Interface SerializableString

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SerializableString
    Interface that defines how Jackson package can interact with efficient pre-serialized or lazily-serialized and reused String representations. Typically implementations store possible serialized version(s) so that serialization of String can be done more efficiently, especially when used multiple times.

    Note that "quoted" in methods means quoting of 'special' characters using JSON backlash notation (and not use of actual double quotes).

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        String getValue()
        Returns unquoted String that this object represents (and offers serialized forms for)
      • charLength

        int charLength()
        Returns length of the (unquoted) String as characters. Functionally equivalent to:
      • asQuotedChars

        char[] asQuotedChars()
        Returns JSON quoted form of the String, as character array. Result can be embedded as-is in textual JSON as property name or JSON String.
      • asUnquotedUTF8

        byte[] asUnquotedUTF8()
        Returns UTF-8 encoded version of unquoted String. Functionally equivalent to (but more efficient than):
      • asQuotedUTF8

        byte[] asQuotedUTF8()
        Returns UTF-8 encoded version of JSON-quoted String. Functionally equivalent to (but more efficient than):
         new String(asQuotedChars()).getBytes("UTF-8");
      • appendQuotedUTF8

        int appendQuotedUTF8​(byte[] buffer,
                             int offset)
        Method that will append quoted UTF-8 bytes of this String into given buffer, if there is enough room; if not, returns -1. Functionally equivalent to:
          byte[] bytes = str.asQuotedUTF8();
          System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, buffer, offset, bytes.length);
          return bytes.length;
        Number of bytes appended, if successful, otherwise -1
      • appendQuoted

        int appendQuoted​(char[] buffer,
                         int offset)
        Method that will append quoted characters of this String into given buffer. Functionally equivalent to:
          char[] ch = str.asQuotedChars();
          System.arraycopy(ch, 0, buffer, offset, ch.length);
          return ch.length;
        Number of characters appended, if successful, otherwise -1
      • appendUnquotedUTF8

        int appendUnquotedUTF8​(byte[] buffer,
                               int offset)
        Method that will append unquoted ('raw') UTF-8 bytes of this String into given buffer. Functionally equivalent to:
          byte[] bytes = str.asUnquotedUTF8();
          System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, buffer, offset, bytes.length);
          return bytes.length;
        Number of bytes appended, if successful, otherwise -1
      • appendUnquoted

        int appendUnquoted​(char[] buffer,
                           int offset)
        Method that will append unquoted characters of this String into given buffer. Functionally equivalent to:
          char[] ch = str.getValue().toCharArray();
          System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, buffer, offset, ch.length);
          return ch.length;
        Number of characters appended, if successful, otherwise -1