Class ASCIIUtility

  • public class ASCIIUtility
    extends Object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static byte[] getBytes​(InputStream is)  
      static byte[] getBytes​(String s)  
      static int parseInt​(byte[] b, int start, int end)
      Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed integer .
      static int parseInt​(byte[] b, int start, int end, int radix)
      Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed integer in the given radix .
      static long parseLong​(byte[] b, int start, int end)
      Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed long .
      static long parseLong​(byte[] b, int start, int end, int radix)
      Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed long in the given radix .
      static String toString​(byte[] b)
      Convert the bytes into a String.
      static String toString​(byte[] b, int start, int end)
      Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a String.
      static String toString​(ByteArrayInputStream is)  
    • Method Detail

      • parseInt

        public static int parseInt​(byte[] b,
                                   int start,
                                   int end,
                                   int radix)
                            throws NumberFormatException
        Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed integer in the given radix . The range extends from start till, but not including end.

        Based on java.lang.Integer.parseInt()

        b - the bytes
        start - the first byte offset
        end - the last byte offset
        radix - the radix
        the integer value
        NumberFormatException - for conversion errors
      • parseInt

        public static int parseInt​(byte[] b,
                                   int start,
                                   int end)
                            throws NumberFormatException
        Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed integer . The range extends from start till, but not including end.
        b - the bytes
        start - the first byte offset
        end - the last byte offset
        the integer value
        NumberFormatException - for conversion errors
      • parseLong

        public static long parseLong​(byte[] b,
                                     int start,
                                     int end,
                                     int radix)
                              throws NumberFormatException
        Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed long in the given radix . The range extends from start till, but not including end.

        Based on java.lang.Long.parseLong()

        b - the bytes
        start - the first byte offset
        end - the last byte offset
        radix - the radix
        the long value
        NumberFormatException - for conversion errors
      • parseLong

        public static long parseLong​(byte[] b,
                                     int start,
                                     int end)
                              throws NumberFormatException
        Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a signed long . The range extends from start till, but not including end.

        b - the bytes
        start - the first byte offset
        end - the last byte offset
        the long value
        NumberFormatException - for conversion errors
      • toString

        public static String toString​(byte[] b,
                                      int start,
                                      int end)
        Convert the bytes within the specified range of the given byte array into a String. The range extends from start till, but not including end.
        b - the bytes
        start - the first byte offset
        end - the last byte offset
        the String
      • toString

        public static String toString​(byte[] b)
        Convert the bytes into a String.
        b - the bytes
        the String
        JavaMail 1.4.4
      • getBytes

        public static byte[] getBytes​(String s)