Class FramedLZ4CompressorOutputStream

    • Constructor Detail

      • FramedLZ4CompressorOutputStream

        public FramedLZ4CompressorOutputStream​(OutputStream out)
                                        throws IOException
        Constructs a new output stream that compresses data using the LZ4 frame format using the default block size of 4MB.
        out - the OutputStream to which to write the compressed data
        IOException - if writing the signature fails
      • FramedLZ4CompressorOutputStream

        public FramedLZ4CompressorOutputStream​(OutputStream out,
                                               FramedLZ4CompressorOutputStream.Parameters params)
                                        throws IOException
        Constructs a new output stream that compresses data using the LZ4 frame format using the given block size.
        out - the OutputStream to which to write the compressed data
        params - the parameters to use
        IOException - if writing the signature fails