Class BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats

    • Field Detail

      • indexNodeCount

        public long indexNodeCount
        How many nodes in the index FST.
      • indexArcCount

        public long indexArcCount
        How many arcs in the index FST.
      • indexNumBytes

        public long indexNumBytes
        Byte size of the index.
      • totalTermCount

        public long totalTermCount
        Total number of terms in the field.
      • totalTermBytes

        public long totalTermBytes
        Total number of bytes (sum of term lengths) across all terms in the field.
      • nonFloorBlockCount

        public int nonFloorBlockCount
        The number of normal (non-floor) blocks in the terms file.
      • floorBlockCount

        public int floorBlockCount
        The number of floor blocks (meta-blocks larger than the allowed maxItemsPerBlock) in the terms file.
      • floorSubBlockCount

        public int floorSubBlockCount
        The number of sub-blocks within the floor blocks.
      • mixedBlockCount

        public int mixedBlockCount
        The number of "internal" blocks (that have both terms and sub-blocks).
      • termsOnlyBlockCount

        public int termsOnlyBlockCount
        The number of "leaf" blocks (blocks that have only terms).
      • subBlocksOnlyBlockCount

        public int subBlocksOnlyBlockCount
        The number of "internal" blocks that do not contain terms (have only sub-blocks).
      • totalBlockCount

        public int totalBlockCount
        Total number of blocks.
      • blockCountByPrefixLen

        public int[] blockCountByPrefixLen
        Number of blocks at each prefix depth.
      • totalBlockSuffixBytes

        public long totalBlockSuffixBytes
        Total number of bytes used to store term suffixes.
      • totalBlockStatsBytes

        public long totalBlockStatsBytes
        Total number of bytes used to store term stats (not including what the PostingsBaseFormat stores.
      • totalBlockOtherBytes

        public long totalBlockOtherBytes
        Total bytes stored by the PostingsBaseFormat, plus the other few vInts stored in the frame.
      • segment

        public final String segment
        Segment name.
      • field

        public final String field
        Field name.