Class RDFXMLParser

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RDFXMLParser
    extends Object
    implements XMPParser
    RDF/XML Implementation of XMPParser-Interface, it only delegates to the implementation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RDFXMLParser

        public RDFXMLParser()
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public XMPMetadata parse​(InputStream input,
                                 Map<String,​Object> parseContext)
                          throws XMPException
        Description copied from interface: XMPParser
        Parse XMP in RDF/XML form from an InputStream. The input for parsing may be any valid Unicode encoding, it is recognized automatically. The client has to open/close the stream. The parser will simply ignore sub-trees that contain invalid XMP data. It will only throw on serious errors.
        Specified by:
        parse in interface XMPParser
        input - the stream contains an XMP packet serialized as RDF/XML
        parseContext - a map to provide options for the parser, or return additional information other than the XMP data model; can be null if not needed
        an XMPMetadata object created from the input
        XMPException - If the data is invalid XML, invalid XMP or contains invalid data
        See Also:
        XMPParser.parse(InputStream, Map)
      • parse

        public XMPMetadata parse​(String input,
                                 Map<String,​Object> parseContext)
                          throws XMPException
        Description copied from interface: XMPParser
        Parse XMP in RDF/XML form from a String The parser will simply ignore sub-trees that contain invalid XMP data. It will only throw on serious errors.
        Specified by:
        parse in interface XMPParser
        input - String that contains an XMP packet serialized as RDF/XML
        parseContext - a map to provide options for the parser, or return additional information other than the XMP data model; can be null if not needed
        an XMPMetadata object
        See Also:
        XMPParser.parse(String, Map)
      • parse

        public XMPMetadata parse​(byte[] input,
                                 Map<String,​Object> parseContext)
                          throws XMPException
        Description copied from interface: XMPParser
        Parse XMP in RDF/XML form from a byte buffer. The data must be encoded with UTF-8. The parser will simply ignore sub-trees that contain invalid XMP data. It will only throw on serious errors.
        Specified by:
        parse in interface XMPParser
        input - buffer that contains an XMP packet serialized as RDF/XML
        parseContext - a map to provide options for the parser, or return additional information other than the XMP data model; can be null if not needed
        an XMPMetadata object
        See Also:
        XMPParser.parse(byte[], Map)