Class PositionDependentRecordAtom

    • Constructor Detail

      • PositionDependentRecordAtom

        public PositionDependentRecordAtom()
    • Method Detail

      • setLastOnDiskOffset

        public void setLastOnDiskOffset​(int offset)
        Update the Record's idea of where on disk it lives, after a write out. Use with care...
        Specified by:
        setLastOnDiskOffset in interface PositionDependentRecord
      • updateOtherRecordReferences

        public abstract void updateOtherRecordReferences​(Map<Integer,​Integer> oldToNewReferencesLookup)
        Offer the record the list of records that have changed their location as part of the writeout. Allows records to update their internal pointers to other records locations
        Specified by:
        updateOtherRecordReferences in interface PositionDependentRecord