Interface Scene7DAMService

  • @ProviderType
    public interface Scene7DAMService
    The Scene7DAMAssetService is responsible for obtaining S7 related information about already imported DAM assets.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getS7FileReference​(Asset asset)
      For a DAM imported Scene7 asset, this method returns the file reference of the asset from Scene7.
      java.lang.String getS7FileReference​(Asset asset, java.lang.String configPath)
      For a DAM imported Scene7 asset, this method returns the file reference of the asset from Scene7.
      java.lang.String getS7FileReference​(Asset asset, java.lang.String configPath, boolean isPreview)
      For a DAM imported Scene7 asset, this method returns the file reference of the asset from Scene7.
      void setResourceMetadataOnSync​(Resource resource, java.lang.String scene7Handle, S7Config s7Config, java.lang.String status, java.lang.Boolean deleteOnFail)
      boolean setS7DMFileReference​(Resource resource, java.lang.String fileReference)
      Update an embedded Dynamic Media Scene7 asset URL reference in WCM component
      boolean setS7FileReference​(Resource resource, java.lang.String fileReference)
      Update an embedded Scene7 asset URL reference in WCM component
    • Method Detail

      • getS7FileReference

        java.lang.String getS7FileReference​(Asset asset)
        For a DAM imported Scene7 asset, this method returns the file reference of the asset from Scene7. This is actually the URL used to retrieve the Scene7 asset from the Scene7 public servers. In case a DAM asset cannot be identified as an imported Scene7 asset, this method will return null.
        asset - the DAM asset
        the URL to the Scene7 asset; null if the asset is not imported from Scene7
      • getS7FileReference

        java.lang.String getS7FileReference​(Asset asset,
                                            java.lang.String configPath)
        For a DAM imported Scene7 asset, this method returns the file reference of the asset from Scene7. This is actually the URL used to retrieve the Scene7 asset from the Scene7 public servers. In case a DAM asset cannot be identified as an imported Scene7 asset, this method will return null.
        asset - the DAM asset
        configPath - Optional path to indicate what cloud configuration to use. If null, an attempt will be made to extract the cloud config from the asset.
        the URL to the Scene7 asset; null if the asset is not imported from Scene7
      • getS7FileReference

        java.lang.String getS7FileReference​(Asset asset,
                                            java.lang.String configPath,
                                            boolean isPreview)
        For a DAM imported Scene7 asset, this method returns the file reference of the asset from Scene7. This is actually the URL used to retrieve the Scene7 asset from the Scene7 public or preview servers. In case a DAM asset cannot be identified as an imported Scene7 asset, this method will return null.
        asset - the DAM asset
        configPath - Optional path to indicate what cloud configuration to use. If null, an attempt will be made to extract the cloud config from the asset.
        isPreview - the Scene7 public or preview server URL
        the URL to the Scene7 asset; null if the asset is not imported from Scene7
      • setS7FileReference

        boolean setS7FileReference​(Resource resource,
                                   java.lang.String fileReference)
        Update an embedded Scene7 asset URL reference in WCM component
        resource - Resource object of the WCM component
        fileReference - Scene7 image or video asset source URL
        whether the update operation is successful
      • setS7DMFileReference

        boolean setS7DMFileReference​(Resource resource,
                                     java.lang.String fileReference)
        Update an embedded Dynamic Media Scene7 asset URL reference in WCM component
        resource - Resource object of the WCM component
        fileReference - Scene7 image or video asset source URL
        whether the update operation is successful
      • setResourceMetadataOnSync

        void setResourceMetadataOnSync​(Resource resource,
                                       java.lang.String scene7Handle,
                                       S7Config s7Config,
                                       java.lang.String status,
                                       java.lang.Boolean deleteOnFail)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
        Sets properties on the Resource JCR node to store its relevant Scene7 properties. This method is compatible with Scene7 assets (e.g. images, videos) and company settings (e.g. image presets, viewer presets). The session must be manually saved.
        resource - Resource object on which to add Scene7 metadata
        scene7Handle - Scene7 asset handle or asset ID
        s7Config - the Scene7 configuration
        status - the status of the sync operation (e.g. the status of an upload job)
        deleteOnFail - whether to delete Scene7 remote assets/settings when the properties save action fails,