Class EvalParameters

  • public class EvalParameters
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class encapsulates the varibales used in producing probabilities from a model and facilitaes passing these variables to the eval method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EvalParameters

        public EvalParameters​(Context[] params,
                              double correctionParam,
                              double correctionConstant,
                              int numOutcomes)
        Creates a set of paramters which can be evaulated with the eval method.
        params - The parameters of the model.
        correctionParam - The correction paramter.
        correctionConstant - The correction constant.
        numOutcomes - The number of outcomes.
      • EvalParameters

        public EvalParameters​(Context[] params,
                              int numOutcomes)
    • Method Detail

      • getParams

        public Context[] getParams()
      • getNumOutcomes

        public int getNumOutcomes()
      • getCorrectionConstant

        public double getCorrectionConstant()
      • getConstantInverse

        public double getConstantInverse()
      • getCorrectionParam

        public double getCorrectionParam()
      • setCorrectionParam

        public void setCorrectionParam​(double correctionParam)