Class TrustManagerFactoryFactoryBean

  • public class TrustManagerFactoryFactoryBean
    extends Object
    A factory bean for a JSSE TrustManagerFactory.

    This object holds the configurable properties of a trust manager factory and uses them to create and load a TrustManagerFactory instance.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TrustManagerFactoryFactoryBean

        public TrustManagerFactoryFactoryBean()
    • Method Detail

      • getAlgorithm

        public String getAlgorithm()
        Gets the algorithm name for the trust manager factory.
        algorithm name (e.g. PKIX); the default algorithm (obtained from TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()) is returned if no algorithm has been configured
      • setAlgorithm

        public void setAlgorithm​(String algorithm)
        Sets the algorithm name for the trust manager factory.
        algorithm - an algorithm name, which must be recognized by the provider specified by setProvider(String) or by the platform's default provider if no provider is specified.
      • getProvider

        public String getProvider()
        Gets the JSSE provider name for the trust manager factory.
        provider name
      • setProvider

        public void setProvider​(String provider)
        Sets the JSSE provider name for the trust manager factory.
        provider - name of the JSSE provider to utilize in creating the trust manager factory