
Package org.apache.jackrabbit.spi

Defines the interfaces of the JCR SPI (Service Provider Interface).

The SPI cuts the JCR stack into two parts:

  • Above the SPI an implementation that wishes to expose the JCR API again needs to implement the transient item space, the session local namespace mapping and various conversions from the value representation in the SPI to the resolved values in the JCR API.
  • An implementation of the SPI interfaces has to deal with the persistent view of a JCR repository. This includes almost all aspects of the JSR 170 specification, except the previously stated transient space and the session local namespace resolution to prefixes.


Because one of the goals of this SPI is to make it easier to implement a remoting layer using various existing protocols, the observation mechanism has been design with this goal in mind. Instead of a listener registration with a callback for each event bundle, the SPI uses a polling mechanism with a timeout: RepositoryService.getEvents(). With every call to this method the repository is advised to return the events that occurred since the last call. As a reference to the last retrieved EventBundle the SessionInfo contains a bundle identifier which is automatically updated on each call to RepositoryService.getEvents(). While this design allows for a polling implementation on top of the SPI it is also well suited for a listener based observation implementation on top of the SPI. With only little thread synchronization overhead events can be acquired using a timeout of Long.MAX_VALUE.

If an SPI implementation does not support observation, the method RepositoryService.getEvents() will always throw an UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException.