All.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
All.MaxOccurs.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
All.MinOccurs.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AllDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AllNNI.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AllNNI.Member.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.AllNNI$Member.
AllNNI.Member.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Annotated.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AnnotationDocument.Annotation.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AnnotationDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AnyAttributeDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AnyDocument.Any.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AnyDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AppinfoDocument.Appinfo.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AppinfoDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Attribute.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Attribute.Use.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.Attribute$Use.
Attribute.Use.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AttributeDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AttributeGroup.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AttributeGroupDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
AttributeGroupRef.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
BlockSet.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
BlockSet.Member.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.BlockSet$Member.
BlockSet.Member.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
BlockSet.Member2.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
BlockSet.Member2.Item.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ChoiceDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ComplexContentDocument.ComplexContent.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ComplexContentDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ComplexRestrictionType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ComplexType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ComplexTypeDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DerivationControl.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.DerivationControl.
DerivationControl.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DerivationSet.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DerivationSet.Member.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.DerivationSet$Member.
DerivationSet.Member.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DerivationSet.Member2.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DocumentationDocument.Documentation.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
DocumentationDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Element.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ElementDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
EnumerationDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ExplicitGroup.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ExtensionType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Facet.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FieldDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FieldDocument.Field.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FieldDocument.Field.Xpath.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FormChoice.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.FormChoice.
FormChoice.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FractionDigitsDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FullDerivationSet.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FullDerivationSet.Member.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.FullDerivationSet$Member.
FullDerivationSet.Member.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
FullDerivationSet.Member2.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Group.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
GroupDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
GroupRef.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ImportDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ImportDocument.Import.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
IncludeDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
IncludeDocument.Include.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Keybase.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
KeyDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
KeyrefDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
KeyrefDocument.Keyref.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LengthDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ListDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ListDocument.List.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LocalComplexType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LocalElement.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
LocalSimpleType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MaxExclusiveDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MaxInclusiveDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MaxLengthDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MinExclusiveDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MinInclusiveDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
MinLengthDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NamedAttributeGroup.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NamedGroup.All.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NamedGroup.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NamespaceList.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NamespaceList.Member.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.NamespaceList$Member.
NamespaceList.Member.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NamespaceList.Member2.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NamespaceList.Member2.Item.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NamespaceList.Member2.Item.Member.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.NamespaceList$Member2$Item$Member.
NamespaceList.Member2.Item.Member.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NarrowMaxMin.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NarrowMaxMin.MaxOccurs.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NarrowMaxMin.MinOccurs.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NoFixedFacet.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NotationDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NotationDocument.Notation.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
NumFacet.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
OpenAttrs.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PatternDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
PatternDocument.Pattern.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Public.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RealGroup.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RedefineDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RedefineDocument.Redefine.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
ReducedDerivationControl.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestrictionDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestrictionDocument.Restriction.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
RestrictionType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SchemaDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SchemaDocument.Schema.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SelectorDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SelectorDocument.Selector.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SelectorDocument.Selector.Xpath.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SequenceDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleContentDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleContentDocument.SimpleContent.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleDerivationSet.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleDerivationSet.Member.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.SimpleDerivationSet$Member.
SimpleDerivationSet.Member.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleDerivationSet.Member2.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleDerivationSet.Member2.Item.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleExplicitGroup.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleExtensionType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleRestrictionType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
SimpleTypeDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TopLevelAttribute.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TopLevelComplexType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TopLevelElement.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TopLevelSimpleType.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TotalDigitsDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TotalDigitsDocument.TotalDigits.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
TypeDerivationControl.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
UnionDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
UnionDocument.Union.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
UnionDocument.Union.MemberTypes.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
UniqueDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WhiteSpaceDocument.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WhiteSpaceDocument.WhiteSpace.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
WhiteSpaceDocument.WhiteSpace.Value.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.WhiteSpaceDocument$WhiteSpace$Value.
WhiteSpaceDocument.WhiteSpace.Value.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Wildcard.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.
Wildcard.ProcessContents.Enum |
Enumeration value class for org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.xb.xsdschema.Wildcard$ProcessContents.
Wildcard.ProcessContents.Factory |
A factory class with static methods for creating instances
of this type.