Class ThreadLimitHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Handler, HandlerContainer, Container, Destroyable, Dumpable, Dumpable.DumpableContainer, LifeCycle

    public class ThreadLimitHandler
    extends HandlerWrapper

    Handler to limit the threads per IP address for DOS protection

    The ThreadLimitHandler applies a limit to the number of Threads that can be used simultaneously per remote IP address.

    The handler makes a determination of the remote IP separately to any that may be made by the ForwardedRequestCustomizer or similar:

    • This handler will use either only a single style of forwarded header. This is on the assumption that a trusted local proxy will produce only a single forwarded header and that any additional headers are likely from untrusted client side proxies.
    • If multiple instances of a forwarded header are provided, this handler will use the right-most instance, which will have been set from the trusted local proxy
    Requests in excess of the limit will be asynchronously suspended until a thread is available.

    This is a simpler alternative to DosFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • ThreadLimitHandler

        public ThreadLimitHandler()
      • ThreadLimitHandler

        public ThreadLimitHandler​(@Name("forwardedHeader")
                                  java.lang.String forwardedHeader)
      • ThreadLimitHandler

        public ThreadLimitHandler​(@Name("forwardedHeader")
                                  java.lang.String forwardedHeader,
                                  boolean rfc7239)