Class ConfigurationHandler

  • public class ConfigurationHandler
    extends java.lang.Object
    The ConfigurationHandler class implements configuration reading form a and writing to a on behalf of the FilePersistenceManager class.
     cfg = prop "=" value .
      prop = symbolic-name . // 1.4.2 of OSGi Core Specification
      symbolic-name = token { "." token } .
      token = { [ 0..9 ] | [ a..z ] | [ A..Z ] | '_' | '-' } .
      value = [ type ] ( "[" values "]" | "(" values ")" | simple ) .
      values = simple { "," simple } .
      simple = """ stringsimple """ .
      type = // 1-char type code .
      stringsimple = // quoted string representation of the value .
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.util.Dictionary read​( ins)
      Reads configuration data from the given InputStream and returns a new Dictionary object containing the data.
      static void write​( out, java.util.Dictionary properties)
      Writes the configuration data from the Dictionary to the given OutputStream.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public static void write​( out,
                                 java.util.Dictionary properties)
        Writes the configuration data from the Dictionary to the given OutputStream.

        This method writes at the current location in the stream and does not close the output stream.

        out - The OutputStream to write the configuration data to.
        properties - The Dictionary to write.
        Throws: - If an error occurs writing to the output stream.
      • read

        public static java.util.Dictionary read​( ins)
        Reads configuration data from the given InputStream and returns a new Dictionary object containing the data.

        This method reads from the current location in the stream up to the end of the stream but does not close the stream at the end.

        ins - The InputStream from which to read the configuration data.
        A Dictionary object containing the configuration data. This object may be empty if the stream contains no configuration data.
        Throws: - If an error occurs reading from the stream. This exception is also thrown if a syntax error is encountered.