Interface InternalConnection

    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        ConnectionDescription getDescription()
        Gets the description of this connection.
        the connection description
      • open

        void open()
        Opens the connection so its ready for use
      • openAsync

        void openAsync​(SingleResultCallback<java.lang.Void> callback)
        Opens the connection so its ready for use
        callback - the callback to be called once the connection has been opened
      • close

        void close()
        Closes the connection.
      • opened

        boolean opened()
        Returns if the connection has been opened
        true if connection has been opened
      • isClosed

        boolean isClosed()
        Returns the closed state of the connection
        true if connection is closed
      • sendAndReceive

        <T> T sendAndReceive​(CommandMessage message,
                             Decoder<T> decoder,
                             SessionContext sessionContext)
        Send a command message to the server.
        message - the command message to send
        sessionContext - the session context
      • sendAndReceiveAsync

        <T> void sendAndReceiveAsync​(CommandMessage message,
                                     Decoder<T> decoder,
                                     SessionContext sessionContext,
                                     SingleResultCallback<T> callback)
        Send a command message to the server.
        message - the command message to send
        sessionContext - the session context
        callback - the callback
      • sendMessage

        void sendMessage​(java.util.List<ByteBuf> byteBuffers,
                         int lastRequestId)
        Send a message to the server. The connection may not make any attempt to validate the integrity of the message.
        byteBuffers - the list of byte buffers to send.
        lastRequestId - the request id of the last message in byteBuffers
      • receiveMessage

        ResponseBuffers receiveMessage​(int responseTo)
        Receive a response to a sent message from the server.
        responseTo - the request id that this message is a response to
        the response
      • sendMessageAsync

        void sendMessageAsync​(java.util.List<ByteBuf> byteBuffers,
                              int lastRequestId,
                              SingleResultCallback<java.lang.Void> callback)
        Asynchronously send a message to the server. The connection may not make any attempt to validate the integrity of the message.
        byteBuffers - the list of byte buffers to send
        lastRequestId - the request id of the last message in byteBuffers
        callback - the callback to invoke on completion
      • receiveMessageAsync

        void receiveMessageAsync​(int responseTo,
                                 SingleResultCallback<ResponseBuffers> callback)
        Asynchronously receive a response to a sent message from the server.
        responseTo - the request id that this message is a response to
        callback - the callback to invoke on completion