Interface SecurityConfiguration

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        @NotNull String getName()
        Returns the name of this security configuration.
        The name of this configuration.
      • getParameters

        @NotNull ConfigurationParameters getParameters()
        Returns the configuration parameters associated with this security configuration instance. If no parameters are present ConfigurationParameters.EMPTY should be returned.
        The configuration parameters.
      • getWorkspaceInitializer

        @NotNull WorkspaceInitializer getWorkspaceInitializer()
        Returns a workspace initializer for this security configuration. If this configuration doesn't require any specific workspace initialization WorkspaceInitializer.DEFAULT should be returned.
        An instance of WorkspaceInitializer.
      • getRepositoryInitializer

        @NotNull RepositoryInitializer getRepositoryInitializer()
        Returns a repository initializer for this security configuration. If this configuration doesn't require any specific repository initialization RepositoryInitializer.DEFAULT should be returned.
        An instance of RepositoryInitializer.
      • getCommitHooks

        @NotNull List<? extends CommitHook> getCommitHooks​(@NotNull
                                                           @NotNull String workspaceName)
        Returns the list of commit hooks that need to be executed for the specified workspace name.
        workspaceName - The name of the workspace.
        A list of commit hooks.
      • getValidators

        @NotNull List<? extends ValidatorProvider> getValidators​(@NotNull
                                                                 @NotNull String workspaceName,
                                                                 @NotNull Set<Principal> principals,
                                                                 @NotNull MoveTracker moveTracker)
        Returns the list of validators that need to be executed for the specified workspace name.
        workspaceName - The name of the workspace.
        principals - The set of principals associated with the subject that is committing modifications.
        moveTracker - The move tracker associated with the commit.
        A list of validators.
      • getProtectedItemImporters

        @NotNull List<ProtectedItemImporter> getProtectedItemImporters()
        The list of protected item importers defined by this configuration.
      • getContext

        @NotNull Context getContext()
        The context defined by this configuration.