Class QNModel

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      QNModel​(Context[] params, java.lang.String[] predLabels, java.lang.String[] outcomeNames)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)  
      static double[] eval​(int[] context, float[] values, double[] probs, int nOutcomes, int nPredLabels, double[] parameters)
      Model evaluation which should be used during training to report model accuracy.
      double[] eval​(java.lang.String[] context)
      Evaluates a context.
      double[] eval​(java.lang.String[] context, double[] probs)
      Evaluates a context.
      double[] eval​(java.lang.String[] context, float[] values)
      Evaluates a contexts with the specified context values.
      int getNumOutcomes()
      Returns the number of outcomes for this model.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • QNModel

        public QNModel​(Context[] params,
                       java.lang.String[] predLabels,
                       java.lang.String[] outcomeNames)
    • Method Detail

      • eval

        public double[] eval​(java.lang.String[] context)
        Description copied from interface: MaxentModel
        Evaluates a context.
        context - A list of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
        an array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
      • eval

        public double[] eval​(java.lang.String[] context,
                             double[] probs)
        Description copied from interface: MaxentModel
        Evaluates a context.
        context - A list of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
        probs - An array which is populated with the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
        an array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
      • eval

        public double[] eval​(java.lang.String[] context,
                             float[] values)
        Description copied from interface: MaxentModel
        Evaluates a contexts with the specified context values.
        context - A list of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
        values - The values associated with each context.
        an array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
      • eval

        public static double[] eval​(int[] context,
                                    float[] values,
                                    double[] probs,
                                    int nOutcomes,
                                    int nPredLabels,
                                    double[] parameters)
        Model evaluation which should be used during training to report model accuracy.
        context - Indices of the predicates which have been observed at the present decision point.
        values - Weights of the predicates which have been observed at the present decision point.
        probs - Probability for outcomes
        nOutcomes - Number of outcomes
        nPredLabels - Number of unique predicates
        parameters - Model parameters
        Normalized probabilities for the outcomes given the context.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object