Class ProduceExecuteConsume

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ProduceExecuteConsume
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements ExecutionStrategy

    A strategy where the caller thread iterates over task production, submitting each task to an Executor for execution.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProduceExecuteConsume

        public ProduceExecuteConsume​(ExecutionStrategy.Producer producer,
                                     java.util.concurrent.Executor executor)
    • Method Detail

      • dispatch

        public void dispatch()
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionStrategy

        Initiates (or resumes) the task production and consumption.

        This method guarantees that the task is never run by the thread that called this method.

        TODO review the need for this (only used by HTTP2 push)
        Specified by:
        dispatch in interface ExecutionStrategy
        See Also: