOrFileName -
        data -
        printedOutputOptions -
        Document object containing generated print document