Interface ImsConfigProvider

  • @ProviderType
    public interface ImsConfigProvider
    The IMSConfigProvider provides a configuration aggregating the IMS Provider config. and IMS OAuth config. for the configured configid. This class listens for changes in those config and stores a unified configuration with PID = com.adobe.granite.auth.ims.
    • Method Detail

      • getImsLoginUrl

        java.lang.String getImsLoginUrl()
        the relative URL that will start an IMS login flow associated with the configured configid or null if the configuration doesn't exist
      • getImsLoginUrl

        java.lang.String getImsLoginUrl​(HttpServletRequest request)
        request - The request containing the information to be extracted in order to form the complete redirect_uri. The additional information are extracted from the 'resource' request parameter and the request context path
        the relative URL that will start an IMS login flow associated with the configured configid or null if the configuration doesn't exist